]> git.proxmox.com Git - rustc.git/blob - library/proc_macro/src/bridge/server.rs
New upstream version 1.48.0~beta.8+dfsg1
[rustc.git] / library / proc_macro / src / bridge / server.rs
1 //! Server-side traits.
3 use super::*;
5 // FIXME(eddyb) generate the definition of `HandleStore` in `server.rs`.
6 use super::client::HandleStore;
8 /// Declare an associated item of one of the traits below, optionally
9 /// adjusting it (i.e., adding bounds to types and default bodies to methods).
10 macro_rules! associated_item {
11 (type FreeFunctions) =>
12 (type FreeFunctions: 'static;);
13 (type TokenStream) =>
14 (type TokenStream: 'static + Clone;);
15 (type TokenStreamBuilder) =>
16 (type TokenStreamBuilder: 'static;);
17 (type TokenStreamIter) =>
18 (type TokenStreamIter: 'static + Clone;);
19 (type Group) =>
20 (type Group: 'static + Clone;);
21 (type Punct) =>
22 (type Punct: 'static + Copy + Eq + Hash;);
23 (type Ident) =>
24 (type Ident: 'static + Copy + Eq + Hash;);
25 (type Literal) =>
26 (type Literal: 'static + Clone;);
27 (type SourceFile) =>
28 (type SourceFile: 'static + Clone;);
29 (type MultiSpan) =>
30 (type MultiSpan: 'static;);
31 (type Diagnostic) =>
32 (type Diagnostic: 'static;);
33 (type Span) =>
34 (type Span: 'static + Copy + Eq + Hash;);
35 (fn drop(&mut self, $arg:ident: $arg_ty:ty)) =>
36 (fn drop(&mut self, $arg: $arg_ty) { mem::drop($arg) });
37 (fn clone(&mut self, $arg:ident: $arg_ty:ty) -> $ret_ty:ty) =>
38 (fn clone(&mut self, $arg: $arg_ty) -> $ret_ty { $arg.clone() });
39 ($($item:tt)*) => ($($item)*;)
40 }
42 macro_rules! declare_server_traits {
43 ($($name:ident {
44 $(fn $method:ident($($arg:ident: $arg_ty:ty),* $(,)?) $(-> $ret_ty:ty)?;)*
45 }),* $(,)?) => {
46 pub trait Types {
47 $(associated_item!(type $name);)*
48 }
50 $(pub trait $name: Types {
51 $(associated_item!(fn $method(&mut self, $($arg: $arg_ty),*) $(-> $ret_ty)?);)*
52 })*
54 pub trait Server: Types $(+ $name)* {}
55 impl<S: Types $(+ $name)*> Server for S {}
56 }
57 }
58 with_api!(Self, self_, declare_server_traits);
60 pub(super) struct MarkedTypes<S: Types>(S);
62 macro_rules! define_mark_types_impls {
63 ($($name:ident {
64 $(fn $method:ident($($arg:ident: $arg_ty:ty),* $(,)?) $(-> $ret_ty:ty)?;)*
65 }),* $(,)?) => {
66 impl<S: Types> Types for MarkedTypes<S> {
67 $(type $name = Marked<S::$name, client::$name>;)*
68 }
70 $(impl<S: $name> $name for MarkedTypes<S> {
71 $(fn $method(&mut self, $($arg: $arg_ty),*) $(-> $ret_ty)? {
72 <_>::mark($name::$method(&mut self.0, $($arg.unmark()),*))
73 })*
74 })*
75 }
76 }
77 with_api!(Self, self_, define_mark_types_impls);
79 struct Dispatcher<S: Types> {
80 handle_store: HandleStore<S>,
81 server: S,
82 }
84 macro_rules! define_dispatcher_impl {
85 ($($name:ident {
86 $(fn $method:ident($($arg:ident: $arg_ty:ty),* $(,)?) $(-> $ret_ty:ty)?;)*
87 }),* $(,)?) => {
88 // FIXME(eddyb) `pub` only for `ExecutionStrategy` below.
89 pub trait DispatcherTrait {
90 // HACK(eddyb) these are here to allow `Self::$name` to work below.
91 $(type $name;)*
92 fn dispatch(&mut self, b: Buffer<u8>) -> Buffer<u8>;
93 }
95 impl<S: Server> DispatcherTrait for Dispatcher<MarkedTypes<S>> {
96 $(type $name = <MarkedTypes<S> as Types>::$name;)*
97 fn dispatch(&mut self, mut b: Buffer<u8>) -> Buffer<u8> {
98 let Dispatcher { handle_store, server } = self;
100 let mut reader = &b[..];
101 match api_tags::Method::decode(&mut reader, &mut ()) {
102 $(api_tags::Method::$name(m) => match m {
103 $(api_tags::$name::$method => {
104 let mut call_method = || {
105 reverse_decode!(reader, handle_store; $($arg: $arg_ty),*);
106 $name::$method(server, $($arg),*)
107 };
108 // HACK(eddyb) don't use `panic::catch_unwind` in a panic.
109 // If client and server happen to use the same `libstd`,
110 // `catch_unwind` asserts that the panic counter was 0,
111 // even when the closure passed to it didn't panic.
112 let r = if thread::panicking() {
113 Ok(call_method())
114 } else {
115 panic::catch_unwind(panic::AssertUnwindSafe(call_method))
116 .map_err(PanicMessage::from)
117 };
119 b.clear();
120 r.encode(&mut b, handle_store);
121 })*
122 }),*
123 }
124 b
125 }
126 }
127 }
128 }
129 with_api!(Self, self_, define_dispatcher_impl);
131 pub trait ExecutionStrategy {
132 fn run_bridge_and_client<D: Copy + Send + 'static>(
133 &self,
134 dispatcher: &mut impl DispatcherTrait,
135 input: Buffer<u8>,
136 run_client: extern "C" fn(Bridge<'_>, D) -> Buffer<u8>,
137 client_data: D,
138 force_show_panics: bool,
139 ) -> Buffer<u8>;
140 }
142 pub struct SameThread;
144 impl ExecutionStrategy for SameThread {
145 fn run_bridge_and_client<D: Copy + Send + 'static>(
146 &self,
147 dispatcher: &mut impl DispatcherTrait,
148 input: Buffer<u8>,
149 run_client: extern "C" fn(Bridge<'_>, D) -> Buffer<u8>,
150 client_data: D,
151 force_show_panics: bool,
152 ) -> Buffer<u8> {
153 let mut dispatch = |b| dispatcher.dispatch(b);
155 run_client(
156 Bridge { cached_buffer: input, dispatch: (&mut dispatch).into(), force_show_panics },
157 client_data,
158 )
159 }
160 }
162 // NOTE(eddyb) Two implementations are provided, the second one is a bit
163 // faster but neither is anywhere near as fast as same-thread execution.
165 pub struct CrossThread1;
167 impl ExecutionStrategy for CrossThread1 {
168 fn run_bridge_and_client<D: Copy + Send + 'static>(
169 &self,
170 dispatcher: &mut impl DispatcherTrait,
171 input: Buffer<u8>,
172 run_client: extern "C" fn(Bridge<'_>, D) -> Buffer<u8>,
173 client_data: D,
174 force_show_panics: bool,
175 ) -> Buffer<u8> {
176 use std::sync::mpsc::channel;
178 let (req_tx, req_rx) = channel();
179 let (res_tx, res_rx) = channel();
181 let join_handle = thread::spawn(move || {
182 let mut dispatch = |b| {
183 req_tx.send(b).unwrap();
184 res_rx.recv().unwrap()
185 };
187 run_client(
188 Bridge {
189 cached_buffer: input,
190 dispatch: (&mut dispatch).into(),
191 force_show_panics,
192 },
193 client_data,
194 )
195 });
197 for b in req_rx {
198 res_tx.send(dispatcher.dispatch(b)).unwrap();
199 }
201 join_handle.join().unwrap()
202 }
203 }
205 pub struct CrossThread2;
207 impl ExecutionStrategy for CrossThread2 {
208 fn run_bridge_and_client<D: Copy + Send + 'static>(
209 &self,
210 dispatcher: &mut impl DispatcherTrait,
211 input: Buffer<u8>,
212 run_client: extern "C" fn(Bridge<'_>, D) -> Buffer<u8>,
213 client_data: D,
214 force_show_panics: bool,
215 ) -> Buffer<u8> {
216 use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
218 enum State<T> {
219 Req(T),
220 Res(T),
221 }
223 let mut state = Arc::new(Mutex::new(State::Res(Buffer::new())));
225 let server_thread = thread::current();
226 let state2 = state.clone();
227 let join_handle = thread::spawn(move || {
228 let mut dispatch = |b| {
229 *state2.lock().unwrap() = State::Req(b);
230 server_thread.unpark();
231 loop {
232 thread::park();
233 if let State::Res(b) = &mut *state2.lock().unwrap() {
234 break b.take();
235 }
236 }
237 };
239 let r = run_client(
240 Bridge {
241 cached_buffer: input,
242 dispatch: (&mut dispatch).into(),
243 force_show_panics,
244 },
245 client_data,
246 );
248 // Wake up the server so it can exit the dispatch loop.
249 drop(state2);
250 server_thread.unpark();
252 r
253 });
255 // Check whether `state2` was dropped, to know when to stop.
256 while Arc::get_mut(&mut state).is_none() {
257 thread::park();
258 let mut b = match &mut *state.lock().unwrap() {
259 State::Req(b) => b.take(),
260 _ => continue,
261 };
262 b = dispatcher.dispatch(b.take());
263 *state.lock().unwrap() = State::Res(b);
264 join_handle.thread().unpark();
265 }
267 join_handle.join().unwrap()
268 }
269 }
271 fn run_server<
272 S: Server,
273 I: Encode<HandleStore<MarkedTypes<S>>>,
274 O: for<'a, 's> DecodeMut<'a, 's, HandleStore<MarkedTypes<S>>>,
275 D: Copy + Send + 'static,
276 >(
277 strategy: &impl ExecutionStrategy,
278 handle_counters: &'static client::HandleCounters,
279 server: S,
280 input: I,
281 run_client: extern "C" fn(Bridge<'_>, D) -> Buffer<u8>,
282 client_data: D,
283 force_show_panics: bool,
284 ) -> Result<O, PanicMessage> {
285 let mut dispatcher =
286 Dispatcher { handle_store: HandleStore::new(handle_counters), server: MarkedTypes(server) };
288 let mut b = Buffer::new();
289 input.encode(&mut b, &mut dispatcher.handle_store);
291 b = strategy.run_bridge_and_client(
292 &mut dispatcher,
293 b,
294 run_client,
295 client_data,
296 force_show_panics,
297 );
299 Result::decode(&mut &b[..], &mut dispatcher.handle_store)
300 }
302 impl client::Client<fn(crate::TokenStream) -> crate::TokenStream> {
303 pub fn run<S: Server>(
304 &self,
305 strategy: &impl ExecutionStrategy,
306 server: S,
307 input: S::TokenStream,
308 force_show_panics: bool,
309 ) -> Result<S::TokenStream, PanicMessage> {
310 let client::Client { get_handle_counters, run, f } = *self;
311 run_server(
312 strategy,
313 get_handle_counters(),
314 server,
315 <MarkedTypes<S> as Types>::TokenStream::mark(input),
316 run,
317 f,
318 force_show_panics,
319 )
320 .map(<MarkedTypes<S> as Types>::TokenStream::unmark)
321 }
322 }
324 impl client::Client<fn(crate::TokenStream, crate::TokenStream) -> crate::TokenStream> {
325 pub fn run<S: Server>(
326 &self,
327 strategy: &impl ExecutionStrategy,
328 server: S,
329 input: S::TokenStream,
330 input2: S::TokenStream,
331 force_show_panics: bool,
332 ) -> Result<S::TokenStream, PanicMessage> {
333 let client::Client { get_handle_counters, run, f } = *self;
334 run_server(
335 strategy,
336 get_handle_counters(),
337 server,
338 (
339 <MarkedTypes<S> as Types>::TokenStream::mark(input),
340 <MarkedTypes<S> as Types>::TokenStream::mark(input2),
341 ),
342 run,
343 f,
344 force_show_panics,
345 )
346 .map(<MarkedTypes<S> as Types>::TokenStream::unmark)
347 }
348 }