]> git.proxmox.com Git - cargo.git/blob - CONTRIBUTING.md
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into links
[cargo.git] / CONTRIBUTING.md
1 # Contributing to Cargo
3 Thank you for your interest in contributing to Cargo! Good places to
4 start are this document, [ARCHITECTURE.md](ARCHITECTURE.md), which
5 describes the high-level structure of Cargo and [E-easy] bugs on the
6 issue tracker.
8 If you have a general question about Cargo or it's internals, feel free to ask
9 on [IRC].
11 ## Code of Conduct
13 All contributors are expected to follow our [Code of Conduct].
15 ## Bug reports
17 We can't fix what we don't know about, so please report problems liberally. This
18 includes problems with understanding the documentation, unhelpful error messages
19 and unexpected behavior.
21 **If you think that you have identified an issue with Cargo that might compromise
22 its users' security, please do not open a public issue on GitHub. Instead,
23 we ask you to refer to Rust's [security policy].**
25 Opening an issue is as easy as following [this
26 link][new-issues] and filling out the fields.
27 Here's a template that you can use to file an issue, though it's not necessary to
28 use it exactly:
30 <short summary of the problem>
32 I tried this: <minimal example that causes the problem>
34 I expected to see this happen: <explanation>
36 Instead, this happened: <explanation>
38 I'm using <output of `cargo --version`>
40 All three components are important: what you did, what you expected, what
41 happened instead. Please use https://gist.github.com/ if your examples run long.
43 ## Working on issues
45 If you're looking for somewhere to start, check out the [E-easy][E-Easy] tag.
47 Feel free to ask for guidelines on how to tackle a problem on [IRC] or open a
48 [new issue][new-issues]. This is especially important if you want to add new
49 features to Cargo or make large changes to the already existing code-base.
50 Cargo's core developers will do their best to provide help.
52 If you start working on an already-filed issue, post a comment on this issue to
53 let people know that somebody is working it. Feel free to ask for comments if
54 you are unsure about the solution you would like to submit.
56 While Cargo does make use of some Rust-features available only through the
57 `nightly` toolchain, it must compile on stable Rust. Code added to Cargo
58 is encouraged to make use of the latest stable features of the language and
59 `stdlib`.
61 We use the "fork and pull" model [described here][development-models], where
62 contributors push changes to their personal fork and create pull requests to
63 bring those changes into the source repository. This process is partly
64 automated: Pull requests are made against Cargo's master-branch, tested and
65 reviewed. Once a change is approved to be merged, a friendly bot merges the
66 changes into an internal branch, runs the full test-suite on that branch
67 and only then merges into master. This ensures that Cargo's master branch
68 passes the test-suite at all times.
70 Your basic steps to get going:
72 * Fork Cargo and create a branch from master for the issue you are working on.
73 * Please adhere to the code style that you see around the location you are
74 working on.
75 * [Commit as you go][githelp].
76 * Include tests that cover all non-trivial code. The existing tests
77 in `test/` provide templates on how to test Cargo's behavior in a
78 sandbox-environment. The internal crate `cargotest` provides a vast amount
79 of helpers to minimize boilerplate.
80 * Make sure `cargo test` passes. If you do not have the cross-compilers
81 installed locally, ignore the cross-compile test failures or disable them by
82 using `CFG_DISABLE_CROSS_TESTS=1 cargo test`. Note that some tests are enabled
83 only on `nightly` toolchain. If you can, test both toolchains.
84 * Push your commits to GitHub and create a pull request against Cargo's
85 `master` branch.
87 ## Pull requests
89 After the pull request is made, a friendly bot will automatically assign a
90 reviewer; the review-process will make sure that the proposed changes are
91 sound. Please give the assigned reviewer sufficient time, especially during
92 weekends. If you don't get a reply, you may poke the core developers on [IRC].
94 A merge of Cargo's master-branch and your changes is immediately queued
95 to be tested after the pull request is made. In case unforeseen
96 problems are discovered during this step (e.g. a failure on a platform you
97 originally did not develop on), you may ask for guidance. Push additional
98 commits to your branch to tackle these problems.
100 The reviewer might point out changes deemed necessary. Please add them as
101 extra commits; this ensures that the reviewer can see what has changed since
102 the code was previously reviewed. Large or tricky changes may require several
103 passes of review and changes.
105 Once the reviewer approves your pull request, a friendly bot picks it up
106 and [merges][mergequeue] it into Cargo's `master` branch.
108 ## Contributing to the documentation
110 To contribute to the documentation, all you need to do is change the markdown
111 files in the `src/doc` directory. To view the rendered version of changes you
112 have made locally, make sure you have `mdbook` installed and run:
114 ```sh
115 cd src/doc
116 mdbook build
117 open book/index.html
118 ```
120 To install `mdbook` run `cargo install mdbook`.
123 ## Issue Triage
125 Sometimes an issue will stay open, even though the bug has been fixed. And
126 sometimes, the original bug may go stale because something has changed in the
127 meantime.
129 It can be helpful to go through older bug reports and make sure that they are
130 still valid. Load up an older issue, double check that it's still true, and
131 leave a comment letting us know if it is or is not. The [least recently
132 updated sort][lru] is good for finding issues like this.
134 Contributors with sufficient permissions on the Rust-repository can help by
135 adding labels to triage issues:
137 * Yellow, **A**-prefixed labels state which **area** of the project an issue
138 relates to.
140 * Magenta, **B**-prefixed labels identify bugs which are **blockers**.
142 * Light purple, **C**-prefixed labels represent the **category** of an issue.
144 * Dark purple, **Command**-prefixed labels mean the issue has to do with a
145 specific cargo command.
147 * Green, **E**-prefixed labels explain the level of **experience** or
148 **effort** necessary to fix the issue. [**E-mentor**][E-mentor] issues also
149 have some instructions on how to get started.
151 * Red, **I**-prefixed labels indicate the **importance** of the issue. The
152 [I-nominated][inom] label indicates that an issue has been nominated for
153 prioritizing at the next triage meeting.
155 * Purple gray, **O**-prefixed labels are the **operating system** or platform
156 that this issue is specific to.
158 * Orange, **P**-prefixed labels indicate a bug's **priority**. These labels
159 are only assigned during triage meetings and replace the [I-nominated][inom]
160 label.
162 * The light orange **relnotes** label marks issues that should be documented in
163 the release notes of the next release.
166 [githelp]: https://dont-be-afraid-to-commit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/git/commandlinegit.html
167 [development-models]: https://help.github.com/articles/about-collaborative-development-models/
168 [gist]: https://gist.github.com/
169 [new-issues]: https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/issues/new
170 [mergequeue]: https://buildbot2.rust-lang.org/homu/queue/cargo
171 [security policy]: https://www.rust-lang.org/security.html
172 [lru]: https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+sort%3Aupdated-asc
173 [E-easy]: https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/labels/E-easy
174 [E-mentor]: https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/labels/E-mentor
175 [Code of Conduct]: https://www.rust-lang.org/conduct.html
176 [IRC]: https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.mozilla.org/cargo