]> git.proxmox.com Git - ovs.git/blob - FAQ.md
FAQ: Refine discussion of how to get a kernel module.
[ovs.git] / FAQ.md
1 Frequently Asked Questions
2 ==========================
4 Open vSwitch <http://openvswitch.org>
6 General
7 -------
9 ### Q: What is Open vSwitch?
11 A: Open vSwitch is a production quality open source software switch
12 designed to be used as a vswitch in virtualized server
13 environments. A vswitch forwards traffic between different VMs on
14 the same physical host and also forwards traffic between VMs and
15 the physical network. Open vSwitch supports standard management
16 interfaces (e.g. sFlow, NetFlow, IPFIX, RSPAN, CLI), and is open to
17 programmatic extension and control using OpenFlow and the OVSDB
18 management protocol.
20 Open vSwitch as designed to be compatible with modern switching
21 chipsets. This means that it can be ported to existing high-fanout
22 switches allowing the same flexible control of the physical
23 infrastructure as the virtual infrastructure. It also means that
24 Open vSwitch will be able to take advantage of on-NIC switching
25 chipsets as their functionality matures.
27 ### Q: What virtualization platforms can use Open vSwitch?
29 A: Open vSwitch can currently run on any Linux-based virtualization
30 platform (kernel 2.6.32 and newer), including: KVM, VirtualBox, Xen,
31 Xen Cloud Platform, XenServer. As of Linux 3.3 it is part of the
32 mainline kernel. The bulk of the code is written in platform-
33 independent C and is easily ported to other environments. We welcome
34 inquires about integrating Open vSwitch with other virtualization
35 platforms.
37 ### Q: How can I try Open vSwitch?
39 A: The Open vSwitch source code can be built on a Linux system. You can
40 build and experiment with Open vSwitch on any Linux machine.
41 Packages for various Linux distributions are available on many
42 platforms, including: Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora.
44 You may also download and run a virtualization platform that already
45 has Open vSwitch integrated. For example, download a recent ISO for
46 XenServer or Xen Cloud Platform. Be aware that the version
47 integrated with a particular platform may not be the most recent Open
48 vSwitch release.
50 ### Q: Does Open vSwitch only work on Linux?
52 A: No, Open vSwitch has been ported to a number of different operating
53 systems and hardware platforms. Most of the development work occurs
54 on Linux, but the code should be portable to any POSIX system. We've
55 seen Open vSwitch ported to a number of different platforms,
56 including FreeBSD, Windows, and even non-POSIX embedded systems.
58 By definition, the Open vSwitch Linux kernel module only works on
59 Linux and will provide the highest performance. However, a userspace
60 datapath is available that should be very portable.
62 ### Q: What's involved with porting Open vSwitch to a new platform or switching ASIC?
64 A: The [PORTING.md] document describes how one would go about
65 porting Open vSwitch to a new operating system or hardware platform.
67 ### Q: Why would I use Open vSwitch instead of the Linux bridge?
69 A: Open vSwitch is specially designed to make it easier to manage VM
70 network configuration and monitor state spread across many physical
71 hosts in dynamic virtualized environments. Please see
72 [WHY-OVS.md] for a more detailed description of how Open vSwitch
73 relates to the Linux Bridge.
75 ### Q: How is Open vSwitch related to distributed virtual switches like the VMware vNetwork distributed switch or the Cisco Nexus 1000V?
77 A: Distributed vswitch applications (e.g., VMware vNetwork distributed
78 switch, Cisco Nexus 1000V) provide a centralized way to configure and
79 monitor the network state of VMs that are spread across many physical
80 hosts. Open vSwitch is not a distributed vswitch itself, rather it
81 runs on each physical host and supports remote management in a way
82 that makes it easier for developers of virtualization/cloud
83 management platforms to offer distributed vswitch capabilities.
85 To aid in distribution, Open vSwitch provides two open protocols that
86 are specially designed for remote management in virtualized network
87 environments: OpenFlow, which exposes flow-based forwarding state,
88 and the OVSDB management protocol, which exposes switch port state.
89 In addition to the switch implementation itself, Open vSwitch
90 includes tools (ovs-ofctl, ovs-vsctl) that developers can script and
91 extend to provide distributed vswitch capabilities that are closely
92 integrated with their virtualization management platform.
94 ### Q: Why doesn't Open vSwitch support distribution?
96 A: Open vSwitch is intended to be a useful component for building
97 flexible network infrastructure. There are many different approaches
98 to distribution which balance trade-offs between simplicity,
99 scalability, hardware compatibility, convergence times, logical
100 forwarding model, etc. The goal of Open vSwitch is to be able to
101 support all as a primitive building block rather than choose a
102 particular point in the distributed design space.
104 ### Q: How can I contribute to the Open vSwitch Community?
106 A: You can start by joining the mailing lists and helping to answer
107 questions. You can also suggest improvements to documentation. If
108 you have a feature or bug you would like to work on, send a mail to
109 one of the mailing lists:
111 http://openvswitch.org/mlists/
113 ### Q: Why can I no longer connect to my OpenFlow controller or OVSDB
114 manager?
116 A: Starting in OVS 2.4, we switched the default ports to the
117 IANA-specified port numbers for OpenFlow (6633->6653) and OVSDB
118 (6632->6640). We recommend using these port numbers, but if you
119 cannot, all the programs allow overriding the default port. See the
120 appropriate man page.
123 Releases
124 --------
126 ### Q: What does it mean for an Open vSwitch release to be LTS (long-term support)?
128 A: All official releases have been through a comprehensive testing
129 process and are suitable for production use. Planned releases will
130 occur several times a year. If a significant bug is identified in an
131 LTS release, we will provide an updated release that includes the
132 fix. Releases that are not LTS may not be fixed and may just be
133 supplanted by the next major release. The current LTS release is
134 2.3.x.
136 ### Q: What Linux kernel versions does each Open vSwitch release work with?
138 A: The following table lists the Linux kernel versions against which the
139 given versions of the Open vSwitch kernel module will successfully
140 build. The Linux kernel versions are upstream kernel versions, so
141 Linux kernels modified from the upstream sources may not build in
142 some cases even if they are based on a supported version. This is
143 most notably true of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) kernels, which
144 are extensively modified from upstream.
146 | Open vSwitch | Linux kernel
147 |:------------:|:-------------:
148 | 1.4.x | 2.6.18 to 3.2
149 | 1.5.x | 2.6.18 to 3.2
150 | 1.6.x | 2.6.18 to 3.2
151 | 1.7.x | 2.6.18 to 3.3
152 | 1.8.x | 2.6.18 to 3.4
153 | 1.9.x | 2.6.18 to 3.8
154 | 1.10.x | 2.6.18 to 3.8
155 | 1.11.x | 2.6.18 to 3.8
156 | 2.0.x | 2.6.32 to 3.10
157 | 2.1.x | 2.6.32 to 3.11
158 | 2.3.x | 2.6.32 to 3.14
159 | 2.4.x | 2.6.32 to 3.19
161 Open vSwitch userspace should also work with the Linux kernel module
162 built into Linux 3.3 and later.
164 Open vSwitch userspace is not sensitive to the Linux kernel version.
165 It should build against almost any kernel, certainly against 2.6.32
166 and later.
168 ### Q: I get an error like this when I configure Open vSwitch:
170 configure: error: Linux kernel in <dir> is version <x>, but
171 version newer than <y> is not supported (please refer to the
172 FAQ for advice)
174 What should I do?
176 A: You have the following options:
178 - Use the Linux kernel module supplied with the kernel that you are
179 using. (See also the following FAQ.)
181 - If there is a newer released version of Open vSwitch, consider
182 building that one, because it may support the kernel that you are
183 building against. (To find out, consult the table in the
184 previous FAQ.)
186 - The Open vSwitch "master" branch may support the kernel that you
187 are using, so consider building the kernel module from "master".
189 All versions of Open vSwitch userspace are compatible with all
190 versions of the Open vSwitch kernel module, so you do not have to
191 use the kernel module from one source along with the userspace
192 programs from the same source.
194 ### Q: What features are not available in the Open vSwitch kernel datapath that ships as part of the upstream Linux kernel?
196 A: The kernel module in upstream Linux does not include support for
197 LISP. Work is in progress to add support for LISP to the upstream
198 Linux version of the Open vSwitch kernel module. For now, if you
199 need this feature, use the kernel module from the Open vSwitch
200 distribution instead of the upstream Linux kernel module.
202 Certain features require kernel support to function or to have
203 reasonable performance. If the ovs-vswitchd log file indicates that
204 a feature is not supported, consider upgrading to a newer upstream
205 Linux release or using the kernel module paired with the userspace
206 distribution.
208 ### Q: Why do tunnels not work when using a kernel module other than the one packaged with Open vSwitch?
210 A: Support for tunnels was added to the upstream Linux kernel module
211 after the rest of Open vSwitch. As a result, some kernels may contain
212 support for Open vSwitch but not tunnels. The minimum kernel version
213 that supports each tunnel protocol is:
215 | Protocol | Linux Kernel
216 |:--------:|:-------------:
217 | GRE | 3.11
218 | VXLAN | 3.12
219 | Geneve | 3.18
220 | LISP | <not upstream>
222 If you are using a version of the kernel that is older than the one
223 listed above, it is still possible to use that tunnel protocol. However,
224 you must compile and install the kernel module included with the Open
225 vSwitch distribution rather than the one on your machine. If problems
226 persist after doing this, check to make sure that the module that is
227 loaded is the one you expect.
229 ### Q: Why are UDP tunnel checksums not computed for VXLAN or Geneve?
231 A: Generating outer UDP checksums requires kernel support that was not
232 part of the initial implementation of these protocols. If using the
233 upstream Linux Open vSwitch module, you must use kernel 4.0 or
234 newer. The out-of-tree modules from Open vSwitch release 2.4 and later
235 support UDP checksums.
237 ### Q: What features are not available when using the userspace datapath?
239 A: Tunnel virtual ports are not supported, as described in the
240 previous answer. It is also not possible to use queue-related
241 actions. On Linux kernels before 2.6.39, maximum-sized VLAN packets
242 may not be transmitted.
244 ### Q: What Linux kernel versions does IPFIX flow monitoring work with?
246 A: IPFIX flow monitoring requires the Linux kernel module from Linux
247 3.10 or later, or the out-of-tree module from Open vSwitch version
248 1.10.90 or later.
250 ### Q: Should userspace or kernel be upgraded first to minimize downtime?
252 In general, the Open vSwitch userspace should be used with the
253 kernel version included in the same release or with the version
254 from upstream Linux. However, when upgrading between two releases
255 of Open vSwitch it is best to migrate userspace first to reduce
256 the possibility of incompatibilities.
258 ### Q: What happened to the bridge compatibility feature?
260 A: Bridge compatibility was a feature of Open vSwitch 1.9 and earlier.
261 When it was enabled, Open vSwitch imitated the interface of the
262 Linux kernel "bridge" module. This allowed users to drop Open
263 vSwitch into environments designed to use the Linux kernel bridge
264 module without adapting the environment to use Open vSwitch.
266 Open vSwitch 1.10 and later do not support bridge compatibility.
267 The feature was dropped because version 1.10 adopted a new internal
268 architecture that made bridge compatibility difficult to maintain.
269 Now that many environments use OVS directly, it would be rarely
270 useful in any case.
272 To use bridge compatibility, install OVS 1.9 or earlier, including
273 the accompanying kernel modules (both the main and bridge
274 compatibility modules), following the instructions that come with
275 the release. Be sure to start the ovs-brcompatd daemon.
278 Terminology
279 -----------
281 ### Q: I thought Open vSwitch was a virtual Ethernet switch, but the documentation keeps talking about bridges. What's a bridge?
283 A: In networking, the terms "bridge" and "switch" are synonyms. Open
284 vSwitch implements an Ethernet switch, which means that it is also
285 an Ethernet bridge.
287 ### Q: What's a VLAN?
289 A: See the "VLAN" section below.
292 Basic Configuration
293 -------------------
295 ### Q: How do I configure a port as an access port?
297 A: Add "tag=VLAN" to your "ovs-vsctl add-port" command. For example,
298 the following commands configure br0 with eth0 as a trunk port (the
299 default) and tap0 as an access port for VLAN 9:
301 ovs-vsctl add-br br0
302 ovs-vsctl add-port br0 eth0
303 ovs-vsctl add-port br0 tap0 tag=9
305 If you want to configure an already added port as an access port,
306 use "ovs-vsctl set", e.g.:
308 ovs-vsctl set port tap0 tag=9
310 ### Q: How do I configure a port as a SPAN port, that is, enable mirroring of all traffic to that port?
312 A: The following commands configure br0 with eth0 and tap0 as trunk
313 ports. All traffic coming in or going out on eth0 or tap0 is also
314 mirrored to tap1; any traffic arriving on tap1 is dropped:
316 ovs-vsctl add-br br0
317 ovs-vsctl add-port br0 eth0
318 ovs-vsctl add-port br0 tap0
319 ovs-vsctl add-port br0 tap1 \
320 -- --id=@p get port tap1 \
321 -- --id=@m create mirror name=m0 select-all=true output-port=@p \
322 -- set bridge br0 mirrors=@m
324 To later disable mirroring, run:
326 ovs-vsctl clear bridge br0 mirrors
328 ### Q: Does Open vSwitch support configuring a port in promiscuous mode?
330 A: Yes. How you configure it depends on what you mean by "promiscuous
331 mode":
333 - Conventionally, "promiscuous mode" is a feature of a network
334 interface card. Ordinarily, a NIC passes to the CPU only the
335 packets actually destined to its host machine. It discards
336 the rest to avoid wasting memory and CPU cycles. When
337 promiscuous mode is enabled, however, it passes every packet
338 to the CPU. On an old-style shared-media or hub-based
339 network, this allows the host to spy on all packets on the
340 network. But in the switched networks that are almost
341 everywhere these days, promiscuous mode doesn't have much
342 effect, because few packets not destined to a host are
343 delivered to the host's NIC.
345 This form of promiscuous mode is configured in the guest OS of
346 the VMs on your bridge, e.g. with "ifconfig".
348 - The VMware vSwitch uses a different definition of "promiscuous
349 mode". When you configure promiscuous mode on a VMware vNIC,
350 the vSwitch sends a copy of every packet received by the
351 vSwitch to that vNIC. That has a much bigger effect than just
352 enabling promiscuous mode in a guest OS. Rather than getting
353 a few stray packets for which the switch does not yet know the
354 correct destination, the vNIC gets every packet. The effect
355 is similar to replacing the vSwitch by a virtual hub.
357 This "promiscuous mode" is what switches normally call "port
358 mirroring" or "SPAN". For information on how to configure
359 SPAN, see "How do I configure a port as a SPAN port, that is,
360 enable mirroring of all traffic to that port?"
362 ### Q: How do I configure a VLAN as an RSPAN VLAN, that is, enable mirroring of all traffic to that VLAN?
364 A: The following commands configure br0 with eth0 as a trunk port and
365 tap0 as an access port for VLAN 10. All traffic coming in or going
366 out on tap0, as well as traffic coming in or going out on eth0 in
367 VLAN 10, is also mirrored to VLAN 15 on eth0. The original tag for
368 VLAN 10, in cases where one is present, is dropped as part of
369 mirroring:
371 ovs-vsctl add-br br0
372 ovs-vsctl add-port br0 eth0
373 ovs-vsctl add-port br0 tap0 tag=10
374 ovs-vsctl \
375 -- --id=@m create mirror name=m0 select-all=true select-vlan=10 \
376 output-vlan=15 \
377 -- set bridge br0 mirrors=@m
379 To later disable mirroring, run:
381 ovs-vsctl clear bridge br0 mirrors
383 Mirroring to a VLAN can disrupt a network that contains unmanaged
384 switches. See ovs-vswitchd.conf.db(5) for details. Mirroring to a
385 GRE tunnel has fewer caveats than mirroring to a VLAN and should
386 generally be preferred.
388 ### Q: Can I mirror more than one input VLAN to an RSPAN VLAN?
390 A: Yes, but mirroring to a VLAN strips the original VLAN tag in favor
391 of the specified output-vlan. This loss of information may make
392 the mirrored traffic too hard to interpret.
394 To mirror multiple VLANs, use the commands above, but specify a
395 comma-separated list of VLANs as the value for select-vlan. To
396 mirror every VLAN, use the commands above, but omit select-vlan and
397 its value entirely.
399 When a packet arrives on a VLAN that is used as a mirror output
400 VLAN, the mirror is disregarded. Instead, in standalone mode, OVS
401 floods the packet across all the ports for which the mirror output
402 VLAN is configured. (If an OpenFlow controller is in use, then it
403 can override this behavior through the flow table.) If OVS is used
404 as an intermediate switch, rather than an edge switch, this ensures
405 that the RSPAN traffic is distributed through the network.
407 Mirroring to a VLAN can disrupt a network that contains unmanaged
408 switches. See ovs-vswitchd.conf.db(5) for details. Mirroring to a
409 GRE tunnel has fewer caveats than mirroring to a VLAN and should
410 generally be preferred.
412 ### Q: How do I configure mirroring of all traffic to a GRE tunnel?
414 A: The following commands configure br0 with eth0 and tap0 as trunk
415 ports. All traffic coming in or going out on eth0 or tap0 is also
416 mirrored to gre0, a GRE tunnel to the remote host; any
417 traffic arriving on gre0 is dropped:
419 ovs-vsctl add-br br0
420 ovs-vsctl add-port br0 eth0
421 ovs-vsctl add-port br0 tap0
422 ovs-vsctl add-port br0 gre0 \
423 -- set interface gre0 type=gre options:remote_ip= \
424 -- --id=@p get port gre0 \
425 -- --id=@m create mirror name=m0 select-all=true output-port=@p \
426 -- set bridge br0 mirrors=@m
428 To later disable mirroring and destroy the GRE tunnel:
430 ovs-vsctl clear bridge br0 mirrors
431 ovs-vcstl del-port br0 gre0
433 ### Q: Does Open vSwitch support ERSPAN?
435 A: No. ERSPAN is an undocumented proprietary protocol. As an
436 alternative, Open vSwitch supports mirroring to a GRE tunnel (see
437 above).
439 ### Q: How do I connect two bridges?
441 A: First, why do you want to do this? Two connected bridges are not
442 much different from a single bridge, so you might as well just have
443 a single bridge with all your ports on it.
445 If you still want to connect two bridges, you can use a pair of
446 patch ports. The following example creates bridges br0 and br1,
447 adds eth0 and tap0 to br0, adds tap1 to br1, and then connects br0
448 and br1 with a pair of patch ports.
450 ovs-vsctl add-br br0
451 ovs-vsctl add-port br0 eth0
452 ovs-vsctl add-port br0 tap0
453 ovs-vsctl add-br br1
454 ovs-vsctl add-port br1 tap1
455 ovs-vsctl \
456 -- add-port br0 patch0 \
457 -- set interface patch0 type=patch options:peer=patch1 \
458 -- add-port br1 patch1 \
459 -- set interface patch1 type=patch options:peer=patch0
461 Bridges connected with patch ports are much like a single bridge.
462 For instance, if the example above also added eth1 to br1, and both
463 eth0 and eth1 happened to be connected to the same next-hop switch,
464 then you could loop your network just as you would if you added
465 eth0 and eth1 to the same bridge (see the "Configuration Problems"
466 section below for more information).
468 If you are using Open vSwitch 1.9 or an earlier version, then you
469 need to be using the kernel module bundled with Open vSwitch rather
470 than the one that is integrated into Linux 3.3 and later, because
471 Open vSwitch 1.9 and earlier versions need kernel support for patch
472 ports. This also means that in Open vSwitch 1.9 and earlier, patch
473 ports will not work with the userspace datapath, only with the
474 kernel module.
476 ### Q: How do I configure a bridge without an OpenFlow local port? (Local port in the sense of OFPP_LOCAL)
478 A: Open vSwitch does not support such a configuration.
479 Bridges always have their local ports.
482 Implementation Details
483 ----------------------
485 ### Q: I hear OVS has a couple of kinds of flows. Can you tell me about them?
487 A: Open vSwitch uses different kinds of flows for different purposes:
489 - OpenFlow flows are the most important kind of flow. OpenFlow
490 controllers use these flows to define a switch's policy.
491 OpenFlow flows support wildcards, priorities, and multiple
492 tables.
494 When in-band control is in use, Open vSwitch sets up a few
495 "hidden" flows, with priority higher than a controller or the
496 user can configure, that are not visible via OpenFlow. (See
497 the "Controller" section of the FAQ for more information
498 about hidden flows.)
500 - The Open vSwitch software switch implementation uses a second
501 kind of flow internally. These flows, called "datapath" or
502 "kernel" flows, do not support priorities and comprise only a
503 single table, which makes them suitable for caching. (Like
504 OpenFlow flows, datapath flows do support wildcarding, in Open
505 vSwitch 1.11 and later.) OpenFlow flows and datapath flows
506 also support different actions and number ports differently.
508 Datapath flows are an implementation detail that is subject to
509 change in future versions of Open vSwitch. Even with the
510 current version of Open vSwitch, hardware switch
511 implementations do not necessarily use this architecture.
513 Users and controllers directly control only the OpenFlow flow
514 table. Open vSwitch manages the datapath flow table itself, so
515 users should not normally be concerned with it.
517 ### Q: Why are there so many different ways to dump flows?
519 A: Open vSwitch has two kinds of flows (see the previous question), so
520 it has commands with different purposes for dumping each kind of
521 flow:
523 - `ovs-ofctl dump-flows <br>` dumps OpenFlow flows, excluding
524 hidden flows. This is the most commonly useful form of flow
525 dump. (Unlike the other commands, this should work with any
526 OpenFlow switch, not just Open vSwitch.)
528 - `ovs-appctl bridge/dump-flows <br>` dumps OpenFlow flows,
529 including hidden flows. This is occasionally useful for
530 troubleshooting suspected issues with in-band control.
532 - `ovs-dpctl dump-flows [dp]` dumps the datapath flow table
533 entries for a Linux kernel-based datapath. In Open vSwitch
534 1.10 and later, ovs-vswitchd merges multiple switches into a
535 single datapath, so it will show all the flows on all your
536 kernel-based switches. This command can occasionally be
537 useful for debugging.
539 - `ovs-appctl dpif/dump-flows <br>`, new in Open vSwitch 1.10,
540 dumps datapath flows for only the specified bridge, regardless
541 of the type.
543 ### Q: How does multicast snooping works with VLANs?
545 A: Open vSwitch maintains snooping tables for each VLAN.
548 Performance
549 -----------
551 ### Q: I just upgraded and I see a performance drop. Why?
553 A: The OVS kernel datapath may have been updated to a newer version than
554 the OVS userspace components. Sometimes new versions of OVS kernel
555 module add functionality that is backwards compatible with older
556 userspace components but may cause a drop in performance with them.
557 Especially, if a kernel module from OVS 2.1 or newer is paired with
558 OVS userspace 1.10 or older, there will be a performance drop for
559 TCP traffic.
561 Updating the OVS userspace components to the latest released
562 version should fix the performance degradation.
564 To get the best possible performance and functionality, it is
565 recommended to pair the same versions of the kernel module and OVS
566 userspace.
569 Configuration Problems
570 ----------------------
572 ### Q: I created a bridge and added my Ethernet port to it, using commands
573 like these:
575 ovs-vsctl add-br br0
576 ovs-vsctl add-port br0 eth0
578 and as soon as I ran the "add-port" command I lost all connectivity
579 through eth0. Help!
581 A: A physical Ethernet device that is part of an Open vSwitch bridge
582 should not have an IP address. If one does, then that IP address
583 will not be fully functional.
585 You can restore functionality by moving the IP address to an Open
586 vSwitch "internal" device, such as the network device named after
587 the bridge itself. For example, assuming that eth0's IP address is
588, you could run the commands below to fix up the
589 situation:
591 ifconfig eth0
592 ifconfig br0
594 (If your only connection to the machine running OVS is through the
595 IP address in question, then you would want to run all of these
596 commands on a single command line, or put them into a script.) If
597 there were any additional routes assigned to eth0, then you would
598 also want to use commands to adjust these routes to go through br0.
600 If you use DHCP to obtain an IP address, then you should kill the
601 DHCP client that was listening on the physical Ethernet interface
602 (e.g. eth0) and start one listening on the internal interface
603 (e.g. br0). You might still need to manually clear the IP address
604 from the physical interface (e.g. with "ifconfig eth0").
606 There is no compelling reason why Open vSwitch must work this way.
607 However, this is the way that the Linux kernel bridge module has
608 always worked, so it's a model that those accustomed to Linux
609 bridging are already used to. Also, the model that most people
610 expect is not implementable without kernel changes on all the
611 versions of Linux that Open vSwitch supports.
613 By the way, this issue is not specific to physical Ethernet
614 devices. It applies to all network devices except Open vSwitch
615 "internal" devices.
617 ### Q: I created a bridge and added a couple of Ethernet ports to it,
618 ### using commands like these:
620 ovs-vsctl add-br br0
621 ovs-vsctl add-port br0 eth0
622 ovs-vsctl add-port br0 eth1
624 and now my network seems to have melted: connectivity is unreliable
625 (even connectivity that doesn't go through Open vSwitch), all the
626 LEDs on my physical switches are blinking, wireshark shows
627 duplicated packets, and CPU usage is very high.
629 A: More than likely, you've looped your network. Probably, eth0 and
630 eth1 are connected to the same physical Ethernet switch. This
631 yields a scenario where OVS receives a broadcast packet on eth0 and
632 sends it out on eth1, then the physical switch connected to eth1
633 sends the packet back on eth0, and so on forever. More complicated
634 scenarios, involving a loop through multiple switches, are possible
635 too.
637 The solution depends on what you are trying to do:
639 - If you added eth0 and eth1 to get higher bandwidth or higher
640 reliability between OVS and your physical Ethernet switch,
641 use a bond. The following commands create br0 and then add
642 eth0 and eth1 as a bond:
644 ovs-vsctl add-br br0
645 ovs-vsctl add-bond br0 bond0 eth0 eth1
647 Bonds have tons of configuration options. Please read the
648 documentation on the Port table in ovs-vswitchd.conf.db(5)
649 for all the details.
651 - Perhaps you don't actually need eth0 and eth1 to be on the
652 same bridge. For example, if you simply want to be able to
653 connect each of them to virtual machines, then you can put
654 each of them on a bridge of its own:
656 ovs-vsctl add-br br0
657 ovs-vsctl add-port br0 eth0
659 ovs-vsctl add-br br1
660 ovs-vsctl add-port br1 eth1
662 and then connect VMs to br0 and br1. (A potential
663 disadvantage is that traffic cannot directly pass between br0
664 and br1. Instead, it will go out eth0 and come back in eth1,
665 or vice versa.)
667 - If you have a redundant or complex network topology and you
668 want to prevent loops, turn on spanning tree protocol (STP).
669 The following commands create br0, enable STP, and add eth0
670 and eth1 to the bridge. The order is important because you
671 don't want have to have a loop in your network even
672 transiently:
674 ovs-vsctl add-br br0
675 ovs-vsctl set bridge br0 stp_enable=true
676 ovs-vsctl add-port br0 eth0
677 ovs-vsctl add-port br0 eth1
679 The Open vSwitch implementation of STP is not well tested.
680 Please report any bugs you observe, but if you'd rather avoid
681 acting as a beta tester then another option might be your
682 best shot.
684 ### Q: I can't seem to use Open vSwitch in a wireless network.
686 A: Wireless base stations generally only allow packets with the source
687 MAC address of NIC that completed the initial handshake.
688 Therefore, without MAC rewriting, only a single device can
689 communicate over a single wireless link.
691 This isn't specific to Open vSwitch, it's enforced by the access
692 point, so the same problems will show up with the Linux bridge or
693 any other way to do bridging.
695 ### Q: I can't seem to add my PPP interface to an Open vSwitch bridge.
697 A: PPP most commonly carries IP packets, but Open vSwitch works only
698 with Ethernet frames. The correct way to interface PPP to an
699 Ethernet network is usually to use routing instead of switching.
701 ### Q: Is there any documentation on the database tables and fields?
703 A: Yes. ovs-vswitchd.conf.db(5) is a comprehensive reference.
705 ### Q: When I run ovs-dpctl I no longer see the bridges I created. Instead,
706 I only see a datapath called "ovs-system". How can I see datapath
707 information about a particular bridge?
709 A: In version 1.9.0, OVS switched to using a single datapath that is
710 shared by all bridges of that type. The "ovs-appctl dpif/*"
711 commands provide similar functionality that is scoped by the bridge.
713 ### Q: I created a GRE port using ovs-vsctl so why can't I send traffic or
714 see the port in the datapath?
716 A: On Linux kernels before 3.11, the OVS GRE module and Linux GRE module
717 cannot be loaded at the same time. It is likely that on your system the
718 Linux GRE module is already loaded and blocking OVS (to confirm, check
719 dmesg for errors regarding GRE registration). To fix this, unload all
720 GRE modules that appear in lsmod as well as the OVS kernel module. You
721 can then reload the OVS module following the directions in
722 [INSTALL.md], which will ensure that dependencies are satisfied.
724 ### Q: Open vSwitch does not seem to obey my packet filter rules.
726 A: It depends on mechanisms and configurations you want to use.
728 You cannot usefully use typical packet filters, like iptables, on
729 physical Ethernet ports that you add to an Open vSwitch bridge.
730 This is because Open vSwitch captures packets from the interface at
731 a layer lower below where typical packet-filter implementations
732 install their hooks. (This actually applies to any interface of
733 type "system" that you might add to an Open vSwitch bridge.)
735 You can usefully use typical packet filters on Open vSwitch
736 internal ports as they are mostly ordinary interfaces from the point
737 of view of packet filters.
739 For example, suppose you create a bridge br0 and add Ethernet port
740 eth0 to it. Then you can usefully add iptables rules to affect the
741 internal interface br0, but not the physical interface eth0. (br0
742 is also where you would add an IP address, as discussed elsewhere
743 in the FAQ.)
745 For simple filtering rules, it might be possible to achieve similar
746 results by installing appropriate OpenFlow flows instead.
748 If the use of a particular packet filter setup is essential, Open
749 vSwitch might not be the best choice for you. On Linux, you might
750 want to consider using the Linux Bridge. (This is the only choice if
751 you want to use ebtables rules.) On NetBSD, you might want to
752 consider using the bridge(4) with BRIDGE_IPF option.
754 ### Q: It seems that Open vSwitch does nothing when I removed a port and
755 then immediately put it back. For example, consider that p1 is
756 a port of type=internal:
758 ovs-vsctl del-port br0 p1 -- \
759 add-port br0 p1 -- \
760 set interface p1 type=internal
762 A: It's an expected behaviour.
764 If del-port and add-port happen in a single OVSDB transaction as
765 your example, Open vSwitch always "skips" the intermediate steps.
766 Even if they are done in multiple transactions, it's still allowed
767 for Open vSwitch to skip the intermediate steps and just implement
768 the overall effect. In both cases, your example would be turned
769 into a no-op.
771 If you want to make Open vSwitch actually destroy and then re-create
772 the port for some side effects like resetting kernel setting for the
773 corresponding interface, you need to separate operations into multiple
774 OVSDB transactions and ensure that at least the first one does not have
775 --no-wait. In the following example, the first ovs-vsctl will block
776 until Open vSwitch reloads the new configuration and removes the port:
778 ovs-vsctl del-port br0 p1
779 ovs-vsctl add-port br0 p1 -- \
780 set interface p1 type=internal
782 ### Q: I want to add thousands of ports to an Open vSwitch bridge, but
783 it takes too long (minutes or hours) to do it with ovs-vsctl. How
784 can I do it faster?
786 A: If you add them one at a time with ovs-vsctl, it can take a long
787 time to add thousands of ports to an Open vSwitch bridge. This is
788 because every invocation of ovs-vsctl first reads the current
789 configuration from OVSDB. As the number of ports grows, this
790 starts to take an appreciable amount of time, and when it is
791 repeated thousands of times the total time becomes significant.
793 The solution is to add the ports in one invocation of ovs-vsctl (or
794 a small number of them). For example, using bash:
796 ovs-vsctl add-br br0
797 cmds=; for i in {1..5000}; do cmds+=" -- add-port br0 p$i"; done
798 ovs-vsctl $cmds
800 takes seconds, not minutes or hours, in the OVS sandbox environment.
802 ### Q: I created a bridge named br0. My bridge shows up in "ovs-vsctl
803 show", but "ovs-ofctl show br0" just prints "br0 is not a bridge
804 or a socket".
806 A: Open vSwitch wasn't able to create the bridge. Check the
807 ovs-vswitchd log for details (Debian and Red Hat packaging for Open
808 vSwitch put it in /var/log/openvswitch/ovs-vswitchd.log).
810 In general, the Open vSwitch database reflects the desired
811 configuration state. ovs-vswitchd monitors the database and, when
812 it changes, reconfigures the system to reflect the new desired
813 state. This normally happens very quickly. Thus, a discrepancy
814 between the database and the actual state indicates that
815 ovs-vswitchd could not implement the configuration, and so one
816 should check the log to find out why. (Another possible cause is
817 that ovs-vswitchd is not running. This will make "ovs-vsctl"
818 commands hang, if they change the configuration, unless one
819 specifies "--no-wait".)
821 ### Q: I have a bridge br0. I added a new port vif1.0, and it shows
822 up in "ovs-vsctl show", but "ovs-vsctl list port" says that it has
823 OpenFlow port ("ofport") -1, and "ovs-ofctl show br0" doesn't show
824 vif1.0 at all.
826 A: Open vSwitch wasn't able to create the port. Check the
827 ovs-vswitchd log for details (Debian and Red Hat packaging for Open
828 vSwitch put it in /var/log/openvswitch/ovs-vswitchd.log). Please
829 see the previous question for more information.
831 You may want to upgrade to Open vSwitch 2.3 (or later), in which
832 ovs-vsctl will immediately report when there is an issue creating a
833 port.
836 Quality of Service (QoS)
837 ------------------------
839 ### Q: How do I configure Quality of Service (QoS)?
841 A: Suppose that you want to set up bridge br0 connected to physical
842 Ethernet port eth0 (a 1 Gbps device) and virtual machine interfaces
843 vif1.0 and vif2.0, and that you want to limit traffic from vif1.0
844 to eth0 to 10 Mbps and from vif2.0 to eth0 to 20 Mbps. Then, you
845 could configure the bridge this way:
847 ovs-vsctl -- \
848 add-br br0 -- \
849 add-port br0 eth0 -- \
850 add-port br0 vif1.0 -- set interface vif1.0 ofport_request=5 -- \
851 add-port br0 vif2.0 -- set interface vif2.0 ofport_request=6 -- \
852 set port eth0 qos=@newqos -- \
853 --id=@newqos create qos type=linux-htb \
854 other-config:max-rate=1000000000 \
855 queues:123=@vif10queue \
856 queues:234=@vif20queue -- \
857 --id=@vif10queue create queue other-config:max-rate=10000000 -- \
858 --id=@vif20queue create queue other-config:max-rate=20000000
860 At this point, bridge br0 is configured with the ports and eth0 is
861 configured with the queues that you need for QoS, but nothing is
862 actually directing packets from vif1.0 or vif2.0 to the queues that
863 we have set up for them. That means that all of the packets to
864 eth0 are going to the "default queue", which is not what we want.
866 We use OpenFlow to direct packets from vif1.0 and vif2.0 to the
867 queues reserved for them:
869 ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 in_port=5,actions=set_queue:123,normal
870 ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 in_port=6,actions=set_queue:234,normal
872 Each of the above flows matches on the input port, sets up the
873 appropriate queue (123 for vif1.0, 234 for vif2.0), and then
874 executes the "normal" action, which performs the same switching
875 that Open vSwitch would have done without any OpenFlow flows being
876 present. (We know that vif1.0 and vif2.0 have OpenFlow port
877 numbers 5 and 6, respectively, because we set their ofport_request
878 columns above. If we had not done that, then we would have needed
879 to find out their port numbers before setting up these flows.)
881 Now traffic going from vif1.0 or vif2.0 to eth0 should be
882 rate-limited.
884 By the way, if you delete the bridge created by the above commands,
885 with:
887 ovs-vsctl del-br br0
889 then that will leave one unreferenced QoS record and two
890 unreferenced Queue records in the Open vSwich database. One way to
891 clear them out, assuming you don't have other QoS or Queue records
892 that you want to keep, is:
894 ovs-vsctl -- --all destroy QoS -- --all destroy Queue
896 If you do want to keep some QoS or Queue records, or the Open
897 vSwitch you are using is older than version 1.8 (which added the
898 --all option), then you will have to destroy QoS and Queue records
899 individually.
901 ### Q: I configured Quality of Service (QoS) in my OpenFlow network by
902 adding records to the QoS and Queue table, but the results aren't
903 what I expect.
905 A: Did you install OpenFlow flows that use your queues? This is the
906 primary way to tell Open vSwitch which queues you want to use. If
907 you don't do this, then the default queue will be used, which will
908 probably not have the effect you want.
910 Refer to the previous question for an example.
912 ### Q: I'd like to take advantage of some QoS feature that Open vSwitch
913 doesn't yet support. How do I do that?
915 A: Open vSwitch does not implement QoS itself. Instead, it can
916 configure some, but not all, of the QoS features built into the
917 Linux kernel. If you need some QoS feature that OVS cannot
918 configure itself, then the first step is to figure out whether
919 Linux QoS supports that feature. If it does, then you can submit a
920 patch to support Open vSwitch configuration for that feature, or
921 you can use "tc" directly to configure the feature in Linux. (If
922 Linux QoS doesn't support the feature you want, then first you have
923 to add that support to Linux.)
925 ### Q: I configured QoS, correctly, but my measurements show that it isn't
926 working as well as I expect.
928 A: With the Linux kernel, the Open vSwitch implementation of QoS has
929 two aspects:
931 - Open vSwitch configures a subset of Linux kernel QoS
932 features, according to what is in OVSDB. It is possible that
933 this code has bugs. If you believe that this is so, then you
934 can configure the Linux traffic control (QoS) stack directly
935 with the "tc" program. If you get better results that way,
936 you can send a detailed bug report to bugs@openvswitch.org.
938 It is certain that Open vSwitch cannot configure every Linux
939 kernel QoS feature. If you need some feature that OVS cannot
940 configure, then you can also use "tc" directly (or add that
941 feature to OVS).
943 - The Open vSwitch implementation of OpenFlow allows flows to
944 be directed to particular queues. This is pretty simple and
945 unlikely to have serious bugs at this point.
947 However, most problems with QoS on Linux are not bugs in Open
948 vSwitch at all. They tend to be either configuration errors
949 (please see the earlier questions in this section) or issues with
950 the traffic control (QoS) stack in Linux. The Open vSwitch
951 developers are not experts on Linux traffic control. We suggest
952 that, if you believe you are encountering a problem with Linux
953 traffic control, that you consult the tc manpages (e.g. tc(8),
954 tc-htb(8), tc-hfsc(8)), web resources (e.g. http://lartc.org/), or
955 mailing lists (e.g. http://vger.kernel.org/vger-lists.html#netdev).
957 ### Q: Does Open vSwitch support OpenFlow meters?
959 A: Since version 2.0, Open vSwitch has OpenFlow protocol support for
960 OpenFlow meters. There is no implementation of meters in the Open
961 vSwitch software switch (neither the kernel-based nor userspace
962 switches).
965 VLANs
966 -----
968 ### Q: What's a VLAN?
970 A: At the simplest level, a VLAN (short for "virtual LAN") is a way to
971 partition a single switch into multiple switches. Suppose, for
972 example, that you have two groups of machines, group A and group B.
973 You want the machines in group A to be able to talk to each other,
974 and you want the machine in group B to be able to talk to each
975 other, but you don't want the machines in group A to be able to
976 talk to the machines in group B. You can do this with two
977 switches, by plugging the machines in group A into one switch and
978 the machines in group B into the other switch.
980 If you only have one switch, then you can use VLANs to do the same
981 thing, by configuring the ports for machines in group A as VLAN
982 "access ports" for one VLAN and the ports for group B as "access
983 ports" for a different VLAN. The switch will only forward packets
984 between ports that are assigned to the same VLAN, so this
985 effectively subdivides your single switch into two independent
986 switches, one for each group of machines.
988 So far we haven't said anything about VLAN headers. With access
989 ports, like we've described so far, no VLAN header is present in
990 the Ethernet frame. This means that the machines (or switches)
991 connected to access ports need not be aware that VLANs are
992 involved, just like in the case where we use two different physical
993 switches.
995 Now suppose that you have a whole bunch of switches in your
996 network, instead of just one, and that some machines in group A are
997 connected directly to both switches 1 and 2. To allow these
998 machines to talk to each other, you could add an access port for
999 group A's VLAN to switch 1 and another to switch 2, and then
1000 connect an Ethernet cable between those ports. That works fine,
1001 but it doesn't scale well as the number of switches and the number
1002 of VLANs increases, because you use up a lot of valuable switch
1003 ports just connecting together your VLANs.
1005 This is where VLAN headers come in. Instead of using one cable and
1006 two ports per VLAN to connect a pair of switches, we configure a
1007 port on each switch as a VLAN "trunk port". Packets sent and
1008 received on a trunk port carry a VLAN header that says what VLAN
1009 the packet belongs to, so that only two ports total are required to
1010 connect the switches, regardless of the number of VLANs in use.
1011 Normally, only switches (either physical or virtual) are connected
1012 to a trunk port, not individual hosts, because individual hosts
1013 don't expect to see a VLAN header in the traffic that they receive.
1015 None of the above discussion says anything about particular VLAN
1016 numbers. This is because VLAN numbers are completely arbitrary.
1017 One must only ensure that a given VLAN is numbered consistently
1018 throughout a network and that different VLANs are given different
1019 numbers. (That said, VLAN 0 is usually synonymous with a packet
1020 that has no VLAN header, and VLAN 4095 is reserved.)
1022 ### Q: VLANs don't work.
1024 A: Many drivers in Linux kernels before version 3.3 had VLAN-related
1025 bugs. If you are having problems with VLANs that you suspect to be
1026 driver related, then you have several options:
1028 - Upgrade to Linux 3.3 or later.
1030 - Build and install a fixed version of the particular driver
1031 that is causing trouble, if one is available.
1033 - Use a NIC whose driver does not have VLAN problems.
1035 - Use "VLAN splinters", a feature in Open vSwitch 1.4 and later
1036 that works around bugs in kernel drivers. To enable VLAN
1037 splinters on interface eth0, use the command:
1039 ovs-vsctl set interface eth0 other-config:enable-vlan-splinters=true
1041 For VLAN splinters to be effective, Open vSwitch must know
1042 which VLANs are in use. See the "VLAN splinters" section in
1043 the Interface table in ovs-vswitchd.conf.db(5) for details on
1044 how Open vSwitch infers in-use VLANs.
1046 VLAN splinters increase memory use and reduce performance, so
1047 use them only if needed.
1049 - Apply the "vlan workaround" patch from the XenServer kernel
1050 patch queue, build Open vSwitch against this patched kernel,
1051 and then use ovs-vlan-bug-workaround(8) to enable the VLAN
1052 workaround for each interface whose driver is buggy.
1054 (This is a nontrivial exercise, so this option is included
1055 only for completeness.)
1057 It is not always easy to tell whether a Linux kernel driver has
1058 buggy VLAN support. The ovs-vlan-test(8) and ovs-test(8) utilities
1059 can help you test. See their manpages for details. Of the two
1060 utilities, ovs-test(8) is newer and more thorough, but
1061 ovs-vlan-test(8) may be easier to use.
1063 ### Q: VLANs still don't work. I've tested the driver so I know that it's OK.
1065 A: Do you have VLANs enabled on the physical switch that OVS is
1066 attached to? Make sure that the port is configured to trunk the
1067 VLAN or VLANs that you are using with OVS.
1069 ### Q: Outgoing VLAN-tagged traffic goes through OVS to my physical switch
1070 and to its destination host, but OVS seems to drop incoming return
1071 traffic.
1073 A: It's possible that you have the VLAN configured on your physical
1074 switch as the "native" VLAN. In this mode, the switch treats
1075 incoming packets either tagged with the native VLAN or untagged as
1076 part of the native VLAN. It may also send outgoing packets in the
1077 native VLAN without a VLAN tag.
1079 If this is the case, you have two choices:
1081 - Change the physical switch port configuration to tag packets
1082 it forwards to OVS with the native VLAN instead of forwarding
1083 them untagged.
1085 - Change the OVS configuration for the physical port to a
1086 native VLAN mode. For example, the following sets up a
1087 bridge with port eth0 in "native-tagged" mode in VLAN 9:
1089 ovs-vsctl add-br br0
1090 ovs-vsctl add-port br0 eth0 tag=9 vlan_mode=native-tagged
1092 In this situation, "native-untagged" mode will probably work
1093 equally well. Refer to the documentation for the Port table
1094 in ovs-vswitchd.conf.db(5) for more information.
1096 ### Q: I added a pair of VMs on different VLANs, like this:
1098 ovs-vsctl add-br br0
1099 ovs-vsctl add-port br0 eth0
1100 ovs-vsctl add-port br0 tap0 tag=9
1101 ovs-vsctl add-port br0 tap1 tag=10
1103 but the VMs can't access each other, the external network, or the
1104 Internet.
1106 A: It is to be expected that the VMs can't access each other. VLANs
1107 are a means to partition a network. When you configured tap0 and
1108 tap1 as access ports for different VLANs, you indicated that they
1109 should be isolated from each other.
1111 As for the external network and the Internet, it seems likely that
1112 the machines you are trying to access are not on VLAN 9 (or 10) and
1113 that the Internet is not available on VLAN 9 (or 10).
1115 ### Q: I added a pair of VMs on the same VLAN, like this:
1117 ovs-vsctl add-br br0
1118 ovs-vsctl add-port br0 eth0
1119 ovs-vsctl add-port br0 tap0 tag=9
1120 ovs-vsctl add-port br0 tap1 tag=9
1122 The VMs can access each other, but not the external network or the
1123 Internet.
1125 A: It seems likely that the machines you are trying to access in the
1126 external network are not on VLAN 9 and that the Internet is not
1127 available on VLAN 9. Also, ensure VLAN 9 is set up as an allowed
1128 trunk VLAN on the upstream switch port to which eth0 is connected.
1130 ### Q: Can I configure an IP address on a VLAN?
1132 A: Yes. Use an "internal port" configured as an access port. For
1133 example, the following configures IP address on VLAN 9.
1134 That is, OVS will forward packets from eth0 to only if
1135 they have an 802.1Q header with VLAN 9. Conversely, traffic
1136 forwarded from to eth0 will be tagged with an 802.1Q
1137 header with VLAN 9:
1139 ovs-vsctl add-br br0
1140 ovs-vsctl add-port br0 eth0
1141 ovs-vsctl add-port br0 vlan9 tag=9 -- set interface vlan9 type=internal
1142 ifconfig vlan9
1144 See also the following question.
1146 ### Q: I configured one IP address on VLAN 0 and another on VLAN 9, like
1147 this:
1149 ovs-vsctl add-br br0
1150 ovs-vsctl add-port br0 eth0
1151 ifconfig br0
1152 ovs-vsctl add-port br0 vlan9 tag=9 -- set interface vlan9 type=internal
1153 ifconfig vlan9
1155 but other hosts that are only on VLAN 0 can reach the IP address
1156 configured on VLAN 9. What's going on?
1158 A: RFC 1122 section "Multihoming Requirements" describes two
1159 approaches to IP address handling in Internet hosts:
1161 - In the "Strong ES Model", where an ES is a host ("End
1162 System"), an IP address is primarily associated with a
1163 particular interface. The host discards packets that arrive
1164 on interface A if they are destined for an IP address that is
1165 configured on interface B. The host never sends packets from
1166 interface A using a source address configured on interface B.
1168 - In the "Weak ES Model", an IP address is primarily associated
1169 with a host. The host accepts packets that arrive on any
1170 interface if they are destined for any of the host's IP
1171 addresses, even if the address is configured on some
1172 interface other than the one on which it arrived. The host
1173 does not restrict itself to sending packets from an IP
1174 address associated with the originating interface.
1176 Linux uses the weak ES model. That means that when packets
1177 destined to the VLAN 9 IP address arrive on eth0 and are bridged to
1178 br0, the kernel IP stack accepts them there for the VLAN 9 IP
1179 address, even though they were not received on vlan9, the network
1180 device for vlan9.
1182 To simulate the strong ES model on Linux, one may add iptables rule
1183 to filter packets based on source and destination address and
1184 adjust ARP configuration with sysctls.
1186 BSD uses the strong ES model.
1188 ### Q: My OpenFlow controller doesn't see the VLANs that I expect.
1190 A: The configuration for VLANs in the Open vSwitch database (e.g. via
1191 ovs-vsctl) only affects traffic that goes through Open vSwitch's
1192 implementation of the OpenFlow "normal switching" action. By
1193 default, when Open vSwitch isn't connected to a controller and
1194 nothing has been manually configured in the flow table, all traffic
1195 goes through the "normal switching" action. But, if you set up
1196 OpenFlow flows on your own, through a controller or using ovs-ofctl
1197 or through other means, then you have to implement VLAN handling
1198 yourself.
1200 You can use "normal switching" as a component of your OpenFlow
1201 actions, e.g. by putting "normal" into the lists of actions on
1202 ovs-ofctl or by outputting to OFPP_NORMAL from an OpenFlow
1203 controller. In situations where this is not suitable, you can
1204 implement VLAN handling yourself, e.g.:
1206 - If a packet comes in on an access port, and the flow table
1207 needs to send it out on a trunk port, then the flow can add
1208 the appropriate VLAN tag with the "mod_vlan_vid" action.
1210 - If a packet comes in on a trunk port, and the flow table
1211 needs to send it out on an access port, then the flow can
1212 strip the VLAN tag with the "strip_vlan" action.
1214 ### Q: I configured ports on a bridge as access ports with different VLAN
1215 tags, like this:
1217 ovs-vsctl add-br br0
1218 ovs-vsctl set-controller br0 tcp:
1219 ovs-vsctl add-port br0 eth0
1220 ovs-vsctl add-port br0 tap0 tag=9
1221 ovs-vsctl add-port br0 tap1 tag=10
1223 but the VMs running behind tap0 and tap1 can still communicate,
1224 that is, they are not isolated from each other even though they are
1225 on different VLANs.
1227 A: Do you have a controller configured on br0 (as the commands above
1228 do)? If so, then this is a variant on the previous question, "My
1229 OpenFlow controller doesn't see the VLANs that I expect," and you
1230 can refer to the answer there for more information.
1232 ### Q: How MAC learning works with VLANs?
1234 A: Open vSwitch implements Independent VLAN Learning (IVL) for
1235 OFPP_NORMAL action. I.e. it logically has separate learning tables
1236 for each VLANs.
1239 VXLANs
1240 -----
1242 ### Q: What's a VXLAN?
1244 A: VXLAN stands for Virtual eXtensible Local Area Network, and is a means
1245 to solve the scaling challenges of VLAN networks in a multi-tenant
1246 environment. VXLAN is an overlay network which transports an L2 network
1247 over an existing L3 network. For more information on VXLAN, please see
1248 RFC 7348:
1250 http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7348
1252 ### Q: How much of the VXLAN protocol does Open vSwitch currently support?
1254 A: Open vSwitch currently supports the framing format for packets on the
1255 wire. There is currently no support for the multicast aspects of VXLAN.
1256 To get around the lack of multicast support, it is possible to
1257 pre-provision MAC to IP address mappings either manually or from a
1258 controller.
1260 ### Q: What destination UDP port does the VXLAN implementation in Open vSwitch
1261 use?
1263 A: By default, Open vSwitch will use the assigned IANA port for VXLAN, which
1264 is 4789. However, it is possible to configure the destination UDP port
1265 manually on a per-VXLAN tunnel basis. An example of this configuration is
1266 provided below.
1268 ovs-vsctl add-br br0
1269 ovs-vsctl add-port br0 vxlan1 -- set interface vxlan1
1270 type=vxlan options:remote_ip= options:key=flow
1271 options:dst_port=8472
1274 Using OpenFlow (Manually or Via Controller)
1275 -------------------------------------------
1277 ### Q: What versions of OpenFlow does Open vSwitch support?
1279 A: The following table lists the versions of OpenFlow supported by
1280 each version of Open vSwitch:
1282 Open vSwitch OF1.0 OF1.1 OF1.2 OF1.3 OF1.4 OF1.5
1283 ###============ ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== =====
1284 1.9 and earlier yes --- --- --- --- ---
1285 1.10 yes --- [*] [*] --- ---
1286 1.11 yes --- [*] [*] --- ---
1287 2.0 yes [*] [*] [*] --- ---
1288 2.1 yes [*] [*] [*] --- ---
1289 2.2 yes [*] [*] [*] [%] [*]
1290 2.3 yes yes yes yes [*] [*]
1292 [*] Supported, with one or more missing features.
1293 [%] Experimental, unsafe implementation.
1295 Open vSwitch 2.3 enables OpenFlow 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 by default
1296 in ovs-vswitchd. In Open vSwitch 1.10 through 2.2, OpenFlow 1.1,
1297 1.2, and 1.3 must be enabled manually in ovs-vswitchd. OpenFlow
1298 1.4 and 1.5 are also supported, with missing features, in Open
1299 vSwitch 2.3 and later, but not enabled by default. In any case,
1300 the user may override the default:
1302 - To enable OpenFlow 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 on bridge br0:
1304 ovs-vsctl set bridge br0 protocols=OpenFlow10,OpenFlow11,OpenFlow12,OpenFlow13
1306 - To enable OpenFlow 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, and 1.5 on bridge br0:
1308 ovs-vsctl set bridge br0 protocols=OpenFlow10,OpenFlow11,OpenFlow12,OpenFlow13,OpenFlow14,OpenFlow15
1310 - To enable only OpenFlow 1.0 on bridge br0:
1312 ovs-vsctl set bridge br0 protocols=OpenFlow10
1314 All current versions of ovs-ofctl enable only OpenFlow 1.0 by
1315 default. Use the -O option to enable support for later versions of
1316 OpenFlow in ovs-ofctl. For example:
1318 ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 dump-flows br0
1320 (Open vSwitch 2.2 had an experimental implementation of OpenFlow
1321 1.4 that could cause crashes. We don't recommend enabling it.)
1323 [OPENFLOW-1.1+.md] in the Open vSwitch source tree tracks support for
1324 OpenFlow 1.1 and later features. When support for OpenFlow 1.4 and
1325 1.5 is solidly implemented, Open vSwitch will enable those version
1326 by default. Also, the OpenFlow 1.5 specification is still under
1327 development and thus subject to change.
1329 ### Q: Does Open vSwitch support MPLS?
1331 A: Before version 1.11, Open vSwitch did not support MPLS. That is,
1332 these versions can match on MPLS Ethernet types, but they cannot
1333 match, push, or pop MPLS labels, nor can they look past MPLS labels
1334 into the encapsulated packet.
1336 Open vSwitch versions 1.11, 2.0, and 2.1 have very minimal support
1337 for MPLS. With the userspace datapath only, these versions can
1338 match, push, or pop a single MPLS label, but they still cannot look
1339 past MPLS labels (even after popping them) into the encapsulated
1340 packet. Kernel datapath support is unchanged from earlier
1341 versions.
1343 Open vSwitch version 2.3 can match, push, or pop a single MPLS
1344 label and look past the MPLS label into the encapsulated packet.
1345 Both userspace and kernel datapaths will be supported, but MPLS
1346 processing always happens in userspace either way, so kernel
1347 datapath performance will be disappointing.
1349 Open vSwitch version 2.4 can match, push, or pop up to 3 MPLS
1350 labels and look past the MPLS label into the encapsulated packet.
1351 It will have kernel support for MPLS, yielding improved
1352 performance.
1354 ### Q: I'm getting "error type 45250 code 0". What's that?
1356 A: This is a Open vSwitch extension to OpenFlow error codes. Open
1357 vSwitch uses this extension when it must report an error to an
1358 OpenFlow controller but no standard OpenFlow error code is
1359 suitable.
1361 Open vSwitch logs the errors that it sends to controllers, so the
1362 easiest thing to do is probably to look at the ovs-vswitchd log to
1363 find out what the error was.
1365 If you want to dissect the extended error message yourself, the
1366 format is documented in include/openflow/nicira-ext.h in the Open
1367 vSwitch source distribution. The extended error codes are
1368 documented in lib/ofp-errors.h.
1370 Q1: Some of the traffic that I'd expect my OpenFlow controller to see
1371 doesn't actually appear through the OpenFlow connection, even
1372 though I know that it's going through.
1373 Q2: Some of the OpenFlow flows that my controller sets up don't seem
1374 to apply to certain traffic, especially traffic between OVS and
1375 the controller itself.
1377 A: By default, Open vSwitch assumes that OpenFlow controllers are
1378 connected "in-band", that is, that the controllers are actually
1379 part of the network that is being controlled. In in-band mode,
1380 Open vSwitch sets up special "hidden" flows to make sure that
1381 traffic can make it back and forth between OVS and the controllers.
1382 These hidden flows are higher priority than any flows that can be
1383 set up through OpenFlow, and they are not visible through normal
1384 OpenFlow flow table dumps.
1386 Usually, the hidden flows are desirable and helpful, but
1387 occasionally they can cause unexpected behavior. You can view the
1388 full OpenFlow flow table, including hidden flows, on bridge br0
1389 with the command:
1391 ovs-appctl bridge/dump-flows br0
1393 to help you debug. The hidden flows are those with priorities
1394 greater than 65535 (the maximum priority that can be set with
1395 OpenFlow).
1397 The DESIGN file at the top level of the Open vSwitch source
1398 distribution describes the in-band model in detail.
1400 If your controllers are not actually in-band (e.g. they are on
1401 localhost via, or on a separate network), then you should
1402 configure your controllers in "out-of-band" mode. If you have one
1403 controller on bridge br0, then you can configure out-of-band mode
1404 on it with:
1406 ovs-vsctl set controller br0 connection-mode=out-of-band
1408 ### Q: I configured all my controllers for out-of-band control mode but
1409 "ovs-appctl bridge/dump-flows" still shows some hidden flows.
1411 A: You probably have a remote manager configured (e.g. with "ovs-vsctl
1412 set-manager"). By default, Open vSwitch assumes that managers need
1413 in-band rules set up on every bridge. You can disable these rules
1414 on bridge br0 with:
1416 ovs-vsctl set bridge br0 other-config:disable-in-band=true
1418 This actually disables in-band control entirely for the bridge, as
1419 if all the bridge's controllers were configured for out-of-band
1420 control.
1422 ### Q: My OpenFlow controller doesn't see the VLANs that I expect.
1424 A: See answer under "VLANs", above.
1426 ### Q: I ran "ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 nw_dst=,actions=drop"
1427 but I got a funny message like this:
1429 ofp_util|INFO|normalization changed ofp_match, details:
1430 ofp_util|INFO| pre: nw_dst=
1431 ofp_util|INFO|post:
1433 and when I ran "ovs-ofctl dump-flows br0" I saw that my nw_dst
1434 match had disappeared, so that the flow ends up matching every
1435 packet.
1437 A: The term "normalization" in the log message means that a flow
1438 cannot match on an L3 field without saying what L3 protocol is in
1439 use. The "ovs-ofctl" command above didn't specify an L3 protocol,
1440 so the L3 field match was dropped.
1442 In this case, the L3 protocol could be IP or ARP. A correct
1443 command for each possibility is, respectively:
1445 ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 ip,nw_dst=,actions=drop
1447 and
1449 ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 arp,nw_dst=,actions=drop
1451 Similarly, a flow cannot match on an L4 field without saying what
1452 L4 protocol is in use. For example, the flow match "tp_src=1234"
1453 is, by itself, meaningless and will be ignored. Instead, to match
1454 TCP source port 1234, write "tcp,tp_src=1234", or to match UDP
1455 source port 1234, write "udp,tp_src=1234".
1457 ### Q: How can I figure out the OpenFlow port number for a given port?
1459 A: The OFPT_FEATURES_REQUEST message requests an OpenFlow switch to
1460 respond with an OFPT_FEATURES_REPLY that, among other information,
1461 includes a mapping between OpenFlow port names and numbers. From a
1462 command prompt, "ovs-ofctl show br0" makes such a request and
1463 prints the response for switch br0.
1465 The Interface table in the Open vSwitch database also maps OpenFlow
1466 port names to numbers. To print the OpenFlow port number
1467 associated with interface eth0, run:
1469 ovs-vsctl get Interface eth0 ofport
1471 You can print the entire mapping with:
1473 ovs-vsctl -- --columns=name,ofport list Interface
1475 but the output mixes together interfaces from all bridges in the
1476 database, so it may be confusing if more than one bridge exists.
1478 In the Open vSwitch database, ofport value -1 means that the
1479 interface could not be created due to an error. (The Open vSwitch
1480 log should indicate the reason.) ofport value [] (the empty set)
1481 means that the interface hasn't been created yet. The latter is
1482 normally an intermittent condition (unless ovs-vswitchd is not
1483 running).
1485 ### Q: I added some flows with my controller or with ovs-ofctl, but when I
1486 run "ovs-dpctl dump-flows" I don't see them.
1488 A: ovs-dpctl queries a kernel datapath, not an OpenFlow switch. It
1489 won't display the information that you want. You want to use
1490 "ovs-ofctl dump-flows" instead.
1492 ### Q: It looks like each of the interfaces in my bonded port shows up
1493 as an individual OpenFlow port. Is that right?
1495 A: Yes, Open vSwitch makes individual bond interfaces visible as
1496 OpenFlow ports, rather than the bond as a whole. The interfaces
1497 are treated together as a bond for only a few purposes:
1499 - Sending a packet to the OFPP_NORMAL port. (When an OpenFlow
1500 controller is not configured, this happens implicitly to
1501 every packet.)
1503 - Mirrors configured for output to a bonded port.
1505 It would make a lot of sense for Open vSwitch to present a bond as
1506 a single OpenFlow port. If you want to contribute an
1507 implementation of such a feature, please bring it up on the Open
1508 vSwitch development mailing list at dev@openvswitch.org.
1510 ### Q: I have a sophisticated network setup involving Open vSwitch, VMs or
1511 multiple hosts, and other components. The behavior isn't what I
1512 expect. Help!
1514 A: To debug network behavior problems, trace the path of a packet,
1515 hop-by-hop, from its origin in one host to a remote host. If
1516 that's correct, then trace the path of the response packet back to
1517 the origin.
1519 Usually a simple ICMP echo request and reply ("ping") packet is
1520 good enough. Start by initiating an ongoing "ping" from the origin
1521 host to a remote host. If you are tracking down a connectivity
1522 problem, the "ping" will not display any successful output, but
1523 packets are still being sent. (In this case the packets being sent
1524 are likely ARP rather than ICMP.)
1526 Tools available for tracing include the following:
1528 - "tcpdump" and "wireshark" for observing hops across network
1529 devices, such as Open vSwitch internal devices and physical
1530 wires.
1532 - "ovs-appctl dpif/dump-flows <br>" in Open vSwitch 1.10 and
1533 later or "ovs-dpctl dump-flows <br>" in earlier versions.
1534 These tools allow one to observe the actions being taken on
1535 packets in ongoing flows.
1537 See ovs-vswitchd(8) for "ovs-appctl dpif/dump-flows"
1538 documentation, ovs-dpctl(8) for "ovs-dpctl dump-flows"
1539 documentation, and "Why are there so many different ways to
1540 dump flows?" above for some background.
1542 - "ovs-appctl ofproto/trace" to observe the logic behind how
1543 ovs-vswitchd treats packets. See ovs-vswitchd(8) for
1544 documentation. You can out more details about a given flow
1545 that "ovs-dpctl dump-flows" displays, by cutting and pasting
1546 a flow from the output into an "ovs-appctl ofproto/trace"
1547 command.
1549 - SPAN, RSPAN, and ERSPAN features of physical switches, to
1550 observe what goes on at these physical hops.
1552 Starting at the origin of a given packet, observe the packet at
1553 each hop in turn. For example, in one plausible scenario, you
1554 might:
1556 1. "tcpdump" the "eth" interface through which an ARP egresses
1557 a VM, from inside the VM.
1559 2. "tcpdump" the "vif" or "tap" interface through which the ARP
1560 ingresses the host machine.
1562 3. Use "ovs-dpctl dump-flows" to spot the ARP flow and observe
1563 the host interface through which the ARP egresses the
1564 physical machine. You may need to use "ovs-dpctl show" to
1565 interpret the port numbers. If the output seems surprising,
1566 you can use "ovs-appctl ofproto/trace" to observe details of
1567 how ovs-vswitchd determined the actions in the "ovs-dpctl
1568 dump-flows" output.
1570 4. "tcpdump" the "eth" interface through which the ARP egresses
1571 the physical machine.
1573 5. "tcpdump" the "eth" interface through which the ARP
1574 ingresses the physical machine, at the remote host that
1575 receives the ARP.
1577 6. Use "ovs-dpctl dump-flows" to spot the ARP flow on the
1578 remote host that receives the ARP and observe the VM "vif"
1579 or "tap" interface to which the flow is directed. Again,
1580 "ovs-dpctl show" and "ovs-appctl ofproto/trace" might help.
1582 7. "tcpdump" the "vif" or "tap" interface to which the ARP is
1583 directed.
1585 8. "tcpdump" the "eth" interface through which the ARP
1586 ingresses a VM, from inside the VM.
1588 It is likely that during one of these steps you will figure out the
1589 problem. If not, then follow the ARP reply back to the origin, in
1590 reverse.
1592 ### Q: How do I make a flow drop packets?
1594 A: To drop a packet is to receive it without forwarding it. OpenFlow
1595 explicitly specifies forwarding actions. Thus, a flow with an
1596 empty set of actions does not forward packets anywhere, causing
1597 them to be dropped. You can specify an empty set of actions with
1598 "actions=" on the ovs-ofctl command line. For example:
1600 ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 priority=65535,actions=
1602 would cause every packet entering switch br0 to be dropped.
1604 You can write "drop" explicitly if you like. The effect is the
1605 same. Thus, the following command also causes every packet
1606 entering switch br0 to be dropped:
1608 ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 priority=65535,actions=drop
1610 "drop" is not an action, either in OpenFlow or Open vSwitch.
1611 Rather, it is only a way to say that there are no actions.
1613 ### Q: I added a flow to send packets out the ingress port, like this:
1615 ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 in_port=2,actions=2
1617 but OVS drops the packets instead.
1619 A: Yes, OpenFlow requires a switch to ignore attempts to send a packet
1620 out its ingress port. The rationale is that dropping these packets
1621 makes it harder to loop the network. Sometimes this behavior can
1622 even be convenient, e.g. it is often the desired behavior in a flow
1623 that forwards a packet to several ports ("floods" the packet).
1625 Sometimes one really needs to send a packet out its ingress port
1626 ("hairpin"). In this case, output to OFPP_IN_PORT, which in
1627 ovs-ofctl syntax is expressed as just "in_port", e.g.:
1629 ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 in_port=2,actions=in_port
1631 This also works in some circumstances where the flow doesn't match
1632 on the input port. For example, if you know that your switch has
1633 five ports numbered 2 through 6, then the following will send every
1634 received packet out every port, even its ingress port:
1636 ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 actions=2,3,4,5,6,in_port
1638 or, equivalently:
1640 ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 actions=all,in_port
1642 Sometimes, in complicated flow tables with multiple levels of
1643 "resubmit" actions, a flow needs to output to a particular port
1644 that may or may not be the ingress port. It's difficult to take
1645 advantage of OFPP_IN_PORT in this situation. To help, Open vSwitch
1646 provides, as an OpenFlow extension, the ability to modify the
1647 in_port field. Whatever value is currently in the in_port field is
1648 the port to which outputs will be dropped, as well as the
1649 destination for OFPP_IN_PORT. This means that the following will
1650 reliably output to port 2 or to ports 2 through 6, respectively:
1652 ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 in_port=2,actions=load:0->NXM_OF_IN_PORT[],2
1653 ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 actions=load:0->NXM_OF_IN_PORT[],2,3,4,5,6
1655 If the input port is important, then one may save and restore it on
1656 the stack:
1658 ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 actions=push:NXM_OF_IN_PORT[],\
1659 load:0->NXM_OF_IN_PORT[],\
1660 2,3,4,5,6,\
1661 pop:NXM_OF_IN_PORT[]
1663 ### Q: My bridge br0 has host on port 1 and host
1664 on port 2. I set up flows to forward only traffic destined to the
1665 other host and drop other traffic, like this:
1667 priority=5,in_port=1,ip,nw_dst=,actions=2
1668 priority=5,in_port=2,ip,nw_dst=,actions=1
1669 priority=0,actions=drop
1671 But it doesn't work--I don't get any connectivity when I do this.
1672 Why?
1674 A: These flows drop the ARP packets that IP hosts use to establish IP
1675 connectivity over Ethernet. To solve the problem, add flows to
1676 allow ARP to pass between the hosts:
1678 priority=5,in_port=1,arp,actions=2
1679 priority=5,in_port=2,arp,actions=1
1681 This issue can manifest other ways, too. The following flows that
1682 match on Ethernet addresses instead of IP addresses will also drop
1683 ARP packets, because ARP requests are broadcast instead of being
1684 directed to a specific host:
1686 priority=5,in_port=1,dl_dst=54:00:00:00:00:02,actions=2
1687 priority=5,in_port=2,dl_dst=54:00:00:00:00:01,actions=1
1688 priority=0,actions=drop
1690 The solution already described above will also work in this case.
1691 It may be better to add flows to allow all multicast and broadcast
1692 traffic:
1694 priority=5,in_port=1,dl_dst=01:00:00:00:00:00/01:00:00:00:00:00,actions=2
1695 priority=5,in_port=2,dl_dst=01:00:00:00:00:00/01:00:00:00:00:00,actions=1
1697 ### Q: My bridge disconnects from my controller on add-port/del-port.
1699 A: Reconfiguring your bridge can change your bridge's datapath-id because
1700 Open vSwitch generates datapath-id from the MAC address of one of its ports.
1701 In that case, Open vSwitch disconnects from controllers because there's
1702 no graceful way to notify controllers about the change of datapath-id.
1704 To avoid the behaviour, you can configure datapath-id manually.
1706 ovs-vsctl set bridge br0 other-config:datapath-id=0123456789abcdef
1708 ### Q: My controller is getting errors about "buffers". What's going on?
1710 A: When a switch sends a packet to an OpenFlow controller using a
1711 "packet-in" message, it can also keep a copy of that packet in a
1712 "buffer", identified by a 32-bit integer "buffer_id". There are
1713 two advantages to buffering. First, when the controller wants to
1714 tell the switch to do something with the buffered packet (with a
1715 "packet-out" OpenFlow request), it does not need to send another
1716 copy of the packet back across the OpenFlow connection, which
1717 reduces the bandwidth cost of the connection and improves latency.
1718 This enables the second advantage: the switch can optionally send
1719 only the first part of the packet to the controller (assuming that
1720 the switch only needs to look at the first few bytes of the
1721 packet), further reducing bandwidth and improving latency.
1723 However, buffering introduces some issues of its own. First, any
1724 switch has limited resources, so if the controller does not use a
1725 buffered packet, the switch has to decide how long to keep it
1726 buffered. When many packets are sent to a controller and buffered,
1727 Open vSwitch can discard buffered packets that the controller has
1728 not used after as little as 5 seconds. This means that
1729 controllers, if they make use of packet buffering, should use the
1730 buffered packets promptly. (This includes sending a "packet-out"
1731 with no actions if the controller does not want to do anything with
1732 a buffered packet, to clear the packet buffer and effectively
1733 "drop" its packet.)
1735 Second, packet buffers are one-time-use, meaning that a controller
1736 cannot use a single packet buffer in two or more "packet-out"
1737 commands. Open vSwitch will respond with an error to the second
1738 and subsequent "packet-out"s in such a case.
1740 Finally, a common error early in controller development is to try
1741 to use buffer_id 0 in a "packet-out" message as if 0 represented
1742 "no buffered packet". This is incorrect usage: the buffer_id with
1743 this meaning is actually 0xffffffff.
1745 ovs-vswitchd(8) describes some details of Open vSwitch packet
1746 buffering that the OpenFlow specification requires implementations
1747 to document.
1750 Development
1751 -----------
1753 ### Q: How do I implement a new OpenFlow message?
1755 A: Add your new message to "enum ofpraw" and "enum ofptype" in
1756 lib/ofp-msgs.h, following the existing pattern. Then recompile and
1757 fix all of the new warnings, implementing new functionality for the
1758 new message as needed. (If you configure with --enable-Werror, as
1759 described in [INSTALL.md], then it is impossible to miss any warnings.)
1761 If you need to add an OpenFlow vendor extension message for a
1762 vendor that doesn't yet have any extension messages, then you will
1763 also need to edit build-aux/extract-ofp-msgs.
1765 ### Q: How do I add support for a new field or header?
1767 A: Add new members for your field to "struct flow" in lib/flow.h, and
1768 add new enumerations for your new field to "enum mf_field_id" in
1769 lib/meta-flow.h, following the existing pattern. Also, add support
1770 to miniflow_extract() in lib/flow.c for extracting your new field
1771 from a packet into struct miniflow. Then recompile and fix all of
1772 the new warnings, implementing new functionality for the new field
1773 or header as needed. (If you configure with --enable-Werror, as
1774 described in [INSTALL.md], then it is impossible to miss any
1775 warnings.)
1777 If you want kernel datapath support for your new field, you also
1778 need to modify the kernel module for the operating systems you are
1779 interested in. This isn't mandatory, since fields understood only
1780 by userspace work too (with a performance penalty), so it's
1781 reasonable to start development without it. If you implement
1782 kernel module support for Linux, then the Linux kernel "netdev"
1783 mailing list is the place to submit that support first; please read
1784 up on the Linux kernel development process separately. The Windows
1785 datapath kernel module support, on the other hand, is maintained
1786 within the OVS tree, so patches for that can go directly to
1787 ovs-dev.
1789 ### Q: How do I add support for a new OpenFlow action?
1791 A: Add your new action to "enum ofp_raw_action_type" in
1792 lib/ofp-actions.c, following the existing pattern. Then recompile
1793 and fix all of the new warnings, implementing new functionality for
1794 the new action as needed. (If you configure with --enable-Werror,
1795 as described in [INSTALL.md], then it is impossible to miss any
1796 warnings.)
1798 If you need to add an OpenFlow vendor extension action for a vendor
1799 that doesn't yet have any extension actions, then you will also
1800 need to edit build-aux/extract-ofp-actions.
1803 Contact
1804 -------
1806 bugs@openvswitch.org
1807 http://openvswitch.org/
1809 [PORTING.md]:PORTING.md
1810 [WHY-OVS.md]:WHY-OVS.md
1811 [INSTALL.md]:INSTALL.md
1812 [OPENFLOW-1.1+.md]:OPENFLOW-1.1+.md