]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/boost/tools/build/test/test_all.py
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / boost / tools / build / test / test_all.py
1 #!/usr/bin/python
3 # Copyright 2002-2005 Dave Abrahams.
4 # Copyright 2002-2006 Vladimir Prus.
5 # Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
6 # (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
7 # http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
9 import BoostBuild
11 import os
12 import os.path
13 import sys
15 xml = "--xml" in sys.argv
16 toolset = BoostBuild.get_toolset()
19 # Clear environment for testing.
20 #
22 "MSVCDir", "MSVC", "MSVCNT", "MINGW", "watcom"):
23 try:
24 del os.environ[s]
25 except:
26 pass
28 BoostBuild.set_defer_annotations(1)
31 def run_tests(critical_tests, other_tests):
32 """
33 Runs first the critical_tests and then the other_tests.
35 Writes the name of the first failed test to test_results.txt. Critical
36 tests are run in the specified order, other tests are run starting with the
37 one that failed first on the last test run.
39 """
40 last_failed = last_failed_test()
41 other_tests = reorder_tests(other_tests, last_failed)
42 all_tests = critical_tests + other_tests
44 invocation_dir = os.getcwd()
45 max_test_name_len = 10
46 for x in all_tests:
47 if len(x) > max_test_name_len:
48 max_test_name_len = len(x)
50 pass_count = 0
51 failures_count = 0
53 for test in all_tests:
54 if not xml:
55 print("%%-%ds :" % max_test_name_len % test),
57 passed = 0
58 try:
59 __import__(test)
60 passed = 1
61 except KeyboardInterrupt:
62 """This allows us to abort the testing manually using Ctrl-C."""
63 raise
64 except SystemExit:
65 """This is the regular way our test scripts are supposed to report
66 test failures."""
67 except:
68 exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
69 try:
70 BoostBuild.annotation("failure - unhandled exception", "%s - "
71 "%s" % (exc_type.__name__, exc_value))
72 BoostBuild.annotate_stack_trace(exc_tb)
73 finally:
74 # Explicitly clear a hard-to-garbage-collect traceback
75 # related reference cycle as per documented sys.exc_info()
76 # usage suggestion.
77 del exc_tb
79 if passed:
80 pass_count += 1
81 else:
82 failures_count += 1
83 if failures_count == 1:
84 f = open(os.path.join(invocation_dir, "test_results.txt"), "w")
85 try:
86 f.write(test)
87 finally:
88 f.close()
90 # Restore the current directory, which might have been changed by the
91 # test.
92 os.chdir(invocation_dir)
94 if not xml:
95 if passed:
96 print("PASSED")
97 else:
98 print("FAILED")
99 else:
100 rs = "succeed"
101 if not passed:
102 rs = "fail"
103 print """
104 <test-log library="build" test-name="%s" test-type="run" toolset="%s" test-program="%s" target-directory="%s">
105 <run result="%s">""" % (test, toolset, "tools/build/v2/test/" + test + ".py",
106 "boost/bin.v2/boost.build.tests/" + toolset + "/" + test, rs)
107 if not passed:
108 BoostBuild.flush_annotations(1)
109 print """
110 </run>
111 </test-log>
112 """
113 sys.stdout.flush() # Makes testing under emacs more entertaining.
114 BoostBuild.clear_annotations()
116 # Erase the file on success.
117 if failures_count == 0:
118 open("test_results.txt", "w").close()
120 if not xml:
121 print """
122 === Test summary ===
123 PASS: %d
124 FAIL: %d
125 """ % (pass_count, failures_count)
127 # exit with failure with failures
128 if failures_count > 0:
129 sys.exit(1)
131 def last_failed_test():
132 "Returns the name of the last failed test or None."
133 try:
134 f = open("test_results.txt")
135 try:
136 return f.read().strip()
137 finally:
138 f.close()
139 except Exception:
140 return None
143 def reorder_tests(tests, first_test):
144 try:
145 n = tests.index(first_test)
146 return [first_test] + tests[:n] + tests[n + 1:]
147 except ValueError:
148 return tests
151 critical_tests = ["unit_tests", "module_actions", "startup_v2", "core_d12",
152 "core_typecheck", "core_delete_module", "core_language", "core_arguments",
153 "core_varnames", "core_import_module"]
155 # We want to collect debug information about the test site before running any
156 # of the tests, but only when not running the tests interactively. Then the
157 # user can easily run this always-failing test directly to see what it would
158 # have returned and there is no need to have it spoil a possible 'all tests
159 # passed' result.
160 if xml:
161 critical_tests.insert(0, "collect_debug_info")
163 tests = ["absolute_sources",
164 "alias",
165 "alternatives",
166 "bad_dirname",
167 "build_dir",
168 "build_file",
169 "build_no",
170 "builtin_echo",
171 "builtin_exit",
172 "builtin_glob",
173 "builtin_split_by_characters",
174 "bzip2",
175 "c_file",
176 "chain",
177 "clean",
178 "composite",
179 "conditionals",
180 "conditionals2",
181 "conditionals3",
182 "conditionals_multiple",
183 "configuration",
184 "copy_time",
185 "core_action_output",
186 "core_action_status",
187 "core_actions_quietly",
188 "core_at_file",
189 "core_bindrule",
190 "core_jamshell",
191 "core_multifile_actions",
192 "core_nt_cmd_line",
193 "core_option_d2",
194 "core_option_l",
195 "core_option_n",
196 "core_parallel_actions",
197 "core_parallel_multifile_actions_1",
198 "core_parallel_multifile_actions_2",
199 "core_source_line_tracking",
200 "core_update_now",
201 "core_variables_in_actions",
202 "custom_generator",
203 "debugger",
204 "debugger-mi",
205 "default_build",
206 "default_features",
207 # This test is known to be broken itself.
208 # "default_toolset",
209 "dependency_property",
210 "dependency_test",
211 "direct_request_test",
212 "disambiguation",
213 "dll_path",
214 "double_loading",
215 "duplicate",
216 "example_libraries",
217 "example_make",
218 "exit_status",
219 "expansion",
220 "explicit",
221 "feature_cxxflags",
222 "free_features_request",
223 "generator_selection",
224 "generators_test",
225 "implicit_dependency",
226 "indirect_conditional",
227 "inherit_toolset",
228 "inherited_dependency",
229 "inline",
230 "lib_source_property",
231 "library_chain",
232 "library_property",
233 "link",
234 "load_order",
235 "loop",
236 "make_rule",
237 "message",
238 "ndebug",
239 "no_type",
240 "notfile",
241 "ordered_include",
242 "out_of_tree",
243 "path_features",
244 "prebuilt",
245 "print",
246 "project_dependencies",
247 "project_glob",
248 "project_id",
249 "project_root_constants",
250 "project_root_rule",
251 "project_test3",
252 "project_test4",
253 "property_expansion",
254 "rebuilds",
255 "regression",
256 "relative_sources",
257 "remove_requirement",
258 "rescan_header",
259 "resolution",
260 "scanner_causing_rebuilds",
261 "searched_lib",
262 "skipping",
263 "sort_rule",
264 "source_locations",
265 "source_order",
266 "space_in_path",
267 "stage",
268 "standalone",
269 "static_and_shared_library",
270 "suffix",
271 "tag",
272 "test_result_dumping",
273 "test_rc",
274 "testing_support",
275 "timedata",
276 "toolset_requirements",
277 "unit_test",
278 "unused",
279 "use_requirements",
280 "using",
281 "wrapper",
282 "wrong_project",
283 "zlib"
284 ]
286 if os.name == "posix":
287 tests.append("symlink")
288 # On Windows, library order is not important, so skip this test. Besides,
289 # it fails ;-). Further, the test relies on the fact that on Linux, one can
290 # build a shared library with unresolved symbols. This is not true on
291 # Windows, even with cygwin gcc.
293 # Disable this test until we figure how to address failures due to --as-needed being default now.
294 # if "CYGWIN" not in os.uname()[0]:
295 # tests.append("library_order")
297 if toolset.startswith("gcc"):
298 tests.append("gcc_runtime")
300 if toolset.startswith("gcc") or toolset.startswith("msvc"):
301 tests.append("pch")
303 # Disable on OSX as it doesn't seem to work for unknown reasons.
304 if sys.platform != 'darwin':
305 tests.append("builtin_glob_archive")
307 if "--extras" in sys.argv:
308 tests.append("boostbook")
309 tests.append("qt4")
310 tests.append("qt5")
311 tests.append("example_qt4")
312 # Requires ./whatever.py to work, so is not guaranted to work everywhere.
313 tests.append("example_customization")
314 # Requires gettext tools.
315 tests.append("example_gettext")
316 elif not xml:
317 print("Note: skipping extra tests")
319 run_tests(critical_tests, tests)