]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/rocksdb/db_stress_tool/db_stress_stat.h
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / rocksdb / db_stress_tool / db_stress_stat.h
1 // Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
2 // This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
3 // COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
4 // (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
6 #pragma once
7 #include <cinttypes>
8 #include <memory>
9 #include <queue>
10 #include <unordered_set>
12 #include "monitoring/histogram.h"
13 #include "port/port.h"
14 #include "rocksdb/snapshot.h"
15 #include "rocksdb/statistics.h"
16 #include "rocksdb/system_clock.h"
17 #include "util/gflags_compat.h"
18 #include "util/random.h"
20 DECLARE_bool(histogram);
21 DECLARE_bool(progress_reports);
23 namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE {
25 // Database statistics
26 extern std::shared_ptr<ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Statistics> dbstats;
27 extern std::shared_ptr<ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Statistics> dbstats_secondaries;
29 class Stats {
30 private:
31 uint64_t start_;
32 uint64_t finish_;
33 double seconds_;
34 long done_;
35 long gets_;
36 long prefixes_;
37 long writes_;
38 long deletes_;
39 size_t single_deletes_;
40 long iterator_size_sums_;
41 long founds_;
42 long iterations_;
43 long range_deletions_;
44 long covered_by_range_deletions_;
45 long errors_;
46 long verified_errors_;
47 long num_compact_files_succeed_;
48 long num_compact_files_failed_;
49 int next_report_;
50 size_t bytes_;
51 uint64_t last_op_finish_;
52 HistogramImpl hist_;
54 public:
55 Stats() {}
57 void Start() {
58 next_report_ = 100;
59 hist_.Clear();
60 done_ = 0;
61 gets_ = 0;
62 prefixes_ = 0;
63 writes_ = 0;
64 deletes_ = 0;
65 single_deletes_ = 0;
66 iterator_size_sums_ = 0;
67 founds_ = 0;
68 iterations_ = 0;
69 range_deletions_ = 0;
70 covered_by_range_deletions_ = 0;
71 errors_ = 0;
72 verified_errors_ = 0;
73 bytes_ = 0;
74 seconds_ = 0;
75 num_compact_files_succeed_ = 0;
76 num_compact_files_failed_ = 0;
77 start_ = SystemClock::Default()->NowMicros();
78 last_op_finish_ = start_;
79 finish_ = start_;
80 }
82 void Merge(const Stats& other) {
83 hist_.Merge(other.hist_);
84 done_ += other.done_;
85 gets_ += other.gets_;
86 prefixes_ += other.prefixes_;
87 writes_ += other.writes_;
88 deletes_ += other.deletes_;
89 single_deletes_ += other.single_deletes_;
90 iterator_size_sums_ += other.iterator_size_sums_;
91 founds_ += other.founds_;
92 iterations_ += other.iterations_;
93 range_deletions_ += other.range_deletions_;
94 covered_by_range_deletions_ = other.covered_by_range_deletions_;
95 errors_ += other.errors_;
96 verified_errors_ += other.verified_errors_;
97 bytes_ += other.bytes_;
98 seconds_ += other.seconds_;
99 num_compact_files_succeed_ += other.num_compact_files_succeed_;
100 num_compact_files_failed_ += other.num_compact_files_failed_;
101 if (other.start_ < start_) start_ = other.start_;
102 if (other.finish_ > finish_) finish_ = other.finish_;
103 }
105 void Stop() {
106 finish_ = SystemClock::Default()->NowMicros();
107 seconds_ = (finish_ - start_) * 1e-6;
108 }
110 void FinishedSingleOp() {
111 if (FLAGS_histogram) {
112 auto now = SystemClock::Default()->NowMicros();
113 auto micros = now - last_op_finish_;
114 hist_.Add(micros);
115 if (micros > 20000) {
116 fprintf(stdout, "long op: %" PRIu64 " micros%30s\r", micros, "");
117 }
118 last_op_finish_ = now;
119 }
121 done_++;
122 if (FLAGS_progress_reports) {
123 if (done_ >= next_report_) {
124 if (next_report_ < 1000)
125 next_report_ += 100;
126 else if (next_report_ < 5000)
127 next_report_ += 500;
128 else if (next_report_ < 10000)
129 next_report_ += 1000;
130 else if (next_report_ < 50000)
131 next_report_ += 5000;
132 else if (next_report_ < 100000)
133 next_report_ += 10000;
134 else if (next_report_ < 500000)
135 next_report_ += 50000;
136 else
137 next_report_ += 100000;
138 fprintf(stdout, "... finished %ld ops%30s\r", done_, "");
139 }
140 }
141 }
143 void AddBytesForWrites(long nwrites, size_t nbytes) {
144 writes_ += nwrites;
145 bytes_ += nbytes;
146 }
148 void AddGets(long ngets, long nfounds) {
149 founds_ += nfounds;
150 gets_ += ngets;
151 }
153 void AddPrefixes(long nprefixes, long count) {
154 prefixes_ += nprefixes;
155 iterator_size_sums_ += count;
156 }
158 void AddIterations(long n) { iterations_ += n; }
160 void AddDeletes(long n) { deletes_ += n; }
162 void AddSingleDeletes(size_t n) { single_deletes_ += n; }
164 void AddRangeDeletions(long n) { range_deletions_ += n; }
166 void AddCoveredByRangeDeletions(long n) { covered_by_range_deletions_ += n; }
168 void AddErrors(long n) { errors_ += n; }
170 void AddVerifiedErrors(long n) { verified_errors_ += n; }
172 void AddNumCompactFilesSucceed(long n) { num_compact_files_succeed_ += n; }
174 void AddNumCompactFilesFailed(long n) { num_compact_files_failed_ += n; }
176 void Report(const char* name) {
177 std::string extra;
178 if (bytes_ < 1 || done_ < 1) {
179 fprintf(stderr, "No writes or ops?\n");
180 return;
181 }
183 double elapsed = (finish_ - start_) * 1e-6;
184 double bytes_mb = bytes_ / 1048576.0;
185 double rate = bytes_mb / elapsed;
186 double throughput = (double)done_ / elapsed;
188 fprintf(stdout, "%-12s: ", name);
189 fprintf(stdout, "%.3f micros/op %ld ops/sec\n", seconds_ * 1e6 / done_,
190 (long)throughput);
191 fprintf(stdout, "%-12s: Wrote %.2f MB (%.2f MB/sec) (%ld%% of %ld ops)\n",
192 "", bytes_mb, rate, (100 * writes_) / done_, done_);
193 fprintf(stdout, "%-12s: Wrote %ld times\n", "", writes_);
194 fprintf(stdout, "%-12s: Deleted %ld times\n", "", deletes_);
195 fprintf(stdout, "%-12s: Single deleted %" ROCKSDB_PRIszt " times\n", "",
196 single_deletes_);
197 fprintf(stdout, "%-12s: %ld read and %ld found the key\n", "", gets_,
198 founds_);
199 fprintf(stdout, "%-12s: Prefix scanned %ld times\n", "", prefixes_);
200 fprintf(stdout, "%-12s: Iterator size sum is %ld\n", "",
201 iterator_size_sums_);
202 fprintf(stdout, "%-12s: Iterated %ld times\n", "", iterations_);
203 fprintf(stdout, "%-12s: Deleted %ld key-ranges\n", "", range_deletions_);
204 fprintf(stdout, "%-12s: Range deletions covered %ld keys\n", "",
205 covered_by_range_deletions_);
207 fprintf(stdout, "%-12s: Got errors %ld times\n", "", errors_);
208 fprintf(stdout, "%-12s: %ld CompactFiles() succeed\n", "",
209 num_compact_files_succeed_);
210 fprintf(stdout, "%-12s: %ld CompactFiles() did not succeed\n", "",
211 num_compact_files_failed_);
213 if (FLAGS_histogram) {
214 fprintf(stdout, "Microseconds per op:\n%s\n", hist_.ToString().c_str());
215 }
216 fflush(stdout);
217 }
218 };
219 } // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE