]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/pybind/mgr/dashboard/tools.py
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / pybind / mgr / dashboard / tools.py
1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 from __future__ import absolute_import
4 import sys
5 import inspect
6 import json
7 import functools
8 import ipaddress
9 import logging
11 import collections
12 from datetime import datetime, timedelta
13 from distutils.util import strtobool
14 import fnmatch
15 import time
16 import threading
17 import six
18 from six.moves import urllib
19 import cherrypy
21 try:
22 from urlparse import urljoin
23 except ImportError:
24 from urllib.parse import urljoin
26 from . import mgr
27 from .exceptions import ViewCacheNoDataException
28 from .settings import Settings
29 from .services.auth import JwtManager
31 try:
32 from typing import Any, AnyStr, Callable, DefaultDict, Deque,\
33 Dict, List, Set, Tuple, Union # noqa pylint: disable=unused-import
34 except ImportError:
35 pass # For typing only
38 class RequestLoggingTool(cherrypy.Tool):
39 def __init__(self):
40 cherrypy.Tool.__init__(self, 'before_handler', self.request_begin,
41 priority=10)
42 self.logger = logging.getLogger('request')
44 def _setup(self):
45 cherrypy.Tool._setup(self)
46 cherrypy.request.hooks.attach('on_end_request', self.request_end,
47 priority=5)
48 cherrypy.request.hooks.attach('after_error_response', self.request_error,
49 priority=5)
51 def request_begin(self):
52 req = cherrypy.request
53 user = JwtManager.get_username()
54 # Log the request.
55 self.logger.debug('[%s:%s] [%s] [%s] %s', req.remote.ip, req.remote.port,
56 req.method, user, req.path_info)
57 # Audit the request.
58 if Settings.AUDIT_API_ENABLED and req.method not in ['GET']:
59 url = build_url(req.remote.ip, scheme=req.scheme,
60 port=req.remote.port)
61 msg = '[DASHBOARD] from=\'{}\' path=\'{}\' method=\'{}\' ' \
62 'user=\'{}\''.format(url, req.path_info, req.method, user)
64 params = dict(req.params or {}, **get_request_body_params(req))
65 # Hide sensitive data like passwords, secret keys, ...
66 # Extend the list of patterns to search for if necessary.
67 # Currently parameters like this are processed:
68 # - secret_key
69 # - user_password
70 # - new_passwd_to_login
71 keys = []
72 for key in ['password', 'passwd', 'secret']:
73 keys.extend([x for x in params.keys() if key in x])
74 for key in keys:
75 params[key] = '***'
76 msg = '{} params=\'{}\''.format(msg, json.dumps(params))
77 mgr.cluster_log('audit', mgr.CLUSTER_LOG_PRIO_INFO, msg)
79 def request_error(self):
80 self._request_log(self.logger.error)
81 self.logger.error(cherrypy.response.body)
83 def request_end(self):
84 status = cherrypy.response.status[:3]
85 if status in ["401", "403"]:
86 # log unauthorized accesses
87 self._request_log(self.logger.warning)
88 else:
89 self._request_log(self.logger.info)
91 def _format_bytes(self, num):
92 units = ['B', 'K', 'M', 'G']
94 if isinstance(num, str):
95 try:
96 num = int(num)
97 except ValueError:
98 return "n/a"
100 format_str = "{:.0f}{}"
101 for i, unit in enumerate(units):
102 div = 2**(10*i)
103 if num < 2**(10*(i+1)):
104 if num % div == 0:
105 format_str = "{}{}"
106 else:
107 div = float(div)
108 format_str = "{:.1f}{}"
109 return format_str.format(num/div, unit[0])
111 # content-length bigger than 1T!! return value in bytes
112 return "{}B".format(num)
114 def _request_log(self, logger_fn):
115 req = cherrypy.request
116 res = cherrypy.response
117 lat = time.time() - res.time
118 user = JwtManager.get_username()
119 status = res.status[:3] if isinstance(res.status, str) else res.status
120 if 'Content-Length' in res.headers:
121 length = self._format_bytes(res.headers['Content-Length'])
122 else:
123 length = self._format_bytes(0)
124 if user:
125 logger_fn("[%s:%s] [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s] %s", req.remote.ip,
126 req.remote.port, req.method, status,
127 "{0:.3f}s".format(lat), user, length, req.path_info)
128 else:
129 logger_fn("[%s:%s] [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s] %s", req.remote.ip,
130 req.remote.port, req.method, status,
131 "{0:.3f}s".format(lat), length, getattr(req, 'unique_id', '-'), req.path_info)
134 # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
135 class ViewCache(object):
136 VALUE_OK = 0
138 VALUE_NONE = 2
140 class GetterThread(threading.Thread):
141 def __init__(self, view, fn, args, kwargs):
142 super(ViewCache.GetterThread, self).__init__()
143 self._view = view
144 self.event = threading.Event()
145 self.fn = fn
146 self.args = args
147 self.kwargs = kwargs
149 # pylint: disable=broad-except
150 def run(self):
151 t0 = 0.0
152 t1 = 0.0
153 try:
154 t0 = time.time()
155 self._view.logger.debug("starting execution of %s", self.fn)
156 val = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
157 t1 = time.time()
158 except Exception as ex:
159 with self._view.lock:
160 self._view.logger.exception("Error while calling fn=%s ex=%s", self.fn,
161 str(ex))
162 self._view.value = None
163 self._view.value_when = None
164 self._view.getter_thread = None
165 self._view.exception = ex
166 else:
167 with self._view.lock:
168 self._view.latency = t1 - t0
169 self._view.value = val
170 self._view.value_when = datetime.now()
171 self._view.getter_thread = None
172 self._view.exception = None
174 self._view.logger.debug("execution of %s finished in: %s", self.fn,
175 t1 - t0)
176 self.event.set()
178 class RemoteViewCache(object):
179 # Return stale data if
180 STALE_PERIOD = 1.0
182 def __init__(self, timeout):
183 self.getter_thread = None
184 # Consider data within 1s old to be sufficiently fresh
185 self.timeout = timeout
186 self.event = threading.Event()
187 self.value_when = None
188 self.value = None
189 self.latency = 0
190 self.exception = None
191 self.lock = threading.Lock()
192 self.logger = logging.getLogger('viewcache')
194 def reset(self):
195 with self.lock:
196 self.value_when = None
197 self.value = None
199 def run(self, fn, args, kwargs):
200 """
201 If data less than `stale_period` old is available, return it
202 immediately.
203 If an attempt to fetch data does not complete within `timeout`, then
204 return the most recent data available, with a status to indicate that
205 it is stale.
207 Initialization does not count towards the timeout, so the first call
208 on one of these objects during the process lifetime may be slower
209 than subsequent calls.
211 :return: 2-tuple of value status code, value
212 """
213 with self.lock:
214 now = datetime.now()
215 if self.value_when and now - self.value_when < timedelta(
216 seconds=self.STALE_PERIOD):
217 return ViewCache.VALUE_OK, self.value
219 if self.getter_thread is None:
220 self.getter_thread = ViewCache.GetterThread(self, fn, args,
221 kwargs)
222 self.getter_thread.start()
223 else:
224 self.logger.debug("getter_thread still alive for: %s", fn)
226 ev = self.getter_thread.event
228 success = ev.wait(timeout=self.timeout)
230 with self.lock:
231 if success:
232 # We fetched the data within the timeout
233 if self.exception:
234 # execution raised an exception
235 # pylint: disable=raising-bad-type
236 raise self.exception
237 return ViewCache.VALUE_OK, self.value
238 if self.value_when is not None:
239 # We have some data, but it doesn't meet freshness requirements
240 return ViewCache.VALUE_STALE, self.value
241 # We have no data, not even stale data
242 raise ViewCacheNoDataException()
244 def __init__(self, timeout=5):
245 self.timeout = timeout
246 self.cache_by_args = {}
248 def __call__(self, fn):
249 def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
250 rvc = self.cache_by_args.get(args, None)
251 if not rvc:
252 rvc = ViewCache.RemoteViewCache(self.timeout)
253 self.cache_by_args[args] = rvc
254 return rvc.run(fn, args, kwargs)
255 wrapper.reset = self.reset # type: ignore
256 return wrapper
258 def reset(self):
259 for _, rvc in self.cache_by_args.items():
260 rvc.reset()
263 class NotificationQueue(threading.Thread):
264 _ALL_TYPES_ = '__ALL__'
265 _listeners = collections.defaultdict(set) # type: DefaultDict[str, Set[Tuple[int, Callable]]]
266 _lock = threading.Lock()
267 _cond = threading.Condition()
268 _queue = collections.deque() # type: Deque[Tuple[str, Any]]
269 _running = False
270 _instance = None
272 def __init__(self):
273 super(NotificationQueue, self).__init__()
275 @classmethod
276 def start_queue(cls):
277 with cls._lock:
278 if cls._instance:
279 # the queue thread is already running
280 return
281 cls._running = True
282 cls._instance = NotificationQueue()
283 cls.logger = logging.getLogger('notification_queue') # type: ignore
284 cls.logger.debug("starting notification queue") # type: ignore
285 cls._instance.start()
287 @classmethod
288 def stop(cls):
289 with cls._lock:
290 if not cls._instance:
291 # the queue thread was not started
292 return
293 instance = cls._instance
294 cls._instance = None
295 cls._running = False
296 with cls._cond:
297 cls._cond.notify()
298 cls.logger.debug("waiting for notification queue to finish") # type: ignore
299 instance.join()
300 cls.logger.debug("notification queue stopped") # type: ignore
302 @classmethod
303 def _registered_handler(cls, func, n_types):
304 for _, reg_func in cls._listeners[n_types]:
305 if reg_func == func:
306 return True
307 return False
309 @classmethod
310 def register(cls, func, n_types=None, priority=1):
311 """Registers function to listen for notifications
313 If the second parameter `n_types` is omitted, the function in `func`
314 parameter will be called for any type of notifications.
316 Args:
317 func (function): python function ex: def foo(val)
318 n_types (str|list): the single type to listen, or a list of types
319 priority (int): the priority level (1=max, +inf=min)
320 """
321 with cls._lock:
322 if not n_types:
323 n_types = [cls._ALL_TYPES_]
324 elif isinstance(n_types, str):
325 n_types = [n_types]
326 elif not isinstance(n_types, list):
327 raise Exception("n_types param is neither a string nor a list")
328 for ev_type in n_types:
329 if not cls._registered_handler(func, ev_type):
330 cls._listeners[ev_type].add((priority, func))
331 cls.logger.debug( # type: ignore
332 "function %s was registered for events of type %s",
333 func, ev_type
334 )
336 @classmethod
337 def deregister(cls, func, n_types=None):
338 # type: (Callable, Union[str, list, None]) -> None
339 """Removes the listener function from this notification queue
341 If the second parameter `n_types` is omitted, the function is removed
342 from all event types, otherwise the function is removed only for the
343 specified event types.
345 Args:
346 func (function): python function
347 n_types (str|list): the single event type, or a list of event types
348 """
349 with cls._lock:
350 if not n_types:
351 n_types = list(cls._listeners.keys())
352 elif isinstance(n_types, str):
353 n_types = [n_types]
354 elif not isinstance(n_types, list):
355 raise Exception("n_types param is neither a string nor a list")
356 for ev_type in n_types:
357 listeners = cls._listeners[ev_type]
358 to_remove = None
359 for pr, fn in listeners:
360 if fn == func:
361 to_remove = (pr, fn)
362 break
363 if to_remove:
364 listeners.discard(to_remove)
365 cls.logger.debug( # type: ignore
366 "function %s was deregistered for events of type %s",
367 func, ev_type
368 )
370 @classmethod
371 def new_notification(cls, notify_type, notify_value):
372 # type: (str, Any) -> None
373 with cls._cond:
374 cls._queue.append((notify_type, notify_value))
375 cls._cond.notify()
377 @classmethod
378 def _notify_listeners(cls, events):
379 for ev in events:
380 notify_type, notify_value = ev
381 with cls._lock:
382 listeners = list(cls._listeners[notify_type])
383 listeners.extend(cls._listeners[cls._ALL_TYPES_])
384 listeners.sort(key=lambda lis: lis[0])
385 for listener in listeners:
386 listener[1](notify_value)
388 def run(self):
389 self.logger.debug("notification queue started") # type: ignore
390 while self._running:
391 private_buffer = []
392 self.logger.debug("processing queue: %s", len(self._queue)) # type: ignore
393 try:
394 while True:
395 private_buffer.append(self._queue.popleft())
396 except IndexError:
397 pass
398 self._notify_listeners(private_buffer)
399 with self._cond:
400 while self._running and not self._queue:
401 self._cond.wait()
402 # flush remaining events
403 self.logger.debug("flush remaining events: %s", len(self._queue)) # type: ignore
404 self._notify_listeners(self._queue)
405 self._queue.clear()
406 self.logger.debug("notification queue finished") # type: ignore
409 # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, protected-access
410 class TaskManager(object):
414 VALUE_DONE = "done"
415 VALUE_EXECUTING = "executing"
417 _executing_tasks = set() # type: Set[Task]
418 _finished_tasks = [] # type: List[Task]
419 _lock = threading.Lock()
421 _task_local_data = threading.local()
423 @classmethod
424 def init(cls):
425 cls.logger = logging.getLogger('taskmgr') # type: ignore
426 NotificationQueue.register(cls._handle_finished_task, 'cd_task_finished')
428 @classmethod
429 def _handle_finished_task(cls, task):
430 cls.logger.info("finished %s", task) # type: ignore
431 with cls._lock:
432 cls._executing_tasks.remove(task)
433 cls._finished_tasks.append(task)
435 @classmethod
436 def run(cls, name, metadata, fn, args=None, kwargs=None, executor=None,
437 exception_handler=None):
438 if not args:
439 args = []
440 if not kwargs:
441 kwargs = {}
442 if not executor:
443 executor = ThreadedExecutor()
444 task = Task(name, metadata, fn, args, kwargs, executor,
445 exception_handler)
446 with cls._lock:
447 if task in cls._executing_tasks:
448 cls.logger.debug("task already executing: %s", task) # type: ignore
449 for t in cls._executing_tasks:
450 if t == task:
451 return t
452 cls.logger.debug("created %s", task) # type: ignore
453 cls._executing_tasks.add(task)
454 cls.logger.info("running %s", task) # type: ignore
455 task._run()
456 return task
458 @classmethod
459 def current_task(cls):
460 """
461 Returns the current task object.
462 This method should only be called from a threaded task operation code.
463 """
464 return cls._task_local_data.task
466 @classmethod
467 def _cleanup_old_tasks(cls, task_list):
468 """
469 The cleanup rule is: maintain the FINISHED_TASK_SIZE more recent
470 finished tasks, and the rest is maintained up to the FINISHED_TASK_TTL
471 value.
472 """
473 now = datetime.now()
474 for idx, t in enumerate(task_list):
475 if idx < cls.FINISHED_TASK_SIZE:
476 continue
477 if now - datetime.fromtimestamp(t[1].end_time) > \
478 timedelta(seconds=cls.FINISHED_TASK_TTL):
479 del cls._finished_tasks[t[0]]
481 @classmethod
482 def list(cls, name_glob=None):
483 executing_tasks = []
484 finished_tasks = []
485 with cls._lock:
486 for task in cls._executing_tasks:
487 if not name_glob or fnmatch.fnmatch(task.name, name_glob):
488 executing_tasks.append(task)
489 for idx, task in enumerate(cls._finished_tasks):
490 if not name_glob or fnmatch.fnmatch(task.name, name_glob):
491 finished_tasks.append((idx, task))
492 finished_tasks.sort(key=lambda t: t[1].end_time, reverse=True)
493 cls._cleanup_old_tasks(finished_tasks)
494 executing_tasks.sort(key=lambda t: t.begin_time, reverse=True)
495 return executing_tasks, [t[1] for t in finished_tasks]
497 @classmethod
498 def list_serializable(cls, ns_glob=None):
499 ex_t, fn_t = cls.list(ns_glob)
500 return [{
501 'name': t.name,
502 'metadata': t.metadata,
503 'begin_time': "{}Z".format(datetime.fromtimestamp(t.begin_time).isoformat()),
504 'progress': t.progress
505 } for t in ex_t if t.begin_time], [{
506 'name': t.name,
507 'metadata': t.metadata,
508 'begin_time': "{}Z".format(datetime.fromtimestamp(t.begin_time).isoformat()),
509 'end_time': "{}Z".format(datetime.fromtimestamp(t.end_time).isoformat()),
510 'duration': t.duration,
511 'progress': t.progress,
512 'success': not t.exception,
513 'ret_value': t.ret_value if not t.exception else None,
514 'exception': t.ret_value if t.exception and t.ret_value else (
515 {'detail': str(t.exception)} if t.exception else None)
516 } for t in fn_t]
519 # pylint: disable=protected-access
520 class TaskExecutor(object):
521 def __init__(self):
522 self.logger = logging.getLogger('taskexec')
523 self.task = None
525 def init(self, task):
526 self.task = task
528 # pylint: disable=broad-except
529 def start(self):
530 self.logger.debug("executing task %s", self.task)
531 try:
532 self.task.fn(*self.task.fn_args, **self.task.fn_kwargs) # type: ignore
533 except Exception as ex:
534 self.logger.exception("Error while calling %s", self.task)
535 self.finish(None, ex)
537 def finish(self, ret_value, exception):
538 if not exception:
539 self.logger.debug("successfully finished task: %s", self.task)
540 else:
541 self.logger.debug("task finished with exception: %s", self.task)
542 self.task._complete(ret_value, exception) # type: ignore
545 # pylint: disable=protected-access
546 class ThreadedExecutor(TaskExecutor):
547 def __init__(self):
548 super(ThreadedExecutor, self).__init__()
549 self._thread = threading.Thread(target=self._run)
551 def start(self):
552 self._thread.start()
554 # pylint: disable=broad-except
555 def _run(self):
556 TaskManager._task_local_data.task = self.task
557 try:
558 self.logger.debug("executing task %s", self.task)
559 val = self.task.fn(*self.task.fn_args, **self.task.fn_kwargs) # type: ignore
560 except Exception as ex:
561 self.logger.exception("Error while calling %s", self.task)
562 self.finish(None, ex)
563 else:
564 self.finish(val, None)
567 class Task(object):
568 def __init__(self, name, metadata, fn, args, kwargs, executor,
569 exception_handler=None):
570 self.name = name
571 self.metadata = metadata
572 self.fn = fn
573 self.fn_args = args
574 self.fn_kwargs = kwargs
575 self.executor = executor
576 self.ex_handler = exception_handler
577 self.running = False
578 self.event = threading.Event()
579 self.progress = None
580 self.ret_value = None
581 self.begin_time = None
582 self.end_time = None
583 self.duration = 0
584 self.exception = None
585 self.logger = logging.getLogger('task')
586 self.lock = threading.Lock()
588 def __hash__(self):
589 return hash((self.name, tuple(sorted(self.metadata.items()))))
591 def __eq__(self, other):
592 return self.name == other.name and self.metadata == other.metadata
594 def __str__(self):
595 return "Task(ns={}, md={})" \
596 .format(self.name, self.metadata)
598 def __repr__(self):
599 return str(self)
601 def _run(self):
602 NotificationQueue.register(self._handle_task_finished, 'cd_task_finished', 100)
603 with self.lock:
604 assert not self.running
605 self.executor.init(self)
606 self.set_progress(0, in_lock=True)
607 self.begin_time = time.time()
608 self.running = True
609 self.executor.start()
611 def _complete(self, ret_value, exception=None):
612 now = time.time()
613 if exception and self.ex_handler:
614 # pylint: disable=broad-except
615 try:
616 ret_value = self.ex_handler(exception, task=self)
617 except Exception as ex:
618 exception = ex
619 with self.lock:
620 assert self.running, "_complete cannot be called before _run"
621 self.end_time = now
622 self.ret_value = ret_value
623 self.exception = exception
624 self.duration = now - self.begin_time # type: ignore
625 if not self.exception:
626 self.set_progress(100, True)
627 NotificationQueue.new_notification('cd_task_finished', self)
628 self.logger.debug("execution of %s finished in: %s s", self,
629 self.duration)
631 def _handle_task_finished(self, task):
632 if self == task:
633 NotificationQueue.deregister(self._handle_task_finished)
634 self.event.set()
636 def wait(self, timeout=None):
637 with self.lock:
638 assert self.running, "wait cannot be called before _run"
639 ev = self.event
641 success = ev.wait(timeout=timeout)
642 with self.lock:
643 if success:
644 # the action executed within the timeout
645 if self.exception:
646 # pylint: disable=raising-bad-type
647 # execution raised an exception
648 raise self.exception
649 return TaskManager.VALUE_DONE, self.ret_value
650 # the action is still executing
651 return TaskManager.VALUE_EXECUTING, None
653 def inc_progress(self, delta, in_lock=False):
654 if not isinstance(delta, int) or delta < 0:
655 raise Exception("Progress delta value must be a positive integer")
656 if not in_lock:
657 self.lock.acquire()
658 prog = self.progress + delta # type: ignore
659 self.progress = prog if prog <= 100 else 100
660 if not in_lock:
661 self.lock.release()
663 def set_progress(self, percentage, in_lock=False):
664 if not isinstance(percentage, int) or percentage < 0 or percentage > 100:
665 raise Exception("Progress value must be in percentage "
666 "(0 <= percentage <= 100)")
667 if not in_lock:
668 self.lock.acquire()
669 self.progress = percentage
670 if not in_lock:
671 self.lock.release()
674 def build_url(host, scheme=None, port=None):
675 """
676 Build a valid URL. IPv6 addresses specified in host will be enclosed in brackets
677 automatically.
679 >>> build_url('example.com', 'https', 443)
680 'https://example.com:443'
682 >>> build_url(host='example.com', port=443)
683 '//example.com:443'
685 >>> build_url('fce:9af7:a667:7286:4917:b8d3:34df:8373', port=80, scheme='http')
686 'http://[fce:9af7:a667:7286:4917:b8d3:34df:8373]:80'
688 :param scheme: The scheme, e.g. http, https or ftp.
689 :type scheme: str
690 :param host: Consisting of either a registered name (including but not limited to
691 a hostname) or an IP address.
692 :type host: str
693 :type port: int
694 :rtype: str
695 """
696 try:
697 try:
698 u_host = six.u(host)
699 except TypeError:
700 u_host = host
702 ipaddress.IPv6Address(u_host)
703 netloc = '[{}]'.format(host)
704 except ValueError:
705 netloc = host
706 if port:
707 netloc += ':{}'.format(port)
708 pr = urllib.parse.ParseResult(
709 scheme=scheme if scheme else '',
710 netloc=netloc,
711 path='',
712 params='',
713 query='',
714 fragment='')
715 return pr.geturl()
718 def prepare_url_prefix(url_prefix):
719 """
720 return '' if no prefix, or '/prefix' without slash in the end.
721 """
722 url_prefix = urljoin('/', url_prefix)
723 return url_prefix.rstrip('/')
726 def dict_contains_path(dct, keys):
727 """
728 Tests whether the keys exist recursively in `dictionary`.
730 :type dct: dict
731 :type keys: list
732 :rtype: bool
733 """
734 if keys:
735 if not isinstance(dct, dict):
736 return False
737 key = keys.pop(0)
738 if key in dct:
739 dct = dct[key]
740 return dict_contains_path(dct, keys)
741 return False
742 return True
745 def dict_get(obj, path, default=None):
746 """
747 Get the value at any depth of a nested object based on the path
748 described by `path`. If path doesn't exist, `default` is returned.
749 """
750 current = obj
751 for part in path.split('.'):
752 if not isinstance(current, dict):
753 return default
754 if part not in current.keys():
755 return default
756 current = current.get(part, {})
757 return current
760 if sys.version_info > (3, 0):
761 wraps = functools.wraps
762 _getargspec = inspect.getfullargspec
763 else:
764 def wraps(func):
765 def decorator(wrapper):
766 new_wrapper = functools.wraps(func)(wrapper)
767 new_wrapper.__wrapped__ = func # set __wrapped__ even for Python 2
768 return new_wrapper
769 return decorator
771 _getargspec = inspect.getargspec
774 def getargspec(func):
775 try:
776 while True:
777 func = func.__wrapped__
778 except AttributeError:
779 pass
780 # pylint: disable=deprecated-method
781 return _getargspec(func)
784 def str_to_bool(val):
785 """
786 Convert a string representation of truth to True or False.
788 >>> str_to_bool('true') and str_to_bool('yes') and str_to_bool('1') and str_to_bool(True)
789 True
791 >>> str_to_bool('false') and str_to_bool('no') and str_to_bool('0') and str_to_bool(False)
792 False
794 >>> str_to_bool('xyz')
795 Traceback (most recent call last):
796 ...
797 ValueError: invalid truth value 'xyz'
799 :param val: The value to convert.
800 :type val: str|bool
801 :rtype: bool
802 """
803 if isinstance(val, bool):
804 return val
805 return bool(strtobool(val))
808 def json_str_to_object(value): # type: (AnyStr) -> Any
809 """
810 It converts a JSON valid string representation to object.
812 >>> result = json_str_to_object('{"a": 1}')
813 >>> result == {'a': 1}
814 True
815 """
816 if value == '':
817 return value
819 try:
820 # json.loads accepts binary input from version >=3.6
821 value = value.decode('utf-8') # type: ignore
822 except AttributeError:
823 pass
825 return json.loads(value)
828 def partial_dict(orig, keys): # type: (Dict, List[str]) -> Dict
829 """
830 It returns Dict containing only the selected keys of original Dict.
832 >>> partial_dict({'a': 1, 'b': 2}, ['b'])
833 {'b': 2}
834 """
835 return {k: orig[k] for k in keys}
838 def get_request_body_params(request):
839 """
840 Helper function to get parameters from the request body.
841 :param request The CherryPy request object.
842 :type request: cherrypy.Request
843 :return: A dictionary containing the parameters.
844 :rtype: dict
845 """
846 params = {} # type: dict
847 if request.method not in request.methods_with_bodies:
848 return params
850 content_type = request.headers.get('Content-Type', '')
851 if content_type in ['application/json', 'text/javascript']:
852 if not hasattr(request, 'json'):
853 raise cherrypy.HTTPError(400, 'Expected JSON body')
854 if isinstance(request.json, str):
855 params.update(json.loads(request.json))
856 else:
857 params.update(request.json)
859 return params
862 def find_object_in_list(key, value, iterable):
863 """
864 Get the first occurrence of an object within a list with
865 the specified key/value.
867 >>> find_object_in_list('name', 'bar', [{'name': 'foo'}, {'name': 'bar'}])
868 {'name': 'bar'}
870 >>> find_object_in_list('name', 'xyz', [{'name': 'foo'}, {'name': 'bar'}]) is None
871 True
873 >>> find_object_in_list('foo', 'bar', [{'xyz': 4815162342}]) is None
874 True
876 >>> find_object_in_list('foo', 'bar', []) is None
877 True
879 :param key: The name of the key.
880 :param value: The value to search for.
881 :param iterable: The list to process.
882 :return: Returns the found object or None.
883 """
884 for obj in iterable:
885 if key in obj and obj[key] == value:
886 return obj
887 return None