]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - compiler/rustc_lexer/src/unescape.rs
[rustc.git] / compiler / rustc_lexer / src / unescape.rs
1 //! Utilities for validating string and char literals and turning them into
2 //! values they represent.
4 use std::ops::Range;
5 use std::str::Chars;
7 #[cfg(test)]
8 mod tests;
10 /// Errors and warnings that can occur during string unescaping.
11 #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
12 pub enum EscapeError {
13 /// Expected 1 char, but 0 were found.
14 ZeroChars,
15 /// Expected 1 char, but more than 1 were found.
16 MoreThanOneChar,
18 /// Escaped '\' character without continuation.
19 LoneSlash,
20 /// Invalid escape character (e.g. '\z').
21 InvalidEscape,
22 /// Raw '\r' encountered.
23 BareCarriageReturn,
24 /// Raw '\r' encountered in raw string.
25 BareCarriageReturnInRawString,
26 /// Unescaped character that was expected to be escaped (e.g. raw '\t').
27 EscapeOnlyChar,
29 /// Numeric character escape is too short (e.g. '\x1').
30 TooShortHexEscape,
31 /// Invalid character in numeric escape (e.g. '\xz')
32 InvalidCharInHexEscape,
33 /// Character code in numeric escape is non-ascii (e.g. '\xFF').
34 OutOfRangeHexEscape,
36 /// '\u' not followed by '{'.
37 NoBraceInUnicodeEscape,
38 /// Non-hexadecimal value in '\u{..}'.
39 InvalidCharInUnicodeEscape,
40 /// '\u{}'
41 EmptyUnicodeEscape,
42 /// No closing brace in '\u{..}', e.g. '\u{12'.
43 UnclosedUnicodeEscape,
44 /// '\u{_12}'
45 LeadingUnderscoreUnicodeEscape,
46 /// More than 6 characters in '\u{..}', e.g. '\u{10FFFF_FF}'
47 OverlongUnicodeEscape,
48 /// Invalid in-bound unicode character code, e.g. '\u{DFFF}'.
49 LoneSurrogateUnicodeEscape,
50 /// Out of bounds unicode character code, e.g. '\u{FFFFFF}'.
51 OutOfRangeUnicodeEscape,
53 /// Unicode escape code in byte literal.
54 UnicodeEscapeInByte,
55 /// Non-ascii character in byte literal, byte string literal, or raw byte string literal.
56 NonAsciiCharInByte,
58 /// After a line ending with '\', the next line contains whitespace
59 /// characters that are not skipped.
60 UnskippedWhitespaceWarning,
62 /// After a line ending with '\', multiple lines are skipped.
63 MultipleSkippedLinesWarning,
64 }
66 impl EscapeError {
67 /// Returns true for actual errors, as opposed to warnings.
68 pub fn is_fatal(&self) -> bool {
69 !matches!(
70 self,
71 EscapeError::UnskippedWhitespaceWarning | EscapeError::MultipleSkippedLinesWarning
72 )
73 }
74 }
76 /// Takes a contents of a literal (without quotes) and produces a
77 /// sequence of escaped characters or errors.
78 /// Values are returned through invoking of the provided callback.
79 pub fn unescape_literal<F>(src: &str, mode: Mode, callback: &mut F)
80 where
81 F: FnMut(Range<usize>, Result<char, EscapeError>),
82 {
83 match mode {
84 Mode::Char | Mode::Byte => {
85 let mut chars = src.chars();
86 let res = unescape_char_or_byte(&mut chars, mode == Mode::Byte);
87 callback(0..(src.len() - chars.as_str().len()), res);
88 }
89 Mode::Str | Mode::ByteStr => unescape_str_or_byte_str(src, mode == Mode::ByteStr, callback),
90 Mode::RawStr | Mode::RawByteStr => {
91 unescape_raw_str_or_raw_byte_str(src, mode == Mode::RawByteStr, callback)
92 }
93 }
94 }
96 /// Takes a contents of a char literal (without quotes), and returns an
97 /// unescaped char or an error.
98 pub fn unescape_char(src: &str) -> Result<char, EscapeError> {
99 unescape_char_or_byte(&mut src.chars(), false)
100 }
102 /// Takes a contents of a byte literal (without quotes), and returns an
103 /// unescaped byte or an error.
104 pub fn unescape_byte(src: &str) -> Result<u8, EscapeError> {
105 unescape_char_or_byte(&mut src.chars(), true).map(byte_from_char)
106 }
108 /// What kind of literal do we parse.
109 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
110 pub enum Mode {
111 Char,
112 Str,
113 Byte,
114 ByteStr,
115 RawStr,
116 RawByteStr,
117 }
119 impl Mode {
120 pub fn in_double_quotes(self) -> bool {
121 match self {
122 Mode::Str | Mode::ByteStr | Mode::RawStr | Mode::RawByteStr => true,
123 Mode::Char | Mode::Byte => false,
124 }
125 }
127 pub fn is_byte(self) -> bool {
128 match self {
129 Mode::Byte | Mode::ByteStr | Mode::RawByteStr => true,
130 Mode::Char | Mode::Str | Mode::RawStr => false,
131 }
132 }
133 }
135 fn scan_escape(chars: &mut Chars<'_>, is_byte: bool) -> Result<char, EscapeError> {
136 // Previous character was '\\', unescape what follows.
137 let res = match chars.next().ok_or(EscapeError::LoneSlash)? {
138 '"' => '"',
139 'n' => '\n',
140 'r' => '\r',
141 't' => '\t',
142 '\\' => '\\',
143 '\'' => '\'',
144 '0' => '\0',
146 'x' => {
147 // Parse hexadecimal character code.
149 let hi = chars.next().ok_or(EscapeError::TooShortHexEscape)?;
150 let hi = hi.to_digit(16).ok_or(EscapeError::InvalidCharInHexEscape)?;
152 let lo = chars.next().ok_or(EscapeError::TooShortHexEscape)?;
153 let lo = lo.to_digit(16).ok_or(EscapeError::InvalidCharInHexEscape)?;
155 let value = hi * 16 + lo;
157 // For a non-byte literal verify that it is within ASCII range.
158 if !is_byte && !is_ascii(value) {
159 return Err(EscapeError::OutOfRangeHexEscape);
160 }
161 let value = value as u8;
163 value as char
164 }
166 'u' => {
167 // We've parsed '\u', now we have to parse '{..}'.
169 if chars.next() != Some('{') {
170 return Err(EscapeError::NoBraceInUnicodeEscape);
171 }
173 // First character must be a hexadecimal digit.
174 let mut n_digits = 1;
175 let mut value: u32 = match chars.next().ok_or(EscapeError::UnclosedUnicodeEscape)? {
176 '_' => return Err(EscapeError::LeadingUnderscoreUnicodeEscape),
177 '}' => return Err(EscapeError::EmptyUnicodeEscape),
178 c => c.to_digit(16).ok_or(EscapeError::InvalidCharInUnicodeEscape)?,
179 };
181 // First character is valid, now parse the rest of the number
182 // and closing brace.
183 loop {
184 match chars.next() {
185 None => return Err(EscapeError::UnclosedUnicodeEscape),
186 Some('_') => continue,
187 Some('}') => {
188 if n_digits > 6 {
189 return Err(EscapeError::OverlongUnicodeEscape);
190 }
192 // Incorrect syntax has higher priority for error reporting
193 // than unallowed value for a literal.
194 if is_byte {
195 return Err(EscapeError::UnicodeEscapeInByte);
196 }
198 break std::char::from_u32(value).ok_or_else(|| {
199 if value > 0x10FFFF {
200 EscapeError::OutOfRangeUnicodeEscape
201 } else {
202 EscapeError::LoneSurrogateUnicodeEscape
203 }
204 })?;
205 }
206 Some(c) => {
207 let digit =
208 c.to_digit(16).ok_or(EscapeError::InvalidCharInUnicodeEscape)?;
209 n_digits += 1;
210 if n_digits > 6 {
211 // Stop updating value since we're sure that it's incorrect already.
212 continue;
213 }
214 let digit = digit as u32;
215 value = value * 16 + digit;
216 }
217 };
218 }
219 }
220 _ => return Err(EscapeError::InvalidEscape),
221 };
222 Ok(res)
223 }
225 #[inline]
226 fn ascii_check(c: char, is_byte: bool) -> Result<char, EscapeError> {
227 if is_byte && !c.is_ascii() {
228 // Byte literal can't be a non-ascii character.
229 Err(EscapeError::NonAsciiCharInByte)
230 } else {
231 Ok(c)
232 }
233 }
235 fn unescape_char_or_byte(chars: &mut Chars<'_>, is_byte: bool) -> Result<char, EscapeError> {
236 let c = chars.next().ok_or(EscapeError::ZeroChars)?;
237 let res = match c {
238 '\\' => scan_escape(chars, is_byte),
239 '\n' | '\t' | '\'' => Err(EscapeError::EscapeOnlyChar),
240 '\r' => Err(EscapeError::BareCarriageReturn),
241 _ => ascii_check(c, is_byte),
242 }?;
243 if chars.next().is_some() {
244 return Err(EscapeError::MoreThanOneChar);
245 }
246 Ok(res)
247 }
249 /// Takes a contents of a string literal (without quotes) and produces a
250 /// sequence of escaped characters or errors.
251 fn unescape_str_or_byte_str<F>(src: &str, is_byte: bool, callback: &mut F)
252 where
253 F: FnMut(Range<usize>, Result<char, EscapeError>),
254 {
255 let mut chars = src.chars();
257 // The `start` and `end` computation here is complicated because
258 // `skip_ascii_whitespace` makes us to skip over chars without counting
259 // them in the range computation.
260 while let Some(c) = chars.next() {
261 let start = src.len() - chars.as_str().len() - c.len_utf8();
262 let res = match c {
263 '\\' => {
264 match chars.clone().next() {
265 Some('\n') => {
266 // Rust language specification requires us to skip whitespaces
267 // if unescaped '\' character is followed by '\n'.
268 // For details see [Rust language reference]
269 // (https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/tokens.html#string-literals).
270 skip_ascii_whitespace(&mut chars, start, callback);
271 continue;
272 }
273 _ => scan_escape(&mut chars, is_byte),
274 }
275 }
276 '\n' => Ok('\n'),
277 '\t' => Ok('\t'),
278 '"' => Err(EscapeError::EscapeOnlyChar),
279 '\r' => Err(EscapeError::BareCarriageReturn),
280 _ => ascii_check(c, is_byte),
281 };
282 let end = src.len() - chars.as_str().len();
283 callback(start..end, res);
284 }
286 fn skip_ascii_whitespace<F>(chars: &mut Chars<'_>, start: usize, callback: &mut F)
287 where
288 F: FnMut(Range<usize>, Result<char, EscapeError>),
289 {
290 let tail = chars.as_str();
291 let first_non_space = tail
292 .bytes()
293 .position(|b| b != b' ' && b != b'\t' && b != b'\n' && b != b'\r')
294 .unwrap_or(tail.len());
295 if tail[1..first_non_space].contains('\n') {
296 // The +1 accounts for the escaping slash.
297 let end = start + first_non_space + 1;
298 callback(start..end, Err(EscapeError::MultipleSkippedLinesWarning));
299 }
300 let tail = &tail[first_non_space..];
301 if let Some(c) = tail.chars().nth(0) {
302 // For error reporting, we would like the span to contain the character that was not
303 // skipped. The +1 is necessary to account for the leading \ that started the escape.
304 let end = start + first_non_space + c.len_utf8() + 1;
305 if c.is_whitespace() {
306 callback(start..end, Err(EscapeError::UnskippedWhitespaceWarning));
307 }
308 }
309 *chars = tail.chars();
310 }
311 }
313 /// Takes a contents of a string literal (without quotes) and produces a
314 /// sequence of characters or errors.
315 /// NOTE: Raw strings do not perform any explicit character escaping, here we
316 /// only produce errors on bare CR.
317 fn unescape_raw_str_or_raw_byte_str<F>(src: &str, is_byte: bool, callback: &mut F)
318 where
319 F: FnMut(Range<usize>, Result<char, EscapeError>),
320 {
321 let mut chars = src.chars();
323 // The `start` and `end` computation here matches the one in
324 // `unescape_str_or_byte_str` for consistency, even though this function
325 // doesn't have to worry about skipping any chars.
326 while let Some(c) = chars.next() {
327 let start = src.len() - chars.as_str().len() - c.len_utf8();
328 let res = match c {
329 '\r' => Err(EscapeError::BareCarriageReturnInRawString),
330 _ => ascii_check(c, is_byte),
331 };
332 let end = src.len() - chars.as_str().len();
333 callback(start..end, res);
334 }
335 }
337 #[inline]
338 pub fn byte_from_char(c: char) -> u8 {
339 let res = c as u32;
340 debug_assert!(res <= u8::MAX as u32, "guaranteed because of Mode::ByteStr");
341 res as u8
342 }
344 fn is_ascii(x: u32) -> bool {
345 x <= 0x7F
346 }