]> git.proxmox.com Git - cargo.git/blob - benches/benchsuite/benches/resolve.rs
Add the start of a basic benchmarking suite.
[cargo.git] / benches / benchsuite / benches / resolve.rs
1 use cargo::core::compiler::{CompileKind, RustcTargetData};
2 use cargo::core::resolver::features::{CliFeatures, FeatureOpts, FeatureResolver, ForceAllTargets};
3 use cargo::core::resolver::{HasDevUnits, ResolveBehavior};
4 use cargo::core::{PackageIdSpec, Workspace};
5 use cargo::ops::WorkspaceResolve;
6 use cargo::Config;
7 use criterion::{criterion_group, criterion_main, Criterion};
8 use std::fs;
9 use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
10 use std::process::Command;
11 use url::Url;
13 // This is an arbitrary commit that existed when I started. This helps
14 // ensure consistent results. It can be updated if needed, but that can
15 // make it harder to compare results with older versions of cargo.
16 const CRATES_IO_COMMIT: &str = "85f7bfd61ea4fee08ec68c468762e886b2aebec6";
18 fn setup() {
19 create_home();
20 create_target_dir();
21 clone_index();
22 unpack_workspaces();
23 }
25 fn root() -> PathBuf {
26 let mut p = PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_TARGET_TMPDIR"));
27 p.push("bench");
28 p
29 }
31 fn target_dir() -> PathBuf {
32 let mut p = root();
33 p.push("target");
34 p
35 }
37 fn cargo_home() -> PathBuf {
38 let mut p = root();
39 p.push("chome");
40 p
41 }
43 fn index() -> PathBuf {
44 let mut p = root();
45 p.push("index");
46 p
47 }
49 fn workspaces_path() -> PathBuf {
50 let mut p = root();
51 p.push("workspaces");
52 p
53 }
55 fn registry_url() -> Url {
56 Url::from_file_path(index()).unwrap()
57 }
59 fn create_home() {
60 let home = cargo_home();
61 if !home.exists() {
62 fs::create_dir_all(&home).unwrap();
63 }
64 fs::write(
65 home.join("config.toml"),
66 format!(
67 r#"
68 [source.crates-io]
69 replace-with = 'local-snapshot'
71 [source.local-snapshot]
72 registry = '{}'
73 "#,
74 registry_url()
75 ),
76 )
77 .unwrap();
78 }
80 fn create_target_dir() {
81 // This is necessary to ensure the .rustc_info.json file is written.
82 // Otherwise it won't be written, and it is very expensive to create.
83 if !target_dir().exists() {
84 std::fs::create_dir_all(target_dir()).unwrap();
85 }
86 }
88 /// This clones crates.io at a specific point in time into tmp/index.
89 fn clone_index() {
90 let index = index();
91 let maybe_git = |command: &str| {
92 let status = Command::new("git")
93 .current_dir(&index)
94 .args(command.split_whitespace().collect::<Vec<_>>())
95 .status()
96 .expect("git should be installed");
97 status.success()
98 };
99 let git = |command: &str| {
100 if !maybe_git(command) {
101 panic!("failed to run git command: {}", command);
102 }
103 };
104 if index.exists() {
105 if maybe_git(&format!(
106 "rev-parse -q --verify {}^{{commit}}",
108 )) {
109 // Already fetched.
110 return;
111 }
112 } else {
113 fs::create_dir_all(&index).unwrap();
114 git("init --bare");
115 git("remote add origin https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index");
116 }
117 git(&format!("fetch origin {}", CRATES_IO_COMMIT));
118 git("branch -f master FETCH_HEAD");
119 }
121 /// This unpacks the compressed workspace skeletons into tmp/workspaces.
122 fn unpack_workspaces() {
123 let ws_dir = Path::new(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"))
124 .parent()
125 .unwrap()
126 .join("workspaces");
127 let archives = fs::read_dir(ws_dir)
128 .unwrap()
129 .map(|e| e.unwrap().path())
130 .filter(|p| p.extension() == Some(std::ffi::OsStr::new("tgz")));
131 for archive in archives {
132 let name = archive.file_stem().unwrap();
133 let f = fs::File::open(&archive).unwrap();
134 let f = flate2::read::GzDecoder::new(f);
135 let dest = workspaces_path().join(&name);
136 if dest.exists() {
137 fs::remove_dir_all(&dest).unwrap();
138 }
139 let mut archive = tar::Archive::new(f);
140 archive.unpack(workspaces_path()).unwrap();
141 }
142 }
144 struct ResolveInfo<'cfg> {
145 ws: Workspace<'cfg>,
146 requested_kinds: [CompileKind; 1],
147 target_data: RustcTargetData<'cfg>,
148 cli_features: CliFeatures,
149 specs: Vec<PackageIdSpec>,
150 has_dev_units: HasDevUnits,
151 force_all_targets: ForceAllTargets,
152 ws_resolve: WorkspaceResolve<'cfg>,
153 }
155 /// Vec of `(ws_name, ws_root)`.
156 fn workspaces() -> Vec<(String, PathBuf)> {
157 // CARGO_BENCH_WORKSPACES can be used to override, otherwise it just uses
158 // the workspaces in the workspaces directory.
159 let mut ps: Vec<_> = match std::env::var_os("CARGO_BENCH_WORKSPACES") {
160 Some(s) => std::env::split_paths(&s).collect(),
161 None => fs::read_dir(workspaces_path())
162 .unwrap()
163 .map(|e| e.unwrap().path())
164 // These currently fail in most cases on Windows due to long
165 // filenames in the git checkouts.
166 .filter(|p| {
167 !(cfg!(windows)
168 && matches!(p.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap(), "servo" | "tikv"))
169 })
170 .collect(),
171 };
172 // Sort so it is consistent.
173 ps.sort();
174 ps.into_iter()
175 .map(|p| (p.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap().to_owned(), p))
176 .collect()
177 }
179 /// Helper for resolving a workspace. This will run the resolver once to
180 /// download everything, and returns all the data structures that are used
181 /// during resolution.
182 fn do_resolve<'cfg>(config: &'cfg Config, ws_root: &Path) -> ResolveInfo<'cfg> {
183 let requested_kinds = [CompileKind::Host];
184 let ws = cargo::core::Workspace::new(&ws_root.join("Cargo.toml"), config).unwrap();
185 let target_data = RustcTargetData::new(&ws, &requested_kinds).unwrap();
186 let cli_features = CliFeatures::from_command_line(&[], false, true).unwrap();
187 let pkgs = cargo::ops::Packages::Default;
188 let specs = pkgs.to_package_id_specs(&ws).unwrap();
189 let has_dev_units = HasDevUnits::Yes;
190 let force_all_targets = ForceAllTargets::No;
191 // Do an initial run to download anything necessary so that it does
192 // not confuse criterion's warmup.
193 let ws_resolve = cargo::ops::resolve_ws_with_opts(
194 &ws,
195 &target_data,
196 &requested_kinds,
197 &cli_features,
198 &specs,
199 has_dev_units,
200 force_all_targets,
201 )
202 .unwrap();
203 ResolveInfo {
204 ws,
205 requested_kinds,
206 target_data,
207 cli_features,
208 specs,
209 has_dev_units,
210 force_all_targets,
211 ws_resolve,
212 }
213 }
215 /// Creates a new Config.
216 ///
217 /// This is separate from `do_resolve` to deal with the ownership and lifetime.
218 fn make_config(ws_root: &Path) -> Config {
219 let shell = cargo::core::Shell::new();
220 let mut config = cargo::util::Config::new(shell, ws_root.to_path_buf(), cargo_home());
221 // Configure is needed to set the target_dir which is needed to write
222 // the .rustc_info.json file which is very expensive.
223 config
224 .configure(
225 0,
226 false,
227 None,
228 false,
229 false,
230 false,
231 &Some(target_dir()),
232 &[],
233 &[],
234 )
235 .unwrap();
236 config
237 }
239 /// Benchmark of the full `resovle_ws_with_opts` which runs the resolver
240 /// twice, the feature resolver, and more. This is a major component of a
241 /// regular cargo build.
242 fn resolve_ws(c: &mut Criterion) {
243 setup();
244 let mut group = c.benchmark_group("resolve_ws");
245 for (ws_name, ws_root) in workspaces() {
246 let config = make_config(&ws_root);
247 // The resolver info is initialized only once in a lazy fashion. This
248 // allows criterion to skip this workspace if the user passes a filter
249 // on the command-line (like `cargo bench -- resolve_ws/tikv`).
250 //
251 // Due to the way criterion works, it tends to only run the inner
252 // iterator once, and we don't want to call `do_resolve` in every
253 // "step", since that would just be some useless work.
254 let mut lazy_info = None;
255 group.bench_function(&ws_name, |b| {
256 let ResolveInfo {
257 ws,
258 requested_kinds,
259 target_data,
260 cli_features,
261 specs,
262 has_dev_units,
263 force_all_targets,
264 ..
265 } = lazy_info.get_or_insert_with(|| do_resolve(&config, &ws_root));
266 b.iter(|| {
267 cargo::ops::resolve_ws_with_opts(
268 ws,
269 target_data,
270 requested_kinds,
271 cli_features,
272 specs,
273 *has_dev_units,
274 *force_all_targets,
275 )
276 .unwrap();
277 })
278 });
279 }
280 group.finish();
281 }
283 /// Benchmark of the feature resolver.
284 fn feature_resolver(c: &mut Criterion) {
285 setup();
286 let mut group = c.benchmark_group("feature_resolver");
287 for (ws_name, ws_root) in workspaces() {
288 let config = make_config(&ws_root);
289 let mut lazy_info = None;
290 group.bench_function(&ws_name, |b| {
291 let ResolveInfo {
292 ws,
293 requested_kinds,
294 target_data,
295 cli_features,
296 specs,
297 has_dev_units,
298 ws_resolve,
299 ..
300 } = lazy_info.get_or_insert_with(|| do_resolve(&config, &ws_root));
301 b.iter(|| {
302 let feature_opts = FeatureOpts::new_behavior(ResolveBehavior::V2, *has_dev_units);
303 FeatureResolver::resolve(
304 ws,
305 target_data,
306 &ws_resolve.targeted_resolve,
307 &ws_resolve.pkg_set,
308 cli_features,
309 specs,
310 requested_kinds,
311 feature_opts,
312 )
313 .unwrap();
314 })
315 });
316 }
317 group.finish();
318 }
320 // Criterion complains about the measurement time being too small, but the
321 // measurement time doesn't seem important to me, what is more important is
322 // the number of iterations which defaults to 100, which seems like a
323 // reasonable default. Otherwise, the measurement time would need to be
324 // changed per workspace. We wouldn't want to spend 60s on every workspace,
325 // that would take too long and isn't necessary for the smaller workspaces.
326 criterion_group!(benches, resolve_ws, feature_resolver);
327 criterion_main!(benches);