]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - compiler/rustc_parse/src/parser/attr_wrapper.rs
New upstream version 1.62.1+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / compiler / rustc_parse / src / parser / attr_wrapper.rs
1 use super::{Capturing, FlatToken, ForceCollect, Parser, ReplaceRange, TokenCursor, TrailingToken};
2 use rustc_ast::token::{self, Delimiter, Token, TokenKind};
3 use rustc_ast::tokenstream::{AttrAnnotatedTokenStream, AttributesData, CreateTokenStream};
4 use rustc_ast::tokenstream::{AttrAnnotatedTokenTree, DelimSpan, LazyTokenStream, Spacing};
5 use rustc_ast::{self as ast};
6 use rustc_ast::{AttrVec, Attribute, HasAttrs, HasTokens};
7 use rustc_errors::PResult;
8 use rustc_span::{sym, Span};
10 use std::convert::TryInto;
11 use std::ops::Range;
13 /// A wrapper type to ensure that the parser handles outer attributes correctly.
14 /// When we parse outer attributes, we need to ensure that we capture tokens
15 /// for the attribute target. This allows us to perform cfg-expansion on
16 /// a token stream before we invoke a derive proc-macro.
17 ///
18 /// This wrapper prevents direct access to the underlying `Vec<ast::Attribute>`.
19 /// Parsing code can only get access to the underlying attributes
20 /// by passing an `AttrWrapper` to `collect_tokens_trailing_tokens`.
21 /// This makes it difficult to accidentally construct an AST node
22 /// (which stores a `Vec<ast::Attribute>`) without first collecting tokens.
23 ///
24 /// This struct has its own module, to ensure that the parser code
25 /// cannot directly access the `attrs` field
26 #[derive(Debug, Clone)]
27 pub struct AttrWrapper {
28 attrs: AttrVec,
29 // The start of the outer attributes in the token cursor.
30 // This allows us to create a `ReplaceRange` for the entire attribute
31 // target, including outer attributes.
32 start_pos: usize,
33 }
35 // This struct is passed around very frequently,
36 // so make sure it doesn't accidentally get larger
37 #[cfg(all(target_arch = "x86_64", target_pointer_width = "64"))]
38 rustc_data_structures::static_assert_size!(AttrWrapper, 16);
40 impl AttrWrapper {
41 pub(super) fn new(attrs: AttrVec, start_pos: usize) -> AttrWrapper {
42 AttrWrapper { attrs, start_pos }
43 }
44 pub fn empty() -> AttrWrapper {
45 AttrWrapper { attrs: AttrVec::new(), start_pos: usize::MAX }
46 }
47 // FIXME: Delay span bug here?
48 pub(crate) fn take_for_recovery(self) -> AttrVec {
49 self.attrs
50 }
52 // FIXME: require passing an NT to prevent misuse of this method
53 pub(crate) fn prepend_to_nt_inner(self, attrs: &mut Vec<Attribute>) {
54 let mut self_attrs: Vec<_> = self.attrs.into();
55 std::mem::swap(attrs, &mut self_attrs);
56 attrs.extend(self_attrs);
57 }
59 pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
60 self.attrs.is_empty()
61 }
63 pub fn maybe_needs_tokens(&self) -> bool {
64 crate::parser::attr::maybe_needs_tokens(&self.attrs)
65 }
66 }
68 /// Returns `true` if `attrs` contains a `cfg` or `cfg_attr` attribute
69 fn has_cfg_or_cfg_attr(attrs: &[Attribute]) -> bool {
70 // NOTE: Builtin attributes like `cfg` and `cfg_attr` cannot be renamed via imports.
71 // Therefore, the absence of a literal `cfg` or `cfg_attr` guarantees that
72 // we don't need to do any eager expansion.
73 attrs.iter().any(|attr| {
74 attr.ident().map_or(false, |ident| ident.name == sym::cfg || ident.name == sym::cfg_attr)
75 })
76 }
78 // Produces a `TokenStream` on-demand. Using `cursor_snapshot`
79 // and `num_calls`, we can reconstruct the `TokenStream` seen
80 // by the callback. This allows us to avoid producing a `TokenStream`
81 // if it is never needed - for example, a captured `macro_rules!`
82 // argument that is never passed to a proc macro.
83 // In practice token stream creation happens rarely compared to
84 // calls to `collect_tokens` (see some statistics in #78736),
85 // so we are doing as little up-front work as possible.
86 //
87 // This also makes `Parser` very cheap to clone, since
88 // there is no intermediate collection buffer to clone.
89 #[derive(Clone)]
90 struct LazyTokenStreamImpl {
91 start_token: (Token, Spacing),
92 cursor_snapshot: TokenCursor,
93 num_calls: usize,
94 break_last_token: bool,
95 replace_ranges: Box<[ReplaceRange]>,
96 }
98 #[cfg(all(target_arch = "x86_64", target_pointer_width = "64"))]
99 rustc_data_structures::static_assert_size!(LazyTokenStreamImpl, 144);
101 impl CreateTokenStream for LazyTokenStreamImpl {
102 fn create_token_stream(&self) -> AttrAnnotatedTokenStream {
103 // The token produced by the final call to `{,inlined_}next` was not
104 // actually consumed by the callback. The combination of chaining the
105 // initial token and using `take` produces the desired result - we
106 // produce an empty `TokenStream` if no calls were made, and omit the
107 // final token otherwise.
108 let mut cursor_snapshot = self.cursor_snapshot.clone();
109 let tokens =
110 std::iter::once((FlatToken::Token(self.start_token.0.clone()), self.start_token.1))
111 .chain((0..self.num_calls).map(|_| {
112 let token = cursor_snapshot.next(cursor_snapshot.desugar_doc_comments);
113 (FlatToken::Token(token.0), token.1)
114 }))
115 .take(self.num_calls);
117 if !self.replace_ranges.is_empty() {
118 let mut tokens: Vec<_> = tokens.collect();
119 let mut replace_ranges = self.replace_ranges.clone();
120 replace_ranges.sort_by_key(|(range, _)| range.start);
122 #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
123 {
124 for [(range, tokens), (next_range, next_tokens)] in replace_ranges.array_windows() {
125 assert!(
126 range.end <= next_range.start || range.end >= next_range.end,
127 "Replace ranges should either be disjoint or nested: ({:?}, {:?}) ({:?}, {:?})",
128 range,
129 tokens,
130 next_range,
131 next_tokens,
132 );
133 }
134 }
136 // Process the replace ranges, starting from the highest start
137 // position and working our way back. If have tokens like:
138 //
139 // `#[cfg(FALSE)]` struct Foo { #[cfg(FALSE)] field: bool }`
140 //
141 // Then we will generate replace ranges for both
142 // the `#[cfg(FALSE)] field: bool` and the entire
143 // `#[cfg(FALSE)]` struct Foo { #[cfg(FALSE)] field: bool }`
144 //
145 // By starting processing from the replace range with the greatest
146 // start position, we ensure that any replace range which encloses
147 // another replace range will capture the *replaced* tokens for the inner
148 // range, not the original tokens.
149 for (range, new_tokens) in replace_ranges.iter().rev() {
150 assert!(!range.is_empty(), "Cannot replace an empty range: {:?}", range);
151 // Replace ranges are only allowed to decrease the number of tokens.
152 assert!(
153 range.len() >= new_tokens.len(),
154 "Range {:?} has greater len than {:?}",
155 range,
156 new_tokens
157 );
159 // Replace any removed tokens with `FlatToken::Empty`.
160 // This keeps the total length of `tokens` constant throughout the
161 // replacement process, allowing us to use all of the `ReplaceRanges` entries
162 // without adjusting indices.
163 let filler = std::iter::repeat((FlatToken::Empty, Spacing::Alone))
164 .take(range.len() - new_tokens.len());
166 tokens.splice(
167 (range.start as usize)..(range.end as usize),
168 new_tokens.clone().into_iter().chain(filler),
169 );
170 }
171 make_token_stream(tokens.into_iter(), self.break_last_token)
172 } else {
173 make_token_stream(tokens, self.break_last_token)
174 }
175 }
176 }
178 impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
179 /// Records all tokens consumed by the provided callback,
180 /// including the current token. These tokens are collected
181 /// into a `LazyTokenStream`, and returned along with the result
182 /// of the callback.
183 ///
184 /// Note: If your callback consumes an opening delimiter
185 /// (including the case where you call `collect_tokens`
186 /// when the current token is an opening delimiter),
187 /// you must also consume the corresponding closing delimiter.
188 ///
189 /// That is, you can consume
190 /// `something ([{ }])` or `([{}])`, but not `([{}]`
191 ///
192 /// This restriction shouldn't be an issue in practice,
193 /// since this function is used to record the tokens for
194 /// a parsed AST item, which always has matching delimiters.
195 pub fn collect_tokens_trailing_token<R: HasAttrs + HasTokens>(
196 &mut self,
197 attrs: AttrWrapper,
198 force_collect: ForceCollect,
199 f: impl FnOnce(&mut Self, Vec<ast::Attribute>) -> PResult<'a, (R, TrailingToken)>,
200 ) -> PResult<'a, R> {
201 // We only bail out when nothing could possibly observe the collected tokens:
202 // 1. We cannot be force collecting tokens (since force-collecting requires tokens
203 // by definition
204 if matches!(force_collect, ForceCollect::No)
205 // None of our outer attributes can require tokens (e.g. a proc-macro)
206 && !attrs.maybe_needs_tokens()
207 // If our target supports custom inner attributes, then we cannot bail
208 // out early, since we may need to capture tokens for a custom inner attribute
209 // invocation.
211 // Never bail out early in `capture_cfg` mode, since there might be `#[cfg]`
212 // or `#[cfg_attr]` attributes.
213 && !self.capture_cfg
214 {
215 return Ok(f(self, attrs.attrs.into())?.0);
216 }
218 let start_token = (self.token.clone(), self.token_spacing);
219 let cursor_snapshot = self.token_cursor.clone();
221 let has_outer_attrs = !attrs.attrs.is_empty();
222 let prev_capturing = std::mem::replace(&mut self.capture_state.capturing, Capturing::Yes);
223 let replace_ranges_start = self.capture_state.replace_ranges.len();
225 let ret = f(self, attrs.attrs.into());
227 self.capture_state.capturing = prev_capturing;
229 let (mut ret, trailing) = ret?;
231 // When we're not in `capture-cfg` mode, then bail out early if:
232 // 1. Our target doesn't support tokens at all (e.g we're parsing an `NtIdent`)
233 // so there's nothing for us to do.
234 // 2. Our target already has tokens set (e.g. we've parsed something
235 // like `#[my_attr] $item`. The actual parsing code takes care of prepending
236 // any attributes to the nonterminal, so we don't need to modify the
237 // already captured tokens.
238 // Note that this check is independent of `force_collect`- if we already
239 // have tokens, or can't even store them, then there's never a need to
240 // force collection of new tokens.
241 if !self.capture_cfg && matches!(ret.tokens_mut(), None | Some(Some(_))) {
242 return Ok(ret);
243 }
245 // This is very similar to the bail out check at the start of this function.
246 // Now that we've parsed an AST node, we have more information available.
247 if matches!(force_collect, ForceCollect::No)
248 // We now have inner attributes available, so this check is more precise
249 // than `attrs.maybe_needs_tokens()` at the start of the function.
250 // As a result, we don't need to check `R::SUPPORTS_CUSTOM_INNER_ATTRS`
251 && !crate::parser::attr::maybe_needs_tokens(ret.attrs())
252 // Subtle: We call `has_cfg_or_cfg_attr` with the attrs from `ret`.
253 // This ensures that we consider inner attributes (e.g. `#![cfg]`),
254 // which require us to have tokens available
255 // We also call `has_cfg_or_cfg_attr` at the beginning of this function,
256 // but we only bail out if there's no possibility of inner attributes
258 // We only capture about `#[cfg]` or `#[cfg_attr]` in `capture_cfg`
259 // mode - during normal parsing, we don't need any special capturing
260 // for those attributes, since they're builtin.
261 && !(self.capture_cfg && has_cfg_or_cfg_attr(ret.attrs()))
262 {
263 return Ok(ret);
264 }
266 let mut inner_attr_replace_ranges = Vec::new();
267 // Take the captured ranges for any inner attributes that we parsed.
268 for inner_attr in ret.attrs().iter().filter(|a| a.style == ast::AttrStyle::Inner) {
269 if let Some(attr_range) = self.capture_state.inner_attr_ranges.remove(&inner_attr.id) {
270 inner_attr_replace_ranges.push(attr_range);
271 } else {
272 self.sess
273 .span_diagnostic
274 .delay_span_bug(inner_attr.span, "Missing token range for attribute");
275 }
276 }
278 let replace_ranges_end = self.capture_state.replace_ranges.len();
280 let cursor_snapshot_next_calls = cursor_snapshot.num_next_calls;
281 let mut end_pos = self.token_cursor.num_next_calls;
283 // Capture a trailing token if requested by the callback 'f'
284 match trailing {
285 TrailingToken::None => {}
286 TrailingToken::Semi => {
287 assert_eq!(self.token.kind, token::Semi);
288 end_pos += 1;
289 }
290 TrailingToken::MaybeComma => {
291 if self.token.kind == token::Comma {
292 end_pos += 1;
293 }
294 }
295 }
297 // If we 'broke' the last token (e.g. breaking a '>>' token to two '>' tokens),
298 // then extend the range of captured tokens to include it, since the parser
299 // was not actually bumped past it. When the `LazyTokenStream` gets converted
300 // into an `AttrAnnotatedTokenStream`, we will create the proper token.
301 if self.token_cursor.break_last_token {
302 assert_eq!(
303 trailing,
304 TrailingToken::None,
305 "Cannot set `break_last_token` and have trailing token"
306 );
307 end_pos += 1;
308 }
310 let num_calls = end_pos - cursor_snapshot_next_calls;
312 // If we have no attributes, then we will never need to
313 // use any replace ranges.
314 let replace_ranges: Box<[ReplaceRange]> = if ret.attrs().is_empty() && !self.capture_cfg {
315 Box::new([])
316 } else {
317 // Grab any replace ranges that occur *inside* the current AST node.
318 // We will perform the actual replacement when we convert the `LazyTokenStream`
319 // to an `AttrAnnotatedTokenStream`
320 let start_calls: u32 = cursor_snapshot_next_calls.try_into().unwrap();
321 self.capture_state.replace_ranges[replace_ranges_start..replace_ranges_end]
322 .iter()
323 .cloned()
324 .chain(inner_attr_replace_ranges.clone().into_iter())
325 .map(|(range, tokens)| {
326 ((range.start - start_calls)..(range.end - start_calls), tokens)
327 })
328 .collect()
329 };
331 let tokens = LazyTokenStream::new(LazyTokenStreamImpl {
332 start_token,
333 num_calls,
334 cursor_snapshot,
335 break_last_token: self.token_cursor.break_last_token,
336 replace_ranges,
337 });
339 // If we support tokens at all
340 if let Some(target_tokens) = ret.tokens_mut() {
341 if target_tokens.is_none() {
342 // Store se our newly captured tokens into the AST node
343 *target_tokens = Some(tokens.clone());
344 }
345 }
347 let final_attrs = ret.attrs();
349 // If `capture_cfg` is set and we're inside a recursive call to
350 // `collect_tokens_trailing_token`, then we need to register a replace range
351 // if we have `#[cfg]` or `#[cfg_attr]`. This allows us to run eager cfg-expansion
352 // on the captured token stream.
353 if self.capture_cfg
354 && matches!(self.capture_state.capturing, Capturing::Yes)
355 && has_cfg_or_cfg_attr(&final_attrs)
356 {
357 let attr_data = AttributesData { attrs: final_attrs.to_vec().into(), tokens };
359 // Replace the entire AST node that we just parsed, including attributes,
360 // with a `FlatToken::AttrTarget`. If this AST node is inside an item
361 // that has `#[derive]`, then this will allow us to cfg-expand this
362 // AST node.
363 let start_pos =
364 if has_outer_attrs { attrs.start_pos } else { cursor_snapshot_next_calls };
365 let new_tokens = vec![(FlatToken::AttrTarget(attr_data), Spacing::Alone)];
367 assert!(
368 !self.token_cursor.break_last_token,
369 "Should not have unglued last token with cfg attr"
370 );
371 let range: Range<u32> = (start_pos.try_into().unwrap())..(end_pos.try_into().unwrap());
372 self.capture_state.replace_ranges.push((range, new_tokens));
373 self.capture_state.replace_ranges.extend(inner_attr_replace_ranges);
374 }
376 // Only clear our `replace_ranges` when we're finished capturing entirely.
377 if matches!(self.capture_state.capturing, Capturing::No) {
378 self.capture_state.replace_ranges.clear();
379 // We don't clear `inner_attr_ranges`, as doing so repeatedly
380 // had a measurable performance impact. Most inner attributes that
381 // we insert will get removed - when we drop the parser, we'll free
382 // up the memory used by any attributes that we didn't remove from the map.
383 }
384 Ok(ret)
385 }
386 }
388 /// Converts a flattened iterator of tokens (including open and close delimiter tokens)
389 /// into a `TokenStream`, creating a `TokenTree::Delimited` for each matching pair
390 /// of open and close delims.
391 fn make_token_stream(
392 mut iter: impl Iterator<Item = (FlatToken, Spacing)>,
393 break_last_token: bool,
394 ) -> AttrAnnotatedTokenStream {
395 #[derive(Debug)]
396 struct FrameData {
397 // This is `None` for the first frame, `Some` for all others.
398 open_delim_sp: Option<(Delimiter, Span)>,
399 inner: Vec<(AttrAnnotatedTokenTree, Spacing)>,
400 }
401 let mut stack = vec![FrameData { open_delim_sp: None, inner: vec![] }];
402 let mut token_and_spacing = iter.next();
403 while let Some((token, spacing)) = token_and_spacing {
404 match token {
405 FlatToken::Token(Token { kind: TokenKind::OpenDelim(delim), span }) => {
406 stack.push(FrameData { open_delim_sp: Some((delim, span)), inner: vec![] });
407 }
408 FlatToken::Token(Token { kind: TokenKind::CloseDelim(delim), span }) => {
409 let frame_data = stack
410 .pop()
411 .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Token stack was empty for token: {:?}", token));
413 let (open_delim, open_sp) = frame_data.open_delim_sp.unwrap();
414 assert_eq!(
415 open_delim, delim,
416 "Mismatched open/close delims: open={:?} close={:?}",
417 open_delim, span
418 );
419 let dspan = DelimSpan::from_pair(open_sp, span);
420 let stream = AttrAnnotatedTokenStream::new(frame_data.inner);
421 let delimited = AttrAnnotatedTokenTree::Delimited(dspan, delim, stream);
422 stack
423 .last_mut()
424 .unwrap_or_else(|| {
425 panic!("Bottom token frame is missing for token: {:?}", token)
426 })
427 .inner
428 .push((delimited, Spacing::Alone));
429 }
430 FlatToken::Token(token) => stack
431 .last_mut()
432 .expect("Bottom token frame is missing!")
433 .inner
434 .push((AttrAnnotatedTokenTree::Token(token), spacing)),
435 FlatToken::AttrTarget(data) => stack
436 .last_mut()
437 .expect("Bottom token frame is missing!")
438 .inner
439 .push((AttrAnnotatedTokenTree::Attributes(data), spacing)),
440 FlatToken::Empty => {}
441 }
442 token_and_spacing = iter.next();
443 }
444 let mut final_buf = stack.pop().expect("Missing final buf!");
445 if break_last_token {
446 let (last_token, spacing) = final_buf.inner.pop().unwrap();
447 if let AttrAnnotatedTokenTree::Token(last_token) = last_token {
448 let unglued_first = last_token.kind.break_two_token_op().unwrap().0;
450 // An 'unglued' token is always two ASCII characters
451 let mut first_span = last_token.span.shrink_to_lo();
452 first_span = first_span.with_hi(first_span.lo() + rustc_span::BytePos(1));
454 final_buf.inner.push((
455 AttrAnnotatedTokenTree::Token(Token::new(unglued_first, first_span)),
456 spacing,
457 ));
458 } else {
459 panic!("Unexpected last token {:?}", last_token)
460 }
461 }
462 assert!(stack.is_empty(), "Stack should be empty: final_buf={:?} stack={:?}", final_buf, stack);
463 AttrAnnotatedTokenStream::new(final_buf.inner)
464 }