]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - compiler/rustc_parse/src/parser/pat.rs
New upstream version 1.55.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / compiler / rustc_parse / src / parser / pat.rs
1 use super::{ForceCollect, Parser, PathStyle, TrailingToken};
2 use crate::{maybe_recover_from_interpolated_ty_qpath, maybe_whole};
3 use rustc_ast::mut_visit::{noop_visit_pat, MutVisitor};
4 use rustc_ast::ptr::P;
5 use rustc_ast::token;
6 use rustc_ast::{self as ast, AttrVec, Attribute, MacCall, Pat, PatField, PatKind, RangeEnd};
7 use rustc_ast::{BindingMode, Expr, ExprKind, Mutability, Path, QSelf, RangeSyntax};
8 use rustc_ast_pretty::pprust;
9 use rustc_errors::{struct_span_err, Applicability, DiagnosticBuilder, PResult};
10 use rustc_span::source_map::{respan, Span, Spanned};
11 use rustc_span::symbol::{kw, sym, Ident};
13 type Expected = Option<&'static str>;
15 /// `Expected` for function and lambda parameter patterns.
16 pub(super) const PARAM_EXPECTED: Expected = Some("parameter name");
18 const WHILE_PARSING_OR_MSG: &str = "while parsing this or-pattern starting here";
20 /// Whether or not to recover a `,` when parsing or-patterns.
21 #[derive(PartialEq, Copy, Clone)]
22 pub enum RecoverComma {
23 Yes,
24 No,
25 }
27 /// Whether or not to recover a `:` when parsing patterns that were meant to be paths.
28 #[derive(PartialEq, Copy, Clone)]
29 pub enum RecoverColon {
30 Yes,
31 No,
32 }
34 /// The result of `eat_or_separator`. We want to distinguish which case we are in to avoid
35 /// emitting duplicate diagnostics.
36 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
37 enum EatOrResult {
38 /// We recovered from a trailing vert.
39 TrailingVert,
40 /// We ate an `|` (or `||` and recovered).
41 AteOr,
42 /// We did not eat anything (i.e. the current token is not `|` or `||`).
43 None,
44 }
46 impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
47 /// Parses a pattern.
48 ///
49 /// Corresponds to `pat<no_top_alt>` in RFC 2535 and does not admit or-patterns
50 /// at the top level. Used when parsing the parameters of lambda expressions,
51 /// functions, function pointers, and `pat` macro fragments.
52 pub fn parse_pat_no_top_alt(&mut self, expected: Expected) -> PResult<'a, P<Pat>> {
53 self.parse_pat_with_range_pat(true, expected)
54 }
56 /// Parses a pattern.
57 ///
58 /// Corresponds to `top_pat` in RFC 2535 and allows or-pattern at the top level.
59 /// Used for parsing patterns in all cases when `pat<no_top_alt>` is not used.
60 ///
61 /// Note that after the FCP in <https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/81415>,
62 /// a leading vert is allowed in nested or-patterns, too. This allows us to
63 /// simplify the grammar somewhat.
64 pub fn parse_pat_allow_top_alt(
65 &mut self,
66 expected: Expected,
67 rc: RecoverComma,
68 ra: RecoverColon,
69 ) -> PResult<'a, P<Pat>> {
70 self.parse_pat_allow_top_alt_inner(expected, rc, ra).map(|(pat, _)| pat)
71 }
73 /// Returns the pattern and a bool indicating whether we recovered from a trailing vert (true =
74 /// recovered).
75 fn parse_pat_allow_top_alt_inner(
76 &mut self,
77 expected: Expected,
78 rc: RecoverComma,
79 ra: RecoverColon,
80 ) -> PResult<'a, (P<Pat>, bool)> {
81 // Keep track of whether we recovered from a trailing vert so that we can avoid duplicated
82 // suggestions (which bothers rustfix).
83 //
84 // Allow a '|' before the pats (RFCs 1925, 2530, and 2535).
85 let (leading_vert_span, mut trailing_vert) = match self.eat_or_separator(None) {
86 EatOrResult::AteOr => (Some(self.prev_token.span), false),
87 EatOrResult::TrailingVert => (None, true),
88 EatOrResult::None => (None, false),
89 };
91 // Parse the first pattern (`p_0`).
92 let first_pat = self.parse_pat_no_top_alt(expected)?;
93 self.maybe_recover_unexpected_comma(first_pat.span, rc)?;
95 // If the next token is not a `|`,
96 // this is not an or-pattern and we should exit here.
97 if !self.check(&token::BinOp(token::Or)) && self.token != token::OrOr {
98 // If we parsed a leading `|` which should be gated,
99 // then we should really gate the leading `|`.
100 // This complicated procedure is done purely for diagnostics UX.
101 let mut first_pat = first_pat;
103 if let (RecoverColon::Yes, token::Colon) = (ra, &self.token.kind) {
104 if matches!(
105 first_pat.kind,
106 PatKind::Ident(BindingMode::ByValue(Mutability::Not), _, None)
107 | PatKind::Path(..)
108 ) && self.look_ahead(1, |token| token.is_ident() && !token.is_reserved_ident())
109 {
110 // The pattern looks like it might be a path with a `::` -> `:` typo:
111 // `match foo { bar:baz => {} }`
112 let span = self.token.span;
113 // We only emit "unexpected `:`" error here if we can successfully parse the
114 // whole pattern correctly in that case.
115 let snapshot = self.clone();
117 // Create error for "unexpected `:`".
118 match self.expected_one_of_not_found(&[], &[]) {
119 Err(mut err) => {
120 self.bump(); // Skip the `:`.
121 match self.parse_pat_no_top_alt(expected) {
122 Err(mut inner_err) => {
123 // Carry on as if we had not done anything, callers will emit a
124 // reasonable error.
125 inner_err.cancel();
126 err.cancel();
127 *self = snapshot;
128 }
129 Ok(pat) => {
130 // We've parsed the rest of the pattern.
131 err.span_suggestion(
132 span,
133 "maybe write a path separator here",
134 "::".to_string(),
135 Applicability::MachineApplicable,
136 );
137 err.emit();
138 first_pat =
139 self.mk_pat(first_pat.span.to(pat.span), PatKind::Wild);
140 }
141 }
142 }
143 _ => {
144 // Carry on as if we had not done anything. This should be unreachable.
145 *self = snapshot;
146 }
147 };
148 }
149 }
151 if let Some(leading_vert_span) = leading_vert_span {
152 // If there was a leading vert, treat this as an or-pattern. This improves
153 // diagnostics.
154 let span = leading_vert_span.to(self.prev_token.span);
155 return Ok((self.mk_pat(span, PatKind::Or(vec![first_pat])), trailing_vert));
156 }
158 return Ok((first_pat, trailing_vert));
159 }
161 // Parse the patterns `p_1 | ... | p_n` where `n > 0`.
162 let lo = leading_vert_span.unwrap_or(first_pat.span);
163 let mut pats = vec![first_pat];
164 loop {
165 match self.eat_or_separator(Some(lo)) {
166 EatOrResult::AteOr => {}
167 EatOrResult::None => break,
168 EatOrResult::TrailingVert => {
169 trailing_vert = true;
170 break;
171 }
172 }
173 let pat = self.parse_pat_no_top_alt(expected).map_err(|mut err| {
174 err.span_label(lo, WHILE_PARSING_OR_MSG);
175 err
176 })?;
177 self.maybe_recover_unexpected_comma(pat.span, rc)?;
178 pats.push(pat);
179 }
180 let or_pattern_span = lo.to(self.prev_token.span);
182 Ok((self.mk_pat(or_pattern_span, PatKind::Or(pats)), trailing_vert))
183 }
185 /// Parse a pattern and (maybe) a `Colon` in positions where a pattern may be followed by a
186 /// type annotation (e.g. for `let` bindings or `fn` params).
187 ///
188 /// Generally, this corresponds to `pat_no_top_alt` followed by an optional `Colon`. It will
189 /// eat the `Colon` token if one is present.
190 ///
191 /// The return value represents the parsed pattern and `true` if a `Colon` was parsed (`false`
192 /// otherwise).
193 pub(super) fn parse_pat_before_ty(
194 &mut self,
195 expected: Expected,
196 rc: RecoverComma,
197 syntax_loc: &str,
198 ) -> PResult<'a, (P<Pat>, bool)> {
199 // We use `parse_pat_allow_top_alt` regardless of whether we actually want top-level
200 // or-patterns so that we can detect when a user tries to use it. This allows us to print a
201 // better error message.
202 let (pat, trailing_vert) =
203 self.parse_pat_allow_top_alt_inner(expected, rc, RecoverColon::No)?;
204 let colon = self.eat(&token::Colon);
206 if let PatKind::Or(pats) = &pat.kind {
207 let msg = format!("top-level or-patterns are not allowed in {}", syntax_loc);
208 let (help, fix) = if pats.len() == 1 {
209 // If all we have is a leading vert, then print a special message. This is the case
210 // if `parse_pat_allow_top_alt` returns an or-pattern with one variant.
211 let msg = "remove the `|`";
212 let fix = pprust::pat_to_string(&pat);
213 (msg, fix)
214 } else {
215 let msg = "wrap the pattern in parentheses";
216 let fix = format!("({})", pprust::pat_to_string(&pat));
217 (msg, fix)
218 };
220 if trailing_vert {
221 // We already emitted an error and suggestion to remove the trailing vert. Don't
222 // emit again.
223 self.sess.span_diagnostic.delay_span_bug(pat.span, &msg);
224 } else {
225 self.struct_span_err(pat.span, &msg)
226 .span_suggestion(pat.span, help, fix, Applicability::MachineApplicable)
227 .emit();
228 }
229 }
231 Ok((pat, colon))
232 }
234 /// Parse the pattern for a function or function pointer parameter, followed by a colon.
235 ///
236 /// The return value represents the parsed pattern and `true` if a `Colon` was parsed (`false`
237 /// otherwise).
238 pub(super) fn parse_fn_param_pat_colon(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, (P<Pat>, bool)> {
239 // In order to get good UX, we first recover in the case of a leading vert for an illegal
240 // top-level or-pat. Normally, this means recovering both `|` and `||`, but in this case,
241 // a leading `||` probably doesn't indicate an or-pattern attempt, so we handle that
242 // separately.
243 if let token::OrOr = self.token.kind {
244 let span = self.token.span;
245 let mut err = self.struct_span_err(span, "unexpected `||` before function parameter");
246 err.span_suggestion(
247 span,
248 "remove the `||`",
249 String::new(),
250 Applicability::MachineApplicable,
251 );
252 err.note("alternatives in or-patterns are separated with `|`, not `||`");
253 err.emit();
254 self.bump();
255 }
257 self.parse_pat_before_ty(PARAM_EXPECTED, RecoverComma::No, "function parameters")
258 }
260 /// Eat the or-pattern `|` separator.
261 /// If instead a `||` token is encountered, recover and pretend we parsed `|`.
262 fn eat_or_separator(&mut self, lo: Option<Span>) -> EatOrResult {
263 if self.recover_trailing_vert(lo) {
264 EatOrResult::TrailingVert
265 } else if matches!(self.token.kind, token::OrOr) {
266 // Found `||`; Recover and pretend we parsed `|`.
267 self.ban_unexpected_or_or(lo);
268 self.bump();
269 EatOrResult::AteOr
270 } else if self.eat(&token::BinOp(token::Or)) {
271 EatOrResult::AteOr
272 } else {
273 EatOrResult::None
274 }
275 }
277 /// Recover if `|` or `||` is the current token and we have one of the
278 /// tokens `=>`, `if`, `=`, `:`, `;`, `,`, `]`, `)`, or `}` ahead of us.
279 ///
280 /// These tokens all indicate that we reached the end of the or-pattern
281 /// list and can now reliably say that the `|` was an illegal trailing vert.
282 /// Note that there are more tokens such as `@` for which we know that the `|`
283 /// is an illegal parse. However, the user's intent is less clear in that case.
284 fn recover_trailing_vert(&mut self, lo: Option<Span>) -> bool {
285 let is_end_ahead = self.look_ahead(1, |token| {
286 matches!(
287 &token.uninterpolate().kind,
288 token::FatArrow // e.g. `a | => 0,`.
289 | token::Ident(kw::If, false) // e.g. `a | if expr`.
290 | token::Eq // e.g. `let a | = 0`.
291 | token::Semi // e.g. `let a |;`.
292 | token::Colon // e.g. `let a | :`.
293 | token::Comma // e.g. `let (a |,)`.
294 | token::CloseDelim(token::Bracket) // e.g. `let [a | ]`.
295 | token::CloseDelim(token::Paren) // e.g. `let (a | )`.
296 | token::CloseDelim(token::Brace) // e.g. `let A { f: a | }`.
297 )
298 });
299 match (is_end_ahead, &self.token.kind) {
300 (true, token::BinOp(token::Or) | token::OrOr) => {
301 self.ban_illegal_vert(lo, "trailing", "not allowed in an or-pattern");
302 self.bump();
303 true
304 }
305 _ => false,
306 }
307 }
309 /// We have parsed `||` instead of `|`. Error and suggest `|` instead.
310 fn ban_unexpected_or_or(&mut self, lo: Option<Span>) {
311 let mut err = self.struct_span_err(self.token.span, "unexpected token `||` in pattern");
312 err.span_suggestion(
313 self.token.span,
314 "use a single `|` to separate multiple alternative patterns",
315 "|".to_owned(),
316 Applicability::MachineApplicable,
317 );
318 if let Some(lo) = lo {
319 err.span_label(lo, WHILE_PARSING_OR_MSG);
320 }
321 err.emit();
322 }
324 /// Some special error handling for the "top-level" patterns in a match arm,
325 /// `for` loop, `let`, &c. (in contrast to subpatterns within such).
326 fn maybe_recover_unexpected_comma(&mut self, lo: Span, rc: RecoverComma) -> PResult<'a, ()> {
327 if rc == RecoverComma::No || self.token != token::Comma {
328 return Ok(());
329 }
331 // An unexpected comma after a top-level pattern is a clue that the
332 // user (perhaps more accustomed to some other language) forgot the
333 // parentheses in what should have been a tuple pattern; return a
334 // suggestion-enhanced error here rather than choking on the comma later.
335 let comma_span = self.token.span;
336 self.bump();
337 if let Err(mut err) = self.skip_pat_list() {
338 // We didn't expect this to work anyway; we just wanted to advance to the
339 // end of the comma-sequence so we know the span to suggest parenthesizing.
340 err.cancel();
341 }
342 let seq_span = lo.to(self.prev_token.span);
343 let mut err = self.struct_span_err(comma_span, "unexpected `,` in pattern");
344 if let Ok(seq_snippet) = self.span_to_snippet(seq_span) {
345 const MSG: &str = "try adding parentheses to match on a tuple...";
347 err.span_suggestion(
348 seq_span,
349 MSG,
350 format!("({})", seq_snippet),
351 Applicability::MachineApplicable,
352 );
353 err.span_suggestion(
354 seq_span,
355 "...or a vertical bar to match on multiple alternatives",
356 seq_snippet.replace(",", " |"),
357 Applicability::MachineApplicable,
358 );
359 }
360 Err(err)
361 }
363 /// Parse and throw away a parenthesized comma separated
364 /// sequence of patterns until `)` is reached.
365 fn skip_pat_list(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, ()> {
366 while !self.check(&token::CloseDelim(token::Paren)) {
367 self.parse_pat_no_top_alt(None)?;
368 if !self.eat(&token::Comma) {
369 return Ok(());
370 }
371 }
372 Ok(())
373 }
375 /// A `|` or possibly `||` token shouldn't be here. Ban it.
376 fn ban_illegal_vert(&mut self, lo: Option<Span>, pos: &str, ctx: &str) {
377 let span = self.token.span;
378 let mut err = self.struct_span_err(span, &format!("a {} `|` is {}", pos, ctx));
379 err.span_suggestion(
380 span,
381 &format!("remove the `{}`", pprust::token_to_string(&self.token)),
382 String::new(),
383 Applicability::MachineApplicable,
384 );
385 if let Some(lo) = lo {
386 err.span_label(lo, WHILE_PARSING_OR_MSG);
387 }
388 if let token::OrOr = self.token.kind {
389 err.note("alternatives in or-patterns are separated with `|`, not `||`");
390 }
391 err.emit();
392 }
394 /// Parses a pattern, with a setting whether modern range patterns (e.g., `a..=b`, `a..b` are
395 /// allowed).
396 fn parse_pat_with_range_pat(
397 &mut self,
398 allow_range_pat: bool,
399 expected: Expected,
400 ) -> PResult<'a, P<Pat>> {
401 maybe_recover_from_interpolated_ty_qpath!(self, true);
402 maybe_whole!(self, NtPat, |x| x);
404 let lo = self.token.span;
406 let pat = if self.check(&token::BinOp(token::And)) || self.token.kind == token::AndAnd {
407 self.parse_pat_deref(expected)?
408 } else if self.check(&token::OpenDelim(token::Paren)) {
409 self.parse_pat_tuple_or_parens()?
410 } else if self.check(&token::OpenDelim(token::Bracket)) {
411 // Parse `[pat, pat,...]` as a slice pattern.
412 let (pats, _) = self.parse_delim_comma_seq(token::Bracket, |p| {
413 p.parse_pat_allow_top_alt(None, RecoverComma::No, RecoverColon::No)
414 })?;
415 PatKind::Slice(pats)
416 } else if self.check(&token::DotDot) && !self.is_pat_range_end_start(1) {
417 // A rest pattern `..`.
418 self.bump(); // `..`
419 PatKind::Rest
420 } else if self.check(&token::DotDotDot) && !self.is_pat_range_end_start(1) {
421 self.recover_dotdotdot_rest_pat(lo)
422 } else if let Some(form) = self.parse_range_end() {
423 self.parse_pat_range_to(form)? // `..=X`, `...X`, or `..X`.
424 } else if self.eat_keyword(kw::Underscore) {
425 // Parse _
426 PatKind::Wild
427 } else if self.eat_keyword(kw::Mut) {
428 self.parse_pat_ident_mut()?
429 } else if self.eat_keyword(kw::Ref) {
430 // Parse ref ident @ pat / ref mut ident @ pat
431 let mutbl = self.parse_mutability();
432 self.parse_pat_ident(BindingMode::ByRef(mutbl))?
433 } else if self.eat_keyword(kw::Box) {
434 // Parse `box pat`
435 let pat = self.parse_pat_with_range_pat(false, None)?;
436 self.sess.gated_spans.gate(sym::box_patterns, lo.to(self.prev_token.span));
437 PatKind::Box(pat)
438 } else if self.check_inline_const(0) {
439 // Parse `const pat`
440 let const_expr = self.parse_const_block(lo.to(self.token.span))?;
442 if let Some(re) = self.parse_range_end() {
443 self.parse_pat_range_begin_with(const_expr, re)?
444 } else {
445 PatKind::Lit(const_expr)
446 }
447 } else if self.can_be_ident_pat() {
448 // Parse `ident @ pat`
449 // This can give false positives and parse nullary enums,
450 // they are dealt with later in resolve.
451 self.parse_pat_ident(BindingMode::ByValue(Mutability::Not))?
452 } else if self.is_start_of_pat_with_path() {
453 // Parse pattern starting with a path
454 let (qself, path) = if self.eat_lt() {
455 // Parse a qualified path
456 let (qself, path) = self.parse_qpath(PathStyle::Expr)?;
457 (Some(qself), path)
458 } else {
459 // Parse an unqualified path
460 (None, self.parse_path(PathStyle::Expr)?)
461 };
462 let span = lo.to(self.prev_token.span);
464 if qself.is_none() && self.check(&token::Not) {
465 self.parse_pat_mac_invoc(path)?
466 } else if let Some(form) = self.parse_range_end() {
467 let begin = self.mk_expr(span, ExprKind::Path(qself, path), AttrVec::new());
468 self.parse_pat_range_begin_with(begin, form)?
469 } else if self.check(&token::OpenDelim(token::Brace)) {
470 self.parse_pat_struct(qself, path)?
471 } else if self.check(&token::OpenDelim(token::Paren)) {
472 self.parse_pat_tuple_struct(qself, path)?
473 } else {
474 PatKind::Path(qself, path)
475 }
476 } else {
477 // Try to parse everything else as literal with optional minus
478 match self.parse_literal_maybe_minus() {
479 Ok(begin) => match self.parse_range_end() {
480 Some(form) => self.parse_pat_range_begin_with(begin, form)?,
481 None => PatKind::Lit(begin),
482 },
483 Err(err) => return self.fatal_unexpected_non_pat(err, expected),
484 }
485 };
487 let pat = self.mk_pat(lo.to(self.prev_token.span), pat);
488 let pat = self.maybe_recover_from_bad_qpath(pat, true)?;
489 let pat = self.recover_intersection_pat(pat)?;
491 if !allow_range_pat {
492 self.ban_pat_range_if_ambiguous(&pat)
493 }
495 Ok(pat)
496 }
498 /// Recover from a typoed `...` pattern that was encountered
499 /// Ref: Issue #70388
500 fn recover_dotdotdot_rest_pat(&mut self, lo: Span) -> PatKind {
501 // A typoed rest pattern `...`.
502 self.bump(); // `...`
504 // The user probably mistook `...` for a rest pattern `..`.
505 self.struct_span_err(lo, "unexpected `...`")
506 .span_label(lo, "not a valid pattern")
507 .span_suggestion_short(
508 lo,
509 "for a rest pattern, use `..` instead of `...`",
510 "..".to_owned(),
511 Applicability::MachineApplicable,
512 )
513 .emit();
514 PatKind::Rest
515 }
517 /// Try to recover the more general form `intersect ::= $pat_lhs @ $pat_rhs`.
518 ///
519 /// Allowed binding patterns generated by `binding ::= ref? mut? $ident @ $pat_rhs`
520 /// should already have been parsed by now at this point,
521 /// if the next token is `@` then we can try to parse the more general form.
522 ///
523 /// Consult `parse_pat_ident` for the `binding` grammar.
524 ///
525 /// The notion of intersection patterns are found in
526 /// e.g. [F#][and] where they are called AND-patterns.
527 ///
528 /// [and]: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/fsharp/language-reference/pattern-matching
529 fn recover_intersection_pat(&mut self, lhs: P<Pat>) -> PResult<'a, P<Pat>> {
530 if self.token.kind != token::At {
531 // Next token is not `@` so it's not going to be an intersection pattern.
532 return Ok(lhs);
533 }
535 // At this point we attempt to parse `@ $pat_rhs` and emit an error.
536 self.bump(); // `@`
537 let mut rhs = self.parse_pat_no_top_alt(None)?;
538 let sp = lhs.span.to(rhs.span);
540 if let PatKind::Ident(_, _, ref mut sub @ None) = rhs.kind {
541 // The user inverted the order, so help them fix that.
542 let mut applicability = Applicability::MachineApplicable;
543 // FIXME(bindings_after_at): Remove this code when stabilizing the feature.
544 lhs.walk(&mut |p| match p.kind {
545 // `check_match` is unhappy if the subpattern has a binding anywhere.
546 PatKind::Ident(..) => {
547 applicability = Applicability::MaybeIncorrect;
548 false // Short-circuit.
549 }
550 _ => true,
551 });
553 let lhs_span = lhs.span;
554 // Move the LHS into the RHS as a subpattern.
555 // The RHS is now the full pattern.
556 *sub = Some(lhs);
558 self.struct_span_err(sp, "pattern on wrong side of `@`")
559 .span_label(lhs_span, "pattern on the left, should be on the right")
560 .span_label(rhs.span, "binding on the right, should be on the left")
561 .span_suggestion(sp, "switch the order", pprust::pat_to_string(&rhs), applicability)
562 .emit();
563 } else {
564 // The special case above doesn't apply so we may have e.g. `A(x) @ B(y)`.
565 rhs.kind = PatKind::Wild;
566 self.struct_span_err(sp, "left-hand side of `@` must be a binding")
567 .span_label(lhs.span, "interpreted as a pattern, not a binding")
568 .span_label(rhs.span, "also a pattern")
569 .note("bindings are `x`, `mut x`, `ref x`, and `ref mut x`")
570 .emit();
571 }
573 rhs.span = sp;
574 Ok(rhs)
575 }
577 /// Ban a range pattern if it has an ambiguous interpretation.
578 fn ban_pat_range_if_ambiguous(&self, pat: &Pat) {
579 match pat.kind {
580 PatKind::Range(
581 ..,
582 Spanned { node: RangeEnd::Included(RangeSyntax::DotDotDot), .. },
583 ) => return,
584 PatKind::Range(..) => {}
585 _ => return,
586 }
588 self.struct_span_err(pat.span, "the range pattern here has ambiguous interpretation")
589 .span_suggestion(
590 pat.span,
591 "add parentheses to clarify the precedence",
592 format!("({})", pprust::pat_to_string(&pat)),
593 // "ambiguous interpretation" implies that we have to be guessing
594 Applicability::MaybeIncorrect,
595 )
596 .emit();
597 }
599 /// Parse `&pat` / `&mut pat`.
600 fn parse_pat_deref(&mut self, expected: Expected) -> PResult<'a, PatKind> {
601 self.expect_and()?;
602 self.recover_lifetime_in_deref_pat();
603 let mutbl = self.parse_mutability();
604 let subpat = self.parse_pat_with_range_pat(false, expected)?;
605 Ok(PatKind::Ref(subpat, mutbl))
606 }
608 fn recover_lifetime_in_deref_pat(&mut self) {
609 if let token::Lifetime(name) = self.token.kind {
610 self.bump(); // `'a`
612 let span = self.prev_token.span;
613 self.struct_span_err(span, &format!("unexpected lifetime `{}` in pattern", name))
614 .span_suggestion(
615 span,
616 "remove the lifetime",
617 String::new(),
618 Applicability::MachineApplicable,
619 )
620 .emit();
621 }
622 }
624 /// Parse a tuple or parenthesis pattern.
625 fn parse_pat_tuple_or_parens(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, PatKind> {
626 let (fields, trailing_comma) = self.parse_paren_comma_seq(|p| {
627 p.parse_pat_allow_top_alt(None, RecoverComma::No, RecoverColon::No)
628 })?;
630 // Here, `(pat,)` is a tuple pattern.
631 // For backward compatibility, `(..)` is a tuple pattern as well.
632 Ok(if fields.len() == 1 && !(trailing_comma || fields[0].is_rest()) {
633 PatKind::Paren(fields.into_iter().next().unwrap())
634 } else {
635 PatKind::Tuple(fields)
636 })
637 }
639 /// Parse a mutable binding with the `mut` token already eaten.
640 fn parse_pat_ident_mut(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, PatKind> {
641 let mut_span = self.prev_token.span;
643 if self.eat_keyword(kw::Ref) {
644 return self.recover_mut_ref_ident(mut_span);
645 }
647 self.recover_additional_muts();
649 // Make sure we don't allow e.g. `let mut $p;` where `$p:pat`.
650 if let token::Interpolated(ref nt) = self.token.kind {
651 if let token::NtPat(_) = **nt {
652 self.expected_ident_found().emit();
653 }
654 }
656 // Parse the pattern we hope to be an identifier.
657 let mut pat = self.parse_pat_no_top_alt(Some("identifier"))?;
659 // If we don't have `mut $ident (@ pat)?`, error.
660 if let PatKind::Ident(BindingMode::ByValue(m @ Mutability::Not), ..) = &mut pat.kind {
661 // Don't recurse into the subpattern.
662 // `mut` on the outer binding doesn't affect the inner bindings.
663 *m = Mutability::Mut;
664 } else {
665 // Add `mut` to any binding in the parsed pattern.
666 let changed_any_binding = Self::make_all_value_bindings_mutable(&mut pat);
667 self.ban_mut_general_pat(mut_span, &pat, changed_any_binding);
668 }
670 Ok(pat.into_inner().kind)
671 }
673 /// Recover on `mut ref? ident @ pat` and suggest
674 /// that the order of `mut` and `ref` is incorrect.
675 fn recover_mut_ref_ident(&mut self, lo: Span) -> PResult<'a, PatKind> {
676 let mutref_span = lo.to(self.prev_token.span);
677 self.struct_span_err(mutref_span, "the order of `mut` and `ref` is incorrect")
678 .span_suggestion(
679 mutref_span,
680 "try switching the order",
681 "ref mut".into(),
682 Applicability::MachineApplicable,
683 )
684 .emit();
686 self.parse_pat_ident(BindingMode::ByRef(Mutability::Mut))
687 }
689 /// Turn all by-value immutable bindings in a pattern into mutable bindings.
690 /// Returns `true` if any change was made.
691 fn make_all_value_bindings_mutable(pat: &mut P<Pat>) -> bool {
692 struct AddMut(bool);
693 impl MutVisitor for AddMut {
694 fn visit_pat(&mut self, pat: &mut P<Pat>) {
695 if let PatKind::Ident(BindingMode::ByValue(m @ Mutability::Not), ..) = &mut pat.kind
696 {
697 self.0 = true;
698 *m = Mutability::Mut;
699 }
700 noop_visit_pat(pat, self);
701 }
702 }
704 let mut add_mut = AddMut(false);
705 add_mut.visit_pat(pat);
706 add_mut.0
707 }
709 /// Error on `mut $pat` where `$pat` is not an ident.
710 fn ban_mut_general_pat(&self, lo: Span, pat: &Pat, changed_any_binding: bool) {
711 let span = lo.to(pat.span);
712 let fix = pprust::pat_to_string(&pat);
713 let (problem, suggestion) = if changed_any_binding {
714 ("`mut` must be attached to each individual binding", "add `mut` to each binding")
715 } else {
716 ("`mut` must be followed by a named binding", "remove the `mut` prefix")
717 };
718 self.struct_span_err(span, problem)
719 .span_suggestion(span, suggestion, fix, Applicability::MachineApplicable)
720 .note("`mut` may be followed by `variable` and `variable @ pattern`")
721 .emit();
722 }
724 /// Eat any extraneous `mut`s and error + recover if we ate any.
725 fn recover_additional_muts(&mut self) {
726 let lo = self.token.span;
727 while self.eat_keyword(kw::Mut) {}
728 if lo == self.token.span {
729 return;
730 }
732 let span = lo.to(self.prev_token.span);
733 self.struct_span_err(span, "`mut` on a binding may not be repeated")
734 .span_suggestion(
735 span,
736 "remove the additional `mut`s",
737 String::new(),
738 Applicability::MachineApplicable,
739 )
740 .emit();
741 }
743 /// Parse macro invocation
744 fn parse_pat_mac_invoc(&mut self, path: Path) -> PResult<'a, PatKind> {
745 self.bump();
746 let args = self.parse_mac_args()?;
747 let mac = MacCall { path, args, prior_type_ascription: self.last_type_ascription };
748 Ok(PatKind::MacCall(mac))
749 }
751 fn fatal_unexpected_non_pat(
752 &mut self,
753 mut err: DiagnosticBuilder<'a>,
754 expected: Expected,
755 ) -> PResult<'a, P<Pat>> {
756 err.cancel();
758 let expected = expected.unwrap_or("pattern");
759 let msg = format!("expected {}, found {}", expected, super::token_descr(&self.token));
761 let mut err = self.struct_span_err(self.token.span, &msg);
762 err.span_label(self.token.span, format!("expected {}", expected));
764 let sp = self.sess.source_map().start_point(self.token.span);
765 if let Some(sp) = self.sess.ambiguous_block_expr_parse.borrow().get(&sp) {
766 self.sess.expr_parentheses_needed(&mut err, *sp, None);
767 }
769 Err(err)
770 }
772 /// Parses the range pattern end form `".." | "..." | "..=" ;`.
773 fn parse_range_end(&mut self) -> Option<Spanned<RangeEnd>> {
774 let re = if self.eat(&token::DotDotDot) {
775 RangeEnd::Included(RangeSyntax::DotDotDot)
776 } else if self.eat(&token::DotDotEq) {
777 RangeEnd::Included(RangeSyntax::DotDotEq)
778 } else if self.eat(&token::DotDot) {
779 RangeEnd::Excluded
780 } else {
781 return None;
782 };
783 Some(respan(self.prev_token.span, re))
784 }
786 /// Parse a range pattern `$begin $form $end?` where `$form = ".." | "..." | "..=" ;`.
787 /// `$begin $form` has already been parsed.
788 fn parse_pat_range_begin_with(
789 &mut self,
790 begin: P<Expr>,
791 re: Spanned<RangeEnd>,
792 ) -> PResult<'a, PatKind> {
793 let end = if self.is_pat_range_end_start(0) {
794 // Parsing e.g. `X..=Y`.
795 Some(self.parse_pat_range_end()?)
796 } else {
797 // Parsing e.g. `X..`.
798 if let RangeEnd::Included(_) = re.node {
799 // FIXME(Centril): Consider semantic errors instead in `ast_validation`.
800 self.inclusive_range_with_incorrect_end(re.span);
801 }
802 None
803 };
804 Ok(PatKind::Range(Some(begin), end, re))
805 }
807 pub(super) fn inclusive_range_with_incorrect_end(&mut self, span: Span) {
808 let tok = &self.token;
810 // If the user typed "..==" instead of "..=", we want to give them
811 // a specific error message telling them to use "..=".
812 // Otherwise, we assume that they meant to type a half open exclusive
813 // range and give them an error telling them to do that instead.
814 if matches!(tok.kind, token::Eq) && tok.span.lo() == span.hi() {
815 let span_with_eq = span.to(tok.span);
817 // Ensure the user doesn't receive unhelpful unexpected token errors
818 self.bump();
819 if self.is_pat_range_end_start(0) {
820 let _ = self.parse_pat_range_end();
821 }
823 self.error_inclusive_range_with_extra_equals(span_with_eq);
824 } else {
825 self.error_inclusive_range_with_no_end(span);
826 }
827 }
829 fn error_inclusive_range_with_extra_equals(&self, span: Span) {
830 self.struct_span_err(span, "unexpected `=` after inclusive range")
831 .span_suggestion_short(
832 span,
833 "use `..=` instead",
834 "..=".to_string(),
835 Applicability::MaybeIncorrect,
836 )
837 .note("inclusive ranges end with a single equals sign (`..=`)")
838 .emit();
839 }
841 fn error_inclusive_range_with_no_end(&self, span: Span) {
842 struct_span_err!(self.sess.span_diagnostic, span, E0586, "inclusive range with no end")
843 .span_suggestion_short(
844 span,
845 "use `..` instead",
846 "..".to_string(),
847 Applicability::MachineApplicable,
848 )
849 .note("inclusive ranges must be bounded at the end (`..=b` or `a..=b`)")
850 .emit();
851 }
853 /// Parse a range-to pattern, `..X` or `..=X` where `X` remains to be parsed.
854 ///
855 /// The form `...X` is prohibited to reduce confusion with the potential
856 /// expression syntax `...expr` for splatting in expressions.
857 fn parse_pat_range_to(&mut self, mut re: Spanned<RangeEnd>) -> PResult<'a, PatKind> {
858 let end = self.parse_pat_range_end()?;
859 self.sess.gated_spans.gate(sym::half_open_range_patterns, re.span.to(self.prev_token.span));
860 if let RangeEnd::Included(ref mut syn @ RangeSyntax::DotDotDot) = &mut re.node {
861 *syn = RangeSyntax::DotDotEq;
862 self.struct_span_err(re.span, "range-to patterns with `...` are not allowed")
863 .span_suggestion_short(
864 re.span,
865 "use `..=` instead",
866 "..=".to_string(),
867 Applicability::MachineApplicable,
868 )
869 .emit();
870 }
871 Ok(PatKind::Range(None, Some(end), re))
872 }
874 /// Is the token `dist` away from the current suitable as the start of a range patterns end?
875 fn is_pat_range_end_start(&self, dist: usize) -> bool {
876 self.check_inline_const(dist)
877 || self.look_ahead(dist, |t| {
878 t.is_path_start() // e.g. `MY_CONST`;
879 || t.kind == token::Dot // e.g. `.5` for recovery;
880 || t.can_begin_literal_maybe_minus() // e.g. `42`.
881 || t.is_whole_expr()
882 })
883 }
885 fn parse_pat_range_end(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, P<Expr>> {
886 if self.check_inline_const(0) {
887 self.parse_const_block(self.token.span)
888 } else if self.check_path() {
889 let lo = self.token.span;
890 let (qself, path) = if self.eat_lt() {
891 // Parse a qualified path
892 let (qself, path) = self.parse_qpath(PathStyle::Expr)?;
893 (Some(qself), path)
894 } else {
895 // Parse an unqualified path
896 (None, self.parse_path(PathStyle::Expr)?)
897 };
898 let hi = self.prev_token.span;
899 Ok(self.mk_expr(lo.to(hi), ExprKind::Path(qself, path), AttrVec::new()))
900 } else {
901 self.parse_literal_maybe_minus()
902 }
903 }
905 /// Is this the start of a pattern beginning with a path?
906 fn is_start_of_pat_with_path(&mut self) -> bool {
907 self.check_path()
908 // Just for recovery (see `can_be_ident`).
909 || self.token.is_ident() && !self.token.is_bool_lit() && !self.token.is_keyword(kw::In)
910 }
912 /// Would `parse_pat_ident` be appropriate here?
913 fn can_be_ident_pat(&mut self) -> bool {
914 self.check_ident()
915 && !self.token.is_bool_lit() // Avoid `true` or `false` as a binding as it is a literal.
916 && !self.token.is_path_segment_keyword() // Avoid e.g. `Self` as it is a path.
917 // Avoid `in`. Due to recovery in the list parser this messes with `for ( $pat in $expr )`.
918 && !self.token.is_keyword(kw::In)
919 // Try to do something more complex?
920 && self.look_ahead(1, |t| !matches!(t.kind, token::OpenDelim(token::Paren) // A tuple struct pattern.
921 | token::OpenDelim(token::Brace) // A struct pattern.
922 | token::DotDotDot | token::DotDotEq | token::DotDot // A range pattern.
923 | token::ModSep // A tuple / struct variant pattern.
924 | token::Not)) // A macro expanding to a pattern.
925 }
927 /// Parses `ident` or `ident @ pat`.
928 /// Used by the copy foo and ref foo patterns to give a good
929 /// error message when parsing mistakes like `ref foo(a, b)`.
930 fn parse_pat_ident(&mut self, binding_mode: BindingMode) -> PResult<'a, PatKind> {
931 let ident = self.parse_ident()?;
932 let sub = if self.eat(&token::At) {
933 Some(self.parse_pat_no_top_alt(Some("binding pattern"))?)
934 } else {
935 None
936 };
938 // Just to be friendly, if they write something like `ref Some(i)`,
939 // we end up here with `(` as the current token.
940 // This shortly leads to a parse error. Note that if there is no explicit
941 // binding mode then we do not end up here, because the lookahead
942 // will direct us over to `parse_enum_variant()`.
943 if self.token == token::OpenDelim(token::Paren) {
944 return Err(self
945 .struct_span_err(self.prev_token.span, "expected identifier, found enum pattern"));
946 }
948 Ok(PatKind::Ident(binding_mode, ident, sub))
949 }
951 /// Parse a struct ("record") pattern (e.g. `Foo { ... }` or `Foo::Bar { ... }`).
952 fn parse_pat_struct(&mut self, qself: Option<QSelf>, path: Path) -> PResult<'a, PatKind> {
953 if qself.is_some() {
954 // Feature gate the use of qualified paths in patterns
955 self.sess.gated_spans.gate(sym::more_qualified_paths, path.span);
956 }
957 self.bump();
958 let (fields, etc) = self.parse_pat_fields().unwrap_or_else(|mut e| {
959 e.span_label(path.span, "while parsing the fields for this pattern");
960 e.emit();
961 self.recover_stmt();
962 (vec![], true)
963 });
964 self.bump();
965 Ok(PatKind::Struct(qself, path, fields, etc))
966 }
968 /// Parse tuple struct or tuple variant pattern (e.g. `Foo(...)` or `Foo::Bar(...)`).
969 fn parse_pat_tuple_struct(&mut self, qself: Option<QSelf>, path: Path) -> PResult<'a, PatKind> {
970 let (fields, _) = self.parse_paren_comma_seq(|p| {
971 p.parse_pat_allow_top_alt(None, RecoverComma::No, RecoverColon::No)
972 })?;
973 if qself.is_some() {
974 self.sess.gated_spans.gate(sym::more_qualified_paths, path.span);
975 }
976 Ok(PatKind::TupleStruct(qself, path, fields))
977 }
979 /// Parses the fields of a struct-like pattern.
980 fn parse_pat_fields(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, (Vec<PatField>, bool)> {
981 let mut fields = Vec::new();
982 let mut etc = false;
983 let mut ate_comma = true;
984 let mut delayed_err: Option<DiagnosticBuilder<'a>> = None;
985 let mut etc_span = None;
987 while self.token != token::CloseDelim(token::Brace) {
988 let attrs = match self.parse_outer_attributes() {
989 Ok(attrs) => attrs,
990 Err(err) => {
991 if let Some(mut delayed) = delayed_err {
992 delayed.emit();
993 }
994 return Err(err);
995 }
996 };
997 let lo = self.token.span;
999 // check that a comma comes after every field
1000 if !ate_comma {
1001 let err = self.struct_span_err(self.token.span, "expected `,`");
1002 if let Some(mut delayed) = delayed_err {
1003 delayed.emit();
1004 }
1005 return Err(err);
1006 }
1007 ate_comma = false;
1009 if self.check(&token::DotDot) || self.token == token::DotDotDot {
1010 etc = true;
1011 let mut etc_sp = self.token.span;
1013 self.recover_one_fewer_dotdot();
1014 self.bump(); // `..` || `...`
1016 if self.token == token::CloseDelim(token::Brace) {
1017 etc_span = Some(etc_sp);
1018 break;
1019 }
1020 let token_str = super::token_descr(&self.token);
1021 let msg = &format!("expected `}}`, found {}", token_str);
1022 let mut err = self.struct_span_err(self.token.span, msg);
1024 err.span_label(self.token.span, "expected `}`");
1025 let mut comma_sp = None;
1026 if self.token == token::Comma {
1027 // Issue #49257
1028 let nw_span = self.sess.source_map().span_until_non_whitespace(self.token.span);
1029 etc_sp = etc_sp.to(nw_span);
1030 err.span_label(
1031 etc_sp,
1032 "`..` must be at the end and cannot have a trailing comma",
1033 );
1034 comma_sp = Some(self.token.span);
1035 self.bump();
1036 ate_comma = true;
1037 }
1039 etc_span = Some(etc_sp.until(self.token.span));
1040 if self.token == token::CloseDelim(token::Brace) {
1041 // If the struct looks otherwise well formed, recover and continue.
1042 if let Some(sp) = comma_sp {
1043 err.span_suggestion_short(
1044 sp,
1045 "remove this comma",
1046 String::new(),
1047 Applicability::MachineApplicable,
1048 );
1049 }
1050 err.emit();
1051 break;
1052 } else if self.token.is_ident() && ate_comma {
1053 // Accept fields coming after `..,`.
1054 // This way we avoid "pattern missing fields" errors afterwards.
1055 // We delay this error until the end in order to have a span for a
1056 // suggested fix.
1057 if let Some(mut delayed_err) = delayed_err {
1058 delayed_err.emit();
1059 return Err(err);
1060 } else {
1061 delayed_err = Some(err);
1062 }
1063 } else {
1064 if let Some(mut err) = delayed_err {
1065 err.emit();
1066 }
1067 return Err(err);
1068 }
1069 }
1071 let field =
1072 self.collect_tokens_trailing_token(attrs, ForceCollect::No, |this, attrs| {
1073 let field = match this.parse_pat_field(lo, attrs) {
1074 Ok(field) => Ok(field),
1075 Err(err) => {
1076 if let Some(mut delayed_err) = delayed_err.take() {
1077 delayed_err.emit();
1078 }
1079 return Err(err);
1080 }
1081 }?;
1082 ate_comma = this.eat(&token::Comma);
1083 // We just ate a comma, so there's no need to use
1084 // `TrailingToken::Comma`
1085 Ok((field, TrailingToken::None))
1086 })?;
1088 fields.push(field)
1089 }
1091 if let Some(mut err) = delayed_err {
1092 if let Some(etc_span) = etc_span {
1093 err.multipart_suggestion(
1094 "move the `..` to the end of the field list",
1095 vec![
1096 (etc_span, String::new()),
1097 (self.token.span, format!("{}.. }}", if ate_comma { "" } else { ", " })),
1098 ],
1099 Applicability::MachineApplicable,
1100 );
1101 }
1102 err.emit();
1103 }
1104 Ok((fields, etc))
1105 }
1107 /// Recover on `...` as if it were `..` to avoid further errors.
1108 /// See issue #46718.
1109 fn recover_one_fewer_dotdot(&self) {
1110 if self.token != token::DotDotDot {
1111 return;
1112 }
1114 self.struct_span_err(self.token.span, "expected field pattern, found `...`")
1115 .span_suggestion(
1116 self.token.span,
1117 "to omit remaining fields, use one fewer `.`",
1118 "..".to_owned(),
1119 Applicability::MachineApplicable,
1120 )
1121 .emit();
1122 }
1124 fn parse_pat_field(&mut self, lo: Span, attrs: Vec<Attribute>) -> PResult<'a, PatField> {
1125 // Check if a colon exists one ahead. This means we're parsing a fieldname.
1126 let hi;
1127 let (subpat, fieldname, is_shorthand) = if self.look_ahead(1, |t| t == &token::Colon) {
1128 // Parsing a pattern of the form `fieldname: pat`.
1129 let fieldname = self.parse_field_name()?;
1130 self.bump();
1131 let pat = self.parse_pat_allow_top_alt(None, RecoverComma::No, RecoverColon::No)?;
1132 hi = pat.span;
1133 (pat, fieldname, false)
1134 } else {
1135 // Parsing a pattern of the form `(box) (ref) (mut) fieldname`.
1136 let is_box = self.eat_keyword(kw::Box);
1137 let boxed_span = self.token.span;
1138 let is_ref = self.eat_keyword(kw::Ref);
1139 let is_mut = self.eat_keyword(kw::Mut);
1140 let fieldname = self.parse_field_name()?;
1141 hi = self.prev_token.span;
1143 let bind_type = match (is_ref, is_mut) {
1144 (true, true) => BindingMode::ByRef(Mutability::Mut),
1145 (true, false) => BindingMode::ByRef(Mutability::Not),
1146 (false, true) => BindingMode::ByValue(Mutability::Mut),
1147 (false, false) => BindingMode::ByValue(Mutability::Not),
1148 };
1150 let fieldpat = self.mk_pat_ident(boxed_span.to(hi), bind_type, fieldname);
1151 let subpat =
1152 if is_box { self.mk_pat(lo.to(hi), PatKind::Box(fieldpat)) } else { fieldpat };
1153 (subpat, fieldname, true)
1154 };
1156 Ok(PatField {
1157 ident: fieldname,
1158 pat: subpat,
1159 is_shorthand,
1160 attrs: attrs.into(),
1161 id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID,
1162 span: lo.to(hi),
1163 is_placeholder: false,
1164 })
1165 }
1167 pub(super) fn mk_pat_ident(&self, span: Span, bm: BindingMode, ident: Ident) -> P<Pat> {
1168 self.mk_pat(span, PatKind::Ident(bm, ident, None))
1169 }
1171 fn mk_pat(&self, span: Span, kind: PatKind) -> P<Pat> {
1172 P(Pat { kind, span, id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID, tokens: None })
1173 }
1174 }