]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - library/core/src/num/flt2dec/mod.rs
New upstream version 1.55.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / library / core / src / num / flt2dec / mod.rs
1 /*!
3 Floating-point number to decimal conversion routines.
5 # Problem statement
7 We are given the floating-point number `v = f * 2^e` with an integer `f`,
8 and its bounds `minus` and `plus` such that any number between `v - minus` and
9 `v + plus` will be rounded to `v`. For the simplicity we assume that
10 this range is exclusive. Then we would like to get the unique decimal
11 representation `V = 0.d[0..n-1] * 10^k` such that:
13 - `d[0]` is non-zero.
15 - It's correctly rounded when parsed back: `v - minus < V < v + plus`.
16 Furthermore it is shortest such one, i.e., there is no representation
17 with less than `n` digits that is correctly rounded.
19 - It's closest to the original value: `abs(V - v) <= 10^(k-n) / 2`. Note that
20 there might be two representations satisfying this uniqueness requirement,
21 in which case some tie-breaking mechanism is used.
23 We will call this mode of operation as to the *shortest* mode. This mode is used
24 when there is no additional constraint, and can be thought as a "natural" mode
25 as it matches the ordinary intuition (it at least prints `0.1f32` as "0.1").
27 We have two more modes of operation closely related to each other. In these modes
28 we are given either the number of significant digits `n` or the last-digit
29 limitation `limit` (which determines the actual `n`), and we would like to get
30 the representation `V = 0.d[0..n-1] * 10^k` such that:
32 - `d[0]` is non-zero, unless `n` was zero in which case only `k` is returned.
34 - It's closest to the original value: `abs(V - v) <= 10^(k-n) / 2`. Again,
35 there might be some tie-breaking mechanism.
37 When `limit` is given but not `n`, we set `n` such that `k - n = limit`
38 so that the last digit `d[n-1]` is scaled by `10^(k-n) = 10^limit`.
39 If such `n` is negative, we clip it to zero so that we will only get `k`.
40 We are also limited by the supplied buffer. This limitation is used to print
41 the number up to given number of fractional digits without knowing
42 the correct `k` beforehand.
44 We will call the mode of operation requiring `n` as to the *exact* mode,
45 and one requiring `limit` as to the *fixed* mode. The exact mode is a subset of
46 the fixed mode: the sufficiently large last-digit limitation will eventually fill
47 the supplied buffer and let the algorithm to return.
49 # Implementation overview
51 It is easy to get the floating point printing correct but slow (Russ Cox has
52 [demonstrated](https://research.swtch.com/ftoa) how it's easy), or incorrect but
53 fast (naïve division and modulo). But it is surprisingly hard to print
54 floating point numbers correctly *and* efficiently.
56 There are two classes of algorithms widely known to be correct.
58 - The "Dragon" family of algorithm is first described by Guy L. Steele Jr. and
59 Jon L. White. They rely on the fixed-size big integer for their correctness.
60 A slight improvement was found later, which is posthumously described by
61 Robert G. Burger and R. Kent Dybvig. David Gay's `dtoa.c` routine is
62 a popular implementation of this strategy.
64 - The "Grisu" family of algorithm is first described by Florian Loitsch.
65 They use very cheap integer-only procedure to determine the close-to-correct
66 representation which is at least guaranteed to be shortest. The variant,
67 Grisu3, actively detects if the resulting representation is incorrect.
69 We implement both algorithms with necessary tweaks to suit our requirements.
70 In particular, published literatures are short of the actual implementation
71 difficulties like how to avoid arithmetic overflows. Each implementation,
72 available in `strategy::dragon` and `strategy::grisu` respectively,
73 extensively describes all necessary justifications and many proofs for them.
74 (It is still difficult to follow though. You have been warned.)
76 Both implementations expose two public functions:
78 - `format_shortest(decoded, buf)`, which always needs at least
79 `MAX_SIG_DIGITS` digits of buffer. Implements the shortest mode.
81 - `format_exact(decoded, buf, limit)`, which accepts as small as
82 one digit of buffer. Implements exact and fixed modes.
84 They try to fill the `u8` buffer with digits and returns the number of digits
85 written and the exponent `k`. They are total for all finite `f32` and `f64`
86 inputs (Grisu internally falls back to Dragon if necessary).
88 The rendered digits are formatted into the actual string form with
89 four functions:
91 - `to_shortest_str` prints the shortest representation, which can be padded by
92 zeroes to make *at least* given number of fractional digits.
94 - `to_shortest_exp_str` prints the shortest representation, which can be
95 padded by zeroes when its exponent is in the specified ranges,
96 or can be printed in the exponential form such as `1.23e45`.
98 - `to_exact_exp_str` prints the exact representation with given number of
99 digits in the exponential form.
101 - `to_exact_fixed_str` prints the fixed representation with *exactly*
102 given number of fractional digits.
104 They all return a slice of preallocated `Part` array, which corresponds to
105 the individual part of strings: a fixed string, a part of rendered digits,
106 a number of zeroes or a small (`u16`) number. The caller is expected to
107 provide a large enough buffer and `Part` array, and to assemble the final
108 string from resulting `Part`s itself.
110 All algorithms and formatting functions are accompanied by extensive tests
111 in `coretests::num::flt2dec` module. It also shows how to use individual
112 functions.
114 */
116 // while this is extensively documented, this is in principle private which is
117 // only made public for testing. do not expose us.
118 #![doc(hidden)]
119 #![unstable(
120 feature = "flt2dec",
121 reason = "internal routines only exposed for testing",
122 issue = "none"
123 )]
125 pub use self::decoder::{decode, DecodableFloat, Decoded, FullDecoded};
127 use super::fmt::{Formatted, Part};
128 use crate::mem::MaybeUninit;
130 pub mod decoder;
131 pub mod estimator;
133 /// Digit-generation algorithms.
134 pub mod strategy {
135 pub mod dragon;
136 pub mod grisu;
137 }
139 /// The minimum size of buffer necessary for the shortest mode.
140 ///
141 /// It is a bit non-trivial to derive, but this is one plus the maximal number of
142 /// significant decimal digits from formatting algorithms with the shortest result.
143 /// The exact formula is `ceil(# bits in mantissa * log_10 2 + 1)`.
144 pub const MAX_SIG_DIGITS: usize = 17;
146 /// When `d` contains decimal digits, increase the last digit and propagate carry.
147 /// Returns a next digit when it causes the length to change.
148 #[doc(hidden)]
149 pub fn round_up(d: &mut [u8]) -> Option<u8> {
150 match d.iter().rposition(|&c| c != b'9') {
151 Some(i) => {
152 // d[i+1..n] is all nines
153 d[i] += 1;
154 for j in i + 1..d.len() {
155 d[j] = b'0';
156 }
157 None
158 }
159 None if d.len() > 0 => {
160 // 999..999 rounds to 1000..000 with an increased exponent
161 d[0] = b'1';
162 for j in 1..d.len() {
163 d[j] = b'0';
164 }
165 Some(b'0')
166 }
167 None => {
168 // an empty buffer rounds up (a bit strange but reasonable)
169 Some(b'1')
170 }
171 }
172 }
174 /// Formats given decimal digits `0.<...buf...> * 10^exp` into the decimal form
175 /// with at least given number of fractional digits. The result is stored to
176 /// the supplied parts array and a slice of written parts is returned.
177 ///
178 /// `frac_digits` can be less than the number of actual fractional digits in `buf`;
179 /// it will be ignored and full digits will be printed. It is only used to print
180 /// additional zeroes after rendered digits. Thus `frac_digits` of 0 means that
181 /// it will only print given digits and nothing else.
182 fn digits_to_dec_str<'a>(
183 buf: &'a [u8],
184 exp: i16,
185 frac_digits: usize,
186 parts: &'a mut [MaybeUninit<Part<'a>>],
187 ) -> &'a [Part<'a>] {
188 assert!(!buf.is_empty());
189 assert!(buf[0] > b'0');
190 assert!(parts.len() >= 4);
192 // if there is the restriction on the last digit position, `buf` is assumed to be
193 // left-padded with the virtual zeroes. the number of virtual zeroes, `nzeroes`,
194 // equals to `max(0, exp + frac_digits - buf.len())`, so that the position of
195 // the last digit `exp - buf.len() - nzeroes` is no more than `-frac_digits`:
196 //
197 // |<-virtual->|
198 // |<---- buf ---->| zeroes | exp
199 // 0. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 _ _ _ _ _ _ x 10
200 // | | |
201 // 10^exp 10^(exp-buf.len()) 10^(exp-buf.len()-nzeroes)
202 //
203 // `nzeroes` is individually calculated for each case in order to avoid overflow.
205 if exp <= 0 {
206 // the decimal point is before rendered digits: [0.][000...000][1234][____]
207 let minus_exp = -(exp as i32) as usize;
208 parts[0] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(b"0."));
209 parts[1] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Zero(minus_exp));
210 parts[2] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(buf));
211 if frac_digits > buf.len() && frac_digits - buf.len() > minus_exp {
212 parts[3] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Zero((frac_digits - buf.len()) - minus_exp));
213 // SAFETY: we just initialized the elements `..4`.
214 unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_ref(&parts[..4]) }
215 } else {
216 // SAFETY: we just initialized the elements `..3`.
217 unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_ref(&parts[..3]) }
218 }
219 } else {
220 let exp = exp as usize;
221 if exp < buf.len() {
222 // the decimal point is inside rendered digits: [12][.][34][____]
223 parts[0] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(&buf[..exp]));
224 parts[1] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(b"."));
225 parts[2] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(&buf[exp..]));
226 if frac_digits > buf.len() - exp {
227 parts[3] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Zero(frac_digits - (buf.len() - exp)));
228 // SAFETY: we just initialized the elements `..4`.
229 unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_ref(&parts[..4]) }
230 } else {
231 // SAFETY: we just initialized the elements `..3`.
232 unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_ref(&parts[..3]) }
233 }
234 } else {
235 // the decimal point is after rendered digits: [1234][____0000] or [1234][__][.][__].
236 parts[0] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(buf));
237 parts[1] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Zero(exp - buf.len()));
238 if frac_digits > 0 {
239 parts[2] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(b"."));
240 parts[3] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Zero(frac_digits));
241 // SAFETY: we just initialized the elements `..4`.
242 unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_ref(&parts[..4]) }
243 } else {
244 // SAFETY: we just initialized the elements `..2`.
245 unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_ref(&parts[..2]) }
246 }
247 }
248 }
249 }
251 /// Formats the given decimal digits `0.<...buf...> * 10^exp` into the exponential
252 /// form with at least the given number of significant digits. When `upper` is `true`,
253 /// the exponent will be prefixed by `E`; otherwise that's `e`. The result is
254 /// stored to the supplied parts array and a slice of written parts is returned.
255 ///
256 /// `min_digits` can be less than the number of actual significant digits in `buf`;
257 /// it will be ignored and full digits will be printed. It is only used to print
258 /// additional zeroes after rendered digits. Thus, `min_digits == 0` means that
259 /// it will only print the given digits and nothing else.
260 fn digits_to_exp_str<'a>(
261 buf: &'a [u8],
262 exp: i16,
263 min_ndigits: usize,
264 upper: bool,
265 parts: &'a mut [MaybeUninit<Part<'a>>],
266 ) -> &'a [Part<'a>] {
267 assert!(!buf.is_empty());
268 assert!(buf[0] > b'0');
269 assert!(parts.len() >= 6);
271 let mut n = 0;
273 parts[n] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(&buf[..1]));
274 n += 1;
276 if buf.len() > 1 || min_ndigits > 1 {
277 parts[n] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(b"."));
278 parts[n + 1] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(&buf[1..]));
279 n += 2;
280 if min_ndigits > buf.len() {
281 parts[n] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Zero(min_ndigits - buf.len()));
282 n += 1;
283 }
284 }
286 // 0.1234 x 10^exp = 1.234 x 10^(exp-1)
287 let exp = exp as i32 - 1; // avoid underflow when exp is i16::MIN
288 if exp < 0 {
289 parts[n] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(if upper { b"E-" } else { b"e-" }));
290 parts[n + 1] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Num(-exp as u16));
291 } else {
292 parts[n] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(if upper { b"E" } else { b"e" }));
293 parts[n + 1] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Num(exp as u16));
294 }
295 // SAFETY: we just initialized the elements `..n + 2`.
296 unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_ref(&parts[..n + 2]) }
297 }
299 /// Sign formatting options.
300 #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
301 pub enum Sign {
302 /// Prints `-` for any negative value.
303 Minus, // -inf -1 -0 0 1 inf nan
304 /// Prints `-` for any negative value, or `+` otherwise.
305 MinusPlus, // -inf -1 -0 +0 +1 +inf nan
306 }
308 /// Returns the static byte string corresponding to the sign to be formatted.
309 /// It can be either `""`, `"+"` or `"-"`.
310 fn determine_sign(sign: Sign, decoded: &FullDecoded, negative: bool) -> &'static str {
311 match (*decoded, sign) {
312 (FullDecoded::Nan, _) => "",
313 (_, Sign::Minus) => {
314 if negative {
315 "-"
316 } else {
317 ""
318 }
319 }
320 (_, Sign::MinusPlus) => {
321 if negative {
322 "-"
323 } else {
324 "+"
325 }
326 }
327 }
328 }
330 /// Formats the given floating point number into the decimal form with at least
331 /// given number of fractional digits. The result is stored to the supplied parts
332 /// array while utilizing given byte buffer as a scratch. `upper` is currently
333 /// unused but left for the future decision to change the case of non-finite values,
334 /// i.e., `inf` and `nan`. The first part to be rendered is always a `Part::Sign`
335 /// (which can be an empty string if no sign is rendered).
336 ///
337 /// `format_shortest` should be the underlying digit-generation function.
338 /// It should return the part of the buffer that it initialized.
339 /// You probably would want `strategy::grisu::format_shortest` for this.
340 ///
341 /// `frac_digits` can be less than the number of actual fractional digits in `v`;
342 /// it will be ignored and full digits will be printed. It is only used to print
343 /// additional zeroes after rendered digits. Thus `frac_digits` of 0 means that
344 /// it will only print given digits and nothing else.
345 ///
346 /// The byte buffer should be at least `MAX_SIG_DIGITS` bytes long.
347 /// There should be at least 4 parts available, due to the worst case like
348 /// `[+][0.][0000][2][0000]` with `frac_digits = 10`.
349 pub fn to_shortest_str<'a, T, F>(
350 mut format_shortest: F,
351 v: T,
352 sign: Sign,
353 frac_digits: usize,
354 buf: &'a mut [MaybeUninit<u8>],
355 parts: &'a mut [MaybeUninit<Part<'a>>],
356 ) -> Formatted<'a>
357 where
358 T: DecodableFloat,
359 F: FnMut(&Decoded, &'a mut [MaybeUninit<u8>]) -> (&'a [u8], i16),
360 {
361 assert!(parts.len() >= 4);
362 assert!(buf.len() >= MAX_SIG_DIGITS);
364 let (negative, full_decoded) = decode(v);
365 let sign = determine_sign(sign, &full_decoded, negative);
366 match full_decoded {
367 FullDecoded::Nan => {
368 parts[0] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(b"NaN"));
369 // SAFETY: we just initialized the elements `..1`.
370 Formatted { sign, parts: unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_ref(&parts[..1]) } }
371 }
372 FullDecoded::Infinite => {
373 parts[0] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(b"inf"));
374 // SAFETY: we just initialized the elements `..1`.
375 Formatted { sign, parts: unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_ref(&parts[..1]) } }
376 }
377 FullDecoded::Zero => {
378 if frac_digits > 0 {
379 // [0.][0000]
380 parts[0] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(b"0."));
381 parts[1] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Zero(frac_digits));
382 Formatted {
383 sign,
384 // SAFETY: we just initialized the elements `..2`.
385 parts: unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_ref(&parts[..2]) },
386 }
387 } else {
388 parts[0] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(b"0"));
389 Formatted {
390 sign,
391 // SAFETY: we just initialized the elements `..1`.
392 parts: unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_ref(&parts[..1]) },
393 }
394 }
395 }
396 FullDecoded::Finite(ref decoded) => {
397 let (buf, exp) = format_shortest(decoded, buf);
398 Formatted { sign, parts: digits_to_dec_str(buf, exp, frac_digits, parts) }
399 }
400 }
401 }
403 /// Formats the given floating point number into the decimal form or
404 /// the exponential form, depending on the resulting exponent. The result is
405 /// stored to the supplied parts array while utilizing given byte buffer
406 /// as a scratch. `upper` is used to determine the case of non-finite values
407 /// (`inf` and `nan`) or the case of the exponent prefix (`e` or `E`).
408 /// The first part to be rendered is always a `Part::Sign` (which can be
409 /// an empty string if no sign is rendered).
410 ///
411 /// `format_shortest` should be the underlying digit-generation function.
412 /// It should return the part of the buffer that it initialized.
413 /// You probably would want `strategy::grisu::format_shortest` for this.
414 ///
415 /// The `dec_bounds` is a tuple `(lo, hi)` such that the number is formatted
416 /// as decimal only when `10^lo <= V < 10^hi`. Note that this is the *apparent* `V`
417 /// instead of the actual `v`! Thus any printed exponent in the exponential form
418 /// cannot be in this range, avoiding any confusion.
419 ///
420 /// The byte buffer should be at least `MAX_SIG_DIGITS` bytes long.
421 /// There should be at least 6 parts available, due to the worst case like
422 /// `[+][1][.][2345][e][-][6]`.
423 pub fn to_shortest_exp_str<'a, T, F>(
424 mut format_shortest: F,
425 v: T,
426 sign: Sign,
427 dec_bounds: (i16, i16),
428 upper: bool,
429 buf: &'a mut [MaybeUninit<u8>],
430 parts: &'a mut [MaybeUninit<Part<'a>>],
431 ) -> Formatted<'a>
432 where
433 T: DecodableFloat,
434 F: FnMut(&Decoded, &'a mut [MaybeUninit<u8>]) -> (&'a [u8], i16),
435 {
436 assert!(parts.len() >= 6);
437 assert!(buf.len() >= MAX_SIG_DIGITS);
438 assert!(dec_bounds.0 <= dec_bounds.1);
440 let (negative, full_decoded) = decode(v);
441 let sign = determine_sign(sign, &full_decoded, negative);
442 match full_decoded {
443 FullDecoded::Nan => {
444 parts[0] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(b"NaN"));
445 // SAFETY: we just initialized the elements `..1`.
446 Formatted { sign, parts: unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_ref(&parts[..1]) } }
447 }
448 FullDecoded::Infinite => {
449 parts[0] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(b"inf"));
450 // SAFETY: we just initialized the elements `..1`.
451 Formatted { sign, parts: unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_ref(&parts[..1]) } }
452 }
453 FullDecoded::Zero => {
454 parts[0] = if dec_bounds.0 <= 0 && 0 < dec_bounds.1 {
455 MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(b"0"))
456 } else {
457 MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(if upper { b"0E0" } else { b"0e0" }))
458 };
459 // SAFETY: we just initialized the elements `..1`.
460 Formatted { sign, parts: unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_ref(&parts[..1]) } }
461 }
462 FullDecoded::Finite(ref decoded) => {
463 let (buf, exp) = format_shortest(decoded, buf);
464 let vis_exp = exp as i32 - 1;
465 let parts = if dec_bounds.0 as i32 <= vis_exp && vis_exp < dec_bounds.1 as i32 {
466 digits_to_dec_str(buf, exp, 0, parts)
467 } else {
468 digits_to_exp_str(buf, exp, 0, upper, parts)
469 };
470 Formatted { sign, parts }
471 }
472 }
473 }
475 /// Returns a rather crude approximation (upper bound) for the maximum buffer size
476 /// calculated from the given decoded exponent.
477 ///
478 /// The exact limit is:
479 ///
480 /// - when `exp < 0`, the maximum length is `ceil(log_10 (5^-exp * (2^64 - 1)))`.
481 /// - when `exp >= 0`, the maximum length is `ceil(log_10 (2^exp * (2^64 - 1)))`.
482 ///
483 /// `ceil(log_10 (x^exp * (2^64 - 1)))` is less than `ceil(log_10 (2^64 - 1)) +
484 /// ceil(exp * log_10 x)`, which is in turn less than `20 + (1 + exp * log_10 x)`.
485 /// We use the facts that `log_10 2 < 5/16` and `log_10 5 < 12/16`, which is
486 /// enough for our purposes.
487 ///
488 /// Why do we need this? `format_exact` functions will fill the entire buffer
489 /// unless limited by the last digit restriction, but it is possible that
490 /// the number of digits requested is ridiculously large (say, 30,000 digits).
491 /// The vast majority of buffer will be filled with zeroes, so we don't want to
492 /// allocate all the buffer beforehand. Consequently, for any given arguments,
493 /// 826 bytes of buffer should be sufficient for `f64`. Compare this with
494 /// the actual number for the worst case: 770 bytes (when `exp = -1074`).
495 fn estimate_max_buf_len(exp: i16) -> usize {
496 21 + ((if exp < 0 { -12 } else { 5 } * exp as i32) as usize >> 4)
497 }
499 /// Formats given floating point number into the exponential form with
500 /// exactly given number of significant digits. The result is stored to
501 /// the supplied parts array while utilizing given byte buffer as a scratch.
502 /// `upper` is used to determine the case of the exponent prefix (`e` or `E`).
503 /// The first part to be rendered is always a `Part::Sign` (which can be
504 /// an empty string if no sign is rendered).
505 ///
506 /// `format_exact` should be the underlying digit-generation function.
507 /// It should return the part of the buffer that it initialized.
508 /// You probably would want `strategy::grisu::format_exact` for this.
509 ///
510 /// The byte buffer should be at least `ndigits` bytes long unless `ndigits` is
511 /// so large that only the fixed number of digits will be ever written.
512 /// (The tipping point for `f64` is about 800, so 1000 bytes should be enough.)
513 /// There should be at least 6 parts available, due to the worst case like
514 /// `[+][1][.][2345][e][-][6]`.
515 pub fn to_exact_exp_str<'a, T, F>(
516 mut format_exact: F,
517 v: T,
518 sign: Sign,
519 ndigits: usize,
520 upper: bool,
521 buf: &'a mut [MaybeUninit<u8>],
522 parts: &'a mut [MaybeUninit<Part<'a>>],
523 ) -> Formatted<'a>
524 where
525 T: DecodableFloat,
526 F: FnMut(&Decoded, &'a mut [MaybeUninit<u8>], i16) -> (&'a [u8], i16),
527 {
528 assert!(parts.len() >= 6);
529 assert!(ndigits > 0);
531 let (negative, full_decoded) = decode(v);
532 let sign = determine_sign(sign, &full_decoded, negative);
533 match full_decoded {
534 FullDecoded::Nan => {
535 parts[0] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(b"NaN"));
536 // SAFETY: we just initialized the elements `..1`.
537 Formatted { sign, parts: unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_ref(&parts[..1]) } }
538 }
539 FullDecoded::Infinite => {
540 parts[0] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(b"inf"));
541 // SAFETY: we just initialized the elements `..1`.
542 Formatted { sign, parts: unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_ref(&parts[..1]) } }
543 }
544 FullDecoded::Zero => {
545 if ndigits > 1 {
546 // [0.][0000][e0]
547 parts[0] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(b"0."));
548 parts[1] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Zero(ndigits - 1));
549 parts[2] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(if upper { b"E0" } else { b"e0" }));
550 Formatted {
551 sign,
552 // SAFETY: we just initialized the elements `..3`.
553 parts: unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_ref(&parts[..3]) },
554 }
555 } else {
556 parts[0] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(if upper { b"0E0" } else { b"0e0" }));
557 Formatted {
558 sign,
559 // SAFETY: we just initialized the elements `..1`.
560 parts: unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_ref(&parts[..1]) },
561 }
562 }
563 }
564 FullDecoded::Finite(ref decoded) => {
565 let maxlen = estimate_max_buf_len(decoded.exp);
566 assert!(buf.len() >= ndigits || buf.len() >= maxlen);
568 let trunc = if ndigits < maxlen { ndigits } else { maxlen };
569 let (buf, exp) = format_exact(decoded, &mut buf[..trunc], i16::MIN);
570 Formatted { sign, parts: digits_to_exp_str(buf, exp, ndigits, upper, parts) }
571 }
572 }
573 }
575 /// Formats given floating point number into the decimal form with exactly
576 /// given number of fractional digits. The result is stored to the supplied parts
577 /// array while utilizing given byte buffer as a scratch. `upper` is currently
578 /// unused but left for the future decision to change the case of non-finite values,
579 /// i.e., `inf` and `nan`. The first part to be rendered is always a `Part::Sign`
580 /// (which can be an empty string if no sign is rendered).
581 ///
582 /// `format_exact` should be the underlying digit-generation function.
583 /// It should return the part of the buffer that it initialized.
584 /// You probably would want `strategy::grisu::format_exact` for this.
585 ///
586 /// The byte buffer should be enough for the output unless `frac_digits` is
587 /// so large that only the fixed number of digits will be ever written.
588 /// (The tipping point for `f64` is about 800, and 1000 bytes should be enough.)
589 /// There should be at least 4 parts available, due to the worst case like
590 /// `[+][0.][0000][2][0000]` with `frac_digits = 10`.
591 pub fn to_exact_fixed_str<'a, T, F>(
592 mut format_exact: F,
593 v: T,
594 sign: Sign,
595 frac_digits: usize,
596 buf: &'a mut [MaybeUninit<u8>],
597 parts: &'a mut [MaybeUninit<Part<'a>>],
598 ) -> Formatted<'a>
599 where
600 T: DecodableFloat,
601 F: FnMut(&Decoded, &'a mut [MaybeUninit<u8>], i16) -> (&'a [u8], i16),
602 {
603 assert!(parts.len() >= 4);
605 let (negative, full_decoded) = decode(v);
606 let sign = determine_sign(sign, &full_decoded, negative);
607 match full_decoded {
608 FullDecoded::Nan => {
609 parts[0] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(b"NaN"));
610 // SAFETY: we just initialized the elements `..1`.
611 Formatted { sign, parts: unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_ref(&parts[..1]) } }
612 }
613 FullDecoded::Infinite => {
614 parts[0] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(b"inf"));
615 // SAFETY: we just initialized the elements `..1`.
616 Formatted { sign, parts: unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_ref(&parts[..1]) } }
617 }
618 FullDecoded::Zero => {
619 if frac_digits > 0 {
620 // [0.][0000]
621 parts[0] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(b"0."));
622 parts[1] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Zero(frac_digits));
623 Formatted {
624 sign,
625 // SAFETY: we just initialized the elements `..2`.
626 parts: unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_ref(&parts[..2]) },
627 }
628 } else {
629 parts[0] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(b"0"));
630 Formatted {
631 sign,
632 // SAFETY: we just initialized the elements `..1`.
633 parts: unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_ref(&parts[..1]) },
634 }
635 }
636 }
637 FullDecoded::Finite(ref decoded) => {
638 let maxlen = estimate_max_buf_len(decoded.exp);
639 assert!(buf.len() >= maxlen);
641 // it *is* possible that `frac_digits` is ridiculously large.
642 // `format_exact` will end rendering digits much earlier in this case,
643 // because we are strictly limited by `maxlen`.
644 let limit = if frac_digits < 0x8000 { -(frac_digits as i16) } else { i16::MIN };
645 let (buf, exp) = format_exact(decoded, &mut buf[..maxlen], limit);
646 if exp <= limit {
647 // the restriction couldn't been met, so this should render like zero no matter
648 // `exp` was. this does not include the case that the restriction has been met
649 // only after the final rounding-up; it's a regular case with `exp = limit + 1`.
650 debug_assert_eq!(buf.len(), 0);
651 if frac_digits > 0 {
652 // [0.][0000]
653 parts[0] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(b"0."));
654 parts[1] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Zero(frac_digits));
655 Formatted {
656 sign,
657 // SAFETY: we just initialized the elements `..2`.
658 parts: unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_ref(&parts[..2]) },
659 }
660 } else {
661 parts[0] = MaybeUninit::new(Part::Copy(b"0"));
662 Formatted {
663 sign,
664 // SAFETY: we just initialized the elements `..1`.
665 parts: unsafe { MaybeUninit::slice_assume_init_ref(&parts[..1]) },
666 }
667 }
668 } else {
669 Formatted { sign, parts: digits_to_dec_str(buf, exp, frac_digits, parts) }
670 }
671 }
672 }
673 }