]> git.proxmox.com Git - mirror_novnc.git/blob - include/websock.js
[mirror_novnc.git] / include / websock.js
1 /*
2 * Websock: high-performance binary WebSockets
3 * Copyright (C) 2012 Joel Martin
4 * Licensed under LGPL-3 (see LICENSE.txt)
5 *
6 * Websock is similar to the standard WebSocket object but Websock
7 * enables communication with raw TCP sockets (i.e. the binary stream)
8 * via websockify. This is accomplished by base64 encoding the data
9 * stream between Websock and websockify.
10 *
11 * Websock has built-in receive queue buffering; the message event
12 * does not contain actual data but is simply a notification that
13 * there is new data available. Several rQ* methods are available to
14 * read binary data off of the receive queue.
15 */
17 /*jslint browser: true, bitwise: false, plusplus: false */
18 /*global Util, Base64 */
21 // Load Flash WebSocket emulator if needed
23 // To force WebSocket emulator even when native WebSocket available
24 //window.WEB_SOCKET_FORCE_FLASH = true;
25 // To enable WebSocket emulator debug:
26 //window.WEB_SOCKET_DEBUG=1;
28 if (window.WebSocket && !window.WEB_SOCKET_FORCE_FLASH) {
29 Websock_native = true;
30 } else if (window.MozWebSocket && !window.WEB_SOCKET_FORCE_FLASH) {
31 Websock_native = true;
32 window.WebSocket = window.MozWebSocket;
33 } else {
34 /* no builtin WebSocket so load web_socket.js */
36 Websock_native = false;
37 (function () {
38 function get_INCLUDE_URI() {
39 return (typeof INCLUDE_URI !== "undefined") ?
40 INCLUDE_URI : "include/";
41 }
43 var start = "<script src='" + get_INCLUDE_URI(),
44 end = "'><\/script>", extra = "";
47 "web-socket-js/WebSocketMain.swf";
48 if (Util.Engine.trident) {
49 Util.Debug("Forcing uncached load of WebSocketMain.swf");
50 window.WEB_SOCKET_SWF_LOCATION += "?" + Math.random();
51 }
52 extra += start + "web-socket-js/swfobject.js" + end;
53 extra += start + "web-socket-js/web_socket.js" + end;
54 document.write(extra);
55 }());
56 }
59 function Websock() {
60 "use strict";
62 var api = {}, // Public API
63 websocket = null, // WebSocket object
64 protocols, // Protocols to request in priority order
65 mode = 'base64',
66 rQ = [], // Receive queue
67 rQi = 0, // Receive queue index
68 rQmax = 10000, // Max receive queue size before compacting
69 sQ = [], // Send queue
71 eventHandlers = {
72 'message' : function() {},
73 'open' : function() {},
74 'close' : function() {},
75 'error' : function() {}
76 },
78 test_mode = false;
81 //
82 // Queue public functions
83 //
85 function get_sQ() {
86 return sQ;
87 }
89 function get_rQ() {
90 return rQ;
91 }
92 function get_rQi() {
93 return rQi;
94 }
95 function set_rQi(val) {
96 rQi = val;
97 }
99 function rQlen() {
100 return rQ.length - rQi;
101 }
103 function rQpeek8() {
104 return (rQ[rQi] );
105 }
106 function rQshift8() {
107 return (rQ[rQi++] );
108 }
109 function rQunshift8(num) {
110 if (rQi === 0) {
111 rQ.unshift(num);
112 } else {
113 rQi -= 1;
114 rQ[rQi] = num;
115 }
117 }
118 function rQshift16() {
119 return (rQ[rQi++] << 8) +
120 (rQ[rQi++] );
121 }
122 function rQshift32() {
123 return (rQ[rQi++] << 24) +
124 (rQ[rQi++] << 16) +
125 (rQ[rQi++] << 8) +
126 (rQ[rQi++] );
127 }
128 function rQslice(start, end) {
129 if (mode === 'binary') {
130 if (end) {
131 return rQ.subarray(rQi + start, rQi + end);
132 } else {
133 return rQ.subarray(rQi + start);
134 }
135 } else {
136 if (end) {
137 return rQ.slice(rQi + start, rQi + end);
138 } else {
139 return rQ.slice(rQi + start);
140 }
141 }
142 }
144 function rQshiftStr(len) {
145 if (typeof(len) === 'undefined') { len = rQlen(); }
146 var arr = rQslice(0, len);
147 rQi += len;
148 return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, arr);
149 }
150 function rQshiftBytes(len) {
151 if (typeof(len) === 'undefined') { len = rQlen(); }
152 var a = rQslice(0, len), b = [];
153 if (mode === 'binary') {
154 // Convert to plain array
155 b.push.apply(b, a);
156 } else {
157 // Already plain array, just return the original
158 b = a
159 }
160 rQi += len;
161 return b;
162 }
163 function rQshiftArray(len) {
164 if (typeof(len) === 'undefined') { len = rQlen(); }
165 var a = rQslice(0, len);
166 rQi += len;
167 return a;
168 }
170 // Check to see if we must wait for 'num' bytes (default to FBU.bytes)
171 // to be available in the receive queue. Return true if we need to
172 // wait (and possibly print a debug message), otherwise false.
173 function rQwait(msg, num, goback) {
174 var rQlen = rQ.length - rQi; // Skip rQlen() function call
175 if (rQlen < num) {
176 if (goback) {
177 if (rQi < goback) {
178 throw("rQwait cannot backup " + goback + " bytes");
179 }
180 rQi -= goback;
181 }
182 //Util.Debug(" waiting for " + (num-rQlen) +
183 // " " + msg + " byte(s)");
184 return true; // true means need more data
185 }
186 return false;
187 }
189 //
190 // Private utility routines
191 //
193 function encode_message() {
194 /* base64 encode */
195 if (mode === 'binary') {
196 return (new Uint8Array(sQ)).buffer;
197 } else {
198 return Base64.encode(sQ);
199 }
200 }
202 function decode_message(data) {
203 //Util.Debug(">> decode_message: " + data);
204 if (mode === 'binary') {
205 // Create new arraybuffer and dump old and new data into it
206 // TODO: this could be far more efficient and re-use the array
207 var new_rQ = new Uint8Array(rQ.length + data.byteLength);
208 new_rQ.set(rQ);
209 new_rQ.set(new Uint8Array(data), rQ.length);
210 rQ = new_rQ;
211 } else {
212 /* base64 decode and concat to the end */
213 rQ = rQ.concat(Base64.decode(data, 0));
214 }
215 //Util.Debug(">> decode_message, rQ: " + rQ);
216 }
219 //
220 // Public Send functions
221 //
223 function flush() {
224 if (websocket.bufferedAmount !== 0) {
225 Util.Debug("bufferedAmount: " + websocket.bufferedAmount);
226 }
227 if (websocket.bufferedAmount < api.maxBufferedAmount) {
228 //Util.Debug("arr: " + arr);
229 //Util.Debug("sQ: " + sQ);
230 if (sQ.length > 0) {
231 websocket.send(encode_message(sQ));
232 sQ = [];
233 }
234 return true;
235 } else {
236 Util.Info("Delaying send, bufferedAmount: " +
237 websocket.bufferedAmount);
238 return false;
239 }
240 }
242 // overridable for testing
243 function send(arr) {
244 //Util.Debug(">> send_array: " + arr);
245 sQ = sQ.concat(arr);
246 return flush();
247 }
249 function send_string(str) {
250 //Util.Debug(">> send_string: " + str);
251 api.send(str.split('').map(
252 function (chr) { return chr.charCodeAt(0); } ) );
253 }
255 //
256 // Other public functions
258 function recv_message(e) {
259 //Util.Debug(">> recv_message: " + e.data.length);
261 try {
262 decode_message(e.data);
263 if (rQlen() > 0) {
264 eventHandlers.message();
265 // Compact the receive queue
266 if (rQ.length > rQmax) {
267 //Util.Debug("Compacting receive queue");
268 rQ = rQslice(rQi);
269 rQi = 0;
270 }
271 } else {
272 Util.Debug("Ignoring empty message");
273 }
274 } catch (exc) {
275 if (typeof exc.stack !== 'undefined') {
276 Util.Warn("recv_message, caught exception: " + exc.stack);
277 } else if (typeof exc.description !== 'undefined') {
278 Util.Warn("recv_message, caught exception: " + exc.description);
279 } else {
280 Util.Warn("recv_message, caught exception:" + exc);
281 }
282 if (typeof exc.name !== 'undefined') {
283 eventHandlers.error(exc.name + ": " + exc.message);
284 } else {
285 eventHandlers.error(exc);
286 }
287 }
288 //Util.Debug("<< recv_message");
289 }
292 // Set event handlers
293 function on(evt, handler) {
294 eventHandlers[evt] = handler;
295 }
297 function init() {
298 rQ = [];
299 rQi = 0;
300 sQ = [];
301 websocket = null,
302 protocols = "base64";
304 var bt = false,
305 wsbt = false;
307 if (('Uint8Array' in window) &&
308 ('set' in Uint8Array.prototype)) {
309 bt = true;
310 }
311 // TODO: this sucks, the property should exist on the prototype
312 // but it does not.
313 try {
314 if (bt && ('binaryType' in (new WebSocket("ws://localhost:17523")))) {
315 wsbt = true;
316 }
317 } catch (exc) {
318 // Just ignore failed test localhost connections
319 }
320 if (bt && wsbt) {
321 Util.Info("Detected binaryType support in WebSockets");
322 protocols = ['binary', 'base64'];
323 } else {
324 Util.Info("No binaryType support in WebSockets, using base64 encoding");
325 protocols = 'base64';
326 }
327 }
329 function open(uri) {
330 init();
332 if (test_mode) {
333 websocket = {};
334 } else {
335 websocket = new WebSocket(uri, protocols);
336 }
338 websocket.onmessage = recv_message;
339 websocket.onopen = function() {
340 Util.Debug(">> WebSock.onopen");
341 if (websocket.protocol) {
342 mode = websocket.protocol;
343 Util.Info("Server chose sub-protocol: " + websocket.protocol);
344 } else {
345 mode = 'base64';
346 Util.Error("Server select no sub-protocol!: " + websocket.protocol);
347 }
348 if (mode === 'binary') {
349 websocket.binaryType = 'arraybuffer';
350 }
351 eventHandlers.open();
352 Util.Debug("<< WebSock.onopen");
353 };
354 websocket.onclose = function(e) {
355 Util.Debug(">> WebSock.onclose");
356 eventHandlers.close(e);
357 Util.Debug("<< WebSock.onclose");
358 };
359 websocket.onerror = function(e) {
360 Util.Debug(">> WebSock.onerror: " + e);
361 eventHandlers.error(e);
362 Util.Debug("<< WebSock.onerror");
363 };
364 }
366 function close() {
367 if (websocket) {
368 if ((websocket.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN) ||
369 (websocket.readyState === WebSocket.CONNECTING)) {
370 Util.Info("Closing WebSocket connection");
371 websocket.close();
372 }
373 websocket.onmessage = function (e) { return; };
374 }
375 }
377 // Override internal functions for testing
378 // Takes a send function, returns reference to recv function
379 function testMode(override_send) {
380 test_mode = true;
381 api.send = override_send;
382 api.close = function () {};
383 return recv_message;
384 }
386 function constructor() {
387 // Configuration settings
388 api.maxBufferedAmount = 200;
390 // Direct access to send and receive queues
391 api.get_sQ = get_sQ;
392 api.get_rQ = get_rQ;
393 api.get_rQi = get_rQi;
394 api.set_rQi = set_rQi;
396 // Routines to read from the receive queue
397 api.rQlen = rQlen;
398 api.rQpeek8 = rQpeek8;
399 api.rQshift8 = rQshift8;
400 api.rQunshift8 = rQunshift8;
401 api.rQshift16 = rQshift16;
402 api.rQshift32 = rQshift32;
403 api.rQshiftStr = rQshiftStr;
404 api.rQshiftBytes = rQshiftBytes;
405 api.rQslice = rQslice;
406 api.rQwait = rQwait;
408 api.flush = flush;
409 api.send = send;
410 api.send_string = send_string;
412 api.on = on;
413 api.init = init;
414 api.open = open;
415 api.close = close;
416 api.testMode = testMode;
418 return api;
419 }
421 return constructor();
423 }