]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - compiler/rustc_expand/src/module.rs
New upstream version 1.52.0~beta.3+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / compiler / rustc_expand / src / module.rs
1 use crate::base::ModuleData;
2 use rustc_ast::ptr::P;
3 use rustc_ast::{token, Attribute, Inline, Item};
4 use rustc_errors::{struct_span_err, DiagnosticBuilder};
5 use rustc_parse::new_parser_from_file;
6 use rustc_session::parse::ParseSess;
7 use rustc_session::Session;
8 use rustc_span::symbol::{sym, Ident};
9 use rustc_span::Span;
11 use std::path::{self, Path, PathBuf};
13 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
14 pub enum DirOwnership {
15 Owned {
16 // None if `mod.rs`, `Some("foo")` if we're in `foo.rs`.
17 relative: Option<Ident>,
18 },
19 UnownedViaBlock,
20 }
22 // Public for rustfmt usage.
23 pub struct ModulePathSuccess {
24 pub file_path: PathBuf,
25 pub dir_ownership: DirOwnership,
26 }
28 crate struct ParsedExternalMod {
29 pub items: Vec<P<Item>>,
30 pub inner_span: Span,
31 pub file_path: PathBuf,
32 pub dir_path: PathBuf,
33 pub dir_ownership: DirOwnership,
34 }
36 pub enum ModError<'a> {
37 CircularInclusion(Vec<PathBuf>),
38 ModInBlock(Option<Ident>),
39 FileNotFound(Ident, PathBuf),
40 MultipleCandidates(Ident, String, String),
41 ParserError(DiagnosticBuilder<'a>),
42 }
44 crate fn parse_external_mod(
45 sess: &Session,
46 ident: Ident,
47 span: Span, // The span to blame on errors.
48 module: &ModuleData,
49 mut dir_ownership: DirOwnership,
50 attrs: &mut Vec<Attribute>,
51 ) -> ParsedExternalMod {
52 // We bail on the first error, but that error does not cause a fatal error... (1)
53 let result: Result<_, ModError<'_>> = try {
54 // Extract the file path and the new ownership.
55 let mp = mod_file_path(sess, ident, &attrs, &module.dir_path, dir_ownership)?;
56 dir_ownership = mp.dir_ownership;
58 // Ensure file paths are acyclic.
59 if let Some(pos) = module.file_path_stack.iter().position(|p| p == &mp.file_path) {
60 Err(ModError::CircularInclusion(module.file_path_stack[pos..].to_vec()))?;
61 }
63 // Actually parse the external file as a module.
64 let mut parser = new_parser_from_file(&sess.parse_sess, &mp.file_path, Some(span));
65 let (mut inner_attrs, items, inner_span) =
66 parser.parse_mod(&token::Eof).map_err(|err| ModError::ParserError(err))?;
67 attrs.append(&mut inner_attrs);
68 (items, inner_span, mp.file_path)
69 };
70 // (1) ...instead, we return a dummy module.
71 let (items, inner_span, file_path) =
72 result.map_err(|err| err.report(sess, span)).unwrap_or_default();
74 // Extract the directory path for submodules of the module.
75 let dir_path = file_path.parent().unwrap_or(&file_path).to_owned();
77 ParsedExternalMod { items, inner_span, file_path, dir_path, dir_ownership }
78 }
80 crate fn mod_dir_path(
81 sess: &Session,
82 ident: Ident,
83 attrs: &[Attribute],
84 module: &ModuleData,
85 mut dir_ownership: DirOwnership,
86 inline: Inline,
87 ) -> (PathBuf, DirOwnership) {
88 match inline {
89 Inline::Yes => {
90 if let Some(file_path) = mod_file_path_from_attr(sess, attrs, &module.dir_path) {
91 // For inline modules file path from `#[path]` is actually the directory path
92 // for historical reasons, so we don't pop the last segment here.
93 return (file_path, DirOwnership::Owned { relative: None });
94 }
96 // We have to push on the current module name in the case of relative
97 // paths in order to ensure that any additional module paths from inline
98 // `mod x { ... }` come after the relative extension.
99 //
100 // For example, a `mod z { ... }` inside `x/y.rs` should set the current
101 // directory path to `/x/y/z`, not `/x/z` with a relative offset of `y`.
102 let mut dir_path = module.dir_path.clone();
103 if let DirOwnership::Owned { relative } = &mut dir_ownership {
104 if let Some(ident) = relative.take() {
105 // Remove the relative offset.
106 dir_path.push(&*ident.as_str());
107 }
108 }
109 dir_path.push(&*ident.as_str());
111 (dir_path, dir_ownership)
112 }
113 Inline::No => {
114 // FIXME: This is a subset of `parse_external_mod` without actual parsing,
115 // check whether the logic for unloaded, loaded and inline modules can be unified.
116 let file_path = mod_file_path(sess, ident, &attrs, &module.dir_path, dir_ownership)
117 .map(|mp| {
118 dir_ownership = mp.dir_ownership;
119 mp.file_path
120 })
121 .unwrap_or_default();
123 // Extract the directory path for submodules of the module.
124 let dir_path = file_path.parent().unwrap_or(&file_path).to_owned();
126 (dir_path, dir_ownership)
127 }
128 }
129 }
131 fn mod_file_path<'a>(
132 sess: &'a Session,
133 ident: Ident,
134 attrs: &[Attribute],
135 dir_path: &Path,
136 dir_ownership: DirOwnership,
137 ) -> Result<ModulePathSuccess, ModError<'a>> {
138 if let Some(file_path) = mod_file_path_from_attr(sess, attrs, dir_path) {
139 // All `#[path]` files are treated as though they are a `mod.rs` file.
140 // This means that `mod foo;` declarations inside `#[path]`-included
141 // files are siblings,
142 //
143 // Note that this will produce weirdness when a file named `foo.rs` is
144 // `#[path]` included and contains a `mod foo;` declaration.
145 // If you encounter this, it's your own darn fault :P
146 let dir_ownership = DirOwnership::Owned { relative: None };
147 return Ok(ModulePathSuccess { file_path, dir_ownership });
148 }
150 let relative = match dir_ownership {
151 DirOwnership::Owned { relative } => relative,
152 DirOwnership::UnownedViaBlock => None,
153 };
154 let result = default_submod_path(&sess.parse_sess, ident, relative, dir_path);
155 match dir_ownership {
156 DirOwnership::Owned { .. } => result,
157 DirOwnership::UnownedViaBlock => Err(ModError::ModInBlock(match result {
158 Ok(_) | Err(ModError::MultipleCandidates(..)) => Some(ident),
159 _ => None,
160 })),
161 }
162 }
164 /// Derive a submodule path from the first found `#[path = "path_string"]`.
165 /// The provided `dir_path` is joined with the `path_string`.
166 fn mod_file_path_from_attr(
167 sess: &Session,
168 attrs: &[Attribute],
169 dir_path: &Path,
170 ) -> Option<PathBuf> {
171 // Extract path string from first `#[path = "path_string"]` attribute.
172 let path_string = sess.first_attr_value_str_by_name(attrs, sym::path)?.as_str();
174 // On windows, the base path might have the form
175 // `\\?\foo\bar` in which case it does not tolerate
176 // mixed `/` and `\` separators, so canonicalize
177 // `/` to `\`.
178 #[cfg(windows)]
179 let path_string = path_string.replace("/", "\\");
181 Some(dir_path.join(&*path_string))
182 }
184 /// Returns a path to a module.
185 // Public for rustfmt usage.
186 pub fn default_submod_path<'a>(
187 sess: &'a ParseSess,
188 ident: Ident,
189 relative: Option<Ident>,
190 dir_path: &Path,
191 ) -> Result<ModulePathSuccess, ModError<'a>> {
192 // If we're in a foo.rs file instead of a mod.rs file,
193 // we need to look for submodules in
194 // `./foo/<ident>.rs` and `./foo/<ident>/mod.rs` rather than
195 // `./<ident>.rs` and `./<ident>/mod.rs`.
196 let relative_prefix_string;
197 let relative_prefix = if let Some(ident) = relative {
198 relative_prefix_string = format!("{}{}", ident.name, path::MAIN_SEPARATOR);
199 &relative_prefix_string
200 } else {
201 ""
202 };
204 let mod_name = ident.name.to_string();
205 let default_path_str = format!("{}{}.rs", relative_prefix, mod_name);
206 let secondary_path_str =
207 format!("{}{}{}mod.rs", relative_prefix, mod_name, path::MAIN_SEPARATOR);
208 let default_path = dir_path.join(&default_path_str);
209 let secondary_path = dir_path.join(&secondary_path_str);
210 let default_exists = sess.source_map().file_exists(&default_path);
211 let secondary_exists = sess.source_map().file_exists(&secondary_path);
213 match (default_exists, secondary_exists) {
214 (true, false) => Ok(ModulePathSuccess {
215 file_path: default_path,
216 dir_ownership: DirOwnership::Owned { relative: Some(ident) },
217 }),
218 (false, true) => Ok(ModulePathSuccess {
219 file_path: secondary_path,
220 dir_ownership: DirOwnership::Owned { relative: None },
221 }),
222 (false, false) => Err(ModError::FileNotFound(ident, default_path)),
223 (true, true) => {
224 Err(ModError::MultipleCandidates(ident, default_path_str, secondary_path_str))
225 }
226 }
227 }
229 impl ModError<'_> {
230 fn report(self, sess: &Session, span: Span) {
231 let diag = &sess.parse_sess.span_diagnostic;
232 match self {
233 ModError::CircularInclusion(file_paths) => {
234 let mut msg = String::from("circular modules: ");
235 for file_path in &file_paths {
236 msg.push_str(&file_path.display().to_string());
237 msg.push_str(" -> ");
238 }
239 msg.push_str(&file_paths[0].display().to_string());
240 diag.struct_span_err(span, &msg)
241 }
242 ModError::ModInBlock(ident) => {
243 let msg = "cannot declare a non-inline module inside a block unless it has a path attribute";
244 let mut err = diag.struct_span_err(span, msg);
245 if let Some(ident) = ident {
246 let note =
247 format!("maybe `use` the module `{}` instead of redeclaring it", ident);
248 err.span_note(span, &note);
249 }
250 err
251 }
252 ModError::FileNotFound(ident, default_path) => {
253 let mut err = struct_span_err!(
254 diag,
255 span,
256 E0583,
257 "file not found for module `{}`",
258 ident,
259 );
260 err.help(&format!(
261 "to create the module `{}`, create file \"{}\"",
262 ident,
263 default_path.display(),
264 ));
265 err
266 }
267 ModError::MultipleCandidates(ident, default_path_short, secondary_path_short) => {
268 let mut err = struct_span_err!(
269 diag,
270 span,
271 E0761,
272 "file for module `{}` found at both {} and {}",
273 ident,
274 default_path_short,
275 secondary_path_short,
276 );
277 err.help("delete or rename one of them to remove the ambiguity");
278 err
279 }
280 ModError::ParserError(err) => err,
281 }.emit()
282 }
283 }