]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - compiler/rustc_builtin_macros/src/test.rs
New upstream version 1.50.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / compiler / rustc_builtin_macros / src / test.rs
1 /// The expansion from a test function to the appropriate test struct for libtest
2 /// Ideally, this code would be in libtest but for efficiency and error messages it lives here.
3 use crate::util::check_builtin_macro_attribute;
5 use rustc_ast as ast;
6 use rustc_ast::attr;
7 use rustc_ast::ptr::P;
8 use rustc_ast_pretty::pprust;
9 use rustc_expand::base::*;
10 use rustc_session::Session;
11 use rustc_span::symbol::{sym, Ident, Symbol};
12 use rustc_span::Span;
14 use std::iter;
16 // #[test_case] is used by custom test authors to mark tests
17 // When building for test, it needs to make the item public and gensym the name
18 // Otherwise, we'll omit the item. This behavior means that any item annotated
19 // with #[test_case] is never addressable.
20 //
21 // We mark item with an inert attribute "rustc_test_marker" which the test generation
22 // logic will pick up on.
23 pub fn expand_test_case(
24 ecx: &mut ExtCtxt<'_>,
25 attr_sp: Span,
26 meta_item: &ast::MetaItem,
27 anno_item: Annotatable,
28 ) -> Vec<Annotatable> {
29 check_builtin_macro_attribute(ecx, meta_item, sym::test_case);
31 if !ecx.ecfg.should_test {
32 return vec![];
33 }
35 let sp = ecx.with_def_site_ctxt(attr_sp);
36 let mut item = anno_item.expect_item();
37 item = item.map(|mut item| {
38 item.vis = ast::Visibility {
39 span: item.vis.span,
40 kind: ast::VisibilityKind::Public,
41 tokens: None,
42 };
43 item.ident.span = item.ident.span.with_ctxt(sp.ctxt());
44 item.attrs.push(ecx.attribute(ecx.meta_word(sp, sym::rustc_test_marker)));
45 item
46 });
48 return vec![Annotatable::Item(item)];
49 }
51 pub fn expand_test(
52 cx: &mut ExtCtxt<'_>,
53 attr_sp: Span,
54 meta_item: &ast::MetaItem,
55 item: Annotatable,
56 ) -> Vec<Annotatable> {
57 check_builtin_macro_attribute(cx, meta_item, sym::test);
58 expand_test_or_bench(cx, attr_sp, item, false)
59 }
61 pub fn expand_bench(
62 cx: &mut ExtCtxt<'_>,
63 attr_sp: Span,
64 meta_item: &ast::MetaItem,
65 item: Annotatable,
66 ) -> Vec<Annotatable> {
67 check_builtin_macro_attribute(cx, meta_item, sym::bench);
68 expand_test_or_bench(cx, attr_sp, item, true)
69 }
71 pub fn expand_test_or_bench(
72 cx: &mut ExtCtxt<'_>,
73 attr_sp: Span,
74 item: Annotatable,
75 is_bench: bool,
76 ) -> Vec<Annotatable> {
77 // If we're not in test configuration, remove the annotated item
78 if !cx.ecfg.should_test {
79 return vec![];
80 }
82 let (item, is_stmt) = match item {
83 Annotatable::Item(i) => (i, false),
84 Annotatable::Stmt(stmt) if matches!(stmt.kind, ast::StmtKind::Item(_)) => {
85 // FIXME: Use an 'if let' guard once they are implemented
86 if let ast::StmtKind::Item(i) = stmt.into_inner().kind {
87 (i, true)
88 } else {
89 unreachable!()
90 }
91 }
92 other => {
93 cx.struct_span_err(
94 other.span(),
95 "`#[test]` attribute is only allowed on non associated functions",
96 )
97 .emit();
98 return vec![other];
99 }
100 };
102 if let ast::ItemKind::MacCall(_) = item.kind {
103 cx.sess.parse_sess.span_diagnostic.span_warn(
104 item.span,
105 "`#[test]` attribute should not be used on macros. Use `#[cfg(test)]` instead.",
106 );
107 return vec![Annotatable::Item(item)];
108 }
110 // has_*_signature will report any errors in the type so compilation
111 // will fail. We shouldn't try to expand in this case because the errors
112 // would be spurious.
113 if (!is_bench && !has_test_signature(cx, &item))
114 || (is_bench && !has_bench_signature(cx, &item))
115 {
116 return vec![Annotatable::Item(item)];
117 }
119 let (sp, attr_sp) = (cx.with_def_site_ctxt(item.span), cx.with_def_site_ctxt(attr_sp));
121 let test_id = Ident::new(sym::test, attr_sp);
123 // creates test::$name
124 let test_path = |name| cx.path(sp, vec![test_id, Ident::from_str_and_span(name, sp)]);
126 // creates test::ShouldPanic::$name
127 let should_panic_path = |name| {
128 cx.path(
129 sp,
130 vec![
131 test_id,
132 Ident::from_str_and_span("ShouldPanic", sp),
133 Ident::from_str_and_span(name, sp),
134 ],
135 )
136 };
138 // creates test::TestType::$name
139 let test_type_path = |name| {
140 cx.path(
141 sp,
142 vec![
143 test_id,
144 Ident::from_str_and_span("TestType", sp),
145 Ident::from_str_and_span(name, sp),
146 ],
147 )
148 };
150 // creates $name: $expr
151 let field = |name, expr| cx.field_imm(sp, Ident::from_str_and_span(name, sp), expr);
153 let test_fn = if is_bench {
154 // A simple ident for a lambda
155 let b = Ident::from_str_and_span("b", attr_sp);
157 cx.expr_call(
158 sp,
159 cx.expr_path(test_path("StaticBenchFn")),
160 vec![
161 // |b| self::test::assert_test_result(
162 cx.lambda1(
163 sp,
164 cx.expr_call(
165 sp,
166 cx.expr_path(test_path("assert_test_result")),
167 vec![
168 // super::$test_fn(b)
169 cx.expr_call(
170 sp,
171 cx.expr_path(cx.path(sp, vec![item.ident])),
172 vec![cx.expr_ident(sp, b)],
173 ),
174 ],
175 ),
176 b,
177 ), // )
178 ],
179 )
180 } else {
181 cx.expr_call(
182 sp,
183 cx.expr_path(test_path("StaticTestFn")),
184 vec![
185 // || {
186 cx.lambda0(
187 sp,
188 // test::assert_test_result(
189 cx.expr_call(
190 sp,
191 cx.expr_path(test_path("assert_test_result")),
192 vec![
193 // $test_fn()
194 cx.expr_call(sp, cx.expr_path(cx.path(sp, vec![item.ident])), vec![]), // )
195 ],
196 ), // }
197 ), // )
198 ],
199 )
200 };
202 let mut test_const = cx.item(
203 sp,
204 Ident::new(item.ident.name, sp),
205 vec![
206 // #[cfg(test)]
207 cx.attribute(attr::mk_list_item(
208 Ident::new(sym::cfg, attr_sp),
209 vec![attr::mk_nested_word_item(Ident::new(sym::test, attr_sp))],
210 )),
211 // #[rustc_test_marker]
212 cx.attribute(cx.meta_word(attr_sp, sym::rustc_test_marker)),
213 ],
214 // const $ident: test::TestDescAndFn =
215 ast::ItemKind::Const(
216 ast::Defaultness::Final,
217 cx.ty(sp, ast::TyKind::Path(None, test_path("TestDescAndFn"))),
218 // test::TestDescAndFn {
219 Some(
220 cx.expr_struct(
221 sp,
222 test_path("TestDescAndFn"),
223 vec![
224 // desc: test::TestDesc {
225 field(
226 "desc",
227 cx.expr_struct(
228 sp,
229 test_path("TestDesc"),
230 vec![
231 // name: "path::to::test"
232 field(
233 "name",
234 cx.expr_call(
235 sp,
236 cx.expr_path(test_path("StaticTestName")),
237 vec![cx.expr_str(
238 sp,
239 Symbol::intern(&item_path(
240 // skip the name of the root module
241 &cx.current_expansion.module.mod_path[1..],
242 &item.ident,
243 )),
244 )],
245 ),
246 ),
247 // ignore: true | false
248 field(
249 "ignore",
250 cx.expr_bool(sp, should_ignore(&cx.sess, &item)),
251 ),
252 // allow_fail: true | false
253 field(
254 "allow_fail",
255 cx.expr_bool(sp, should_fail(&cx.sess, &item)),
256 ),
257 // should_panic: ...
258 field(
259 "should_panic",
260 match should_panic(cx, &item) {
261 // test::ShouldPanic::No
262 ShouldPanic::No => {
263 cx.expr_path(should_panic_path("No"))
264 }
265 // test::ShouldPanic::Yes
266 ShouldPanic::Yes(None) => {
267 cx.expr_path(should_panic_path("Yes"))
268 }
269 // test::ShouldPanic::YesWithMessage("...")
270 ShouldPanic::Yes(Some(sym)) => cx.expr_call(
271 sp,
272 cx.expr_path(should_panic_path("YesWithMessage")),
273 vec![cx.expr_str(sp, sym)],
274 ),
275 },
276 ),
277 // test_type: ...
278 field(
279 "test_type",
280 match test_type(cx) {
281 // test::TestType::UnitTest
282 TestType::UnitTest => {
283 cx.expr_path(test_type_path("UnitTest"))
284 }
285 // test::TestType::IntegrationTest
286 TestType::IntegrationTest => {
287 cx.expr_path(test_type_path("IntegrationTest"))
288 }
289 // test::TestPath::Unknown
290 TestType::Unknown => {
291 cx.expr_path(test_type_path("Unknown"))
292 }
293 },
294 ),
295 // },
296 ],
297 ),
298 ),
299 // testfn: test::StaticTestFn(...) | test::StaticBenchFn(...)
300 field("testfn", test_fn), // }
301 ],
302 ), // }
303 ),
304 ),
305 );
306 test_const = test_const.map(|mut tc| {
307 tc.vis.kind = ast::VisibilityKind::Public;
308 tc
309 });
311 // extern crate test
312 let test_extern = cx.item(sp, test_id, vec![], ast::ItemKind::ExternCrate(None));
314 tracing::debug!("synthetic test item:\n{}\n", pprust::item_to_string(&test_const));
316 if is_stmt {
317 vec![
318 // Access to libtest under a hygienic name
319 Annotatable::Stmt(P(cx.stmt_item(sp, test_extern))),
320 // The generated test case
321 Annotatable::Stmt(P(cx.stmt_item(sp, test_const))),
322 // The original item
323 Annotatable::Stmt(P(cx.stmt_item(sp, item))),
324 ]
325 } else {
326 vec![
327 // Access to libtest under a hygienic name
328 Annotatable::Item(test_extern),
329 // The generated test case
330 Annotatable::Item(test_const),
331 // The original item
332 Annotatable::Item(item),
333 ]
334 }
335 }
337 fn item_path(mod_path: &[Ident], item_ident: &Ident) -> String {
338 mod_path
339 .iter()
340 .chain(iter::once(item_ident))
341 .map(|x| x.to_string())
342 .collect::<Vec<String>>()
343 .join("::")
344 }
346 enum ShouldPanic {
347 No,
348 Yes(Option<Symbol>),
349 }
351 fn should_ignore(sess: &Session, i: &ast::Item) -> bool {
352 sess.contains_name(&i.attrs, sym::ignore)
353 }
355 fn should_fail(sess: &Session, i: &ast::Item) -> bool {
356 sess.contains_name(&i.attrs, sym::allow_fail)
357 }
359 fn should_panic(cx: &ExtCtxt<'_>, i: &ast::Item) -> ShouldPanic {
360 match cx.sess.find_by_name(&i.attrs, sym::should_panic) {
361 Some(attr) => {
362 let sd = &cx.sess.parse_sess.span_diagnostic;
364 match attr.meta_item_list() {
365 // Handle #[should_panic(expected = "foo")]
366 Some(list) => {
367 let msg = list
368 .iter()
369 .find(|mi| mi.has_name(sym::expected))
370 .and_then(|mi| mi.meta_item())
371 .and_then(|mi| mi.value_str());
372 if list.len() != 1 || msg.is_none() {
373 sd.struct_span_warn(
374 attr.span,
375 "argument must be of the form: \
376 `expected = \"error message\"`",
377 )
378 .note(
379 "errors in this attribute were erroneously \
380 allowed and will become a hard error in a \
381 future release.",
382 )
383 .emit();
384 ShouldPanic::Yes(None)
385 } else {
386 ShouldPanic::Yes(msg)
387 }
388 }
389 // Handle #[should_panic] and #[should_panic = "expected"]
390 None => ShouldPanic::Yes(attr.value_str()),
391 }
392 }
393 None => ShouldPanic::No,
394 }
395 }
397 enum TestType {
398 UnitTest,
399 IntegrationTest,
400 Unknown,
401 }
403 /// Attempts to determine the type of test.
404 /// Since doctests are created without macro expanding, only possible variants here
405 /// are `UnitTest`, `IntegrationTest` or `Unknown`.
406 fn test_type(cx: &ExtCtxt<'_>) -> TestType {
407 // Root path from context contains the topmost sources directory of the crate.
408 // I.e., for `project` with sources in `src` and tests in `tests` folders
409 // (no matter how many nested folders lie inside),
410 // there will be two different root paths: `/project/src` and `/project/tests`.
411 let crate_path = cx.root_path.as_path();
413 if crate_path.ends_with("src") {
414 // `/src` folder contains unit-tests.
415 TestType::UnitTest
416 } else if crate_path.ends_with("tests") {
417 // `/tests` folder contains integration tests.
418 TestType::IntegrationTest
419 } else {
420 // Crate layout doesn't match expected one, test type is unknown.
421 TestType::Unknown
422 }
423 }
425 fn has_test_signature(cx: &ExtCtxt<'_>, i: &ast::Item) -> bool {
426 let has_should_panic_attr = cx.sess.contains_name(&i.attrs, sym::should_panic);
427 let sd = &cx.sess.parse_sess.span_diagnostic;
428 if let ast::ItemKind::Fn(_, ref sig, ref generics, _) = i.kind {
429 if let ast::Unsafe::Yes(span) = sig.header.unsafety {
430 sd.struct_span_err(i.span, "unsafe functions cannot be used for tests")
431 .span_label(span, "`unsafe` because of this")
432 .emit();
433 return false;
434 }
435 if let ast::Async::Yes { span, .. } = sig.header.asyncness {
436 sd.struct_span_err(i.span, "async functions cannot be used for tests")
437 .span_label(span, "`async` because of this")
438 .emit();
439 return false;
440 }
442 // If the termination trait is active, the compiler will check that the output
443 // type implements the `Termination` trait as `libtest` enforces that.
444 let has_output = match sig.decl.output {
445 ast::FnRetTy::Default(..) => false,
446 ast::FnRetTy::Ty(ref t) if t.kind.is_unit() => false,
447 _ => true,
448 };
450 if !sig.decl.inputs.is_empty() {
451 sd.span_err(i.span, "functions used as tests can not have any arguments");
452 return false;
453 }
455 match (has_output, has_should_panic_attr) {
456 (true, true) => {
457 sd.span_err(i.span, "functions using `#[should_panic]` must return `()`");
458 false
459 }
460 (true, false) => {
461 if !generics.params.is_empty() {
462 sd.span_err(i.span, "functions used as tests must have signature fn() -> ()");
463 false
464 } else {
465 true
466 }
467 }
468 (false, _) => true,
469 }
470 } else {
471 sd.span_err(i.span, "only functions may be used as tests");
472 false
473 }
474 }
476 fn has_bench_signature(cx: &ExtCtxt<'_>, i: &ast::Item) -> bool {
477 let has_sig = if let ast::ItemKind::Fn(_, ref sig, _, _) = i.kind {
478 // N.B., inadequate check, but we're running
479 // well before resolve, can't get too deep.
480 sig.decl.inputs.len() == 1
481 } else {
482 false
483 };
485 if !has_sig {
486 cx.sess.parse_sess.span_diagnostic.span_err(
487 i.span,
488 "functions used as benches must have \
489 signature `fn(&mut Bencher) -> impl Termination`",
490 );
491 }
493 has_sig
494 }