]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blame - src/tools/clippy/lintcheck/lintcheck_crates.toml
New upstream version 1.52.1+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / tools / clippy / lintcheck / lintcheck_crates.toml
2# some of these are from cargotest
3cargo = {name = "cargo", versions = ['0.49.0']}
4iron = {name = "iron", versions = ['0.6.1']}
5ripgrep = {name = "ripgrep", versions = ['12.1.1']}
6xsv = {name = "xsv", versions = ['0.13.0']}
7# commented out because of 173K clippy::match_same_arms msgs in language_type.rs
8#tokei = { name = "tokei", versions = ['12.0.4']}
9rayon = {name = "rayon", versions = ['1.5.0']}
10serde = {name = "serde", versions = ['1.0.118']}
11# top 10 crates.io dls
12bitflags = {name = "bitflags", versions = ['1.2.1']}
13# crash = {name = "clippy_crash", path = "/tmp/clippy_crash"}
14libc = {name = "libc", versions = ['0.2.81']}
15log = {name = "log", versions = ['0.4.11']}
16proc-macro2 = {name = "proc-macro2", versions = ['1.0.24']}
17quote = {name = "quote", versions = ['1.0.7']}
18rand = {name = "rand", versions = ['0.7.3']}
19rand_core = {name = "rand_core", versions = ['0.6.0']}
20regex = {name = "regex", versions = ['1.3.2']}
21syn = {name = "syn", versions = ['1.0.54']}
22unicode-xid = {name = "unicode-xid", versions = ['0.2.1']}
23# some more of dtolnays crates
24anyhow = {name = "anyhow", versions = ['1.0.38']}
25async-trait = {name = "async-trait", versions = ['0.1.42']}
26cxx = {name = "cxx", versions = ['1.0.32']}
27ryu = {name = "ryu", version = ['1.0.5']}
28serde_yaml = {name = "serde_yaml", versions = ['0.8.17']}
29thiserror = {name = "thiserror", versions = ['1.0.24']}
30# some embark crates, there are other interesting crates but
31# unfortunately adding them increases lintcheck runtime drastically
32cfg-expr = {name = "cfg-expr", versions = ['0.7.1']}
33puffin = {name = "puffin", git_url = "https://github.com/EmbarkStudios/puffin", git_hash = "02dd4a3"}
34rpmalloc = {name = "rpmalloc", versions = ['0.2.0']}
35tame-oidc = {name = "tame-oidc", versions = ['0.1.0']}