]> git.proxmox.com Git - grub2.git/blob - debian/postinst.in
Use grub-file to figure out whether multiboot2 should be used for Xen.gz
[grub2.git] / debian / postinst.in
1 #!/bin/bash
2 set -e
4 merge_debconf_into_conf()
5 {
6 local tmpfile; tmpfile="$1"
7 local setting; setting="$2"
8 local template; template="$3"
10 db_get "$template"
11 local value; value="$(echo "$RET" | sed -e 's,[$`"\],\\&,g')"
12 if grep -q "^${setting}=" "$tmpfile"; then
13 value="$(echo "$value" | sed -e 's,[\@],\\&,g')"
14 sed -i -re "s@^(${setting}=).*@\1\"${value}\"@" "$tmpfile"
15 else
16 echo >> "$tmpfile"
17 echo "${setting}=\"${value}\"" >> "$tmpfile"
18 fi
19 }
21 get_wubi_device()
22 {
23 if [ ! -x /usr/share/lupin-support/grub-mkimage ] || \
24 ! /usr/share/lupin-support/grub-mkimage --test; then
25 return 1
26 fi
28 local bootdev="$(grub-probe --target=device /boot)" || true
29 local loop_file=
30 case $bootdev in
31 /dev/loop/*|/dev/loop[0-9])
32 loop_file="$(losetup "$bootdev" | sed -e "s/^[^(]*(\([^)]\+\)).*/\1/")"
33 # If it's loop-mounted from another device, it isn't Wubi.
34 case $loop_file in
35 /dev/*) return 1 ;;
36 esac
37 ;;
38 *) return 1 ;;
39 esac
41 echo "$bootdev"
42 }
44 # This only works on a Linux system with udev running. This is probably the
45 # vast majority of systems where we need any of this, though, and we fall
46 # back reasonably gracefully if we don't have it.
47 cached_available_ids=
48 available_ids()
49 {
50 local id path
52 if [ "$cached_available_ids" ]; then
53 echo "$cached_available_ids"
54 return
55 fi
57 [ -d /dev/disk/by-id ] || return
58 cached_available_ids="$(
59 for path in /dev/disk/by-id/*; do
60 [ -e "$path" ] || continue
61 printf '%s %s\n' "$path" "$(readlink -f "$path")"
62 done | sort -k2 -s -u | cut -d' ' -f1
63 )"
64 echo "$cached_available_ids"
65 }
67 # Returns non-zero and no output if no mapping can be found.
68 device_to_id()
69 {
70 local id
71 for id in $(available_ids); do
72 if [ "$(readlink -f "$id")" = "$(readlink -f "$1")" ]; then
73 echo "$id"
74 return 0
75 fi
76 done
77 # Fall back to the plain device name if there's no by-id link for it.
78 if [ -e "$1" ]; then
79 echo "$1"
80 return 0
81 fi
82 return 1
83 }
85 devices_to_ids()
86 {
87 local device id ids
88 ids=
89 for device; do
90 id="$(device_to_id "$device" || true)"
91 if [ "$id" ]; then
92 ids="${ids:+$ids, }$id"
93 fi
94 done
95 echo "$ids"
96 }
98 all_disks()
99 {
100 local id
101 for id in $(available_ids); do
102 case $id in
103 *-part*) ;;
104 *) echo "$id" ;;
105 esac
106 done
107 }
109 all_partitions()
110 {
111 local id ids
112 ids=
113 for id in $(available_ids); do
114 if [ "$id" != "$1" ] && [ "${id%-part*}" = "$1" ]; then
115 ids="${ids:+$ids }$id"
116 fi
117 done
118 echo "$ids"
119 }
121 # In order to determine whether we accidentally ran grub-install without
122 # upgrade-from-grub-legacy on versions older than 1.98+20100617-1, we need
123 # to be able to scan a disk to determine whether GRUB 2 was installed in its
124 # boot sector. This is specific to i386-pc (but that's the only platform
125 # where we need it).
126 scan_grub2()
127 {
128 if ! dd if="$1" bs=512 count=1 2>/dev/null | grep -aq GRUB; then
129 # No version of GRUB is installed.
130 return 1
131 fi
133 # The GRUB boot sector always starts with a JMP instruction.
134 initial_jmp="$(dd if="$1" bs=2 count=1 2>/dev/null | od -Ax -tx1 | \
135 head -n1 | cut -d' ' -f2,3)"
136 [ "$initial_jmp" ] || return 1
137 initial_jmp_opcode="${initial_jmp%% *}"
138 [ "$initial_jmp_opcode" = eb ] || return 1
139 initial_jmp_operand="${initial_jmp#* }"
140 case $initial_jmp_operand in
141 47|4b|4c|63)
142 # I believe this covers all versions of GRUB 2 up to the package
143 # version where we gained a more explicit mechanism. GRUB Legacy
144 # always had 48 here.
145 return 0
146 ;;
147 esac
149 return 1
150 }
152 # for Linux
153 sysfs_size()
154 {
155 local num_sectors sector_size size
156 # Try to find out the size without relying on a partitioning tool being
157 # installed. This isn't too hard on Linux 2.6 with sysfs, but we have to
158 # try a couple of variants on detection of the sector size.
159 if [ -e "$1/size" ]; then
160 num_sectors="$(cat "$1/size")"
161 sector_size=512
162 if [ -e "$1/queue/logical_block_size" ]; then
163 sector_size="$(cat "$1/queue/logical_block_size")"
164 elif [ -e "$1/queue/hw_sector_size" ]; then
165 sector_size="$(cat "$1/queue/hw_sector_size")"
166 fi
167 size="$(expr "$num_sectors" \* "$sector_size" / 1000 / 1000)"
168 fi
169 [ "$size" ] || size='???'
170 echo "$size"
171 }
173 # for kFreeBSD
174 camcontrol_size()
175 {
176 local num_sectors sector_size size=
178 if num_sectors="$(camcontrol readcap "$1" -q -s -N)"; then
179 sector_size="$(camcontrol readcap "$1" -q -b)"
180 size="$(expr "$num_sectors" \* "$sector_size" / 1000 / 1000)"
181 fi
183 [ "$size" ] || size='???'
184 echo "$size"
185 }
187 maybe_udevadm()
188 {
189 if which udevadm >/dev/null 2>&1; then
190 udevadm "$@" || true
191 fi
192 }
194 # Returns value in $RET, like a debconf command.
195 describe_disk()
196 {
197 local disk id sysfs_path disk_basename size model
198 disk="$1"
199 id="$2"
201 model=
202 case $(uname -s) in
203 Linux)
204 sysfs_path="$(maybe_udevadm info -n "$disk" -q path)"
205 if [ -z "$sysfs_path" ]; then
206 sysfs_path="/block/$(printf %s "${disk#/dev/}" | sed 's,/,!,g')"
207 fi
208 size="$(sysfs_size "/sys$sysfs_path")"
210 model="$(maybe_udevadm info -n "$disk" -q property | sed -n 's/^ID_MODEL=//p')"
211 if [ -z "$model" ]; then
212 model="$(maybe_udevadm info -n "$disk" -q property | sed -n 's/^DM_NAME=//p')"
213 if [ -z "$model" ]; then
214 model="$(maybe_udevadm info -n "$disk" -q property | sed -n 's/^MD_NAME=//p')"
215 if [ -z "$model" ] && which dmsetup >/dev/null 2>&1; then
216 model="$(dmsetup info -c --noheadings -o name "$disk" 2>/dev/null || true)"
217 fi
218 fi
219 fi
220 ;;
221 GNU/kFreeBSD)
222 disk_basename=$(basename "$disk")
223 size="$(camcontrol_size "$disk_basename")"
224 model="$(camcontrol inquiry "$disk_basename" | sed -ne "s/^pass0: <\([^>]*\)>.*/\1/p")"
225 ;;
226 esac
228 [ "$model" ] || model='???'
230 db_subst grub-pc/disk_description DEVICE "$disk"
231 db_subst grub-pc/disk_description SIZE "$size"
232 db_subst grub-pc/disk_description MODEL "$model"
233 db_metaget grub-pc/disk_description description
234 }
236 # Returns value in $RET, like a debconf command.
237 describe_partition()
238 {
239 local disk part id path sysfs_path diskbase partbase size
240 disk="$1"
241 part="$2"
242 id="$3"
243 path="$4"
245 sysfs_path="$(maybe_udevadm info -n "$part" -q path)"
246 if [ -z "$sysfs_path" ]; then
247 diskbase="${disk#/dev/}"
248 diskbase="$(printf %s "$diskbase" | sed 's,/,!,g')"
249 partbase="${part#/dev/}"
250 partbase="$(printf %s "$partbase" | sed 's,/,!,g')"
251 sysfs_path="/block/$diskbase/$partbase"
252 fi
253 size="$(sysfs_size "/sys$sysfs_path")"
255 db_subst grub-pc/partition_description DEVICE "$part"
256 db_subst grub-pc/partition_description SIZE "$size"
257 db_subst grub-pc/partition_description PATH "$path"
258 db_metaget grub-pc/partition_description description
259 }
261 usable_partitions()
262 {
263 local last_partition path partition partition_id
265 last_partition=
266 for path in / /boot /boot/grub; do
267 partition="$(grub-probe -t device "$path" || true)"
268 if [ -z "$partition" ] || [ "$partition" = "$last_partition" ]; then
269 continue
270 fi
271 partition_id="$(device_to_id "$partition" || true)"
272 echo "$path:$partition_id"
273 last_partition="$partition"
274 done | sort -t: -k2
275 }
277 get_mountpoint()
278 {
279 local relpath boot_mountpoint
281 relpath="$(grub-mkrelpath "$1")"
282 boot_mountpoint="${1#$relpath}"
283 echo "${boot_mountpoint:-/}"
284 }
286 config_item()
287 {
288 for x in /etc/default/grub /etc/default/grub.d/*.cfg; do
289 if [ -e "$x" ]; then
290 . "$x"
291 fi
292 done
293 if [ "$(eval echo "\${$1+set}")" = set ]; then
294 eval echo "\$$1"
295 else
296 return
297 fi
298 }
300 running_in_container()
301 {
302 type systemd-detect-virt >/dev/null 2>&1 && systemd-detect-virt --quiet --container
303 }
305 no_nvram_arg() {
306 db_get grub2/update_nvram
307 if [ "$RET" = false ]; then
308 echo "--no-nvram"
309 fi
310 }
312 run_grub_install()
313 {
314 if ! grub-install $@ ; then
315 echo "Failed: grub-install $@" >&2
316 echo "WARNING: Bootloader is not properly installed, system may not be bootable" >&2
317 fi
318 }
320 case "$1" in
321 configure)
322 . /usr/share/debconf/confmodule
324 devicemap_regenerated=
326 if egrep -q '^[[:space:]]*post(inst|rm)_hook[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*(/sbin/|/usr/sbin/)?update-grub' /etc/kernel-img.conf 2>/dev/null; then
327 echo 'Removing update-grub hooks from /etc/kernel-img.conf in favour of' >&2
328 echo '/etc/kernel/ hooks.' >&2
329 sed -ri /etc/kernel-img.conf -e '\%^[[:space:]]*post(inst|rm)_hook[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*(/sbin/|/usr/sbin/)?update-grub%d'
330 fi
332 mkdir -p /boot/grub
334 case @PACKAGE@ in
335 grub-pc)
336 if test -e /boot/grub/device.map && ! test -e /boot/grub/core.img && \
337 ! test -e /boot/grub/@FIRST_CPU_PLATFORM@/core.img; then
338 # Looks like your device.map was generated by GRUB Legacy, which
339 # used to generate broken device.map (see #422851). Avoid the risk
340 # by regenerating it.
341 grub-mkdevicemap --no-floppy
342 devicemap_regenerated=1
343 fi
344 ;;
345 esac
347 if test -z "$devicemap_regenerated" && test -s /boot/grub/device.map && \
348 dpkg --compare-versions "$2" lt-nl 1.98+20100702-1 && \
349 test "$(uname -s)" = Linux; then
350 # Earlier versions of GRUB used unstable device names in device.map,
351 # which caused a variety of problems. There is some risk associated with
352 # regenerating it (so we prompt the user if it's non-trivial), but on the
353 # whole it's less risky to move to /dev/disk/by-id/.
354 devicemap_lines="$(egrep -v '^[[:space:]]+#' /boot/grub/device.map | wc -l)"
355 grub-mkdevicemap --no-floppy
356 devicemap_regenerated=1
357 if test "$devicemap_lines" != 1; then
358 db_input critical grub2/device_map_regenerated || true
359 db_go || true
360 fi
361 fi
363 if test -z "$devicemap_regenerated" && \
364 dpkg --compare-versions "$2" lt-nl 1.99~20101210-2 && \
365 grep -qs /md-uuid- /boot/grub/device.map; then
366 echo "Removing MD devices from device.map, since the BIOS cannot read from these." >&2
367 sed -i '/\/md-uuid-/d' /boot/grub/device.map
368 fi
370 tmp_default_grub="$(mktemp -t grub.XXXXXXXXXX)"
371 trap "rm -f ${tmp_default_grub}" EXIT
372 cp -p /usr/share/grub/default/grub ${tmp_default_grub}
374 merge_debconf_into_conf "$tmp_default_grub" GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX grub2/linux_cmdline
375 merge_debconf_into_conf "$tmp_default_grub" GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT grub2/linux_cmdline_default
377 case @PACKAGE@ in
378 grub-pc)
379 merge_debconf_into_conf "$tmp_default_grub" GRUB_TIMEOUT grub-pc/timeout
380 sed -i -e 's/^\(GRUB_TIMEOUT=\)"\([0-9][0-9]*\)"/\1\2/' "$tmp_default_grub"
381 db_get grub-pc/hidden_timeout
382 if [ "$RET" = false ]; then
383 sed -i -e 's/^GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=/#&/' "$tmp_default_grub"
384 fi
385 ;;
386 esac
388 ucf --three-way --debconf-ok --sum-file=/usr/share/grub/default/grub.md5sum ${tmp_default_grub} /etc/default/grub
389 package="$(ucfq --with-colons /etc/default/grub | cut -d : -f 2)"
390 if echo $package | grep -q "^grub-" ; then
391 ucfr --force @PACKAGE@ /etc/default/grub
392 else
393 ucfr @PACKAGE@ /etc/default/grub
394 fi
396 case @PACKAGE@ in
397 grub-pc)
399 fix_mixed_system=
400 if test -e /boot/grub/stage2 && test -e /boot/grub/menu.lst && \
401 ! test -e /boot/grub/grub2-installed && \
402 test -z "$UPGRADE_FROM_GRUB_LEGACY"; then
403 # Unfortunately, it's still possible that the user upgraded fully
404 # to GRUB 2 in some way other than running
405 # upgrade-from-grub-legacy; perhaps they ran grub-install by hand
406 # for some reason. It's really quite difficult to detect this
407 # situation, because the only difference between this and a
408 # working chainloaded setup is that in this case grub-setup has
409 # been run. So, to try to tell the difference, we scan the boot
410 # sectors of all disks for a GRUB 2 boot sector. Hopefully this
411 # won't cause too much to explode, since I can't think of a better
412 # method.
413 grub2_disks=
414 for disk in $(all_disks); do
415 if scan_grub2 "$disk"; then
416 grub2_disks="${grub2_disks:+$grub2_disks }$(readlink -f "$disk")"
417 fi
418 done
419 if [ "$grub2_disks" ]; then
420 # No || true here; it's vital that the user sees this, and it's
421 # better to throw an error than to do the wrong thing.
422 db_subst grub-pc/mixed_legacy_and_grub2 DISKS "$grub2_disks"
423 db_fset grub-pc/mixed_legacy_and_grub2 seen false
424 db_input critical grub-pc/mixed_legacy_and_grub2
425 db_go
426 db_get grub-pc/mixed_legacy_and_grub2
427 if [ "$RET" = true ]; then
428 db_reset grub-pc/install_devices
430 fix_mixed_system=1
431 # Fall through to normal installation logic.
432 fi
433 fi
434 fi
436 # Make sure that Wubi users never see confusing device prompts.
437 # Wubi is a very specialised hack that does complicated things with
438 # grub-install diversions to create an image that's chained from the
439 # Windows boot loader to boot an operating system from a file on a
440 # Windows file system. In these circumstances, prompting for where
441 # to install GRUB is not going to help anyone.
442 wubi_device="$(get_wubi_device)" || true
443 if [ "$wubi_device" ]; then
444 db_set grub-pc/install_devices "$wubi_device"
445 db_fset grub-pc/install_devices seen true
446 fi
448 if test -e /boot/grub/stage2 && test -e /boot/grub/menu.lst && \
449 ! test -e /boot/grub/grub2-installed && \
450 test -z "$UPGRADE_FROM_GRUB_LEGACY"; then
451 db_get grub-pc/chainload_from_menu.lst
452 if $RET ; then
453 # Create core.img (but do not risk writing to MBR).
454 # Using grub-probe instead of "(hd0)" avoids (UUID=) hack slowness
455 # in case /boot/grub is not on (hd0) in device.map.
456 echo "Generating core.img" >&2
457 grub-install --target=i386-pc --no-floppy --grub-setup=/bin/true "$(grub-probe -t drive /boot/grub)" > /dev/null
459 # Update menu.lst to reflect that:
460 # - core.img is present now
461 # - core.img has to be the first option
462 echo "Saving menu.lst backup in /boot/grub/menu.lst_backup_by_grub2_postinst" >&2
463 cp /boot/grub/menu.lst{,_backup_by_grub2_postinst}
464 echo "Running update-grub Legacy to hook our core.img in it" >&2
465 LET_US_TRY_GRUB_2=true /usr/lib/grub-legacy/update-grub 2>&1 | sed -e "s/^/ /g" >&2
466 # We just hooked GRUB 2 in menu.lst; then also generate grub.cfg.
467 touch /boot/grub/grub.cfg
468 fi
469 elif running_in_container; then
470 # Skip grub-install in containers.
471 :
472 elif test -z "$2" || test -e /boot/grub/core.img || \
473 test -e /boot/grub/@FIRST_CPU_PLATFORM@/core.img || \
474 test "$UPGRADE_FROM_GRUB_LEGACY" || test "$wubi_device"; then
475 question=grub-pc/install_devices
476 priority=high
477 device_map="$(grub-mkdevicemap -m - | grep -v '^(fd[0-9]\+)' || true)"
478 devices="$(echo "$device_map" | cut -f2)"
479 if dpkg --compare-versions "$2" lt 1.98+20100702-1 && \
480 test "$(uname -s)" = Linux && [ -z "$wubi_device" ]; then
481 # Migrate to new by-id naming scheme.
482 db_get grub-pc/install_devices
483 old_devices="$(echo "$RET" | sed 's/, / /g')"
484 new_devices=
485 # Common-case optimisation: if the list of devices is
486 # identical to the LHS of grub-mkdevicemap's output, then
487 # there's no point asking again; just install to all disks.
488 # (This handles e.g. "(hd0)" with one disk.)
489 if [ "$(echo "$device_map" | cut -f1 | sort)" = \
490 "$(echo "$old_devices" | xargs -n1 | sort)" ]; then
491 new_devices="$(devices_to_ids $devices)"
492 db_set grub-pc/install_devices "$new_devices"
493 # Alternatively, we might be installing to a single partition
494 # on a single disk, and we can deal with that too if there's
495 # only one available disk and it has an appropriate partition.
496 # This doesn't necessarily work for multiple disks because now
497 # the order matters.
498 elif [ "$(echo "$device_map" | wc -l)" = 1 ] && \
499 [ "$(echo "$old_devices" | wc -w)" = 1 ] && \
500 echo "$old_devices" | grep -q ,; then
501 old_device="${old_devices#(}"
502 old_device="${old_device%)}"
503 old_disk="${old_device%,*}"
504 old_partition="${old_device##*,}"
505 new_device="$(echo "$device_map" | grep "^($old_disk)" | \
506 cut -f2)"
507 new_device="$(device_to_id $new_device)"
508 if [ "$new_device" ]; then
509 new_device="$new_device-part$old_partition"
510 # Run through device_to_id again to check for existence.
511 new_device="$(device_to_id $new_device)"
512 fi
513 if [ "$new_device" ]; then
514 new_devices="$new_device"
515 db_set grub-pc/install_devices "$new_device"
516 fi
517 fi
518 if [ -z "$new_devices" ]; then
519 new_devices="$(devices_to_ids $old_devices)"
520 db_set grub-pc/install_devices "$new_devices"
521 # Common-case optimisation: if all devices are translatable
522 # to by-id and the number of devices there is the same as
523 # the number of devices GRUB can see, then there's no point
524 # asking again. (This handles e.g. "/dev/sda" with one
525 # disk.)
526 old_devices_count="$(echo "$old_devices" | wc -w)"
527 new_devices_count="$(echo "$new_devices" | wc -w)"
528 devices_count="$(echo "$devices" | wc -w)"
529 if [ "$old_devices_count" != "$new_devices_count" ] || \
530 [ "$new_devices_count" != "$devices_count" ]; then
531 db_fset grub-pc/install_devices seen false
532 db_fset grub-pc/install_devices_empty seen false
533 fi
534 fi
535 else
536 db_get grub-pc/install_devices
537 valid=1
538 for device in $RET; do
539 if [ ! -e "${device%,}" ]; then
540 valid=0
541 break
542 fi
543 done
544 if [ "$valid" = 0 ]; then
545 question=grub-pc/install_devices_disks_changed
546 priority=critical
547 db_set "$question" "$RET"
548 db_fset "$question" seen false
549 db_fset grub-pc/install_devices_empty seen false
550 fi
551 fi
553 while :; do
554 ids=
555 descriptions=
556 partitions="$(usable_partitions)"
557 for device in $devices; do
558 disk_id="$(device_to_id "$device" || true)"
559 if [ "$disk_id" ]; then
560 ids="${ids:+$ids, }$disk_id"
561 describe_disk "$(readlink -f "$device")" "$disk_id"
562 RET="$(printf %s "$RET" | sed 's/,/\\,/g')"
563 descriptions="${descriptions:+$descriptions, }$RET"
564 for partition_pair in $partitions; do
565 partition_id="${partition_pair#*:}"
566 if [ "${partition_id#$disk_id-part}" != "$partition_id" ]; then
567 ids="${ids:+$ids, }$partition_id"
568 describe_partition "$(readlink -f "$device")" "$(readlink -f "$partition_id")" "$partition_id" "$(get_mountpoint "${partition_pair%%:*}")"
569 RET="$(printf %s "$RET" | sed 's/,/\\,/g')"
570 descriptions="${descriptions:+$descriptions, }$RET"
571 fi
572 done
573 fi
574 done
575 # Some "partitions" may in fact be at the disk level, e.g. RAID.
576 # List these as well if they haven't already been listed.
577 for partition_pair in $partitions; do
578 partition_id="${partition_pair#*:}"
579 if [ "${partition_id#*-part}" = "$partition_id" ]; then
580 case ", $ids, " in
581 ", $partition_id, ") ;;
582 *)
583 ids="${ids:+$ids, }$partition_id"
584 describe_disk "$(readlink -f "$partition_id")" "$partition_id"
585 RET="$(printf %s "$RET" | sed 's/,/\\,/g')"
586 descriptions="${descriptions:+$descriptions, }$RET"
587 ;;
588 esac
589 fi
590 done
591 db_subst "$question" RAW_CHOICES "$ids"
592 db_subst "$question" CHOICES "$descriptions"
593 db_input "$priority" "$question" || true
594 db_go
595 db_get "$question"
596 failed_devices=
597 for i in `echo $RET | sed -e 's/, / /g'` ; do
598 real_device="$(readlink -f "$i")"
599 if grub-install --target=i386-pc --force --no-floppy $real_device ; then
600 # We just installed GRUB 2; then also generate grub.cfg.
601 touch /boot/grub/grub.cfg
602 else
603 failed_devices="$failed_devices $real_device"
604 fi
605 done
607 if [ "$question" != grub-pc/install_devices ]; then
608 db_set grub-pc/install_devices "$RET"
609 db_fset grub-pc/install_devices seen true
610 fi
612 if [ "$failed_devices" ]; then
613 if [ "$UPGRADE_FROM_GRUB_LEGACY" ]; then
614 db_subst grub-pc/install_devices_failed_upgrade FAILED_DEVICES "$failed_devices"
615 db_fset grub-pc/install_devices_failed_upgrade seen false
616 if db_input critical grub-pc/install_devices_failed_upgrade; then
617 db_go
618 db_get grub-pc/install_devices_failed_upgrade
619 if [ "$RET" = true ]; then
620 db_fset "$question" seen false
621 db_fset grub-pc/install_devices_failed_upgrade seen false
622 continue
623 else
624 exit 1
625 fi
626 else
627 exit 1 # noninteractive
628 fi
629 else
630 db_subst grub-pc/install_devices_failed FAILED_DEVICES "$failed_devices"
631 db_fset grub-pc/install_devices_failed seen false
632 if db_input critical grub-pc/install_devices_failed; then
633 db_go
634 db_get grub-pc/install_devices_failed
635 if [ "$RET" = true ]; then
636 break
637 else
638 db_fset "$question" seen false
639 db_fset grub-pc/install_devices_failed seen false
640 continue
641 fi
642 else
643 break # noninteractive
644 fi
645 fi
646 fi
648 db_get grub-pc/install_devices
649 if [ -z "$RET" ]; then
650 # Reset the seen flag if the current answer is false, since
651 # otherwise we'll loop with no indication of why.
652 db_get grub-pc/install_devices_empty
653 if [ "$RET" = false ]; then
654 db_fset grub-pc/install_devices_empty seen false
655 fi
656 if db_input critical grub-pc/install_devices_empty; then
657 db_go
658 db_get grub-pc/install_devices_empty
659 if [ "$RET" = true ]; then
660 break
661 else
662 db_fset "$question" seen false
663 db_fset grub-pc/install_devices_empty seen false
664 fi
665 else
666 break # noninteractive
667 fi
668 else
669 break
670 fi
671 done
672 fi
674 # /boot/grub/ has more chances of being accessible by GRUB
675 for i in /usr/share/grub/unicode.pf2 ; do
676 if test -e $i ; then
677 cp $i /boot/grub/
678 fi
679 done
681 if [ "$fix_mixed_system" ]; then
682 # These never contain any valuable information, and they aren't
683 # useful for boot any more, since we just overwrote MBR/PBR.
684 rm -f /boot/grub/{{xfs,reiserfs,e2fs,fat,jfs,minix}_stage1_5,stage{1,2}}
685 # Remove marker file used to indicate that grub-install was run
686 # rather than upgrade-from-grub-legacy. Since stage2 has been
687 # removed, we don't need this any more.
688 rm -f /boot/grub/grub2-installed
689 fi
690 ;;
692 grub-efi-ia32|grub-efi-amd64|grub-efi-ia64|grub-efi-arm|grub-efi-arm64)
693 bootloader_id="$(config_item GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR | tr A-Z a-z | \
694 cut -d' ' -f1)"
695 case $bootloader_id in
696 kubuntu) bootloader_id=ubuntu ;;
697 esac
698 if [ "$bootloader_id" ] && [ -d "/boot/efi/EFI/$bootloader_id" ]; then
699 case @PACKAGE@ in
700 grub-efi-ia32) target=i386-efi ;;
701 grub-efi-amd64) target=x86_64-efi ;;
702 grub-efi-ia64) target=ia64-efi ;;
703 grub-efi-arm) target=arm-efi ;;
704 grub-efi-arm64) target=arm64-efi ;;
705 esac
706 db_get grub2/force_efi_extra_removable
707 if [ "$RET" = true ]; then
708 FORCE_EXTRA_REMOVABLE="--force-extra-removable"
709 fi
710 NO_NVRAM="$(no_nvram_arg)"
711 run_grub_install --target="$target" "$FORCE_EXTRA_REMOVABLE" "$NO_NVRAM"
712 fi
714 # /boot/grub/ has more chances of being accessible by GRUB
715 for i in /usr/share/grub/unicode.pf2 ; do
716 if test -e $i ; then
717 cp $i /boot/grub/
718 fi
719 done
721 if type update-secureboot-policy >/dev/null 2>&1; then
722 update-secureboot-policy || true
723 fi
724 ;;
726 grub-ieee1275)
727 case $(dpkg --print-architecture) in
728 powerpc|ppc64|ppc64el)
729 # Output may be empty; if so, just update the core image but
730 # don't install it to any PReP partition.
731 prep_bootdev="$(/usr/lib/grub/powerpc-ieee1275/prep-bootdev)"
732 NO_NVRAM="$(no_nvram_arg)"
733 run_grub_install --target=powerpc-ieee1275 $prep_bootdev "$NO_NVRAM"
734 ;;
735 esac
736 ;;
738 grub-yeeloong)
739 run_grub_install --target=mipsel-loongson
740 ;;
742 grub-xen)
743 # Install for x86_64 regardless of arch, since a 32-bit userspace can still boot with a 64-bit kernel.
744 mkdir -p /boot/xen
745 run_grub_install --target=x86_64-xen
746 case $(dpkg --print-architecture) in
747 i386)
748 run_grub_install --target=i386-xen
749 ;;
750 esac
751 ;;
752 esac
754 # If grub.cfg has been generated, update it.
755 if test -e /boot/grub/grub.cfg && ! running_in_container; then
756 update-grub 3>&-
757 fi
758 ;;
759 abort-upgrade|abort-remove|abort-deconfigure)
760 ;;
761 *)
762 echo "postinst called with unknown argument \`$1'" >&2
763 exit 1
764 ;;
765 esac
767 # dh_installdeb will replace this with shell code automatically
768 # generated by other debhelper scripts.
772 exit 0