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1 Design Decisions In Open vSwitch
2 ================================
4 This document describes design decisions that went into implementing
5 Open vSwitch. While we believe these to be reasonable decisions, it is
6 impossible to predict how Open vSwitch will be used in all environments.
7 Understanding assumptions made by Open vSwitch is critical to a
8 successful deployment. The end of this document contains contact
9 information that can be used to let us know how we can make Open vSwitch
10 more generally useful.
12 Asynchronous Messages
13 =====================
15 Over time, Open vSwitch has added many knobs that control whether a
16 given controller receives OpenFlow asynchronous messages. This
17 section describes how all of these features interact.
19 First, a service controller never receives any asynchronous messages
20 unless it changes its miss_send_len from the service controller
21 default of zero in one of the following ways:
23 - Sending an OFPT_SET_CONFIG message with nonzero miss_send_len.
25 - Sending any NXT_SET_ASYNC_CONFIG message: as a side effect, this
26 message changes the miss_send_len to
27 OFP_DEFAULT_MISS_SEND_LEN (128) for service controllers.
29 Second, OFPT_FLOW_REMOVED and NXT_FLOW_REMOVED messages are generated
30 only if the flow that was removed had the OFPFF_SEND_FLOW_REM flag
31 set.
33 Third, OFPT_PACKET_IN and NXT_PACKET_IN messages are sent only to
34 OpenFlow controller connections that have the correct connection ID
35 (see "struct nx_controller_id" and "struct nx_action_controller"):
37 - For packet-in messages generated by a NXAST_CONTROLLER action,
38 the controller ID specified in the action.
40 - For other packet-in messages, controller ID zero. (This is the
41 default ID when an OpenFlow controller does not configure one.)
43 Finally, Open vSwitch consults a per-connection table indexed by the
44 message type, reason code, and current role. The following table
45 shows how this table is initialized by default when an OpenFlow
46 connection is made. An entry labeled "yes" means that the message is
47 sent, an entry labeled "---" means that the message is suppressed.
49 ```
50 master/
51 message and reason code other slave
52 ---------------------------------------- ------- -----
54 OFPR_NO_MATCH yes ---
55 OFPR_ACTION yes ---
57 OFPR_ACTION_SET (OF1.4+) yes ---
58 OFPR_GROUP (OF1.4+) yes ---
63 OFPRR_DELETE yes ---
64 OFPRR_GROUP_DELETE (OF1.4+) yes ---
65 OFPRR_METER_DELETE (OF1.4+) yes ---
66 OFPRR_EVICTION (OF1.4+) yes ---
69 OFPPR_ADD yes yes
70 OFPPR_DELETE yes yes
71 OFPPR_MODIFY yes yes
75 OFPCRR_CONFIG --- ---
85 ```
87 The NXT_SET_ASYNC_CONFIG message directly sets all of the values in
88 this table for the current connection. The
90 controls the setting for OFPR_INVALID_TTL for the "master" role.
94 =============
96 The OpenFlow 1.0 specification requires the output port of the OFPAT_ENQUEUE
97 action to "refer to a valid physical port (i.e. < OFPP_MAX) or OFPP_IN_PORT".
98 Although OFPP_LOCAL is not less than OFPP_MAX, it is an 'internal' port which
99 can have QoS applied to it in Linux. Since we allow the OFPAT_ENQUEUE to apply
100 to 'internal' ports whose port numbers are less than OFPP_MAX, we interpret
101 OFPP_LOCAL as a physical port and support OFPAT_ENQUEUE on it as well.
105 =============
107 The OpenFlow specification for the behavior of OFPT_FLOW_MOD is
108 confusing. The following tables summarize the Open vSwitch
109 implementation of its behavior in the following categories:
111 - "match on priority": Whether the flow_mod acts only on flows
112 whose priority matches that included in the flow_mod message.
114 - "match on out_port": Whether the flow_mod acts only on flows
115 that output to the out_port included in the flow_mod message (if
116 out_port is not OFPP_NONE). OpenFlow 1.1 and later have a
117 similar feature (not listed separately here) for out_group.
119 - "match on flow_cookie": Whether the flow_mod acts only on flows
120 whose flow_cookie matches an optional controller-specified value
121 and mask.
123 - "updates flow_cookie": Whether the flow_mod changes the
124 flow_cookie of the flow or flows that it matches to the
125 flow_cookie included in the flow_mod message.
127 - "updates OFPFF_ flags": Whether the flow_mod changes the
128 OFPFF_SEND_FLOW_REM flag of the flow or flows that it matches to
129 the setting included in the flags of the flow_mod message.
132 flag in the flow_mod is significant.
134 - "updates idle_timeout" and "updates hard_timeout": Whether the
135 idle_timeout and hard_timeout in the flow_mod, respectively,
136 have an effect on the flow or flows matched by the flow_mod.
138 - "updates idle timer": Whether the flow_mod resets the per-flow
139 timer that measures how long a flow has been idle.
141 - "updates hard timer": Whether the flow_mod resets the per-flow
142 timer that measures how long it has been since a flow was
143 modified.
145 - "zeros counters": Whether the flow_mod resets per-flow packet
146 and byte counters to zero.
148 - "may add a new flow": Whether the flow_mod may add a new flow to
149 the flow table. (Obviously this is always true for "add"
150 commands but in some OpenFlow versions "modify" and
151 "modify-strict" can also add new flows.)
153 - "sends flow_removed message": Whether the flow_mod generates a
154 flow_removed message for the flow or flows that it affects.
156 An entry labeled "yes" means that the flow mod type does have the
157 indicated behavior, "---" means that it does not, an empty cell means
158 that the property is not applicable, and other values are explained
159 below the table.
161 OpenFlow 1.0
162 ------------
164 ```
167 === ====== ====== ====== ======
168 match on priority yes --- yes --- yes
169 match on out_port --- --- --- yes yes
170 match on flow_cookie --- --- --- --- ---
171 match on table_id --- --- --- --- ---
172 controller chooses table_id --- --- ---
173 updates flow_cookie yes yes yes
174 updates OFPFF_SEND_FLOW_REM yes + +
175 honors OFPFF_CHECK_OVERLAP yes + +
176 updates idle_timeout yes + +
177 updates hard_timeout yes + +
178 resets idle timer yes + +
179 resets hard timer yes yes yes
180 zeros counters yes + +
181 may add a new flow yes yes yes
182 sends flow_removed message --- --- --- % %
184 (+) "modify" and "modify-strict" only take these actions when they
185 create a new flow, not when they update an existing flow.
187 (%) "delete" and "delete_strict" generates a flow_removed message if
188 the deleted flow or flows have the OFPFF_SEND_FLOW_REM flag set.
189 (Each controller can separately control whether it wants to
190 receive the generated messages.)
191 ```
193 OpenFlow 1.1
194 ------------
196 OpenFlow 1.1 makes these changes:
198 - The controller now must specify the table_id of the flow match
199 searched and into which a flow may be inserted. Behavior for a
200 table_id of 255 is undefined.
202 - A flow_mod, except an "add", can now match on the flow_cookie.
204 - When a flow_mod matches on the flow_cookie, "modify" and
205 "modify-strict" never insert a new flow.
207 ```
210 === ====== ====== ====== ======
211 match on priority yes --- yes --- yes
212 match on out_port --- --- --- yes yes
213 match on flow_cookie --- yes yes yes yes
214 match on table_id yes yes yes yes yes
215 controller chooses table_id yes yes yes
216 updates flow_cookie yes --- ---
217 updates OFPFF_SEND_FLOW_REM yes + +
218 honors OFPFF_CHECK_OVERLAP yes + +
219 updates idle_timeout yes + +
220 updates hard_timeout yes + +
221 resets idle timer yes + +
222 resets hard timer yes yes yes
223 zeros counters yes + +
224 may add a new flow yes # #
225 sends flow_removed message --- --- --- % %
227 (+) "modify" and "modify-strict" only take these actions when they
228 create a new flow, not when they update an existing flow.
230 (%) "delete" and "delete_strict" generates a flow_removed message if
231 the deleted flow or flows have the OFPFF_SEND_FLOW_REM flag set.
232 (Each controller can separately control whether it wants to
233 receive the generated messages.)
235 (#) "modify" and "modify-strict" only add a new flow if the flow_mod
236 does not match on any bits of the flow cookie
237 ```
239 OpenFlow 1.2
240 ------------
242 OpenFlow 1.2 makes these changes:
244 - Only "add" commands ever add flows, "modify" and "modify-strict"
245 never do.
247 - A new flag OFPFF_RESET_COUNTS now controls whether "modify" and
248 "modify-strict" reset counters, whereas previously they never
249 reset counters (except when they inserted a new flow).
251 ```
254 === ====== ====== ====== ======
255 match on priority yes --- yes --- yes
256 match on out_port --- --- --- yes yes
257 match on flow_cookie --- yes yes yes yes
258 match on table_id yes yes yes yes yes
259 controller chooses table_id yes yes yes
260 updates flow_cookie yes --- ---
261 updates OFPFF_SEND_FLOW_REM yes --- ---
262 honors OFPFF_CHECK_OVERLAP yes --- ---
263 updates idle_timeout yes --- ---
264 updates hard_timeout yes --- ---
265 resets idle timer yes --- ---
266 resets hard timer yes yes yes
267 zeros counters yes & &
268 may add a new flow yes --- ---
269 sends flow_removed message --- --- --- % %
271 (%) "delete" and "delete_strict" generates a flow_removed message if
272 the deleted flow or flows have the OFPFF_SEND_FLOW_REM flag set.
273 (Each controller can separately control whether it wants to
274 receive the generated messages.)
276 (&) "modify" and "modify-strict" reset counters if the
277 OFPFF_RESET_COUNTS flag is specified.
278 ```
280 OpenFlow 1.3
281 ------------
283 OpenFlow 1.3 makes these changes:
285 - Behavior for a table_id of 255 is now defined, for "delete" and
286 "delete-strict" commands, as meaning to delete from all tables.
287 A table_id of 255 is now explicitly invalid for other commands.
289 - New flags OFPFF_NO_PKT_COUNTS and OFPFF_NO_BYT_COUNTS for "add"
290 operations.
292 The table for 1.3 is the same as the one shown above for 1.2.
295 OpenFlow 1.4
296 -----------
298 OpenFlow 1.4 makes these changes:
300 - Adds the "importance" field to flow_mods, but it does not
301 explicitly specify which kinds of flow_mods set the importance.
302 For consistency, Open vSwitch uses the same rule for importance
303 as for idle_timeout and hard_timeout, that is, only an "ADD"
304 flow_mod sets the importance. (This issue has been filed with
305 the ONF as EXT-496.)
307 - Eviction Mechanism to automatically delete entries of lower
308 importance to make space for newer entries.
311 OpenFlow 1.4 Bundles
312 ====================
314 Open vSwitch makes all flow table modifications atomically, i.e., any
315 datapath packet only sees flow table configurations either before or
316 after any change made by any flow_mod. For example, if a controller
317 removes all flows with a single OpenFlow "flow_mod", no packet sees an
318 intermediate version of the OpenFlow pipeline where only some of the
319 flows have been deleted.
321 It should be noted that Open vSwitch caches datapath flows, and that
322 the cached flows are NOT flushed immediately when a flow table
323 changes. Instead, the datapath flows are revalidated against the new
324 flow table as soon as possible, and usually within one second of the
325 modification. This design amortizes the cost of datapath cache
326 flushing across multiple flow table changes, and has a significant
327 performance effect during simultaneous heavy flow table churn and high
328 traffic load. This means that different cached datapath flows may
329 have been computed based on a different flow table configurations, but
330 each of the datapath flows is guaranteed to have been computed over a
331 coherent view of the flow tables, as described above.
333 With OpenFlow 1.4 bundles this atomicity can be extended across an
334 arbitrary set of flow_mods. Bundles are supported for flow_mod and
335 port_mod messages only. For flow_mods, both 'atomic' and 'ordered'
336 bundle flags are trivially supported, as all bundled messages are
337 executed in the order they were added and all flow table modifications
338 are now atomic to the datapath. Port mods may not appear in atomic
339 bundles, as port status modifications are not atomic.
341 To support bundles, ovs-ofctl has a '--bundle' option that makes the
342 flow mod commands ('add-flow', 'add-flows', 'mod-flows', 'del-flows',
343 and 'replace-flows') use an OpenFlow 1.4 bundle to operate the
344 modifications as a single atomic transaction. If any of the flow mods
345 in a transaction fail, none of them are executed. All flow mods in a
346 bundle appear to datapath lookups simultaneously.
348 Furthermore, ovs-ofctl 'add-flow' and 'add-flows' commands now accept
349 arbitrary flow mods as an input by allowing the flow specification to
350 start with an explicit 'add', 'modify', 'modify_strict', 'delete', or
351 'delete_strict' keyword. A missing keyword is treated as 'add', so
352 this is fully backwards compatible. With the new '--bundle' option
353 all the flow mods are executed as a single atomic transaction using an
354 OpenFlow 1.4 bundle. Without the '--bundle' option the flow mods are
355 executed in order up to the first failing flow_mod, and in case of an
356 error the earlier successful flow_mods are not rolled back.
360 ==============
362 The OpenFlow 1.1 specification for OFPT_PACKET_IN is confusing. The
363 definition in OF1.1 openflow.h is[*]:
365 ```
366 /* Packet received on port (datapath -> controller). */
367 struct ofp_packet_in {
368 struct ofp_header header;
369 uint32_t buffer_id; /* ID assigned by datapath. */
370 uint32_t in_port; /* Port on which frame was received. */
371 uint32_t in_phy_port; /* Physical Port on which frame was received. */
372 uint16_t total_len; /* Full length of frame. */
373 uint8_t reason; /* Reason packet is being sent (one of OFPR_*) */
374 uint8_t table_id; /* ID of the table that was looked up */
375 uint8_t data[0]; /* Ethernet frame, halfway through 32-bit word,
376 so the IP header is 32-bit aligned. The
377 amount of data is inferred from the length
378 field in the header. Because of padding,
379 offsetof(struct ofp_packet_in, data) ==
380 sizeof(struct ofp_packet_in) - 2. */
381 };
382 OFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct ofp_packet_in) == 24);
383 ```
385 The confusing part is the comment on the data[] member. This comment
386 is a leftover from OF1.0 openflow.h, in which the comment was correct:
387 sizeof(struct ofp_packet_in) is 20 in OF1.0 and offsetof(struct
388 ofp_packet_in, data) is 18. When OF1.1 was written, the structure
389 members were changed but the comment was carelessly not updated, and
390 the comment became wrong: sizeof(struct ofp_packet_in) and
391 offsetof(struct ofp_packet_in, data) are both 24 in OF1.1.
393 That leaves the question of how to implement ofp_packet_in in OF1.1.
394 The OpenFlow reference implementation for OF1.1 does not include any
395 padding, that is, the first byte of the encapsulated frame immediately
396 follows the 'table_id' member without a gap. Open vSwitch therefore
397 implements it the same way for compatibility.
399 For an earlier discussion, please see the thread archived at:
400 https://mailman.stanford.edu/pipermail/openflow-discuss/2011-August/002604.html
402 [*] The quoted definition is directly from OF1.1. Definitions used
403 inside OVS omit the 8-byte ofp_header members, so the sizes in
404 this discussion are 8 bytes larger than those declared in OVS
405 header files.
408 VLAN Matching
409 =============
411 The 802.1Q VLAN header causes more trouble than any other 4 bytes in
412 networking. More specifically, three versions of OpenFlow and Open
413 vSwitch have among them four different ways to match the contents and
414 presence of the VLAN header. The following table describes how each
415 version works.
417 Match NXM OF1.0 OF1.1 OF1.2
418 ----- --------- ----------- ----------- ------------
419 [1] 0000/0000 ????/1,??/? ????/1,??/? 0000/0000,--
420 [2] 0000/ffff ffff/0,??/? ffff/0,??/? 0000/ffff,--
421 [3] 1xxx/1fff 0xxx/0,??/1 0xxx/0,??/1 1xxx/ffff,--
422 [4] z000/f000 ????/1,0y/0 fffe/0,0y/0 1000/1000,0y
423 [5] zxxx/ffff 0xxx/0,0y/0 0xxx/0,0y/0 1xxx/ffff,0y
424 [6] 0000/0fff <none> <none> <none>
425 [7] 0000/f000 <none> <none> <none>
426 [8] 0000/efff <none> <none> <none>
427 [9] 1001/1001 <none> <none> 1001/1001,--
428 [10] 3000/3000 <none> <none> <none>
429 [11] 1000/1000 <none> fffe/0,??/1 1000/1000,--
431 Each column is interpreted as follows.
433 - Match: See the list below.
435 - NXM: xxxx/yyyy means NXM_OF_VLAN_TCI_W with value xxxx and mask
436 yyyy. A mask of 0000 is equivalent to omitting
437 NXM_OF_VLAN_TCI(_W), a mask of ffff is equivalent to
440 - OF1.0 and OF1.1: wwww/x,yy/z means dl_vlan wwww, OFPFW_DL_VLAN x,
441 dl_vlan_pcp yy, and OFPFW_DL_VLAN_PCP z. If OFPFW_DL_VLAN or
442 OFPFW_DL_VLAN_PCP is 1, the corresponding field value is
443 wildcarded, otherwise it is matched. ? means that the given bits
444 are ignored (their conventional values are 0000/x,00/0 in OF1.0,
445 0000/x,00/1 in OF1.1; x is never ignored). <none> means that the
446 given match is not supported.
448 - OF1.2: xxxx/yyyy,zz means OXM_OF_VLAN_VID_W with value xxxx and
449 mask yyyy, and OXM_OF_VLAN_PCP (which is not maskable) with
450 value zz. A mask of 0000 is equivalent to omitting
451 OXM_OF_VLAN_VID(_W), a mask of ffff is equivalent to
452 OXM_OF_VLAN_VID. -- means that OXM_OF_VLAN_PCP is omitted.
453 <none> means that the given match is not supported.
455 The matches are:
457 [1] Matches any packet, that is, one without an 802.1Q header or with
458 an 802.1Q header with any TCI value.
460 [2] Matches only packets without an 802.1Q header.
462 NXM: Any match with (vlan_tci == 0) and (vlan_tci_mask & 0x1000)
463 != 0 is equivalent to the one listed in the table.
465 OF1.0: The spec doesn't define behavior if dl_vlan is set to
466 0xffff and OFPFW_DL_VLAN_PCP is not set.
468 OF1.1: The spec says explicitly to ignore dl_vlan_pcp when
469 dl_vlan is set to 0xffff.
471 OF1.2: The spec doesn't say what should happen if (vlan_vid == 0)
472 and (vlan_vid_mask & 0x1000) != 0 but (vlan_vid_mask != 0x1000),
473 but it would be straightforward to also interpret as [2].
475 [3] Matches only packets that have an 802.1Q header with VID xxx (and
476 any PCP).
478 [4] Matches only packets that have an 802.1Q header with PCP y (and
479 any VID).
481 NXM: z is ((y << 1) | 1).
483 OF1.0: The spec isn't very clear, but OVS implements it this way.
485 OF1.2: Presumably other masks such that (vlan_vid_mask & 0x1fff)
486 == 0x1000 would also work, but the spec doesn't define their
487 behavior.
489 [5] Matches only packets that have an 802.1Q header with VID xxx and
490 PCP y.
492 NXM: z is ((y << 1) | 1).
494 OF1.2: Presumably other masks such that (vlan_vid_mask & 0x1fff)
495 == 0x1fff would also work.
497 [6] Matches packets with no 802.1Q header or with an 802.1Q header
498 with a VID of 0. Only possible with NXM.
500 [7] Matches packets with no 802.1Q header or with an 802.1Q header
501 with a PCP of 0. Only possible with NXM.
503 [8] Matches packets with no 802.1Q header or with an 802.1Q header
504 with both VID and PCP of 0. Only possible with NXM.
506 [9] Matches only packets that have an 802.1Q header with an
507 odd-numbered VID (and any PCP). Only possible with NXM and
508 OF1.2. (This is just an example; one can match on any desired
509 VID bit pattern.)
511 [10] Matches only packets that have an 802.1Q header with an
512 odd-numbered PCP (and any VID). Only possible with NXM. (This
513 is just an example; one can match on any desired VID bit
514 pattern.)
516 [11] Matches any packet with an 802.1Q header, regardless of VID or
517 PCP.
519 Additional notes:
521 - OF1.2: The top three bits of OXM_OF_VLAN_VID are fixed to zero,
522 so bits 13, 14, and 15 in the masks listed in the table may be
523 set to arbitrary values, as long as the corresponding value bits
524 are also zero. The suggested ffff mask for [2], [3], and [5]
525 allows a shorter OXM representation (the mask is omitted) than
526 the minimal 1fff mask.
529 Flow Cookies
530 ============
532 OpenFlow 1.0 and later versions have the concept of a "flow cookie",
533 which is a 64-bit integer value attached to each flow. The treatment
534 of the flow cookie has varied greatly across OpenFlow versions,
535 however.
537 In OpenFlow 1.0:
539 - OFPFC_ADD set the cookie in the flow that it added.
541 - OFPFC_MODIFY and OFPFC_MODIFY_STRICT updated the cookie for
542 the flow or flows that it modified.
544 - OFPST_FLOW messages included the flow cookie.
546 - OFPT_FLOW_REMOVED messages reported the cookie of the flow
547 that was removed.
549 OpenFlow 1.1 made the following changes:
551 - Flow mod operations OFPFC_MODIFY, OFPFC_MODIFY_STRICT,
552 OFPFC_DELETE, and OFPFC_DELETE_STRICT, plus flow stats
553 requests and aggregate stats requests, gained the ability to
554 match on flow cookies with an arbitrary mask.
556 - OFPFC_MODIFY and OFPFC_MODIFY_STRICT were changed to add a
557 new flow, in the case of no match, only if the flow table
558 modification operation did not match on the cookie field.
559 (In OpenFlow 1.0, modify operations always added a new flow
560 when there was no match.)
562 - OFPFC_MODIFY and OFPFC_MODIFY_STRICT no longer updated flow
563 cookies.
565 OpenFlow 1.2 made the following changes:
567 - OFPC_MODIFY and OFPFC_MODIFY_STRICT were changed to never
568 add a new flow, regardless of whether the flow cookie was
569 used for matching.
571 Open vSwitch support for OpenFlow 1.0 implements the OpenFlow 1.0
572 behavior with the following extensions:
574 - An NXM extension field NXM_NX_COOKIE(_W) allows the NXM
576 and OFPFC_DELETE_STRICT flow_mods, plus flow stats requests
577 and aggregate stats requests, to match on flow cookies with
578 arbitrary masks. This is much like the equivalent OpenFlow
579 1.1 feature.
581 - Like OpenFlow 1.1, OFPC_MODIFY and OFPFC_MODIFY_STRICT add a
582 new flow if there is no match and the mask is zero (or not
583 given).
585 - The "cookie" field in OFPT_FLOW_MOD and NXT_FLOW_MOD messages
586 is used as the cookie value for OFPFC_ADD commands, as
587 described in OpenFlow 1.0. For OFPFC_MODIFY and
588 OFPFC_MODIFY_STRICT commands, the "cookie" field is used as a
589 new cookie for flows that match unless it is UINT64_MAX, in
590 which case the flow's cookie is not updated.
592 - NXT_PACKET_IN (the Nicira extended version of
593 OFPT_PACKET_IN) reports the cookie of the rule that
594 generated the packet, or all-1-bits if no rule generated the
595 packet. (Older versions of OVS used all-0-bits instead of
596 all-1-bits.)
598 The following table shows the handling of different protocols when
599 receiving OFPFC_MODIFY and OFPFC_MODIFY_STRICT messages. A mask of 0
600 indicates either an explicit mask of zero or an implicit one by not
601 specifying the NXM_NX_COOKIE(_W) field.
603 ```
604 Match Update Add on miss Add on miss
605 cookie cookie mask!=0 mask==0
606 ====== ====== =========== ===========
607 OpenFlow 1.0 no yes <always add on miss>
608 OpenFlow 1.1 yes no no yes
609 OpenFlow 1.2 yes no no no
610 NXM yes yes* no yes
612 * Updates the flow's cookie unless the "cookie" field is UINT64_MAX.
613 ```
615 Multiple Table Support
616 ======================
618 OpenFlow 1.0 has only rudimentary support for multiple flow tables.
619 Notably, OpenFlow 1.0 does not allow the controller to specify the
620 flow table to which a flow is to be added. Open vSwitch adds an
621 extension for this purpose, which is enabled on a per-OpenFlow
622 connection basis using the NXT_FLOW_MOD_TABLE_ID message. When the
623 extension is enabled, the upper 8 bits of the 'command' member in an
624 OFPT_FLOW_MOD or NXT_FLOW_MOD message designates the table to which a
625 flow is to be added.
627 The Open vSwitch software switch implementation offers 255 flow
628 tables. On packet ingress, only the first flow table (table 0) is
629 searched, and the contents of the remaining tables are not considered
630 in any way. Tables other than table 0 only come into play when an
631 NXAST_RESUBMIT_TABLE action specifies another table to search.
633 Tables 128 and above are reserved for use by the switch itself.
634 Controllers should use only tables 0 through 127.
637 OFPTC_* Table Configuration
638 ===========================
640 This section covers the history of the OFPTC_* table configuration
641 bits across OpenFlow versions.
643 OpenFlow 1.0 flow tables had fixed configurations.
645 OpenFlow 1.1 enabled controllers to configure behavior upon flow table
646 miss and added the OFPTC_MISS_* constants for that purpose. OFPTC_*
647 did not control anything else but it was nevertheless conceptualized
648 as a set of bit-fields instead of an enum. OF1.1 added the
649 OFPT_TABLE_MOD message to set OFPTC_MISS_* for a flow table and added
650 the 'config' field to the OFPST_TABLE reply to report the current
651 setting.
653 OpenFlow 1.2 did not change anything in this regard.
655 OpenFlow 1.3 switched to another means to changing flow table miss
656 behavior and deprecated OFPTC_MISS_* without adding any more OFPTC_*
657 constants. This meant that OFPT_TABLE_MOD now had no purpose at all,
658 but OF1.3 kept it around "for backward compatibility with older and
659 newer versions of the specification." At the same time, OF1.3
660 introduced a new message OFPMP_TABLE_FEATURES that included a field
661 'config' documented as reporting the OFPTC_* values set with
662 OFPT_TABLE_MOD; of course this served no real purpose because no
663 OFPTC_* values are defined. OF1.3 did remove the OFPTC_* field from
664 OFPMP_TABLE (previously named OFPST_TABLE).
666 OpenFlow 1.4 defined two new OFPTC_* constants, OFPTC_EVICTION and
667 OFPTC_VACANCY_EVENTS, using bits that did not overlap with
668 OFPTC_MISS_* even though those bits had not been defined since OF1.2.
669 OFPT_TABLE_MOD still controlled these settings. The field for OFPTC_*
670 values in OFPMP_TABLE_FEATURES was renamed from 'config' to
671 'capabilities' and documented as reporting the flags that are
672 supported in a OFPT_TABLE_MOD message. The OFPMP_TABLE_DESC message
673 newly added in OF1.4 reported the OFPTC_* setting.
675 OpenFlow 1.5 did not change anything in this regard.
677 The following table summarizes. The columns say:
679 - OpenFlow version(s).
681 - The OFPTC_* flags defined in those versions.
683 - Whether OFPT_TABLE_MOD can modify OFPTC_* flags.
685 - Whether OFPST_TABLE/OFPMP_TABLE reports the OFPTC_* flags.
687 - What OFPMP_TABLE_FEATURES reports (if it exists): either the
688 current configuration or the switch's capabilities.
690 - Whether OFPMP_TABLE_DESC reports the current configuration.
693 --------- ----------------------- --------- ------ -------------- ----------
694 OF1.0 none no[*][+] no[*] nothing[*][+] no[*][+]
695 OF1.1/1.2 MISS_* yes yes nothing[+] no[+]
696 OF1.3 none yes[*] no[*] config[*] no[*][+]
697 OF1.4/1.5 EVICTION/VACANCY_EVENTS yes no capabilities yes
699 [*] Nothing to report/change anyway.
701 [+] No such message.
704 IPv6
705 ====
707 Open vSwitch supports stateless handling of IPv6 packets. Flows can be
708 written to support matching TCP, UDP, and ICMPv6 headers within an IPv6
709 packet. Deeper matching of some Neighbor Discovery messages is also
710 supported.
712 IPv6 was not designed to interact well with middle-boxes. This,
713 combined with Open vSwitch's stateless nature, have affected the
714 processing of IPv6 traffic, which is detailed below.
716 Extension Headers
717 -----------------
719 The base IPv6 header is incredibly simple with the intention of only
720 containing information relevant for routing packets between two
721 endpoints. IPv6 relies heavily on the use of extension headers to
722 provide any other functionality. Unfortunately, the extension headers
723 were designed in such a way that it is impossible to move to the next
724 header (including the layer-4 payload) unless the current header is
725 understood.
727 Open vSwitch will process the following extension headers and continue
728 to the next header:
730 * Fragment (see the next section)
731 * AH (Authentication Header)
732 * Hop-by-Hop Options
733 * Routing
734 * Destination Options
736 When a header is encountered that is not in that list, it is considered
737 "terminal". A terminal header's IPv6 protocol value is stored in
738 "nw_proto" for matching purposes. If a terminal header is TCP, UDP, or
739 ICMPv6, the packet will be further processed in an attempt to extract
740 layer-4 information.
742 Fragments
743 ---------
745 IPv6 requires that every link in the internet have an MTU of 1280 octets
746 or greater (RFC 2460). As such, a terminal header (as described above in
747 "Extension Headers") in the first fragment should generally be
748 reachable. In this case, the terminal header's IPv6 protocol type is
749 stored in the "nw_proto" field for matching purposes. If a terminal
750 header cannot be found in the first fragment (one with a fragment offset
751 of zero), the "nw_proto" field is set to 0. Subsequent fragments (those
752 with a non-zero fragment offset) have the "nw_proto" field set to the
753 IPv6 protocol type for fragments (44).
755 Jumbograms
756 ----------
758 An IPv6 jumbogram (RFC 2675) is a packet containing a payload longer
759 than 65,535 octets. A jumbogram is only relevant in subnets with a link
760 MTU greater than 65,575 octets, and are not required to be supported on
761 nodes that do not connect to link with such large MTUs. Currently, Open
762 vSwitch doesn't process jumbograms.
765 In-Band Control
766 ===============
768 Motivation
769 ----------
771 An OpenFlow switch must establish and maintain a TCP network
772 connection to its controller. There are two basic ways to categorize
773 the network that this connection traverses: either it is completely
774 separate from the one that the switch is otherwise controlling, or its
775 path may overlap the network that the switch controls. We call the
776 former case "out-of-band control", the latter case "in-band control".
778 Out-of-band control has the following benefits:
780 - Simplicity: Out-of-band control slightly simplifies the switch
781 implementation.
783 - Reliability: Excessive switch traffic volume cannot interfere
784 with control traffic.
786 - Integrity: Machines not on the control network cannot
787 impersonate a switch or a controller.
789 - Confidentiality: Machines not on the control network cannot
790 snoop on control traffic.
792 In-band control, on the other hand, has the following advantages:
794 - No dedicated port: There is no need to dedicate a physical
795 switch port to control, which is important on switches that have
796 few ports (e.g. wireless routers, low-end embedded platforms).
798 - No dedicated network: There is no need to build and maintain a
799 separate control network. This is important in many
800 environments because it reduces proliferation of switches and
801 wiring.
803 Open vSwitch supports both out-of-band and in-band control. This
804 section describes the principles behind in-band control. See the
805 description of the Controller table in ovs-vswitchd.conf.db(5) to
806 configure OVS for in-band control.
808 Principles
809 ----------
811 The fundamental principle of in-band control is that an OpenFlow
812 switch must recognize and switch control traffic without involving the
813 OpenFlow controller. All the details of implementing in-band control
814 are special cases of this principle.
816 The rationale for this principle is simple. If the switch does not
817 handle in-band control traffic itself, then it will be caught in a
818 contradiction: it must contact the controller, but it cannot, because
819 only the controller can set up the flows that are needed to contact
820 the controller.
822 The following points describe important special cases of this
823 principle.
825 - In-band control must be implemented regardless of whether the
826 switch is connected.
828 It is tempting to implement the in-band control rules only when
829 the switch is not connected to the controller, using the
830 reasoning that the controller should have complete control once
831 it has established a connection with the switch.
833 This does not work in practice. Consider the case where the
834 switch is connected to the controller. Occasionally it can
835 happen that the controller forgets or otherwise needs to obtain
836 the MAC address of the switch. To do so, the controller sends a
837 broadcast ARP request. A switch that implements the in-band
838 control rules only when it is disconnected will then send an
839 OFPT_PACKET_IN message up to the controller. The controller will
840 be unable to respond, because it does not know the MAC address of
841 the switch. This is a deadlock situation that can only be
842 resolved by the switch noticing that its connection to the
843 controller has hung and reconnecting.
845 - In-band control must override flows set up by the controller.
847 It is reasonable to assume that flows set up by the OpenFlow
848 controller should take precedence over in-band control, on the
849 basis that the controller should be in charge of the switch.
851 Again, this does not work in practice. Reasonable controller
852 implementations may set up a "last resort" fallback rule that
853 wildcards every field and, e.g., sends it up to the controller or
854 discards it. If a controller does that, then it will isolate
855 itself from the switch.
857 - The switch must recognize all control traffic.
859 The fundamental principle of in-band control states, in part,
860 that a switch must recognize control traffic without involving
861 the OpenFlow controller. More specifically, the switch must
862 recognize *all* control traffic. "False negatives", that is,
863 packets that constitute control traffic but that the switch does
864 not recognize as control traffic, lead to control traffic storms.
866 Consider an OpenFlow switch that only recognizes control packets
867 sent to or from that switch. Now suppose that two switches of
868 this type, named A and B, are connected to ports on an Ethernet
869 hub (not a switch) and that an OpenFlow controller is connected
870 to a third hub port. In this setup, control traffic sent by
871 switch A will be seen by switch B, which will send it to the
872 controller as part of an OFPT_PACKET_IN message. Switch A will
873 then see the OFPT_PACKET_IN message's packet, re-encapsulate it
874 in another OFPT_PACKET_IN, and send it to the controller. Switch
875 B will then see that OFPT_PACKET_IN, and so on in an infinite
876 loop.
878 Incidentally, the consequences of "false positives", where
879 packets that are not control traffic are nevertheless recognized
880 as control traffic, are much less severe. The controller will
881 not be able to control their behavior, but the network will
882 remain in working order. False positives do constitute a
883 security problem.
885 - The switch should use echo-requests to detect disconnection.
887 TCP will notice that a connection has hung, but this can take a
888 considerable amount of time. For example, with default settings
889 the Linux kernel TCP implementation will retransmit for between
890 13 and 30 minutes, depending on the connection's retransmission
891 timeout, according to kernel documentation. This is far too long
892 for a switch to be disconnected, so an OpenFlow switch should
893 implement its own connection timeout. OpenFlow OFPT_ECHO_REQUEST
894 messages are the best way to do this, since they test the
895 OpenFlow connection itself.
897 Implementation
898 --------------
900 This section describes how Open vSwitch implements in-band control.
901 Correctly implementing in-band control has proven difficult due to its
902 many subtleties, and has thus gone through many iterations. Please
903 read through and understand the reasoning behind the chosen rules
904 before making modifications.
906 Open vSwitch implements in-band control as "hidden" flows, that is,
907 flows that are not visible through OpenFlow, and at a higher priority
908 than wildcarded flows can be set up through OpenFlow. This is done so
909 that the OpenFlow controller cannot interfere with them and possibly
910 break connectivity with its switches. It is possible to see all
911 flows, including in-band ones, with the ovs-appctl "bridge/dump-flows"
912 command.
914 The Open vSwitch implementation of in-band control can hide traffic to
915 arbitrary "remotes", where each remote is one TCP port on one IP address.
916 Currently the remotes are automatically configured as the in-band OpenFlow
917 controllers plus the OVSDB managers, if any. (The latter is a requirement
918 because OVSDB managers are responsible for configuring OpenFlow controllers,
919 so if the manager cannot be reached then OpenFlow cannot be reconfigured.)
921 The following rules (with the OFPP_NORMAL action) are set up on any bridge
922 that has any remotes:
924 (a) DHCP requests sent from the local port.
925 (b) ARP replies to the local port's MAC address.
926 (c) ARP requests from the local port's MAC address.
928 In-band also sets up the following rules for each unique next-hop MAC
929 address for the remotes' IPs (the "next hop" is either the remote
930 itself, if it is on a local subnet, or the gateway to reach the remote):
932 (d) ARP replies to the next hop's MAC address.
933 (e) ARP requests from the next hop's MAC address.
935 In-band also sets up the following rules for each unique remote IP address:
937 (f) ARP replies containing the remote's IP address as a target.
938 (g) ARP requests containing the remote's IP address as a source.
940 In-band also sets up the following rules for each unique remote (IP,port)
941 pair:
943 (h) TCP traffic to the remote's IP and port.
944 (i) TCP traffic from the remote's IP and port.
946 The goal of these rules is to be as narrow as possible to allow a
947 switch to join a network and be able to communicate with the
948 remotes. As mentioned earlier, these rules have higher priority
949 than the controller's rules, so if they are too broad, they may
950 prevent the controller from implementing its policy. As such,
951 in-band actively monitors some aspects of flow and packet processing
952 so that the rules can be made more precise.
954 In-band control monitors attempts to add flows into the datapath that
955 could interfere with its duties. The datapath only allows exact
956 match entries, so in-band control is able to be very precise about
957 the flows it prevents. Flows that miss in the datapath are sent to
958 userspace to be processed, so preventing these flows from being
959 cached in the "fast path" does not affect correctness. The only type
960 of flow that is currently prevented is one that would prevent DHCP
961 replies from being seen by the local port. For example, a rule that
962 forwarded all DHCP traffic to the controller would not be allowed,
963 but one that forwarded to all ports (including the local port) would.
965 As mentioned earlier, packets that miss in the datapath are sent to
966 the userspace for processing. The userspace has its own flow table,
967 the "classifier", so in-band checks whether any special processing
968 is needed before the classifier is consulted. If a packet is a DHCP
969 response to a request from the local port, the packet is forwarded to
970 the local port, regardless of the flow table. Note that this requires
971 L7 processing of DHCP replies to determine whether the 'chaddr' field
972 matches the MAC address of the local port.
974 It is interesting to note that for an L3-based in-band control
975 mechanism, the majority of rules are devoted to ARP traffic. At first
976 glance, some of these rules appear redundant. However, each serves an
977 important role. First, in order to determine the MAC address of the
978 remote side (controller or gateway) for other ARP rules, we must allow
979 ARP traffic for our local port with rules (b) and (c). If we are
980 between a switch and its connection to the remote, we have to
981 allow the other switch's ARP traffic to through. This is done with
982 rules (d) and (e), since we do not know the addresses of the other
983 switches a priori, but do know the remote's or gateway's. Finally,
984 if the remote is running in a local guest VM that is not reached
985 through the local port, the switch that is connected to the VM must
986 allow ARP traffic based on the remote's IP address, since it will
987 not know the MAC address of the local port that is sending the traffic
988 or the MAC address of the remote in the guest VM.
990 With a few notable exceptions below, in-band should work in most
991 network setups. The following are considered "supported" in the
992 current implementation:
994 - Locally Connected. The switch and remote are on the same
995 subnet. This uses rules (a), (b), (c), (h), and (i).
997 - Reached through Gateway. The switch and remote are on
998 different subnets and must go through a gateway. This uses
999 rules (a), (b), (c), (h), and (i).
1001 - Between Switch and Remote. This switch is between another
1002 switch and the remote, and we want to allow the other
1003 switch's traffic through. This uses rules (d), (e), (h), and
1004 (i). It uses (b) and (c) indirectly in order to know the MAC
1005 address for rules (d) and (e). Note that DHCP for the other
1006 switch will not work unless an OpenFlow controller explicitly lets this
1007 switch pass the traffic.
1009 - Between Switch and Gateway. This switch is between another
1010 switch and the gateway, and we want to allow the other switch's
1011 traffic through. This uses the same rules and logic as the
1012 "Between Switch and Remote" configuration described earlier.
1014 - Remote on Local VM. The remote is a guest VM on the
1015 system running in-band control. This uses rules (a), (b), (c),
1016 (h), and (i).
1018 - Remote on Local VM with Different Networks. The remote
1019 is a guest VM on the system running in-band control, but the
1020 local port is not used to connect to the remote. For
1021 example, an IP address is configured on eth0 of the switch. The
1022 remote's VM is connected through eth1 of the switch, but an
1023 IP address has not been configured for that port on the switch.
1024 As such, the switch will use eth0 to connect to the remote,
1025 and eth1's rules about the local port will not work. In the
1026 example, the switch attached to eth0 would use rules (a), (b),
1027 (c), (h), and (i) on eth0. The switch attached to eth1 would use
1028 rules (f), (g), (h), and (i).
1030 The following are explicitly *not* supported by in-band control:
1032 - Specify Remote by Name. Currently, the remote must be
1033 identified by IP address. A naive approach would be to permit
1034 all DNS traffic. Unfortunately, this would prevent the
1035 controller from defining any policy over DNS. Since switches
1036 that are located behind us need to connect to the remote,
1037 in-band cannot simply add a rule that allows DNS traffic from
1038 the local port. The "correct" way to support this is to parse
1039 DNS requests to allow all traffic related to a request for the
1040 remote's name through. Due to the potential security
1041 problems and amount of processing, we decided to hold off for
1042 the time-being.
1044 - Differing Remotes for Switches. All switches must know
1045 the L3 addresses for all the remotes that other switches
1046 may use, since rules need to be set up to allow traffic related
1047 to those remotes through. See rules (f), (g), (h), and (i).
1049 - Differing Routes for Switches. In order for the switch to
1050 allow other switches to connect to a remote through a
1051 gateway, it allows the gateway's traffic through with rules (d)
1052 and (e). If the routes to the remote differ for the two
1053 switches, we will not know the MAC address of the alternate
1054 gateway.
1057 Action Reproduction
1058 ===================
1060 It seems likely that many controllers, at least at startup, use the
1061 OpenFlow "flow statistics" request to obtain existing flows, then
1062 compare the flows' actions against the actions that they expect to
1063 find. Before version 1.8.0, Open vSwitch always returned exact,
1064 byte-for-byte copies of the actions that had been added to the flow
1065 table. The current version of Open vSwitch does not always do this in
1066 some exceptional cases. This section lists the exceptions that
1067 controller authors must keep in mind if they compare actual actions
1068 against desired actions in a bytewise fashion:
1070 - Open vSwitch zeros padding bytes in action structures,
1071 regardless of their values when the flows were added.
1073 - Open vSwitch "normalizes" the instructions in OpenFlow 1.1
1074 (and later) in the following way:
1076 * OVS sorts the instructions into the following order:
1077 Apply-Actions, Clear-Actions, Write-Actions,
1078 Write-Metadata, Goto-Table.
1080 * OVS drops Apply-Actions instructions that have empty
1081 action lists.
1083 * OVS drops Write-Actions instructions that have empty
1084 action sets.
1086 Please report other discrepancies, if you notice any, so that we can
1087 fix or document them.
1090 Suggestions
1091 ===========
1093 Suggestions to improve Open vSwitch are welcome at discuss@openvswitch.org.