]> git.proxmox.com Git - pve-eslint.git/blob - eslint/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug-report.yml
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[pve-eslint.git] / eslint / .github / ISSUE_TEMPLATE / bug-report.yml
1 name: "\U0001F41E Report a problem"
2 description: "Report an issue with ESLint or rules bundled with ESLint"
3 title: "Bug: (fill in)"
4 labels:
5 - bug
6 - "repro:needed"
7 body:
8 - type: markdown
9 attributes:
10 value: By opening an issue, you agree to abide by the [Open JS Foundation Code of Conduct](https://eslint.org/conduct).
11 - type: textarea
12 attributes:
13 label: Environment
14 description: |
15 Please tell us about how you're running ESLint (Run `npx eslint --env-info`.)
16 value: |
17 Node version:
18 npm version:
19 Local ESLint version:
20 Global ESLint version:
21 Operating System:
22 validations:
23 required: true
24 - type: dropdown
25 attributes:
26 label: What parser are you using?
27 description: |
28 Please keep in mind that some problems are parser-specific.
29 options:
30 - "Default (Espree)"
31 - "@typescript-eslint/parser"
32 - "@babel/eslint-parser"
33 - "vue-eslint-parser"
34 - "@angular-eslint/template-parser"
35 - Other
36 validations:
37 required: true
38 - type: textarea
39 attributes:
40 label: What did you do?
41 description: |
42 Please include a *minimal* reproduction case. If possible, include a link to a reproduction of the problem in the [ESLint demo](https://eslint.org/demo). Otherwise, include source code, configuration file(s), and any other information about how you're using ESLint. You can use Markdown in this field.
43 value: |
44 <details>
45 <summary>Configuration</summary>
47 ```
48 <!-- Paste your configuration here -->
49 ```
50 </details>
52 ```js
53 <!-- Paste your code here -->
54 ```
55 validations:
56 required: true
57 - type: textarea
58 attributes:
59 label: What did you expect to happen?
60 description: |
61 You can use Markdown in this field.
62 validations:
63 required: true
64 - type: textarea
65 attributes:
66 label: What actually happened?
67 description: |
68 Please copy-paste the actual ESLint output. You can use Markdown in this field.
69 validations:
70 required: true
71 - type: input
72 attributes:
73 label: Link to Minimal Reproducible Example
74 description: 'Link to a [playground](https://eslint.org/play), [StackBlitz](https://stackblitz.com), or GitHub repo with a minimal reproduction of the problem. **A minimal reproduction is required** so that others can help debug your issue. If a report is vague (e.g. just a generic error message) and has no reproduction, it may be auto-closed.'
75 placeholder: 'https://stackblitz.com/abcd1234'
76 validations:
77 required: true
78 - type: checkboxes
79 attributes:
80 label: Participation
81 options:
82 - label: I am willing to submit a pull request for this issue.
83 required: false
84 - type: textarea
85 attributes:
86 label: Additional comments
87 description: Is there anything else that's important for the team to know?