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1## To `panic!` or Not to `panic!`
3So how do you decide when you should call `panic!` and when you should return
4`Result`? When code panics, there’s no way to recover. You could call `panic!`
5for any error situation, whether there’s a possible way to recover or not, but
6then you’re making the decision that a situation is unrecoverable on behalf of
7the calling code. When you choose to return a `Result` value, you give the
8calling code options. The calling code could choose to attempt to recover in a
9way that’s appropriate for its situation, or it could decide that an `Err`
10value in this case is unrecoverable, so it can call `panic!` and turn your
11recoverable error into an unrecoverable one. Therefore, returning `Result` is a
12good default choice when you’re defining a function that might fail.
14In situations such as examples, prototype code, and tests, it’s more
15appropriate to write code that panics instead of returning a `Result`. Let’s
16explore why, then discuss situations in which the compiler can’t tell that
17failure is impossible, but you as a human can. The chapter will conclude with
18some general guidelines on how to decide whether to panic in library code.
20### Examples, Prototype Code, and Tests
22When you’re writing an example to illustrate some concept, also including robust
23error-handling code can make the example less clear. In
24examples, it’s understood that a call to a method like `unwrap` that could
25panic is meant as a placeholder for the way you’d want your application to
26handle errors, which can differ based on what the rest of your code is doing.
28Similarly, the `unwrap` and `expect` methods are very handy when prototyping,
29before you’re ready to decide how to handle errors. They leave clear markers in
30your code for when you’re ready to make your program more robust.
32If a method call fails in a test, you’d want the whole test to fail, even if
33that method isn’t the functionality under test. Because `panic!` is how a test
34is marked as a failure, calling `unwrap` or `expect` is exactly what should
37### Cases in Which You Have More Information Than the Compiler
39It would also be appropriate to call `unwrap` or `expect` when you have some
40other logic that ensures the `Result` will have an `Ok` value, but the logic
41isn’t something the compiler understands. You’ll still have a `Result` value
42that you need to handle: whatever operation you’re calling still has the
43possibility of failing in general, even though it’s logically impossible in
44your particular situation. If you can ensure by manually inspecting the code
45that you’ll never have an `Err` variant, it’s perfectly acceptable to call
46`unwrap`, and even better to document the reason you think you’ll never have an
47`Err` variant in the `expect` text. Here’s an example:
74b04a01 50{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch09-error-handling/no-listing-08-unwrap-that-cant-fail/src/main.rs:here}}
53We’re creating an `IpAddr` instance by parsing a hardcoded string. We can see
923072b8 54that `` is a valid IP address, so it’s acceptable to use `expect`
55here. However, having a hardcoded, valid string doesn’t change the return type
56of the `parse` method: we still get a `Result` value, and the compiler will
57still make us handle the `Result` as if the `Err` variant is a possibility
58because the compiler isn’t smart enough to see that this string is always a
59valid IP address. If the IP address string came from a user rather than being
60hardcoded into the program and therefore *did* have a possibility of failure,
61we’d definitely want to handle the `Result` in a more robust way instead.
62Mentioning the assumption that this IP address is hardcoded will prompt us to
63change `expect` to better error handling code if in the future, we need to get
64the IP address from some other source instead.
66### Guidelines for Error Handling
68It’s advisable to have your code panic when it’s possible that your code
69could end up in a bad state. In this context, a *bad state* is when some
70assumption, guarantee, contract, or invariant has been broken, such as when
71invalid values, contradictory values, or missing values are passed to your
72code—plus one or more of the following:
74* The bad state is something that is unexpected, as opposed to something that
75 will likely happen occasionally, like a user entering data in the wrong
76 format.
77* Your code after this point needs to rely on not being in this bad state,
78 rather than checking for the problem at every step.
79* There’s not a good way to encode this information in the types you use. We’ll
80 work through an example of what we mean in the [“Encoding States and Behavior
81 as Types”][encoding]<!-- ignore --> section of Chapter 17.
13cf67c4 82
83If someone calls your code and passes in values that don’t make sense, it’s
84best to return an error if you can so the user of the library can decide what
85they want to do in that case. However, in cases where continuing could be
86insecure or harmful, the best choice might be to call `panic!` and alert the
87person using your library to the bug in their code so they can fix it during
88development. Similarly, `panic!` is often appropriate if you’re calling
89external code that is out of your control and it returns an invalid state that
90you have no way of fixing.
13cf67c4 91
532ac7d7 92However, when failure is expected, it’s more appropriate to return a `Result`
93than to make a `panic!` call. Examples include a parser being given malformed
94data or an HTTP request returning a status that indicates you have hit a rate
95limit. In these cases, returning a `Result` indicates that failure is an
96expected possibility that the calling code must decide how to handle.
98When your code performs an operation that could put a user at risk if it’s
99called using invalid values, your code should verify the values are valid first
100and panic if the values aren’t valid. This is mostly for safety reasons:
101attempting to operate on invalid data can expose your code to vulnerabilities.
102This is the main reason the standard library will call `panic!` if you attempt
103an out-of-bounds memory access: trying to access memory that doesn’t belong to
104the current data structure is a common security problem. Functions often have
105*contracts*: their behavior is only guaranteed if the inputs meet particular
106requirements. Panicking when the contract is violated makes sense because a
107contract violation always indicates a caller-side bug and it’s not a kind of
108error you want the calling code to have to explicitly handle. In fact, there’s
109no reasonable way for calling code to recover; the calling *programmers* need
110to fix the code. Contracts for a function, especially when a violation will
111cause a panic, should be explained in the API documentation for the function.
113However, having lots of error checks in all of your functions would be verbose
114and annoying. Fortunately, you can use Rust’s type system (and thus the type
115checking done by the compiler) to do many of the checks for you. If your
116function has a particular type as a parameter, you can proceed with your code’s
117logic knowing that the compiler has already ensured you have a valid value. For
118example, if you have a type rather than an `Option`, your program expects to
119have *something* rather than *nothing*. Your code then doesn’t have to handle
120two cases for the `Some` and `None` variants: it will only have one case for
121definitely having a value. Code trying to pass nothing to your function won’t
122even compile, so your function doesn’t have to check for that case at runtime.
123Another example is using an unsigned integer type such as `u32`, which ensures
124the parameter is never negative.
126### Creating Custom Types for Validation
128Let’s take the idea of using Rust’s type system to ensure we have a valid value
129one step further and look at creating a custom type for validation. Recall the
130guessing game in Chapter 2 in which our code asked the user to guess a number
131between 1 and 100. We never validated that the user’s guess was between those
132numbers before checking it against our secret number; we only validated that
133the guess was positive. In this case, the consequences were not very dire: our
134output of “Too high” or “Too low” would still be correct. But it would be a
135useful enhancement to guide the user toward valid guesses and have different
136behavior when a user guesses a number that’s out of range versus when a user
137types, for example, letters instead.
139One way to do this would be to parse the guess as an `i32` instead of only a
140`u32` to allow potentially negative numbers, and then add a check for the
141number being in range, like so:
74b04a01 144{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch09-error-handling/no-listing-09-guess-out-of-range/src/main.rs:here}}
147The `if` expression checks whether our value is out of range, tells the user
148about the problem, and calls `continue` to start the next iteration of the loop
149and ask for another guess. After the `if` expression, we can proceed with the
150comparisons between `guess` and the secret number knowing that `guess` is
151between 1 and 100.
153However, this is not an ideal solution: if it was absolutely critical that the
154program only operated on values between 1 and 100, and it had many functions
155with this requirement, having a check like this in every function would be
156tedious (and might impact performance).
158Instead, we can make a new type and put the validations in a function to create
159an instance of the type rather than repeating the validations everywhere. That
160way, it’s safe for functions to use the new type in their signatures and
3c0e092e 161confidently use the values they receive. Listing 9-13 shows one way to define a
13cf67c4 162`Guess` type that will only create an instance of `Guess` if the `new` function
9fa01778 163receives a value between 1 and 100.
13cf67c4 164
165<!-- Deliberately not using rustdoc_include here; the `main` function in the
166file requires the `rand` crate. We do want to include it for reader
167experimentation purposes, but don't want to include it for rustdoc testing
168purposes. -->
13cf67c4 170```rust
3c0e092e 171{{#include ../listings/ch09-error-handling/listing-09-13/src/main.rs:here}}
3c0e092e 174<span class="caption">Listing 9-13: A `Guess` type that will only continue with
175values between 1 and 100</span>
177First, we define a struct named `Guess` that has a field named `value` that
9fa01778 178holds an `i32`. This is where the number will be stored.
180Then we implement an associated function named `new` on `Guess` that creates
181instances of `Guess` values. The `new` function is defined to have one
182parameter named `value` of type `i32` and to return a `Guess`. The code in the
183body of the `new` function tests `value` to make sure it’s between 1 and 100.
184If `value` doesn’t pass this test, we make a `panic!` call, which will alert
185the programmer who is writing the calling code that they have a bug they need
186to fix, because creating a `Guess` with a `value` outside this range would
187violate the contract that `Guess::new` is relying on. The conditions in which
188`Guess::new` might panic should be discussed in its public-facing API
189documentation; we’ll cover documentation conventions indicating the possibility
190of a `panic!` in the API documentation that you create in Chapter 14. If
191`value` does pass the test, we create a new `Guess` with its `value` field set
192to the `value` parameter and return the `Guess`.
194Next, we implement a method named `value` that borrows `self`, doesn’t have any
9fa01778 195other parameters, and returns an `i32`. This kind of method is sometimes called
196a *getter*, because its purpose is to get some data from its fields and return
197it. This public method is necessary because the `value` field of the `Guess`
198struct is private. It’s important that the `value` field be private so code
199using the `Guess` struct is not allowed to set `value` directly: code outside
200the module *must* use the `Guess::new` function to create an instance of
201`Guess`, thereby ensuring there’s no way for a `Guess` to have a `value` that
202hasn’t been checked by the conditions in the `Guess::new` function.
204A function that has a parameter or returns only numbers between 1 and 100 could
9fa01778 205then declare in its signature that it takes or returns a `Guess` rather than an
206`i32` and wouldn’t need to do any additional checks in its body.
208## Summary
210Rust’s error handling features are designed to help you write more robust code.
211The `panic!` macro signals that your program is in a state it can’t handle and
212lets you tell the process to stop instead of trying to proceed with invalid or
213incorrect values. The `Result` enum uses Rust’s type system to indicate that
214operations might fail in a way that your code could recover from. You can use
215`Result` to tell code that calls your code that it needs to handle potential
216success or failure as well. Using `panic!` and `Result` in the appropriate
217situations will make your code more reliable in the face of inevitable problems.
219Now that you’ve seen useful ways that the standard library uses generics with
220the `Option` and `Result` enums, we’ll talk about how generics work and how you
221can use them in your code.
223[encoding]: ch17-03-oo-design-patterns.html#encoding-states-and-behavior-as-types