]> git.proxmox.com Git - pve-eslint.git/blob - eslint/lib/rules/id-denylist.js
import 8.4.0 source
[pve-eslint.git] / eslint / lib / rules / id-denylist.js
1 /**
2 * @fileoverview Rule that warns when identifier names that are
3 * specified in the configuration are used.
4 * @author Keith Cirkel (http://keithcirkel.co.uk)
5 */
7 "use strict";
9 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 // Helpers
11 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 /**
14 * Checks whether the given node represents assignment target in a normal assignment or destructuring.
15 * @param {ASTNode} node The node to check.
16 * @returns {boolean} `true` if the node is assignment target.
17 */
18 function isAssignmentTarget(node) {
19 const parent = node.parent;
21 return (
23 // normal assignment
24 (
25 parent.type === "AssignmentExpression" &&
26 parent.left === node
27 ) ||
29 // destructuring
30 parent.type === "ArrayPattern" ||
31 parent.type === "RestElement" ||
32 (
33 parent.type === "Property" &&
34 parent.value === node &&
35 parent.parent.type === "ObjectPattern"
36 ) ||
37 (
38 parent.type === "AssignmentPattern" &&
39 parent.left === node
40 )
41 );
42 }
44 /**
45 * Checks whether the given node represents an imported name that is renamed in the same import/export specifier.
46 *
47 * Examples:
48 * import { a as b } from 'mod'; // node `a` is renamed import
49 * export { a as b } from 'mod'; // node `a` is renamed import
50 * @param {ASTNode} node `Identifier` node to check.
51 * @returns {boolean} `true` if the node is a renamed import.
52 */
53 function isRenamedImport(node) {
54 const parent = node.parent;
56 return (
57 (
58 parent.type === "ImportSpecifier" &&
59 parent.imported !== parent.local &&
60 parent.imported === node
61 ) ||
62 (
63 parent.type === "ExportSpecifier" &&
64 parent.parent.source && // re-export
65 parent.local !== parent.exported &&
66 parent.local === node
67 )
68 );
69 }
71 /**
72 * Checks whether the given node is an ObjectPattern destructuring.
73 *
74 * Examples:
75 * const { a : b } = foo;
76 * @param {ASTNode} node `Identifier` node to check.
77 * @returns {boolean} `true` if the node is in an ObjectPattern destructuring.
78 */
79 function isPropertyNameInDestructuring(node) {
80 const parent = node.parent;
82 return (
83 (
84 !parent.computed &&
85 parent.type === "Property" &&
86 parent.parent.type === "ObjectPattern" &&
87 parent.key === node
88 )
89 );
90 }
92 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
93 // Rule Definition
94 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
96 /** @type {import('../shared/types').Rule} */
97 module.exports = {
98 meta: {
99 type: "suggestion",
101 docs: {
102 description: "disallow specified identifiers",
103 recommended: false,
104 url: "https://eslint.org/docs/rules/id-denylist"
105 },
107 schema: {
108 type: "array",
109 items: {
110 type: "string"
111 },
112 uniqueItems: true
113 },
114 messages: {
115 restricted: "Identifier '{{name}}' is restricted.",
116 restrictedPrivate: "Identifier '#{{name}}' is restricted."
117 }
118 },
120 create(context) {
122 const denyList = new Set(context.options);
123 const reportedNodes = new Set();
125 let globalScope;
127 /**
128 * Checks whether the given name is restricted.
129 * @param {string} name The name to check.
130 * @returns {boolean} `true` if the name is restricted.
131 * @private
132 */
133 function isRestricted(name) {
134 return denyList.has(name);
135 }
137 /**
138 * Checks whether the given node represents a reference to a global variable that is not declared in the source code.
139 * These identifiers will be allowed, as it is assumed that user has no control over the names of external global variables.
140 * @param {ASTNode} node `Identifier` node to check.
141 * @returns {boolean} `true` if the node is a reference to a global variable.
142 */
143 function isReferenceToGlobalVariable(node) {
144 const variable = globalScope.set.get(node.name);
146 return variable && variable.defs.length === 0 &&
147 variable.references.some(ref => ref.identifier === node);
148 }
150 /**
151 * Determines whether the given node should be checked.
152 * @param {ASTNode} node `Identifier` node.
153 * @returns {boolean} `true` if the node should be checked.
154 */
155 function shouldCheck(node) {
156 const parent = node.parent;
158 /*
159 * Member access has special rules for checking property names.
160 * Read access to a property with a restricted name is allowed, because it can be on an object that user has no control over.
161 * Write access isn't allowed, because it potentially creates a new property with a restricted name.
162 */
163 if (
164 parent.type === "MemberExpression" &&
165 parent.property === node &&
166 !parent.computed
167 ) {
168 return isAssignmentTarget(parent);
169 }
171 return (
172 parent.type !== "CallExpression" &&
173 parent.type !== "NewExpression" &&
174 !isRenamedImport(node) &&
175 !isPropertyNameInDestructuring(node) &&
176 !isReferenceToGlobalVariable(node)
177 );
178 }
180 /**
181 * Reports an AST node as a rule violation.
182 * @param {ASTNode} node The node to report.
183 * @returns {void}
184 * @private
185 */
186 function report(node) {
188 /*
189 * We used the range instead of the node because it's possible
190 * for the same identifier to be represented by two different
191 * nodes, with the most clear example being shorthand properties:
192 * { foo }
193 * In this case, "foo" is represented by one node for the name
194 * and one for the value. The only way to know they are the same
195 * is to look at the range.
196 */
197 if (!reportedNodes.has(node.range.toString())) {
198 const isPrivate = node.type === "PrivateIdentifier";
200 context.report({
201 node,
202 messageId: isPrivate ? "restrictedPrivate" : "restricted",
203 data: {
204 name: node.name
205 }
206 });
207 reportedNodes.add(node.range.toString());
208 }
209 }
211 return {
213 Program() {
214 globalScope = context.getScope();
215 },
217 [[
218 "Identifier",
219 "PrivateIdentifier"
220 ]](node) {
221 if (isRestricted(node.name) && shouldCheck(node)) {
222 report(node);
223 }
224 }
225 };
226 }
227 };