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[mirror_qemu.git] / docs / writing-qmp-commands.txt
1 = How to write QMP commands using the QAPI framework =
3 This document is a step-by-step guide on how to write new QMP commands using
4 the QAPI framework. It also shows how to implement new style HMP commands.
6 This document doesn't discuss QMP protocol level details, nor does it dive
7 into the QAPI framework implementation.
9 For an in-depth introduction to the QAPI framework, please refer to
10 docs/qapi-code-gen.txt. For documentation about the QMP protocol,
11 start with docs/qmp-intro.txt.
13 == Overview ==
15 Generally speaking, the following steps should be taken in order to write a
16 new QMP command.
18 1. Write the command's and type(s) specification in the QAPI schema file
19 (qapi-schema.json in the root source directory)
21 2. Write the QMP command itself, which is a regular C function. Preferably,
22 the command should be exported by some QEMU subsystem. But it can also be
23 added to the qmp.c file
25 3. At this point the command can be tested under the QMP protocol
27 4. Write the HMP command equivalent. This is not required and should only be
28 done if it does make sense to have the functionality in HMP. The HMP command
29 is implemented in terms of the QMP command
31 The following sections will demonstrate each of the steps above. We will start
32 very simple and get more complex as we progress.
34 === Testing ===
36 For all the examples in the next sections, the test setup is the same and is
37 shown here.
39 First, QEMU should be started as:
41 # /path/to/your/source/qemu [...] \
42 -chardev socket,id=qmp,port=4444,host=localhost,server \
43 -mon chardev=qmp,mode=control,pretty=on
45 Then, in a different terminal:
47 $ telnet localhost 4444
48 Trying
49 Connected to localhost.
50 Escape character is '^]'.
51 {
52 "QMP": {
53 "version": {
54 "qemu": {
55 "micro": 50,
56 "minor": 15,
57 "major": 0
58 },
59 "package": ""
60 },
61 "capabilities": [
62 ]
63 }
64 }
66 The above output is the QMP server saying you're connected. The server is
67 actually in capabilities negotiation mode. To enter in command mode type:
69 { "execute": "qmp_capabilities" }
71 Then the server should respond:
73 {
74 "return": {
75 }
76 }
78 Which is QMP's way of saying "the latest command executed OK and didn't return
79 any data". Now you're ready to enter the QMP example commands as explained in
80 the following sections.
82 == Writing a command that doesn't return data ==
84 That's the most simple QMP command that can be written. Usually, this kind of
85 command carries some meaningful action in QEMU but here it will just print
86 "Hello, world" to the standard output.
88 Our command will be called "hello-world". It takes no arguments, nor does it
89 return any data.
91 The first step is to add the following line to the bottom of the
92 qapi-schema.json file:
94 { 'command': 'hello-world' }
96 The "command" keyword defines a new QMP command. It's an JSON object. All
97 schema entries are JSON objects. The line above will instruct the QAPI to
98 generate any prototypes and the necessary code to marshal and unmarshal
99 protocol data.
101 The next step is to write the "hello-world" implementation. As explained
102 earlier, it's preferable for commands to live in QEMU subsystems. But
103 "hello-world" doesn't pertain to any, so we put its implementation in qmp.c:
105 void qmp_hello_world(Error **errp)
106 {
107 printf("Hello, world!\n");
108 }
110 There are a few things to be noticed:
112 1. QMP command implementation functions must be prefixed with "qmp_"
113 2. qmp_hello_world() returns void, this is in accordance with the fact that the
114 command doesn't return any data
115 3. It takes an "Error **" argument. This is required. Later we will see how to
116 return errors and take additional arguments. The Error argument should not
117 be touched if the command doesn't return errors
118 4. We won't add the function's prototype. That's automatically done by the QAPI
119 5. Printing to the terminal is discouraged for QMP commands, we do it here
120 because it's the easiest way to demonstrate a QMP command
122 You're done. Now build qemu, run it as suggested in the "Testing" section,
123 and then type the following QMP command:
125 { "execute": "hello-world" }
127 Then check the terminal running qemu and look for the "Hello, world" string. If
128 you don't see it then something went wrong.
130 === Arguments ===
132 Let's add an argument called "message" to our "hello-world" command. The new
133 argument will contain the string to be printed to stdout. It's an optional
134 argument, if it's not present we print our default "Hello, World" string.
136 The first change we have to do is to modify the command specification in the
137 schema file to the following:
139 { 'command': 'hello-world', 'data': { '*message': 'str' } }
141 Notice the new 'data' member in the schema. It's an JSON object whose each
142 element is an argument to the command in question. Also notice the asterisk,
143 it's used to mark the argument optional (that means that you shouldn't use it
144 for mandatory arguments). Finally, 'str' is the argument's type, which
145 stands for "string". The QAPI also supports integers, booleans, enumerations
146 and user defined types.
148 Now, let's update our C implementation in qmp.c:
150 void qmp_hello_world(bool has_message, const char *message, Error **errp)
151 {
152 if (has_message) {
153 printf("%s\n", message);
154 } else {
155 printf("Hello, world\n");
156 }
157 }
159 There are two important details to be noticed:
161 1. All optional arguments are accompanied by a 'has_' boolean, which is set
162 if the optional argument is present or false otherwise
163 2. The C implementation signature must follow the schema's argument ordering,
164 which is defined by the "data" member
166 Time to test our new version of the "hello-world" command. Build qemu, run it as
167 described in the "Testing" section and then send two commands:
169 { "execute": "hello-world" }
170 {
171 "return": {
172 }
173 }
175 { "execute": "hello-world", "arguments": { "message": "We love qemu" } }
176 {
177 "return": {
178 }
179 }
181 You should see "Hello, world" and "we love qemu" in the terminal running qemu,
182 if you don't see these strings, then something went wrong.
184 === Errors ===
186 QMP commands should use the error interface exported by the error.h header
187 file. Basically, most errors are set by calling the error_setg() function.
189 Let's say we don't accept the string "message" to contain the word "love". If
190 it does contain it, we want the "hello-world" command to return an error:
192 void qmp_hello_world(bool has_message, const char *message, Error **errp)
193 {
194 if (has_message) {
195 if (strstr(message, "love")) {
196 error_setg(errp, "the word 'love' is not allowed");
197 return;
198 }
199 printf("%s\n", message);
200 } else {
201 printf("Hello, world\n");
202 }
203 }
205 The first argument to the error_setg() function is the Error pointer
206 to pointer, which is passed to all QMP functions. The next argument is a human
207 description of the error, this is a free-form printf-like string.
209 Let's test the example above. Build qemu, run it as defined in the "Testing"
210 section, and then issue the following command:
212 { "execute": "hello-world", "arguments": { "message": "all you need is love" } }
214 The QMP server's response should be:
216 {
217 "error": {
218 "class": "GenericError",
219 "desc": "the word 'love' is not allowed"
220 }
221 }
223 As a general rule, all QMP errors should use ERROR_CLASS_GENERIC_ERROR
224 (done by default when using error_setg()). There are two exceptions to
225 this rule:
227 1. A non-generic ErrorClass value exists* for the failure you want to report
228 (eg. DeviceNotFound)
230 2. Management applications have to take special action on the failure you
231 want to report, hence you have to add a new ErrorClass value so that they
232 can check for it
234 If the failure you want to report falls into one of the two cases above,
235 use error_set() with a second argument of an ErrorClass value.
237 * All existing ErrorClass values are defined in the qapi-schema.json file
239 === Command Documentation ===
241 There's only one step missing to make "hello-world"'s implementation complete,
242 and that's its documentation in the schema file.
244 This is very important. No QMP command will be accepted in QEMU without proper
245 documentation.
247 There are many examples of such documentation in the schema file already, but
248 here goes "hello-world"'s new entry for the qapi-schema.json file:
250 ##
251 # @hello-world
252 #
253 # Print a client provided string to the standard output stream.
254 #
255 # @message: #optional string to be printed
256 #
257 # Returns: Nothing on success.
258 #
259 # Notes: if @message is not provided, the "Hello, world" string will
260 # be printed instead
261 #
262 # Since: <next qemu stable release, eg. 1.0>
263 ##
264 { 'command': 'hello-world', 'data': { '*message': 'str' } }
266 Please, note that the "Returns" clause is optional if a command doesn't return
267 any data nor any errors.
269 === Implementing the HMP command ===
271 Now that the QMP command is in place, we can also make it available in the human
272 monitor (HMP).
274 With the introduction of the QAPI, HMP commands make QMP calls. Most of the
275 time HMP commands are simple wrappers. All HMP commands implementation exist in
276 the hmp.c file.
278 Here's the implementation of the "hello-world" HMP command:
280 void hmp_hello_world(Monitor *mon, const QDict *qdict)
281 {
282 const char *message = qdict_get_try_str(qdict, "message");
283 Error *err = NULL;
285 qmp_hello_world(!!message, message, &err);
286 if (err) {
287 monitor_printf(mon, "%s\n", error_get_pretty(err));
288 error_free(err);
289 return;
290 }
291 }
293 Also, you have to add the function's prototype to the hmp.h file.
295 There are three important points to be noticed:
297 1. The "mon" and "qdict" arguments are mandatory for all HMP functions. The
298 former is the monitor object. The latter is how the monitor passes
299 arguments entered by the user to the command implementation
300 2. hmp_hello_world() performs error checking. In this example we just print
301 the error description to the user, but we could do more, like taking
302 different actions depending on the error qmp_hello_world() returns
303 3. The "err" variable must be initialized to NULL before performing the
304 QMP call
306 There's one last step to actually make the command available to monitor users,
307 we should add it to the hmp-commands.hx file:
309 {
310 .name = "hello-world",
311 .args_type = "message:s?",
312 .params = "hello-world [message]",
313 .help = "Print message to the standard output",
314 .cmd = hmp_hello_world,
315 },
318 @item hello_world @var{message}
319 @findex hello_world
320 Print message to the standard output
323 To test this you have to open a user monitor and issue the "hello-world"
324 command. It might be instructive to check the command's documentation with
325 HMP's "help" command.
327 Please, check the "-monitor" command-line option to know how to open a user
328 monitor.
330 == Writing a command that returns data ==
332 A QMP command is capable of returning any data the QAPI supports like integers,
333 strings, booleans, enumerations and user defined types.
335 In this section we will focus on user defined types. Please, check the QAPI
336 documentation for information about the other types.
338 === User Defined Types ===
340 FIXME This example needs to be redone after commit 6d32717
342 For this example we will write the query-alarm-clock command, which returns
343 information about QEMU's timer alarm. For more information about it, please
344 check the "-clock" command-line option.
346 We want to return two pieces of information. The first one is the alarm clock's
347 name. The second one is when the next alarm will fire. The former information is
348 returned as a string, the latter is an integer in nanoseconds (which is not
349 very useful in practice, as the timer has probably already fired when the
350 information reaches the client).
352 The best way to return that data is to create a new QAPI type, as shown below:
354 ##
355 # @QemuAlarmClock
356 #
357 # QEMU alarm clock information.
358 #
359 # @clock-name: The alarm clock method's name.
360 #
361 # @next-deadline: #optional The time (in nanoseconds) the next alarm will fire.
362 #
363 # Since: 1.0
364 ##
365 { 'type': 'QemuAlarmClock',
366 'data': { 'clock-name': 'str', '*next-deadline': 'int' } }
368 The "type" keyword defines a new QAPI type. Its "data" member contains the
369 type's members. In this example our members are the "clock-name" and the
370 "next-deadline" one, which is optional.
372 Now let's define the query-alarm-clock command:
374 ##
375 # @query-alarm-clock
376 #
377 # Return information about QEMU's alarm clock.
378 #
379 # Returns a @QemuAlarmClock instance describing the alarm clock method
380 # being currently used by QEMU (this is usually set by the '-clock'
381 # command-line option).
382 #
383 # Since: 1.0
384 ##
385 { 'command': 'query-alarm-clock', 'returns': 'QemuAlarmClock' }
387 Notice the "returns" keyword. As its name suggests, it's used to define the
388 data returned by a command.
390 It's time to implement the qmp_query_alarm_clock() function, you can put it
391 in the qemu-timer.c file:
393 QemuAlarmClock *qmp_query_alarm_clock(Error **errp)
394 {
395 QemuAlarmClock *clock;
396 int64_t deadline;
398 clock = g_malloc0(sizeof(*clock));
400 deadline = qemu_next_alarm_deadline();
401 if (deadline > 0) {
402 clock->has_next_deadline = true;
403 clock->next_deadline = deadline;
404 }
405 clock->clock_name = g_strdup(alarm_timer->name);
407 return clock;
408 }
410 There are a number of things to be noticed:
412 1. The QemuAlarmClock type is automatically generated by the QAPI framework,
413 its members correspond to the type's specification in the schema file
414 2. As specified in the schema file, the function returns a QemuAlarmClock
415 instance and takes no arguments (besides the "errp" one, which is mandatory
416 for all QMP functions)
417 3. The "clock" variable (which will point to our QAPI type instance) is
418 allocated by the regular g_malloc0() function. Note that we chose to
419 initialize the memory to zero. This is recommended for all QAPI types, as
420 it helps avoiding bad surprises (specially with booleans)
421 4. Remember that "next_deadline" is optional? All optional members have a
422 'has_TYPE_NAME' member that should be properly set by the implementation,
423 as shown above
424 5. Even static strings, such as "alarm_timer->name", should be dynamically
425 allocated by the implementation. This is so because the QAPI also generates
426 a function to free its types and it cannot distinguish between dynamically
427 or statically allocated strings
428 6. You have to include the "qmp-commands.h" header file in qemu-timer.c,
429 otherwise qemu won't build
431 Time to test the new command. Build qemu, run it as described in the "Testing"
432 section and try this:
434 { "execute": "query-alarm-clock" }
435 {
436 "return": {
437 "next-deadline": 2368219,
438 "clock-name": "dynticks"
439 }
440 }
442 ==== The HMP command ====
444 Here's the HMP counterpart of the query-alarm-clock command:
446 void hmp_info_alarm_clock(Monitor *mon)
447 {
448 QemuAlarmClock *clock;
449 Error *err = NULL;
451 clock = qmp_query_alarm_clock(&err);
452 if (err) {
453 monitor_printf(mon, "Could not query alarm clock information\n");
454 error_free(err);
455 return;
456 }
458 monitor_printf(mon, "Alarm clock method in use: '%s'\n", clock->clock_name);
459 if (clock->has_next_deadline) {
460 monitor_printf(mon, "Next alarm will fire in %" PRId64 " nanoseconds\n",
461 clock->next_deadline);
462 }
464 qapi_free_QemuAlarmClock(clock);
465 }
467 It's important to notice that hmp_info_alarm_clock() calls
468 qapi_free_QemuAlarmClock() to free the data returned by qmp_query_alarm_clock().
469 For user defined types, the QAPI will generate a qapi_free_QAPI_TYPE_NAME()
470 function and that's what you have to use to free the types you define and
471 qapi_free_QAPI_TYPE_NAMEList() for list types (explained in the next section).
472 If the QMP call returns a string, then you should g_free() to free it.
474 Also note that hmp_info_alarm_clock() performs error handling. That's not
475 strictly required if you're sure the QMP function doesn't return errors, but
476 it's good practice to always check for errors.
478 Another important detail is that HMP's "info" commands don't go into the
479 hmp-commands.hx. Instead, they go into the info_cmds[] table, which is defined
480 in the monitor.c file. The entry for the "info alarmclock" follows:
482 {
483 .name = "alarmclock",
484 .args_type = "",
485 .params = "",
486 .help = "show information about the alarm clock",
487 .cmd = hmp_info_alarm_clock,
488 },
490 To test this, run qemu and type "info alarmclock" in the user monitor.
492 === Returning Lists ===
494 For this example, we're going to return all available methods for the timer
495 alarm, which is pretty much what the command-line option "-clock ?" does,
496 except that we're also going to inform which method is in use.
498 This first step is to define a new type:
500 ##
501 # @TimerAlarmMethod
502 #
503 # Timer alarm method information.
504 #
505 # @method-name: The method's name.
506 #
507 # @current: true if this alarm method is currently in use, false otherwise
508 #
509 # Since: 1.0
510 ##
511 { 'type': 'TimerAlarmMethod',
512 'data': { 'method-name': 'str', 'current': 'bool' } }
514 The command will be called "query-alarm-methods", here is its schema
515 specification:
517 ##
518 # @query-alarm-methods
519 #
520 # Returns information about available alarm methods.
521 #
522 # Returns: a list of @TimerAlarmMethod for each method
523 #
524 # Since: 1.0
525 ##
526 { 'command': 'query-alarm-methods', 'returns': ['TimerAlarmMethod'] }
528 Notice the syntax for returning lists "'returns': ['TimerAlarmMethod']", this
529 should be read as "returns a list of TimerAlarmMethod instances".
531 The C implementation follows:
533 TimerAlarmMethodList *qmp_query_alarm_methods(Error **errp)
534 {
535 TimerAlarmMethodList *method_list = NULL;
536 const struct qemu_alarm_timer *p;
537 bool current = true;
539 for (p = alarm_timers; p->name; p++) {
540 TimerAlarmMethodList *info = g_malloc0(sizeof(*info));
541 info->value = g_malloc0(sizeof(*info->value));
542 info->value->method_name = g_strdup(p->name);
543 info->value->current = current;
545 current = false;
547 info->next = method_list;
548 method_list = info;
549 }
551 return method_list;
552 }
554 The most important difference from the previous examples is the
555 TimerAlarmMethodList type, which is automatically generated by the QAPI from
556 the TimerAlarmMethod type.
558 Each list node is represented by a TimerAlarmMethodList instance. We have to
559 allocate it, and that's done inside the for loop: the "info" pointer points to
560 an allocated node. We also have to allocate the node's contents, which is
561 stored in its "value" member. In our example, the "value" member is a pointer
562 to an TimerAlarmMethod instance.
564 Notice that the "current" variable is used as "true" only in the first
565 iteration of the loop. That's because the alarm timer method in use is the
566 first element of the alarm_timers array. Also notice that QAPI lists are handled
567 by hand and we return the head of the list.
569 Now Build qemu, run it as explained in the "Testing" section and try our new
570 command:
572 { "execute": "query-alarm-methods" }
573 {
574 "return": [
575 {
576 "current": false,
577 "method-name": "unix"
578 },
579 {
580 "current": true,
581 "method-name": "dynticks"
582 }
583 ]
584 }
586 The HMP counterpart is a bit more complex than previous examples because it
587 has to traverse the list, it's shown below for reference:
589 void hmp_info_alarm_methods(Monitor *mon)
590 {
591 TimerAlarmMethodList *method_list, *method;
592 Error *err = NULL;
594 method_list = qmp_query_alarm_methods(&err);
595 if (err) {
596 monitor_printf(mon, "Could not query alarm methods\n");
597 error_free(err);
598 return;
599 }
601 for (method = method_list; method; method = method->next) {
602 monitor_printf(mon, "%c %s\n", method->value->current ? '*' : ' ',
603 method->value->method_name);
604 }
606 qapi_free_TimerAlarmMethodList(method_list);
607 }