]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blame - src/tools/rustfmt/src/config/mod.rs
New upstream version 1.59.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / tools / rustfmt / src / config / mod.rs
1use std::cell::Cell;
2use std::default::Default;
3use std::fs::File;
4use std::io::{Error, ErrorKind, Read};
5use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
6use std::{env, fs};
8use regex::Regex;
9use thiserror::Error;
11use crate::config::config_type::ConfigType;
13pub use crate::config::file_lines::{FileLines, FileName, Range};
15pub use crate::config::lists::*;
17pub use crate::config::options::*;
20pub(crate) mod config_type;
22pub(crate) mod options;
24pub(crate) mod file_lines;
25pub(crate) mod license;
26pub(crate) mod lists;
28// This macro defines configuration options used in rustfmt. Each option
29// is defined as follows:
31// `name: value type, default value, is stable, description;`
32create_config! {
33 // Fundamental stuff
34 max_width: usize, 100, true, "Maximum width of each line";
35 hard_tabs: bool, false, true, "Use tab characters for indentation, spaces for alignment";
36 tab_spaces: usize, 4, true, "Number of spaces per tab";
37 newline_style: NewlineStyle, NewlineStyle::Auto, true, "Unix or Windows line endings";
38 indent_style: IndentStyle, IndentStyle::Block, false, "How do we indent expressions or items";
40 // Width Heuristics
41 use_small_heuristics: Heuristics, Heuristics::Default, true, "Whether to use different \
42 formatting for items and expressions if they satisfy a heuristic notion of 'small'";
43 width_heuristics: WidthHeuristics, WidthHeuristics::scaled(100), false,
44 "'small' heuristic values";
45 fn_call_width: usize, 60, true, "Maximum width of the args of a function call before \
46 falling back to vertical formatting.";
47 attr_fn_like_width: usize, 70, true, "Maximum width of the args of a function-like \
48 attributes before falling back to vertical formatting.";
49 struct_lit_width: usize, 18, true, "Maximum width in the body of a struct lit before \
50 falling back to vertical formatting.";
51 struct_variant_width: usize, 35, true, "Maximum width in the body of a struct variant before \
52 falling back to vertical formatting.";
53 array_width: usize, 60, true, "Maximum width of an array literal before falling \
54 back to vertical formatting.";
55 chain_width: usize, 60, true, "Maximum length of a chain to fit on a single line.";
56 single_line_if_else_max_width: usize, 50, true, "Maximum line length for single line if-else \
57 expressions. A value of zero means always break if-else expressions.";
59 // Comments. macros, and strings
60 wrap_comments: bool, false, false, "Break comments to fit on the line";
61 format_code_in_doc_comments: bool, false, false, "Format the code snippet in doc comments.";
62 comment_width: usize, 80, false,
63 "Maximum length of comments. No effect unless wrap_comments = true";
64 normalize_comments: bool, false, false, "Convert /* */ comments to // comments where possible";
65 normalize_doc_attributes: bool, false, false, "Normalize doc attributes as doc comments";
66 license_template_path: String, String::default(), false,
67 "Beginning of file must match license template";
68 format_strings: bool, false, false, "Format string literals where necessary";
69 format_macro_matchers: bool, false, false,
70 "Format the metavariable matching patterns in macros";
71 format_macro_bodies: bool, true, false, "Format the bodies of macros";
72 hex_literal_case: HexLiteralCase, HexLiteralCase::Preserve, false,
73 "Format hexadecimal integer literals";
75 // Single line expressions and items
76 empty_item_single_line: bool, true, false,
77 "Put empty-body functions and impls on a single line";
78 struct_lit_single_line: bool, true, false,
79 "Put small struct literals on a single line";
80 fn_single_line: bool, false, false, "Put single-expression functions on a single line";
81 where_single_line: bool, false, false, "Force where-clauses to be on a single line";
83 // Imports
84 imports_indent: IndentStyle, IndentStyle::Block, false, "Indent of imports";
85 imports_layout: ListTactic, ListTactic::Mixed, false, "Item layout inside a import block";
86 imports_granularity: ImportGranularity, ImportGranularity::Preserve, false,
87 "Merge or split imports to the provided granularity";
88 group_imports: GroupImportsTactic, GroupImportsTactic::Preserve, false,
89 "Controls the strategy for how imports are grouped together";
90 merge_imports: bool, false, false, "(deprecated: use imports_granularity instead)";
92 // Ordering
93 reorder_imports: bool, true, true, "Reorder import and extern crate statements alphabetically";
94 reorder_modules: bool, true, true, "Reorder module statements alphabetically in group";
95 reorder_impl_items: bool, false, false, "Reorder impl items";
97 // Spaces around punctuation
98 type_punctuation_density: TypeDensity, TypeDensity::Wide, false,
99 "Determines if '+' or '=' are wrapped in spaces in the punctuation of types";
100 space_before_colon: bool, false, false, "Leave a space before the colon";
101 space_after_colon: bool, true, false, "Leave a space after the colon";
102 spaces_around_ranges: bool, false, false, "Put spaces around the .. and ..= range operators";
103 binop_separator: SeparatorPlace, SeparatorPlace::Front, false,
104 "Where to put a binary operator when a binary expression goes multiline";
106 // Misc.
107 remove_nested_parens: bool, true, true, "Remove nested parens";
108 combine_control_expr: bool, true, false, "Combine control expressions with function calls";
109 overflow_delimited_expr: bool, false, false,
110 "Allow trailing bracket/brace delimited expressions to overflow";
111 struct_field_align_threshold: usize, 0, false,
112 "Align struct fields if their diffs fits within threshold";
113 enum_discrim_align_threshold: usize, 0, false,
114 "Align enum variants discrims, if their diffs fit within threshold";
115 match_arm_blocks: bool, true, false, "Wrap the body of arms in blocks when it does not fit on \
116 the same line with the pattern of arms";
117 match_arm_leading_pipes: MatchArmLeadingPipe, MatchArmLeadingPipe::Never, true,
118 "Determines whether leading pipes are emitted on match arms";
119 force_multiline_blocks: bool, false, false,
120 "Force multiline closure bodies and match arms to be wrapped in a block";
121 fn_args_layout: Density, Density::Tall, true,
122 "Control the layout of arguments in a function";
123 brace_style: BraceStyle, BraceStyle::SameLineWhere, false, "Brace style for items";
124 control_brace_style: ControlBraceStyle, ControlBraceStyle::AlwaysSameLine, false,
125 "Brace style for control flow constructs";
126 trailing_semicolon: bool, true, false,
127 "Add trailing semicolon after break, continue and return";
128 trailing_comma: SeparatorTactic, SeparatorTactic::Vertical, false,
129 "How to handle trailing commas for lists";
3c0e092e 130 match_block_trailing_comma: bool, false, true,
131 "Put a trailing comma after a block based match arm (non-block arms are not affected)";
132 blank_lines_upper_bound: usize, 1, false,
133 "Maximum number of blank lines which can be put between items";
134 blank_lines_lower_bound: usize, 0, false,
135 "Minimum number of blank lines which must be put between items";
136 edition: Edition, Edition::Edition2015, true, "The edition of the parser (RFC 2052)";
137 version: Version, Version::One, false, "Version of formatting rules";
138 inline_attribute_width: usize, 0, false,
139 "Write an item and its attribute on the same line \
140 if their combined width is below a threshold";
3c0e092e 141 format_generated_files: bool, true, false, "Format generated files";
143 // Options that can change the source code beyond whitespace/blocks (somewhat linty things)
144 merge_derives: bool, true, true, "Merge multiple `#[derive(...)]` into a single one";
145 use_try_shorthand: bool, false, true, "Replace uses of the try! macro by the ? shorthand";
146 use_field_init_shorthand: bool, false, true, "Use field initialization shorthand if possible";
147 force_explicit_abi: bool, true, true, "Always print the abi for extern items";
148 condense_wildcard_suffixes: bool, false, false, "Replace strings of _ wildcards by a single .. \
149 in tuple patterns";
151 // Control options (changes the operation of rustfmt, rather than the formatting)
152 color: Color, Color::Auto, false,
153 "What Color option to use when none is supplied: Always, Never, Auto";
154 required_version: String, env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION").to_owned(), false,
155 "Require a specific version of rustfmt";
156 unstable_features: bool, false, false,
157 "Enables unstable features. Only available on nightly channel";
3c0e092e 158 disable_all_formatting: bool, false, true, "Don't reformat anything";
159 skip_children: bool, false, false, "Don't reformat out of line modules";
160 hide_parse_errors: bool, false, false, "Hide errors from the parser";
161 error_on_line_overflow: bool, false, false, "Error if unable to get all lines within max_width";
162 error_on_unformatted: bool, false, false,
163 "Error if unable to get comments or string literals within max_width, \
164 or they are left with trailing whitespaces";
165 report_todo: ReportTactic, ReportTactic::Never, false,
166 "Report all, none or unnumbered occurrences of TODO in source file comments";
167 report_fixme: ReportTactic, ReportTactic::Never, false,
168 "Report all, none or unnumbered occurrences of FIXME in source file comments";
169 ignore: IgnoreList, IgnoreList::default(), false,
170 "Skip formatting the specified files and directories";
172 // Not user-facing
173 verbose: Verbosity, Verbosity::Normal, false, "How much to information to emit to the user";
174 file_lines: FileLines, FileLines::all(), false,
175 "Lines to format; this is not supported in rustfmt.toml, and can only be specified \
176 via the --file-lines option";
177 emit_mode: EmitMode, EmitMode::Files, false,
178 "What emit Mode to use when none is supplied";
179 make_backup: bool, false, false, "Backup changed files";
180 print_misformatted_file_names: bool, false, true,
181 "Prints the names of mismatched files that were formatted. Prints the names of \
182 files that would be formated when used with `--check` mode. ";
185#[derive(Error, Debug)]
186#[error("Could not output config: {0}")]
187pub struct ToTomlError(toml::ser::Error);
189impl PartialConfig {
190 pub fn to_toml(&self) -> Result<String, ToTomlError> {
191 // Non-user-facing options can't be specified in TOML
192 let mut cloned = self.clone();
193 cloned.file_lines = None;
194 cloned.verbose = None;
195 cloned.width_heuristics = None;
196 cloned.print_misformatted_file_names = None;
197 cloned.merge_imports = None;
199 ::toml::to_string(&cloned).map_err(ToTomlError)
200 }
203impl Config {
204 pub(crate) fn version_meets_requirement(&self) -> bool {
205 if self.was_set().required_version() {
206 let version = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION");
207 let required_version = self.required_version();
208 if version != required_version {
209 println!(
210 "Error: rustfmt version ({}) doesn't match the required version ({})",
211 version, required_version,
212 );
213 return false;
214 }
215 }
217 true
218 }
220 /// Constructs a `Config` from the toml file specified at `file_path`.
221 ///
222 /// This method only looks at the provided path, for a method that
223 /// searches parents for a `rustfmt.toml` see `from_resolved_toml_path`.
224 ///
225 /// Returns a `Config` if the config could be read and parsed from
226 /// the file, otherwise errors.
227 pub(super) fn from_toml_path(file_path: &Path) -> Result<Config, Error> {
228 let mut file = File::open(&file_path)?;
229 let mut toml = String::new();
230 file.read_to_string(&mut toml)?;
231 Config::from_toml(&toml, file_path.parent().unwrap())
232 .map_err(|err| Error::new(ErrorKind::InvalidData, err))
233 }
235 /// Resolves the config for input in `dir`.
236 ///
237 /// Searches for `rustfmt.toml` beginning with `dir`, and
238 /// recursively checking parents of `dir` if no config file is found.
239 /// If no config file exists in `dir` or in any parent, a
240 /// default `Config` will be returned (and the returned path will be empty).
241 ///
242 /// Returns the `Config` to use, and the path of the project file if there was
243 /// one.
244 pub(super) fn from_resolved_toml_path(dir: &Path) -> Result<(Config, Option<PathBuf>), Error> {
245 /// Try to find a project file in the given directory and its parents.
246 /// Returns the path of a the nearest project file if one exists,
247 /// or `None` if no project file was found.
248 fn resolve_project_file(dir: &Path) -> Result<Option<PathBuf>, Error> {
249 let mut current = if dir.is_relative() {
250 env::current_dir()?.join(dir)
251 } else {
252 dir.to_path_buf()
253 };
255 current = fs::canonicalize(current)?;
257 loop {
258 match get_toml_path(&current) {
259 Ok(Some(path)) => return Ok(Some(path)),
260 Err(e) => return Err(e),
261 _ => (),
262 }
264 // If the current directory has no parent, we're done searching.
265 if !current.pop() {
266 break;
267 }
268 }
270 // If nothing was found, check in the home directory.
271 if let Some(home_dir) = dirs::home_dir() {
272 if let Some(path) = get_toml_path(&home_dir)? {
273 return Ok(Some(path));
274 }
275 }
277 // If none was found ther either, check in the user's configuration directory.
278 if let Some(mut config_dir) = dirs::config_dir() {
279 config_dir.push("rustfmt");
280 if let Some(path) = get_toml_path(&config_dir)? {
281 return Ok(Some(path));
282 }
283 }
285 Ok(None)
286 }
288 match resolve_project_file(dir)? {
289 None => Ok((Config::default(), None)),
290 Some(path) => Config::from_toml_path(&path).map(|config| (config, Some(path))),
291 }
292 }
294 pub(crate) fn from_toml(toml: &str, dir: &Path) -> Result<Config, String> {
295 let parsed: ::toml::Value = toml
296 .parse()
297 .map_err(|e| format!("Could not parse TOML: {}", e))?;
298 let mut err = String::new();
299 let table = parsed
300 .as_table()
301 .ok_or_else(|| String::from("Parsed config was not table"))?;
302 for key in table.keys() {
303 if !Config::is_valid_name(key) {
304 let msg = &format!("Warning: Unknown configuration option `{}`\n", key);
305 err.push_str(msg)
306 }
307 }
308 match parsed.try_into() {
309 Ok(parsed_config) => {
310 if !err.is_empty() {
311 eprint!("{}", err);
312 }
313 Ok(Config::default().fill_from_parsed_config(parsed_config, dir))
314 }
315 Err(e) => {
316 err.push_str("Error: Decoding config file failed:\n");
317 err.push_str(format!("{}\n", e).as_str());
318 err.push_str("Please check your config file.");
319 Err(err)
320 }
321 }
322 }
325/// Loads a config by checking the client-supplied options and if appropriate, the
326/// file system (including searching the file system for overrides).
327pub fn load_config<O: CliOptions>(
328 file_path: Option<&Path>,
329 options: Option<O>,
330) -> Result<(Config, Option<PathBuf>), Error> {
331 let over_ride = match options {
332 Some(ref opts) => config_path(opts)?,
333 None => None,
334 };
336 let result = if let Some(over_ride) = over_ride {
337 Config::from_toml_path(over_ride.as_ref()).map(|p| (p, Some(over_ride.to_owned())))
338 } else if let Some(file_path) = file_path {
339 Config::from_resolved_toml_path(file_path)
340 } else {
341 Ok((Config::default(), None))
342 };
344 result.map(|(mut c, p)| {
345 if let Some(options) = options {
346 options.apply_to(&mut c);
347 }
348 (c, p)
349 })
352// Check for the presence of known config file names (`rustfmt.toml, `.rustfmt.toml`) in `dir`
354// Return the path if a config file exists, empty if no file exists, and Error for IO errors
355fn get_toml_path(dir: &Path) -> Result<Option<PathBuf>, Error> {
356 const CONFIG_FILE_NAMES: [&str; 2] = [".rustfmt.toml", "rustfmt.toml"];
357 for config_file_name in &CONFIG_FILE_NAMES {
358 let config_file = dir.join(config_file_name);
359 match fs::metadata(&config_file) {
360 // Only return if it's a file to handle the unlikely situation of a directory named
361 // `rustfmt.toml`.
362 Ok(ref md) if md.is_file() => return Ok(Some(config_file)),
363 // Return the error if it's something other than `NotFound`; otherwise we didn't
364 // find the project file yet, and continue searching.
365 Err(e) => {
366 if e.kind() != ErrorKind::NotFound {
367 return Err(e);
368 }
369 }
370 _ => {}
371 }
372 }
373 Ok(None)
376fn config_path(options: &dyn CliOptions) -> Result<Option<PathBuf>, Error> {
377 let config_path_not_found = |path: &str| -> Result<Option<PathBuf>, Error> {
378 Err(Error::new(
379 ErrorKind::NotFound,
380 format!(
381 "Error: unable to find a config file for the given path: `{}`",
382 path
383 ),
384 ))
385 };
387 // Read the config_path and convert to parent dir if a file is provided.
388 // If a config file cannot be found from the given path, return error.
389 match options.config_path() {
390 Some(path) if !path.exists() => config_path_not_found(path.to_str().unwrap()),
391 Some(path) if path.is_dir() => {
392 let config_file_path = get_toml_path(path)?;
393 if config_file_path.is_some() {
394 Ok(config_file_path)
395 } else {
396 config_path_not_found(path.to_str().unwrap())
397 }
398 }
399 path => Ok(path.map(ToOwned::to_owned)),
400 }
404mod test {
405 use super::*;
406 use std::str;
408 use rustfmt_config_proc_macro::{nightly_only_test, stable_only_test};
410 #[allow(dead_code)]
411 mod mock {
412 use super::super::*;
414 create_config! {
415 // Options that are used by the generated functions
416 max_width: usize, 100, true, "Maximum width of each line";
417 license_template_path: String, String::default(), false,
418 "Beginning of file must match license template";
419 required_version: String, env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION").to_owned(), false,
420 "Require a specific version of rustfmt.";
421 ignore: IgnoreList, IgnoreList::default(), false,
422 "Skip formatting the specified files and directories.";
423 verbose: Verbosity, Verbosity::Normal, false,
424 "How much to information to emit to the user";
425 file_lines: FileLines, FileLines::all(), false,
426 "Lines to format; this is not supported in rustfmt.toml, and can only be specified \
427 via the --file-lines option";
cdc7bbd5 428
429 // merge_imports deprecation
430 imports_granularity: ImportGranularity, ImportGranularity::Preserve, false,
431 "Merge imports";
432 merge_imports: bool, false, false, "(deprecated: use imports_granularity instead)";
434 // Width Heuristics
435 use_small_heuristics: Heuristics, Heuristics::Default, true,
436 "Whether to use different formatting for items and \
437 expressions if they satisfy a heuristic notion of 'small'.";
438 width_heuristics: WidthHeuristics, WidthHeuristics::scaled(100), false,
439 "'small' heuristic values";
441 fn_call_width: usize, 60, true, "Maximum width of the args of a function call before \
442 falling back to vertical formatting.";
443 attr_fn_like_width: usize, 70, true, "Maximum width of the args of a function-like \
444 attributes before falling back to vertical formatting.";
445 struct_lit_width: usize, 18, true, "Maximum width in the body of a struct lit before \
446 falling back to vertical formatting.";
447 struct_variant_width: usize, 35, true, "Maximum width in the body of a struct \
448 variant before falling back to vertical formatting.";
449 array_width: usize, 60, true, "Maximum width of an array literal before falling \
450 back to vertical formatting.";
451 chain_width: usize, 60, true, "Maximum length of a chain to fit on a single line.";
452 single_line_if_else_max_width: usize, 50, true, "Maximum line length for single \
453 line if-else expressions. A value of zero means always break if-else expressions.";
455 // Options that are used by the tests
456 stable_option: bool, false, true, "A stable option";
457 unstable_option: bool, false, false, "An unstable option";
458 }
459 }
461 #[test]
462 fn test_config_set() {
463 let mut config = Config::default();
464 config.set().verbose(Verbosity::Quiet);
465 assert_eq!(config.verbose(), Verbosity::Quiet);
466 config.set().verbose(Verbosity::Normal);
467 assert_eq!(config.verbose(), Verbosity::Normal);
468 }
470 #[test]
471 fn test_config_used_to_toml() {
472 let config = Config::default();
474 let merge_derives = config.merge_derives();
475 let skip_children = config.skip_children();
477 let used_options = config.used_options();
478 let toml = used_options.to_toml().unwrap();
479 assert_eq!(
480 toml,
481 format!(
482 "merge_derives = {}\nskip_children = {}\n",
483 merge_derives, skip_children,
484 )
485 );
486 }
488 #[test]
489 fn test_was_set() {
490 let config = Config::from_toml("hard_tabs = true", Path::new("")).unwrap();
492 assert_eq!(config.was_set().hard_tabs(), true);
493 assert_eq!(config.was_set().verbose(), false);
494 }
496 #[test]
497 fn test_print_docs_exclude_unstable() {
498 use self::mock::Config;
500 let mut output = Vec::new();
501 Config::print_docs(&mut output, false);
503 let s = str::from_utf8(&output).unwrap();
505 assert_eq!(s.contains("stable_option"), true);
506 assert_eq!(s.contains("unstable_option"), false);
507 assert_eq!(s.contains("(unstable)"), false);
508 }
510 #[test]
511 fn test_print_docs_include_unstable() {
512 use self::mock::Config;
514 let mut output = Vec::new();
515 Config::print_docs(&mut output, true);
517 let s = str::from_utf8(&output).unwrap();
518 assert_eq!(s.contains("stable_option"), true);
519 assert_eq!(s.contains("unstable_option"), true);
520 assert_eq!(s.contains("(unstable)"), true);
521 }
523 #[test]
524 fn test_empty_string_license_template_path() {
525 let toml = r#"license_template_path = """#;
526 let config = Config::from_toml(toml, Path::new("")).unwrap();
527 assert!(config.license_template.is_none());
528 }
a2a8927a 530 #[nightly_only_test]
531 #[test]
532 fn test_valid_license_template_path() {
533 let toml = r#"license_template_path = "tests/license-template/lt.txt""#;
534 let config = Config::from_toml(toml, Path::new("")).unwrap();
535 assert!(config.license_template.is_some());
536 }
a2a8927a 538 #[nightly_only_test]
539 #[test]
540 fn test_override_existing_license_with_no_license() {
541 let toml = r#"license_template_path = "tests/license-template/lt.txt""#;
542 let mut config = Config::from_toml(toml, Path::new("")).unwrap();
543 assert!(config.license_template.is_some());
544 config.override_value("license_template_path", "");
545 assert!(config.license_template.is_none());
546 }
548 #[test]
549 fn test_dump_default_config() {
550 let default_config = format!(
551 r#"max_width = 100
552hard_tabs = false
553tab_spaces = 4
554newline_style = "Auto"
f20569fa 555indent_style = "Block"
556use_small_heuristics = "Default"
557fn_call_width = 60
558attr_fn_like_width = 70
559struct_lit_width = 18
560struct_variant_width = 35
561array_width = 60
562chain_width = 60
563single_line_if_else_max_width = 50
564wrap_comments = false
565format_code_in_doc_comments = false
566comment_width = 80
567normalize_comments = false
568normalize_doc_attributes = false
569license_template_path = ""
570format_strings = false
571format_macro_matchers = false
572format_macro_bodies = true
3c0e092e 573hex_literal_case = "Preserve"
574empty_item_single_line = true
575struct_lit_single_line = true
576fn_single_line = false
577where_single_line = false
578imports_indent = "Block"
579imports_layout = "Mixed"
580imports_granularity = "Preserve"
581group_imports = "Preserve"
582reorder_imports = true
583reorder_modules = true
584reorder_impl_items = false
585type_punctuation_density = "Wide"
586space_before_colon = false
587space_after_colon = true
588spaces_around_ranges = false
589binop_separator = "Front"
590remove_nested_parens = true
591combine_control_expr = true
592overflow_delimited_expr = false
593struct_field_align_threshold = 0
594enum_discrim_align_threshold = 0
595match_arm_blocks = true
596match_arm_leading_pipes = "Never"
597force_multiline_blocks = false
598fn_args_layout = "Tall"
599brace_style = "SameLineWhere"
600control_brace_style = "AlwaysSameLine"
601trailing_semicolon = true
602trailing_comma = "Vertical"
603match_block_trailing_comma = false
604blank_lines_upper_bound = 1
605blank_lines_lower_bound = 0
606edition = "2015"
607version = "One"
608inline_attribute_width = 0
3c0e092e 609format_generated_files = true
610merge_derives = true
611use_try_shorthand = false
612use_field_init_shorthand = false
613force_explicit_abi = true
614condense_wildcard_suffixes = false
615color = "Auto"
616required_version = "{}"
617unstable_features = false
618disable_all_formatting = false
619skip_children = false
620hide_parse_errors = false
621error_on_line_overflow = false
622error_on_unformatted = false
623report_todo = "Never"
624report_fixme = "Never"
625ignore = []
626emit_mode = "Files"
627make_backup = false
630 );
631 let toml = Config::default().all_options().to_toml().unwrap();
632 assert_eq!(&toml, &default_config);
633 }
635 #[stable_only_test]
636 #[test]
637 fn test_as_not_nightly_channel() {
638 let mut config = Config::default();
639 assert_eq!(config.was_set().unstable_features(), false);
640 config.set().unstable_features(true);
641 assert_eq!(config.was_set().unstable_features(), false);
642 }
644 #[nightly_only_test]
645 #[test]
646 fn test_as_nightly_channel() {
647 let mut config = Config::default();
648 config.set().unstable_features(true);
649 // When we don't set the config from toml or command line options it
650 // doesn't get marked as set by the user.
651 assert_eq!(config.was_set().unstable_features(), false);
652 config.set().unstable_features(true);
653 assert_eq!(config.unstable_features(), true);
654 }
656 #[nightly_only_test]
657 #[test]
658 fn test_unstable_from_toml() {
659 let config = Config::from_toml("unstable_features = true", Path::new("")).unwrap();
660 assert_eq!(config.was_set().unstable_features(), true);
661 assert_eq!(config.unstable_features(), true);
662 }
664 #[cfg(test)]
665 mod deprecated_option_merge_imports {
666 use super::*;
a2a8927a 668 #[nightly_only_test]
669 #[test]
670 fn test_old_option_set() {
671 let toml = r#"
672 unstable_features = true
673 merge_imports = true
674 "#;
675 let config = Config::from_toml(toml, Path::new("")).unwrap();
676 assert_eq!(config.imports_granularity(), ImportGranularity::Crate);
677 }
a2a8927a 679 #[nightly_only_test]
680 #[test]
681 fn test_both_set() {
682 let toml = r#"
683 unstable_features = true
684 merge_imports = true
685 imports_granularity = "Preserve"
686 "#;
687 let config = Config::from_toml(toml, Path::new("")).unwrap();
688 assert_eq!(config.imports_granularity(), ImportGranularity::Preserve);
689 }
a2a8927a 691 #[nightly_only_test]
692 #[test]
693 fn test_new_overridden() {
694 let toml = r#"
695 unstable_features = true
696 merge_imports = true
697 "#;
698 let mut config = Config::from_toml(toml, Path::new("")).unwrap();
699 config.override_value("imports_granularity", "Preserve");
700 assert_eq!(config.imports_granularity(), ImportGranularity::Preserve);
701 }
a2a8927a 703 #[nightly_only_test]
704 #[test]
705 fn test_old_overridden() {
706 let toml = r#"
707 unstable_features = true
708 imports_granularity = "Module"
709 "#;
710 let mut config = Config::from_toml(toml, Path::new("")).unwrap();
711 config.override_value("merge_imports", "true");
712 // no effect: the new option always takes precedence
713 assert_eq!(config.imports_granularity(), ImportGranularity::Module);
714 }
715 }
717 #[cfg(test)]
718 mod use_small_heuristics {
719 use super::*;
721 #[test]
722 fn test_default_sets_correct_widths() {
723 let toml = r#"
724 use_small_heuristics = "Default"
725 max_width = 200
726 "#;
727 let config = Config::from_toml(toml, Path::new("")).unwrap();
728 assert_eq!(config.array_width(), 120);
729 assert_eq!(config.attr_fn_like_width(), 140);
730 assert_eq!(config.chain_width(), 120);
731 assert_eq!(config.fn_call_width(), 120);
732 assert_eq!(config.single_line_if_else_max_width(), 100);
733 assert_eq!(config.struct_lit_width(), 36);
734 assert_eq!(config.struct_variant_width(), 70);
735 }
737 #[test]
738 fn test_max_sets_correct_widths() {
739 let toml = r#"
740 use_small_heuristics = "Max"
741 max_width = 120
742 "#;
743 let config = Config::from_toml(toml, Path::new("")).unwrap();
744 assert_eq!(config.array_width(), 120);
745 assert_eq!(config.attr_fn_like_width(), 120);
746 assert_eq!(config.chain_width(), 120);
747 assert_eq!(config.fn_call_width(), 120);
748 assert_eq!(config.single_line_if_else_max_width(), 120);
749 assert_eq!(config.struct_lit_width(), 120);
750 assert_eq!(config.struct_variant_width(), 120);
751 }
753 #[test]
754 fn test_off_sets_correct_widths() {
755 let toml = r#"
756 use_small_heuristics = "Off"
757 max_width = 100
758 "#;
759 let config = Config::from_toml(toml, Path::new("")).unwrap();
760 assert_eq!(config.array_width(), usize::max_value());
761 assert_eq!(config.attr_fn_like_width(), usize::max_value());
762 assert_eq!(config.chain_width(), usize::max_value());
763 assert_eq!(config.fn_call_width(), usize::max_value());
764 assert_eq!(config.single_line_if_else_max_width(), 0);
765 assert_eq!(config.struct_lit_width(), 0);
766 assert_eq!(config.struct_variant_width(), 0);
767 }
769 #[test]
770 fn test_override_works_with_default() {
771 let toml = r#"
772 use_small_heuristics = "Default"
773 array_width = 20
774 attr_fn_like_width = 40
775 chain_width = 20
776 fn_call_width = 90
777 single_line_if_else_max_width = 40
778 struct_lit_width = 30
779 struct_variant_width = 34
780 "#;
781 let config = Config::from_toml(toml, Path::new("")).unwrap();
782 assert_eq!(config.array_width(), 20);
783 assert_eq!(config.attr_fn_like_width(), 40);
784 assert_eq!(config.chain_width(), 20);
785 assert_eq!(config.fn_call_width(), 90);
786 assert_eq!(config.single_line_if_else_max_width(), 40);
787 assert_eq!(config.struct_lit_width(), 30);
788 assert_eq!(config.struct_variant_width(), 34);
789 }
791 #[test]
792 fn test_override_with_max() {
793 let toml = r#"
794 use_small_heuristics = "Max"
795 array_width = 20
796 attr_fn_like_width = 40
797 chain_width = 20
798 fn_call_width = 90
799 single_line_if_else_max_width = 40
800 struct_lit_width = 30
801 struct_variant_width = 34
802 "#;
803 let config = Config::from_toml(toml, Path::new("")).unwrap();
804 assert_eq!(config.array_width(), 20);
805 assert_eq!(config.attr_fn_like_width(), 40);
806 assert_eq!(config.chain_width(), 20);
807 assert_eq!(config.fn_call_width(), 90);
808 assert_eq!(config.single_line_if_else_max_width(), 40);
809 assert_eq!(config.struct_lit_width(), 30);
810 assert_eq!(config.struct_variant_width(), 34);
811 }
813 #[test]
814 fn test_override_with_off() {
815 let toml = r#"
816 use_small_heuristics = "Off"
817 array_width = 20
818 attr_fn_like_width = 40
819 chain_width = 20
820 fn_call_width = 90
821 single_line_if_else_max_width = 40
822 struct_lit_width = 30
823 struct_variant_width = 34
824 "#;
825 let config = Config::from_toml(toml, Path::new("")).unwrap();
826 assert_eq!(config.array_width(), 20);
827 assert_eq!(config.attr_fn_like_width(), 40);
828 assert_eq!(config.chain_width(), 20);
829 assert_eq!(config.fn_call_width(), 90);
830 assert_eq!(config.single_line_if_else_max_width(), 40);
831 assert_eq!(config.struct_lit_width(), 30);
832 assert_eq!(config.struct_variant_width(), 34);
833 }
835 #[test]
836 fn test_fn_call_width_config_exceeds_max_width() {
837 let toml = r#"
838 max_width = 90
839 fn_call_width = 95
840 "#;
841 let config = Config::from_toml(toml, Path::new("")).unwrap();
842 assert_eq!(config.fn_call_width(), 90);
843 }
845 #[test]
846 fn test_attr_fn_like_width_config_exceeds_max_width() {
847 let toml = r#"
848 max_width = 80
849 attr_fn_like_width = 90
850 "#;
851 let config = Config::from_toml(toml, Path::new("")).unwrap();
852 assert_eq!(config.attr_fn_like_width(), 80);
853 }
855 #[test]
856 fn test_struct_lit_config_exceeds_max_width() {
857 let toml = r#"
858 max_width = 78
859 struct_lit_width = 90
860 "#;
861 let config = Config::from_toml(toml, Path::new("")).unwrap();
862 assert_eq!(config.struct_lit_width(), 78);
863 }
865 #[test]
866 fn test_struct_variant_width_config_exceeds_max_width() {
867 let toml = r#"
868 max_width = 80
869 struct_variant_width = 90
870 "#;
871 let config = Config::from_toml(toml, Path::new("")).unwrap();
872 assert_eq!(config.struct_variant_width(), 80);
873 }
875 #[test]
876 fn test_array_width_config_exceeds_max_width() {
877 let toml = r#"
878 max_width = 60
879 array_width = 80
880 "#;
881 let config = Config::from_toml(toml, Path::new("")).unwrap();
882 assert_eq!(config.array_width(), 60);
883 }
885 #[test]
886 fn test_chain_width_config_exceeds_max_width() {
887 let toml = r#"
888 max_width = 80
889 chain_width = 90
890 "#;
891 let config = Config::from_toml(toml, Path::new("")).unwrap();
892 assert_eq!(config.chain_width(), 80);
893 }
895 #[test]
896 fn test_single_line_if_else_max_width_config_exceeds_max_width() {
897 let toml = r#"
898 max_width = 70
899 single_line_if_else_max_width = 90
900 "#;
901 let config = Config::from_toml(toml, Path::new("")).unwrap();
902 assert_eq!(config.single_line_if_else_max_width(), 70);
903 }
905 #[test]
906 fn test_override_fn_call_width_exceeds_max_width() {
907 let mut config = Config::default();
908 config.override_value("fn_call_width", "101");
909 assert_eq!(config.fn_call_width(), 100);
910 }
912 #[test]
913 fn test_override_attr_fn_like_width_exceeds_max_width() {
914 let mut config = Config::default();
915 config.override_value("attr_fn_like_width", "101");
916 assert_eq!(config.attr_fn_like_width(), 100);
917 }
919 #[test]
920 fn test_override_struct_lit_exceeds_max_width() {
921 let mut config = Config::default();
922 config.override_value("struct_lit_width", "101");
923 assert_eq!(config.struct_lit_width(), 100);
924 }
926 #[test]
927 fn test_override_struct_variant_width_exceeds_max_width() {
928 let mut config = Config::default();
929 config.override_value("struct_variant_width", "101");
930 assert_eq!(config.struct_variant_width(), 100);
931 }
933 #[test]
934 fn test_override_array_width_exceeds_max_width() {
935 let mut config = Config::default();
936 config.override_value("array_width", "101");
937 assert_eq!(config.array_width(), 100);
938 }
940 #[test]
941 fn test_override_chain_width_exceeds_max_width() {
942 let mut config = Config::default();
943 config.override_value("chain_width", "101");
944 assert_eq!(config.chain_width(), 100);
945 }
947 #[test]
948 fn test_override_single_line_if_else_max_width_exceeds_max_width() {
949 let mut config = Config::default();
950 config.override_value("single_line_if_else_max_width", "101");
951 assert_eq!(config.single_line_if_else_max_width(), 100);
952 }
953 }
f20569fa 954}