]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/ceph_osd.cc
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / ceph_osd.cc
1 // -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*-
2 // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab
3 /*
4 * Ceph - scalable distributed file system
5 *
6 * Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Sage Weil <sage@newdream.net>
7 *
8 * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
10 * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software
11 * Foundation. See file COPYING.
12 *
13 */
15 #include <sys/types.h>
16 #include <sys/stat.h>
17 #include <fcntl.h>
18 #include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
20 #include <iostream>
21 #include <string>
23 #include "osd/OSD.h"
24 #include "os/ObjectStore.h"
25 #include "mon/MonClient.h"
26 #include "include/ceph_features.h"
28 #include "common/config.h"
30 #include "mon/MonMap.h"
32 #include "msg/Messenger.h"
34 #include "common/Throttle.h"
35 #include "common/Timer.h"
36 #include "common/TracepointProvider.h"
37 #include "common/ceph_argparse.h"
38 #include "common/numa.h"
40 #include "global/global_init.h"
41 #include "global/signal_handler.h"
43 #include "include/color.h"
44 #include "common/errno.h"
45 #include "common/pick_address.h"
47 #include "perfglue/heap_profiler.h"
49 #include "include/ceph_assert.h"
51 #include "common/Preforker.h"
53 #define dout_context g_ceph_context
54 #define dout_subsys ceph_subsys_osd
56 namespace {
58 TracepointProvider::Traits osd_tracepoint_traits("libosd_tp.so",
59 "osd_tracing");
60 TracepointProvider::Traits os_tracepoint_traits("libos_tp.so",
61 "osd_objectstore_tracing");
62 TracepointProvider::Traits bluestore_tracepoint_traits("libbluestore_tp.so",
63 "bluestore_tracing");
65 TracepointProvider::Traits cyg_profile_traits("libcyg_profile_tp.so",
66 "osd_function_tracing");
67 #endif
69 } // anonymous namespace
71 OSD *osdptr = nullptr;
73 void handle_osd_signal(int signum)
74 {
75 if (osdptr)
76 osdptr->handle_signal(signum);
77 }
79 static void usage()
80 {
81 cout << "usage: ceph-osd -i <ID> [flags]\n"
82 << " --osd-data PATH data directory\n"
83 << " --osd-journal PATH\n"
84 << " journal file or block device\n"
85 << " --mkfs create a [new] data directory\n"
86 << " --mkkey generate a new secret key. This is normally used in combination with --mkfs\n"
87 << " --monmap specify the path to the monitor map. This is normally used in combination with --mkfs\n"
88 << " --osd-uuid specify the OSD's fsid. This is normally used in combination with --mkfs\n"
89 << " --keyring specify a path to the osd keyring. This is normally used in combination with --mkfs\n"
90 << " --convert-filestore\n"
91 << " run any pending upgrade operations\n"
92 << " --flush-journal flush all data out of journal\n"
93 << " --dump-journal dump all data of journal\n"
94 << " --mkjournal initialize a new journal\n"
95 << " --check-wants-journal\n"
96 << " check whether a journal is desired\n"
97 << " --check-allows-journal\n"
98 << " check whether a journal is allowed\n"
99 << " --check-needs-journal\n"
100 << " check whether a journal is required\n"
101 << " --debug_osd <N> set debug level (e.g. 10)\n"
102 << " --get-device-fsid PATH\n"
103 << " get OSD fsid for the given block device\n"
104 << std::endl;
105 generic_server_usage();
106 }
108 int main(int argc, const char **argv)
109 {
110 vector<const char*> args;
111 argv_to_vec(argc, argv, args);
112 if (args.empty()) {
113 cerr << argv[0] << ": -h or --help for usage" << std::endl;
114 exit(1);
115 }
116 if (ceph_argparse_need_usage(args)) {
117 usage();
118 exit(0);
119 }
121 map<string,string> defaults = {
122 // We want to enable leveldb's log, while allowing users to override this
123 // option, therefore we will pass it as a default argument to global_init().
124 { "leveldb_log", "" }
125 };
126 auto cct = global_init(
127 &defaults,
130 0, "osd_data");
131 ceph_heap_profiler_init();
133 Preforker forker;
135 // osd specific args
136 bool mkfs = false;
137 bool mkjournal = false;
138 bool check_wants_journal = false;
139 bool check_allows_journal = false;
140 bool check_needs_journal = false;
141 bool mkkey = false;
142 bool flushjournal = false;
143 bool dump_journal = false;
144 bool convertfilestore = false;
145 bool get_osd_fsid = false;
146 bool get_cluster_fsid = false;
147 bool get_journal_fsid = false;
148 bool get_device_fsid = false;
149 string device_path;
150 std::string dump_pg_log;
152 std::string val;
153 for (std::vector<const char*>::iterator i = args.begin(); i != args.end(); ) {
154 if (ceph_argparse_double_dash(args, i)) {
155 break;
156 } else if (ceph_argparse_flag(args, i, "--mkfs", (char*)NULL)) {
157 mkfs = true;
158 } else if (ceph_argparse_flag(args, i, "--mkjournal", (char*)NULL)) {
159 mkjournal = true;
160 } else if (ceph_argparse_flag(args, i, "--check-allows-journal", (char*)NULL)) {
161 check_allows_journal = true;
162 } else if (ceph_argparse_flag(args, i, "--check-wants-journal", (char*)NULL)) {
163 check_wants_journal = true;
164 } else if (ceph_argparse_flag(args, i, "--check-needs-journal", (char*)NULL)) {
165 check_needs_journal = true;
166 } else if (ceph_argparse_flag(args, i, "--mkkey", (char*)NULL)) {
167 mkkey = true;
168 } else if (ceph_argparse_flag(args, i, "--flush-journal", (char*)NULL)) {
169 flushjournal = true;
170 } else if (ceph_argparse_flag(args, i, "--convert-filestore", (char*)NULL)) {
171 convertfilestore = true;
172 } else if (ceph_argparse_witharg(args, i, &val, "--dump-pg-log", (char*)NULL)) {
173 dump_pg_log = val;
174 } else if (ceph_argparse_flag(args, i, "--dump-journal", (char*)NULL)) {
175 dump_journal = true;
176 } else if (ceph_argparse_flag(args, i, "--get-cluster-fsid", (char*)NULL)) {
177 get_cluster_fsid = true;
178 } else if (ceph_argparse_flag(args, i, "--get-osd-fsid", "--get-osd-uuid", (char*)NULL)) {
179 get_osd_fsid = true;
180 } else if (ceph_argparse_flag(args, i, "--get-journal-fsid", "--get-journal-uuid", (char*)NULL)) {
181 get_journal_fsid = true;
182 } else if (ceph_argparse_witharg(args, i, &device_path,
183 "--get-device-fsid", (char*)NULL)) {
184 get_device_fsid = true;
185 } else {
186 ++i;
187 }
188 }
189 if (!args.empty()) {
190 cerr << "unrecognized arg " << args[0] << std::endl;
191 exit(1);
192 }
194 if (global_init_prefork(g_ceph_context) >= 0) {
195 std::string err;
196 int r = forker.prefork(err);
197 if (r < 0) {
198 cerr << err << std::endl;
199 return r;
200 }
201 if (forker.is_parent()) {
202 g_ceph_context->_log->start();
203 if (forker.parent_wait(err) != 0) {
204 return -ENXIO;
205 }
206 return 0;
207 }
208 setsid();
209 global_init_postfork_start(g_ceph_context);
210 }
211 common_init_finish(g_ceph_context);
212 global_init_chdir(g_ceph_context);
214 if (get_journal_fsid) {
215 device_path = g_conf().get_val<std::string>("osd_journal");
216 get_device_fsid = true;
217 }
218 if (get_device_fsid) {
219 uuid_d uuid;
220 int r = ObjectStore::probe_block_device_fsid(g_ceph_context, device_path,
221 &uuid);
222 if (r < 0) {
223 cerr << "failed to get device fsid for " << device_path
224 << ": " << cpp_strerror(r) << std::endl;
225 forker.exit(1);
226 }
227 cout << uuid << std::endl;
228 forker.exit(0);
229 }
231 if (!dump_pg_log.empty()) {
232 common_init_finish(g_ceph_context);
233 bufferlist bl;
234 std::string error;
236 if (bl.read_file(dump_pg_log.c_str(), &error) >= 0) {
237 pg_log_entry_t e;
238 auto p = bl.cbegin();
239 while (!p.end()) {
240 uint64_t pos = p.get_off();
241 try {
242 decode(e, p);
243 }
244 catch (const buffer::error &e) {
245 derr << "failed to decode LogEntry at offset " << pos << dendl;
246 forker.exit(1);
247 }
248 derr << pos << ":\t" << e << dendl;
249 }
250 } else {
251 derr << "unable to open " << dump_pg_log << ": " << error << dendl;
252 }
253 forker.exit(0);
254 }
256 // whoami
257 char *end;
258 const char *id = g_conf()->name.get_id().c_str();
259 int whoami = strtol(id, &end, 10);
260 std::string data_path = g_conf().get_val<std::string>("osd_data");
261 if (*end || end == id || whoami < 0) {
262 derr << "must specify '-i #' where # is the osd number" << dendl;
263 forker.exit(1);
264 }
266 if (data_path.empty()) {
267 derr << "must specify '--osd-data=foo' data path" << dendl;
268 forker.exit(1);
269 }
271 // the store
272 std::string store_type;
273 {
274 char fn[PATH_MAX];
275 snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "%s/type", data_path.c_str());
276 int fd = ::open(fn, O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC);
277 if (fd >= 0) {
278 bufferlist bl;
279 bl.read_fd(fd, 64);
280 if (bl.length()) {
281 store_type = string(bl.c_str(), bl.length() - 1); // drop \n
282 dout(5) << "object store type is " << store_type << dendl;
283 }
284 ::close(fd);
285 } else if (mkfs) {
286 store_type = g_conf().get_val<std::string>("osd_objectstore");
287 } else {
288 // hrm, infer the type
289 snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "%s/current", data_path.c_str());
290 struct stat st;
291 if (::stat(fn, &st) == 0 &&
292 S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
293 derr << "missing 'type' file, inferring filestore from current/ dir"
294 << dendl;
295 store_type = "filestore";
296 } else {
297 snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "%s/block", data_path.c_str());
298 if (::stat(fn, &st) == 0 &&
299 S_ISLNK(st.st_mode)) {
300 derr << "missing 'type' file, inferring bluestore from block symlink"
301 << dendl;
302 store_type = "bluestore";
303 } else {
304 derr << "missing 'type' file and unable to infer osd type" << dendl;
305 forker.exit(1);
306 }
307 }
308 }
309 }
311 std::string journal_path = g_conf().get_val<std::string>("osd_journal");
312 uint32_t flags = g_conf().get_val<uint64_t>("osd_os_flags");
313 ObjectStore *store = ObjectStore::create(g_ceph_context,
314 store_type,
315 data_path,
316 journal_path,
317 flags);
318 if (!store) {
319 derr << "unable to create object store" << dendl;
320 forker.exit(-ENODEV);
321 }
324 if (mkkey) {
325 common_init_finish(g_ceph_context);
326 KeyRing keyring;
328 EntityName ename{g_conf()->name};
329 EntityAuth eauth;
331 std::string keyring_path = g_conf().get_val<std::string>("keyring");
332 int ret = keyring.load(g_ceph_context, keyring_path);
333 if (ret == 0 &&
334 keyring.get_auth(ename, eauth)) {
335 derr << "already have key in keyring " << keyring_path << dendl;
336 } else {
337 eauth.key.create(g_ceph_context, CEPH_CRYPTO_AES);
338 keyring.add(ename, eauth);
339 bufferlist bl;
340 keyring.encode_plaintext(bl);
341 int r = bl.write_file(keyring_path.c_str(), 0600);
342 if (r)
343 derr << TEXT_RED << " ** ERROR: writing new keyring to "
344 << keyring_path << ": " << cpp_strerror(r) << TEXT_NORMAL
345 << dendl;
346 else
347 derr << "created new key in keyring " << keyring_path << dendl;
348 }
349 }
350 if (mkfs) {
351 common_init_finish(g_ceph_context);
353 if (g_conf().get_val<uuid_d>("fsid").is_zero()) {
354 derr << "must specify cluster fsid" << dendl;
355 forker.exit(-EINVAL);
356 }
358 int err = OSD::mkfs(g_ceph_context, store, g_conf().get_val<uuid_d>("fsid"),
359 whoami);
360 if (err < 0) {
361 derr << TEXT_RED << " ** ERROR: error creating empty object store in "
362 << data_path << ": " << cpp_strerror(-err) << TEXT_NORMAL << dendl;
363 forker.exit(1);
364 }
365 dout(0) << "created object store " << data_path
366 << " for osd." << whoami
367 << " fsid " << g_conf().get_val<uuid_d>("fsid")
368 << dendl;
369 }
370 if (mkfs || mkkey) {
371 forker.exit(0);
372 }
373 if (mkjournal) {
374 common_init_finish(g_ceph_context);
375 int err = store->mkjournal();
376 if (err < 0) {
377 derr << TEXT_RED << " ** ERROR: error creating fresh journal "
378 << journal_path << " for object store " << data_path << ": "
379 << cpp_strerror(-err) << TEXT_NORMAL << dendl;
380 forker.exit(1);
381 }
382 derr << "created new journal " << journal_path
383 << " for object store " << data_path << dendl;
384 forker.exit(0);
385 }
386 if (check_wants_journal) {
387 if (store->wants_journal()) {
388 cout << "wants journal: yes" << std::endl;
389 forker.exit(0);
390 } else {
391 cout << "wants journal: no" << std::endl;
392 forker.exit(1);
393 }
394 }
395 if (check_allows_journal) {
396 if (store->allows_journal()) {
397 cout << "allows journal: yes" << std::endl;
398 forker.exit(0);
399 } else {
400 cout << "allows journal: no" << std::endl;
401 forker.exit(1);
402 }
403 }
404 if (check_needs_journal) {
405 if (store->needs_journal()) {
406 cout << "needs journal: yes" << std::endl;
407 forker.exit(0);
408 } else {
409 cout << "needs journal: no" << std::endl;
410 forker.exit(1);
411 }
412 }
413 if (flushjournal) {
414 common_init_finish(g_ceph_context);
415 int err = store->mount();
416 if (err < 0) {
417 derr << TEXT_RED << " ** ERROR: error flushing journal " << journal_path
418 << " for object store " << data_path
419 << ": " << cpp_strerror(-err) << TEXT_NORMAL << dendl;
420 goto flushjournal_out;
421 }
422 store->umount();
423 derr << "flushed journal " << journal_path
424 << " for object store " << data_path
425 << dendl;
426 flushjournal_out:
427 delete store;
428 forker.exit(err < 0 ? 1 : 0);
429 }
430 if (dump_journal) {
431 common_init_finish(g_ceph_context);
432 int err = store->dump_journal(cout);
433 if (err < 0) {
434 derr << TEXT_RED << " ** ERROR: error dumping journal " << journal_path
435 << " for object store " << data_path
436 << ": " << cpp_strerror(-err) << TEXT_NORMAL << dendl;
437 forker.exit(1);
438 }
439 derr << "dumped journal " << journal_path
440 << " for object store " << data_path
441 << dendl;
442 forker.exit(0);
443 }
446 if (convertfilestore) {
447 int err = store->mount();
448 if (err < 0) {
449 derr << TEXT_RED << " ** ERROR: error mounting store " << data_path
450 << ": " << cpp_strerror(-err) << TEXT_NORMAL << dendl;
451 forker.exit(1);
452 }
453 err = store->upgrade();
454 store->umount();
455 if (err < 0) {
456 derr << TEXT_RED << " ** ERROR: error converting store " << data_path
457 << ": " << cpp_strerror(-err) << TEXT_NORMAL << dendl;
458 forker.exit(1);
459 }
460 forker.exit(0);
461 }
463 string magic;
464 uuid_d cluster_fsid, osd_fsid;
465 ceph_release_t require_osd_release = ceph_release_t::unknown;
466 int w;
467 int r = OSD::peek_meta(store, &magic, &cluster_fsid, &osd_fsid, &w,
468 &require_osd_release);
469 if (r < 0) {
470 derr << TEXT_RED << " ** ERROR: unable to open OSD superblock on "
471 << data_path << ": " << cpp_strerror(-r)
472 << TEXT_NORMAL << dendl;
473 if (r == -ENOTSUP) {
474 derr << TEXT_RED << " ** please verify that underlying storage "
475 << "supports xattrs" << TEXT_NORMAL << dendl;
476 }
477 forker.exit(1);
478 }
479 if (w != whoami) {
480 derr << "OSD id " << w << " != my id " << whoami << dendl;
481 forker.exit(1);
482 }
483 if (strcmp(magic.c_str(), CEPH_OSD_ONDISK_MAGIC)) {
484 derr << "OSD magic " << magic << " != my " << CEPH_OSD_ONDISK_MAGIC
485 << dendl;
486 forker.exit(1);
487 }
489 if (get_cluster_fsid) {
490 cout << cluster_fsid << std::endl;
491 forker.exit(0);
492 }
493 if (get_osd_fsid) {
494 cout << osd_fsid << std::endl;
495 forker.exit(0);
496 }
498 {
499 auto from_release = require_osd_release;
500 ostringstream err;
501 if (!can_upgrade_from(from_release, "require_osd_release", err)) {
502 derr << err.str() << dendl;
503 forker.exit(1);
504 }
505 }
507 // consider objectstore numa node
508 int os_numa_node = -1;
509 r = store->get_numa_node(&os_numa_node, nullptr, nullptr);
510 if (r >= 0 && os_numa_node >= 0) {
511 dout(1) << " objectstore numa_node " << os_numa_node << dendl;
512 }
513 int iface_preferred_numa_node = -1;
514 if (g_conf().get_val<bool>("osd_numa_prefer_iface")) {
515 iface_preferred_numa_node = os_numa_node;
516 }
518 // messengers
519 std::string msg_type = g_conf().get_val<std::string>("ms_type");
520 std::string public_msg_type =
521 g_conf().get_val<std::string>("ms_public_type");
522 std::string cluster_msg_type =
523 g_conf().get_val<std::string>("ms_cluster_type");
525 public_msg_type = public_msg_type.empty() ? msg_type : public_msg_type;
526 cluster_msg_type = cluster_msg_type.empty() ? msg_type : cluster_msg_type;
527 uint64_t nonce = Messenger::get_pid_nonce();
528 Messenger *ms_public = Messenger::create(g_ceph_context, public_msg_type,
529 entity_name_t::OSD(whoami), "client",
530 nonce,
531 Messenger::HAS_HEAVY_TRAFFIC |
533 Messenger *ms_cluster = Messenger::create(g_ceph_context, cluster_msg_type,
534 entity_name_t::OSD(whoami), "cluster",
535 nonce,
536 Messenger::HAS_HEAVY_TRAFFIC |
538 Messenger *ms_hb_back_client = Messenger::create(g_ceph_context, cluster_msg_type,
539 entity_name_t::OSD(whoami), "hb_back_client",
540 nonce, Messenger::HEARTBEAT);
541 Messenger *ms_hb_front_client = Messenger::create(g_ceph_context, public_msg_type,
542 entity_name_t::OSD(whoami), "hb_front_client",
543 nonce, Messenger::HEARTBEAT);
544 Messenger *ms_hb_back_server = Messenger::create(g_ceph_context, cluster_msg_type,
545 entity_name_t::OSD(whoami), "hb_back_server",
546 nonce, Messenger::HEARTBEAT);
547 Messenger *ms_hb_front_server = Messenger::create(g_ceph_context, public_msg_type,
548 entity_name_t::OSD(whoami), "hb_front_server",
549 nonce, Messenger::HEARTBEAT);
550 Messenger *ms_objecter = Messenger::create(g_ceph_context, public_msg_type,
551 entity_name_t::OSD(whoami), "ms_objecter",
552 nonce, 0);
553 if (!ms_public || !ms_cluster || !ms_hb_front_client || !ms_hb_back_client || !ms_hb_back_server || !ms_hb_front_server || !ms_objecter)
554 forker.exit(1);
555 ms_cluster->set_cluster_protocol(CEPH_OSD_PROTOCOL);
556 ms_hb_front_client->set_cluster_protocol(CEPH_OSD_PROTOCOL);
557 ms_hb_back_client->set_cluster_protocol(CEPH_OSD_PROTOCOL);
558 ms_hb_back_server->set_cluster_protocol(CEPH_OSD_PROTOCOL);
559 ms_hb_front_server->set_cluster_protocol(CEPH_OSD_PROTOCOL);
561 dout(0) << "starting osd." << whoami
562 << " osd_data " << data_path
563 << " " << ((journal_path.empty()) ?
564 "(no journal)" : journal_path)
565 << dendl;
567 uint64_t message_size =
568 g_conf().get_val<Option::size_t>("osd_client_message_size_cap");
569 boost::scoped_ptr<Throttle> client_byte_throttler(
570 new Throttle(g_ceph_context, "osd_client_bytes", message_size));
572 // All feature bits 0 - 34 should be present from dumpling v0.67 forward
573 uint64_t osd_required =
578 ms_public->set_default_policy(Messenger::Policy::stateless_registered_server(0));
579 ms_public->set_policy_throttlers(entity_name_t::TYPE_CLIENT,
580 client_byte_throttler.get(),
581 nullptr);
582 ms_public->set_policy(entity_name_t::TYPE_MON,
583 Messenger::Policy::lossy_client(osd_required));
584 ms_public->set_policy(entity_name_t::TYPE_MGR,
585 Messenger::Policy::lossy_client(osd_required));
587 ms_cluster->set_default_policy(Messenger::Policy::stateless_server(0));
588 ms_cluster->set_policy(entity_name_t::TYPE_MON, Messenger::Policy::lossy_client(0));
589 ms_cluster->set_policy(entity_name_t::TYPE_OSD,
590 Messenger::Policy::lossless_peer(osd_required));
591 ms_cluster->set_policy(entity_name_t::TYPE_CLIENT,
592 Messenger::Policy::stateless_server(0));
594 ms_hb_front_client->set_policy(entity_name_t::TYPE_OSD,
595 Messenger::Policy::lossy_client(0));
596 ms_hb_back_client->set_policy(entity_name_t::TYPE_OSD,
597 Messenger::Policy::lossy_client(0));
598 ms_hb_back_server->set_policy(entity_name_t::TYPE_OSD,
599 Messenger::Policy::stateless_server(0));
600 ms_hb_front_server->set_policy(entity_name_t::TYPE_OSD,
601 Messenger::Policy::stateless_server(0));
603 ms_objecter->set_default_policy(Messenger::Policy::lossy_client(CEPH_FEATURE_OSDREPLYMUX));
605 entity_addrvec_t public_addrs, cluster_addrs;
606 r = pick_addresses(g_ceph_context, CEPH_PICK_ADDRESS_PUBLIC, &public_addrs,
607 iface_preferred_numa_node);
608 if (r < 0) {
609 derr << "Failed to pick public address." << dendl;
610 forker.exit(1);
611 }
612 r = pick_addresses(g_ceph_context, CEPH_PICK_ADDRESS_CLUSTER, &cluster_addrs,
613 iface_preferred_numa_node);
614 if (r < 0) {
615 derr << "Failed to pick cluster address." << dendl;
616 forker.exit(1);
617 }
619 if (ms_public->bindv(public_addrs) < 0)
620 forker.exit(1);
622 if (ms_cluster->bindv(cluster_addrs) < 0)
623 forker.exit(1);
625 bool is_delay = g_conf().get_val<bool>("osd_heartbeat_use_min_delay_socket");
626 if (is_delay) {
627 ms_hb_front_client->set_socket_priority(SOCKET_PRIORITY_MIN_DELAY);
628 ms_hb_back_client->set_socket_priority(SOCKET_PRIORITY_MIN_DELAY);
629 ms_hb_back_server->set_socket_priority(SOCKET_PRIORITY_MIN_DELAY);
630 ms_hb_front_server->set_socket_priority(SOCKET_PRIORITY_MIN_DELAY);
631 }
633 entity_addrvec_t hb_front_addrs = public_addrs;
634 for (auto& a : hb_front_addrs.v) {
635 a.set_port(0);
636 }
637 if (ms_hb_front_server->bindv(hb_front_addrs) < 0)
638 forker.exit(1);
639 if (ms_hb_front_client->client_bind(hb_front_addrs.front()) < 0)
640 forker.exit(1);
642 entity_addrvec_t hb_back_addrs = cluster_addrs;
643 for (auto& a : hb_back_addrs.v) {
644 a.set_port(0);
645 }
646 if (ms_hb_back_server->bindv(hb_back_addrs) < 0)
647 forker.exit(1);
648 if (ms_hb_back_client->client_bind(hb_back_addrs.front()) < 0)
649 forker.exit(1);
651 // install signal handlers
652 init_async_signal_handler();
653 register_async_signal_handler(SIGHUP, sighup_handler);
655 TracepointProvider::initialize<osd_tracepoint_traits>(g_ceph_context);
656 TracepointProvider::initialize<os_tracepoint_traits>(g_ceph_context);
657 TracepointProvider::initialize<bluestore_tracepoint_traits>(g_ceph_context);
659 TracepointProvider::initialize<cyg_profile_traits>(g_ceph_context);
660 #endif
662 srand(time(NULL) + getpid());
664 MonClient mc(g_ceph_context);
665 if (mc.build_initial_monmap() < 0)
666 return -1;
667 global_init_chdir(g_ceph_context);
669 if (global_init_preload_erasure_code(g_ceph_context) < 0) {
670 forker.exit(1);
671 }
673 osdptr = new OSD(g_ceph_context,
674 store,
675 whoami,
676 ms_cluster,
677 ms_public,
678 ms_hb_front_client,
679 ms_hb_back_client,
680 ms_hb_front_server,
681 ms_hb_back_server,
682 ms_objecter,
683 &mc,
684 data_path,
685 journal_path);
687 int err = osdptr->pre_init();
688 if (err < 0) {
689 derr << TEXT_RED << " ** ERROR: osd pre_init failed: " << cpp_strerror(-err)
690 << TEXT_NORMAL << dendl;
691 forker.exit(1);
692 }
694 ms_public->start();
695 ms_hb_front_client->start();
696 ms_hb_back_client->start();
697 ms_hb_front_server->start();
698 ms_hb_back_server->start();
699 ms_cluster->start();
700 ms_objecter->start();
702 // start osd
703 err = osdptr->init();
704 if (err < 0) {
705 derr << TEXT_RED << " ** ERROR: osd init failed: " << cpp_strerror(-err)
706 << TEXT_NORMAL << dendl;
707 forker.exit(1);
708 }
710 // -- daemonize --
712 if (g_conf()->daemonize) {
713 global_init_postfork_finish(g_ceph_context);
714 forker.daemonize();
715 }
718 register_async_signal_handler_oneshot(SIGINT, handle_osd_signal);
719 register_async_signal_handler_oneshot(SIGTERM, handle_osd_signal);
721 osdptr->final_init();
723 if (g_conf().get_val<bool>("inject_early_sigterm"))
724 kill(getpid(), SIGTERM);
726 ms_public->wait();
727 ms_hb_front_client->wait();
728 ms_hb_back_client->wait();
729 ms_hb_front_server->wait();
730 ms_hb_back_server->wait();
731 ms_cluster->wait();
732 ms_objecter->wait();
734 unregister_async_signal_handler(SIGHUP, sighup_handler);
735 unregister_async_signal_handler(SIGINT, handle_osd_signal);
736 unregister_async_signal_handler(SIGTERM, handle_osd_signal);
737 shutdown_async_signal_handler();
739 // done
740 delete osdptr;
741 delete ms_public;
742 delete ms_hb_front_client;
743 delete ms_hb_back_client;
744 delete ms_hb_front_server;
745 delete ms_hb_back_server;
746 delete ms_cluster;
747 delete ms_objecter;
749 client_byte_throttler.reset();
751 // cd on exit, so that gmon.out (if any) goes into a separate directory for each node.
752 char s[20];
753 snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "gmon/%d", getpid());
754 if ((mkdir(s, 0755) == 0) && (chdir(s) == 0)) {
755 dout(0) << "ceph-osd: gmon.out should be in " << s << dendl;
756 }
758 return 0;
759 }