]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - compiler/rustc_ast_pretty/src/pprust/state/expr.rs
New upstream version 1.60.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / compiler / rustc_ast_pretty / src / pprust / state / expr.rs
1 use crate::pp::Breaks::Inconsistent;
2 use crate::pprust::state::{AnnNode, IterDelimited, PrintState, State, INDENT_UNIT};
4 use rustc_ast::ptr::P;
5 use rustc_ast::util::parser::{self, AssocOp, Fixity};
6 use rustc_ast::{self as ast, BlockCheckMode};
8 impl<'a> State<'a> {
9 fn print_else(&mut self, els: Option<&ast::Expr>) {
10 if let Some(_else) = els {
11 match _else.kind {
12 // Another `else if` block.
13 ast::ExprKind::If(ref i, ref then, ref e) => {
14 self.cbox(INDENT_UNIT - 1);
15 self.ibox(0);
16 self.word(" else if ");
17 self.print_expr_as_cond(i);
18 self.space();
19 self.print_block(then);
20 self.print_else(e.as_deref())
21 }
22 // Final `else` block.
23 ast::ExprKind::Block(ref b, _) => {
24 self.cbox(INDENT_UNIT - 1);
25 self.ibox(0);
26 self.word(" else ");
27 self.print_block(b)
28 }
29 // Constraints would be great here!
30 _ => {
31 panic!("print_if saw if with weird alternative");
32 }
33 }
34 }
35 }
37 fn print_if(&mut self, test: &ast::Expr, blk: &ast::Block, elseopt: Option<&ast::Expr>) {
38 self.head("if");
39 self.print_expr_as_cond(test);
40 self.space();
41 self.print_block(blk);
42 self.print_else(elseopt)
43 }
45 fn print_call_post(&mut self, args: &[P<ast::Expr>]) {
46 self.popen();
47 self.commasep_exprs(Inconsistent, args);
48 self.pclose()
49 }
51 fn print_expr_maybe_paren(&mut self, expr: &ast::Expr, prec: i8) {
52 self.print_expr_cond_paren(expr, expr.precedence().order() < prec)
53 }
55 /// Prints an expr using syntax that's acceptable in a condition position, such as the `cond` in
56 /// `if cond { ... }`.
57 fn print_expr_as_cond(&mut self, expr: &ast::Expr) {
58 self.print_expr_cond_paren(expr, Self::cond_needs_par(expr))
59 }
61 // Does `expr` need parentheses when printed in a condition position?
62 //
63 // These cases need parens due to the parse error observed in #26461: `if return {}`
64 // parses as the erroneous construct `if (return {})`, not `if (return) {}`.
65 pub(super) fn cond_needs_par(expr: &ast::Expr) -> bool {
66 match expr.kind {
67 ast::ExprKind::Break(..) | ast::ExprKind::Closure(..) | ast::ExprKind::Ret(..) => true,
68 _ => parser::contains_exterior_struct_lit(expr),
69 }
70 }
72 /// Prints `expr` or `(expr)` when `needs_par` holds.
73 pub(super) fn print_expr_cond_paren(&mut self, expr: &ast::Expr, needs_par: bool) {
74 if needs_par {
75 self.popen();
76 }
77 self.print_expr(expr);
78 if needs_par {
79 self.pclose();
80 }
81 }
83 fn print_expr_vec(&mut self, exprs: &[P<ast::Expr>]) {
84 self.ibox(INDENT_UNIT);
85 self.word("[");
86 self.commasep_exprs(Inconsistent, exprs);
87 self.word("]");
88 self.end();
89 }
91 pub(super) fn print_expr_anon_const(&mut self, expr: &ast::AnonConst) {
92 self.ibox(INDENT_UNIT);
93 self.word("const");
94 self.print_expr(&expr.value);
95 self.end();
96 }
98 fn print_expr_repeat(&mut self, element: &ast::Expr, count: &ast::AnonConst) {
99 self.ibox(INDENT_UNIT);
100 self.word("[");
101 self.print_expr(element);
102 self.word_space(";");
103 self.print_expr(&count.value);
104 self.word("]");
105 self.end();
106 }
108 fn print_expr_struct(
109 &mut self,
110 qself: &Option<ast::QSelf>,
111 path: &ast::Path,
112 fields: &[ast::ExprField],
113 rest: &ast::StructRest,
114 ) {
115 if let Some(qself) = qself {
116 self.print_qpath(path, qself, true);
117 } else {
118 self.print_path(path, true, 0);
119 }
120 self.nbsp();
121 self.word("{");
122 let has_rest = match rest {
123 ast::StructRest::Base(_) | ast::StructRest::Rest(_) => true,
124 ast::StructRest::None => false,
125 };
126 if fields.is_empty() && !has_rest {
127 self.word("}");
128 return;
129 }
130 self.cbox(0);
131 for field in fields.iter().delimited() {
132 self.maybe_print_comment(field.span.hi());
133 self.print_outer_attributes(&field.attrs);
134 if field.is_first {
135 self.space_if_not_bol();
136 }
137 if !field.is_shorthand {
138 self.print_ident(field.ident);
139 self.word_nbsp(":");
140 }
141 self.print_expr(&field.expr);
142 if !field.is_last || has_rest {
143 self.word_space(",");
144 } else {
145 self.trailing_comma_or_space();
146 }
147 }
148 if has_rest {
149 if fields.is_empty() {
150 self.space();
151 }
152 self.word("..");
153 if let ast::StructRest::Base(expr) = rest {
154 self.print_expr(expr);
155 }
156 self.space();
157 }
158 self.offset(-INDENT_UNIT);
159 self.end();
160 self.word("}");
161 }
163 fn print_expr_tup(&mut self, exprs: &[P<ast::Expr>]) {
164 self.popen();
165 self.commasep_exprs(Inconsistent, exprs);
166 if exprs.len() == 1 {
167 self.word(",");
168 }
169 self.pclose()
170 }
172 fn print_expr_call(&mut self, func: &ast::Expr, args: &[P<ast::Expr>]) {
173 let prec = match func.kind {
174 ast::ExprKind::Field(..) => parser::PREC_FORCE_PAREN,
175 _ => parser::PREC_POSTFIX,
176 };
178 self.print_expr_maybe_paren(func, prec);
179 self.print_call_post(args)
180 }
182 fn print_expr_method_call(&mut self, segment: &ast::PathSegment, args: &[P<ast::Expr>]) {
183 let base_args = &args[1..];
184 self.print_expr_maybe_paren(&args[0], parser::PREC_POSTFIX);
185 self.word(".");
186 self.print_ident(segment.ident);
187 if let Some(ref args) = segment.args {
188 self.print_generic_args(args, true);
189 }
190 self.print_call_post(base_args)
191 }
193 fn print_expr_binary(&mut self, op: ast::BinOp, lhs: &ast::Expr, rhs: &ast::Expr) {
194 let assoc_op = AssocOp::from_ast_binop(op.node);
195 let prec = assoc_op.precedence() as i8;
196 let fixity = assoc_op.fixity();
198 let (left_prec, right_prec) = match fixity {
199 Fixity::Left => (prec, prec + 1),
200 Fixity::Right => (prec + 1, prec),
201 Fixity::None => (prec + 1, prec + 1),
202 };
204 let left_prec = match (&lhs.kind, op.node) {
205 // These cases need parens: `x as i32 < y` has the parser thinking that `i32 < y` is
206 // the beginning of a path type. It starts trying to parse `x as (i32 < y ...` instead
207 // of `(x as i32) < ...`. We need to convince it _not_ to do that.
208 (&ast::ExprKind::Cast { .. }, ast::BinOpKind::Lt | ast::BinOpKind::Shl) => {
209 parser::PREC_FORCE_PAREN
210 }
211 // We are given `(let _ = a) OP b`.
212 //
213 // - When `OP <= LAnd` we should print `let _ = a OP b` to avoid redundant parens
214 // as the parser will interpret this as `(let _ = a) OP b`.
215 //
216 // - Otherwise, e.g. when we have `(let a = b) < c` in AST,
217 // parens are required since the parser would interpret `let a = b < c` as
218 // `let a = (b < c)`. To achieve this, we force parens.
219 (&ast::ExprKind::Let { .. }, _) if !parser::needs_par_as_let_scrutinee(prec) => {
220 parser::PREC_FORCE_PAREN
221 }
222 _ => left_prec,
223 };
225 self.print_expr_maybe_paren(lhs, left_prec);
226 self.space();
227 self.word_space(op.node.to_string());
228 self.print_expr_maybe_paren(rhs, right_prec)
229 }
231 fn print_expr_unary(&mut self, op: ast::UnOp, expr: &ast::Expr) {
232 self.word(ast::UnOp::to_string(op));
233 self.print_expr_maybe_paren(expr, parser::PREC_PREFIX)
234 }
236 fn print_expr_addr_of(
237 &mut self,
238 kind: ast::BorrowKind,
239 mutability: ast::Mutability,
240 expr: &ast::Expr,
241 ) {
242 self.word("&");
243 match kind {
244 ast::BorrowKind::Ref => self.print_mutability(mutability, false),
245 ast::BorrowKind::Raw => {
246 self.word_nbsp("raw");
247 self.print_mutability(mutability, true);
248 }
249 }
250 self.print_expr_maybe_paren(expr, parser::PREC_PREFIX)
251 }
253 pub fn print_expr(&mut self, expr: &ast::Expr) {
254 self.print_expr_outer_attr_style(expr, true)
255 }
257 pub(super) fn print_expr_outer_attr_style(&mut self, expr: &ast::Expr, is_inline: bool) {
258 self.maybe_print_comment(expr.span.lo());
260 let attrs = &expr.attrs;
261 if is_inline {
262 self.print_outer_attributes_inline(attrs);
263 } else {
264 self.print_outer_attributes(attrs);
265 }
267 self.ibox(INDENT_UNIT);
268 self.ann.pre(self, AnnNode::Expr(expr));
269 match expr.kind {
270 ast::ExprKind::Box(ref expr) => {
271 self.word_space("box");
272 self.print_expr_maybe_paren(expr, parser::PREC_PREFIX);
273 }
274 ast::ExprKind::Array(ref exprs) => {
275 self.print_expr_vec(exprs);
276 }
277 ast::ExprKind::ConstBlock(ref anon_const) => {
278 self.print_expr_anon_const(anon_const);
279 }
280 ast::ExprKind::Repeat(ref element, ref count) => {
281 self.print_expr_repeat(element, count);
282 }
283 ast::ExprKind::Struct(ref se) => {
284 self.print_expr_struct(&se.qself, &se.path, &se.fields, &se.rest);
285 }
286 ast::ExprKind::Tup(ref exprs) => {
287 self.print_expr_tup(exprs);
288 }
289 ast::ExprKind::Call(ref func, ref args) => {
290 self.print_expr_call(func, &args);
291 }
292 ast::ExprKind::MethodCall(ref segment, ref args, _) => {
293 self.print_expr_method_call(segment, &args);
294 }
295 ast::ExprKind::Binary(op, ref lhs, ref rhs) => {
296 self.print_expr_binary(op, lhs, rhs);
297 }
298 ast::ExprKind::Unary(op, ref expr) => {
299 self.print_expr_unary(op, expr);
300 }
301 ast::ExprKind::AddrOf(k, m, ref expr) => {
302 self.print_expr_addr_of(k, m, expr);
303 }
304 ast::ExprKind::Lit(ref lit) => {
305 self.print_literal(lit);
306 }
307 ast::ExprKind::Cast(ref expr, ref ty) => {
308 let prec = AssocOp::As.precedence() as i8;
309 self.print_expr_maybe_paren(expr, prec);
310 self.space();
311 self.word_space("as");
312 self.print_type(ty);
313 }
314 ast::ExprKind::Type(ref expr, ref ty) => {
315 let prec = AssocOp::Colon.precedence() as i8;
316 self.print_expr_maybe_paren(expr, prec);
317 self.word_space(":");
318 self.print_type(ty);
319 }
320 ast::ExprKind::Let(ref pat, ref scrutinee, _) => {
321 self.print_let(pat, scrutinee);
322 }
323 ast::ExprKind::If(ref test, ref blk, ref elseopt) => {
324 self.print_if(test, blk, elseopt.as_deref())
325 }
326 ast::ExprKind::While(ref test, ref blk, opt_label) => {
327 if let Some(label) = opt_label {
328 self.print_ident(label.ident);
329 self.word_space(":");
330 }
331 self.cbox(0);
332 self.ibox(0);
333 self.word_nbsp("while");
334 self.print_expr_as_cond(test);
335 self.space();
336 self.print_block_with_attrs(blk, attrs);
337 }
338 ast::ExprKind::ForLoop(ref pat, ref iter, ref blk, opt_label) => {
339 if let Some(label) = opt_label {
340 self.print_ident(label.ident);
341 self.word_space(":");
342 }
343 self.cbox(0);
344 self.ibox(0);
345 self.word_nbsp("for");
346 self.print_pat(pat);
347 self.space();
348 self.word_space("in");
349 self.print_expr_as_cond(iter);
350 self.space();
351 self.print_block_with_attrs(blk, attrs);
352 }
353 ast::ExprKind::Loop(ref blk, opt_label) => {
354 if let Some(label) = opt_label {
355 self.print_ident(label.ident);
356 self.word_space(":");
357 }
358 self.cbox(0);
359 self.ibox(0);
360 self.word_nbsp("loop");
361 self.print_block_with_attrs(blk, attrs);
362 }
363 ast::ExprKind::Match(ref expr, ref arms) => {
364 self.cbox(0);
365 self.ibox(0);
366 self.word_nbsp("match");
367 self.print_expr_as_cond(expr);
368 self.space();
369 self.bopen();
370 self.print_inner_attributes_no_trailing_hardbreak(attrs);
371 for arm in arms {
372 self.print_arm(arm);
373 }
374 let empty = attrs.is_empty() && arms.is_empty();
375 self.bclose(expr.span, empty);
376 }
377 ast::ExprKind::Closure(
378 capture_clause,
379 asyncness,
380 movability,
381 ref decl,
382 ref body,
383 _,
384 ) => {
385 self.print_movability(movability);
386 self.print_asyncness(asyncness);
387 self.print_capture_clause(capture_clause);
389 self.print_fn_params_and_ret(decl, true);
390 self.space();
391 self.print_expr(body);
392 self.end(); // need to close a box
394 // a box will be closed by print_expr, but we didn't want an overall
395 // wrapper so we closed the corresponding opening. so create an
396 // empty box to satisfy the close.
397 self.ibox(0);
398 }
399 ast::ExprKind::Block(ref blk, opt_label) => {
400 if let Some(label) = opt_label {
401 self.print_ident(label.ident);
402 self.word_space(":");
403 }
404 // containing cbox, will be closed by print-block at }
405 self.cbox(0);
406 // head-box, will be closed by print-block after {
407 self.ibox(0);
408 self.print_block_with_attrs(blk, attrs);
409 }
410 ast::ExprKind::Async(capture_clause, _, ref blk) => {
411 self.word_nbsp("async");
412 self.print_capture_clause(capture_clause);
413 // cbox/ibox in analogy to the `ExprKind::Block` arm above
414 self.cbox(0);
415 self.ibox(0);
416 self.print_block_with_attrs(blk, attrs);
417 }
418 ast::ExprKind::Await(ref expr) => {
419 self.print_expr_maybe_paren(expr, parser::PREC_POSTFIX);
420 self.word(".await");
421 }
422 ast::ExprKind::Assign(ref lhs, ref rhs, _) => {
423 let prec = AssocOp::Assign.precedence() as i8;
424 self.print_expr_maybe_paren(lhs, prec + 1);
425 self.space();
426 self.word_space("=");
427 self.print_expr_maybe_paren(rhs, prec);
428 }
429 ast::ExprKind::AssignOp(op, ref lhs, ref rhs) => {
430 let prec = AssocOp::Assign.precedence() as i8;
431 self.print_expr_maybe_paren(lhs, prec + 1);
432 self.space();
433 self.word(op.node.to_string());
434 self.word_space("=");
435 self.print_expr_maybe_paren(rhs, prec);
436 }
437 ast::ExprKind::Field(ref expr, ident) => {
438 self.print_expr_maybe_paren(expr, parser::PREC_POSTFIX);
439 self.word(".");
440 self.print_ident(ident);
441 }
442 ast::ExprKind::Index(ref expr, ref index) => {
443 self.print_expr_maybe_paren(expr, parser::PREC_POSTFIX);
444 self.word("[");
445 self.print_expr(index);
446 self.word("]");
447 }
448 ast::ExprKind::Range(ref start, ref end, limits) => {
449 // Special case for `Range`. `AssocOp` claims that `Range` has higher precedence
450 // than `Assign`, but `x .. x = x` gives a parse error instead of `x .. (x = x)`.
451 // Here we use a fake precedence value so that any child with lower precedence than
452 // a "normal" binop gets parenthesized. (`LOr` is the lowest-precedence binop.)
453 let fake_prec = AssocOp::LOr.precedence() as i8;
454 if let Some(ref e) = *start {
455 self.print_expr_maybe_paren(e, fake_prec);
456 }
457 if limits == ast::RangeLimits::HalfOpen {
458 self.word("..");
459 } else {
460 self.word("..=");
461 }
462 if let Some(ref e) = *end {
463 self.print_expr_maybe_paren(e, fake_prec);
464 }
465 }
466 ast::ExprKind::Underscore => self.word("_"),
467 ast::ExprKind::Path(None, ref path) => self.print_path(path, true, 0),
468 ast::ExprKind::Path(Some(ref qself), ref path) => self.print_qpath(path, qself, true),
469 ast::ExprKind::Break(opt_label, ref opt_expr) => {
470 self.word("break");
471 if let Some(label) = opt_label {
472 self.space();
473 self.print_ident(label.ident);
474 }
475 if let Some(ref expr) = *opt_expr {
476 self.space();
477 self.print_expr_maybe_paren(expr, parser::PREC_JUMP);
478 }
479 }
480 ast::ExprKind::Continue(opt_label) => {
481 self.word("continue");
482 if let Some(label) = opt_label {
483 self.space();
484 self.print_ident(label.ident);
485 }
486 }
487 ast::ExprKind::Ret(ref result) => {
488 self.word("return");
489 if let Some(ref expr) = *result {
490 self.word(" ");
491 self.print_expr_maybe_paren(expr, parser::PREC_JUMP);
492 }
493 }
494 ast::ExprKind::InlineAsm(ref a) => {
495 self.word("asm!");
496 self.print_inline_asm(a);
497 }
498 ast::ExprKind::MacCall(ref m) => self.print_mac(m),
499 ast::ExprKind::Paren(ref e) => {
500 self.popen();
501 self.print_expr(e);
502 self.pclose();
503 }
504 ast::ExprKind::Yield(ref e) => {
505 self.word("yield");
507 if let Some(ref expr) = *e {
508 self.space();
509 self.print_expr_maybe_paren(expr, parser::PREC_JUMP);
510 }
511 }
512 ast::ExprKind::Try(ref e) => {
513 self.print_expr_maybe_paren(e, parser::PREC_POSTFIX);
514 self.word("?")
515 }
516 ast::ExprKind::TryBlock(ref blk) => {
517 self.cbox(0);
518 self.ibox(0);
519 self.word_nbsp("try");
520 self.print_block_with_attrs(blk, attrs)
521 }
522 ast::ExprKind::Err => {
523 self.popen();
524 self.word("/*ERROR*/");
525 self.pclose()
526 }
527 }
528 self.ann.post(self, AnnNode::Expr(expr));
529 self.end();
530 }
532 fn print_arm(&mut self, arm: &ast::Arm) {
533 // Note, I have no idea why this check is necessary, but here it is.
534 if arm.attrs.is_empty() {
535 self.space();
536 }
537 self.cbox(INDENT_UNIT);
538 self.ibox(0);
539 self.maybe_print_comment(arm.pat.span.lo());
540 self.print_outer_attributes(&arm.attrs);
541 self.print_pat(&arm.pat);
542 self.space();
543 if let Some(ref e) = arm.guard {
544 self.word_space("if");
545 self.print_expr(e);
546 self.space();
547 }
548 self.word_space("=>");
550 match arm.body.kind {
551 ast::ExprKind::Block(ref blk, opt_label) => {
552 if let Some(label) = opt_label {
553 self.print_ident(label.ident);
554 self.word_space(":");
555 }
557 // The block will close the pattern's ibox.
558 self.print_block_unclosed_indent(blk);
560 // If it is a user-provided unsafe block, print a comma after it.
561 if let BlockCheckMode::Unsafe(ast::UserProvided) = blk.rules {
562 self.word(",");
563 }
564 }
565 _ => {
566 self.end(); // Close the ibox for the pattern.
567 self.print_expr(&arm.body);
568 self.word(",");
569 }
570 }
571 self.end(); // Close enclosing cbox.
572 }
574 fn print_movability(&mut self, movability: ast::Movability) {
575 match movability {
576 ast::Movability::Static => self.word_space("static"),
577 ast::Movability::Movable => {}
578 }
579 }
581 fn print_capture_clause(&mut self, capture_clause: ast::CaptureBy) {
582 match capture_clause {
583 ast::CaptureBy::Value => self.word_space("move"),
584 ast::CaptureBy::Ref => {}
585 }
586 }
587 }