]> git.proxmox.com Git - mirror_qemu.git/blob - docs/can.txt
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[mirror_qemu.git] / docs / can.txt
1 QEMU CAN bus emulation support
2 ==============================
4 The CAN bus emulation provides mechanism to connect multiple
5 emulated CAN controller chips together by one or multiple CAN busses
6 (the controller device "canbus" parameter). The individual busses
7 can be connected to host system CAN API (at this time only Linux
8 SocketCAN is supported).
10 The concept of busses is generic and different CAN controllers
11 can be implemented.
13 The initial submission implemented SJA1000 controller which
14 is common and well supported by by drivers for the most operating
15 systems.
17 The PCI addon card hardware has been selected as the first CAN
18 interface to implement because such device can be easily connected
19 to systems with different CPU architectures (x86, PowerPC, Arm, etc.).
21 In 2020, CTU CAN FD controller model has been added as part
22 of the bachelor thesis of Jan Charvat. This controller is complete
23 open-source/design/hardware solution. The core designer
24 of the project is Ondrej Ille, the financial support has been
25 provided by CTU, and more companies including Volkswagen subsidiaries.
27 The project has been initially started in frame of RTEMS GSoC 2013
28 slot by Jin Yang under our mentoring The initial idea was to provide generic
29 CAN subsystem for RTEMS. But lack of common environment for code and RTEMS
30 testing lead to goal change to provide environment which provides complete
31 emulated environment for testing and RTEMS GSoC slot has been donated
32 to work on CAN hardware emulation on QEMU.
34 Examples how to use CAN emulation for SJA1000 based boards
35 ==========================================================
37 When QEMU with CAN PCI support is compiled then one of the next
38 CAN boards can be selected
40 (1) CAN bus Kvaser PCI CAN-S (single SJA1000 channel) boad. QEMU startup options
41 -object can-bus,id=canbus0
42 -device kvaser_pci,canbus=canbus0
43 Add "can-host-socketcan" object to connect device to host system CAN bus
44 -object can-host-socketcan,id=canhost0,if=can0,canbus=canbus0
46 (2) CAN bus PCM-3680I PCI (dual SJA1000 channel) emulation
47 -object can-bus,id=canbus0
48 -device pcm3680_pci,canbus0=canbus0,canbus1=canbus0
50 another example:
51 -object can-bus,id=canbus0
52 -object can-bus,id=canbus1
53 -device pcm3680_pci,canbus0=canbus0,canbus1=canbus1
55 (3) CAN bus MIOe-3680 PCI (dual SJA1000 channel) emulation
56 -device mioe3680_pci,canbus0=canbus0
59 The ''kvaser_pci'' board/device model is compatible with and has been tested with
60 ''kvaser_pci'' driver included in mainline Linux kernel.
61 The tested setup was Linux 4.9 kernel on the host and guest side.
62 Example for qemu-system-x86_64:
64 qemu-system-x86_64 -accel kvm -kernel /boot/vmlinuz-4.9.0-4-amd64 \
65 -initrd ramdisk.cpio \
66 -virtfs local,path=shareddir,security_model=none,mount_tag=shareddir \
67 -object can-bus,id=canbus0 \
68 -object can-host-socketcan,id=canhost0,if=can0,canbus=canbus0 \
69 -device kvaser_pci,canbus=canbus0 \
70 -nographic -append "console=ttyS0"
72 Example for qemu-system-arm:
74 qemu-system-arm -cpu arm1176 -m 256 -M versatilepb \
75 -kernel kernel-qemu-arm1176-versatilepb \
76 -hda rpi-wheezy-overlay \
77 -append "console=ttyAMA0 root=/dev/sda2 ro init=/sbin/init-overlay" \
78 -nographic \
79 -virtfs local,path=shareddir,security_model=none,mount_tag=shareddir \
80 -object can-bus,id=canbus0 \
81 -object can-host-socketcan,id=canhost0,if=can0,canbus=canbus0 \
82 -device kvaser_pci,canbus=canbus0,host=can0 \
84 The CAN interface of the host system has to be configured for proper
85 bitrate and set up. Configuration is not propagated from emulated
86 devices through bus to the physical host device. Example configuration
87 for 1 Mbit/s
89 ip link set can0 type can bitrate 1000000
90 ip link set can0 up
92 Virtual (host local only) can interface can be used on the host
93 side instead of physical interface
95 ip link add dev can0 type vcan
97 The CAN interface on the host side can be used to analyze CAN
98 traffic with "candump" command which is included in "can-utils".
100 candump can0
102 CTU CAN FD support examples
103 ===========================
105 This open-source core provides CAN FD support. CAN FD drames are
106 delivered even to the host systems when SocketCAN interface is found
107 CAN FD capable.
109 The PCIe board emulation is provided for now (the device identifier is
110 ctucan_pci). The default build defines two CTU CAN FD cores
111 on the board.
113 Example how to connect the canbus0-bus (virtual wire) to the host
114 Linux system (SocketCAN used) and to both CTU CAN FD cores emulated
115 on the corresponding PCI card expects that host system CAN bus
116 is setup according to the previous SJA1000 section.
118 qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -kernel /boot/vmlinuz-4.19.52+ \
119 -initrd ramdisk.cpio \
120 -virtfs local,path=shareddir,security_model=none,mount_tag=shareddir \
121 -vga cirrus \
122 -append "console=ttyS0" \
123 -object can-bus,id=canbus0-bus \
124 -object can-host-socketcan,if=can0,canbus=canbus0-bus,id=canbus0-socketcan \
125 -device ctucan_pci,canbus0=canbus0-bus,canbus1=canbus0-bus \
126 -nographic
128 Setup of CTU CAN FD controller in a guest Linux system
130 insmod ctucanfd.ko || modprobe ctucanfd
131 insmod ctucanfd_pci.ko || modprobe ctucanfd_pci
133 for ifc in /sys/class/net/can* ; do
134 if [ -e $ifc/device/vendor ] ; then
135 if ! grep -q 0x1760 $ifc/device/vendor ; then
136 continue;
137 fi
138 else
139 continue;
140 fi
141 if [ -e $ifc/device/device ] ; then
142 if ! grep -q 0xff00 $ifc/device/device ; then
143 continue;
144 fi
145 else
146 continue;
147 fi
148 ifc=$(basename $ifc)
149 /bin/ip link set $ifc type can bitrate 1000000 dbitrate 10000000 fd on
150 /bin/ip link set $ifc up
151 done
153 The test can run for example
155 candump can1
157 in the guest system and next commands in the host system for basic CAN
159 cangen can0
161 for CAN FD without bitrate switch
163 cangen can0 -f
165 and with bitrate switch
167 cangen can0 -b
169 The test can be run viceversa, generate messages in the guest system and capture them
170 in the host one and much more combinations.
172 Links to other resources
173 ========================
175 (1) CAN related projects at Czech Technical University, Faculty of Electrical Engineering
176 http://canbus.pages.fel.cvut.cz/
177 (2) Repository with development can-pci branch at Czech Technical University
178 https://gitlab.fel.cvut.cz/canbus/qemu-canbus
179 (3) RTEMS page describing project
180 https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/Developer/Simulators/QEMU/CANEmulation
181 (4) RTLWS 2015 article about the project and its use with CANopen emulation
182 http://cmp.felk.cvut.cz/~pisa/can/doc/rtlws-17-pisa-qemu-can.pdf
183 (5) GNU/Linux, CAN and CANopen in Real-time Control Applications
184 Slides from LinuxDays 2017 (include updated RTLWS 2015 content)
185 https://www.linuxdays.cz/2017/video/Pavel_Pisa-CAN_canopen.pdf
186 (6) Linux SocketCAN utilities
187 https://github.com/linux-can/can-utils/
188 (7) CTU CAN FD project including core VHDL design, Linux driver,
189 test utilities etc.
190 https://gitlab.fel.cvut.cz/canbus/ctucanfd_ip_core
191 (8) CTU CAN FD Core Datasheet Documentation
192 http://canbus.pages.fel.cvut.cz/ctucanfd_ip_core/Progdokum.pdf
193 (9) CTU CAN FD Core System Architecture Documentation
194 http://canbus.pages.fel.cvut.cz/ctucanfd_ip_core/ctu_can_fd_architecture.pdf
195 (10) CTU CAN FD Driver Documentation
196 http://canbus.pages.fel.cvut.cz/ctucanfd_ip_core/driver_doc/ctucanfd-driver.html
197 (11) Integration with PCIe interfacing for Intel/Altera Cyclone IV based board
198 https://gitlab.fel.cvut.cz/canbus/pcie-ctu_can_fd