]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - library/portable-simd/crates/core_simd/src/ops.rs
New upstream version 1.60.0+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / library / portable-simd / crates / core_simd / src / ops.rs
1 use crate::simd::{LaneCount, Simd, SimdElement, SupportedLaneCount};
2 use core::ops::{Add, Mul};
3 use core::ops::{BitAnd, BitOr, BitXor};
4 use core::ops::{Div, Rem, Sub};
5 use core::ops::{Shl, Shr};
7 mod assign;
8 mod deref;
9 mod unary;
11 impl<I, T, const LANES: usize> core::ops::Index<I> for Simd<T, LANES>
12 where
13 T: SimdElement,
14 LaneCount<LANES>: SupportedLaneCount,
15 I: core::slice::SliceIndex<[T]>,
16 {
17 type Output = I::Output;
18 fn index(&self, index: I) -> &Self::Output {
19 &self.as_array()[index]
20 }
21 }
23 impl<I, T, const LANES: usize> core::ops::IndexMut<I> for Simd<T, LANES>
24 where
25 T: SimdElement,
26 LaneCount<LANES>: SupportedLaneCount,
27 I: core::slice::SliceIndex<[T]>,
28 {
29 fn index_mut(&mut self, index: I) -> &mut Self::Output {
30 &mut self.as_mut_array()[index]
31 }
32 }
34 macro_rules! unsafe_base {
35 ($lhs:ident, $rhs:ident, {$simd_call:ident}, $($_:tt)*) => {
36 unsafe { $crate::simd::intrinsics::$simd_call($lhs, $rhs) }
37 };
38 }
40 /// SAFETY: This macro should not be used for anything except Shl or Shr, and passed the appropriate shift intrinsic.
41 /// It handles performing a bitand in addition to calling the shift operator, so that the result
42 /// is well-defined: LLVM can return a poison value if you shl, lshr, or ashr if rhs >= <Int>::BITS
43 /// At worst, this will maybe add another instruction and cycle,
44 /// at best, it may open up more optimization opportunities,
45 /// or simply be elided entirely, especially for SIMD ISAs which default to this.
46 ///
47 // FIXME: Consider implementing this in cg_llvm instead?
48 // cg_clif defaults to this, and scalar MIR shifts also default to wrapping
49 macro_rules! wrap_bitshift {
50 ($lhs:ident, $rhs:ident, {$simd_call:ident}, $int:ident) => {
51 unsafe {
52 $crate::simd::intrinsics::$simd_call(
53 $lhs,
54 $rhs.bitand(Simd::splat(<$int>::BITS as $int - 1)),
55 )
56 }
57 };
58 }
60 // Division by zero is poison, according to LLVM.
61 // So is dividing the MIN value of a signed integer by -1,
62 // since that would return MAX + 1.
63 // FIXME: Rust allows <SInt>::MIN / -1,
64 // so we should probably figure out how to make that safe.
65 macro_rules! int_divrem_guard {
66 ( $lhs:ident,
67 $rhs:ident,
68 { const PANIC_ZERO: &'static str = $zero:literal;
69 const PANIC_OVERFLOW: &'static str = $overflow:literal;
70 $simd_call:ident
71 },
72 $int:ident ) => {
73 if $rhs.lanes_eq(Simd::splat(0)).any() {
74 panic!($zero);
75 } else if <$int>::MIN != 0
76 && ($lhs.lanes_eq(Simd::splat(<$int>::MIN))
77 // type inference can break here, so cut an SInt to size
78 & $rhs.lanes_eq(Simd::splat(-1i64 as _))).any()
79 {
80 panic!($overflow);
81 } else {
82 unsafe { $crate::simd::intrinsics::$simd_call($lhs, $rhs) }
83 }
84 };
85 }
87 macro_rules! for_base_types {
88 ( T = ($($scalar:ident),*);
89 type Lhs = Simd<T, N>;
90 type Rhs = Simd<T, N>;
91 type Output = $out:ty;
93 impl $op:ident::$call:ident {
94 $macro_impl:ident $inner:tt
95 }) => {
96 $(
97 impl<const N: usize> $op<Self> for Simd<$scalar, N>
98 where
99 $scalar: SimdElement,
100 LaneCount<N>: SupportedLaneCount,
101 {
102 type Output = $out;
104 #[inline]
105 #[must_use = "operator returns a new vector without mutating the inputs"]
106 fn $call(self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output {
107 $macro_impl!(self, rhs, $inner, $scalar)
108 }
109 })*
110 }
111 }
113 // A "TokenTree muncher": takes a set of scalar types `T = {};`
114 // type parameters for the ops it implements, `Op::fn` names,
115 // and a macro that expands into an expr, substituting in an intrinsic.
116 // It passes that to for_base_types, which expands an impl for the types,
117 // using the expanded expr in the function, and recurses with itself.
118 //
119 // tl;dr impls a set of ops::{Traits} for a set of types
120 macro_rules! for_base_ops {
121 (
122 T = $types:tt;
123 type Lhs = Simd<T, N>;
124 type Rhs = Simd<T, N>;
125 type Output = $out:ident;
126 impl $op:ident::$call:ident
127 $inner:tt
128 $($rest:tt)*
129 ) => {
130 for_base_types! {
131 T = $types;
132 type Lhs = Simd<T, N>;
133 type Rhs = Simd<T, N>;
134 type Output = $out;
135 impl $op::$call
136 $inner
137 }
138 for_base_ops! {
139 T = $types;
140 type Lhs = Simd<T, N>;
141 type Rhs = Simd<T, N>;
142 type Output = $out;
143 $($rest)*
144 }
145 };
146 ($($done:tt)*) => {
147 // Done.
148 }
149 }
151 // Integers can always accept add, mul, sub, bitand, bitor, and bitxor.
152 // For all of these operations, simd_* intrinsics apply wrapping logic.
153 for_base_ops! {
154 T = (i8, i16, i32, i64, isize, u8, u16, u32, u64, usize);
155 type Lhs = Simd<T, N>;
156 type Rhs = Simd<T, N>;
157 type Output = Self;
159 impl Add::add {
160 unsafe_base { simd_add }
161 }
163 impl Mul::mul {
164 unsafe_base { simd_mul }
165 }
167 impl Sub::sub {
168 unsafe_base { simd_sub }
169 }
171 impl BitAnd::bitand {
172 unsafe_base { simd_and }
173 }
175 impl BitOr::bitor {
176 unsafe_base { simd_or }
177 }
179 impl BitXor::bitxor {
180 unsafe_base { simd_xor }
181 }
183 impl Div::div {
184 int_divrem_guard {
185 const PANIC_ZERO: &'static str = "attempt to divide by zero";
186 const PANIC_OVERFLOW: &'static str = "attempt to divide with overflow";
187 simd_div
188 }
189 }
191 impl Rem::rem {
192 int_divrem_guard {
193 const PANIC_ZERO: &'static str = "attempt to calculate the remainder with a divisor of zero";
194 const PANIC_OVERFLOW: &'static str = "attempt to calculate the remainder with overflow";
195 simd_rem
196 }
197 }
199 // The only question is how to handle shifts >= <Int>::BITS?
200 // Our current solution uses wrapping logic.
201 impl Shl::shl {
202 wrap_bitshift { simd_shl }
203 }
205 impl Shr::shr {
206 wrap_bitshift {
207 // This automatically monomorphizes to lshr or ashr, depending,
208 // so it's fine to use it for both UInts and SInts.
209 simd_shr
210 }
211 }
212 }
214 // We don't need any special precautions here:
215 // Floats always accept arithmetic ops, but may become NaN.
216 for_base_ops! {
217 T = (f32, f64);
218 type Lhs = Simd<T, N>;
219 type Rhs = Simd<T, N>;
220 type Output = Self;
222 impl Add::add {
223 unsafe_base { simd_add }
224 }
226 impl Mul::mul {
227 unsafe_base { simd_mul }
228 }
230 impl Sub::sub {
231 unsafe_base { simd_sub }
232 }
234 impl Div::div {
235 unsafe_base { simd_div }
236 }
238 impl Rem::rem {
239 unsafe_base { simd_rem }
240 }
241 }