]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blame - src/librustc_hir/lang_items.rs
New upstream version 1.44.1+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / librustc_hir / lang_items.rs
1//! Defines language items.
3//! Language items are items that represent concepts intrinsic to the language
4//! itself. Examples are:
6//! * Traits that specify "kinds"; e.g., `Sync`, `Send`.
7//! * Traits that represent operators; e.g., `Add`, `Sub`, `Index`.
8//! * Functions called by the compiler itself.
10pub use self::LangItem::*;
12use crate::def_id::DefId;
13use crate::Target;
15use rustc_ast::ast;
16use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashMap;
17use rustc_data_structures::stable_hasher::{HashStable, StableHasher};
18use rustc_macros::HashStable_Generic;
19use rustc_span::symbol::{sym, Symbol};
20use rustc_span::Span;
22use lazy_static::lazy_static;
24// The actual lang items defined come at the end of this file in one handy table.
25// So you probably just want to nip down to the end.
26macro_rules! language_item_table {
27 (
28 $( $variant:ident, $name:expr, $method:ident, $target:path; )*
29 ) => {
31 enum_from_u32! {
32 /// A representation of all the valid language items in Rust.
33 #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable)]
34 pub enum LangItem {
35 $($variant,)*
36 }
37 }
39 impl LangItem {
40 /// Returns the `name` in `#[lang = "$name"]`.
41 /// For example, `LangItem::EqTraitLangItem`,
42 /// that is `#[lang = "eq"]` would result in `"eq"`.
43 pub fn name(self) -> &'static str {
44 match self {
45 $( $variant => $name, )*
46 }
47 }
48 }
50 #[derive(HashStable_Generic)]
51 pub struct LanguageItems {
52 /// Mappings from lang items to their possibly found `DefId`s.
53 /// The index corresponds to the order in `LangItem`.
54 pub items: Vec<Option<DefId>>,
55 /// Lang items that were not found during collection.
56 pub missing: Vec<LangItem>,
57 }
59 impl LanguageItems {
60 /// Construct an empty collection of lang items and no missing ones.
61 pub fn new() -> Self {
62 fn init_none(_: LangItem) -> Option<DefId> { None }
64 Self {
65 items: vec![$(init_none($variant)),*],
66 missing: Vec::new(),
67 }
68 }
70 /// Returns the mappings to the possibly found `DefId`s for each lang item.
71 pub fn items(&self) -> &[Option<DefId>] {
72 &*self.items
73 }
75 /// Requires that a given `LangItem` was bound and returns the corresponding `DefId`.
76 /// If it wasn't bound, e.g. due to a missing `#[lang = "<it.name()>"]`,
77 /// returns an error message as a string.
78 pub fn require(&self, it: LangItem) -> Result<DefId, String> {
79 self.items[it as usize].ok_or_else(|| format!("requires `{}` lang_item", it.name()))
80 }
82 $(
83 /// Returns the corresponding `DefId` for the lang item
84 #[doc = $name]
85 /// if it exists.
86 #[allow(dead_code)]
87 pub fn $method(&self) -> Option<DefId> {
88 self.items[$variant as usize]
89 }
90 )*
91 }
93 lazy_static! {
94 /// A mapping from the name of the lang item to its order and the form it must be of.
95 pub static ref ITEM_REFS: FxHashMap<&'static str, (usize, Target)> = {
96 let mut item_refs = FxHashMap::default();
97 $( item_refs.insert($name, ($variant as usize, $target)); )*
98 item_refs
99 };
100 }
102// End of the macro
103 }
106impl<CTX> HashStable<CTX> for LangItem {
107 fn hash_stable(&self, _: &mut CTX, hasher: &mut StableHasher) {
108 ::std::hash::Hash::hash(self, hasher);
109 }
112/// Extracts the first `lang = "$name"` out of a list of attributes.
113/// The attributes `#[panic_handler]` and `#[alloc_error_handler]`
114/// are also extracted out when found.
115pub fn extract(attrs: &[ast::Attribute]) -> Option<(Symbol, Span)> {
116 attrs.iter().find_map(|attr| {
117 Some(match attr {
118 _ if attr.check_name(sym::lang) => (attr.value_str()?, attr.span),
119 _ if attr.check_name(sym::panic_handler) => (sym::panic_impl, attr.span),
120 _ if attr.check_name(sym::alloc_error_handler) => (sym::oom, attr.span),
121 _ => return None,
122 })
123 })
126language_item_table! {
127// Variant name, Name, Method name, Target;
128 BoolImplItem, "bool", bool_impl, Target::Impl;
129 CharImplItem, "char", char_impl, Target::Impl;
130 StrImplItem, "str", str_impl, Target::Impl;
131 SliceImplItem, "slice", slice_impl, Target::Impl;
132 SliceU8ImplItem, "slice_u8", slice_u8_impl, Target::Impl;
133 StrAllocImplItem, "str_alloc", str_alloc_impl, Target::Impl;
134 SliceAllocImplItem, "slice_alloc", slice_alloc_impl, Target::Impl;
135 SliceU8AllocImplItem, "slice_u8_alloc", slice_u8_alloc_impl, Target::Impl;
136 ConstPtrImplItem, "const_ptr", const_ptr_impl, Target::Impl;
137 MutPtrImplItem, "mut_ptr", mut_ptr_impl, Target::Impl;
138 ConstSlicePtrImplItem, "const_slice_ptr", const_slice_ptr_impl, Target::Impl;
139 MutSlicePtrImplItem, "mut_slice_ptr", mut_slice_ptr_impl, Target::Impl;
140 I8ImplItem, "i8", i8_impl, Target::Impl;
141 I16ImplItem, "i16", i16_impl, Target::Impl;
142 I32ImplItem, "i32", i32_impl, Target::Impl;
143 I64ImplItem, "i64", i64_impl, Target::Impl;
144 I128ImplItem, "i128", i128_impl, Target::Impl;
145 IsizeImplItem, "isize", isize_impl, Target::Impl;
146 U8ImplItem, "u8", u8_impl, Target::Impl;
147 U16ImplItem, "u16", u16_impl, Target::Impl;
148 U32ImplItem, "u32", u32_impl, Target::Impl;
149 U64ImplItem, "u64", u64_impl, Target::Impl;
150 U128ImplItem, "u128", u128_impl, Target::Impl;
151 UsizeImplItem, "usize", usize_impl, Target::Impl;
152 F32ImplItem, "f32", f32_impl, Target::Impl;
153 F64ImplItem, "f64", f64_impl, Target::Impl;
154 F32RuntimeImplItem, "f32_runtime", f32_runtime_impl, Target::Impl;
155 F64RuntimeImplItem, "f64_runtime", f64_runtime_impl, Target::Impl;
157 SizedTraitLangItem, "sized", sized_trait, Target::Trait;
158 UnsizeTraitLangItem, "unsize", unsize_trait, Target::Trait;
159 // trait injected by #[derive(PartialEq)], (i.e. "Partial EQ").
160 StructuralPeqTraitLangItem, "structural_peq", structural_peq_trait, Target::Trait;
161 // trait injected by #[derive(Eq)], (i.e. "Total EQ"; no, I will not apologize).
162 StructuralTeqTraitLangItem, "structural_teq", structural_teq_trait, Target::Trait;
163 CopyTraitLangItem, "copy", copy_trait, Target::Trait;
164 CloneTraitLangItem, "clone", clone_trait, Target::Trait;
165 SyncTraitLangItem, "sync", sync_trait, Target::Trait;
166 FreezeTraitLangItem, "freeze", freeze_trait, Target::Trait;
168 DropTraitLangItem, "drop", drop_trait, Target::Trait;
170 CoerceUnsizedTraitLangItem, "coerce_unsized", coerce_unsized_trait, Target::Trait;
171 DispatchFromDynTraitLangItem,"dispatch_from_dyn", dispatch_from_dyn_trait, Target::Trait;
173 AddTraitLangItem, "add", add_trait, Target::Trait;
174 SubTraitLangItem, "sub", sub_trait, Target::Trait;
175 MulTraitLangItem, "mul", mul_trait, Target::Trait;
176 DivTraitLangItem, "div", div_trait, Target::Trait;
177 RemTraitLangItem, "rem", rem_trait, Target::Trait;
178 NegTraitLangItem, "neg", neg_trait, Target::Trait;
179 NotTraitLangItem, "not", not_trait, Target::Trait;
180 BitXorTraitLangItem, "bitxor", bitxor_trait, Target::Trait;
181 BitAndTraitLangItem, "bitand", bitand_trait, Target::Trait;
182 BitOrTraitLangItem, "bitor", bitor_trait, Target::Trait;
183 ShlTraitLangItem, "shl", shl_trait, Target::Trait;
184 ShrTraitLangItem, "shr", shr_trait, Target::Trait;
185 AddAssignTraitLangItem, "add_assign", add_assign_trait, Target::Trait;
186 SubAssignTraitLangItem, "sub_assign", sub_assign_trait, Target::Trait;
187 MulAssignTraitLangItem, "mul_assign", mul_assign_trait, Target::Trait;
188 DivAssignTraitLangItem, "div_assign", div_assign_trait, Target::Trait;
189 RemAssignTraitLangItem, "rem_assign", rem_assign_trait, Target::Trait;
190 BitXorAssignTraitLangItem, "bitxor_assign", bitxor_assign_trait, Target::Trait;
191 BitAndAssignTraitLangItem, "bitand_assign", bitand_assign_trait, Target::Trait;
192 BitOrAssignTraitLangItem, "bitor_assign", bitor_assign_trait, Target::Trait;
193 ShlAssignTraitLangItem, "shl_assign", shl_assign_trait, Target::Trait;
194 ShrAssignTraitLangItem, "shr_assign", shr_assign_trait, Target::Trait;
195 IndexTraitLangItem, "index", index_trait, Target::Trait;
196 IndexMutTraitLangItem, "index_mut", index_mut_trait, Target::Trait;
198 UnsafeCellTypeLangItem, "unsafe_cell", unsafe_cell_type, Target::Struct;
199 VaListTypeLangItem, "va_list", va_list, Target::Struct;
201 DerefTraitLangItem, "deref", deref_trait, Target::Trait;
202 DerefMutTraitLangItem, "deref_mut", deref_mut_trait, Target::Trait;
203 ReceiverTraitLangItem, "receiver", receiver_trait, Target::Trait;
205 FnTraitLangItem, "fn", fn_trait, Target::Trait;
206 FnMutTraitLangItem, "fn_mut", fn_mut_trait, Target::Trait;
207 FnOnceTraitLangItem, "fn_once", fn_once_trait, Target::Trait;
209 FutureTraitLangItem, "future_trait", future_trait, Target::Trait;
210 GeneratorStateLangItem, "generator_state", gen_state, Target::Enum;
211 GeneratorTraitLangItem, "generator", gen_trait, Target::Trait;
212 UnpinTraitLangItem, "unpin", unpin_trait, Target::Trait;
213 PinTypeLangItem, "pin", pin_type, Target::Struct;
215 // Don't be fooled by the naming here: this lang item denotes `PartialEq`, not `Eq`.
216 EqTraitLangItem, "eq", eq_trait, Target::Trait;
217 PartialOrdTraitLangItem, "partial_ord", partial_ord_trait, Target::Trait;
219 // A number of panic-related lang items. The `panic` item corresponds to
220 // divide-by-zero and various panic cases with `match`. The
221 // `panic_bounds_check` item is for indexing arrays.
222 //
223 // The `begin_unwind` lang item has a predefined symbol name and is sort of
224 // a "weak lang item" in the sense that a crate is not required to have it
225 // defined to use it, but a final product is required to define it
226 // somewhere. Additionally, there are restrictions on crates that use a weak
227 // lang item, but do not have it defined.
228 PanicFnLangItem, "panic", panic_fn, Target::Fn;
229 PanicBoundsCheckFnLangItem, "panic_bounds_check", panic_bounds_check_fn, Target::Fn;
230 PanicInfoLangItem, "panic_info", panic_info, Target::Struct;
231 PanicLocationLangItem, "panic_location", panic_location, Target::Struct;
232 PanicImplLangItem, "panic_impl", panic_impl, Target::Fn;
233 // Libstd panic entry point. Necessary for const eval to be able to catch it
234 BeginPanicFnLangItem, "begin_panic", begin_panic_fn, Target::Fn;
236 ExchangeMallocFnLangItem, "exchange_malloc", exchange_malloc_fn, Target::Fn;
237 BoxFreeFnLangItem, "box_free", box_free_fn, Target::Fn;
238 DropInPlaceFnLangItem, "drop_in_place", drop_in_place_fn, Target::Fn;
239 OomLangItem, "oom", oom, Target::Fn;
240 AllocLayoutLangItem, "alloc_layout", alloc_layout, Target::Struct;
242 StartFnLangItem, "start", start_fn, Target::Fn;
244 EhPersonalityLangItem, "eh_personality", eh_personality, Target::Fn;
245 EhCatchTypeinfoLangItem, "eh_catch_typeinfo", eh_catch_typeinfo, Target::Static;
247 OwnedBoxLangItem, "owned_box", owned_box, Target::Struct;
249 PhantomDataItem, "phantom_data", phantom_data, Target::Struct;
251 ManuallyDropItem, "manually_drop", manually_drop, Target::Struct;
253 MaybeUninitLangItem, "maybe_uninit", maybe_uninit, Target::Union;
255 // Align offset for stride != 1; must not panic.
256 AlignOffsetLangItem, "align_offset", align_offset_fn, Target::Fn;
258 TerminationTraitLangItem, "termination", termination, Target::Trait;
74b04a01 259}