]> git.proxmox.com Git - ceph.git/blob - ceph/src/rocksdb/table/block_prefix_index.cc
[ceph.git] / ceph / src / rocksdb / table / block_prefix_index.cc
1 // Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
2 // This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
3 // COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
4 // (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
6 #include "table/block_prefix_index.h"
8 #include <vector>
10 #include "rocksdb/comparator.h"
11 #include "rocksdb/slice.h"
12 #include "rocksdb/slice_transform.h"
13 #include "util/arena.h"
14 #include "util/coding.h"
15 #include "util/hash.h"
17 namespace rocksdb {
19 inline uint32_t Hash(const Slice& s) {
20 return rocksdb::Hash(s.data(), s.size(), 0);
21 }
23 inline uint32_t PrefixToBucket(const Slice& prefix, uint32_t num_buckets) {
24 return Hash(prefix) % num_buckets;
25 }
27 // The prefix block index is simply a bucket array, with each entry pointing to
28 // the blocks that span the prefixes hashed to this bucket.
29 //
30 // To reduce memory footprint, if there is only one block per bucket, the entry
31 // stores the block id directly. If there are more than one blocks per bucket,
32 // because of hash collision or a single prefix spanning multiple blocks,
33 // the entry points to an array of block ids. The block array is an array of
34 // uint32_t's. The first uint32_t indicates the total number of blocks, followed
35 // by the block ids.
36 //
37 // To differentiate the two cases, the high order bit of the entry indicates
38 // whether it is a 'pointer' into a separate block array.
39 // 0x7FFFFFFF is reserved for empty bucket.
41 const uint32_t kNoneBlock = 0x7FFFFFFF;
42 const uint32_t kBlockArrayMask = 0x80000000;
44 inline bool IsNone(uint32_t block_id) { return block_id == kNoneBlock; }
46 inline bool IsBlockId(uint32_t block_id) {
47 return (block_id & kBlockArrayMask) == 0;
48 }
50 inline uint32_t DecodeIndex(uint32_t block_id) {
51 uint32_t index = block_id ^ kBlockArrayMask;
52 assert(index < kBlockArrayMask);
53 return index;
54 }
56 inline uint32_t EncodeIndex(uint32_t index) {
57 assert(index < kBlockArrayMask);
58 return index | kBlockArrayMask;
59 }
61 // temporary storage for prefix information during index building
62 struct PrefixRecord {
63 Slice prefix;
64 uint32_t start_block;
65 uint32_t end_block;
66 uint32_t num_blocks;
67 PrefixRecord* next;
68 };
70 class BlockPrefixIndex::Builder {
71 public:
72 explicit Builder(const SliceTransform* internal_prefix_extractor)
73 : internal_prefix_extractor_(internal_prefix_extractor) {}
75 void Add(const Slice& key_prefix, uint32_t start_block, uint32_t num_blocks) {
76 PrefixRecord* record = reinterpret_cast<PrefixRecord*>(
77 arena_.AllocateAligned(sizeof(PrefixRecord)));
78 record->prefix = key_prefix;
79 record->start_block = start_block;
80 record->end_block = start_block + num_blocks - 1;
81 record->num_blocks = num_blocks;
82 prefixes_.push_back(record);
83 }
85 BlockPrefixIndex* Finish() {
86 // For now, use roughly 1:1 prefix to bucket ratio.
87 uint32_t num_buckets = static_cast<uint32_t>(prefixes_.size()) + 1;
89 // Collect prefix records that hash to the same bucket, into a single
90 // linklist.
91 std::vector<PrefixRecord*> prefixes_per_bucket(num_buckets, nullptr);
92 std::vector<uint32_t> num_blocks_per_bucket(num_buckets, 0);
93 for (PrefixRecord* current : prefixes_) {
94 uint32_t bucket = PrefixToBucket(current->prefix, num_buckets);
95 // merge the prefix block span if the first block of this prefix is
96 // connected to the last block of the previous prefix.
97 PrefixRecord* prev = prefixes_per_bucket[bucket];
98 if (prev) {
99 assert(current->start_block >= prev->end_block);
100 auto distance = current->start_block - prev->end_block;
101 if (distance <= 1) {
102 prev->end_block = current->end_block;
103 prev->num_blocks = prev->end_block - prev->start_block + 1;
104 num_blocks_per_bucket[bucket] += (current->num_blocks + distance - 1);
105 continue;
106 }
107 }
108 current->next = prev;
109 prefixes_per_bucket[bucket] = current;
110 num_blocks_per_bucket[bucket] += current->num_blocks;
111 }
113 // Calculate the block array buffer size
114 uint32_t total_block_array_entries = 0;
115 for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_buckets; i++) {
116 uint32_t num_blocks = num_blocks_per_bucket[i];
117 if (num_blocks > 1) {
118 total_block_array_entries += (num_blocks + 1);
119 }
120 }
122 // Populate the final prefix block index
123 uint32_t* block_array_buffer = new uint32_t[total_block_array_entries];
124 uint32_t* buckets = new uint32_t[num_buckets];
125 uint32_t offset = 0;
126 for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_buckets; i++) {
127 uint32_t num_blocks = num_blocks_per_bucket[i];
128 if (num_blocks == 0) {
129 assert(prefixes_per_bucket[i] == nullptr);
130 buckets[i] = kNoneBlock;
131 } else if (num_blocks == 1) {
132 assert(prefixes_per_bucket[i] != nullptr);
133 assert(prefixes_per_bucket[i]->next == nullptr);
134 buckets[i] = prefixes_per_bucket[i]->start_block;
135 } else {
136 assert(total_block_array_entries > 0);
137 assert(prefixes_per_bucket[i] != nullptr);
138 buckets[i] = EncodeIndex(offset);
139 block_array_buffer[offset] = num_blocks;
140 uint32_t* last_block = &block_array_buffer[offset + num_blocks];
141 auto current = prefixes_per_bucket[i];
142 // populate block ids from largest to smallest
143 while (current != nullptr) {
144 for (uint32_t iter = 0; iter < current->num_blocks; iter++) {
145 *last_block = current->end_block - iter;
146 last_block--;
147 }
148 current = current->next;
149 }
150 assert(last_block == &block_array_buffer[offset]);
151 offset += (num_blocks + 1);
152 }
153 }
155 assert(offset == total_block_array_entries);
157 return new BlockPrefixIndex(internal_prefix_extractor_, num_buckets,
158 buckets, total_block_array_entries,
159 block_array_buffer);
160 }
162 private:
163 const SliceTransform* internal_prefix_extractor_;
165 std::vector<PrefixRecord*> prefixes_;
166 Arena arena_;
167 };
169 Status BlockPrefixIndex::Create(const SliceTransform* internal_prefix_extractor,
170 const Slice& prefixes, const Slice& prefix_meta,
171 BlockPrefixIndex** prefix_index) {
172 uint64_t pos = 0;
173 auto meta_pos = prefix_meta;
174 Status s;
175 Builder builder(internal_prefix_extractor);
177 while (!meta_pos.empty()) {
178 uint32_t prefix_size = 0;
179 uint32_t entry_index = 0;
180 uint32_t num_blocks = 0;
181 if (!GetVarint32(&meta_pos, &prefix_size) ||
182 !GetVarint32(&meta_pos, &entry_index) ||
183 !GetVarint32(&meta_pos, &num_blocks)) {
184 s = Status::Corruption(
185 "Corrupted prefix meta block: unable to read from it.");
186 break;
187 }
188 if (pos + prefix_size > prefixes.size()) {
189 s = Status::Corruption(
190 "Corrupted prefix meta block: size inconsistency.");
191 break;
192 }
193 Slice prefix(prefixes.data() + pos, prefix_size);
194 builder.Add(prefix, entry_index, num_blocks);
196 pos += prefix_size;
197 }
199 if (s.ok() && pos != prefixes.size()) {
200 s = Status::Corruption("Corrupted prefix meta block");
201 }
203 if (s.ok()) {
204 *prefix_index = builder.Finish();
205 }
207 return s;
208 }
210 uint32_t BlockPrefixIndex::GetBlocks(const Slice& key, uint32_t** blocks) {
211 Slice prefix = internal_prefix_extractor_->Transform(key);
213 uint32_t bucket = PrefixToBucket(prefix, num_buckets_);
214 uint32_t block_id = buckets_[bucket];
216 if (IsNone(block_id)) {
217 return 0;
218 } else if (IsBlockId(block_id)) {
219 *blocks = &buckets_[bucket];
220 return 1;
221 } else {
222 uint32_t index = DecodeIndex(block_id);
223 assert(index < num_block_array_buffer_entries_);
224 *blocks = &block_array_buffer_[index + 1];
225 uint32_t num_blocks = block_array_buffer_[index];
226 assert(num_blocks > 1);
227 assert(index + num_blocks < num_block_array_buffer_entries_);
228 return num_blocks;
229 }
230 }
232 } // namespace rocksdb