]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - compiler/rustc_middle/src/mir/traversal.rs
[rustc.git] / compiler / rustc_middle / src / mir / traversal.rs
1 use rustc_data_structures::stable_hasher::{HashStable, StableHasher};
2 use rustc_data_structures::sync::OnceCell;
3 use rustc_index::bit_set::BitSet;
4 use rustc_serialize::{Decodable, Decoder, Encodable, Encoder};
6 use super::*;
8 /// Preorder traversal of a graph.
9 ///
10 /// Preorder traversal is when each node is visited after at least one of its predecessors. If you
11 /// are familiar with some basic graph theory, then this performs a depth first search and returns
12 /// nodes in order of discovery time.
13 ///
14 /// ```text
15 ///
16 /// A
17 /// / \
18 /// / \
19 /// B C
20 /// \ /
21 /// \ /
22 /// D
23 /// ```
24 ///
25 /// A preorder traversal of this graph is either `A B D C` or `A C D B`
26 #[derive(Clone)]
27 pub struct Preorder<'a, 'tcx> {
28 body: &'a Body<'tcx>,
29 visited: BitSet<BasicBlock>,
30 worklist: Vec<BasicBlock>,
31 root_is_start_block: bool,
32 }
34 impl<'a, 'tcx> Preorder<'a, 'tcx> {
35 pub fn new(body: &'a Body<'tcx>, root: BasicBlock) -> Preorder<'a, 'tcx> {
36 let worklist = vec![root];
38 Preorder {
39 body,
40 visited: BitSet::new_empty(body.basic_blocks().len()),
41 worklist,
42 root_is_start_block: root == START_BLOCK,
43 }
44 }
45 }
47 pub fn preorder<'a, 'tcx>(body: &'a Body<'tcx>) -> Preorder<'a, 'tcx> {
48 Preorder::new(body, START_BLOCK)
49 }
51 impl<'a, 'tcx> Iterator for Preorder<'a, 'tcx> {
52 type Item = (BasicBlock, &'a BasicBlockData<'tcx>);
54 fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(BasicBlock, &'a BasicBlockData<'tcx>)> {
55 while let Some(idx) = self.worklist.pop() {
56 if !self.visited.insert(idx) {
57 continue;
58 }
60 let data = &self.body[idx];
62 if let Some(ref term) = data.terminator {
63 self.worklist.extend(term.successors());
64 }
66 return Some((idx, data));
67 }
69 None
70 }
72 fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
73 // All the blocks, minus the number of blocks we've visited.
74 let upper = self.body.basic_blocks().len() - self.visited.count();
76 let lower = if self.root_is_start_block {
77 // We will visit all remaining blocks exactly once.
78 upper
79 } else {
80 self.worklist.len()
81 };
83 (lower, Some(upper))
84 }
85 }
87 /// Postorder traversal of a graph.
88 ///
89 /// Postorder traversal is when each node is visited after all of its successors, except when the
90 /// successor is only reachable by a back-edge. If you are familiar with some basic graph theory,
91 /// then this performs a depth first search and returns nodes in order of completion time.
92 ///
93 ///
94 /// ```text
95 ///
96 /// A
97 /// / \
98 /// / \
99 /// B C
100 /// \ /
101 /// \ /
102 /// D
103 /// ```
104 ///
105 /// A Postorder traversal of this graph is `D B C A` or `D C B A`
106 pub struct Postorder<'a, 'tcx> {
107 body: &'a Body<'tcx>,
108 visited: BitSet<BasicBlock>,
109 visit_stack: Vec<(BasicBlock, Successors<'a>)>,
110 root_is_start_block: bool,
111 }
113 impl<'a, 'tcx> Postorder<'a, 'tcx> {
114 pub fn new(body: &'a Body<'tcx>, root: BasicBlock) -> Postorder<'a, 'tcx> {
115 let mut po = Postorder {
116 body,
117 visited: BitSet::new_empty(body.basic_blocks().len()),
118 visit_stack: Vec::new(),
119 root_is_start_block: root == START_BLOCK,
120 };
122 let data = &po.body[root];
124 if let Some(ref term) = data.terminator {
125 po.visited.insert(root);
126 po.visit_stack.push((root, term.successors()));
127 po.traverse_successor();
128 }
130 po
131 }
133 fn traverse_successor(&mut self) {
134 // This is quite a complex loop due to 1. the borrow checker not liking it much
135 // and 2. what exactly is going on is not clear
136 //
137 // It does the actual traversal of the graph, while the `next` method on the iterator
138 // just pops off of the stack. `visit_stack` is a stack containing pairs of nodes and
139 // iterators over the successors of those nodes. Each iteration attempts to get the next
140 // node from the top of the stack, then pushes that node and an iterator over the
141 // successors to the top of the stack. This loop only grows `visit_stack`, stopping when
142 // we reach a child that has no children that we haven't already visited.
143 //
144 // For a graph that looks like this:
145 //
146 // A
147 // / \
148 // / \
149 // B C
150 // | |
151 // | |
152 // D |
153 // \ /
154 // \ /
155 // E
156 //
157 // The state of the stack starts out with just the root node (`A` in this case);
158 // [(A, [B, C])]
159 //
160 // When the first call to `traverse_successor` happens, the following happens:
161 //
162 // [(B, [D]), // `B` taken from the successors of `A`, pushed to the
163 // // top of the stack along with the successors of `B`
164 // (A, [C])]
165 //
166 // [(D, [E]), // `D` taken from successors of `B`, pushed to stack
167 // (B, []),
168 // (A, [C])]
169 //
170 // [(E, []), // `E` taken from successors of `D`, pushed to stack
171 // (D, []),
172 // (B, []),
173 // (A, [C])]
174 //
175 // Now that the top of the stack has no successors we can traverse, each item will
176 // be popped off during iteration until we get back to `A`. This yields [E, D, B].
177 //
178 // When we yield `B` and call `traverse_successor`, we push `C` to the stack, but
179 // since we've already visited `E`, that child isn't added to the stack. The last
180 // two iterations yield `C` and finally `A` for a final traversal of [E, D, B, C, A]
181 loop {
182 let bb = if let Some(&mut (_, ref mut iter)) = self.visit_stack.last_mut() {
183 if let Some(bb) = iter.next() {
184 bb
185 } else {
186 break;
187 }
188 } else {
189 break;
190 };
192 if self.visited.insert(bb) {
193 if let Some(term) = &self.body[bb].terminator {
194 self.visit_stack.push((bb, term.successors()));
195 }
196 }
197 }
198 }
199 }
201 pub fn postorder<'a, 'tcx>(body: &'a Body<'tcx>) -> Postorder<'a, 'tcx> {
202 Postorder::new(body, START_BLOCK)
203 }
205 impl<'a, 'tcx> Iterator for Postorder<'a, 'tcx> {
206 type Item = (BasicBlock, &'a BasicBlockData<'tcx>);
208 fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(BasicBlock, &'a BasicBlockData<'tcx>)> {
209 let next = self.visit_stack.pop();
210 if next.is_some() {
211 self.traverse_successor();
212 }
214 next.map(|(bb, _)| (bb, &self.body[bb]))
215 }
217 fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
218 // All the blocks, minus the number of blocks we've visited.
219 let upper = self.body.basic_blocks().len() - self.visited.count();
221 let lower = if self.root_is_start_block {
222 // We will visit all remaining blocks exactly once.
223 upper
224 } else {
225 self.visit_stack.len()
226 };
228 (lower, Some(upper))
229 }
230 }
232 /// Reverse postorder traversal of a graph
233 ///
234 /// Reverse postorder is the reverse order of a postorder traversal.
235 /// This is different to a preorder traversal and represents a natural
236 /// linearization of control-flow.
237 ///
238 /// ```text
239 ///
240 /// A
241 /// / \
242 /// / \
243 /// B C
244 /// \ /
245 /// \ /
246 /// D
247 /// ```
248 ///
249 /// A reverse postorder traversal of this graph is either `A B C D` or `A C B D`
250 /// Note that for a graph containing no loops (i.e., A DAG), this is equivalent to
251 /// a topological sort.
252 ///
253 /// Construction of a `ReversePostorder` traversal requires doing a full
254 /// postorder traversal of the graph, therefore this traversal should be
255 /// constructed as few times as possible. Use the `reset` method to be able
256 /// to re-use the traversal
257 #[derive(Clone)]
258 pub struct ReversePostorder<'a, 'tcx> {
259 body: &'a Body<'tcx>,
260 blocks: Vec<BasicBlock>,
261 idx: usize,
262 }
264 impl<'a, 'tcx> ReversePostorder<'a, 'tcx> {
265 pub fn new(body: &'a Body<'tcx>, root: BasicBlock) -> ReversePostorder<'a, 'tcx> {
266 let blocks: Vec<_> = Postorder::new(body, root).map(|(bb, _)| bb).collect();
268 let len = blocks.len();
270 ReversePostorder { body, blocks, idx: len }
271 }
272 }
274 impl<'a, 'tcx> Iterator for ReversePostorder<'a, 'tcx> {
275 type Item = (BasicBlock, &'a BasicBlockData<'tcx>);
277 fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(BasicBlock, &'a BasicBlockData<'tcx>)> {
278 if self.idx == 0 {
279 return None;
280 }
281 self.idx -= 1;
283 self.blocks.get(self.idx).map(|&bb| (bb, &self.body[bb]))
284 }
286 fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
287 (self.idx, Some(self.idx))
288 }
289 }
291 impl<'a, 'tcx> ExactSizeIterator for ReversePostorder<'a, 'tcx> {}
293 /// Returns an iterator over all basic blocks reachable from the `START_BLOCK` in no particular
294 /// order.
295 ///
296 /// This is clearer than writing `preorder` in cases where the order doesn't matter.
297 pub fn reachable<'a, 'tcx>(
298 body: &'a Body<'tcx>,
299 ) -> impl 'a + Iterator<Item = (BasicBlock, &'a BasicBlockData<'tcx>)> {
300 preorder(body)
301 }
303 /// Returns a `BitSet` containing all basic blocks reachable from the `START_BLOCK`.
304 pub fn reachable_as_bitset<'tcx>(body: &Body<'tcx>) -> BitSet<BasicBlock> {
305 let mut iter = preorder(body);
306 (&mut iter).for_each(drop);
307 iter.visited
308 }
310 #[derive(Clone)]
311 pub struct ReversePostorderIter<'a, 'tcx> {
312 body: &'a Body<'tcx>,
313 blocks: &'a [BasicBlock],
314 idx: usize,
315 }
317 impl<'a, 'tcx> Iterator for ReversePostorderIter<'a, 'tcx> {
318 type Item = (BasicBlock, &'a BasicBlockData<'tcx>);
320 fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(BasicBlock, &'a BasicBlockData<'tcx>)> {
321 if self.idx == 0 {
322 return None;
323 }
324 self.idx -= 1;
326 self.blocks.get(self.idx).map(|&bb| (bb, &self.body[bb]))
327 }
329 fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
330 (self.idx, Some(self.idx))
331 }
332 }
334 impl<'a, 'tcx> ExactSizeIterator for ReversePostorderIter<'a, 'tcx> {}
336 pub fn reverse_postorder<'a, 'tcx>(body: &'a Body<'tcx>) -> ReversePostorderIter<'a, 'tcx> {
337 let blocks = body.postorder_cache.compute(body);
339 let len = blocks.len();
341 ReversePostorderIter { body, blocks, idx: len }
342 }
344 #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
345 pub(super) struct PostorderCache {
346 cache: OnceCell<Vec<BasicBlock>>,
347 }
349 impl PostorderCache {
350 #[inline]
351 pub(super) fn new() -> Self {
352 PostorderCache { cache: OnceCell::new() }
353 }
355 /// Invalidates the postorder cache.
356 #[inline]
357 pub(super) fn invalidate(&mut self) {
358 self.cache = OnceCell::new();
359 }
361 /// Returns the `&[BasicBlocks]` represents the postorder graph for this MIR.
362 #[inline]
363 pub(super) fn compute(&self, body: &Body<'_>) -> &[BasicBlock] {
364 self.cache.get_or_init(|| Postorder::new(body, START_BLOCK).map(|(bb, _)| bb).collect())
365 }
366 }
368 impl<S: Encoder> Encodable<S> for PostorderCache {
369 #[inline]
370 fn encode(&self, _s: &mut S) {}
371 }
373 impl<D: Decoder> Decodable<D> for PostorderCache {
374 #[inline]
375 fn decode(_: &mut D) -> Self {
376 Self::new()
377 }
378 }
380 impl<CTX> HashStable<CTX> for PostorderCache {
381 #[inline]
382 fn hash_stable(&self, _: &mut CTX, _: &mut StableHasher) {
383 // do nothing
384 }
385 }
387 TrivialTypeFoldableAndLiftImpls! {
388 PostorderCache,
389 }