]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blame - vendor/packed_simd/src/api/reductions/float_arithmetic.rs
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/1.52.1+dfsg1'
[rustc.git] / vendor / packed_simd / src / api / reductions / float_arithmetic.rs
1//! Implements portable horizontal float vector arithmetic reductions.
3macro_rules! impl_reduction_float_arithmetic {
4 ([$elem_ty:ident; $elem_count:expr]: $id:ident | $test_tt:tt) => {
5 impl $id {
6 /// Horizontal sum of the vector elements.
7 ///
8 /// The intrinsic performs a tree-reduction of the vector elements.
9 /// That is, for an 8 element vector:
10 ///
11 /// > ((x0 + x1) + (x2 + x3)) + ((x4 + x5) + (x6 + x7))
12 ///
13 /// If one of the vector element is `NaN` the reduction returns
14 /// `NaN`. The resulting `NaN` is not required to be equal to any
15 /// of the `NaN`s in the vector.
16 #[inline]
17 pub fn sum(self) -> $elem_ty {
18 #[cfg(not(target_arch = "aarch64"))]
19 {
20 use crate::llvm::simd_reduce_add_ordered;
21 unsafe { simd_reduce_add_ordered(self.0, 0 as $elem_ty) }
22 }
23 #[cfg(target_arch = "aarch64")]
24 {
25 // FIXME: broken on AArch64
26 // https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/packed_simd/issues/15
27 let mut x = self.extract(0) as $elem_ty;
28 for i in 1..$id::lanes() {
29 x += self.extract(i) as $elem_ty;
30 }
31 x
32 }
33 }
35 /// Horizontal product of the vector elements.
36 ///
37 /// The intrinsic performs a tree-reduction of the vector elements.
38 /// That is, for an 8 element vector:
39 ///
40 /// > ((x0 * x1) * (x2 * x3)) * ((x4 * x5) * (x6 * x7))
41 ///
42 /// If one of the vector element is `NaN` the reduction returns
43 /// `NaN`. The resulting `NaN` is not required to be equal to any
44 /// of the `NaN`s in the vector.
45 #[inline]
46 pub fn product(self) -> $elem_ty {
47 #[cfg(not(target_arch = "aarch64"))]
48 {
49 use crate::llvm::simd_reduce_mul_ordered;
50 unsafe { simd_reduce_mul_ordered(self.0, 1 as $elem_ty) }
51 }
52 #[cfg(target_arch = "aarch64")]
53 {
54 // FIXME: broken on AArch64
55 // https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/packed_simd/issues/15
56 let mut x = self.extract(0) as $elem_ty;
57 for i in 1..$id::lanes() {
58 x *= self.extract(i) as $elem_ty;
59 }
60 x
61 }
62 }
63 }
65 impl crate::iter::Sum for $id {
66 #[inline]
67 fn sum<I: Iterator<Item = $id>>(iter: I) -> $id {
68 iter.fold($id::splat(0.), crate::ops::Add::add)
69 }
70 }
72 impl crate::iter::Product for $id {
73 #[inline]
74 fn product<I: Iterator<Item = $id>>(iter: I) -> $id {
75 iter.fold($id::splat(1.), crate::ops::Mul::mul)
76 }
77 }
79 impl<'a> crate::iter::Sum<&'a $id> for $id {
80 #[inline]
81 fn sum<I: Iterator<Item = &'a $id>>(iter: I) -> $id {
82 iter.fold($id::splat(0.), |a, b| crate::ops::Add::add(a, *b))
83 }
84 }
86 impl<'a> crate::iter::Product<&'a $id> for $id {
87 #[inline]
88 fn product<I: Iterator<Item = &'a $id>>(iter: I) -> $id {
89 iter.fold($id::splat(1.), |a, b| crate::ops::Mul::mul(a, *b))
90 }
91 }
93 test_if! {
94 $test_tt:
95 paste::item! {
96 pub mod [<$id _reduction_float_arith>] {
97 use super::*;
98 fn alternating(x: usize) -> $id {
99 let mut v = $id::splat(1 as $elem_ty);
100 for i in 0..$id::lanes() {
101 if i % x == 0 {
102 v = v.replace(i, 2 as $elem_ty);
103 }
104 }
105 v
106 }
108 #[cfg_attr(not(target_arch = "wasm32"), test)]
109 #[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", wasm_bindgen_test)]
110 fn sum() {
111 let v = $id::splat(0 as $elem_ty);
112 assert_eq!(v.sum(), 0 as $elem_ty);
113 let v = $id::splat(1 as $elem_ty);
114 assert_eq!(v.sum(), $id::lanes() as $elem_ty);
115 let v = alternating(2);
116 assert_eq!(
117 v.sum(),
118 ($id::lanes() / 2 + $id::lanes()) as $elem_ty
119 );
120 }
121 #[cfg_attr(not(target_arch = "wasm32"), test)]
122 #[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", wasm_bindgen_test)]
123 fn product() {
124 let v = $id::splat(0 as $elem_ty);
125 assert_eq!(v.product(), 0 as $elem_ty);
126 let v = $id::splat(1 as $elem_ty);
127 assert_eq!(v.product(), 1 as $elem_ty);
128 let f = match $id::lanes() {
129 64 => 16,
130 32 => 8,
131 16 => 4,
132 _ => 2,
133 };
134 let v = alternating(f);
135 assert_eq!(
136 v.product(),
137 (2_usize.pow(($id::lanes() / f) as u32)
138 as $elem_ty)
139 );
140 }
142 #[cfg_attr(not(target_arch = "wasm32"), test)]
143 #[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", wasm_bindgen_test)]
144 #[allow(unreachable_code)]
145 #[allow(unused_mut)]
146 // ^^^ FIXME: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/55344
147 fn sum_nan() {
148 // FIXME: https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=36732
149 // https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/packed_simd/issues/6
150 return;
152 let n0 = crate::$elem_ty::NAN;
153 let v0 = $id::splat(-3.0);
154 for i in 0..$id::lanes() {
155 let mut v = v0.replace(i, n0);
156 // If the vector contains a NaN the result is NaN:
157 assert!(
158 v.sum().is_nan(),
159 "nan at {} => {} | {:?}",
160 i,
161 v.sum(),
162 v
163 );
164 for j in 0..i {
165 v = v.replace(j, n0);
166 assert!(v.sum().is_nan());
167 }
168 }
169 let v = $id::splat(n0);
170 assert!(v.sum().is_nan(), "all nans | {:?}", v);
171 }
173 #[cfg_attr(not(target_arch = "wasm32"), test)]
174 #[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", wasm_bindgen_test)]
175 #[allow(unreachable_code)]
176 #[allow(unused_mut)]
177 // ^^^ FIXME: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/55344
178 fn product_nan() {
179 // FIXME: https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=36732
180 // https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/packed_simd/issues/6
181 return;
183 let n0 = crate::$elem_ty::NAN;
184 let v0 = $id::splat(-3.0);
185 for i in 0..$id::lanes() {
186 let mut v = v0.replace(i, n0);
187 // If the vector contains a NaN the result is NaN:
188 assert!(
189 v.product().is_nan(),
190 "nan at {} => {} | {:?}",
191 i,
192 v.product(),
193 v
194 );
195 for j in 0..i {
196 v = v.replace(j, n0);
197 assert!(v.product().is_nan());
198 }
199 }
200 let v = $id::splat(n0);
201 assert!(v.product().is_nan(), "all nans | {:?}", v);
202 }
204 #[cfg_attr(not(target_arch = "wasm32"), test)]
205 #[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", wasm_bindgen_test)]
206 #[allow(unused, dead_code)]
207 fn sum_roundoff() {
208 // Performs a tree-reduction
209 fn tree_reduce_sum(a: &[$elem_ty]) -> $elem_ty {
210 assert!(!a.is_empty());
211 if a.len() == 1 {
212 a[0]
213 } else if a.len() == 2 {
214 a[0] + a[1]
215 } else {
216 let mid = a.len() / 2;
217 let (left, right) = a.split_at(mid);
218 tree_reduce_sum(left) + tree_reduce_sum(right)
219 }
220 }
222 let mut start = crate::$elem_ty::EPSILON;
223 let mut scalar_reduction = 0. as $elem_ty;
225 let mut v = $id::splat(0. as $elem_ty);
226 for i in 0..$id::lanes() {
227 let c = if i % 2 == 0 { 1e3 } else { -1. };
228 start *= 3.14 * c;
229 scalar_reduction += start;
230 v = v.replace(i, start);
231 }
232 let simd_reduction = v.sum();
234 let mut a = [0. as $elem_ty; $id::lanes()];
235 v.write_to_slice_unaligned(&mut a);
236 let tree_reduction = tree_reduce_sum(&a);
238 // tolerate 1 ULP difference:
239 let red_bits = simd_reduction.to_bits();
240 let tree_bits = tree_reduction.to_bits();
241 assert!(
242 if red_bits > tree_bits {
243 red_bits - tree_bits
244 } else {
245 tree_bits - red_bits
246 } < 2,
247 "vector: {:?} | simd_reduction: {:?} | \
248 tree_reduction: {} | scalar_reduction: {}",
249 v,
250 simd_reduction,
251 tree_reduction,
252 scalar_reduction
253 );
254 }
256 #[cfg_attr(not(target_arch = "wasm32"), test)]
257 #[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", wasm_bindgen_test)]
258 #[allow(unused, dead_code)]
259 fn product_roundoff() {
260 // Performs a tree-reduction
261 fn tree_reduce_product(a: &[$elem_ty]) -> $elem_ty {
262 assert!(!a.is_empty());
263 if a.len() == 1 {
264 a[0]
265 } else if a.len() == 2 {
266 a[0] * a[1]
267 } else {
268 let mid = a.len() / 2;
269 let (left, right) = a.split_at(mid);
270 tree_reduce_product(left)
271 * tree_reduce_product(right)
272 }
273 }
275 let mut start = crate::$elem_ty::EPSILON;
276 let mut scalar_reduction = 1. as $elem_ty;
278 let mut v = $id::splat(0. as $elem_ty);
279 for i in 0..$id::lanes() {
280 let c = if i % 2 == 0 { 1e3 } else { -1. };
281 start *= 3.14 * c;
282 scalar_reduction *= start;
283 v = v.replace(i, start);
284 }
285 let simd_reduction = v.product();
287 let mut a = [0. as $elem_ty; $id::lanes()];
288 v.write_to_slice_unaligned(&mut a);
289 let tree_reduction = tree_reduce_product(&a);
291 // tolerate 1 ULP difference:
292 let red_bits = simd_reduction.to_bits();
293 let tree_bits = tree_reduction.to_bits();
294 assert!(
295 if red_bits > tree_bits {
296 red_bits - tree_bits
297 } else {
298 tree_bits - red_bits
299 } < 2,
300 "vector: {:?} | simd_reduction: {:?} | \
301 tree_reduction: {} | scalar_reduction: {}",
302 v,
303 simd_reduction,
304 tree_reduction,
305 scalar_reduction
306 );
307 }
308 }
309 }
310 }
311 };