]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/qa/workunits/ceph-disk/ceph-disk-test.py
[ceph.git] / ceph / qa / workunits / ceph-disk / ceph-disk-test.py
1 #
2 # Copyright (C) 2015, 2016 Red Hat <contact@redhat.com>
3 #
4 # Author: Loic Dachary <loic@dachary.org>
5 #
6 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 # it under the terms of the GNU Library Public License as published by
8 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
9 # any later version.
10 #
11 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 # GNU Library Public License for more details.
15 #
16 # When debugging these tests (must be root), here are a few useful commands:
17 #
18 # export PATH=.:..:$PATH
19 # ceph-disk.sh # run once to prepare the environment as it would be by teuthology
20 # ln -sf /home/ubuntu/ceph/src/ceph-disk/ceph_disk/main.py $(which ceph-disk)
21 # ln -sf /home/ubuntu/ceph/udev/95-ceph-osd.rules /lib/udev/rules.d/95-ceph-osd.rules
22 # ln -sf /home/ubuntu/ceph/systemd/ceph-disk@.service /usr/lib/systemd/system/ceph-disk@.service
23 # ceph-disk.conf will be silently ignored if it is a symbolic link or a hard link /var/log/upstart for logs
24 # cp /home/ubuntu/ceph/src/upstart/ceph-disk.conf /etc/init/ceph-disk.conf
25 # id=3 ; ceph-disk deactivate --deactivate-by-id $id ; ceph-disk destroy --zap --destroy-by-id $id
26 # py.test -s -v -k test_activate_dmcrypt_luks ceph-disk-test.py
27 #
28 # CentOS 7
29 # udevadm monitor --property & tail -f /var/log/messages
30 # udev rules messages are logged in /var/log/messages
31 # systemctl stop ceph-osd@2
32 # systemctl start ceph-osd@2
33 #
34 # udevadm monitor --property & tail -f /var/log/syslog /var/log/upstart/* # on Ubuntu 14.04
35 # udevadm test --action=add /block/vdb/vdb1 # verify the udev rule is run as expected
36 # udevadm control --reload # when changing the udev rules
37 # sudo /usr/sbin/ceph-disk -v trigger /dev/vdb1 # activates if vdb1 is data
38 #
39 # integration tests coverage
40 # pip install coverage
41 # perl -pi -e 's|"ceph-disk |"coverage run --source=/usr/sbin/ceph-disk --append /usr/sbin/ceph-disk |' ceph-disk-test.py
42 # rm -f .coverage ; py.test -s -v ceph-disk-test.py
43 # coverage report --show-missing
44 #
45 import argparse
46 import json
47 import logging
48 import configobj
49 import os
50 import pytest
51 import re
52 import subprocess
53 import sys
54 import tempfile
55 import time
56 import uuid
58 LOG = logging.getLogger('CephDisk')
61 class CephDisk:
63 def __init__(self):
64 self.conf = configobj.ConfigObj('/etc/ceph/ceph.conf')
66 def save_conf(self):
67 self.conf.write(open('/etc/ceph/ceph.conf', 'wb'))
69 @staticmethod
70 def helper(command):
71 command = "ceph-helpers-root.sh " + command
72 return CephDisk.sh(command)
74 @staticmethod
75 def sh(command):
76 LOG.debug(":sh: " + command)
77 proc = subprocess.Popen(
78 args=command,
79 stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
80 stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
81 shell=True,
82 bufsize=1)
83 output, _ = proc.communicate()
84 if proc.poll():
85 LOG.warning(output.decode('utf-8'))
86 raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(
87 returncode=proc.returncode,
88 cmd=command,
89 output=output,
90 )
91 lines = []
92 for line in output.decode('utf-8').split('\n'):
93 if 'dangerous and experimental' in line:
94 LOG.debug('SKIP dangerous and experimental')
95 continue
96 lines.append(line)
97 LOG.debug(line.strip().encode('ascii', 'ignore'))
98 return "".join(lines)
100 def unused_disks(self, pattern='[vs]d.'):
101 names = [x for x in os.listdir("/sys/block") if re.match(pattern, x)]
102 if not names:
103 return []
104 disks = json.loads(
105 self.sh("ceph-disk list --format json " + " ".join(names)))
106 unused = []
107 for disk in disks:
108 if 'partitions' not in disk:
109 unused.append(disk['path'])
110 return unused
112 def ensure_sd(self):
113 LOG.debug(self.unused_disks('sd.'))
114 if self.unused_disks('sd.'):
115 return
116 modprobe = "modprobe scsi_debug vpd_use_hostno=0 add_host=1 dev_size_mb=200 ; udevadm settle"
117 try:
118 self.sh(modprobe)
119 except:
120 self.helper("install linux-image-extra-3.13.0-61-generic")
121 self.sh(modprobe)
123 def unload_scsi_debug(self):
124 self.sh("rmmod scsi_debug || true")
126 def get_lockbox(self):
127 disks = json.loads(self.sh("ceph-disk list --format json"))
128 for disk in disks:
129 if 'partitions' in disk:
130 for partition in disk['partitions']:
131 if partition.get('type') == 'lockbox':
132 return partition
133 raise Exception("no lockbox found " + str(disks))
135 def get_osd_partition(self, uuid):
136 disks = json.loads(self.sh("ceph-disk list --format json"))
137 for disk in disks:
138 if 'partitions' in disk:
139 for partition in disk['partitions']:
140 if partition.get('uuid') == uuid:
141 return partition
142 raise Exception("uuid = " + uuid + " not found in " + str(disks))
144 def get_journal_partition(self, uuid):
145 return self.get_space_partition('journal', uuid)
147 def get_block_partition(self, uuid):
148 return self.get_space_partition('block', uuid)
150 def get_blockdb_partition(self, uuid):
151 return self.get_space_partition('block.db', uuid)
153 def get_blockwal_partition(self, uuid):
154 return self.get_space_partition('block.wal', uuid)
156 def get_space_partition(self, name, uuid):
157 data_partition = self.get_osd_partition(uuid)
158 space_dev = data_partition[name + '_dev']
159 disks = json.loads(self.sh("ceph-disk list --format json"))
160 for disk in disks:
161 if 'partitions' in disk:
162 for partition in disk['partitions']:
163 if partition['path'] == space_dev:
164 if name + '_for' in partition:
165 assert partition[
166 name + '_for'] == data_partition['path']
167 return partition
168 raise Exception(
169 name + " for uuid = " + uuid + " not found in " + str(disks))
171 def destroy_osd(self, uuid):
172 id = self.sh("ceph osd create " + uuid).strip()
173 self.sh("""
174 set -xe
175 ceph-disk --verbose deactivate --deactivate-by-id {id}
176 ceph-disk --verbose destroy --destroy-by-id {id} --zap
177 """.format(id=id))
179 def deactivate_osd(self, uuid):
180 id = self.sh("ceph osd create " + uuid).strip()
181 self.sh("""
182 set -xe
183 ceph-disk --verbose deactivate --once --deactivate-by-id {id}
184 """.format(id=id))
186 @staticmethod
187 def osd_up_predicate(osds, uuid):
188 for osd in osds:
189 if osd['uuid'] == uuid and 'up' in osd['state']:
190 return True
191 return False
193 @staticmethod
194 def wait_for_osd_up(uuid):
195 CephDisk.wait_for_osd(uuid, CephDisk.osd_up_predicate, 'up')
197 @staticmethod
198 def osd_down_predicate(osds, uuid):
199 found = False
200 for osd in osds:
201 if osd['uuid'] == uuid:
202 found = True
203 if 'down' in osd['state'] or ['exists'] == osd['state']:
204 return True
205 return not found
207 @staticmethod
208 def wait_for_osd_down(uuid):
209 CephDisk.wait_for_osd(uuid, CephDisk.osd_down_predicate, 'down')
211 @staticmethod
212 def wait_for_osd(uuid, predicate, info):
213 LOG.info("wait_for_osd " + info + " " + uuid)
214 for delay in (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024):
215 dump = json.loads(CephDisk.sh("ceph osd dump -f json"))
216 if predicate(dump['osds'], uuid):
217 return True
218 time.sleep(delay)
219 raise Exception('timeout waiting for osd ' + uuid + ' to be ' + info)
221 def check_osd_status(self, uuid, space_name=None):
222 data_partition = self.get_osd_partition(uuid)
223 assert data_partition['type'] == 'data'
224 assert data_partition['state'] == 'active'
225 if space_name is not None:
226 space_partition = self.get_space_partition(space_name, uuid)
227 assert space_partition
230 class TestCephDisk(object):
232 def setup_class(self):
233 logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
234 c = CephDisk()
235 if c.sh("lsb_release -si").strip() == 'CentOS':
236 c.helper("install multipath-tools device-mapper-multipath")
237 c.conf['global']['pid file'] = '/var/run/ceph/$cluster-$name.pid'
238 #
239 # Avoid json parsing interference
240 #
241 c.conf['global']['debug monc'] = 0
242 #
243 # objecstore
244 #
245 c.conf['global']['osd journal size'] = 100
246 #
247 # bluestore
248 #
249 c.conf['global']['bluestore fsck on mount'] = 'true'
250 c.save_conf()
252 def setup(self):
253 c = CephDisk()
254 for key in ('osd objectstore', 'osd dmcrypt type'):
255 if key in c.conf['global']:
256 del c.conf['global'][key]
257 c.save_conf()
259 def test_deactivate_reactivate_osd(self):
260 c = CephDisk()
261 disk = c.unused_disks()[0]
262 osd_uuid = str(uuid.uuid1())
263 c.sh("ceph-disk --verbose zap " + disk)
264 c.sh("ceph-disk --verbose prepare --filestore --osd-uuid " + osd_uuid +
265 " " + disk)
266 c.wait_for_osd_up(osd_uuid)
267 device = json.loads(c.sh("ceph-disk list --format json " + disk))[0]
268 assert len(device['partitions']) == 2
269 c.check_osd_status(osd_uuid, 'journal')
270 data_partition = c.get_osd_partition(osd_uuid)
271 c.sh("ceph-disk --verbose deactivate " + data_partition['path'])
272 c.wait_for_osd_down(osd_uuid)
273 c.sh("ceph-disk --verbose activate " + data_partition['path'] + " --reactivate")
274 # check again
275 c.wait_for_osd_up(osd_uuid)
276 device = json.loads(c.sh("ceph-disk list --format json " + disk))[0]
277 assert len(device['partitions']) == 2
278 c.check_osd_status(osd_uuid, 'journal')
279 c.helper("pool_read_write")
280 c.destroy_osd(osd_uuid)
282 def test_destroy_osd_by_id(self):
283 c = CephDisk()
284 disk = c.unused_disks()[0]
285 osd_uuid = str(uuid.uuid1())
286 c.sh("ceph-disk --verbose prepare --filestore --osd-uuid " + osd_uuid + " " + disk)
287 c.wait_for_osd_up(osd_uuid)
288 c.check_osd_status(osd_uuid)
289 c.destroy_osd(osd_uuid)
291 def test_destroy_osd_by_dev_path(self):
292 c = CephDisk()
293 disk = c.unused_disks()[0]
294 osd_uuid = str(uuid.uuid1())
295 c.sh("ceph-disk --verbose prepare --filestore --osd-uuid " + osd_uuid + " " + disk)
296 c.wait_for_osd_up(osd_uuid)
297 partition = c.get_osd_partition(osd_uuid)
298 assert partition['type'] == 'data'
299 assert partition['state'] == 'active'
300 c.sh("ceph-disk --verbose deactivate " + partition['path'])
301 c.wait_for_osd_down(osd_uuid)
302 c.sh("ceph-disk --verbose destroy " + partition['path'] + " --zap")
304 def test_deactivate_reactivate_dmcrypt_plain(self):
305 c = CephDisk()
306 c.conf['global']['osd dmcrypt type'] = 'plain'
307 c.save_conf()
308 osd_uuid = self.activate_dmcrypt('ceph-disk-no-lockbox')
309 data_partition = c.get_osd_partition(osd_uuid)
310 c.sh("ceph-disk --verbose deactivate " + data_partition['path'])
311 c.wait_for_osd_down(osd_uuid)
312 c.sh("ceph-disk --verbose activate-journal " + data_partition['journal_dev'] +
313 " --reactivate" + " --dmcrypt")
314 c.wait_for_osd_up(osd_uuid)
315 c.check_osd_status(osd_uuid, 'journal')
316 c.destroy_osd(osd_uuid)
317 c.save_conf()
319 def test_deactivate_reactivate_dmcrypt_luks(self):
320 c = CephDisk()
321 osd_uuid = self.activate_dmcrypt('ceph-disk')
322 data_partition = c.get_osd_partition(osd_uuid)
323 lockbox_partition = c.get_lockbox()
324 c.sh("ceph-disk --verbose deactivate " + data_partition['path'])
325 c.wait_for_osd_down(osd_uuid)
326 c.sh("ceph-disk --verbose trigger --sync " + lockbox_partition['path'])
327 c.sh("ceph-disk --verbose activate-journal " + data_partition['journal_dev'] +
328 " --reactivate" + " --dmcrypt")
329 c.wait_for_osd_up(osd_uuid)
330 c.check_osd_status(osd_uuid, 'journal')
331 c.destroy_osd(osd_uuid)
333 def test_activate_dmcrypt_plain_no_lockbox(self):
334 c = CephDisk()
335 c.conf['global']['osd dmcrypt type'] = 'plain'
336 c.save_conf()
337 osd_uuid = self.activate_dmcrypt('ceph-disk-no-lockbox')
338 c.destroy_osd(osd_uuid)
339 c.save_conf()
341 def test_activate_dmcrypt_luks_no_lockbox(self):
342 c = CephDisk()
343 osd_uuid = self.activate_dmcrypt('ceph-disk-no-lockbox')
344 c.destroy_osd(osd_uuid)
346 def test_activate_dmcrypt_luks_with_lockbox(self):
347 c = CephDisk()
348 osd_uuid = self.activate_dmcrypt('ceph-disk')
349 c.destroy_osd(osd_uuid)
351 def test_activate_lockbox(self):
352 c = CephDisk()
353 osd_uuid = self.activate_dmcrypt('ceph-disk')
354 lockbox = c.get_lockbox()
355 assert lockbox['state'] == 'active'
356 c.sh("umount " + lockbox['path'])
357 lockbox = c.get_lockbox()
358 assert lockbox['state'] == 'prepared'
359 c.sh("ceph-disk --verbose trigger " + lockbox['path'])
360 success = False
361 for delay in (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024):
362 lockbox = c.get_lockbox()
363 if lockbox['state'] == 'active':
364 success = True
365 break
366 time.sleep(delay)
367 if not success:
368 raise Exception('timeout waiting for lockbox ' + lockbox['path'])
369 c.destroy_osd(osd_uuid)
371 def activate_dmcrypt(self, ceph_disk):
372 c = CephDisk()
373 disk = c.unused_disks()[0]
374 osd_uuid = str(uuid.uuid1())
375 journal_uuid = str(uuid.uuid1())
376 c.sh("ceph-disk --verbose zap " + disk)
377 c.sh(ceph_disk + " --verbose prepare --filestore " +
378 " --osd-uuid " + osd_uuid +
379 " --journal-uuid " + journal_uuid +
380 " --dmcrypt " +
381 " " + disk)
382 c.wait_for_osd_up(osd_uuid)
383 c.check_osd_status(osd_uuid, 'journal')
384 return osd_uuid
386 def test_trigger_dmcrypt_journal_lockbox(self):
387 c = CephDisk()
388 osd_uuid = self.activate_dmcrypt('ceph-disk')
389 data_partition = c.get_osd_partition(osd_uuid)
390 lockbox_partition = c.get_lockbox()
391 c.deactivate_osd(osd_uuid)
392 c.wait_for_osd_down(osd_uuid)
393 with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError):
394 # fails because the lockbox is not mounted yet
395 c.sh("ceph-disk --verbose trigger --sync " + data_partition['journal_dev'])
396 c.sh("ceph-disk --verbose trigger --sync " + lockbox_partition['path'])
397 c.wait_for_osd_up(osd_uuid)
398 c.destroy_osd(osd_uuid)
400 def test_trigger_dmcrypt_data_lockbox(self):
401 c = CephDisk()
402 osd_uuid = self.activate_dmcrypt('ceph-disk')
403 data_partition = c.get_osd_partition(osd_uuid)
404 lockbox_partition = c.get_lockbox()
405 c.deactivate_osd(osd_uuid)
406 c.wait_for_osd_down(osd_uuid)
407 with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError):
408 # fails because the lockbox is not mounted yet
409 c.sh("ceph-disk --verbose trigger --sync " + data_partition['path'])
410 c.sh("ceph-disk --verbose trigger --sync " + lockbox_partition['path'])
411 c.wait_for_osd_up(osd_uuid)
412 c.destroy_osd(osd_uuid)
414 def test_trigger_dmcrypt_lockbox(self):
415 c = CephDisk()
416 osd_uuid = self.activate_dmcrypt('ceph-disk')
417 data_partition = c.get_osd_partition(osd_uuid)
418 lockbox_partition = c.get_lockbox()
419 c.deactivate_osd(osd_uuid)
420 c.wait_for_osd_down(osd_uuid)
421 c.sh("ceph-disk --verbose trigger --sync " + lockbox_partition['path'])
422 c.wait_for_osd_up(osd_uuid)
423 c.destroy_osd(osd_uuid)
425 def test_activate_no_journal(self):
426 c = CephDisk()
427 disk = c.unused_disks()[0]
428 osd_uuid = str(uuid.uuid1())
429 c.sh("ceph-disk --verbose zap " + disk)
430 c.conf['global']['osd objectstore'] = 'memstore'
431 c.save_conf()
432 c.sh("ceph-disk --verbose prepare --filestore --osd-uuid " + osd_uuid +
433 " " + disk)
434 c.wait_for_osd_up(osd_uuid)
435 device = json.loads(c.sh("ceph-disk list --format json " + disk))[0]
436 assert len(device['partitions']) == 1
437 partition = device['partitions'][0]
438 assert partition['type'] == 'data'
439 assert partition['state'] == 'active'
440 assert 'journal_dev' not in partition
441 c.helper("pool_read_write")
442 c.destroy_osd(osd_uuid)
443 c.save_conf()
445 def test_activate_with_journal_dev_no_symlink(self):
446 c = CephDisk()
447 disk = c.unused_disks()[0]
448 osd_uuid = str(uuid.uuid1())
449 c.sh("ceph-disk --verbose zap " + disk)
450 c.sh("ceph-disk --verbose prepare --filestore --osd-uuid " + osd_uuid +
451 " " + disk)
452 c.wait_for_osd_up(osd_uuid)
453 device = json.loads(c.sh("ceph-disk list --format json " + disk))[0]
454 assert len(device['partitions']) == 2
455 c.check_osd_status(osd_uuid, 'journal')
456 c.helper("pool_read_write")
457 c.destroy_osd(osd_uuid)
459 def test_activate_bluestore(self):
460 c = CephDisk()
461 disk = c.unused_disks()[0]
462 osd_uuid = str(uuid.uuid1())
463 c.sh("ceph-disk --verbose zap " + disk)
464 c.conf['global']['osd objectstore'] = 'bluestore'
465 c.save_conf()
466 c.sh("ceph-disk --verbose prepare --bluestore --osd-uuid " + osd_uuid +
467 " " + disk)
468 c.wait_for_osd_up(osd_uuid)
469 device = json.loads(c.sh("ceph-disk list --format json " + disk))[0]
470 assert len(device['partitions']) == 2
471 c.check_osd_status(osd_uuid, 'block')
472 c.helper("pool_read_write")
473 c.destroy_osd(osd_uuid)
474 c.sh("ceph-disk --verbose zap " + disk)
476 def test_activate_bluestore_seperated_block_db_wal(self):
477 c = CephDisk()
478 disk1 = c.unused_disks()[0]
479 disk2 = c.unused_disks()[1]
480 osd_uuid = str(uuid.uuid1())
481 c.sh("ceph-disk --verbose zap " + disk1 + " " + disk2)
482 c.conf['global']['osd objectstore'] = 'bluestore'
483 c.save_conf()
484 c.sh("ceph-disk --verbose prepare --bluestore --osd-uuid " + osd_uuid +
485 " " + disk1 + " --block.db " + disk2 + " --block.wal " + disk2)
486 c.wait_for_osd_up(osd_uuid)
487 device = json.loads(c.sh("ceph-disk list --format json " + disk1))[0]
488 assert len(device['partitions']) == 2
489 device = json.loads(c.sh("ceph-disk list --format json " + disk2))[0]
490 assert len(device['partitions']) == 2
491 c.check_osd_status(osd_uuid, 'block')
492 c.check_osd_status(osd_uuid, 'block.wal')
493 c.check_osd_status(osd_uuid, 'block.db')
494 c.helper("pool_read_write")
495 c.destroy_osd(osd_uuid)
496 c.sh("ceph-disk --verbose zap " + disk1 + " " + disk2)
498 def test_activate_bluestore_reuse_db_wal_partition(self):
499 c = CephDisk()
500 disks = c.unused_disks()
501 block_disk = disks[0]
502 db_wal_disk = disks[1]
503 #
504 # Create an OSD with two disks (one for block,
505 # the other for block.db and block.wal ) and then destroy osd.
506 #
507 osd_uuid1 = str(uuid.uuid1())
508 c.sh("ceph-disk --verbose zap " + block_disk + " " + db_wal_disk)
509 c.conf['global']['osd objectstore'] = 'bluestore'
510 c.save_conf()
511 c.sh("ceph-disk --verbose prepare --bluestore --osd-uuid " +
512 osd_uuid1 + " " + block_disk + " --block.db " + db_wal_disk +
513 " --block.wal " + db_wal_disk)
514 c.wait_for_osd_up(osd_uuid1)
515 blockdb_partition = c.get_blockdb_partition(osd_uuid1)
516 blockdb_path = blockdb_partition['path']
517 blockwal_partition = c.get_blockwal_partition(osd_uuid1)
518 blockwal_path = blockwal_partition['path']
519 c.destroy_osd(osd_uuid1)
520 c.sh("ceph-disk --verbose zap " + block_disk)
521 #
522 # Create another OSD with the block.db and block.wal partition
523 # of the previous OSD
524 #
525 osd_uuid2 = str(uuid.uuid1())
526 c.sh("ceph-disk --verbose prepare --bluestore --osd-uuid " +
527 osd_uuid2 + " " + block_disk + " --block.db " + blockdb_path +
528 " --block.wal " + blockwal_path)
529 c.wait_for_osd_up(osd_uuid2)
530 device = json.loads(c.sh("ceph-disk list --format json " + block_disk))[0]
531 assert len(device['partitions']) == 2
532 device = json.loads(c.sh("ceph-disk list --format json " + db_wal_disk))[0]
533 assert len(device['partitions']) == 2
534 c.check_osd_status(osd_uuid2, 'block')
535 c.check_osd_status(osd_uuid2, 'block.wal')
536 c.check_osd_status(osd_uuid2, 'block.db')
537 blockdb_partition = c.get_blockdb_partition(osd_uuid2)
538 blockwal_partition = c.get_blockwal_partition(osd_uuid2)
539 #
540 # Verify the previous OSD partition has been reused
541 #
542 assert blockdb_partition['path'] == blockdb_path
543 assert blockwal_partition['path'] == blockwal_path
544 c.destroy_osd(osd_uuid2)
545 c.sh("ceph-disk --verbose zap " + block_disk + " " + db_wal_disk)
547 def test_activate_with_journal_dev_is_symlink(self):
548 c = CephDisk()
549 disk = c.unused_disks()[0]
550 osd_uuid = str(uuid.uuid1())
551 tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
552 symlink = os.path.join(tempdir, 'osd')
553 os.symlink(disk, symlink)
554 c.sh("ceph-disk --verbose zap " + symlink)
555 c.sh("ceph-disk --verbose prepare --filestore --osd-uuid " + osd_uuid +
556 " " + symlink)
557 c.wait_for_osd_up(osd_uuid)
558 device = json.loads(c.sh("ceph-disk list --format json " + symlink))[0]
559 assert len(device['partitions']) == 2
560 data_partition = c.get_osd_partition(osd_uuid)
561 assert data_partition['type'] == 'data'
562 assert data_partition['state'] == 'active'
563 journal_partition = c.get_journal_partition(osd_uuid)
564 assert journal_partition
565 c.helper("pool_read_write")
566 c.destroy_osd(osd_uuid)
567 c.sh("ceph-disk --verbose zap " + symlink)
568 os.unlink(symlink)
569 os.rmdir(tempdir)
571 def test_activate_journal_file(self):
572 c = CephDisk()
573 disks = c.unused_disks()
574 data_disk = disks[0]
575 #
576 # /var/lib/ceph/osd is required otherwise it may violate
577 # restrictions enforced by systemd regarding the directories
578 # which ceph-osd is allowed to read/write
579 #
580 tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir='/var/lib/ceph/osd')
581 c.sh("chown ceph:ceph " + tempdir + " || true")
582 journal_file = os.path.join(tempdir, 'journal')
583 osd_uuid = str(uuid.uuid1())
584 c.sh("ceph-disk --verbose prepare --filestore --osd-uuid " + osd_uuid +
585 " " + data_disk + " " + journal_file)
586 c.wait_for_osd_up(osd_uuid)
587 device = json.loads(
588 c.sh("ceph-disk list --format json " + data_disk))[0]
589 assert len(device['partitions']) == 1
590 partition = device['partitions'][0]
591 assert journal_file == os.readlink(
592 os.path.join(partition['mount'], 'journal'))
593 c.check_osd_status(osd_uuid)
594 c.helper("pool_read_write 1") # 1 == pool size
595 c.destroy_osd(osd_uuid)
596 c.sh("ceph-disk --verbose zap " + data_disk)
597 os.unlink(journal_file)
598 os.rmdir(tempdir)
600 def test_activate_separated_journal(self):
601 c = CephDisk()
602 disks = c.unused_disks()
603 data_disk = disks[0]
604 journal_disk = disks[1]
605 osd_uuid = self.activate_separated_journal(data_disk, journal_disk)
606 c.helper("pool_read_write 1") # 1 == pool size
607 c.destroy_osd(osd_uuid)
608 c.sh("ceph-disk --verbose zap " + data_disk + " " + journal_disk)
610 def test_activate_separated_journal_dev_is_symlink(self):
611 c = CephDisk()
612 disks = c.unused_disks()
613 data_disk = disks[0]
614 journal_disk = disks[1]
615 tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
616 data_symlink = os.path.join(tempdir, 'osd')
617 os.symlink(data_disk, data_symlink)
618 journal_symlink = os.path.join(tempdir, 'journal')
619 os.symlink(journal_disk, journal_symlink)
620 osd_uuid = self.activate_separated_journal(
621 data_symlink, journal_symlink)
622 c.helper("pool_read_write 1") # 1 == pool size
623 c.destroy_osd(osd_uuid)
624 c.sh("ceph-disk --verbose zap " + data_symlink + " " + journal_symlink)
625 os.unlink(data_symlink)
626 os.unlink(journal_symlink)
627 os.rmdir(tempdir)
629 def activate_separated_journal(self, data_disk, journal_disk):
630 c = CephDisk()
631 osd_uuid = str(uuid.uuid1())
632 c.sh("ceph-disk --verbose prepare --filestore --osd-uuid " + osd_uuid +
633 " " + data_disk + " " + journal_disk)
634 c.wait_for_osd_up(osd_uuid)
635 device = json.loads(
636 c.sh("ceph-disk list --format json " + data_disk))[0]
637 assert len(device['partitions']) == 1
638 c.check_osd_status(osd_uuid, 'journal')
639 return osd_uuid
641 #
642 # Create an OSD and get a journal partition from a disk that
643 # already contains a journal partition which is in use. Updates of
644 # the kernel partition table may behave differently when a
645 # partition is in use. See http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/7334 for
646 # more information.
647 #
648 def test_activate_two_separated_journal(self):
649 c = CephDisk()
650 disks = c.unused_disks()
651 data_disk = disks[0]
652 other_data_disk = disks[1]
653 journal_disk = disks[2]
654 osd_uuid = self.activate_separated_journal(data_disk, journal_disk)
655 other_osd_uuid = self.activate_separated_journal(
656 other_data_disk, journal_disk)
657 #
658 # read/write can only succeed if the two osds are up because
659 # the pool needs two OSD
660 #
661 c.helper("pool_read_write 2") # 2 == pool size
662 c.destroy_osd(osd_uuid)
663 c.destroy_osd(other_osd_uuid)
664 c.sh("ceph-disk --verbose zap " + data_disk + " " +
665 journal_disk + " " + other_data_disk)
667 #
668 # Create an OSD and reuse an existing journal partition
669 #
670 def test_activate_reuse_journal(self):
671 c = CephDisk()
672 disks = c.unused_disks()
673 data_disk = disks[0]
674 journal_disk = disks[1]
675 #
676 # Create an OSD with a separated journal and destroy it.
677 #
678 osd_uuid = self.activate_separated_journal(data_disk, journal_disk)
679 journal_partition = c.get_journal_partition(osd_uuid)
680 journal_path = journal_partition['path']
681 c.destroy_osd(osd_uuid)
682 c.sh("ceph-disk --verbose zap " + data_disk)
683 osd_uuid = str(uuid.uuid1())
684 #
685 # Create another OSD with the journal partition of the previous OSD
686 #
687 c.sh("ceph-disk --verbose prepare --filestore --osd-uuid " + osd_uuid +
688 " " + data_disk + " " + journal_path)
689 c.helper("pool_read_write 1") # 1 == pool size
690 c.wait_for_osd_up(osd_uuid)
691 device = json.loads(
692 c.sh("ceph-disk list --format json " + data_disk))[0]
693 assert len(device['partitions']) == 1
694 c.check_osd_status(osd_uuid)
695 journal_partition = c.get_journal_partition(osd_uuid)
696 #
697 # Verify the previous OSD partition has been reused
698 #
699 assert journal_partition['path'] == journal_path
700 c.destroy_osd(osd_uuid)
701 c.sh("ceph-disk --verbose zap " + data_disk + " " + journal_disk)
703 def test_activate_multipath(self):
704 c = CephDisk()
705 if c.sh("lsb_release -si").strip() != 'CentOS':
706 pytest.skip(
707 "see issue https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/multipath-tools/+bug/1488688")
708 c.ensure_sd()
709 #
710 # Figure out the name of the multipath device
711 #
712 disk = c.unused_disks('sd.')[0]
713 c.sh("mpathconf --enable || true")
714 c.sh("multipath " + disk)
715 holders = os.listdir(
716 "/sys/block/" + os.path.basename(disk) + "/holders")
717 assert 1 == len(holders)
718 name = open("/sys/block/" + holders[0] + "/dm/name").read()
719 multipath = "/dev/mapper/" + name
720 #
721 # Prepare the multipath device
722 #
723 osd_uuid = str(uuid.uuid1())
724 c.sh("ceph-disk --verbose zap " + multipath)
725 c.sh("ceph-disk --verbose prepare --filestore --osd-uuid " + osd_uuid +
726 " " + multipath)
727 c.wait_for_osd_up(osd_uuid)
728 device = json.loads(
729 c.sh("ceph-disk list --format json " + multipath))[0]
730 assert len(device['partitions']) == 2
731 data_partition = c.get_osd_partition(osd_uuid)
732 assert data_partition['type'] == 'data'
733 assert data_partition['state'] == 'active'
734 journal_partition = c.get_journal_partition(osd_uuid)
735 assert journal_partition
736 c.helper("pool_read_write")
737 c.destroy_osd(osd_uuid)
738 c.sh("udevadm settle")
739 c.sh("multipath -F")
740 c.unload_scsi_debug()
743 class CephDiskTest(CephDisk):
745 def main(self, argv):
746 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
747 'ceph-disk-test',
748 )
749 parser.add_argument(
750 '-v', '--verbose',
751 action='store_true', default=None,
752 help='be more verbose',
753 )
754 parser.add_argument(
755 '--destroy-osd',
756 help='stop, umount and destroy',
757 )
758 args = parser.parse_args(argv)
760 if args.verbose:
761 logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
763 if args.destroy_osd:
764 dump = json.loads(CephDisk.sh("ceph osd dump -f json"))
765 osd_uuid = None
766 for osd in dump['osds']:
767 if str(osd['osd']) == args.destroy_osd:
768 osd_uuid = osd['uuid']
769 if osd_uuid:
770 self.destroy_osd(osd_uuid)
771 else:
772 raise Exception("cannot find OSD " + args.destroy_osd +
773 " ceph osd dump -f json")
774 return
776 if __name__ == '__main__':
777 sys.exit(CephDiskTest().main(sys.argv[1:]))