]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - compiler/rustc_query_system/src/query/plumbing.rs
New upstream version 1.55.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / compiler / rustc_query_system / src / query / plumbing.rs
1 //! The implementation of the query system itself. This defines the macros that
2 //! generate the actual methods on tcx which find and execute the provider,
3 //! manage the caches, and so forth.
5 use crate::dep_graph::{DepContext, DepKind, DepNode, DepNodeParams};
6 use crate::dep_graph::{DepNodeIndex, SerializedDepNodeIndex};
7 use crate::query::caches::QueryCache;
8 use crate::query::config::{QueryDescription, QueryVtable, QueryVtableExt};
9 use crate::query::job::{
10 report_cycle, QueryInfo, QueryJob, QueryJobId, QueryJobInfo, QueryShardJobId,
11 };
12 use crate::query::{QueryContext, QueryMap, QueryStackFrame};
14 use rustc_data_structures::fingerprint::Fingerprint;
15 use rustc_data_structures::fx::{FxHashMap, FxHasher};
16 use rustc_data_structures::sharded::{get_shard_index_by_hash, Sharded};
17 use rustc_data_structures::sync::{Lock, LockGuard};
18 use rustc_data_structures::thin_vec::ThinVec;
19 #[cfg(not(parallel_compiler))]
20 use rustc_errors::DiagnosticBuilder;
21 use rustc_errors::{Diagnostic, FatalError};
22 use rustc_span::{Span, DUMMY_SP};
23 use std::collections::hash_map::Entry;
24 use std::fmt::Debug;
25 use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
26 use std::mem;
27 use std::num::NonZeroU32;
28 use std::ptr;
29 #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
30 use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
32 pub struct QueryCacheStore<C: QueryCache> {
33 cache: C,
34 shards: Sharded<C::Sharded>,
35 #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
36 pub cache_hits: AtomicUsize,
37 }
39 impl<C: QueryCache + Default> Default for QueryCacheStore<C> {
40 fn default() -> Self {
41 Self {
42 cache: C::default(),
43 shards: Default::default(),
44 #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
45 cache_hits: AtomicUsize::new(0),
46 }
47 }
48 }
50 /// Values used when checking a query cache which can be reused on a cache-miss to execute the query.
51 pub struct QueryLookup {
52 pub(super) key_hash: u64,
53 shard: usize,
54 }
56 // We compute the key's hash once and then use it for both the
57 // shard lookup and the hashmap lookup. This relies on the fact
58 // that both of them use `FxHasher`.
59 fn hash_for_shard<K: Hash>(key: &K) -> u64 {
60 let mut hasher = FxHasher::default();
61 key.hash(&mut hasher);
62 hasher.finish()
63 }
65 impl<C: QueryCache> QueryCacheStore<C> {
66 pub(super) fn get_lookup<'tcx>(
67 &'tcx self,
68 key: &C::Key,
69 ) -> (QueryLookup, LockGuard<'tcx, C::Sharded>) {
70 let key_hash = hash_for_shard(key);
71 let shard = get_shard_index_by_hash(key_hash);
72 let lock = self.shards.get_shard_by_index(shard).lock();
73 (QueryLookup { key_hash, shard }, lock)
74 }
76 pub fn iter_results(&self, f: &mut dyn FnMut(&C::Key, &C::Value, DepNodeIndex)) {
77 self.cache.iter(&self.shards, f)
78 }
79 }
81 struct QueryStateShard<D, K> {
82 active: FxHashMap<K, QueryResult<D>>,
84 /// Used to generate unique ids for active jobs.
85 jobs: u32,
86 }
88 impl<D, K> Default for QueryStateShard<D, K> {
89 fn default() -> QueryStateShard<D, K> {
90 QueryStateShard { active: Default::default(), jobs: 0 }
91 }
92 }
94 pub struct QueryState<D, K> {
95 shards: Sharded<QueryStateShard<D, K>>,
96 }
98 /// Indicates the state of a query for a given key in a query map.
99 enum QueryResult<D> {
100 /// An already executing query. The query job can be used to await for its completion.
101 Started(QueryJob<D>),
103 /// The query panicked. Queries trying to wait on this will raise a fatal error which will
104 /// silently panic.
105 Poisoned,
106 }
108 impl<D, K> QueryState<D, K>
109 where
110 D: Copy + Clone + Eq + Hash,
111 K: Eq + Hash + Clone + Debug,
112 {
113 pub fn all_inactive(&self) -> bool {
114 let shards = self.shards.lock_shards();
115 shards.iter().all(|shard| shard.active.is_empty())
116 }
118 pub fn try_collect_active_jobs<CTX: Copy>(
119 &self,
120 tcx: CTX,
121 kind: D,
122 make_query: fn(CTX, K) -> QueryStackFrame,
123 jobs: &mut QueryMap<D>,
124 ) -> Option<()> {
125 // We use try_lock_shards here since we are called from the
126 // deadlock handler, and this shouldn't be locked.
127 let shards = self.shards.try_lock_shards()?;
128 for (shard_id, shard) in shards.iter().enumerate() {
129 for (k, v) in shard.active.iter() {
130 if let QueryResult::Started(ref job) = *v {
131 let id = QueryJobId::new(job.id, shard_id, kind);
132 let info = QueryInfo { span: job.span, query: make_query(tcx, k.clone()) };
133 jobs.insert(id, QueryJobInfo { info, job: job.clone() });
134 }
135 }
136 }
138 Some(())
139 }
140 }
142 impl<D, K> Default for QueryState<D, K> {
143 fn default() -> QueryState<D, K> {
144 QueryState { shards: Default::default() }
145 }
146 }
148 /// A type representing the responsibility to execute the job in the `job` field.
149 /// This will poison the relevant query if dropped.
150 struct JobOwner<'tcx, D, C>
151 where
152 D: Copy + Clone + Eq + Hash,
153 C: QueryCache,
154 {
155 state: &'tcx QueryState<D, C::Key>,
156 cache: &'tcx QueryCacheStore<C>,
157 key: C::Key,
158 id: QueryJobId<D>,
159 }
161 #[cold]
162 #[inline(never)]
163 #[cfg(not(parallel_compiler))]
164 fn mk_cycle<CTX, V, R>(
165 tcx: CTX,
166 root: QueryJobId<CTX::DepKind>,
167 span: Span,
168 handle_cycle_error: fn(CTX, DiagnosticBuilder<'_>) -> V,
169 cache: &dyn crate::query::QueryStorage<Value = V, Stored = R>,
170 ) -> R
171 where
172 CTX: QueryContext,
173 V: std::fmt::Debug,
174 R: Clone,
175 {
176 let error: CycleError = root.find_cycle_in_stack(
177 tcx.try_collect_active_jobs().unwrap(),
178 &tcx.current_query_job(),
179 span,
180 );
181 let error = report_cycle(tcx.dep_context().sess(), error);
182 let value = handle_cycle_error(tcx, error);
183 cache.store_nocache(value)
184 }
186 impl<'tcx, D, C> JobOwner<'tcx, D, C>
187 where
188 D: Copy + Clone + Eq + Hash,
189 C: QueryCache,
190 {
191 /// Either gets a `JobOwner` corresponding the query, allowing us to
192 /// start executing the query, or returns with the result of the query.
193 /// This function assumes that `try_get_cached` is already called and returned `lookup`.
194 /// If the query is executing elsewhere, this will wait for it and return the result.
195 /// If the query panicked, this will silently panic.
196 ///
197 /// This function is inlined because that results in a noticeable speed-up
198 /// for some compile-time benchmarks.
199 #[inline(always)]
200 fn try_start<'b, CTX>(
201 tcx: CTX,
202 state: &'b QueryState<CTX::DepKind, C::Key>,
203 cache: &'b QueryCacheStore<C>,
204 span: Span,
205 key: C::Key,
206 lookup: QueryLookup,
207 query: &QueryVtable<CTX, C::Key, C::Value>,
208 ) -> TryGetJob<'b, CTX::DepKind, C>
209 where
210 CTX: QueryContext,
211 {
212 let shard = lookup.shard;
213 let mut state_lock = state.shards.get_shard_by_index(shard).lock();
214 let lock = &mut *state_lock;
216 match lock.active.entry(key) {
217 Entry::Vacant(entry) => {
218 // Generate an id unique within this shard.
219 let id = lock.jobs.checked_add(1).unwrap();
220 lock.jobs = id;
221 let id = QueryShardJobId(NonZeroU32::new(id).unwrap());
223 let job = tcx.current_query_job();
224 let job = QueryJob::new(id, span, job);
226 let key = entry.key().clone();
227 entry.insert(QueryResult::Started(job));
229 let global_id = QueryJobId::new(id, shard, query.dep_kind);
230 let owner = JobOwner { state, cache, id: global_id, key };
231 return TryGetJob::NotYetStarted(owner);
232 }
233 Entry::Occupied(mut entry) => {
234 match entry.get_mut() {
235 #[cfg(not(parallel_compiler))]
236 QueryResult::Started(job) => {
237 let id = QueryJobId::new(job.id, shard, query.dep_kind);
239 drop(state_lock);
241 // If we are single-threaded we know that we have cycle error,
242 // so we just return the error.
243 return TryGetJob::Cycle(mk_cycle(
244 tcx,
245 id,
246 span,
247 query.handle_cycle_error,
248 &cache.cache,
249 ));
250 }
251 #[cfg(parallel_compiler)]
252 QueryResult::Started(job) => {
253 // For parallel queries, we'll block and wait until the query running
254 // in another thread has completed. Record how long we wait in the
255 // self-profiler.
256 let query_blocked_prof_timer = tcx.dep_context().profiler().query_blocked();
258 // Get the latch out
259 let latch = job.latch();
260 let key = entry.key().clone();
262 drop(state_lock);
264 // With parallel queries we might just have to wait on some other
265 // thread.
266 let result = latch.wait_on(tcx.current_query_job(), span);
268 if let Err(cycle) = result {
269 let cycle = report_cycle(tcx.dep_context().sess(), cycle);
270 let value = (query.handle_cycle_error)(tcx, cycle);
271 let value = cache.cache.store_nocache(value);
272 return TryGetJob::Cycle(value);
273 }
275 let cached = cache
276 .cache
277 .lookup(cache, &key, |value, index| {
278 if unlikely!(tcx.dep_context().profiler().enabled()) {
279 tcx.dep_context().profiler().query_cache_hit(index.into());
280 }
281 #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
282 {
283 cache.cache_hits.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
284 }
285 (value.clone(), index)
286 })
287 .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("value must be in cache after waiting"));
289 query_blocked_prof_timer.finish_with_query_invocation_id(cached.1.into());
291 return TryGetJob::JobCompleted(cached);
292 }
293 QueryResult::Poisoned => FatalError.raise(),
294 }
295 }
296 }
297 }
299 /// Completes the query by updating the query cache with the `result`,
300 /// signals the waiter and forgets the JobOwner, so it won't poison the query
301 fn complete(self, result: C::Value, dep_node_index: DepNodeIndex) -> C::Stored {
302 // We can move out of `self` here because we `mem::forget` it below
303 let key = unsafe { ptr::read(&self.key) };
304 let state = self.state;
305 let cache = self.cache;
307 // Forget ourself so our destructor won't poison the query
308 mem::forget(self);
310 let (job, result) = {
311 let key_hash = hash_for_shard(&key);
312 let shard = get_shard_index_by_hash(key_hash);
313 let job = {
314 let mut lock = state.shards.get_shard_by_index(shard).lock();
315 match lock.active.remove(&key).unwrap() {
316 QueryResult::Started(job) => job,
317 QueryResult::Poisoned => panic!(),
318 }
319 };
320 let result = {
321 let mut lock = cache.shards.get_shard_by_index(shard).lock();
322 cache.cache.complete(&mut lock, key, result, dep_node_index)
323 };
324 (job, result)
325 };
327 job.signal_complete();
328 result
329 }
330 }
332 fn with_diagnostics<F, R>(f: F) -> (R, ThinVec<Diagnostic>)
333 where
334 F: FnOnce(Option<&Lock<ThinVec<Diagnostic>>>) -> R,
335 {
336 let diagnostics = Lock::new(ThinVec::new());
337 let result = f(Some(&diagnostics));
338 (result, diagnostics.into_inner())
339 }
341 impl<'tcx, D, C> Drop for JobOwner<'tcx, D, C>
342 where
343 D: Copy + Clone + Eq + Hash,
344 C: QueryCache,
345 {
346 #[inline(never)]
347 #[cold]
348 fn drop(&mut self) {
349 // Poison the query so jobs waiting on it panic.
350 let state = self.state;
351 let shard = state.shards.get_shard_by_value(&self.key);
352 let job = {
353 let mut shard = shard.lock();
354 let job = match shard.active.remove(&self.key).unwrap() {
355 QueryResult::Started(job) => job,
356 QueryResult::Poisoned => panic!(),
357 };
358 shard.active.insert(self.key.clone(), QueryResult::Poisoned);
359 job
360 };
361 // Also signal the completion of the job, so waiters
362 // will continue execution.
363 job.signal_complete();
364 }
365 }
367 #[derive(Clone)]
368 pub(crate) struct CycleError {
369 /// The query and related span that uses the cycle.
370 pub usage: Option<(Span, QueryStackFrame)>,
371 pub cycle: Vec<QueryInfo>,
372 }
374 /// The result of `try_start`.
375 enum TryGetJob<'tcx, D, C>
376 where
377 D: Copy + Clone + Eq + Hash,
378 C: QueryCache,
379 {
380 /// The query is not yet started. Contains a guard to the cache eventually used to start it.
381 NotYetStarted(JobOwner<'tcx, D, C>),
383 /// The query was already completed.
384 /// Returns the result of the query and its dep-node index
385 /// if it succeeded or a cycle error if it failed.
386 #[cfg(parallel_compiler)]
387 JobCompleted((C::Stored, DepNodeIndex)),
389 /// Trying to execute the query resulted in a cycle.
390 Cycle(C::Stored),
391 }
393 /// Checks if the query is already computed and in the cache.
394 /// It returns the shard index and a lock guard to the shard,
395 /// which will be used if the query is not in the cache and we need
396 /// to compute it.
397 #[inline]
398 pub fn try_get_cached<'a, CTX, C, R, OnHit>(
399 tcx: CTX,
400 cache: &'a QueryCacheStore<C>,
401 key: &C::Key,
402 // `on_hit` can be called while holding a lock to the query cache
403 on_hit: OnHit,
404 ) -> Result<R, QueryLookup>
405 where
406 C: QueryCache,
407 CTX: DepContext,
408 OnHit: FnOnce(&C::Stored) -> R,
409 {
410 cache.cache.lookup(cache, &key, |value, index| {
411 if unlikely!(tcx.profiler().enabled()) {
412 tcx.profiler().query_cache_hit(index.into());
413 }
414 #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
415 {
416 cache.cache_hits.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
417 }
418 tcx.dep_graph().read_index(index);
419 on_hit(value)
420 })
421 }
423 fn try_execute_query<CTX, C>(
424 tcx: CTX,
425 state: &QueryState<CTX::DepKind, C::Key>,
426 cache: &QueryCacheStore<C>,
427 span: Span,
428 key: C::Key,
429 lookup: QueryLookup,
430 query: &QueryVtable<CTX, C::Key, C::Value>,
431 compute: fn(CTX::DepContext, C::Key) -> C::Value,
432 ) -> C::Stored
433 where
434 C: QueryCache,
435 C::Key: DepNodeParams<CTX::DepContext>,
436 CTX: QueryContext,
437 {
438 let job = match JobOwner::<'_, CTX::DepKind, C>::try_start(
439 tcx,
440 state,
441 cache,
442 span,
443 key.clone(),
444 lookup,
445 query,
446 ) {
447 TryGetJob::NotYetStarted(job) => job,
448 TryGetJob::Cycle(result) => return result,
449 #[cfg(parallel_compiler)]
450 TryGetJob::JobCompleted((v, index)) => {
451 tcx.dep_context().dep_graph().read_index(index);
452 return v;
453 }
454 };
456 let dep_graph = tcx.dep_context().dep_graph();
458 // Fast path for when incr. comp. is off.
459 if !dep_graph.is_fully_enabled() {
460 let prof_timer = tcx.dep_context().profiler().query_provider();
461 let result = tcx.start_query(job.id, None, || compute(*tcx.dep_context(), key));
462 let dep_node_index = dep_graph.next_virtual_depnode_index();
463 prof_timer.finish_with_query_invocation_id(dep_node_index.into());
464 return job.complete(result, dep_node_index);
465 }
467 if query.anon {
468 let prof_timer = tcx.dep_context().profiler().query_provider();
470 let ((result, dep_node_index), diagnostics) = with_diagnostics(|diagnostics| {
471 tcx.start_query(job.id, diagnostics, || {
472 dep_graph.with_anon_task(*tcx.dep_context(), query.dep_kind, || {
473 compute(*tcx.dep_context(), key)
474 })
475 })
476 });
478 prof_timer.finish_with_query_invocation_id(dep_node_index.into());
480 dep_graph.read_index(dep_node_index);
482 if unlikely!(!diagnostics.is_empty()) {
483 tcx.store_diagnostics_for_anon_node(dep_node_index, diagnostics);
484 }
486 return job.complete(result, dep_node_index);
487 }
489 let dep_node = query.to_dep_node(*tcx.dep_context(), &key);
491 if !query.eval_always {
492 // The diagnostics for this query will be
493 // promoted to the current session during
494 // `try_mark_green()`, so we can ignore them here.
495 let loaded = tcx.start_query(job.id, None, || {
496 let marked = dep_graph.try_mark_green_and_read(tcx, &dep_node);
497 marked.map(|(prev_dep_node_index, dep_node_index)| {
498 (
499 load_from_disk_and_cache_in_memory(
500 tcx,
501 key.clone(),
502 prev_dep_node_index,
503 dep_node_index,
504 &dep_node,
505 query,
506 compute,
507 ),
508 dep_node_index,
509 )
510 })
511 });
512 if let Some((result, dep_node_index)) = loaded {
513 return job.complete(result, dep_node_index);
514 }
515 }
517 let (result, dep_node_index) = force_query_with_job(tcx, key, job, dep_node, query, compute);
518 dep_graph.read_index(dep_node_index);
519 result
520 }
522 fn load_from_disk_and_cache_in_memory<CTX, K, V: Debug>(
523 tcx: CTX,
524 key: K,
525 prev_dep_node_index: SerializedDepNodeIndex,
526 dep_node_index: DepNodeIndex,
527 dep_node: &DepNode<CTX::DepKind>,
528 query: &QueryVtable<CTX, K, V>,
529 compute: fn(CTX::DepContext, K) -> V,
530 ) -> V
531 where
532 CTX: QueryContext,
533 {
534 // Note this function can be called concurrently from the same query
535 // We must ensure that this is handled correctly.
537 debug_assert!(tcx.dep_context().dep_graph().is_green(dep_node));
539 // First we try to load the result from the on-disk cache.
540 let result = if query.cache_on_disk(tcx, &key, None) {
541 let prof_timer = tcx.dep_context().profiler().incr_cache_loading();
542 let result = query.try_load_from_disk(tcx, prev_dep_node_index);
543 prof_timer.finish_with_query_invocation_id(dep_node_index.into());
545 // We always expect to find a cached result for things that
546 // can be forced from `DepNode`.
547 debug_assert!(
548 !dep_node.kind.can_reconstruct_query_key() || result.is_some(),
549 "missing on-disk cache entry for {:?}",
550 dep_node
551 );
552 result
553 } else {
554 // Some things are never cached on disk.
555 None
556 };
558 if let Some(result) = result {
559 // If `-Zincremental-verify-ich` is specified, re-hash results from
560 // the cache and make sure that they have the expected fingerprint.
561 if unlikely!(tcx.dep_context().sess().opts.debugging_opts.incremental_verify_ich) {
562 incremental_verify_ich(*tcx.dep_context(), &result, dep_node, query);
563 }
565 result
566 } else {
567 // We could not load a result from the on-disk cache, so
568 // recompute.
569 let prof_timer = tcx.dep_context().profiler().query_provider();
571 // The dep-graph for this computation is already in-place.
572 let result = tcx.dep_context().dep_graph().with_ignore(|| compute(*tcx.dep_context(), key));
574 prof_timer.finish_with_query_invocation_id(dep_node_index.into());
576 // Verify that re-running the query produced a result with the expected hash
577 // This catches bugs in query implementations, turning them into ICEs.
578 // For example, a query might sort its result by `DefId` - since `DefId`s are
579 // not stable across compilation sessions, the result could get up getting sorted
580 // in a different order when the query is re-run, even though all of the inputs
581 // (e.g. `DefPathHash` values) were green.
582 //
583 // See issue #82920 for an example of a miscompilation that would get turned into
584 // an ICE by this check
585 incremental_verify_ich(*tcx.dep_context(), &result, dep_node, query);
587 result
588 }
589 }
591 fn incremental_verify_ich<CTX, K, V: Debug>(
592 tcx: CTX::DepContext,
593 result: &V,
594 dep_node: &DepNode<CTX::DepKind>,
595 query: &QueryVtable<CTX, K, V>,
596 ) where
597 CTX: QueryContext,
598 {
599 assert!(
600 tcx.dep_graph().is_green(dep_node),
601 "fingerprint for green query instance not loaded from cache: {:?}",
602 dep_node,
603 );
605 debug!("BEGIN verify_ich({:?})", dep_node);
606 let mut hcx = tcx.create_stable_hashing_context();
608 let new_hash = query.hash_result(&mut hcx, result).unwrap_or(Fingerprint::ZERO);
609 debug!("END verify_ich({:?})", dep_node);
611 let old_hash = tcx.dep_graph().prev_fingerprint_of(dep_node);
613 if Some(new_hash) != old_hash {
614 let run_cmd = if let Some(crate_name) = &tcx.sess().opts.crate_name {
615 format!("`cargo clean -p {}` or `cargo clean`", crate_name)
616 } else {
617 "`cargo clean`".to_string()
618 };
619 tcx.sess().struct_err(&format!("internal compiler error: encountered incremental compilation error with {:?}", dep_node))
620 .help(&format!("This is a known issue with the compiler. Run {} to allow your project to compile", run_cmd))
621 .note(&format!("Please follow the instructions below to create a bug report with the provided information"))
622 .note(&format!("See <https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/84970> for more information"))
623 .emit();
624 panic!("Found unstable fingerprints for {:?}: {:?}", dep_node, result);
625 }
626 }
628 fn force_query_with_job<C, CTX>(
629 tcx: CTX,
630 key: C::Key,
631 job: JobOwner<'_, CTX::DepKind, C>,
632 dep_node: DepNode<CTX::DepKind>,
633 query: &QueryVtable<CTX, C::Key, C::Value>,
634 compute: fn(CTX::DepContext, C::Key) -> C::Value,
635 ) -> (C::Stored, DepNodeIndex)
636 where
637 C: QueryCache,
638 CTX: QueryContext,
639 {
640 // If the following assertion triggers, it can have two reasons:
641 // 1. Something is wrong with DepNode creation, either here or
642 // in `DepGraph::try_mark_green()`.
643 // 2. Two distinct query keys get mapped to the same `DepNode`
644 // (see for example #48923).
645 assert!(
646 !tcx.dep_context().dep_graph().dep_node_exists(&dep_node),
647 "forcing query with already existing `DepNode`\n\
648 - query-key: {:?}\n\
649 - dep-node: {:?}",
650 key,
651 dep_node
652 );
654 let prof_timer = tcx.dep_context().profiler().query_provider();
656 let ((result, dep_node_index), diagnostics) = with_diagnostics(|diagnostics| {
657 tcx.start_query(job.id, diagnostics, || {
658 if query.eval_always {
659 tcx.dep_context().dep_graph().with_eval_always_task(
660 dep_node,
661 *tcx.dep_context(),
662 key,
663 compute,
664 query.hash_result,
665 )
666 } else {
667 tcx.dep_context().dep_graph().with_task(
668 dep_node,
669 *tcx.dep_context(),
670 key,
671 compute,
672 query.hash_result,
673 )
674 }
675 })
676 });
678 prof_timer.finish_with_query_invocation_id(dep_node_index.into());
680 if unlikely!(!diagnostics.is_empty()) && dep_node.kind != DepKind::NULL {
681 tcx.store_diagnostics(dep_node_index, diagnostics);
682 }
684 let result = job.complete(result, dep_node_index);
686 (result, dep_node_index)
687 }
689 #[inline(never)]
690 fn get_query_impl<CTX, C>(
691 tcx: CTX,
692 state: &QueryState<CTX::DepKind, C::Key>,
693 cache: &QueryCacheStore<C>,
694 span: Span,
695 key: C::Key,
696 lookup: QueryLookup,
697 query: &QueryVtable<CTX, C::Key, C::Value>,
698 compute: fn(CTX::DepContext, C::Key) -> C::Value,
699 ) -> C::Stored
700 where
701 CTX: QueryContext,
702 C: QueryCache,
703 C::Key: DepNodeParams<CTX::DepContext>,
704 {
705 try_execute_query(tcx, state, cache, span, key, lookup, query, compute)
706 }
708 /// Ensure that either this query has all green inputs or been executed.
709 /// Executing `query::ensure(D)` is considered a read of the dep-node `D`.
710 /// Returns true if the query should still run.
711 ///
712 /// This function is particularly useful when executing passes for their
713 /// side-effects -- e.g., in order to report errors for erroneous programs.
714 ///
715 /// Note: The optimization is only available during incr. comp.
716 #[inline(never)]
717 fn ensure_must_run<CTX, K, V>(tcx: CTX, key: &K, query: &QueryVtable<CTX, K, V>) -> bool
718 where
719 K: crate::dep_graph::DepNodeParams<CTX::DepContext>,
720 CTX: QueryContext,
721 {
722 if query.eval_always {
723 return true;
724 }
726 // Ensuring an anonymous query makes no sense
727 assert!(!query.anon);
729 let dep_node = query.to_dep_node(*tcx.dep_context(), key);
731 match tcx.dep_context().dep_graph().try_mark_green_and_read(tcx, &dep_node) {
732 None => {
733 // A None return from `try_mark_green_and_read` means that this is either
734 // a new dep node or that the dep node has already been marked red.
735 // Either way, we can't call `dep_graph.read()` as we don't have the
736 // DepNodeIndex. We must invoke the query itself. The performance cost
737 // this introduces should be negligible as we'll immediately hit the
738 // in-memory cache, or another query down the line will.
739 true
740 }
741 Some((_, dep_node_index)) => {
742 tcx.dep_context().profiler().query_cache_hit(dep_node_index.into());
743 false
744 }
745 }
746 }
748 #[inline(never)]
749 fn force_query_impl<CTX, C>(
750 tcx: CTX,
751 state: &QueryState<CTX::DepKind, C::Key>,
752 cache: &QueryCacheStore<C>,
753 key: C::Key,
754 dep_node: DepNode<CTX::DepKind>,
755 query: &QueryVtable<CTX, C::Key, C::Value>,
756 compute: fn(CTX::DepContext, C::Key) -> C::Value,
757 ) -> bool
758 where
759 C: QueryCache,
760 C::Key: DepNodeParams<CTX::DepContext>,
761 CTX: QueryContext,
762 {
763 debug_assert!(!query.anon);
765 // We may be concurrently trying both execute and force a query.
766 // Ensure that only one of them runs the query.
767 let cached = cache.cache.lookup(cache, &key, |_, index| {
768 if unlikely!(tcx.dep_context().profiler().enabled()) {
769 tcx.dep_context().profiler().query_cache_hit(index.into());
770 }
771 #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
772 {
773 cache.cache_hits.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
774 }
775 });
777 let lookup = match cached {
778 Ok(()) => return true,
779 Err(lookup) => lookup,
780 };
782 let job = match JobOwner::<'_, CTX::DepKind, C>::try_start(
783 tcx,
784 state,
785 cache,
787 key.clone(),
788 lookup,
789 query,
790 ) {
791 TryGetJob::NotYetStarted(job) => job,
792 TryGetJob::Cycle(_) => return true,
793 #[cfg(parallel_compiler)]
794 TryGetJob::JobCompleted(_) => return true,
795 };
797 force_query_with_job(tcx, key, job, dep_node, query, compute);
799 true
800 }
802 pub enum QueryMode {
803 Get,
804 Ensure,
805 }
807 pub fn get_query<Q, CTX>(
808 tcx: CTX,
809 span: Span,
810 key: Q::Key,
811 lookup: QueryLookup,
812 mode: QueryMode,
813 ) -> Option<Q::Stored>
814 where
815 Q: QueryDescription<CTX>,
816 Q::Key: DepNodeParams<CTX::DepContext>,
817 CTX: QueryContext,
818 {
819 let query = &Q::VTABLE;
820 if let QueryMode::Ensure = mode {
821 if !ensure_must_run(tcx, &key, query) {
822 return None;
823 }
824 }
826 debug!("ty::query::get_query<{}>(key={:?}, span={:?})", Q::NAME, key, span);
827 let compute = Q::compute_fn(tcx, &key);
828 let value = get_query_impl(
829 tcx,
830 Q::query_state(tcx),
831 Q::query_cache(tcx),
832 span,
833 key,
834 lookup,
835 query,
836 compute,
837 );
838 Some(value)
839 }
841 pub fn force_query<Q, CTX>(tcx: CTX, dep_node: &DepNode<CTX::DepKind>) -> bool
842 where
843 Q: QueryDescription<CTX>,
844 Q::Key: DepNodeParams<CTX::DepContext>,
845 CTX: QueryContext,
846 {
847 if Q::ANON {
848 return false;
849 }
851 if !<Q::Key as DepNodeParams<CTX::DepContext>>::can_reconstruct_query_key() {
852 return false;
853 }
855 let key = if let Some(key) =
856 <Q::Key as DepNodeParams<CTX::DepContext>>::recover(*tcx.dep_context(), &dep_node)
857 {
858 key
859 } else {
860 return false;
861 };
863 let compute = Q::compute_fn(tcx, &key);
864 force_query_impl(
865 tcx,
866 Q::query_state(tcx),
867 Q::query_cache(tcx),
868 key,
869 *dep_node,
870 &Q::VTABLE,
871 compute,
872 )
873 }