]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blame - src/vendor/url/src/lib.rs
New upstream version 1.23.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / src / vendor / url / src / lib.rs
1// Copyright 2013-2015 The rust-url developers.
3// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
4// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
5// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
6// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
7// except according to those terms.
11rust-url is an implementation of the [URL Standard](http://url.spec.whatwg.org/)
12for the [Rust](http://rust-lang.org/) programming language.
15# URL parsing and data structures
17First, URL parsing may fail for various reasons and therefore returns a `Result`.
20use url::{Url, ParseError};
22assert!(Url::parse("http://[:::1]") == Err(ParseError::InvalidIpv6Address))
25Let’s parse a valid URL and look at its components.
28use url::{Url, Host};
29# use url::ParseError;
30# fn run() -> Result<(), ParseError> {
31let issue_list_url = Url::parse(
32 "https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues?labels=E-easy&state=open"
36assert!(issue_list_url.scheme() == "https");
37assert!(issue_list_url.username() == "");
38assert!(issue_list_url.password() == None);
39assert!(issue_list_url.host_str() == Some("github.com"));
40assert!(issue_list_url.host() == Some(Host::Domain("github.com")));
41assert!(issue_list_url.port() == None);
42assert!(issue_list_url.path() == "/rust-lang/rust/issues");
43assert!(issue_list_url.path_segments().map(|c| c.collect::<Vec<_>>()) ==
44 Some(vec!["rust-lang", "rust", "issues"]));
45assert!(issue_list_url.query() == Some("labels=E-easy&state=open"));
46assert!(issue_list_url.fragment() == None);
48# Ok(())
49# }
50# run().unwrap();
53Some URLs are said to be *cannot-be-a-base*:
54they don’t have a username, password, host, or port,
55and their "path" is an arbitrary string rather than slash-separated segments:
58use url::Url;
59# use url::ParseError;
61# fn run() -> Result<(), ParseError> {
62let data_url = Url::parse("data:text/plain,Hello?World#")?;
65assert!(data_url.scheme() == "data");
66assert!(data_url.path() == "text/plain,Hello");
68assert!(data_url.query() == Some("World"));
69assert!(data_url.fragment() == Some(""));
70# Ok(())
71# }
72# run().unwrap();
76# Base URL
78Many contexts allow URL *references* that can be relative to a *base URL*:
81<link rel="stylesheet" href="../main.css">
84Since parsed URL are absolute, giving a base is required for parsing relative URLs:
87use url::{Url, ParseError};
89assert!(Url::parse("../main.css") == Err(ParseError::RelativeUrlWithoutBase))
92Use the `join` method on an `Url` to use it as a base URL:
95use url::Url;
96# use url::ParseError;
98# fn run() -> Result<(), ParseError> {
99let this_document = Url::parse("http://servo.github.io/rust-url/url/index.html")?;
100let css_url = this_document.join("../main.css")?;
101assert_eq!(css_url.as_str(), "http://servo.github.io/rust-url/main.css");
102# Ok(())
103# }
104# run().unwrap();
107#![doc(html_root_url = "https://docs.rs/url/1.6.0")]
109#[cfg(feature="rustc-serialize")] extern crate rustc_serialize;
110#[macro_use] extern crate matches;
111#[cfg(feature="serde")] extern crate serde;
112#[cfg(feature="heapsize")] #[macro_use] extern crate heapsize;
114pub extern crate idna;
115pub extern crate percent_encoding;
117use encoding::EncodingOverride;
118#[cfg(feature = "heapsize")] use heapsize::HeapSizeOf;
119use host::HostInternal;
120use parser::{Parser, Context, SchemeType, to_u32};
122 percent_encode, percent_decode, utf8_percent_encode};
123use std::borrow::Borrow;
124use std::cmp;
125#[cfg(feature = "serde")] use std::error::Error;
126use std::fmt::{self, Write, Debug, Formatter};
127use std::hash;
128use std::io;
129use std::mem;
130use std::net::{ToSocketAddrs, IpAddr};
131use std::ops::{Range, RangeFrom, RangeTo};
132use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
133use std::str;
135pub use origin::{Origin, OpaqueOrigin};
136pub use host::{Host, HostAndPort, SocketAddrs};
137pub use path_segments::PathSegmentsMut;
138pub use parser::ParseError;
139pub use slicing::Position;
141mod encoding;
142mod host;
143mod origin;
144mod path_segments;
145mod parser;
146mod slicing;
148pub mod form_urlencoded;
149#[doc(hidden)] pub mod quirks;
151/// A parsed URL record.
153pub struct Url {
154 /// Syntax in pseudo-BNF:
155 ///
156 /// url = scheme ":" [ hierarchical | non-hierarchical ] [ "?" query ]? [ "#" fragment ]?
157 /// non-hierarchical = non-hierarchical-path
158 /// non-hierarchical-path = /* Does not start with "/" */
159 /// hierarchical = authority? hierarchical-path
160 /// authority = "//" userinfo? host [ ":" port ]?
161 /// userinfo = username [ ":" password ]? "@"
162 /// hierarchical-path = [ "/" path-segment ]+
163 serialization: String,
165 // Components
166 scheme_end: u32, // Before ':'
167 username_end: u32, // Before ':' (if a password is given) or '@' (if not)
168 host_start: u32,
169 host_end: u32,
170 host: HostInternal,
171 port: Option<u16>,
172 path_start: u32, // Before initial '/', if any
173 query_start: Option<u32>, // Before '?', unlike Position::QueryStart
174 fragment_start: Option<u32>, // Before '#', unlike Position::FragmentStart
177#[cfg(feature = "heapsize")]
178impl HeapSizeOf for Url {
179 fn heap_size_of_children(&self) -> usize {
180 self.serialization.heap_size_of_children()
181 }
184/// Full configuration for the URL parser.
185#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
186pub struct ParseOptions<'a> {
187 base_url: Option<&'a Url>,
188 encoding_override: encoding::EncodingOverride,
189 log_syntax_violation: Option<&'a Fn(&'static str)>,
192impl<'a> ParseOptions<'a> {
193 /// Change the base URL
194 pub fn base_url(mut self, new: Option<&'a Url>) -> Self {
195 self.base_url = new;
196 self
197 }
199 /// Override the character encoding of query strings.
200 /// This is a legacy concept only relevant for HTML.
201 ///
202 /// `EncodingRef` is defined in [rust-encoding](https://github.com/lifthrasiir/rust-encoding).
203 ///
204 /// This method is only available if the `query_encoding`
205 /// [feature](http://doc.crates.io/manifest.html#the-features-section]) is enabled.
206 #[cfg(feature = "query_encoding")]
207 pub fn encoding_override(mut self, new: Option<encoding::EncodingRef>) -> Self {
208 self.encoding_override = EncodingOverride::from_opt_encoding(new).to_output_encoding();
209 self
210 }
212 /// Call the provided function or closure on non-fatal parse errors.
213 pub fn log_syntax_violation(mut self, new: Option<&'a Fn(&'static str)>) -> Self {
214 self.log_syntax_violation = new;
215 self
216 }
218 /// Parse an URL string with the configuration so far.
219 pub fn parse(self, input: &str) -> Result<Url, ::ParseError> {
220 Parser {
221 serialization: String::with_capacity(input.len()),
222 base_url: self.base_url,
223 query_encoding_override: self.encoding_override,
224 log_syntax_violation: self.log_syntax_violation,
225 context: Context::UrlParser,
226 }.parse_url(input)
227 }
230impl<'a> Debug for ParseOptions<'a> {
231 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
232 write!(f, "ParseOptions {{ base_url: {:?}, encoding_override: {:?}, log_syntax_violation: ", self.base_url, self.encoding_override)?;
233 match self.log_syntax_violation {
234 Some(_) => write!(f, "Some(Fn(&'static str)) }}"),
235 None => write!(f, "None }}")
236 }
237 }
240impl Url {
241 /// Parse an absolute URL from a string.
242 ///
243 /// # Examples
244 ///
245 /// ```rust
246 /// use url::Url;
247 /// # use url::ParseError;
248 ///
249 /// # fn run() -> Result<(), ParseError> {
250 /// let url = Url::parse("https://example.net")?;
251 /// # Ok(())
252 /// # }
253 /// # run().unwrap();
254 /// ```
255 ///
256 /// # Errors
257 ///
258 /// If the function can not parse an absolute URL from the given string,
259 /// a [`ParseError`] variant will be returned.
260 ///
261 /// [`ParseError`]: enum.ParseError.html
262 #[inline]
263 pub fn parse(input: &str) -> Result<Url, ::ParseError> {
264 Url::options().parse(input)
265 }
267 /// Parse an absolute URL from a string and add params to its query string.
268 ///
269 /// Existing params are not removed.
270 ///
271 /// # Examples
272 ///
273 /// ```rust
274 /// use url::Url;
275 /// # use url::ParseError;
276 ///
277 /// # fn run() -> Result<(), ParseError> {
278 /// let url = Url::parse_with_params("https://example.net?dont=clobberme",
279 /// &[("lang", "rust"), ("browser", "servo")])?;
280 /// # Ok(())
281 /// # }
282 /// # run().unwrap();
283 /// ```
284 ///
285 /// # Errors
286 ///
287 /// If the function can not parse an absolute URL from the given string,
288 /// a [`ParseError`] variant will be returned.
289 ///
290 /// [`ParseError`]: enum.ParseError.html
291 #[inline]
292 pub fn parse_with_params<I, K, V>(input: &str, iter: I) -> Result<Url, ::ParseError>
293 where I: IntoIterator,
294 I::Item: Borrow<(K, V)>,
295 K: AsRef<str>,
296 V: AsRef<str>
297 {
298 let mut url = Url::options().parse(input);
300 if let Ok(ref mut url) = url {
301 url.query_pairs_mut().extend_pairs(iter);
302 }
304 url
305 }
307 /// Parse a string as an URL, with this URL as the base URL.
308 ///
309 /// Note: a trailing slash is significant.
310 /// Without it, the last path component is considered to be a “file” name
311 /// to be removed to get at the “directory” that is used as the base:
312 ///
313 /// # Examples
314 ///
315 /// ```rust
316 /// use url::Url;
317 /// # use url::ParseError;
318 ///
319 /// # fn run() -> Result<(), ParseError> {
320 /// let base = Url::parse("https://example.net/a/b.html")?;
321 /// let url = base.join("c.png")?;
322 /// assert_eq!(url.as_str(), "https://example.net/a/c.png"); // Not /a/b.html/c.png
323 ///
324 /// let base = Url::parse("https://example.net/a/b/")?;
325 /// let url = base.join("c.png")?;
326 /// assert_eq!(url.as_str(), "https://example.net/a/b/c.png");
327 /// # Ok(())
328 /// # }
329 /// # run().unwrap();
330 /// ```
331 ///
332 /// # Errors
333 ///
334 /// If the function can not parse an URL from the given string
335 /// with this URL as the base URL, a [`ParseError`] variant will be returned.
336 ///
337 /// [`ParseError`]: enum.ParseError.html
338 #[inline]
339 pub fn join(&self, input: &str) -> Result<Url, ::ParseError> {
340 Url::options().base_url(Some(self)).parse(input)
341 }
343 /// Return a default `ParseOptions` that can fully configure the URL parser.
344 ///
345 /// # Examples
346 ///
347 /// Get default `ParseOptions`, then change base url
348 ///
349 /// ```rust
350 /// use url::Url;
351 /// # use url::ParseError;
352 /// # fn run() -> Result<(), ParseError> {
353 /// let options = Url::options();
354 /// let api = Url::parse("https://api.example.com")?;
355 /// let base_url = options.base_url(Some(&api));
356 /// let version_url = base_url.parse("version.json")?;
357 /// assert_eq!(version_url.as_str(), "https://api.example.com/version.json");
358 /// # Ok(())
359 /// # }
360 /// # run().unwrap();
361 /// ```
362 pub fn options<'a>() -> ParseOptions<'a> {
363 ParseOptions {
364 base_url: None,
365 encoding_override: EncodingOverride::utf8(),
366 log_syntax_violation: None,
367 }
368 }
370 /// Return the serialization of this URL.
371 ///
372 /// This is fast since that serialization is already stored in the `Url` struct.
373 ///
374 /// # Examples
375 ///
376 /// ```rust
377 /// use url::Url;
378 /// # use url::ParseError;
379 ///
380 /// # fn run() -> Result<(), ParseError> {
381 /// let url_str = "https://example.net/";
382 /// let url = Url::parse(url_str)?;
383 /// assert_eq!(url.as_str(), url_str);
384 /// # Ok(())
385 /// # }
386 /// # run().unwrap();
387 /// ```
388 #[inline]
389 pub fn as_str(&self) -> &str {
390 &self.serialization
391 }
393 /// Return the serialization of this URL.
394 ///
395 /// This consumes the `Url` and takes ownership of the `String` stored in it.
396 ///
397 /// # Examples
398 ///
399 /// ```rust
400 /// use url::Url;
401 /// # use url::ParseError;
402 ///
403 /// # fn run() -> Result<(), ParseError> {
404 /// let url_str = "https://example.net/";
405 /// let url = Url::parse(url_str)?;
406 /// assert_eq!(url.into_string(), url_str);
407 /// # Ok(())
408 /// # }
409 /// # run().unwrap();
410 /// ```
411 #[inline]
412 pub fn into_string(self) -> String {
413 self.serialization
414 }
416 /// For internal testing, not part of the public API.
417 ///
418 /// Methods of the `Url` struct assume a number of invariants.
419 /// This checks each of these invariants and panic if one is not met.
420 /// This is for testing rust-url itself.
421 #[doc(hidden)]
422 pub fn check_invariants(&self) -> Result<(), String> {
423 macro_rules! assert {
424 ($x: expr) => {
425 if !$x {
426 return Err(format!("!( {} ) for URL {:?}",
427 stringify!($x), self.serialization))
428 }
429 }
430 }
432 macro_rules! assert_eq {
433 ($a: expr, $b: expr) => {
434 {
435 let a = $a;
436 let b = $b;
437 if a != b {
438 return Err(format!("{:?} != {:?} ({} != {}) for URL {:?}",
439 a, b, stringify!($a), stringify!($b),
440 self.serialization))
441 }
442 }
443 }
444 }
446 assert!(self.scheme_end >= 1);
447 assert!(matches!(self.byte_at(0), b'a'...b'z' | b'A'...b'Z'));
448 assert!(self.slice(1..self.scheme_end).chars()
449 .all(|c| matches!(c, 'a'...'z' | 'A'...'Z' | '0'...'9' | '+' | '-' | '.')));
450 assert_eq!(self.byte_at(self.scheme_end), b':');
452 if self.slice(self.scheme_end + 1 ..).starts_with("//") {
453 // URL with authority
454 match self.byte_at(self.username_end) {
455 b':' => {
456 assert!(self.host_start >= self.username_end + 2);
457 assert_eq!(self.byte_at(self.host_start - 1), b'@');
458 }
459 b'@' => assert!(self.host_start == self.username_end + 1),
460 _ => assert_eq!(self.username_end, self.scheme_end + 3),
461 }
462 assert!(self.host_start >= self.username_end);
463 assert!(self.host_end >= self.host_start);
464 let host_str = self.slice(self.host_start..self.host_end);
465 match self.host {
466 HostInternal::None => assert_eq!(host_str, ""),
467 HostInternal::Ipv4(address) => assert_eq!(host_str, address.to_string()),
468 HostInternal::Ipv6(address) => {
469 let h: Host<String> = Host::Ipv6(address);
470 assert_eq!(host_str, h.to_string())
471 }
472 HostInternal::Domain => {
473 if SchemeType::from(self.scheme()).is_special() {
474 assert!(!host_str.is_empty())
475 }
476 }
477 }
478 if self.path_start == self.host_end {
479 assert_eq!(self.port, None);
480 } else {
481 assert_eq!(self.byte_at(self.host_end), b':');
482 let port_str = self.slice(self.host_end + 1..self.path_start);
483 assert_eq!(self.port, Some(port_str.parse::<u16>().expect("Couldn't parse port?")));
484 }
485 assert_eq!(self.byte_at(self.path_start), b'/');
486 } else {
487 // Anarchist URL (no authority)
488 assert_eq!(self.username_end, self.scheme_end + 1);
489 assert_eq!(self.host_start, self.scheme_end + 1);
490 assert_eq!(self.host_end, self.scheme_end + 1);
491 assert_eq!(self.host, HostInternal::None);
492 assert_eq!(self.port, None);
493 assert_eq!(self.path_start, self.scheme_end + 1);
494 }
495 if let Some(start) = self.query_start {
496 assert!(start > self.path_start);
497 assert_eq!(self.byte_at(start), b'?');
498 }
499 if let Some(start) = self.fragment_start {
500 assert!(start > self.path_start);
501 assert_eq!(self.byte_at(start), b'#');
502 }
503 if let (Some(query_start), Some(fragment_start)) = (self.query_start, self.fragment_start) {
504 assert!(fragment_start > query_start);
505 }
507 let other = Url::parse(self.as_str()).expect("Failed to parse myself?");
508 assert_eq!(&self.serialization, &other.serialization);
509 assert_eq!(self.scheme_end, other.scheme_end);
510 assert_eq!(self.username_end, other.username_end);
511 assert_eq!(self.host_start, other.host_start);
512 assert_eq!(self.host_end, other.host_end);
513 assert!(self.host == other.host ||
514 // XXX No host round-trips to empty host.
515 // See https://github.com/whatwg/url/issues/79
516 (self.host_str(), other.host_str()) == (None, Some("")));
517 assert_eq!(self.port, other.port);
518 assert_eq!(self.path_start, other.path_start);
519 assert_eq!(self.query_start, other.query_start);
520 assert_eq!(self.fragment_start, other.fragment_start);
521 Ok(())
522 }
524 /// Return the origin of this URL (<https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#origin>)
525 ///
526 /// Note: this returns an opaque origin for `file:` URLs, which causes
527 /// `url.origin() != url.origin()`.
528 ///
529 /// # Examples
530 ///
531 /// URL with `ftp` scheme:
532 ///
533 /// ```rust
534 /// use url::{Host, Origin, Url};
535 /// # use url::ParseError;
536 ///
537 /// # fn run() -> Result<(), ParseError> {
538 /// let url = Url::parse("ftp://example.com/foo")?;
539 /// assert_eq!(url.origin(),
540 /// Origin::Tuple("ftp".into(),
541 /// Host::Domain("example.com".into()),
542 /// 21));
543 /// # Ok(())
544 /// # }
545 /// # run().unwrap();
546 /// ```
547 ///
548 /// URL with `blob` scheme:
549 ///
550 /// ```rust
551 /// use url::{Host, Origin, Url};
552 /// # use url::ParseError;
553 ///
554 /// # fn run() -> Result<(), ParseError> {
555 /// let url = Url::parse("blob:https://example.com/foo")?;
556 /// assert_eq!(url.origin(),
557 /// Origin::Tuple("https".into(),
558 /// Host::Domain("example.com".into()),
559 /// 443));
560 /// # Ok(())
561 /// # }
562 /// # run().unwrap();
563 /// ```
564 ///
565 /// URL with `file` scheme:
566 ///
567 /// ```rust
568 /// use url::{Host, Origin, Url};
569 /// # use url::ParseError;
570 ///
571 /// # fn run() -> Result<(), ParseError> {
572 /// let url = Url::parse("file:///tmp/foo")?;
573 /// assert!(!url.origin().is_tuple());
574 ///
575 /// let other_url = Url::parse("file:///tmp/foo")?;
576 /// assert!(url.origin() != other_url.origin());
577 /// # Ok(())
578 /// # }
579 /// # run().unwrap();
580 /// ```
581 ///
582 /// URL with other scheme:
583 ///
584 /// ```rust
585 /// use url::{Host, Origin, Url};
586 /// # use url::ParseError;
587 ///
588 /// # fn run() -> Result<(), ParseError> {
589 /// let url = Url::parse("foo:bar")?;
590 /// assert!(!url.origin().is_tuple());
591 /// # Ok(())
592 /// # }
593 /// # run().unwrap();
594 /// ```
595 #[inline]
596 pub fn origin(&self) -> Origin {
597 origin::url_origin(self)
598 }
600 /// Return the scheme of this URL, lower-cased, as an ASCII string without the ':' delimiter.
601 ///
602 /// # Examples
603 ///
604 /// ```
605 /// use url::Url;
606 /// # use url::ParseError;
607 ///
608 /// # fn run() -> Result<(), ParseError> {
609 /// let url = Url::parse("file:///tmp/foo")?;
610 /// assert_eq!(url.scheme(), "file");
611 /// # Ok(())
612 /// # }
613 /// # run().unwrap();
614 /// ```
615 #[inline]
616 pub fn scheme(&self) -> &str {
617 self.slice(..self.scheme_end)
618 }
620 /// Return whether the URL has an 'authority',
621 /// which can contain a username, password, host, and port number.
622 ///
623 /// URLs that do *not* are either path-only like `unix:/run/foo.socket`
624 /// or cannot-be-a-base like `data:text/plain,Stuff`.
625 ///
626 /// # Examples
627 ///
628 /// ```
629 /// use url::Url;
630 /// # use url::ParseError;
631 ///
632 /// # fn run() -> Result<(), ParseError> {
633 /// let url = Url::parse("ftp://rms@example.com")?;
634 /// assert!(url.has_authority());
635 ///
636 /// let url = Url::parse("unix:/run/foo.socket")?;
637 /// assert!(!url.has_authority());
638 ///
639 /// let url = Url::parse("data:text/plain,Stuff")?;
640 /// assert!(!url.has_authority());
641 /// # Ok(())
642 /// # }
643 /// # run().unwrap();
644 /// ```
645 #[inline]
646 pub fn has_authority(&self) -> bool {
647 debug_assert!(self.byte_at(self.scheme_end) == b':');
648 self.slice(self.scheme_end..).starts_with("://")
649 }
651 /// Return whether this URL is a cannot-be-a-base URL,
652 /// meaning that parsing a relative URL string with this URL as the base will return an error.
653 ///
654 /// This is the case if the scheme and `:` delimiter are not followed by a `/` slash,
655 /// as is typically the case of `data:` and `mailto:` URLs.
656 ///
657 /// # Examples
658 ///
659 /// ```
660 /// use url::Url;
661 /// # use url::ParseError;
662 ///
663 /// # fn run() -> Result<(), ParseError> {
664 /// let url = Url::parse("ftp://rms@example.com")?;
665 /// assert!(!url.cannot_be_a_base());
666 ///
667 /// let url = Url::parse("unix:/run/foo.socket")?;
668 /// assert!(!url.cannot_be_a_base());
669 ///
670 /// let url = Url::parse("data:text/plain,Stuff")?;
671 /// assert!(url.cannot_be_a_base());
672 /// # Ok(())
673 /// # }
674 /// # run().unwrap();
675 /// ```
676 #[inline]
677 pub fn cannot_be_a_base(&self) -> bool {
678 !self.slice(self.path_start..).starts_with('/')
679 }
681 /// Return the username for this URL (typically the empty string)
682 /// as a percent-encoded ASCII string.
683 ///
684 /// # Examples
685 ///
686 /// ```
687 /// use url::Url;
688 /// # use url::ParseError;
689 ///
690 /// # fn run() -> Result<(), ParseError> {
691 /// let url = Url::parse("ftp://rms@example.com")?;
692 /// assert_eq!(url.username(), "rms");
693 ///
694 /// let url = Url::parse("ftp://:secret123@example.com")?;
695 /// assert_eq!(url.username(), "");
696 ///
697 /// let url = Url::parse("https://example.com")?;
698 /// assert_eq!(url.username(), "");
699 /// # Ok(())
700 /// # }
701 /// # run().unwrap();
702 /// ```
703 pub fn username(&self) -> &str {
704 if self.has_authority() {
705 self.slice(self.scheme_end + ("://".len() as u32)..self.username_end)
706 } else {
707 ""
708 }
709 }
711 /// Return the password for this URL, if any, as a percent-encoded ASCII string.
712 ///
713 /// # Examples
714 ///
715 /// ```
716 /// use url::Url;
717 /// # use url::ParseError;
718 ///
719 /// # fn run() -> Result<(), ParseError> {
720 /// let url = Url::parse("ftp://rms:secret123@example.com")?;
721 /// assert_eq!(url.password(), Some("secret123"));
722 ///
723 /// let url = Url::parse("ftp://:secret123@example.com")?;
724 /// assert_eq!(url.password(), Some("secret123"));
725 ///
726 /// let url = Url::parse("ftp://rms@example.com")?;
727 /// assert_eq!(url.password(), None);
728 ///
729 /// let url = Url::parse("https://example.com")?;
730 /// assert_eq!(url.password(), None);
731 /// # Ok(())
732 /// # }
733 /// # run().unwrap();
734 /// ```
735 pub fn password(&self) -> Option<&str> {
736 // This ':' is not the one marking a port number since a host can not be empty.
737 // (Except for file: URLs, which do not have port numbers.)
738 if self.has_authority() && self.byte_at(self.username_end) == b':' {
739 debug_assert!(self.byte_at(self.host_start - 1) == b'@');
740 Some(self.slice(self.username_end + 1..self.host_start - 1))
741 } else {
742 None
743 }
744 }
746 /// Equivalent to `url.host().is_some()`.
747 ///
748 /// # Examples
749 ///
750 /// ```
751 /// use url::Url;
752 /// # use url::ParseError;
753 ///
754 /// # fn run() -> Result<(), ParseError> {
755 /// let url = Url::parse("ftp://rms@example.com")?;
756 /// assert!(url.has_host());
757 ///
758 /// let url = Url::parse("unix:/run/foo.socket")?;
759 /// assert!(!url.has_host());
760 ///
761 /// let url = Url::parse("data:text/plain,Stuff")?;
762 /// assert!(!url.has_host());
763 /// # Ok(())
764 /// # }
765 /// # run().unwrap();
766 /// ```
767 pub fn has_host(&self) -> bool {
768 !matches!(self.host, HostInternal::None)
769 }
771 /// Return the string representation of the host (domain or IP address) for this URL, if any.
772 ///
773 /// Non-ASCII domains are punycode-encoded per IDNA.
774 /// IPv6 addresses are given between `[` and `]` brackets.
775 ///
776 /// Cannot-be-a-base URLs (typical of `data:` and `mailto:`) and some `file:` URLs
777 /// don’t have a host.
778 ///
779 /// See also the `host` method.
780 ///
781 /// # Examples
782 ///
783 /// ```
784 /// use url::Url;
785 /// # use url::ParseError;
786 ///
787 /// # fn run() -> Result<(), ParseError> {
788 /// let url = Url::parse("")?;
789 /// assert_eq!(url.host_str(), Some(""));
790 ///
791 /// let url = Url::parse("ftp://rms@example.com")?;
792 /// assert_eq!(url.host_str(), Some("example.com"));
793 ///
794 /// let url = Url::parse("unix:/run/foo.socket")?;
795 /// assert_eq!(url.host_str(), None);
796 ///
797 /// let url = Url::parse("data:text/plain,Stuff")?;
798 /// assert_eq!(url.host_str(), None);
799 /// # Ok(())
800 /// # }
801 /// # run().unwrap();
802 /// ```
803 pub fn host_str(&self) -> Option<&str> {
804 if self.has_host() {
805 Some(self.slice(self.host_start..self.host_end))
806 } else {
807 None
808 }
809 }
811 /// Return the parsed representation of the host for this URL.
812 /// Non-ASCII domain labels are punycode-encoded per IDNA.
813 ///
814 /// Cannot-be-a-base URLs (typical of `data:` and `mailto:`) and some `file:` URLs
815 /// don’t have a host.
816 ///
817 /// See also the `host_str` method.
818 ///
819 /// # Examples
820 ///
821 /// ```
822 /// use url::Url;
823 /// # use url::ParseError;
824 ///
825 /// # fn run() -> Result<(), ParseError> {
826 /// let url = Url::parse("")?;
827 /// assert!(url.host().is_some());
828 ///
829 /// let url = Url::parse("ftp://rms@example.com")?;
830 /// assert!(url.host().is_some());
831 ///
832 /// let url = Url::parse("unix:/run/foo.socket")?;
833 /// assert!(url.host().is_none());
834 ///
835 /// let url = Url::parse("data:text/plain,Stuff")?;
836 /// assert!(url.host().is_none());
837 /// # Ok(())
838 /// # }
839 /// # run().unwrap();
840 /// ```
841 pub fn host(&self) -> Option<Host<&str>> {
842 match self.host {
843 HostInternal::None => None,
844 HostInternal::Domain => Some(Host::Domain(self.slice(self.host_start..self.host_end))),
845 HostInternal::Ipv4(address) => Some(Host::Ipv4(address)),
846 HostInternal::Ipv6(address) => Some(Host::Ipv6(address)),
847 }
848 }
850 /// If this URL has a host and it is a domain name (not an IP address), return it.
851 ///
852 /// # Examples
853 ///
854 /// ```
855 /// use url::Url;
856 /// # use url::ParseError;
857 ///
858 /// # fn run() -> Result<(), ParseError> {
859 /// let url = Url::parse("")?;
860 /// assert_eq!(url.domain(), None);
861 ///
862 /// let url = Url::parse("mailto:rms@example.net")?;
863 /// assert_eq!(url.domain(), None);
864 ///
865 /// let url = Url::parse("https://example.com/")?;
866 /// assert_eq!(url.domain(), Some("example.com"));
867 /// # Ok(())
868 /// # }
869 /// # run().unwrap();
870 /// ```
871 pub fn domain(&self) -> Option<&str> {
872 match self.host {
873 HostInternal::Domain => Some(self.slice(self.host_start..self.host_end)),
874 _ => None,
875 }
876 }
878 /// Return the port number for this URL, if any.
879 ///
880 /// # Examples
881 ///
882 /// ```
883 /// use url::Url;
884 /// # use url::ParseError;
885 ///
886 /// # fn run() -> Result<(), ParseError> {
887 /// let url = Url::parse("https://example.com")?;
888 /// assert_eq!(url.port(), None);
889 ///
890 /// let url = Url::parse("ssh://example.com:22")?;
891 /// assert_eq!(url.port(), Some(22));
892 /// # Ok(())
893 /// # }
894 /// # run().unwrap();
895 /// ```
896 #[inline]
897 pub fn port(&self) -> Option<u16> {
898 self.port
899 }
901 /// Return the port number for this URL, or the default port number if it is known.
902 ///
903 /// This method only knows the default port number
904 /// of the `http`, `https`, `ws`, `wss`, `ftp`, and `gopher` schemes.
905 ///
906 /// For URLs in these schemes, this method always returns `Some(_)`.
907 /// For other schemes, it is the same as `Url::port()`.
908 ///
909 /// # Examples
910 ///
911 /// ```
912 /// use url::Url;
913 /// # use url::ParseError;
914 ///
915 /// # fn run() -> Result<(), ParseError> {
916 /// let url = Url::parse("foo://example.com")?;
917 /// assert_eq!(url.port_or_known_default(), None);
918 ///
919 /// let url = Url::parse("foo://example.com:1456")?;
920 /// assert_eq!(url.port_or_known_default(), Some(1456));
921 ///
922 /// let url = Url::parse("https://example.com")?;
923 /// assert_eq!(url.port_or_known_default(), Some(443));
924 /// # Ok(())
925 /// # }
926 /// # run().unwrap();
927 /// ```
928 #[inline]
929 pub fn port_or_known_default(&self) -> Option<u16> {
930 self.port.or_else(|| parser::default_port(self.scheme()))
931 }
933 /// If the URL has a host, return something that implements `ToSocketAddrs`.
934 ///
935 /// If the URL has no port number and the scheme’s default port number is not known
936 /// (see `Url::port_or_known_default`),
937 /// the closure is called to obtain a port number.
938 /// Typically, this closure can match on the result `Url::scheme`
939 /// to have per-scheme default port numbers,
940 /// and panic for schemes it’s not prepared to handle.
941 /// For example:
942 ///
943 /// ```rust
944 /// # use url::Url;
945 /// # use std::net::TcpStream;
946 /// # use std::io;
947 /// fn connect(url: &Url) -> io::Result<TcpStream> {
948 /// TcpStream::connect(url.with_default_port(default_port)?)
949 /// }
950 ///
951 /// fn default_port(url: &Url) -> Result<u16, ()> {
952 /// match url.scheme() {
953 /// "git" => Ok(9418),
954 /// "git+ssh" => Ok(22),
955 /// "git+https" => Ok(443),
956 /// "git+http" => Ok(80),
957 /// _ => Err(()),
958 /// }
959 /// }
960 /// ```
961 pub fn with_default_port<F>(&self, f: F) -> io::Result<HostAndPort<&str>>
962 where F: FnOnce(&Url) -> Result<u16, ()> {
963 Ok(HostAndPort {
964 host: self.host()
965 .ok_or(())
966 .or_else(|()| io_error("URL has no host"))?,
967 port: self.port_or_known_default()
968 .ok_or(())
969 .or_else(|()| f(self))
970 .or_else(|()| io_error("URL has no port number"))?
971 })
972 }
974 /// Return the path for this URL, as a percent-encoded ASCII string.
975 /// For cannot-be-a-base URLs, this is an arbitrary string that doesn’t start with '/'.
976 /// For other URLs, this starts with a '/' slash
977 /// and continues with slash-separated path segments.
978 ///
979 /// # Examples
980 ///
981 /// ```rust
982 /// use url::{Url, ParseError};
983 ///
984 /// # fn run() -> Result<(), ParseError> {
985 /// let url = Url::parse("https://example.com/api/versions?page=2")?;
986 /// assert_eq!(url.path(), "/api/versions");
987 ///
988 /// let url = Url::parse("https://example.com")?;
989 /// assert_eq!(url.path(), "/");
990 ///
991 /// let url = Url::parse("https://example.com/countries/việt nam")?;
992 /// assert_eq!(url.path(), "/countries/vi%E1%BB%87t%20nam");
993 /// # Ok(())
994 /// # }
995 /// # run().unwrap();
996 /// ```
997 pub fn path(&self) -> &str {
998 match (self.query_start, self.fragment_start) {
999 (None, None) => self.slice(self.path_start..),
1000 (Some(next_component_start), _) |
1001 (None, Some(next_component_start)) => {
1002 self.slice(self.path_start..next_component_start)
1003 }
1004 }
1005 }
1007 /// Unless this URL is cannot-be-a-base,
1008 /// return an iterator of '/' slash-separated path segments,
1009 /// each as a percent-encoded ASCII string.
1010 ///
1011 /// Return `None` for cannot-be-a-base URLs.
1012 ///
1013 /// When `Some` is returned, the iterator always contains at least one string
1014 /// (which may be empty).
1015 ///
1016 /// # Examples
1017 ///
1018 /// ```
1019 /// use url::Url;
1020 /// # use std::error::Error;
1021 ///
1022 /// # fn run() -> Result<(), Box<Error>> {
1023 /// let url = Url::parse("https://example.com/foo/bar")?;
1024 /// let mut path_segments = url.path_segments().ok_or_else(|| "cannot be base")?;
1025 /// assert_eq!(path_segments.next(), Some("foo"));
1026 /// assert_eq!(path_segments.next(), Some("bar"));
1027 /// assert_eq!(path_segments.next(), None);
1028 ///
1029 /// let url = Url::parse("https://example.com")?;
1030 /// let mut path_segments = url.path_segments().ok_or_else(|| "cannot be base")?;
1031 /// assert_eq!(path_segments.next(), Some(""));
1032 /// assert_eq!(path_segments.next(), None);
1033 ///
1034 /// let url = Url::parse("data:text/plain,HelloWorld")?;
1035 /// assert!(url.path_segments().is_none());
1036 ///
1037 /// let url = Url::parse("https://example.com/countries/việt nam")?;
1038 /// let mut path_segments = url.path_segments().ok_or_else(|| "cannot be base")?;
1039 /// assert_eq!(path_segments.next(), Some("countries"));
1040 /// assert_eq!(path_segments.next(), Some("vi%E1%BB%87t%20nam"));
1041 /// # Ok(())
1042 /// # }
1043 /// # run().unwrap();
1044 /// ```
1045 pub fn path_segments(&self) -> Option<str::Split<char>> {
1046 let path = self.path();
1047 if path.starts_with('/') {
1048 Some(path[1..].split('/'))
1049 } else {
1050 None
1051 }
1052 }
1054 /// Return this URL’s query string, if any, as a percent-encoded ASCII string.
1055 ///
1056 /// # Examples
1057 ///
1058 /// ```rust
1059 /// use url::Url;
1060 /// # use url::ParseError;
1061 ///
1062 /// fn run() -> Result<(), ParseError> {
1063 /// let url = Url::parse("https://example.com/products?page=2")?;
1064 /// let query = url.query();
1065 /// assert_eq!(query, Some("page=2"));
1066 ///
1067 /// let url = Url::parse("https://example.com/products")?;
1068 /// let query = url.query();
1069 /// assert!(query.is_none());
1070 ///
1071 /// let url = Url::parse("https://example.com/?country=español")?;
1072 /// let query = url.query();
1073 /// assert_eq!(query, Some("country=espa%C3%B1ol"));
1074 /// # Ok(())
1075 /// # }
1076 /// # run().unwrap();
1077 /// ```
1078 pub fn query(&self) -> Option<&str> {
1079 match (self.query_start, self.fragment_start) {
1080 (None, _) => None,
1081 (Some(query_start), None) => {
1082 debug_assert!(self.byte_at(query_start) == b'?');
1083 Some(self.slice(query_start + 1..))
1084 }
1085 (Some(query_start), Some(fragment_start)) => {
1086 debug_assert!(self.byte_at(query_start) == b'?');
1087 Some(self.slice(query_start + 1..fragment_start))
1088 }
1089 }
1090 }
1092 /// Parse the URL’s query string, if any, as `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`
1093 /// and return an iterator of (key, value) pairs.
1094 ///
1095 /// # Examples
1096 ///
1097 /// ```rust
1098 /// use std::borrow::Cow;
1099 ///
1100 /// use url::Url;
1101 /// # use url::ParseError;
1102 ///
1103 /// # fn run() -> Result<(), ParseError> {
1104 /// let url = Url::parse("https://example.com/products?page=2&sort=desc")?;
1105 /// let mut pairs = url.query_pairs();
1106 ///
1107 /// assert_eq!(pairs.count(), 2);
1108 ///
1109 /// assert_eq!(pairs.next(), Some((Cow::Borrowed("page"), Cow::Borrowed("2"))));
1110 /// assert_eq!(pairs.next(), Some((Cow::Borrowed("sort"), Cow::Borrowed("desc"))));
1111 /// # Ok(())
1112 /// # }
1113 /// # run().unwrap();
1114 ///
1116 #[inline]
1117 pub fn query_pairs(&self) -> form_urlencoded::Parse {
1118 form_urlencoded::parse(self.query().unwrap_or("").as_bytes())
1119 }
1121 /// Return this URL’s fragment identifier, if any.
1122 ///
1123 /// A fragment is the part of the URL after the `#` symbol.
1124 /// The fragment is optional and, if present, contains a fragment identifier
1125 /// that identifies a secondary resource, such as a section heading
1126 /// of a document.
1127 ///
1128 /// In HTML, the fragment identifier is usually the id attribute of a an element
1129 /// that is scrolled to on load. Browsers typically will not send the fragment portion
1130 /// of a URL to the server.
1131 ///
1132 /// **Note:** the parser did *not* percent-encode this component,
1133 /// but the input may have been percent-encoded already.
1134 ///
1135 /// # Examples
1136 ///
1137 /// ```rust
1138 /// use url::Url;
1139 /// # use url::ParseError;
1140 ///
1141 /// # fn run() -> Result<(), ParseError> {
1142 /// let url = Url::parse("https://example.com/data.csv#row=4")?;
1143 ///
1144 /// assert_eq!(url.fragment(), Some("row=4"));
1145 ///
1146 /// let url = Url::parse("https://example.com/data.csv#cell=4,1-6,2")?;
1147 ///
1148 /// assert_eq!(url.fragment(), Some("cell=4,1-6,2"));
1149 /// # Ok(())
1150 /// # }
1151 /// # run().unwrap();
1152 /// ```
1153 pub fn fragment(&self) -> Option<&str> {
1154 self.fragment_start.map(|start| {
1155 debug_assert!(self.byte_at(start) == b'#');
1156 self.slice(start + 1..)
1157 })
1158 }
1160 fn mutate<F: FnOnce(&mut Parser) -> R, R>(&mut self, f: F) -> R {
1161 let mut parser = Parser::for_setter(mem::replace(&mut self.serialization, String::new()));
1162 let result = f(&mut parser);
1163 self.serialization = parser.serialization;
1164 result
1165 }
1167 /// Change this URL’s fragment identifier.
1168 ///
1169 /// # Examples
1170 ///
1171 /// ```rust
1172 /// use url::Url;
1173 /// # use url::ParseError;
1174 ///
1175 /// # fn run() -> Result<(), ParseError> {
1176 /// let mut url = Url::parse("https://example.com/data.csv")?;
1177 /// assert_eq!(url.as_str(), "https://example.com/data.csv");
1179 /// url.set_fragment(Some("cell=4,1-6,2"));
1180 /// assert_eq!(url.as_str(), "https://example.com/data.csv#cell=4,1-6,2");
1181 /// assert_eq!(url.fragment(), Some("cell=4,1-6,2"));
1182 ///
1183 /// url.set_fragment(None);
1184 /// assert_eq!(url.as_str(), "https://example.com/data.csv");
1185 /// assert!(url.fragment().is_none());
1186 /// # Ok(())
1187 /// # }
1188 /// # run().unwrap();
1189 /// ```
1190 pub fn set_fragment(&mut self, fragment: Option<&str>) {
1191 // Remove any previous fragment
1192 if let Some(start) = self.fragment_start {
1193 debug_assert!(self.byte_at(start) == b'#');
1194 self.serialization.truncate(start as usize);
1195 }
1196 // Write the new one
1197 if let Some(input) = fragment {
1198 self.fragment_start = Some(to_u32(self.serialization.len()).unwrap());
1199 self.serialization.push('#');
1200 self.mutate(|parser| parser.parse_fragment(parser::Input::new(input)))
1201 } else {
1202 self.fragment_start = None
1203 }
1204 }
1206 fn take_fragment(&mut self) -> Option<String> {
1207 self.fragment_start.take().map(|start| {
1208 debug_assert!(self.byte_at(start) == b'#');
1209 let fragment = self.slice(start + 1..).to_owned();
1210 self.serialization.truncate(start as usize);
1211 fragment
1212 })
1213 }
1215 fn restore_already_parsed_fragment(&mut self, fragment: Option<String>) {
1216 if let Some(ref fragment) = fragment {
1217 assert!(self.fragment_start.is_none());
1218 self.fragment_start = Some(to_u32(self.serialization.len()).unwrap());
1219 self.serialization.push('#');
1220 self.serialization.push_str(fragment);
1221 }
1222 }
1224 /// Change this URL’s query string.
1225 ///
1226 /// # Examples
1227 ///
1228 /// ```rust
1229 /// use url::Url;
1230 /// # use url::ParseError;
1231 ///
1232 /// # fn run() -> Result<(), ParseError> {
1233 /// let mut url = Url::parse("https://example.com/products")?;
1234 /// assert_eq!(url.as_str(), "https://example.com/products");
1235 ///
1236 /// url.set_query(Some("page=2"));
1237 /// assert_eq!(url.as_str(), "https://example.com/products?page=2");
1238 /// assert_eq!(url.query(), Some("page=2"));
1239 /// # Ok(())
1240 /// # }
1241 /// # run().unwrap();
1242 /// ```
1243 pub fn set_query(&mut self, query: Option<&str>) {
1244 let fragment = self.take_fragment();
1246 // Remove any previous query
1247 if let Some(start) = self.query_start.take() {
1248 debug_assert!(self.byte_at(start) == b'?');
1249 self.serialization.truncate(start as usize);
1250 }
1251 // Write the new query, if any
1252 if let Some(input) = query {
1253 self.query_start = Some(to_u32(self.serialization.len()).unwrap());
1254 self.serialization.push('?');
1255 let scheme_end = self.scheme_end;
1256 self.mutate(|parser| parser.parse_query(scheme_end, parser::Input::new(input)));
1257 }
1259 self.restore_already_parsed_fragment(fragment);
1260 }
1262 /// Manipulate this URL’s query string, viewed as a sequence of name/value pairs
1263 /// in `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` syntax.
1264 ///
1265 /// The return value has a method-chaining API:
1266 ///
1267 /// ```rust
1268 /// # use url::{Url, ParseError};
1269 ///
1270 /// # fn run() -> Result<(), ParseError> {
1271 /// let mut url = Url::parse("https://example.net?lang=fr#nav")?;
1272 /// assert_eq!(url.query(), Some("lang=fr"));
1273 ///
1274 /// url.query_pairs_mut().append_pair("foo", "bar");
1275 /// assert_eq!(url.query(), Some("lang=fr&foo=bar"));
1276 /// assert_eq!(url.as_str(), "https://example.net/?lang=fr&foo=bar#nav");
1277 ///
1278 /// url.query_pairs_mut()
1279 /// .clear()
1280 /// .append_pair("foo", "bar & baz")
1281 /// .append_pair("saisons", "\u{00C9}t\u{00E9}+hiver");
1282 /// assert_eq!(url.query(), Some("foo=bar+%26+baz&saisons=%C3%89t%C3%A9%2Bhiver"));
1283 /// assert_eq!(url.as_str(),
1284 /// "https://example.net/?foo=bar+%26+baz&saisons=%C3%89t%C3%A9%2Bhiver#nav");
1285 /// # Ok(())
1286 /// # }
1287 /// # run().unwrap();
1288 /// ```
1289 ///
1290 /// Note: `url.query_pairs_mut().clear();` is equivalent to `url.set_query(Some(""))`,
1291 /// not `url.set_query(None)`.
1292 ///
1293 /// The state of `Url` is unspecified if this return value is leaked without being dropped.
1294 pub fn query_pairs_mut(&mut self) -> form_urlencoded::Serializer<UrlQuery> {
1295 let fragment = self.take_fragment();
1297 let query_start;
1298 if let Some(start) = self.query_start {
1299 debug_assert!(self.byte_at(start) == b'?');
1300 query_start = start as usize;
1301 } else {
1302 query_start = self.serialization.len();
1303 self.query_start = Some(to_u32(query_start).unwrap());
1304 self.serialization.push('?');
1305 }
1307 let query = UrlQuery { url: self, fragment: fragment };
1308 form_urlencoded::Serializer::for_suffix(query, query_start + "?".len())
1309 }
1311 fn take_after_path(&mut self) -> String {
1312 match (self.query_start, self.fragment_start) {
1313 (Some(i), _) | (None, Some(i)) => {
1314 let after_path = self.slice(i..).to_owned();
1315 self.serialization.truncate(i as usize);
1316 after_path
1317 },
1318 (None, None) => String::new(),
1319 }
1320 }
1322 /// Change this URL’s path.
1323 ///
1324 /// # Examples
1325 ///
1326 /// ```rust
1327 /// use url::Url;
1328 /// # use url::ParseError;
1329 ///
1330 /// # fn run() -> Result<(), ParseError> {
1331 /// let mut url = Url::parse("https://example.com")?;
1332 /// url.set_path("api/comments");
1333 /// assert_eq!(url.as_str(), "https://example.com/api/comments");
1334 /// assert_eq!(url.path(), "/api/comments");
1335 ///
1336 /// let mut url = Url::parse("https://example.com/api")?;
1337 /// url.set_path("data/report.csv");
1338 /// assert_eq!(url.as_str(), "https://example.com/data/report.csv");
1339 /// assert_eq!(url.path(), "/data/report.csv");
1340 /// # Ok(())
1341 /// # }
1342 /// # run().unwrap();
1343 /// ```
1344 pub fn set_path(&mut self, mut path: &str) {
1345 let after_path = self.take_after_path();
1346 let old_after_path_pos = to_u32(self.serialization.len()).unwrap();
1347 let cannot_be_a_base = self.cannot_be_a_base();
1348 let scheme_type = SchemeType::from(self.scheme());
1349 self.serialization.truncate(self.path_start as usize);
1350 self.mutate(|parser| {
1351 if cannot_be_a_base {
1352 if path.starts_with('/') {
1353 parser.serialization.push_str("%2F");
1354 path = &path[1..];
1355 }
1356 parser.parse_cannot_be_a_base_path(parser::Input::new(path));
1357 } else {
1358 let mut has_host = true; // FIXME
1359 parser.parse_path_start(scheme_type, &mut has_host, parser::Input::new(path));
1360 }
1361 });
1362 self.restore_after_path(old_after_path_pos, &after_path);
1363 }
1365 /// Return an object with methods to manipulate this URL’s path segments.
1366 ///
1367 /// Return `Err(())` if this URL is cannot-be-a-base.
1368 pub fn path_segments_mut(&mut self) -> Result<PathSegmentsMut, ()> {
1369 if self.cannot_be_a_base() {
1370 Err(())
1371 } else {
1372 Ok(path_segments::new(self))
1373 }
1374 }
1376 fn restore_after_path(&mut self, old_after_path_position: u32, after_path: &str) {
1377 let new_after_path_position = to_u32(self.serialization.len()).unwrap();
1378 let adjust = |index: &mut u32| {
1379 *index -= old_after_path_position;
1380 *index += new_after_path_position;
1381 };
1382 if let Some(ref mut index) = self.query_start { adjust(index) }
1383 if let Some(ref mut index) = self.fragment_start { adjust(index) }
1384 self.serialization.push_str(after_path)
1385 }
1387 /// Change this URL’s port number.
1388 ///
1389 /// If this URL is cannot-be-a-base, does not have a host, or has the `file` scheme;
1390 /// do nothing and return `Err`.
1391 ///
1392 /// # Examples
1393 ///
1394 /// ```
1395 /// use url::Url;
1396 /// # use std::error::Error;
1397 ///
1398 /// # fn run() -> Result<(), Box<Error>> {
1399 /// let mut url = Url::parse("ssh://example.net:2048/")?;
1400 ///
1401 /// url.set_port(Some(4096)).map_err(|_| "cannot be base")?;
1402 /// assert_eq!(url.as_str(), "ssh://example.net:4096/");
1403 ///
1404 /// url.set_port(None).map_err(|_| "cannot be base")?;
1405 /// assert_eq!(url.as_str(), "ssh://example.net/");
1406 /// # Ok(())
1407 /// # }
1408 /// # run().unwrap();
1409 /// ```
1410 ///
1411 /// Cannot set port for cannot-be-a-base URLs:
1412 ///
1413 /// ```
1414 /// use url::Url;
1415 /// # use url::ParseError;
1416 ///
1417 /// # fn run() -> Result<(), ParseError> {
1418 /// let mut url = Url::parse("mailto:rms@example.net")?;
1419 ///
1420 /// let result = url.set_port(Some(80));
1421 /// assert!(result.is_err());
1422 ///
1423 /// let result = url.set_port(None);
1424 /// assert!(result.is_err());
1425 /// # Ok(())
1426 /// # }
1427 /// # run().unwrap();
1428 /// ```
1429 pub fn set_port(&mut self, mut port: Option<u16>) -> Result<(), ()> {
1430 if !self.has_host() || self.scheme() == "file" {
1431 return Err(())
1432 }
1433 if port.is_some() && port == parser::default_port(self.scheme()) {
1434 port = None
1435 }
1436 self.set_port_internal(port);
1437 Ok(())
1438 }
1440 fn set_port_internal(&mut self, port: Option<u16>) {
1441 match (self.port, port) {
1442 (None, None) => {}
1443 (Some(_), None) => {
1444 self.serialization.drain(self.host_end as usize .. self.path_start as usize);
1445 let offset = self.path_start - self.host_end;
1446 self.path_start = self.host_end;
1447 if let Some(ref mut index) = self.query_start { *index -= offset }
1448 if let Some(ref mut index) = self.fragment_start { *index -= offset }
1449 }
1450 (Some(old), Some(new)) if old == new => {}
1451 (_, Some(new)) => {
1452 let path_and_after = self.slice(self.path_start..).to_owned();
1453 self.serialization.truncate(self.host_end as usize);
1454 write!(&mut self.serialization, ":{}", new).unwrap();
1455 let old_path_start = self.path_start;
1456 let new_path_start = to_u32(self.serialization.len()).unwrap();
1457 self.path_start = new_path_start;
1458 let adjust = |index: &mut u32| {
1459 *index -= old_path_start;
1460 *index += new_path_start;
1461 };
1462 if let Some(ref mut index) = self.query_start { adjust(index) }
1463 if let Some(ref mut index) = self.fragment_start { adjust(index) }
1464 self.serialization.push_str(&path_and_after);
1465 }
1466 }
1467 self.port = port;
1468 }
1470 /// Change this URL’s host.
1471 ///
1472 /// Removing the host (calling this with `None`)
1473 /// will also remove any username, password, and port number.
1474 ///
1475 /// # Examples
1476 ///
1477 /// Change host:
1478 ///
1479 /// ```
1480 /// use url::Url;
1481 /// # use url::ParseError;
1482 ///
1483 /// # fn run() -> Result<(), ParseError> {
1484 /// let mut url = Url::parse("https://example.net")?;
1485 /// let result = url.set_host(Some("rust-lang.org"));
1486 /// assert!(result.is_ok());
1487 /// assert_eq!(url.as_str(), "https://rust-lang.org/");
1488 /// # Ok(())
1489 /// # }
1490 /// # run().unwrap();
1491 /// ```
1492 ///
1493 /// Remove host:
1494 ///
1495 /// ```
1496 /// use url::Url;
1497 /// # use url::ParseError;
1498 ///
1499 /// # fn run() -> Result<(), ParseError> {
1500 /// let mut url = Url::parse("foo://example.net")?;
1501 /// let result = url.set_host(None);
1502 /// assert!(result.is_ok());
1503 /// assert_eq!(url.as_str(), "foo:/");
1504 /// # Ok(())
1505 /// # }
1506 /// # run().unwrap();
1507 /// ```
1508 ///
1509 /// Cannot remove host for 'special' schemes (e.g. `http`):
1510 ///
1511 /// ```
1512 /// use url::Url;
1513 /// # use url::ParseError;
1514 ///
1515 /// # fn run() -> Result<(), ParseError> {
1516 /// let mut url = Url::parse("https://example.net")?;
1517 /// let result = url.set_host(None);
1518 /// assert!(result.is_err());
1519 /// assert_eq!(url.as_str(), "https://example.net/");
1520 /// # Ok(())
1521 /// # }
1522 /// # run().unwrap();
1523 /// ```
1524 ///
1525 /// Cannot change or remove host for cannot-be-a-base URLs:
1526 ///
1527 /// ```
1528 /// use url::Url;
1529 /// # use url::ParseError;
1530 ///
1531 /// # fn run() -> Result<(), ParseError> {
1532 /// let mut url = Url::parse("mailto:rms@example.net")?;
1533 ///
1534 /// let result = url.set_host(Some("rust-lang.org"));
1535 /// assert!(result.is_err());
1536 /// assert_eq!(url.as_str(), "mailto:rms@example.net");
1537 ///
1538 /// let result = url.set_host(None);
1539 /// assert!(result.is_err());
1540 /// assert_eq!(url.as_str(), "mailto:rms@example.net");
1541 /// # Ok(())
1542 /// # }
1543 /// # run().unwrap();
1544 /// ```
1545 ///
1546 /// # Errors
1547 ///
1548 /// If this URL is cannot-be-a-base or there is an error parsing the given `host`,
1549 /// a [`ParseError`] variant will be returned.
1550 ///
1551 /// [`ParseError`]: enum.ParseError.html
1552 pub fn set_host(&mut self, host: Option<&str>) -> Result<(), ParseError> {
1553 if self.cannot_be_a_base() {
1554 return Err(ParseError::SetHostOnCannotBeABaseUrl)
1555 }
1557 if let Some(host) = host {
1558 if host == "" && SchemeType::from(self.scheme()).is_special() {
1559 return Err(ParseError::EmptyHost);
1560 }
1561 self.set_host_internal(Host::parse(host)?, None)
1562 } else if self.has_host() {
1563 if SchemeType::from(self.scheme()).is_special() {
1564 return Err(ParseError::EmptyHost)
1565 }
1566 debug_assert!(self.byte_at(self.scheme_end) == b':');
1567 debug_assert!(self.byte_at(self.path_start) == b'/');
1568 let new_path_start = self.scheme_end + 1;
1569 self.serialization.drain(new_path_start as usize..self.path_start as usize);
1570 let offset = self.path_start - new_path_start;
1571 self.path_start = new_path_start;
1572 self.username_end = new_path_start;
1573 self.host_start = new_path_start;
1574 self.host_end = new_path_start;
1575 self.port = None;
1576 if let Some(ref mut index) = self.query_start { *index -= offset }
1577 if let Some(ref mut index) = self.fragment_start { *index -= offset }
1578 }
1579 Ok(())
1580 }
1582 /// opt_new_port: None means leave unchanged, Some(None) means remove any port number.
1583 fn set_host_internal(&mut self, host: Host<String>, opt_new_port: Option<Option<u16>>) {
1584 let old_suffix_pos = if opt_new_port.is_some() { self.path_start } else { self.host_end };
1585 let suffix = self.slice(old_suffix_pos..).to_owned();
1586 self.serialization.truncate(self.host_start as usize);
1587 if !self.has_authority() {
1588 debug_assert!(self.slice(self.scheme_end..self.host_start) == ":");
1589 debug_assert!(self.username_end == self.host_start);
1590 self.serialization.push('/');
1591 self.serialization.push('/');
1592 self.username_end += 2;
1593 self.host_start += 2;
1594 }
1595 write!(&mut self.serialization, "{}", host).unwrap();
1596 self.host_end = to_u32(self.serialization.len()).unwrap();
1597 self.host = host.into();
1599 if let Some(new_port) = opt_new_port {
1600 self.port = new_port;
1601 if let Some(port) = new_port {
1602 write!(&mut self.serialization, ":{}", port).unwrap();
1603 }
1604 }
1605 let new_suffix_pos = to_u32(self.serialization.len()).unwrap();
1606 self.serialization.push_str(&suffix);
1608 let adjust = |index: &mut u32| {
1609 *index -= old_suffix_pos;
1610 *index += new_suffix_pos;
1611 };
1612 adjust(&mut self.path_start);
1613 if let Some(ref mut index) = self.query_start { adjust(index) }
1614 if let Some(ref mut index) = self.fragment_start { adjust(index) }
1615 }
1617 /// Change this URL’s host to the given IP address.
1618 ///
1619 /// If this URL is cannot-be-a-base, do nothing and return `Err`.
1620 ///
1621 /// Compared to `Url::set_host`, this skips the host parser.
1622 ///
1623 /// # Examples
1624 ///
1625 /// ```rust
1626 /// use url::{Url, ParseError};
1627 ///
1628 /// # fn run() -> Result<(), ParseError> {
1629 /// let mut url = Url::parse("http://example.com")?;
1630 /// url.set_ip_host("".parse().unwrap());
1631 /// assert_eq!(url.host_str(), Some(""));
1632 /// assert_eq!(url.as_str(), "");
1633 /// # Ok(())
1634 /// # }
1635 /// # run().unwrap();
1636 /// ```
1637 ///
1638 /// Cannot change URL's from mailto(cannot-be-base) to ip:
1639 ///
1640 /// ```rust
1641 /// use url::{Url, ParseError};
1642 ///
1643 /// # fn run() -> Result<(), ParseError> {
1644 /// let mut url = Url::parse("mailto:rms@example.com")?;
1645 /// let result = url.set_ip_host("".parse().unwrap());
1646 ///
1647 /// assert_eq!(url.as_str(), "mailto:rms@example.com");
1648 /// assert!(result.is_err());
1649 /// # Ok(())
1650 /// # }
1651 /// # run().unwrap();
1652 /// ```
1653 ///
1654 pub fn set_ip_host(&mut self, address: IpAddr) -> Result<(), ()> {
1655 if self.cannot_be_a_base() {
1656 return Err(())
1657 }
1659 let address = match address {
1660 IpAddr::V4(address) => Host::Ipv4(address),
1661 IpAddr::V6(address) => Host::Ipv6(address),
1662 };
1663 self.set_host_internal(address, None);
1664 Ok(())
1665 }
1667 /// Change this URL’s password.
1668 ///
1669 /// If this URL is cannot-be-a-base or does not have a host, do nothing and return `Err`.
1670 ///
1671 /// # Examples
1672 ///
1673 /// ```rust
1674 /// use url::{Url, ParseError};
1675 ///
1676 /// # fn run() -> Result<(), ParseError> {
1677 /// let mut url = Url::parse("mailto:rmz@example.com")?;
1678 /// let result = url.set_password(Some("secret_password"));
1679 /// assert!(result.is_err());
1680 ///
1681 /// let mut url = Url::parse("ftp://user1:secret1@example.com")?;
1682 /// let result = url.set_password(Some("secret_password"));
1683 /// assert_eq!(url.password(), Some("secret_password"));
1684 ///
1685 /// let mut url = Url::parse("ftp://user2:@example.com")?;
1686 /// let result = url.set_password(Some("secret2"));
1687 /// assert!(result.is_ok());
1688 /// assert_eq!(url.password(), Some("secret2"));
1689 /// # Ok(())
1690 /// # }
1691 /// # run().unwrap();
1692 /// ```
1693 pub fn set_password(&mut self, password: Option<&str>) -> Result<(), ()> {
1694 if !self.has_host() {
1695 return Err(())
1696 }
1697 if let Some(password) = password {
1698 let host_and_after = self.slice(self.host_start..).to_owned();
1699 self.serialization.truncate(self.username_end as usize);
1700 self.serialization.push(':');
1701 self.serialization.extend(utf8_percent_encode(password, USERINFO_ENCODE_SET));
1702 self.serialization.push('@');
1704 let old_host_start = self.host_start;
1705 let new_host_start = to_u32(self.serialization.len()).unwrap();
1706 let adjust = |index: &mut u32| {
1707 *index -= old_host_start;
1708 *index += new_host_start;
1709 };
1710 self.host_start = new_host_start;
1711 adjust(&mut self.host_end);
1712 adjust(&mut self.path_start);
1713 if let Some(ref mut index) = self.query_start { adjust(index) }
1714 if let Some(ref mut index) = self.fragment_start { adjust(index) }
1716 self.serialization.push_str(&host_and_after);
1717 } else if self.byte_at(self.username_end) == b':' { // If there is a password to remove
1718 let has_username_or_password = self.byte_at(self.host_start - 1) == b'@';
1719 debug_assert!(has_username_or_password);
1720 let username_start = self.scheme_end + 3;
1721 let empty_username = username_start == self.username_end;
1722 let start = self.username_end; // Remove the ':'
1723 let end = if empty_username {
1724 self.host_start // Remove the '@' as well
1725 } else {
1726 self.host_start - 1 // Keep the '@' to separate the username from the host
1727 };
1728 self.serialization.drain(start as usize .. end as usize);
1729 let offset = end - start;
1730 self.host_start -= offset;
1731 self.host_end -= offset;
1732 self.path_start -= offset;
1733 if let Some(ref mut index) = self.query_start { *index -= offset }
1734 if let Some(ref mut index) = self.fragment_start { *index -= offset }
1735 }
1736 Ok(())
1737 }
1739 /// Change this URL’s username.
1740 ///
1741 /// If this URL is cannot-be-a-base or does not have a host, do nothing and return `Err`.
1742 /// # Examples
1743 ///
1744 /// Cannot setup username from mailto(cannot-be-base)
1745 ///
1746 /// ```rust
1747 /// use url::{Url, ParseError};
1748 ///
1749 /// # fn run() -> Result<(), ParseError> {
1750 /// let mut url = Url::parse("mailto:rmz@example.com")?;
1751 /// let result = url.set_username("user1");
1752 /// assert_eq!(url.as_str(), "mailto:rmz@example.com");
1753 /// assert!(result.is_err());
1754 /// # Ok(())
1755 /// # }
1756 /// # run().unwrap();
1757 /// ```
1758 ///
1759 /// Setup username to user1
1760 ///
1761 /// ```rust
1762 /// use url::{Url, ParseError};
1763 ///
1764 /// # fn run() -> Result<(), ParseError> {
1765 /// let mut url = Url::parse("ftp://:secre1@example.com/")?;
1766 /// let result = url.set_username("user1");
1767 /// assert!(result.is_ok());
1768 /// assert_eq!(url.username(), "user1");
1769 /// assert_eq!(url.as_str(), "ftp://user1:secre1@example.com/");
1770 /// # Ok(())
1771 /// # }
1772 /// # run().unwrap();
1773 /// ```
1774 pub fn set_username(&mut self, username: &str) -> Result<(), ()> {
1775 if !self.has_host() {
1776 return Err(())
1777 }
1778 let username_start = self.scheme_end + 3;
1779 debug_assert!(self.slice(self.scheme_end..username_start) == "://");
1780 if self.slice(username_start..self.username_end) == username {
1781 return Ok(())
1782 }
1783 let after_username = self.slice(self.username_end..).to_owned();
1784 self.serialization.truncate(username_start as usize);
1785 self.serialization.extend(utf8_percent_encode(username, USERINFO_ENCODE_SET));
1787 let mut removed_bytes = self.username_end;
1788 self.username_end = to_u32(self.serialization.len()).unwrap();
1789 let mut added_bytes = self.username_end;
1791 let new_username_is_empty = self.username_end == username_start;
1792 match (new_username_is_empty, after_username.chars().next()) {
1793 (true, Some('@')) => {
1794 removed_bytes += 1;
1795 self.serialization.push_str(&after_username[1..]);
1796 }
1797 (false, Some('@')) | (_, Some(':')) | (true, _) => {
1798 self.serialization.push_str(&after_username);
1799 }
1800 (false, _) => {
1801 added_bytes += 1;
1802 self.serialization.push('@');
1803 self.serialization.push_str(&after_username);
1804 }
1805 }
1807 let adjust = |index: &mut u32| {
1808 *index -= removed_bytes;
1809 *index += added_bytes;
1810 };
1811 adjust(&mut self.host_start);
1812 adjust(&mut self.host_end);
1813 adjust(&mut self.path_start);
1814 if let Some(ref mut index) = self.query_start { adjust(index) }
1815 if let Some(ref mut index) = self.fragment_start { adjust(index) }
1816 Ok(())
1817 }
1819 /// Change this URL’s scheme.
1820 ///
1821 /// Do nothing and return `Err` if:
1822 ///
1823 /// * The new scheme is not in `[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9+.-]+`
1824 /// * This URL is cannot-be-a-base and the new scheme is one of
1825 /// `http`, `https`, `ws`, `wss`, `ftp`, or `gopher`
1826 ///
1827 /// # Examples
1828 ///
1829 /// Change the URL’s scheme from `https` to `foo`:
1830 ///
1831 /// ```
1832 /// use url::Url;
1833 /// # use url::ParseError;
1834 ///
1835 /// # fn run() -> Result<(), ParseError> {
1836 /// let mut url = Url::parse("https://example.net")?;
1837 /// let result = url.set_scheme("foo");
1838 /// assert_eq!(url.as_str(), "foo://example.net/");
1839 /// assert!(result.is_ok());
1840 /// # Ok(())
1841 /// # }
1842 /// # run().unwrap();
1843 /// ```
1844 ///
1845 ///
1846 /// Cannot change URL’s scheme from `https` to `foõ`:
1847 ///
1848 /// ```
1849 /// use url::Url;
1850 /// # use url::ParseError;
1851 ///
1852 /// # fn run() -> Result<(), ParseError> {
1853 /// let mut url = Url::parse("https://example.net")?;
1854 /// let result = url.set_scheme("foõ");
1855 /// assert_eq!(url.as_str(), "https://example.net/");
1856 /// assert!(result.is_err());
1857 /// # Ok(())
1858 /// # }
1859 /// # run().unwrap();
1860 /// ```
1861 ///
1862 /// Cannot change URL’s scheme from `mailto` (cannot-be-a-base) to `https`:
1863 ///
1864 /// ```
1865 /// use url::Url;
1866 /// # use url::ParseError;
1867 ///
1868 /// # fn run() -> Result<(), ParseError> {
1869 /// let mut url = Url::parse("mailto:rms@example.net")?;
1870 /// let result = url.set_scheme("https");
1871 /// assert_eq!(url.as_str(), "mailto:rms@example.net");
1872 /// assert!(result.is_err());
1873 /// # Ok(())
1874 /// # }
1875 /// # run().unwrap();
1876 /// ```
1877 pub fn set_scheme(&mut self, scheme: &str) -> Result<(), ()> {
1878 let mut parser = Parser::for_setter(String::new());
1879 let remaining = parser.parse_scheme(parser::Input::new(scheme))?;
1880 if !remaining.is_empty() ||
1881 (!self.has_host() && SchemeType::from(&parser.serialization).is_special()) {
1882 return Err(())
1883 }
1884 let old_scheme_end = self.scheme_end;
1885 let new_scheme_end = to_u32(parser.serialization.len()).unwrap();
1886 let adjust = |index: &mut u32| {
1887 *index -= old_scheme_end;
1888 *index += new_scheme_end;
1889 };
1891 self.scheme_end = new_scheme_end;
1892 adjust(&mut self.username_end);
1893 adjust(&mut self.host_start);
1894 adjust(&mut self.host_end);
1895 adjust(&mut self.path_start);
1896 if let Some(ref mut index) = self.query_start { adjust(index) }
1897 if let Some(ref mut index) = self.fragment_start { adjust(index) }
1899 parser.serialization.push_str(self.slice(old_scheme_end..));
1900 self.serialization = parser.serialization;
1901 Ok(())
1902 }
1904 /// Convert a file name as `std::path::Path` into an URL in the `file` scheme.
1905 ///
1906 /// This returns `Err` if the given path is not absolute or,
1907 /// on Windows, if the prefix is not a disk prefix (e.g. `C:`) or a UNC prefix (`\\`).
1908 ///
1909 /// # Examples
1910 ///
1911 /// On Unix-like platforms:
1912 ///
1913 /// ```
1914 /// # if cfg!(unix) {
1915 /// use url::Url;
1916 ///
1917 /// # fn run() -> Result<(), ()> {
1918 /// let url = Url::from_file_path("/tmp/foo.txt")?;
1919 /// assert_eq!(url.as_str(), "file:///tmp/foo.txt");
1920 ///
1921 /// let url = Url::from_file_path("../foo.txt");
1922 /// assert!(url.is_err());
1923 ///
1924 /// let url = Url::from_file_path("https://google.com/");
1925 /// assert!(url.is_err());
1926 /// # Ok(())
1927 /// # }
1928 /// # run().unwrap();
1929 /// # }
1930 /// ```
1931 pub fn from_file_path<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> Result<Url, ()> {
1932 let mut serialization = "file://".to_owned();
1933 let host_start = serialization.len() as u32;
1934 let (host_end, host) = path_to_file_url_segments(path.as_ref(), &mut serialization)?;
1935 Ok(Url {
1936 serialization: serialization,
1937 scheme_end: "file".len() as u32,
1938 username_end: host_start,
1939 host_start: host_start,
1940 host_end: host_end,
1941 host: host,
1942 port: None,
1943 path_start: host_end,
1944 query_start: None,
1945 fragment_start: None,
1946 })
1947 }
1949 /// Convert a directory name as `std::path::Path` into an URL in the `file` scheme.
1950 ///
1951 /// This returns `Err` if the given path is not absolute or,
1952 /// on Windows, if the prefix is not a disk prefix (e.g. `C:`) or a UNC prefix (`\\`).
1953 ///
1954 /// Compared to `from_file_path`, this ensure that URL’s the path has a trailing slash
1955 /// so that the entire path is considered when using this URL as a base URL.
1956 ///
1957 /// For example:
1958 ///
1959 /// * `"index.html"` parsed with `Url::from_directory_path(Path::new("/var/www"))`
1960 /// as the base URL is `file:///var/www/index.html`
1961 /// * `"index.html"` parsed with `Url::from_file_path(Path::new("/var/www"))`
1962 /// as the base URL is `file:///var/index.html`, which might not be what was intended.
1963 ///
1964 /// Note that `std::path` does not consider trailing slashes significant
1965 /// and usually does not include them (e.g. in `Path::parent()`).
1966 pub fn from_directory_path<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> Result<Url, ()> {
1967 let mut url = Url::from_file_path(path)?;
1968 if !url.serialization.ends_with('/') {
1969 url.serialization.push('/')
1970 }
1971 Ok(url)
1972 }
1974 /// Serialize with Serde using the internal representation of the `Url` struct.
1975 ///
1976 /// The corresponding `deserialize_internal` method sacrifices some invariant-checking
1977 /// for speed, compared to the `Deserialize` trait impl.
1978 ///
1979 /// This method is only available if the `serde` Cargo feature is enabled.
1980 #[cfg(feature = "serde")]
1981 #[deny(unused)]
1982 pub fn serialize_internal<S>(&self, serializer: &mut S) -> Result<(), S::Error> where S: serde::Serializer {
1983 use serde::Serialize;
1984 // Destructuring first lets us ensure that adding or removing fields forces this method
1985 // to be updated
1986 let Url { ref serialization, ref scheme_end,
1987 ref username_end, ref host_start,
1988 ref host_end, ref host, ref port,
1989 ref path_start, ref query_start,
1990 ref fragment_start} = *self;
1991 (serialization, scheme_end, username_end,
1992 host_start, host_end, host, port, path_start,
1993 query_start, fragment_start).serialize(serializer)
1994 }
1996 /// Serialize with Serde using the internal representation of the `Url` struct.
1997 ///
1998 /// The corresponding `deserialize_internal` method sacrifices some invariant-checking
1999 /// for speed, compared to the `Deserialize` trait impl.
2000 ///
2001 /// This method is only available if the `serde` Cargo feature is enabled.
2002 #[cfg(feature = "serde")]
2003 #[deny(unused)]
2004 pub fn deserialize_internal<D>(deserializer: &mut D) -> Result<Self, D::Error> where D: serde::Deserializer {
2005 use serde::{Deserialize, Error};
2006 let (serialization, scheme_end, username_end,
2007 host_start, host_end, host, port, path_start,
2008 query_start, fragment_start) = Deserialize::deserialize(deserializer)?;
2009 let url = Url {
2010 serialization: serialization,
2011 scheme_end: scheme_end,
2012 username_end: username_end,
2013 host_start: host_start,
2014 host_end: host_end,
2015 host: host,
2016 port: port,
2017 path_start: path_start,
2018 query_start: query_start,
2019 fragment_start: fragment_start
2020 };
2021 if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
2022 url.check_invariants().map_err(|ref reason| Error::invalid_value(&reason))?
2023 }
2024 Ok(url)
2025 }
2028 /// Assuming the URL is in the `file` scheme or similar,
2029 /// convert its path to an absolute `std::path::Path`.
2030 ///
2031 /// **Note:** This does not actually check the URL’s `scheme`,
2032 /// and may give nonsensical results for other schemes.
2033 /// It is the user’s responsibility to check the URL’s scheme before calling this.
2034 ///
2035 /// ```
2036 /// # use url::Url;
2037 /// # let url = Url::parse("file:///etc/passwd").unwrap();
2038 /// let path = url.to_file_path();
2039 /// ```
2040 ///
2041 /// Returns `Err` if the host is neither empty nor `"localhost"` (except on Windows, where
2042 /// `file:` URLs may have a non-local host),
2043 /// or if `Path::new_opt()` returns `None`.
2044 /// (That is, if the percent-decoded path contains a NUL byte or,
2045 /// for a Windows path, is not UTF-8.)
2046 #[inline]
2047 pub fn to_file_path(&self) -> Result<PathBuf, ()> {
2048 if let Some(segments) = self.path_segments() {
2049 let host = match self.host() {
2050 None | Some(Host::Domain("localhost")) => None,
2051 Some(_) if cfg!(windows) && self.scheme() == "file" => {
2052 Some(&self.serialization[self.host_start as usize .. self.host_end as usize])
2053 },
2054 _ => return Err(())
2055 };
2057 return file_url_segments_to_pathbuf(host, segments);
2058 }
2059 Err(())
2060 }
2062 // Private helper methods:
2064 #[inline]
2065 fn slice<R>(&self, range: R) -> &str where R: RangeArg {
2066 range.slice_of(&self.serialization)
2067 }
2069 #[inline]
2070 fn byte_at(&self, i: u32) -> u8 {
2071 self.serialization.as_bytes()[i as usize]
2072 }
2075/// Return an error if `Url::host` or `Url::port_or_known_default` return `None`.
2076impl ToSocketAddrs for Url {
2077 type Iter = SocketAddrs;
2079 fn to_socket_addrs(&self) -> io::Result<Self::Iter> {
2080 self.with_default_port(|_| Err(()))?.to_socket_addrs()
2081 }
2084/// Parse a string as an URL, without a base URL or encoding override.
2085impl str::FromStr for Url {
2086 type Err = ParseError;
2088 #[inline]
2089 fn from_str(input: &str) -> Result<Url, ::ParseError> {
2090 Url::parse(input)
2091 }
2094/// Display the serialization of this URL.
2095impl fmt::Display for Url {
2096 #[inline]
2097 fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
2098 fmt::Display::fmt(&self.serialization, formatter)
2099 }
2102/// Debug the serialization of this URL.
2103impl fmt::Debug for Url {
2104 #[inline]
2105 fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
2106 fmt::Debug::fmt(&self.serialization, formatter)
2107 }
2110/// URLs compare like their serialization.
2111impl Eq for Url {}
2113/// URLs compare like their serialization.
2114impl PartialEq for Url {
2115 #[inline]
2116 fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
2117 self.serialization == other.serialization
2118 }
2121/// URLs compare like their serialization.
2122impl Ord for Url {
2123 #[inline]
2124 fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> cmp::Ordering {
2125 self.serialization.cmp(&other.serialization)
2126 }
2129/// URLs compare like their serialization.
2130impl PartialOrd for Url {
2131 #[inline]
2132 fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<cmp::Ordering> {
2133 self.serialization.partial_cmp(&other.serialization)
2134 }
2137/// URLs hash like their serialization.
2138impl hash::Hash for Url {
2139 #[inline]
2140 fn hash<H>(&self, state: &mut H) where H: hash::Hasher {
2141 hash::Hash::hash(&self.serialization, state)
2142 }
2145/// Return the serialization of this URL.
2146impl AsRef<str> for Url {
2147 #[inline]
2148 fn as_ref(&self) -> &str {
2149 &self.serialization
2150 }
2153trait RangeArg {
2154 fn slice_of<'a>(&self, s: &'a str) -> &'a str;
2157impl RangeArg for Range<u32> {
2158 #[inline]
2159 fn slice_of<'a>(&self, s: &'a str) -> &'a str {
2160 &s[self.start as usize .. self.end as usize]
2161 }
2164impl RangeArg for RangeFrom<u32> {
2165 #[inline]
2166 fn slice_of<'a>(&self, s: &'a str) -> &'a str {
2167 &s[self.start as usize ..]
2168 }
2171impl RangeArg for RangeTo<u32> {
2172 #[inline]
2173 fn slice_of<'a>(&self, s: &'a str) -> &'a str {
2174 &s[.. self.end as usize]
2175 }
2179impl rustc_serialize::Encodable for Url {
2180 fn encode<S: rustc_serialize::Encoder>(&self, encoder: &mut S) -> Result<(), S::Error> {
2181 encoder.emit_str(self.as_str())
2182 }
2187impl rustc_serialize::Decodable for Url {
2188 fn decode<D: rustc_serialize::Decoder>(decoder: &mut D) -> Result<Url, D::Error> {
2189 Url::parse(&*decoder.read_str()?).map_err(|error| {
2190 decoder.error(&format!("URL parsing error: {}", error))
2191 })
2192 }
2195/// Serializes this URL into a `serde` stream.
2197/// This implementation is only available if the `serde` Cargo feature is enabled.
2199impl serde::Serialize for Url {
2200 fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: &mut S) -> Result<(), S::Error> where S: serde::Serializer {
2201 serializer.serialize_str(self.as_str())
2202 }
2205/// Deserializes this URL from a `serde` stream.
2207/// This implementation is only available if the `serde` Cargo feature is enabled.
2209impl serde::Deserialize for Url {
2210 fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: &mut D) -> Result<Url, D::Error> where D: serde::Deserializer {
2211 let string_representation: String = serde::Deserialize::deserialize(deserializer)?;
2212 Url::parse(&string_representation).map_err(|err| {
2213 serde::Error::invalid_value(err.description())
2214 })
2215 }
2218#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "redox"))]
2219fn path_to_file_url_segments(path: &Path, serialization: &mut String)
2220 -> Result<(u32, HostInternal), ()> {
2221 use std::os::unix::prelude::OsStrExt;
2222 if !path.is_absolute() {
2223 return Err(())
2224 }
2225 let host_end = to_u32(serialization.len()).unwrap();
2226 let mut empty = true;
2227 // skip the root component
2228 for component in path.components().skip(1) {
2229 empty = false;
2230 serialization.push('/');
2231 serialization.extend(percent_encode(
2232 component.as_os_str().as_bytes(), PATH_SEGMENT_ENCODE_SET));
2233 }
2234 if empty {
2235 // An URL’s path must not be empty.
2236 serialization.push('/');
2237 }
2238 Ok((host_end, HostInternal::None))
2242fn path_to_file_url_segments(path: &Path, serialization: &mut String)
2243 -> Result<(u32, HostInternal), ()> {
2244 path_to_file_url_segments_windows(path, serialization)
2247// Build this unconditionally to alleviate https://github.com/servo/rust-url/issues/102
2248#[cfg_attr(not(windows), allow(dead_code))]
2249fn path_to_file_url_segments_windows(path: &Path, serialization: &mut String)
2250 -> Result<(u32, HostInternal), ()> {
2251 use std::path::{Prefix, Component};
2252 if !path.is_absolute() {
2253 return Err(())
2254 }
2255 let mut components = path.components();
2257 let host_end;
2258 let host_internal;
2259 match components.next() {
2260 Some(Component::Prefix(ref p)) => match p.kind() {
2261 Prefix::Disk(letter) | Prefix::VerbatimDisk(letter) => {
2262 host_end = to_u32(serialization.len()).unwrap();
2263 host_internal = HostInternal::None;
2264 serialization.push('/');
2265 serialization.push(letter as char);
2266 serialization.push(':');
2267 },
2268 Prefix::UNC(server, share) | Prefix::VerbatimUNC(server, share) => {
2269 let host = Host::parse(server.to_str().ok_or(())?).map_err(|_| ())?;
2270 write!(serialization, "{}", host).unwrap();
2271 host_end = to_u32(serialization.len()).unwrap();
2272 host_internal = host.into();
2273 serialization.push('/');
2274 let share = share.to_str().ok_or(())?;
2275 serialization.extend(percent_encode(share.as_bytes(), PATH_SEGMENT_ENCODE_SET));
2276 },
2277 _ => return Err(())
2278 },
2280 _ => return Err(())
2281 }
2283 for component in components {
2284 if component == Component::RootDir { continue }
2285 // FIXME: somehow work with non-unicode?
2286 let component = component.as_os_str().to_str().ok_or(())?;
2287 serialization.push('/');
2288 serialization.extend(percent_encode(component.as_bytes(), PATH_SEGMENT_ENCODE_SET));
2289 }
2290 Ok((host_end, host_internal))
2293#[cfg(any(unix, target_os = "redox"))]
2294fn file_url_segments_to_pathbuf(host: Option<&str>, segments: str::Split<char>) -> Result<PathBuf, ()> {
2295 use std::ffi::OsStr;
2296 use std::os::unix::prelude::OsStrExt;
2297 use std::path::PathBuf;
2299 if host.is_some() {
2300 return Err(());
2301 }
2303 let mut bytes = Vec::new();
2304 for segment in segments {
2305 bytes.push(b'/');
2306 bytes.extend(percent_decode(segment.as_bytes()));
2307 }
2308 let os_str = OsStr::from_bytes(&bytes);
2309 let path = PathBuf::from(os_str);
2310 debug_assert!(path.is_absolute(),
2311 "to_file_path() failed to produce an absolute Path");
2312 Ok(path)
2316fn file_url_segments_to_pathbuf(host: Option<&str>, segments: str::Split<char>) -> Result<PathBuf, ()> {
2317 file_url_segments_to_pathbuf_windows(host, segments)
2320// Build this unconditionally to alleviate https://github.com/servo/rust-url/issues/102
2321#[cfg_attr(not(windows), allow(dead_code))]
2322fn file_url_segments_to_pathbuf_windows(host: Option<&str>, mut segments: str::Split<char>) -> Result<PathBuf, ()> {
2324 let mut string = if let Some(host) = host {
2325 r"\\".to_owned() + host
2326 } else {
2327 let first = segments.next().ok_or(())?;
2329 match first.len() {
2330 2 => {
2331 if !first.starts_with(parser::ascii_alpha) || first.as_bytes()[1] != b':' {
2332 return Err(())
2333 }
2335 first.to_owned()
2336 },
2338 4 => {
2339 if !first.starts_with(parser::ascii_alpha) {
2340 return Err(())
2341 }
2342 let bytes = first.as_bytes();
2343 if bytes[1] != b'%' || bytes[2] != b'3' || (bytes[3] != b'a' && bytes[3] != b'A') {
2344 return Err(())
2345 }
2347 first[0..1].to_owned() + ":"
2348 },
2350 _ => return Err(()),
2351 }
2352 };
2354 for segment in segments {
2355 string.push('\\');
2357 // Currently non-unicode windows paths cannot be represented
2358 match String::from_utf8(percent_decode(segment.as_bytes()).collect()) {
2359 Ok(s) => string.push_str(&s),
2360 Err(..) => return Err(()),
2361 }
2362 }
2363 let path = PathBuf::from(string);
2364 debug_assert!(path.is_absolute(),
2365 "to_file_path() failed to produce an absolute Path");
2366 Ok(path)
2369fn io_error<T>(reason: &str) -> io::Result<T> {
2370 Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, reason))
2373/// Implementation detail of `Url::query_pairs_mut`. Typically not used directly.
2375pub struct UrlQuery<'a> {
2376 url: &'a mut Url,
2377 fragment: Option<String>,
2380impl<'a> Drop for UrlQuery<'a> {
2381 fn drop(&mut self) {
2382 self.url.restore_already_parsed_fragment(self.fragment.take())
2383 }
2387/// Define a new struct
2388/// that implements the [`EncodeSet`](percent_encoding/trait.EncodeSet.html) trait,
2389/// for use in [`percent_decode()`](percent_encoding/fn.percent_encode.html)
2390/// and related functions.
2392/// Parameters are characters to include in the set in addition to those of the base set.
2393/// See [encode sets specification](http://url.spec.whatwg.org/#simple-encode-set).
2395/// Example
2396/// =======
2398/// ```rust
2399/// #[macro_use] extern crate url;
2400/// use url::percent_encoding::{utf8_percent_encode, SIMPLE_ENCODE_SET};
2401/// define_encode_set! {
2402/// /// This encode set is used in the URL parser for query strings.
2403/// pub QUERY_ENCODE_SET = [SIMPLE_ENCODE_SET] | {' ', '"', '#', '<', '>'}
2404/// }
2405/// # fn main() {
2406/// assert_eq!(utf8_percent_encode("foo bar", QUERY_ENCODE_SET).collect::<String>(), "foo%20bar");
2407/// # }
2408/// ```
2410macro_rules! define_encode_set {
2411 ($(#[$attr: meta])* pub $name: ident = [$base_set: expr] | {$($ch: pat),*}) => {
2412 $(#[$attr])*
2413 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
2414 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
2415 pub struct $name;
2417 impl $crate::percent_encoding::EncodeSet for $name {
2418 #[inline]
2419 fn contains(&self, byte: u8) -> bool {
2420 match byte as char {
2421 $(
2422 $ch => true,
2423 )*
2424 _ => $base_set.contains(byte)
2425 }
2426 }
2427 }
2428 }