]> git.proxmox.com Git - mirror_lxc.git/blob - doc/lxc-attach.sgml.in
Implement userid mappings (enable user namespaces)
[mirror_lxc.git] / doc / lxc-attach.sgml.in
1 <!--
3 lxc: linux Container library
5 (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2007, 2008
7 Authors:
8 Daniel Lezcano <dlezcano at fr.ibm.com>
10 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
11 modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
12 License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
13 version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
15 This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 Lesser General Public License for more details.
20 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
21 License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
22 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
24 -->
26 <!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN" "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.5/docbookx.dtd" [
28 <!ENTITY commonoptions SYSTEM "@builddir@/common_options.sgml">
29 <!ENTITY seealso SYSTEM "@builddir@/see_also.sgml">
30 ]>
32 <refentry>
34 <docinfo><date>@LXC_GENERATE_DATE@</date></docinfo>
36 <refmeta>
37 <refentrytitle>lxc-attach</refentrytitle>
38 <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
39 </refmeta>
41 <refnamediv>
42 <refname>lxc-attach</refname>
44 <refpurpose>
45 start a process inside a running container.
46 </refpurpose>
47 </refnamediv>
49 <refsynopsisdiv>
50 <cmdsynopsis>
51 <command>lxc-attach</command>
52 <arg choice="req">-n <replaceable>name</replaceable></arg>
53 <arg choice="opt">-a <replaceable>arch</replaceable></arg>
54 <arg choice="opt">-e</arg>
55 <arg choice="opt">-s <replaceable>namespaces</replaceable></arg>
56 <arg choice="opt">-R</arg>
57 <arg choice="opt">-- <replaceable>command</replaceable></arg>
58 </cmdsynopsis>
59 </refsynopsisdiv>
61 <refsect1>
62 <title>Description</title>
64 <para>
65 <command>lxc-attach</command> runs the specified
66 <replaceable>command</replaceable> inside the container
67 specified by <replaceable>name</replaceable>. The container
68 has to be running already.
69 </para>
70 <para>
71 If no <replaceable>command</replaceable> is specified, the
72 current default shell of the user running
73 <command>lxc-attach</command> will be looked up inside the
74 container and executed. This will fail if no such user exists
75 inside the container or the container does not have a working
76 nsswitch mechanism.
77 </para>
79 </refsect1>
81 <refsect1>
83 <title>Options</title>
85 <variablelist>
87 <varlistentry>
88 <term>
89 <option>-a, --arch <replaceable>arch</replaceable></option>
90 </term>
91 <listitem>
92 <para>
93 Specify the architecture which the kernel should appear to be
94 running as to the command executed. This option will accept the
95 same settings as the <option>lxc.arch</option> option in
96 container configuration files, see
97 <citerefentry>
98 <refentrytitle><filename>lxc.conf</filename></refentrytitle>
99 <manvolnum>5</manvolnum>
100 </citerefentry>. By default, the current archictecture of the
101 running container will be used.
102 </para>
103 </listitem>
104 </varlistentry>
106 <varlistentry>
107 <term>
108 <option>-e, --elevated-privileges</option>
109 </term>
110 <listitem>
111 <para>
112 Do not drop privileges when running
113 <replaceable>command</replaceable> inside the container. If
114 this option is specified, the new process will
115 <emphasis>not</emphasis> be added to the container's cgroup(s)
116 and it will not drop its capabilities before executing.
117 </para>
118 <para>
119 <emphasis>Warning:</emphasis> This may leak privileges into the
120 container if the command starts subprocesses that remain active
121 after the main process that was attached is terminated. The
122 (re-)starting of daemons inside the container is problematic,
123 especially if the daemon starts a lot of subprocesses such as
124 <command>cron</command> or <command>sshd</command>.
125 <emphasis>Use with great care.</emphasis>
126 </para>
127 </listitem>
128 </varlistentry>
130 <varlistentry>
131 <term>
132 <option>-s, --namespaces <replaceable>namespaces</replaceable></option>
133 </term>
134 <listitem>
135 <para>
136 Specify the namespaces to attach to, as a pipe-separated list,
137 e.g. <replaceable>NETWORK|IPC</replaceable>. Allowed values are
138 <replaceable>MOUNT</replaceable>, <replaceable>PID</replaceable>,
139 <replaceable>UTSNAME</replaceable>, <replaceable>IPC</replaceable>,
140 <replaceable>USER </replaceable> and
141 <replaceable>NETWORK</replaceable>. This allows one to change
142 the context of the process to e.g. the network namespace of the
143 container while retaining the other namespaces as those of the
144 host.
145 </para>
146 <para>
147 <emphasis>Important:</emphasis> This option implies
148 <option>-e</option>.
149 </para>
150 </listitem>
151 </varlistentry>
153 <varlistentry>
154 <term>
155 <option>-R, --remount-sys-proc</option>
156 </term>
157 <listitem>
158 <para>
159 When using <option>-s</option> and the mount namespace is not
160 included, this flag will cause <command>lxc-attach</command>
161 to remount <replaceable>/proc</replaceable> and
162 <replaceable>/sys</replaceable> to reflect the current other
163 namespace contexts.
164 </para>
165 <para>
166 Please see the <emphasis>Notes</emphasis> section for more
167 details.
168 </para>
169 <para>
170 This option will be ignored if one tries to attach to the
171 mount namespace anyway.
172 </para>
173 </listitem>
174 </varlistentry>
176 </variablelist>
178 </refsect1>
180 &commonoptions;
182 <refsect1>
183 <title>Examples</title>
184 <para>
185 To spawn a new shell running inside an existing container, use
186 <programlisting>
187 lxc-attach -n container
188 </programlisting>
189 </para>
190 <para>
191 To restart the cron service of a running Debian container, use
192 <programlisting>
193 lxc-attach -n container -- /etc/init.d/cron restart
194 </programlisting>
195 </para>
196 <para>
197 To deactivate the network link eth1 of a running container that
198 does not have the NET_ADMIN capability, use either the
199 <option>-e</option> option to use increased capabilities,
200 assuming the <command>ip</command> tool is installed:
201 <programlisting>
202 lxc-attach -n container -e -- /sbin/ip link delete eth1
203 </programlisting>
204 Or, alternatively, use the <option>-s</option> to use the
205 tools installed on the host outside the container:
206 <programlisting>
207 lxc-attach -n container -s NETWORK -- /sbin/ip link delete eth1
208 </programlisting>
209 </para>
210 </refsect1>
212 <refsect1>
213 <title>Compatibility</title>
214 <para>
215 Attaching completely (including the pid and mount namespaces) to a
216 container requires a patched kernel, please see the lxc website for
217 details. <command>lxc-attach</command> will fail in that case if
218 used with an unpatched kernel.
219 </para>
220 <para>
221 Nevertheless, it will succeed on an unpatched kernel of version 3.0
222 or higher if the <option>-s</option> option is used to restrict the
223 namespaces that the process is to be attached to to one or more of
224 <replaceable>NETWORK</replaceable>, <replaceable>IPC</replaceable>
225 and <replaceable>UTSNAME</replaceable>.
226 </para>
227 <para>
228 Attaching to user namespaces is currently completely unsupported
229 by the kernel. <command>lxc-attach</command> should however be able
230 to do this once once future kernel versions implement this.
231 </para>
232 </refsect1>
234 <refsect1>
235 <title>Notes</title>
236 <para>
237 The Linux <replaceable>/proc</replaceable> and
238 <replaceable>/sys</replaceable> filesystems contain information
239 about some quantities that are affected by namespaces, such as
240 the directories named after process ids in
241 <replaceable>/proc</replaceable> or the network interface infromation
242 in <replaceable>/sys/class/net</replaceable>. The namespace of the
243 process mounting the pseudo-filesystems determines what information
244 is shown, <emphasis>not</emphasis> the namespace of the process
245 accessing <replaceable>/proc</replaceable> or
246 <replaceable>/sys</replaceable>.
247 </para>
248 <para>
249 If one uses the <option>-s</option> option to only attach to
250 the pid namespace of a container, but not its mount namespace
251 (which will contain the <replaceable>/proc</replaceable> of the
252 container and not the host), the contents of <option>/proc</option>
253 will reflect that of the host and not the container. Analogously,
254 the same issue occurs when reading the contents of
255 <replaceable>/sys/class/net</replaceable> and attaching to just
256 the network namespace.
257 </para>
258 <para>
259 To work around this problem, the <option>-R</option> flag provides
260 the option to remount <replaceable>/proc</replaceable> and
261 <replaceable>/sys</replaceable> in order for them to reflect the
262 network/pid namespace context of the attached process. In order
263 not to interfere with the host's actual filesystem, the mount
264 namespace will be unshared (like <command>lxc-unshare</command>
265 does) before this is done, esentially giving the process a new
266 mount namespace, which is identical to the hosts's mount namespace
267 except for the <replaceable>/proc</replaceable> and
268 <replaceable>/sys</replaceable> filesystems.
269 </para>
270 </refsect1>
272 <refsect1>
273 <title>Security</title>
274 <para>
275 The <option>-e</option> and <option>-s</option> options should
276 be used with care, as it may break the isolation of the containers
277 if used improperly.
278 </para>
279 </refsect1>
281 &seealso;
283 <refsect1>
284 <title>Author</title>
285 <para>Daniel Lezcano <email>daniel.lezcano@free.fr</email></para>
286 </refsect1>
288 </refentry>
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