]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/boost/libs/graph/test/csr_graph_test.cpp
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / boost / libs / graph / test / csr_graph_test.cpp
1 // Copyright 2005 The Trustees of Indiana University.
3 // Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
4 // License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
5 // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
7 // Authors: Jeremiah Willcock
8 // Douglas Gregor
9 // Andrew Lumsdaine
11 // The libstdc++ debug mode makes this test run for hours...
12 #ifdef _GLIBCXX_DEBUG
13 # undef _GLIBCXX_DEBUG
14 #endif
16 // Test for the compressed sparse row graph type
17 #include <boost/graph/compressed_sparse_row_graph.hpp>
18 #include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>
19 #include <boost/graph/erdos_renyi_generator.hpp>
20 #include <boost/graph/graph_utility.hpp>
21 #include <boost/random/linear_congruential.hpp>
22 #include <boost/concept_check.hpp> // for ignore_unused_variable_warning
23 #include <iostream>
24 #include <vector>
25 #include <algorithm>
26 #include <ctime>
27 #include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
28 #include <boost/iterator/transform_iterator.hpp>
29 #include <boost/limits.hpp>
30 #include <string>
31 #include <boost/graph/iteration_macros.hpp>
32 #include <boost/test/minimal.hpp>
34 // Algorithms to test against
35 #include <boost/graph/betweenness_centrality.hpp>
36 #include <boost/graph/kruskal_min_spanning_tree.hpp>
38 typedef boost::adjacency_list<> GraphT;
39 typedef boost::erdos_renyi_iterator<boost::minstd_rand, GraphT> ERGen;
41 struct VertexData
42 {
43 int index;
44 };
46 struct EdgeData
47 {
48 int index_e;
49 };
51 typedef boost::compressed_sparse_row_graph<boost::directedS, VertexData, EdgeData>
52 CSRGraphT;
54 typedef boost::compressed_sparse_row_graph<boost::bidirectionalS, VertexData, EdgeData>
55 BidirCSRGraphT;
57 template <class G1, class VI1, class G2, class VI2, class IsomorphismMap>
58 void assert_graphs_equal(const G1& g1, const VI1& vi1,
59 const G2& g2, const VI2& vi2,
60 const IsomorphismMap& iso) {
61 using boost::out_degree;
63 BOOST_CHECK (num_vertices(g1) == num_vertices(g2));
64 BOOST_CHECK (num_edges(g1) == num_edges(g2));
66 typedef typename boost::graph_traits<G1>::vertex_iterator vertiter1;
67 {
68 vertiter1 i, iend;
69 for (boost::tie(i, iend) = vertices(g1); i != iend; ++i) {
70 typename boost::graph_traits<G1>::vertex_descriptor v1 = *i;
71 typename boost::graph_traits<G2>::vertex_descriptor v2 = iso[v1];
73 BOOST_CHECK (vi1[v1] == vi2[v2]);
75 BOOST_CHECK (out_degree(v1, g1) == out_degree(v2, g2));
76 std::vector<std::size_t> edges1(out_degree(v1, g1));
77 typename boost::graph_traits<G1>::out_edge_iterator oe1, oe1end;
78 for (boost::tie(oe1, oe1end) = out_edges(v1, g1); oe1 != oe1end; ++oe1) {
79 BOOST_CHECK (source(*oe1, g1) == v1);
80 edges1.push_back(vi1[target(*oe1, g1)]);
81 }
82 std::vector<std::size_t> edges2(out_degree(v2, g2));
83 typename boost::graph_traits<G2>::out_edge_iterator oe2, oe2end;
84 for (boost::tie(oe2, oe2end) = out_edges(v2, g2); oe2 != oe2end; ++oe2) {
85 BOOST_CHECK (source(*oe2, g2) == v2);
86 edges2.push_back(vi2[target(*oe2, g2)]);
87 }
89 std::sort(edges1.begin(), edges1.end());
90 std::sort(edges2.begin(), edges2.end());
91 if (edges1 != edges2) {
92 std::cerr << "For vertex " << v1 << std::endl;
93 std::cerr << "edges1:";
94 for (size_t i = 0; i < edges1.size(); ++i) std::cerr << " " << edges1[i];
95 std::cerr << std::endl;
96 std::cerr << "edges2:";
97 for (size_t i = 0; i < edges2.size(); ++i) std::cerr << " " << edges2[i];
98 std::cerr << std::endl;
99 }
100 BOOST_CHECK (edges1 == edges2);
101 }
102 }
104 {
105 std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, std::size_t> > all_edges1;
106 std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, std::size_t> > all_edges2;
107 typename boost::graph_traits<G1>::edge_iterator ei1, ei1end;
108 for (boost::tie(ei1, ei1end) = edges(g1); ei1 != ei1end; ++ei1)
109 all_edges1.push_back(std::make_pair(vi1[source(*ei1, g1)],
110 vi1[target(*ei1, g1)]));
111 typename boost::graph_traits<G2>::edge_iterator ei2, ei2end;
112 for (boost::tie(ei2, ei2end) = edges(g2); ei2 != ei2end; ++ei2)
113 all_edges2.push_back(std::make_pair(vi2[source(*ei2, g2)],
114 vi2[target(*ei2, g2)]));
115 std::sort(all_edges1.begin(), all_edges1.end());
116 std::sort(all_edges2.begin(), all_edges2.end());
117 BOOST_CHECK (all_edges1 == all_edges2);
118 }
119 }
121 template <typename Structure>
122 void check_consistency_one(const Structure& g) {
123 // Do a bunch of tests on the graph internal data
124 // Check that m_rowstart entries are valid, and that entries after
125 // m_last_source + 1 are all zero
126 BOOST_CHECK(g.m_rowstart[0] == 0);
127 for (size_t i = 0;
128 i < g.m_rowstart.size() - 1;
129 ++i) {
130 BOOST_CHECK(g.m_rowstart[i + 1] >= g.m_rowstart[i]);
131 BOOST_CHECK(g.m_rowstart[i + 1] <= g.m_rowstart.back());
132 }
133 // Check that m_column entries are within range
134 for (size_t i = 0; i < g.m_rowstart.back(); ++i) {
135 BOOST_CHECK(g.m_column[i] < g.m_rowstart.size() - 1);
136 }
137 }
139 template <typename Graph>
140 void check_consistency_dispatch(const Graph& g,
141 boost::incidence_graph_tag) {
142 check_consistency_one(g.m_forward);
143 }
145 template <class G>
146 void assert_bidir_equal_in_both_dirs(const G& g) {
147 BOOST_CHECK (g.m_forward.m_rowstart.size() == g.m_backward.m_rowstart.size());
148 BOOST_CHECK (g.m_forward.m_column.size() == g.m_backward.m_column.size());
149 typedef typename boost::graph_traits<G>::vertex_descriptor Vertex;
150 typedef typename boost::graph_traits<G>::edges_size_type EdgeIndex;
151 std::vector<boost::tuple<EdgeIndex, Vertex, Vertex> > edges_forward, edges_backward;
152 for (Vertex i = 0; i < g.m_forward.m_rowstart.size() - 1; ++i) {
153 for (EdgeIndex j = g.m_forward.m_rowstart[i];
154 j < g.m_forward.m_rowstart[i + 1]; ++j) {
155 edges_forward.push_back(boost::make_tuple(j, i, g.m_forward.m_column[j]));
156 }
157 }
158 for (Vertex i = 0; i < g.m_backward.m_rowstart.size() - 1; ++i) {
159 for (EdgeIndex j = g.m_backward.m_rowstart[i];
160 j < g.m_backward.m_rowstart[i + 1]; ++j) {
161 edges_backward.push_back(boost::make_tuple(g.m_backward.m_edge_properties[j], g.m_backward.m_column[j], i));
162 }
163 }
164 std::sort(edges_forward.begin(), edges_forward.end());
165 std::sort(edges_backward.begin(), edges_backward.end());
166 BOOST_CHECK (edges_forward == edges_backward);
167 }
169 template <typename Graph>
170 void check_consistency_dispatch(const Graph& g,
171 boost::bidirectional_graph_tag) {
172 check_consistency_one(g.m_forward);
173 check_consistency_one(g.m_backward);
174 assert_bidir_equal_in_both_dirs(g);
175 }
177 template <typename Graph>
178 void check_consistency(const Graph& g) {
179 check_consistency_dispatch(g, typename boost::graph_traits<Graph>::traversal_category());
180 }
182 template<typename OrigGraph>
183 void graph_test(const OrigGraph& g)
184 {
185 // Check copying of a graph
186 CSRGraphT g2(g);
187 check_consistency(g2);
188 BOOST_CHECK((std::size_t)std::distance(edges(g2).first, edges(g2).second)
189 == num_edges(g2));
190 assert_graphs_equal(g, boost::identity_property_map(),
191 g2, boost::identity_property_map(),
192 boost::identity_property_map());
194 // Check constructing a graph from iterators
195 CSRGraphT g3(boost::edges_are_sorted,
196 boost::make_transform_iterator(edges(g2).first,
197 boost::detail::make_edge_to_index_pair(g2)),
198 boost::make_transform_iterator(edges(g2).second,
199 boost::detail::make_edge_to_index_pair(g2)),
200 num_vertices(g));
201 check_consistency(g3);
202 BOOST_CHECK((std::size_t)std::distance(edges(g3).first, edges(g3).second)
203 == num_edges(g3));
204 assert_graphs_equal(g2, boost::identity_property_map(),
205 g3, boost::identity_property_map(),
206 boost::identity_property_map());
208 // Check constructing a graph using in-place modification of vectors
209 {
210 std::vector<std::size_t> sources(num_edges(g2));
211 std::vector<std::size_t> targets(num_edges(g2));
212 std::size_t idx = 0;
213 // Edges actually sorted
214 BGL_FORALL_EDGES(e, g2, CSRGraphT) {
215 sources[idx] = source(e, g2);
216 targets[idx] = target(e, g2);
217 ++idx;
218 }
219 CSRGraphT g3a(boost::construct_inplace_from_sources_and_targets,
220 sources,
221 targets,
222 num_vertices(g2));
223 check_consistency(g3a);
224 assert_graphs_equal(g2, boost::identity_property_map(),
225 g3a, boost::identity_property_map(),
226 boost::identity_property_map());
227 }
228 {
229 std::vector<std::size_t> sources(num_edges(g2));
230 std::vector<std::size_t> targets(num_edges(g2));
231 std::size_t idx = 0;
232 // Edges reverse-sorted
233 BGL_FORALL_EDGES(e, g2, CSRGraphT) {
234 sources[num_edges(g2) - 1 - idx] = source(e, g2);
235 targets[num_edges(g2) - 1 - idx] = target(e, g2);
236 ++idx;
237 }
238 CSRGraphT g3a(boost::construct_inplace_from_sources_and_targets,
239 sources,
240 targets,
241 num_vertices(g2));
242 check_consistency(g3a);
243 assert_graphs_equal(g2, boost::identity_property_map(),
244 g3a, boost::identity_property_map(),
245 boost::identity_property_map());
246 }
247 {
248 std::vector<std::size_t> sources(num_edges(g2));
249 std::vector<std::size_t> targets(num_edges(g2));
250 std::size_t idx = 0;
251 // Edges scrambled using Fisher-Yates shuffle (Durstenfeld variant) from
252 // Wikipedia
253 BGL_FORALL_EDGES(e, g2, CSRGraphT) {
254 sources[idx] = source(e, g2);
255 targets[idx] = target(e, g2);
256 ++idx;
257 }
258 boost::minstd_rand gen(1);
259 if (num_edges(g) != 0) {
260 for (std::size_t i = num_edges(g) - 1; i > 0; --i) {
261 std::size_t scrambled = boost::uniform_int<>(0, i)(gen);
262 if (scrambled == i) continue;
263 using std::swap;
264 swap(sources[i], sources[scrambled]);
265 swap(targets[i], targets[scrambled]);
266 }
267 }
268 CSRGraphT g3a(boost::construct_inplace_from_sources_and_targets,
269 sources,
270 targets,
271 num_vertices(g2));
272 check_consistency(g3a);
273 assert_graphs_equal(g2, boost::identity_property_map(),
274 g3a, boost::identity_property_map(),
275 boost::identity_property_map());
276 }
278 CSRGraphT::edge_iterator ei, ei_end;
280 // Check edge_from_index (and implicitly the edge_index property map) for
281 // each edge in g2
282 std::size_t last_src = 0;
283 for (boost::tie(ei, ei_end) = edges(g2); ei != ei_end; ++ei) {
284 BOOST_CHECK(edge_from_index(get(boost::edge_index, g2, *ei), g2) == *ei);
285 std::size_t src = get(boost::vertex_index, g2, source(*ei, g2));
286 (void)(std::size_t)get(boost::vertex_index, g2, target(*ei, g2));
287 BOOST_CHECK(src >= last_src);
288 last_src = src;
289 }
291 // Check out edge iteration and vertex iteration for sortedness
292 CSRGraphT::vertex_iterator vi, vi_end;
293 std::size_t last_vertex = 0;
294 bool first_iter = true;
295 for (boost::tie(vi, vi_end) = vertices(g2); vi != vi_end; ++vi) {
296 std::size_t v = get(boost::vertex_index, g2, *vi);
297 BOOST_CHECK(first_iter || v > last_vertex);
298 last_vertex = v;
299 first_iter = false;
301 CSRGraphT::out_edge_iterator oei, oei_end;
302 for (boost::tie(oei, oei_end) = out_edges(*vi, g2); oei != oei_end; ++oei) {
303 BOOST_CHECK(source(*oei, g2) == *vi);
304 }
306 // Find a vertex for testing
307 CSRGraphT::vertex_descriptor test_vertex = vertex(num_vertices(g2) / 2, g2);
308 int edge_count = 0;
309 CSRGraphT::out_edge_iterator oei2, oei2_end;
310 for (boost::tie(oei2, oei_end) = out_edges(*vi, g2); oei2 != oei_end; ++oei2) {
311 if (target(*oei2, g2) == test_vertex)
312 ++edge_count;
313 }
314 }
316 // Run brandes_betweenness_centrality, which touches on a whole lot
317 // of things, including VertexListGraph and IncidenceGraph
318 using namespace boost;
319 std::vector<double> vertex_centralities(num_vertices(g3));
320 std::vector<double> edge_centralities(num_edges(g3));
321 brandes_betweenness_centrality
322 (g3,
323 make_iterator_property_map(vertex_centralities.begin(),
324 get(boost::vertex_index, g3)),
325 make_iterator_property_map(edge_centralities.begin(),
326 get(boost::edge_index, g3)));
327 // Extra qualifications for aCC
329 // Invert the edge centralities and use these as weights to
330 // Kruskal's MST algorithm, which will test the EdgeListGraph
331 // capabilities.
332 double max_val = (std::numeric_limits<double>::max)();
333 for (std::size_t i = 0; i < num_edges(g3); ++i)
334 edge_centralities[i] =
335 edge_centralities[i] == 0.0? max_val : 1.0 / edge_centralities[i];
337 typedef boost::graph_traits<CSRGraphT>::edge_descriptor edge_descriptor;
338 std::vector<edge_descriptor> mst_edges;
339 mst_edges.reserve(num_vertices(g3));
340 kruskal_minimum_spanning_tree
341 (g3, std::back_inserter(mst_edges),
342 weight_map(make_iterator_property_map(edge_centralities.begin(),
343 get(boost::edge_index, g3))));
344 }
346 void graph_test(int nnodes, double density, int seed)
347 {
348 boost::minstd_rand gen(seed);
349 std::cout << "Testing " << nnodes << " density " << density << std::endl;
350 GraphT g(ERGen(gen, nnodes, density), ERGen(), nnodes);
351 graph_test(g);
352 }
354 void test_graph_properties()
355 {
356 using namespace boost;
358 typedef compressed_sparse_row_graph<directedS,
359 no_property,
360 no_property,
361 property<graph_name_t, std::string> >
362 CSRGraphT;
364 CSRGraphT g;
365 BOOST_CHECK(get_property(g, graph_name) == "");
366 set_property(g, graph_name, "beep");
367 BOOST_CHECK(get_property(g, graph_name) == "beep");
368 }
370 struct Vertex
371 {
372 double centrality;
373 };
375 struct Edge
376 {
377 Edge(double weight) : weight(weight), centrality(0.0) { }
379 double weight;
380 double centrality;
381 };
383 void test_vertex_and_edge_properties()
384 {
385 using namespace boost;
386 typedef compressed_sparse_row_graph<directedS, Vertex, Edge>
387 CSRGraphWithPropsT;
389 typedef std::pair<int, int> E;
390 E edges_init[6] = { E(0, 1), E(0, 3), E(1, 2), E(3, 1), E(3, 4), E(4, 2) };
391 double weights[6] = { 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5 };
392 double centrality[5] = { 0.0, 1.5, 0.0, 1.0, 0.5 };
394 CSRGraphWithPropsT g(boost::edges_are_sorted, &edges_init[0], &edges_init[0] + 6, &weights[0], 5, 6);
395 brandes_betweenness_centrality
396 (g,
397 centrality_map(get(&Vertex::centrality, g)).
398 weight_map(get(&Edge::weight, g)).
399 edge_centrality_map(get(&Edge::centrality, g)));
401 BGL_FORALL_VERTICES(v, g, CSRGraphWithPropsT)
402 BOOST_CHECK(g[v].centrality == centrality[v]);
403 }
405 int test_main(int argc, char* argv[])
406 {
407 // Optionally accept a seed value
408 int seed = int(std::time(0));
409 if (argc > 1) seed = boost::lexical_cast<int>(argv[1]);
411 std::cout << "Seed = " << seed << std::endl;
412 {
413 std::cout << "Testing empty graph" << std::endl;
414 CSRGraphT g;
415 graph_test(g);
416 }
417 // graph_test(1000, 0.05, seed);
418 // graph_test(1000, 0.0, seed);
419 // graph_test(1000, 0.1, seed);
420 graph_test(1000, 0.001, seed);
421 graph_test(1000, 0.0005, seed);
423 test_graph_properties();
424 test_vertex_and_edge_properties();
426 {
427 std::cout << "Testing CSR graph built from unsorted edges" << std::endl;
428 std::pair<int, int> unsorted_edges[] = {std::make_pair(5, 0), std::make_pair(3, 2), std::make_pair(4, 1), std::make_pair(4, 0), std::make_pair(0, 2), std::make_pair(5, 2)};
429 CSRGraphT g(boost::edges_are_unsorted, unsorted_edges, unsorted_edges + sizeof(unsorted_edges) / sizeof(*unsorted_edges), 6);
431 // Test vertex and edge bundle access
432 boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(
433 (VertexData&)get(get(boost::vertex_bundle, g), vertex(0, g)));
434 boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(
435 (const VertexData&)get(get(boost::vertex_bundle, (const CSRGraphT&)g), vertex(0, g)));
436 boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(
437 (VertexData&)get(boost::vertex_bundle, g, vertex(0, g)));
438 boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(
439 (const VertexData&)get(boost::vertex_bundle, (const CSRGraphT&)g, vertex(0, g)));
440 put(boost::vertex_bundle, g, vertex(0, g), VertexData());
441 boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(
442 (EdgeData&)get(get(boost::edge_bundle, g), *edges(g).first));
443 boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(
444 (const EdgeData&)get(get(boost::edge_bundle, (const CSRGraphT&)g), *edges(g).first));
445 boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(
446 (EdgeData&)get(boost::edge_bundle, g, *edges(g).first));
447 boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(
448 (const EdgeData&)get(boost::edge_bundle, (const CSRGraphT&)g, *edges(g).first));
449 put(boost::edge_bundle, g, *edges(g).first, EdgeData());
451 CSRGraphT g2(boost::edges_are_unsorted_multi_pass, unsorted_edges, unsorted_edges + sizeof(unsorted_edges) / sizeof(*unsorted_edges), 6);
452 graph_test(g);
453 graph_test(g2);
454 assert_graphs_equal(g, boost::identity_property_map(),
455 g2, boost::identity_property_map(),
456 boost::identity_property_map());
457 std::cout << "Testing bidir CSR graph built from unsorted edges" << std::endl;
458 BidirCSRGraphT g2b(boost::edges_are_unsorted_multi_pass, unsorted_edges, unsorted_edges + sizeof(unsorted_edges) / sizeof(*unsorted_edges), 6);
459 graph_test(g2b);
460 assert_graphs_equal(g, boost::identity_property_map(),
461 g2b, boost::identity_property_map(),
462 boost::identity_property_map());
463 // Check in edge access
464 typedef boost::graph_traits<BidirCSRGraphT>::in_edge_iterator in_edge_iterator;
465 std::pair<in_edge_iterator, in_edge_iterator> ie(in_edges(vertex(0, g2b), g2b));
466 // quiet unused variable warning
467 ie.first = ie.second;
469 std::cout << "Testing CSR graph built using add_edges" << std::endl;
470 // Test building a graph using add_edges on unsorted lists
471 CSRGraphT g3(boost::edges_are_unsorted, unsorted_edges, unsorted_edges, 6); // Empty range
472 add_edges(unsorted_edges, unsorted_edges + 3, g3);
473 EdgeData edge_data[3];
474 add_edges(unsorted_edges + 3, unsorted_edges + 6, edge_data, edge_data + 3, g3);
475 graph_test(g3);
476 assert_graphs_equal(g, boost::identity_property_map(),
477 g3, boost::identity_property_map(),
478 boost::identity_property_map());
479 }
481 return 0;
482 }