]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - compiler/rustc_session/src/parse.rs
New upstream version 1.49.0~beta.4+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / compiler / rustc_session / src / parse.rs
1 //! Contains `ParseSess` which holds state living beyond what one `Parser` might.
2 //! It also serves as an input to the parser itself.
4 use crate::lint::{BufferedEarlyLint, BuiltinLintDiagnostics, Lint, LintId};
5 use rustc_ast::node_id::NodeId;
6 use rustc_data_structures::fx::{FxHashMap, FxHashSet};
7 use rustc_data_structures::sync::{Lock, Lrc, OnceCell};
8 use rustc_errors::{emitter::SilentEmitter, ColorConfig, Handler};
9 use rustc_errors::{error_code, Applicability, DiagnosticBuilder};
10 use rustc_feature::{find_feature_issue, GateIssue, UnstableFeatures};
11 use rustc_span::edition::Edition;
12 use rustc_span::hygiene::ExpnId;
13 use rustc_span::source_map::{FilePathMapping, SourceMap};
14 use rustc_span::{MultiSpan, Span, Symbol};
16 use std::path::PathBuf;
17 use std::str;
19 /// The set of keys (and, optionally, values) that define the compilation
20 /// environment of the crate, used to drive conditional compilation.
21 pub type CrateConfig = FxHashSet<(Symbol, Option<Symbol>)>;
23 /// Collected spans during parsing for places where a certain feature was
24 /// used and should be feature gated accordingly in `check_crate`.
25 #[derive(Default)]
26 pub struct GatedSpans {
27 pub spans: Lock<FxHashMap<Symbol, Vec<Span>>>,
28 }
30 impl GatedSpans {
31 /// Feature gate the given `span` under the given `feature`
32 /// which is same `Symbol` used in `active.rs`.
33 pub fn gate(&self, feature: Symbol, span: Span) {
34 self.spans.borrow_mut().entry(feature).or_default().push(span);
35 }
37 /// Ungate the last span under the given `feature`.
38 /// Panics if the given `span` wasn't the last one.
39 ///
40 /// Using this is discouraged unless you have a really good reason to.
41 pub fn ungate_last(&self, feature: Symbol, span: Span) {
42 let removed_span = self.spans.borrow_mut().entry(feature).or_default().pop().unwrap();
43 debug_assert_eq!(span, removed_span);
44 }
46 /// Is the provided `feature` gate ungated currently?
47 ///
48 /// Using this is discouraged unless you have a really good reason to.
49 pub fn is_ungated(&self, feature: Symbol) -> bool {
50 self.spans.borrow().get(&feature).map_or(true, |spans| spans.is_empty())
51 }
53 /// Prepend the given set of `spans` onto the set in `self`.
54 pub fn merge(&self, mut spans: FxHashMap<Symbol, Vec<Span>>) {
55 let mut inner = self.spans.borrow_mut();
56 for (gate, mut gate_spans) in inner.drain() {
57 spans.entry(gate).or_default().append(&mut gate_spans);
58 }
59 *inner = spans;
60 }
61 }
63 #[derive(Default)]
64 pub struct SymbolGallery {
65 /// All symbols occurred and their first occurrence span.
66 pub symbols: Lock<FxHashMap<Symbol, Span>>,
67 }
69 impl SymbolGallery {
70 /// Insert a symbol and its span into symbol gallery.
71 /// If the symbol has occurred before, ignore the new occurance.
72 pub fn insert(&self, symbol: Symbol, span: Span) {
73 self.symbols.lock().entry(symbol).or_insert(span);
74 }
75 }
77 /// Construct a diagnostic for a language feature error due to the given `span`.
78 /// The `feature`'s `Symbol` is the one you used in `active.rs` and `rustc_span::symbols`.
79 pub fn feature_err<'a>(
80 sess: &'a ParseSess,
81 feature: Symbol,
82 span: impl Into<MultiSpan>,
83 explain: &str,
84 ) -> DiagnosticBuilder<'a> {
85 feature_err_issue(sess, feature, span, GateIssue::Language, explain)
86 }
88 /// Construct a diagnostic for a feature gate error.
89 ///
90 /// This variant allows you to control whether it is a library or language feature.
91 /// Almost always, you want to use this for a language feature. If so, prefer `feature_err`.
92 pub fn feature_err_issue<'a>(
93 sess: &'a ParseSess,
94 feature: Symbol,
95 span: impl Into<MultiSpan>,
96 issue: GateIssue,
97 explain: &str,
98 ) -> DiagnosticBuilder<'a> {
99 let mut err = sess.span_diagnostic.struct_span_err_with_code(span, explain, error_code!(E0658));
101 if let Some(n) = find_feature_issue(feature, issue) {
102 err.note(&format!(
103 "see issue #{} <https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/{}> for more information",
104 n, n,
105 ));
106 }
108 // #23973: do not suggest `#![feature(...)]` if we are in beta/stable
109 if sess.unstable_features.is_nightly_build() {
110 err.help(&format!("add `#![feature({})]` to the crate attributes to enable", feature));
111 }
113 err
114 }
116 /// Info about a parsing session.
117 pub struct ParseSess {
118 pub span_diagnostic: Handler,
119 pub unstable_features: UnstableFeatures,
120 pub config: CrateConfig,
121 pub edition: Edition,
122 /// Places where raw identifiers were used. This is used for feature-gating raw identifiers.
123 pub raw_identifier_spans: Lock<Vec<Span>>,
124 /// Used to determine and report recursive module inclusions.
125 pub included_mod_stack: Lock<Vec<PathBuf>>,
126 source_map: Lrc<SourceMap>,
127 pub buffered_lints: Lock<Vec<BufferedEarlyLint>>,
128 /// Contains the spans of block expressions that could have been incomplete based on the
129 /// operation token that followed it, but that the parser cannot identify without further
130 /// analysis.
131 pub ambiguous_block_expr_parse: Lock<FxHashMap<Span, Span>>,
132 pub injected_crate_name: OnceCell<Symbol>,
133 pub gated_spans: GatedSpans,
134 pub symbol_gallery: SymbolGallery,
135 /// The parser has reached `Eof` due to an unclosed brace. Used to silence unnecessary errors.
136 pub reached_eof: Lock<bool>,
137 /// Environment variables accessed during the build and their values when they exist.
138 pub env_depinfo: Lock<FxHashSet<(Symbol, Option<Symbol>)>>,
139 /// All the type ascriptions expressions that have had a suggestion for likely path typo.
140 pub type_ascription_path_suggestions: Lock<FxHashSet<Span>>,
141 }
143 impl ParseSess {
144 pub fn new(file_path_mapping: FilePathMapping) -> Self {
145 let sm = Lrc::new(SourceMap::new(file_path_mapping));
146 let handler = Handler::with_tty_emitter(ColorConfig::Auto, true, None, Some(sm.clone()));
147 ParseSess::with_span_handler(handler, sm)
148 }
150 pub fn with_span_handler(handler: Handler, source_map: Lrc<SourceMap>) -> Self {
151 Self {
152 span_diagnostic: handler,
153 unstable_features: UnstableFeatures::from_environment(),
154 config: FxHashSet::default(),
155 edition: ExpnId::root().expn_data().edition,
156 raw_identifier_spans: Lock::new(Vec::new()),
157 included_mod_stack: Lock::new(vec![]),
158 source_map,
159 buffered_lints: Lock::new(vec![]),
160 ambiguous_block_expr_parse: Lock::new(FxHashMap::default()),
161 injected_crate_name: OnceCell::new(),
162 gated_spans: GatedSpans::default(),
163 symbol_gallery: SymbolGallery::default(),
164 reached_eof: Lock::new(false),
165 env_depinfo: Default::default(),
166 type_ascription_path_suggestions: Default::default(),
167 }
168 }
170 pub fn with_silent_emitter() -> Self {
171 let sm = Lrc::new(SourceMap::new(FilePathMapping::empty()));
172 let handler = Handler::with_emitter(false, None, Box::new(SilentEmitter));
173 ParseSess::with_span_handler(handler, sm)
174 }
176 #[inline]
177 pub fn source_map(&self) -> &SourceMap {
178 &self.source_map
179 }
181 pub fn clone_source_map(&self) -> Lrc<SourceMap> {
182 self.source_map.clone()
183 }
185 pub fn buffer_lint(
186 &self,
187 lint: &'static Lint,
188 span: impl Into<MultiSpan>,
189 node_id: NodeId,
190 msg: &str,
191 ) {
192 self.buffered_lints.with_lock(|buffered_lints| {
193 buffered_lints.push(BufferedEarlyLint {
194 span: span.into(),
195 node_id,
196 msg: msg.into(),
197 lint_id: LintId::of(lint),
198 diagnostic: BuiltinLintDiagnostics::Normal,
199 });
200 });
201 }
203 pub fn buffer_lint_with_diagnostic(
204 &self,
205 lint: &'static Lint,
206 span: impl Into<MultiSpan>,
207 node_id: NodeId,
208 msg: &str,
209 diagnostic: BuiltinLintDiagnostics,
210 ) {
211 self.buffered_lints.with_lock(|buffered_lints| {
212 buffered_lints.push(BufferedEarlyLint {
213 span: span.into(),
214 node_id,
215 msg: msg.into(),
216 lint_id: LintId::of(lint),
217 diagnostic,
218 });
219 });
220 }
222 /// Extend an error with a suggestion to wrap an expression with parentheses to allow the
223 /// parser to continue parsing the following operation as part of the same expression.
224 pub fn expr_parentheses_needed(
225 &self,
226 err: &mut DiagnosticBuilder<'_>,
227 span: Span,
228 alt_snippet: Option<String>,
229 ) {
230 if let Some(snippet) = self.source_map().span_to_snippet(span).ok().or(alt_snippet) {
231 err.span_suggestion(
232 span,
233 "parentheses are required to parse this as an expression",
234 format!("({})", snippet),
235 Applicability::MachineApplicable,
236 );
237 }
238 }
239 }