]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - compiler/rustc_metadata/src/native_libs.rs
New upstream version 1.59.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / compiler / rustc_metadata / src / native_libs.rs
1 use rustc_attr as attr;
2 use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashSet;
3 use rustc_errors::struct_span_err;
4 use rustc_hir as hir;
5 use rustc_hir::itemlikevisit::ItemLikeVisitor;
6 use rustc_middle::ty::{List, ParamEnv, ParamEnvAnd, Ty, TyCtxt};
7 use rustc_session::cstore::{DllCallingConvention, DllImport, NativeLib};
8 use rustc_session::parse::feature_err;
9 use rustc_session::utils::NativeLibKind;
10 use rustc_session::Session;
11 use rustc_span::symbol::{kw, sym, Symbol};
12 use rustc_span::Span;
13 use rustc_target::spec::abi::Abi;
15 crate fn collect(tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> Vec<NativeLib> {
16 let mut collector = Collector { tcx, libs: Vec::new() };
17 tcx.hir().visit_all_item_likes(&mut collector);
18 collector.process_command_line();
19 collector.libs
20 }
22 crate fn relevant_lib(sess: &Session, lib: &NativeLib) -> bool {
23 match lib.cfg {
24 Some(ref cfg) => attr::cfg_matches(cfg, &sess.parse_sess, None),
25 None => true,
26 }
27 }
29 struct Collector<'tcx> {
30 tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
31 libs: Vec<NativeLib>,
32 }
34 impl<'tcx> ItemLikeVisitor<'tcx> for Collector<'tcx> {
35 fn visit_item(&mut self, it: &'tcx hir::Item<'tcx>) {
36 let (abi, foreign_mod_items) = match it.kind {
37 hir::ItemKind::ForeignMod { abi, items } => (abi, items),
38 _ => return,
39 };
41 if abi == Abi::Rust || abi == Abi::RustIntrinsic || abi == Abi::PlatformIntrinsic {
42 return;
43 }
45 // Process all of the #[link(..)]-style arguments
46 let sess = &self.tcx.sess;
47 for m in self.tcx.hir().attrs(it.hir_id()).iter().filter(|a| a.has_name(sym::link)) {
48 let items = match m.meta_item_list() {
49 Some(item) => item,
50 None => continue,
51 };
52 let mut lib = NativeLib {
53 name: None,
54 kind: NativeLibKind::Unspecified,
55 cfg: None,
56 foreign_module: Some(it.def_id.to_def_id()),
57 wasm_import_module: None,
58 verbatim: None,
59 dll_imports: Vec::new(),
60 };
61 let mut kind_specified = false;
63 for item in items.iter() {
64 if item.has_name(sym::kind) {
65 kind_specified = true;
66 let kind = match item.value_str() {
67 Some(name) => name,
68 None => continue, // skip like historical compilers
69 };
70 lib.kind = match kind.as_str() {
71 "static" => NativeLibKind::Static { bundle: None, whole_archive: None },
72 "static-nobundle" => {
73 sess.struct_span_warn(
74 item.span(),
75 "library kind `static-nobundle` has been superseded by specifying \
76 modifier `-bundle` with library kind `static`",
77 )
78 .emit();
79 if !self.tcx.features().static_nobundle {
80 feature_err(
81 &self.tcx.sess.parse_sess,
82 sym::static_nobundle,
83 item.span(),
84 "kind=\"static-nobundle\" is unstable",
85 )
86 .emit();
87 }
88 NativeLibKind::Static { bundle: Some(false), whole_archive: None }
89 }
90 "dylib" => NativeLibKind::Dylib { as_needed: None },
91 "framework" => NativeLibKind::Framework { as_needed: None },
92 "raw-dylib" => NativeLibKind::RawDylib,
93 k => {
94 struct_span_err!(sess, item.span(), E0458, "unknown kind: `{}`", k)
95 .span_label(item.span(), "unknown kind")
96 .span_label(m.span, "")
97 .emit();
98 NativeLibKind::Unspecified
99 }
100 };
101 } else if item.has_name(sym::name) {
102 lib.name = item.value_str();
103 } else if item.has_name(sym::cfg) {
104 let cfg = match item.meta_item_list() {
105 Some(list) => list,
106 None => continue, // skip like historical compilers
107 };
108 if cfg.is_empty() {
109 sess.span_err(item.span(), "`cfg()` must have an argument");
110 } else if let cfg @ Some(..) = cfg[0].meta_item() {
111 lib.cfg = cfg.cloned();
112 } else {
113 sess.span_err(cfg[0].span(), "invalid argument for `cfg(..)`");
114 }
115 } else if item.has_name(sym::wasm_import_module) {
116 match item.value_str() {
117 Some(s) => lib.wasm_import_module = Some(s),
118 None => {
119 let msg = "must be of the form `#[link(wasm_import_module = \"...\")]`";
120 sess.span_err(item.span(), msg);
121 }
122 }
123 } else {
124 // currently, like past compilers, ignore unknown
125 // directives here.
126 }
127 }
129 // Do this outside the above loop so we don't depend on modifiers coming
130 // after kinds
131 if let Some(item) = items.iter().find(|item| item.has_name(sym::modifiers)) {
132 if let Some(modifiers) = item.value_str() {
133 let span = item.name_value_literal_span().unwrap();
134 for modifier in modifiers.as_str().split(',') {
135 let (modifier, value) = match modifier.strip_prefix(&['+', '-']) {
136 Some(m) => (m, modifier.starts_with('+')),
137 None => {
138 sess.span_err(
139 span,
140 "invalid linking modifier syntax, expected '+' or '-' prefix \
141 before one of: bundle, verbatim, whole-archive, as-needed",
142 );
143 continue;
144 }
145 };
147 match (modifier, &mut lib.kind) {
148 ("bundle", NativeLibKind::Static { bundle, .. }) => {
149 *bundle = Some(value);
150 }
151 ("bundle", _) => sess.span_err(
152 span,
153 "bundle linking modifier is only compatible with \
154 `static` linking kind",
155 ),
157 ("verbatim", _) => lib.verbatim = Some(value),
159 ("whole-archive", NativeLibKind::Static { whole_archive, .. }) => {
160 *whole_archive = Some(value);
161 }
162 ("whole-archive", _) => sess.span_err(
163 span,
164 "whole-archive linking modifier is only compatible with \
165 `static` linking kind",
166 ),
168 ("as-needed", NativeLibKind::Dylib { as_needed })
169 | ("as-needed", NativeLibKind::Framework { as_needed }) => {
170 *as_needed = Some(value);
171 }
172 ("as-needed", _) => sess.span_err(
173 span,
174 "as-needed linking modifier is only compatible with \
175 `dylib` and `framework` linking kinds",
176 ),
178 _ => sess.span_err(
179 span,
180 &format!(
181 "unrecognized linking modifier `{}`, expected one \
182 of: bundle, verbatim, whole-archive, as-needed",
183 modifier
184 ),
185 ),
186 }
187 }
188 } else {
189 let msg = "must be of the form `#[link(modifiers = \"...\")]`";
190 sess.span_err(item.span(), msg);
191 }
192 }
194 // In general we require #[link(name = "...")] but we allow
195 // #[link(wasm_import_module = "...")] without the `name`.
196 let requires_name = kind_specified || lib.wasm_import_module.is_none();
197 if lib.name.is_none() && requires_name {
198 struct_span_err!(
199 sess,
200 m.span,
201 E0459,
202 "`#[link(...)]` specified without \
203 `name = \"foo\"`"
204 )
205 .span_label(m.span, "missing `name` argument")
206 .emit();
207 }
209 if lib.kind == NativeLibKind::RawDylib {
210 lib.dll_imports.extend(
211 foreign_mod_items
212 .iter()
213 .map(|child_item| self.build_dll_import(abi, child_item)),
214 );
215 }
217 self.register_native_lib(Some(m.span), lib);
218 }
219 }
221 fn visit_trait_item(&mut self, _it: &'tcx hir::TraitItem<'tcx>) {}
222 fn visit_impl_item(&mut self, _it: &'tcx hir::ImplItem<'tcx>) {}
223 fn visit_foreign_item(&mut self, _it: &'tcx hir::ForeignItem<'tcx>) {}
224 }
226 impl Collector<'_> {
227 fn register_native_lib(&mut self, span: Option<Span>, lib: NativeLib) {
228 if lib.name.as_ref().map_or(false, |&s| s == kw::Empty) {
229 match span {
230 Some(span) => {
231 struct_span_err!(
232 self.tcx.sess,
233 span,
234 E0454,
235 "`#[link(name = \"\")]` given with empty name"
236 )
237 .span_label(span, "empty name given")
238 .emit();
239 }
240 None => {
241 self.tcx.sess.err("empty library name given via `-l`");
242 }
243 }
244 return;
245 }
246 let is_osx = self.tcx.sess.target.is_like_osx;
247 if matches!(lib.kind, NativeLibKind::Framework { .. }) && !is_osx {
248 let msg = "native frameworks are only available on macOS targets";
249 match span {
250 Some(span) => struct_span_err!(self.tcx.sess, span, E0455, "{}", msg).emit(),
251 None => self.tcx.sess.err(msg),
252 }
253 }
254 if lib.cfg.is_some() && !self.tcx.features().link_cfg {
255 feature_err(
256 &self.tcx.sess.parse_sess,
257 sym::link_cfg,
258 span.unwrap(),
259 "kind=\"link_cfg\" is unstable",
260 )
261 .emit();
262 }
263 // this just unwraps lib.name; we already established that it isn't empty above.
264 if let (NativeLibKind::RawDylib, Some(lib_name)) = (lib.kind, lib.name) {
265 let span = match span {
266 Some(s) => s,
267 None => {
268 bug!("raw-dylib libraries are not supported on the command line");
269 }
270 };
272 if !self.tcx.sess.target.options.is_like_windows {
273 self.tcx.sess.span_fatal(
274 span,
275 "`#[link(...)]` with `kind = \"raw-dylib\"` only supported on Windows",
276 );
277 } else if !self.tcx.sess.target.options.is_like_msvc {
278 self.tcx.sess.span_warn(
279 span,
280 "`#[link(...)]` with `kind = \"raw-dylib\"` not supported on windows-gnu",
281 );
282 }
284 if lib_name.as_str().contains('\0') {
285 self.tcx.sess.span_err(span, "library name may not contain NUL characters");
286 }
288 if !self.tcx.features().raw_dylib {
289 feature_err(
290 &self.tcx.sess.parse_sess,
291 sym::raw_dylib,
292 span,
293 "kind=\"raw-dylib\" is unstable",
294 )
295 .emit();
296 }
297 }
299 self.libs.push(lib);
300 }
302 // Process libs passed on the command line
303 fn process_command_line(&mut self) {
304 // First, check for errors
305 let mut renames = FxHashSet::default();
306 for lib in &self.tcx.sess.opts.libs {
307 if let Some(ref new_name) = lib.new_name {
308 let any_duplicate = self
309 .libs
310 .iter()
311 .filter_map(|lib| lib.name.as_ref())
312 .any(|n| n.as_str() == lib.name);
313 if new_name.is_empty() {
314 self.tcx.sess.err(&format!(
315 "an empty renaming target was specified for library `{}`",
316 lib.name
317 ));
318 } else if !any_duplicate {
319 self.tcx.sess.err(&format!(
320 "renaming of the library `{}` was specified, \
321 however this crate contains no `#[link(...)]` \
322 attributes referencing this library",
323 lib.name
324 ));
325 } else if !renames.insert(&lib.name) {
326 self.tcx.sess.err(&format!(
327 "multiple renamings were \
328 specified for library `{}`",
329 lib.name
330 ));
331 }
332 }
333 }
335 // Update kind and, optionally, the name of all native libraries
336 // (there may be more than one) with the specified name. If any
337 // library is mentioned more than once, keep the latest mention
338 // of it, so that any possible dependent libraries appear before
339 // it. (This ensures that the linker is able to see symbols from
340 // all possible dependent libraries before linking in the library
341 // in question.)
342 for passed_lib in &self.tcx.sess.opts.libs {
343 // If we've already added any native libraries with the same
344 // name, they will be pulled out into `existing`, so that we
345 // can move them to the end of the list below.
346 let mut existing = self
347 .libs
348 .drain_filter(|lib| {
349 if let Some(lib_name) = lib.name {
350 if lib_name.as_str() == passed_lib.name {
351 if passed_lib.kind != NativeLibKind::Unspecified {
352 lib.kind = passed_lib.kind;
353 }
354 if let Some(new_name) = &passed_lib.new_name {
355 lib.name = Some(Symbol::intern(new_name));
356 }
357 lib.verbatim = passed_lib.verbatim;
358 return true;
359 }
360 }
361 false
362 })
363 .collect::<Vec<_>>();
364 if existing.is_empty() {
365 // Add if not found
366 let new_name: Option<&str> = passed_lib.new_name.as_deref();
367 let lib = NativeLib {
368 name: Some(Symbol::intern(new_name.unwrap_or(&passed_lib.name))),
369 kind: passed_lib.kind,
370 cfg: None,
371 foreign_module: None,
372 wasm_import_module: None,
373 verbatim: passed_lib.verbatim,
374 dll_imports: Vec::new(),
375 };
376 self.register_native_lib(None, lib);
377 } else {
378 // Move all existing libraries with the same name to the
379 // end of the command line.
380 self.libs.append(&mut existing);
381 }
382 }
383 }
385 fn i686_arg_list_size(&self, item: &hir::ForeignItemRef) -> usize {
386 let argument_types: &List<Ty<'_>> = self.tcx.erase_late_bound_regions(
387 self.tcx
388 .type_of(item.id.def_id)
389 .fn_sig(self.tcx)
390 .inputs()
391 .map_bound(|slice| self.tcx.mk_type_list(slice.iter())),
392 );
394 argument_types
395 .iter()
396 .map(|ty| {
397 let layout = self
398 .tcx
399 .layout_of(ParamEnvAnd { param_env: ParamEnv::empty(), value: ty })
400 .expect("layout")
401 .layout;
402 // In both stdcall and fastcall, we always round up the argument size to the
403 // nearest multiple of 4 bytes.
404 (layout.size.bytes_usize() + 3) & !3
405 })
406 .sum()
407 }
409 fn build_dll_import(&self, abi: Abi, item: &hir::ForeignItemRef) -> DllImport {
410 let calling_convention = if self.tcx.sess.target.arch == "x86" {
411 match abi {
412 Abi::C { .. } | Abi::Cdecl => DllCallingConvention::C,
413 Abi::Stdcall { .. } | Abi::System { .. } => {
414 DllCallingConvention::Stdcall(self.i686_arg_list_size(item))
415 }
416 Abi::Fastcall => DllCallingConvention::Fastcall(self.i686_arg_list_size(item)),
417 // Vectorcall is intentionally not supported at this time.
418 _ => {
419 self.tcx.sess.span_fatal(
420 item.span,
421 r#"ABI not supported by `#[link(kind = "raw-dylib")]` on i686"#,
422 );
423 }
424 }
425 } else {
426 match abi {
427 Abi::C { .. } | Abi::Win64 | Abi::System { .. } => DllCallingConvention::C,
428 _ => {
429 self.tcx.sess.span_fatal(
430 item.span,
431 r#"ABI not supported by `#[link(kind = "raw-dylib")]` on this architecture"#,
432 );
433 }
434 }
435 };
437 DllImport {
438 name: item.ident.name,
439 ordinal: self.tcx.codegen_fn_attrs(item.id.def_id).link_ordinal,
440 calling_convention,
441 span: item.span,
442 }
443 }
444 }