]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - compiler/rustc_middle/src/ty/relate.rs
[rustc.git] / compiler / rustc_middle / src / ty / relate.rs
1 //! Generalized type relating mechanism.
2 //!
3 //! A type relation `R` relates a pair of values `(A, B)`. `A and B` are usually
4 //! types or regions but can be other things. Examples of type relations are
5 //! subtyping, type equality, etc.
7 use crate::ty::error::{ExpectedFound, TypeError};
8 use crate::ty::{self, Expr, ImplSubject, Term, TermKind, Ty, TyCtxt, TypeFoldable};
9 use crate::ty::{GenericArg, GenericArgKind, SubstsRef};
10 use rustc_hir as hir;
11 use rustc_hir::def_id::DefId;
12 use rustc_target::spec::abi;
13 use std::iter;
15 pub type RelateResult<'tcx, T> = Result<T, TypeError<'tcx>>;
17 #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
18 pub enum Cause {
19 ExistentialRegionBound, // relating an existential region bound
20 }
22 pub trait TypeRelation<'tcx>: Sized {
23 fn tcx(&self) -> TyCtxt<'tcx>;
25 fn param_env(&self) -> ty::ParamEnv<'tcx>;
27 /// Returns a static string we can use for printouts.
28 fn tag(&self) -> &'static str;
30 /// Returns `true` if the value `a` is the "expected" type in the
31 /// relation. Just affects error messages.
32 fn a_is_expected(&self) -> bool;
34 fn with_cause<F, R>(&mut self, _cause: Cause, f: F) -> R
35 where
36 F: FnOnce(&mut Self) -> R,
37 {
38 f(self)
39 }
41 /// Generic relation routine suitable for most anything.
42 fn relate<T: Relate<'tcx>>(&mut self, a: T, b: T) -> RelateResult<'tcx, T> {
43 Relate::relate(self, a, b)
44 }
46 /// Relate the two substitutions for the given item. The default
47 /// is to look up the variance for the item and proceed
48 /// accordingly.
49 fn relate_item_substs(
50 &mut self,
51 item_def_id: DefId,
52 a_subst: SubstsRef<'tcx>,
53 b_subst: SubstsRef<'tcx>,
54 ) -> RelateResult<'tcx, SubstsRef<'tcx>> {
55 debug!(
56 "relate_item_substs(item_def_id={:?}, a_subst={:?}, b_subst={:?})",
57 item_def_id, a_subst, b_subst
58 );
60 let tcx = self.tcx();
61 let opt_variances = tcx.variances_of(item_def_id);
62 relate_substs_with_variances(self, item_def_id, opt_variances, a_subst, b_subst, true)
63 }
65 /// Switch variance for the purpose of relating `a` and `b`.
66 fn relate_with_variance<T: Relate<'tcx>>(
67 &mut self,
68 variance: ty::Variance,
69 info: ty::VarianceDiagInfo<'tcx>,
70 a: T,
71 b: T,
72 ) -> RelateResult<'tcx, T>;
74 // Overridable relations. You shouldn't typically call these
75 // directly, instead call `relate()`, which in turn calls
76 // these. This is both more uniform but also allows us to add
77 // additional hooks for other types in the future if needed
78 // without making older code, which called `relate`, obsolete.
80 fn tys(&mut self, a: Ty<'tcx>, b: Ty<'tcx>) -> RelateResult<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>;
82 fn regions(
83 &mut self,
84 a: ty::Region<'tcx>,
85 b: ty::Region<'tcx>,
86 ) -> RelateResult<'tcx, ty::Region<'tcx>>;
88 fn consts(
89 &mut self,
90 a: ty::Const<'tcx>,
91 b: ty::Const<'tcx>,
92 ) -> RelateResult<'tcx, ty::Const<'tcx>>;
94 fn binders<T>(
95 &mut self,
96 a: ty::Binder<'tcx, T>,
97 b: ty::Binder<'tcx, T>,
98 ) -> RelateResult<'tcx, ty::Binder<'tcx, T>>
99 where
100 T: Relate<'tcx>;
101 }
103 pub trait Relate<'tcx>: TypeFoldable<TyCtxt<'tcx>> + PartialEq + Copy {
104 fn relate<R: TypeRelation<'tcx>>(
105 relation: &mut R,
106 a: Self,
107 b: Self,
108 ) -> RelateResult<'tcx, Self>;
109 }
111 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
112 // Relate impls
114 pub fn relate_type_and_mut<'tcx, R: TypeRelation<'tcx>>(
115 relation: &mut R,
116 a: ty::TypeAndMut<'tcx>,
117 b: ty::TypeAndMut<'tcx>,
118 base_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
119 ) -> RelateResult<'tcx, ty::TypeAndMut<'tcx>> {
120 debug!("{}.mts({:?}, {:?})", relation.tag(), a, b);
121 if a.mutbl != b.mutbl {
122 Err(TypeError::Mutability)
123 } else {
124 let mutbl = a.mutbl;
125 let (variance, info) = match mutbl {
126 hir::Mutability::Not => (ty::Covariant, ty::VarianceDiagInfo::None),
127 hir::Mutability::Mut => {
128 (ty::Invariant, ty::VarianceDiagInfo::Invariant { ty: base_ty, param_index: 0 })
129 }
130 };
131 let ty = relation.relate_with_variance(variance, info, a.ty, b.ty)?;
132 Ok(ty::TypeAndMut { ty, mutbl })
133 }
134 }
136 #[inline]
137 pub fn relate_substs<'tcx, R: TypeRelation<'tcx>>(
138 relation: &mut R,
139 a_subst: SubstsRef<'tcx>,
140 b_subst: SubstsRef<'tcx>,
141 ) -> RelateResult<'tcx, SubstsRef<'tcx>> {
142 relation.tcx().mk_substs_from_iter(iter::zip(a_subst, b_subst).map(|(a, b)| {
143 relation.relate_with_variance(ty::Invariant, ty::VarianceDiagInfo::default(), a, b)
144 }))
145 }
147 pub fn relate_substs_with_variances<'tcx, R: TypeRelation<'tcx>>(
148 relation: &mut R,
149 ty_def_id: DefId,
150 variances: &[ty::Variance],
151 a_subst: SubstsRef<'tcx>,
152 b_subst: SubstsRef<'tcx>,
153 fetch_ty_for_diag: bool,
154 ) -> RelateResult<'tcx, SubstsRef<'tcx>> {
155 let tcx = relation.tcx();
157 let mut cached_ty = None;
158 let params = iter::zip(a_subst, b_subst).enumerate().map(|(i, (a, b))| {
159 let variance = variances[i];
160 let variance_info = if variance == ty::Invariant && fetch_ty_for_diag {
161 let ty = *cached_ty.get_or_insert_with(|| tcx.type_of(ty_def_id).subst(tcx, a_subst));
162 ty::VarianceDiagInfo::Invariant { ty, param_index: i.try_into().unwrap() }
163 } else {
164 ty::VarianceDiagInfo::default()
165 };
166 relation.relate_with_variance(variance, variance_info, a, b)
167 });
169 tcx.mk_substs_from_iter(params)
170 }
172 impl<'tcx> Relate<'tcx> for ty::FnSig<'tcx> {
173 fn relate<R: TypeRelation<'tcx>>(
174 relation: &mut R,
175 a: ty::FnSig<'tcx>,
176 b: ty::FnSig<'tcx>,
177 ) -> RelateResult<'tcx, ty::FnSig<'tcx>> {
178 let tcx = relation.tcx();
180 if a.c_variadic != b.c_variadic {
181 return Err(TypeError::VariadicMismatch(expected_found(
182 relation,
183 a.c_variadic,
184 b.c_variadic,
185 )));
186 }
187 let unsafety = relation.relate(a.unsafety, b.unsafety)?;
188 let abi = relation.relate(a.abi, b.abi)?;
190 if a.inputs().len() != b.inputs().len() {
191 return Err(TypeError::ArgCount);
192 }
194 let inputs_and_output = iter::zip(a.inputs(), b.inputs())
195 .map(|(&a, &b)| ((a, b), false))
196 .chain(iter::once(((a.output(), b.output()), true)))
197 .map(|((a, b), is_output)| {
198 if is_output {
199 relation.relate(a, b)
200 } else {
201 relation.relate_with_variance(
202 ty::Contravariant,
203 ty::VarianceDiagInfo::default(),
204 a,
205 b,
206 )
207 }
208 })
209 .enumerate()
210 .map(|(i, r)| match r {
211 Err(TypeError::Sorts(exp_found) | TypeError::ArgumentSorts(exp_found, _)) => {
212 Err(TypeError::ArgumentSorts(exp_found, i))
213 }
214 Err(TypeError::Mutability | TypeError::ArgumentMutability(_)) => {
215 Err(TypeError::ArgumentMutability(i))
216 }
217 r => r,
218 });
219 Ok(ty::FnSig {
220 inputs_and_output: tcx.mk_type_list_from_iter(inputs_and_output)?,
221 c_variadic: a.c_variadic,
222 unsafety,
223 abi,
224 })
225 }
226 }
228 impl<'tcx> Relate<'tcx> for ty::BoundConstness {
229 fn relate<R: TypeRelation<'tcx>>(
230 relation: &mut R,
231 a: ty::BoundConstness,
232 b: ty::BoundConstness,
233 ) -> RelateResult<'tcx, ty::BoundConstness> {
234 if a != b {
235 Err(TypeError::ConstnessMismatch(expected_found(relation, a, b)))
236 } else {
237 Ok(a)
238 }
239 }
240 }
242 impl<'tcx> Relate<'tcx> for hir::Unsafety {
243 fn relate<R: TypeRelation<'tcx>>(
244 relation: &mut R,
245 a: hir::Unsafety,
246 b: hir::Unsafety,
247 ) -> RelateResult<'tcx, hir::Unsafety> {
248 if a != b {
249 Err(TypeError::UnsafetyMismatch(expected_found(relation, a, b)))
250 } else {
251 Ok(a)
252 }
253 }
254 }
256 impl<'tcx> Relate<'tcx> for abi::Abi {
257 fn relate<R: TypeRelation<'tcx>>(
258 relation: &mut R,
259 a: abi::Abi,
260 b: abi::Abi,
261 ) -> RelateResult<'tcx, abi::Abi> {
262 if a == b { Ok(a) } else { Err(TypeError::AbiMismatch(expected_found(relation, a, b))) }
263 }
264 }
266 impl<'tcx> Relate<'tcx> for ty::AliasTy<'tcx> {
267 fn relate<R: TypeRelation<'tcx>>(
268 relation: &mut R,
269 a: ty::AliasTy<'tcx>,
270 b: ty::AliasTy<'tcx>,
271 ) -> RelateResult<'tcx, ty::AliasTy<'tcx>> {
272 if a.def_id != b.def_id {
273 Err(TypeError::ProjectionMismatched(expected_found(relation, a.def_id, b.def_id)))
274 } else {
275 let substs = relation.relate(a.substs, b.substs)?;
276 Ok(relation.tcx().mk_alias_ty(a.def_id, substs))
277 }
278 }
279 }
281 impl<'tcx> Relate<'tcx> for ty::ExistentialProjection<'tcx> {
282 fn relate<R: TypeRelation<'tcx>>(
283 relation: &mut R,
284 a: ty::ExistentialProjection<'tcx>,
285 b: ty::ExistentialProjection<'tcx>,
286 ) -> RelateResult<'tcx, ty::ExistentialProjection<'tcx>> {
287 if a.def_id != b.def_id {
288 Err(TypeError::ProjectionMismatched(expected_found(relation, a.def_id, b.def_id)))
289 } else {
290 let term = relation.relate_with_variance(
291 ty::Invariant,
292 ty::VarianceDiagInfo::default(),
293 a.term,
294 b.term,
295 )?;
296 let substs = relation.relate_with_variance(
297 ty::Invariant,
298 ty::VarianceDiagInfo::default(),
299 a.substs,
300 b.substs,
301 )?;
302 Ok(ty::ExistentialProjection { def_id: a.def_id, substs, term })
303 }
304 }
305 }
307 impl<'tcx> Relate<'tcx> for ty::TraitRef<'tcx> {
308 fn relate<R: TypeRelation<'tcx>>(
309 relation: &mut R,
310 a: ty::TraitRef<'tcx>,
311 b: ty::TraitRef<'tcx>,
312 ) -> RelateResult<'tcx, ty::TraitRef<'tcx>> {
313 // Different traits cannot be related.
314 if a.def_id != b.def_id {
315 Err(TypeError::Traits(expected_found(relation, a.def_id, b.def_id)))
316 } else {
317 let substs = relate_substs(relation, a.substs, b.substs)?;
318 Ok(ty::TraitRef::new(relation.tcx(), a.def_id, substs))
319 }
320 }
321 }
323 impl<'tcx> Relate<'tcx> for ty::ExistentialTraitRef<'tcx> {
324 fn relate<R: TypeRelation<'tcx>>(
325 relation: &mut R,
326 a: ty::ExistentialTraitRef<'tcx>,
327 b: ty::ExistentialTraitRef<'tcx>,
328 ) -> RelateResult<'tcx, ty::ExistentialTraitRef<'tcx>> {
329 // Different traits cannot be related.
330 if a.def_id != b.def_id {
331 Err(TypeError::Traits(expected_found(relation, a.def_id, b.def_id)))
332 } else {
333 let substs = relate_substs(relation, a.substs, b.substs)?;
334 Ok(ty::ExistentialTraitRef { def_id: a.def_id, substs })
335 }
336 }
337 }
339 #[derive(PartialEq, Copy, Debug, Clone, TypeFoldable, TypeVisitable)]
340 struct GeneratorWitness<'tcx>(&'tcx ty::List<Ty<'tcx>>);
342 impl<'tcx> Relate<'tcx> for GeneratorWitness<'tcx> {
343 fn relate<R: TypeRelation<'tcx>>(
344 relation: &mut R,
345 a: GeneratorWitness<'tcx>,
346 b: GeneratorWitness<'tcx>,
347 ) -> RelateResult<'tcx, GeneratorWitness<'tcx>> {
348 assert_eq!(a.0.len(), b.0.len());
349 let tcx = relation.tcx();
350 let types =
351 tcx.mk_type_list_from_iter(iter::zip(a.0, b.0).map(|(a, b)| relation.relate(a, b)))?;
352 Ok(GeneratorWitness(types))
353 }
354 }
356 impl<'tcx> Relate<'tcx> for ImplSubject<'tcx> {
357 #[inline]
358 fn relate<R: TypeRelation<'tcx>>(
359 relation: &mut R,
360 a: ImplSubject<'tcx>,
361 b: ImplSubject<'tcx>,
362 ) -> RelateResult<'tcx, ImplSubject<'tcx>> {
363 match (a, b) {
364 (ImplSubject::Trait(trait_ref_a), ImplSubject::Trait(trait_ref_b)) => {
365 let trait_ref = ty::TraitRef::relate(relation, trait_ref_a, trait_ref_b)?;
366 Ok(ImplSubject::Trait(trait_ref))
367 }
368 (ImplSubject::Inherent(ty_a), ImplSubject::Inherent(ty_b)) => {
369 let ty = Ty::relate(relation, ty_a, ty_b)?;
370 Ok(ImplSubject::Inherent(ty))
371 }
372 (ImplSubject::Trait(_), ImplSubject::Inherent(_))
373 | (ImplSubject::Inherent(_), ImplSubject::Trait(_)) => {
374 bug!("can not relate TraitRef and Ty");
375 }
376 }
377 }
378 }
380 impl<'tcx> Relate<'tcx> for Ty<'tcx> {
381 #[inline]
382 fn relate<R: TypeRelation<'tcx>>(
383 relation: &mut R,
384 a: Ty<'tcx>,
385 b: Ty<'tcx>,
386 ) -> RelateResult<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>> {
387 relation.tys(a, b)
388 }
389 }
391 /// Relates `a` and `b` structurally, calling the relation for all nested values.
392 /// Any semantic equality, e.g. of projections, and inference variables have to be
393 /// handled by the caller.
394 pub fn structurally_relate_tys<'tcx, R: TypeRelation<'tcx>>(
395 relation: &mut R,
396 a: Ty<'tcx>,
397 b: Ty<'tcx>,
398 ) -> RelateResult<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>> {
399 let tcx = relation.tcx();
400 debug!("structurally_relate_tys: a={:?} b={:?}", a, b);
401 match (a.kind(), b.kind()) {
402 (&ty::Infer(_), _) | (_, &ty::Infer(_)) => {
403 // The caller should handle these cases!
404 bug!("var types encountered in structurally_relate_tys")
405 }
407 (ty::Bound(..), _) | (_, ty::Bound(..)) => {
408 bug!("bound types encountered in structurally_relate_tys")
409 }
411 (&ty::Error(guar), _) | (_, &ty::Error(guar)) => Ok(tcx.ty_error(guar)),
413 (&ty::Never, _)
414 | (&ty::Char, _)
415 | (&ty::Bool, _)
416 | (&ty::Int(_), _)
417 | (&ty::Uint(_), _)
418 | (&ty::Float(_), _)
419 | (&ty::Str, _)
420 if a == b =>
421 {
422 Ok(a)
423 }
425 (ty::Param(a_p), ty::Param(b_p)) if a_p.index == b_p.index => Ok(a),
427 (ty::Placeholder(p1), ty::Placeholder(p2)) if p1 == p2 => Ok(a),
429 (&ty::Adt(a_def, a_substs), &ty::Adt(b_def, b_substs)) if a_def == b_def => {
430 let substs = relation.relate_item_substs(a_def.did(), a_substs, b_substs)?;
431 Ok(tcx.mk_adt(a_def, substs))
432 }
434 (&ty::Foreign(a_id), &ty::Foreign(b_id)) if a_id == b_id => Ok(tcx.mk_foreign(a_id)),
436 (&ty::Dynamic(a_obj, a_region, a_repr), &ty::Dynamic(b_obj, b_region, b_repr))
437 if a_repr == b_repr =>
438 {
439 let region_bound = relation.with_cause(Cause::ExistentialRegionBound, |relation| {
440 relation.relate(a_region, b_region)
441 })?;
442 Ok(tcx.mk_dynamic(relation.relate(a_obj, b_obj)?, region_bound, a_repr))
443 }
445 (&ty::Generator(a_id, a_substs, movability), &ty::Generator(b_id, b_substs, _))
446 if a_id == b_id =>
447 {
448 // All Generator types with the same id represent
449 // the (anonymous) type of the same generator expression. So
450 // all of their regions should be equated.
451 let substs = relation.relate(a_substs, b_substs)?;
452 Ok(tcx.mk_generator(a_id, substs, movability))
453 }
455 (&ty::GeneratorWitness(a_types), &ty::GeneratorWitness(b_types)) => {
456 // Wrap our types with a temporary GeneratorWitness struct
457 // inside the binder so we can related them
458 let a_types = a_types.map_bound(GeneratorWitness);
459 let b_types = b_types.map_bound(GeneratorWitness);
460 // Then remove the GeneratorWitness for the result
461 let types = relation.relate(a_types, b_types)?.map_bound(|witness| witness.0);
462 Ok(tcx.mk_generator_witness(types))
463 }
465 (&ty::GeneratorWitnessMIR(a_id, a_substs), &ty::GeneratorWitnessMIR(b_id, b_substs))
466 if a_id == b_id =>
467 {
468 // All GeneratorWitness types with the same id represent
469 // the (anonymous) type of the same generator expression. So
470 // all of their regions should be equated.
471 let substs = relation.relate(a_substs, b_substs)?;
472 Ok(tcx.mk_generator_witness_mir(a_id, substs))
473 }
475 (&ty::Closure(a_id, a_substs), &ty::Closure(b_id, b_substs)) if a_id == b_id => {
476 // All Closure types with the same id represent
477 // the (anonymous) type of the same closure expression. So
478 // all of their regions should be equated.
479 let substs = relation.relate(a_substs, b_substs)?;
480 Ok(tcx.mk_closure(a_id, &substs))
481 }
483 (&ty::RawPtr(a_mt), &ty::RawPtr(b_mt)) => {
484 let mt = relate_type_and_mut(relation, a_mt, b_mt, a)?;
485 Ok(tcx.mk_ptr(mt))
486 }
488 (&ty::Ref(a_r, a_ty, a_mutbl), &ty::Ref(b_r, b_ty, b_mutbl)) => {
489 let r = relation.relate(a_r, b_r)?;
490 let a_mt = ty::TypeAndMut { ty: a_ty, mutbl: a_mutbl };
491 let b_mt = ty::TypeAndMut { ty: b_ty, mutbl: b_mutbl };
492 let mt = relate_type_and_mut(relation, a_mt, b_mt, a)?;
493 Ok(tcx.mk_ref(r, mt))
494 }
496 (&ty::Array(a_t, sz_a), &ty::Array(b_t, sz_b)) => {
497 let t = relation.relate(a_t, b_t)?;
498 match relation.relate(sz_a, sz_b) {
499 Ok(sz) => Ok(tcx.mk_array_with_const_len(t, sz)),
500 Err(err) => {
501 // Check whether the lengths are both concrete/known values,
502 // but are unequal, for better diagnostics.
503 //
504 // It might seem dubious to eagerly evaluate these constants here,
505 // we however cannot end up with errors in `Relate` during both
506 // `type_of` and `predicates_of`. This means that evaluating the
507 // constants should not cause cycle errors here.
508 let sz_a = sz_a.try_eval_target_usize(tcx, relation.param_env());
509 let sz_b = sz_b.try_eval_target_usize(tcx, relation.param_env());
510 match (sz_a, sz_b) {
511 (Some(sz_a_val), Some(sz_b_val)) if sz_a_val != sz_b_val => Err(
512 TypeError::FixedArraySize(expected_found(relation, sz_a_val, sz_b_val)),
513 ),
514 _ => Err(err),
515 }
516 }
517 }
518 }
520 (&ty::Slice(a_t), &ty::Slice(b_t)) => {
521 let t = relation.relate(a_t, b_t)?;
522 Ok(tcx.mk_slice(t))
523 }
525 (&ty::Tuple(as_), &ty::Tuple(bs)) => {
526 if as_.len() == bs.len() {
527 Ok(tcx.mk_tup_from_iter(iter::zip(as_, bs).map(|(a, b)| relation.relate(a, b)))?)
528 } else if !(as_.is_empty() || bs.is_empty()) {
529 Err(TypeError::TupleSize(expected_found(relation, as_.len(), bs.len())))
530 } else {
531 Err(TypeError::Sorts(expected_found(relation, a, b)))
532 }
533 }
535 (&ty::FnDef(a_def_id, a_substs), &ty::FnDef(b_def_id, b_substs))
536 if a_def_id == b_def_id =>
537 {
538 let substs = relation.relate_item_substs(a_def_id, a_substs, b_substs)?;
539 Ok(tcx.mk_fn_def(a_def_id, substs))
540 }
542 (&ty::FnPtr(a_fty), &ty::FnPtr(b_fty)) => {
543 let fty = relation.relate(a_fty, b_fty)?;
544 Ok(tcx.mk_fn_ptr(fty))
545 }
547 // these two are already handled downstream in case of lazy normalization
548 (&ty::Alias(ty::Projection, a_data), &ty::Alias(ty::Projection, b_data)) => {
549 let projection_ty = relation.relate(a_data, b_data)?;
550 Ok(tcx.mk_projection(projection_ty.def_id, projection_ty.substs))
551 }
553 (&ty::Alias(ty::Inherent, a_data), &ty::Alias(ty::Inherent, b_data)) => {
554 let alias_ty = relation.relate(a_data, b_data)?;
555 Ok(tcx.mk_alias(ty::Inherent, tcx.mk_alias_ty(alias_ty.def_id, alias_ty.substs)))
556 }
558 (
559 &ty::Alias(ty::Opaque, ty::AliasTy { def_id: a_def_id, substs: a_substs, .. }),
560 &ty::Alias(ty::Opaque, ty::AliasTy { def_id: b_def_id, substs: b_substs, .. }),
561 ) if a_def_id == b_def_id => {
562 let opt_variances = tcx.variances_of(a_def_id);
563 let substs = relate_substs_with_variances(
564 relation,
565 a_def_id,
566 opt_variances,
567 a_substs,
568 b_substs,
569 false, // do not fetch `type_of(a_def_id)`, as it will cause a cycle
570 )?;
571 Ok(tcx.mk_opaque(a_def_id, substs))
572 }
574 _ => Err(TypeError::Sorts(expected_found(relation, a, b))),
575 }
576 }
578 /// Relates `a` and `b` structurally, calling the relation for all nested values.
579 /// Any semantic equality, e.g. of unevaluated consts, and inference variables have
580 /// to be handled by the caller.
581 ///
582 /// FIXME: This is not totally structual, which probably should be fixed.
583 /// See the HACKs below.
584 pub fn structurally_relate_consts<'tcx, R: TypeRelation<'tcx>>(
585 relation: &mut R,
586 mut a: ty::Const<'tcx>,
587 mut b: ty::Const<'tcx>,
588 ) -> RelateResult<'tcx, ty::Const<'tcx>> {
589 debug!("{}.structurally_relate_consts(a = {:?}, b = {:?})", relation.tag(), a, b);
590 let tcx = relation.tcx();
592 // HACK(const_generics): We still need to eagerly evaluate consts when
593 // relating them because during `normalize_param_env_or_error`,
594 // we may relate an evaluated constant in a obligation against
595 // an unnormalized (i.e. unevaluated) const in the param-env.
596 // FIXME(generic_const_exprs): Once we always lazily unify unevaluated constants
597 // these `eval` calls can be removed.
598 if !tcx.features().generic_const_exprs {
599 a = a.eval(tcx, relation.param_env());
600 b = b.eval(tcx, relation.param_env());
601 }
603 if tcx.features().generic_const_exprs {
604 a = tcx.expand_abstract_consts(a);
605 b = tcx.expand_abstract_consts(b);
606 }
608 debug!("{}.structurally_relate_consts(normed_a = {:?}, normed_b = {:?})", relation.tag(), a, b);
610 // Currently, the values that can be unified are primitive types,
611 // and those that derive both `PartialEq` and `Eq`, corresponding
612 // to structural-match types.
613 let is_match = match (a.kind(), b.kind()) {
614 (ty::ConstKind::Infer(_), _) | (_, ty::ConstKind::Infer(_)) => {
615 // The caller should handle these cases!
616 bug!("var types encountered in structurally_relate_consts: {:?} {:?}", a, b)
617 }
619 (ty::ConstKind::Error(_), _) => return Ok(a),
620 (_, ty::ConstKind::Error(_)) => return Ok(b),
622 (ty::ConstKind::Param(a_p), ty::ConstKind::Param(b_p)) => a_p.index == b_p.index,
623 (ty::ConstKind::Placeholder(p1), ty::ConstKind::Placeholder(p2)) => p1 == p2,
624 (ty::ConstKind::Value(a_val), ty::ConstKind::Value(b_val)) => a_val == b_val,
626 // While this is slightly incorrect, it shouldn't matter for `min_const_generics`
627 // and is the better alternative to waiting until `generic_const_exprs` can
628 // be stabilized.
629 (ty::ConstKind::Unevaluated(au), ty::ConstKind::Unevaluated(bu)) if au.def == bu.def => {
630 assert_eq!(a.ty(), b.ty());
631 let substs = relation.relate_with_variance(
632 ty::Variance::Invariant,
633 ty::VarianceDiagInfo::default(),
634 au.substs,
635 bu.substs,
636 )?;
637 return Ok(tcx.mk_const(ty::UnevaluatedConst { def: au.def, substs }, a.ty()));
638 }
639 // Before calling relate on exprs, it is necessary to ensure that the nested consts
640 // have identical types.
641 (ty::ConstKind::Expr(ae), ty::ConstKind::Expr(be)) => {
642 let r = relation;
644 // FIXME(generic_const_exprs): is it possible to relate two consts which are not identical
645 // exprs? Should we care about that?
646 // FIXME(generic_const_exprs): relating the `ty()`s is a little weird since it is supposed to
647 // ICE If they mismatch. Unfortunately `ConstKind::Expr` is a little special and can be thought
648 // of as being generic over the argument types, however this is implicit so these types don't get
649 // related when we relate the substs of the item this const arg is for.
650 let expr = match (ae, be) {
651 (Expr::Binop(a_op, al, ar), Expr::Binop(b_op, bl, br)) if a_op == b_op => {
652 r.relate(al.ty(), bl.ty())?;
653 r.relate(ar.ty(), br.ty())?;
654 Expr::Binop(a_op, r.consts(al, bl)?, r.consts(ar, br)?)
655 }
656 (Expr::UnOp(a_op, av), Expr::UnOp(b_op, bv)) if a_op == b_op => {
657 r.relate(av.ty(), bv.ty())?;
658 Expr::UnOp(a_op, r.consts(av, bv)?)
659 }
660 (Expr::Cast(ak, av, at), Expr::Cast(bk, bv, bt)) if ak == bk => {
661 r.relate(av.ty(), bv.ty())?;
662 Expr::Cast(ak, r.consts(av, bv)?, r.tys(at, bt)?)
663 }
664 (Expr::FunctionCall(af, aa), Expr::FunctionCall(bf, ba))
665 if aa.len() == ba.len() =>
666 {
667 r.relate(af.ty(), bf.ty())?;
668 let func = r.consts(af, bf)?;
669 let mut related_args = Vec::with_capacity(aa.len());
670 for (a_arg, b_arg) in aa.iter().zip(ba.iter()) {
671 related_args.push(r.consts(a_arg, b_arg)?);
672 }
673 let related_args = tcx.mk_const_list(&related_args);
674 Expr::FunctionCall(func, related_args)
675 }
676 _ => return Err(TypeError::ConstMismatch(expected_found(r, a, b))),
677 };
678 let kind = ty::ConstKind::Expr(expr);
679 return Ok(tcx.mk_const(kind, a.ty()));
680 }
681 _ => false,
682 };
683 if is_match { Ok(a) } else { Err(TypeError::ConstMismatch(expected_found(relation, a, b))) }
684 }
686 impl<'tcx> Relate<'tcx> for &'tcx ty::List<ty::PolyExistentialPredicate<'tcx>> {
687 fn relate<R: TypeRelation<'tcx>>(
688 relation: &mut R,
689 a: Self,
690 b: Self,
691 ) -> RelateResult<'tcx, Self> {
692 let tcx = relation.tcx();
694 // FIXME: this is wasteful, but want to do a perf run to see how slow it is.
695 // We need to perform this deduplication as we sometimes generate duplicate projections
696 // in `a`.
697 let mut a_v: Vec<_> = a.into_iter().collect();
698 let mut b_v: Vec<_> = b.into_iter().collect();
699 // `skip_binder` here is okay because `stable_cmp` doesn't look at binders
700 a_v.sort_by(|a, b| a.skip_binder().stable_cmp(tcx, &b.skip_binder()));
701 a_v.dedup();
702 b_v.sort_by(|a, b| a.skip_binder().stable_cmp(tcx, &b.skip_binder()));
703 b_v.dedup();
704 if a_v.len() != b_v.len() {
705 return Err(TypeError::ExistentialMismatch(expected_found(relation, a, b)));
706 }
708 let v = iter::zip(a_v, b_v).map(|(ep_a, ep_b)| {
709 use crate::ty::ExistentialPredicate::*;
710 match (ep_a.skip_binder(), ep_b.skip_binder()) {
711 (Trait(a), Trait(b)) => Ok(ep_a
712 .rebind(Trait(relation.relate(ep_a.rebind(a), ep_b.rebind(b))?.skip_binder()))),
713 (Projection(a), Projection(b)) => Ok(ep_a.rebind(Projection(
714 relation.relate(ep_a.rebind(a), ep_b.rebind(b))?.skip_binder(),
715 ))),
716 (AutoTrait(a), AutoTrait(b)) if a == b => Ok(ep_a.rebind(AutoTrait(a))),
717 _ => Err(TypeError::ExistentialMismatch(expected_found(relation, a, b))),
718 }
719 });
720 tcx.mk_poly_existential_predicates_from_iter(v)
721 }
722 }
724 impl<'tcx> Relate<'tcx> for ty::ClosureSubsts<'tcx> {
725 fn relate<R: TypeRelation<'tcx>>(
726 relation: &mut R,
727 a: ty::ClosureSubsts<'tcx>,
728 b: ty::ClosureSubsts<'tcx>,
729 ) -> RelateResult<'tcx, ty::ClosureSubsts<'tcx>> {
730 let substs = relate_substs(relation, a.substs, b.substs)?;
731 Ok(ty::ClosureSubsts { substs })
732 }
733 }
735 impl<'tcx> Relate<'tcx> for ty::GeneratorSubsts<'tcx> {
736 fn relate<R: TypeRelation<'tcx>>(
737 relation: &mut R,
738 a: ty::GeneratorSubsts<'tcx>,
739 b: ty::GeneratorSubsts<'tcx>,
740 ) -> RelateResult<'tcx, ty::GeneratorSubsts<'tcx>> {
741 let substs = relate_substs(relation, a.substs, b.substs)?;
742 Ok(ty::GeneratorSubsts { substs })
743 }
744 }
746 impl<'tcx> Relate<'tcx> for SubstsRef<'tcx> {
747 fn relate<R: TypeRelation<'tcx>>(
748 relation: &mut R,
749 a: SubstsRef<'tcx>,
750 b: SubstsRef<'tcx>,
751 ) -> RelateResult<'tcx, SubstsRef<'tcx>> {
752 relate_substs(relation, a, b)
753 }
754 }
756 impl<'tcx> Relate<'tcx> for ty::Region<'tcx> {
757 fn relate<R: TypeRelation<'tcx>>(
758 relation: &mut R,
759 a: ty::Region<'tcx>,
760 b: ty::Region<'tcx>,
761 ) -> RelateResult<'tcx, ty::Region<'tcx>> {
762 relation.regions(a, b)
763 }
764 }
766 impl<'tcx> Relate<'tcx> for ty::Const<'tcx> {
767 fn relate<R: TypeRelation<'tcx>>(
768 relation: &mut R,
769 a: ty::Const<'tcx>,
770 b: ty::Const<'tcx>,
771 ) -> RelateResult<'tcx, ty::Const<'tcx>> {
772 relation.consts(a, b)
773 }
774 }
776 impl<'tcx, T: Relate<'tcx>> Relate<'tcx> for ty::Binder<'tcx, T> {
777 fn relate<R: TypeRelation<'tcx>>(
778 relation: &mut R,
779 a: ty::Binder<'tcx, T>,
780 b: ty::Binder<'tcx, T>,
781 ) -> RelateResult<'tcx, ty::Binder<'tcx, T>> {
782 relation.binders(a, b)
783 }
784 }
786 impl<'tcx> Relate<'tcx> for GenericArg<'tcx> {
787 fn relate<R: TypeRelation<'tcx>>(
788 relation: &mut R,
789 a: GenericArg<'tcx>,
790 b: GenericArg<'tcx>,
791 ) -> RelateResult<'tcx, GenericArg<'tcx>> {
792 match (a.unpack(), b.unpack()) {
793 (GenericArgKind::Lifetime(a_lt), GenericArgKind::Lifetime(b_lt)) => {
794 Ok(relation.relate(a_lt, b_lt)?.into())
795 }
796 (GenericArgKind::Type(a_ty), GenericArgKind::Type(b_ty)) => {
797 Ok(relation.relate(a_ty, b_ty)?.into())
798 }
799 (GenericArgKind::Const(a_ct), GenericArgKind::Const(b_ct)) => {
800 Ok(relation.relate(a_ct, b_ct)?.into())
801 }
802 (GenericArgKind::Lifetime(unpacked), x) => {
803 bug!("impossible case reached: can't relate: {:?} with {:?}", unpacked, x)
804 }
805 (GenericArgKind::Type(unpacked), x) => {
806 bug!("impossible case reached: can't relate: {:?} with {:?}", unpacked, x)
807 }
808 (GenericArgKind::Const(unpacked), x) => {
809 bug!("impossible case reached: can't relate: {:?} with {:?}", unpacked, x)
810 }
811 }
812 }
813 }
815 impl<'tcx> Relate<'tcx> for ty::ImplPolarity {
816 fn relate<R: TypeRelation<'tcx>>(
817 relation: &mut R,
818 a: ty::ImplPolarity,
819 b: ty::ImplPolarity,
820 ) -> RelateResult<'tcx, ty::ImplPolarity> {
821 if a != b {
822 Err(TypeError::PolarityMismatch(expected_found(relation, a, b)))
823 } else {
824 Ok(a)
825 }
826 }
827 }
829 impl<'tcx> Relate<'tcx> for ty::TraitPredicate<'tcx> {
830 fn relate<R: TypeRelation<'tcx>>(
831 relation: &mut R,
832 a: ty::TraitPredicate<'tcx>,
833 b: ty::TraitPredicate<'tcx>,
834 ) -> RelateResult<'tcx, ty::TraitPredicate<'tcx>> {
835 Ok(ty::TraitPredicate {
836 trait_ref: relation.relate(a.trait_ref, b.trait_ref)?,
837 constness: relation.relate(a.constness, b.constness)?,
838 polarity: relation.relate(a.polarity, b.polarity)?,
839 })
840 }
841 }
843 impl<'tcx> Relate<'tcx> for Term<'tcx> {
844 fn relate<R: TypeRelation<'tcx>>(
845 relation: &mut R,
846 a: Self,
847 b: Self,
848 ) -> RelateResult<'tcx, Self> {
849 Ok(match (a.unpack(), b.unpack()) {
850 (TermKind::Ty(a), TermKind::Ty(b)) => relation.relate(a, b)?.into(),
851 (TermKind::Const(a), TermKind::Const(b)) => relation.relate(a, b)?.into(),
852 _ => return Err(TypeError::Mismatch),
853 })
854 }
855 }
857 impl<'tcx> Relate<'tcx> for ty::ProjectionPredicate<'tcx> {
858 fn relate<R: TypeRelation<'tcx>>(
859 relation: &mut R,
860 a: ty::ProjectionPredicate<'tcx>,
861 b: ty::ProjectionPredicate<'tcx>,
862 ) -> RelateResult<'tcx, ty::ProjectionPredicate<'tcx>> {
863 Ok(ty::ProjectionPredicate {
864 projection_ty: relation.relate(a.projection_ty, b.projection_ty)?,
865 term: relation.relate(a.term, b.term)?,
866 })
867 }
868 }
870 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
871 // Error handling
873 pub fn expected_found<'tcx, R, T>(relation: &mut R, a: T, b: T) -> ExpectedFound<T>
874 where
875 R: TypeRelation<'tcx>,
876 {
877 ExpectedFound::new(relation.a_is_expected(), a, b)
878 }