]> git.proxmox.com Git - efi-boot-shim.git/blob - make-certs
MokManager: support MD5-based crypt() hash
[efi-boot-shim.git] / make-certs
1 #!/bin/bash -e
2 #
3 # Generate a root CA cert for signing, and then a subject cert.
4 # Usage: make-certs.sh hostname [user[@domain]] [more ...]
5 # For testing only, probably still has some bugs in it.
6 #
8 DOMAIN=xn--u4h.net
9 DAYS=365
11 KEYSIZE=2048
16 # Cleanup temporary files at exit.
17 touch openssl.cnf
18 newcertdir=`mktemp -d`
19 cleanup() {
20 test -f openssl.cnf && rm -f openssl.cnf
21 test -f ca.txt && rm -f ca.txt
22 test -f ocsp.txt && rm -f ocsp.txt
23 test -n "$newcertdir" && rm -fr "$newcertdir"
24 }
25 trap cleanup EXIT
27 # The first argument is either a common name value or a flag indicating that
28 # we're doing something other than issuing a cert.
29 commonname="$1"
30 refresh_crl=false
31 revoke_cert=false
32 ocsp_serve=false
33 if test "x$commonname" = "x-refresh-crl" ; then
34 refresh_crl=true
35 commonname="$1"
36 fi
37 if test "x$commonname" = "x-refresh_crl" ; then
38 refresh_crl=true
39 commonname="$1"
40 fi
41 if test "x$commonname" = "x-revoke" ; then
42 revoke_cert=true
43 shift
44 commonname="$1"
45 fi
46 if test "x$commonname" = "x-ocsp" ; then
47 ocsp_serve=true
48 commonname="$1"
49 fi
50 if test "x$commonname" = x ; then
51 echo Usage: `basename $0` 'commonname' user'[@domain]' '[more [...]]'
52 echo Usage: `basename $0` -revoke 'commonname'
53 echo Usage: `basename $0` -ocsp
54 echo Usage: `basename $0` -refresh-crl
55 echo More:
56 echo -e \\tKey usage: "[sign|signing|encrypt|encryption|all]"
57 echo -e \\tAuthority Access Info OCSP responder: "ocsp:URI"
58 echo -e \\tCRL distribution point: "crl:URI"
59 echo -e \\tSubject Alternative Name:
60 echo -e \\t\\tHostname: "*"
61 echo -e \\t\\tIP address: w.x.y.z
62 echo -e \\t\\tEmail address: "*@*.com/edu/net/org/local"
63 echo -e \\t\\tKerberos principal name: "*@*.COM/EDU/NET/ORG/LOCAL"
64 echo -e \\tExtended key usage:
65 echo -e \\t\\t1....
66 echo -e \\t\\t2....
67 echo -e \\t\\tid-kp-server-auth \| tls-server
68 echo -e \\t\\tid-kp-client-auth \| tls-client
69 echo -e \\t\\tid-kp-email-protection \| email
70 echo -e \\t\\tid-ms-kp-sc-logon \| id-ms-sc-logon
71 echo -e \\t\\tid-pkinit-kp-client-auth \| id-pkinit-client
72 echo -e \\t\\tid-pkinit-kp-kdc \| id-pkinit-kdc
73 echo -e \\t\\tca \| CA
74 exit 1
75 fi
77 # Choose a user name part for email attributes.
79 test x"$GIVENUSER" = x && GIVENUSER=$USER
80 echo "$GIVENUSER" | grep -q @ || GIVENUSER="$GIVENUSER"@$DOMAIN
81 DOMAIN=`echo "$GIVENUSER" | cut -f2- -d@`
83 shift || true
84 shift || true
86 # Done already?
87 done=:
89 keygen() {
90 case "$KEYTYPE" in
91 DSA)
92 openssl dsaparam -out "$1".param $KEYSIZE
93 openssl gendsa "$1".param
94 ;;
95 RSA|*)
96 #openssl genrsa $KEYSIZE -passout pass:qweqwe
97 openssl genrsa $KEYSIZE
98 #openssl genrsa $KEYSIZE -nodes
99 ;;
100 esac
101 }
103 # Set some defaults.
105 if test -s ca.crldp.uri.txt ; then
106 crlval="`cat ca.crldp.uri.txt`"
107 crl="URI:$crlval"
108 fi
109 if test -s ca.ocsp.uri.txt ; then
110 aiaval="`cat ca.ocsp.uri.txt`"
111 aia="OCSP;URI:$aiaval"
112 fi
113 if test -s ca.domain.txt ; then
114 domval="`cat ca.domain.txt`"
115 if test -n "$domval" ; then
116 DOMAIN="$domval"
117 fi
118 fi
120 # Parse the arguments which indicate what sort of information we want.
121 while test $# -gt 0 ; do
122 type=
123 value="$1"
124 case "$value" in
125 RSA|rsa)
127 ;;
128 DSA|dsa)
130 ;;
131 OCSP:*|ocsp:*)
132 aiaval=`echo "$value" | cut -f2- -d:`
133 aia="OCSP;URI:$aiaval"
134 ;;
135 CRL:*|crl:*)
136 crlval=`echo "$value" | cut -f2- -d:`
137 crl="URI:$crlval"
138 ;;
139 signing|sign)
140 keyusage="${keyusage:+${keyusage},}nonRepudiation,digitalSignature"
141 ;;
142 encryption|encrypt)
143 keyusage="${keyusage:+${keyusage},}keyEncipherment,dataEncipherment"
144 ;;
145 all)
146 keyusage="digitalSignature,nonRepudiation,keyEncipherment,dataEncipherment,keyAgreement,keyCertSign,cRLSign,encipherOnly,decipherOnly"
147 ;;
148 ca|CA)
150 keyusage="${keyusage:+${keyusage},}nonRepudiation,digitalSignature,keyEncipherment,dataEncipherment,keyAgreement,keyCertSign,cRLSign"
151 ;;
152 1.*|2.*|id-*|tls-*|email|mail|codesign)
153 ekuval=`echo "$value" | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' | sed 's,\-,,g'`
154 case "$ekuval" in
155 idkpserverauth|tlsserver) ekuval=;;
156 idkpclientauth|tlsclient) ekuval=;;
157 idkpemailprotection|email|mail) ekuval=;;
158 idkpcodesign|codesign) ekuval=;;
159 idmskpsclogon|idmssclogon) ekuval=;;
160 idpkinitkpclientauth|idpkinitclient) ekuval=;;
161 idpkinitkpkdc|idpkinitkdc) ekuval=;;
162 esac
163 if test -z "$eku" ; then
164 eku="$ekuval"
165 else
166 eku="$eku,$ekuval"
167 fi
168 ;;
169 *@*.COM|*@*.EDU|*@*.NET|*@*.ORG|*@*.LOCAL)
170 luser=`echo "$value" | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`
171 if test "$luser" = "$value" ; then
172 luser=
173 fi
174 type="otherName:;SEQUENCE:$value,${luser:+otherName:;UTF8:${luser},}otherName:;UTF8"
175 unset luser
176 principals="$principals $value"
177 ;;
178 *@*.com|*@*.edu|*@*.net|*@*.org|*@*.local) type=email;;
179 [0-9]*.[0-9]*.[0-9]*.[0-9]*) type=IP;;
180 *) type=DNS;;
181 esac
182 if test -n "$type" ; then
183 newvalue="${type}:$value"
184 if test -z "$altnames" ; then
185 altnames="${newvalue}"
186 else
187 altnames="${altnames},${newvalue}"
188 fi
189 fi
190 shift
191 done
193 # Build the configuration file, including bits on how to construct the CA
194 # certificate, an OCSP responder certificate, and the issued certificate.
195 cat > openssl.cnf <<- EOF
196 [ca]
197 default_ca = issuer
199 [issuer]
200 private_key = `pwd`/ca.key
201 certificate = `pwd`/ca.crt
202 database = `pwd`/ca.db
203 serial = `pwd`/ca.srl
204 default_md = $DIGEST
205 new_certs_dir = $newcertdir
206 policy = no_policy
208 [no_policy]
210 [req_oids]
211 domainComponent = 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.25
213 [req_ca]
214 prompt = no
215 oid_section = req_oids
216 distinguished_name = req_ca_name
217 default_md = $DIGEST
218 subjectKeyIdentifier=hash
220 [req_ca_name]
221 C=US
222 #stateOrProvinceName=SomeState
223 localityName=SomeCity
224 O=SomeOrg
225 EOF
226 #echo $DOMAIN | awk 'BEGIN {FS="."}{for(i=NF;i>0;i--){print NF-i ".domainComponent="$i;}}' >> openssl.cnf
227 cat >> openssl.cnf <<- EOF
228 #commonName = Test Certifying CA
230 [v3_ca]
231 subjectKeyIdentifier=hash
232 authorityKeyIdentifier=keyid:always
233 #authorityKeyIdentifier=keyid:always,issuer:always
234 keyUsage=nonRepudiation,digitalSignature,keyEncipherment,dataEncipherment,keyAgreement,keyCertSign,cRLSign
235 basicConstraints=critical,CA:TRUE
236 nsComment="Testing CA Certificate"
237 EOF
238 if test -n "$aia" ; then
239 echo "authorityInfoAccess = ${aia}" >> openssl.cnf
240 echo -n "$aiaval" > ca.ocsp.uri.txt
241 fi
242 if test -n "$crl" ; then
243 echo "crlDistributionPoints = ${crl}" >> openssl.cnf
244 echo -n "$crlval" > ca.crldp.uri.txt
245 fi
246 echo "$DOMAIN" > ca.domain.txt
247 cat >> openssl.cnf <<- EOF
249 [req_ocsp]
250 prompt = no
251 oid_section = req_oids
252 distinguished_name = req_ocsp_name
253 default_md = $DIGEST
255 [req_ocsp_name]
256 C=US
257 #stateOrProvinceName=SomeState
258 localityName=SomeOrg
259 O=SomeOrg
260 EOF
261 #echo $DOMAIN | awk 'BEGIN {FS="."}{for(i=NF;i>0;i--){print NF-i ".domainComponent="$i;}}' >> openssl.cnf
262 cat >> openssl.cnf <<- EOF
263 #commonName = OCSP Signer for Test Certifying CA
265 [v3_ocsp]
266 subjectKeyIdentifier=hash
267 #authorityKeyIdentifier=keyid:always,issuer:always
268 authorityKeyIdentifier=keyid:always
269 keyUsage=digitalSignature,nonRepudiation,keyEncipherment,dataEncipherment,keyAgreement,keyCertSign,cRLSign
270 extendedKeyUsage=
271 #basicConstraints=CA:FALSE
272 basicConstraints=CA:TRUE
273 nsComment="Testing OCSP Certificate"
275 EOF
276 if test -n "$aia" ; then
277 echo "authorityInfoAccess = ${aia}" >> openssl.cnf
278 fi
279 if test -n "$crl" ; then
280 echo "crlDistributionPoints = ${crl}" >> openssl.cnf
281 fi
282 cat >> openssl.cnf <<- EOF
284 [req_issued]
285 prompt = no
286 oid_section = req_oids
287 distinguished_name = req_issued_name
288 default_md = $DIGEST
290 [req_issued_name]
291 C=US
292 #stateOrProvinceName=SomeState
293 localityName=SomeCity
294 O=SomeOrg
295 EOF
296 #echo $DOMAIN | awk 'BEGIN {FS="."}{for(i=NF;i>0;i--){print NF-i ".domainComponent="$i;}}' >> openssl.cnf
297 #mail = $GIVENUSER
298 cat >> openssl.cnf <<- EOF
299 commonName = $commonname
301 [v3_issued]
302 #certificatePolicies=${eku:+,${eku}}
303 subjectKeyIdentifier=hash
304 authorityKeyIdentifier=keyid:always
305 #authorityKeyIdentifier=keyid:always,issuer:always
306 EOF
307 if test -n "$aia" ; then
308 echo "authorityInfoAccess = ${aia}" >> openssl.cnf
309 fi
310 if test -n "$crl" ; then
311 echo "crlDistributionPoints = ${crl}" >> openssl.cnf
312 fi
313 if test -n "$keyusage" ; then
314 echo "keyUsage = critical,${keyusage}" >> openssl.cnf
315 fi
316 if test -n "$altnames" ; then
317 echo "subjectAltName = ${altnames}" >> openssl.cnf
318 fi
319 if test -n "$eku" ; then
320 echo "extendedKeyUsage = ${eku}" >> openssl.cnf
321 :
322 fi
323 if test "x$CA" = xTRUE ; then
324 echo "basicConstraints=critical,CA:TRUE" >> openssl.cnf
325 echo 'nsComment="Testing CA Certificate for '"$commonname"'"' >> openssl.cnf
326 else
327 echo "basicConstraints=CA:FALSE" >> openssl.cnf
328 echo 'nsComment="Testing Certificate for '"$commonname"'"' >> openssl.cnf
329 fi
330 for value in $principals; do
331 user=`echo "$value" | cut -f1 -d@`
332 realm=`echo "$value" | cut -f2- -d@`
333 echo "" >> openssl.cnf
334 echo "[$value]" >> openssl.cnf
335 echo "realm=EXPLICIT:0,GeneralString:$realm" >> openssl.cnf
336 echo "kerberosname=EXPLICIT:1,SEQUENCE:krb5$user" >> openssl.cnf
338 echo "" >> openssl.cnf
339 echo "[krb5$user]" >> openssl.cnf
340 echo "nametype=EXPLICIT:0,INTEGER:1" >> openssl.cnf
341 echo "namelist=EXPLICIT:1,SEQUENCE:krb5basic$user" >> openssl.cnf
343 echo "[krb5basic$user]" >> openssl.cnf
344 count=0
345 for part in `echo "$user" | sed 's,/, ,g'` ; do
346 echo "$count.part=GeneralString:$part" >> openssl.cnf
347 count=`expr "$count" + 1`
348 done
349 done
351 # Create the data files for a new CA.
352 if ! test -s ca.srl ; then
353 (dd if=/dev/urandom bs=8 count=1 2> /dev/null) | od -t x1c | head -n 1 | awk '{$1="00";OFS="";print}' > ca.srl
354 else
355 echo "You already have a ca.srl file; not replacing."
356 fi
357 if ! test -s ca.db ; then
358 touch ca.db
359 else
360 echo "You already have a ca.db file; not replacing."
361 fi
362 if ! test -s ca.db.attr ; then
363 touch ca.db.attr
364 else
365 echo "You already have a ca.db.attr file; not replacing."
366 fi
368 # If we need a CA key, generate one.
369 if ! test -s ca.key ; then
370 umask=`umask -p`
371 umask 077
372 keygen ca > ca.key 2> /dev/null
373 $umask
374 else
375 echo "You already have a ca.key file; not replacing."
376 done=echo
377 fi
379 # If we need a CA certificate, generate one.
380 if ! test -s ca.crt ; then
381 sed -i -e 's,^\[req_ca\]$,\[req\],g' `pwd`/openssl.cnf
382 openssl req -config `pwd`/openssl.cnf -new -key ca.key > ca.csr 2> /dev/null -passin pass:shim
383 sed -i -e 's,^\[req\]$,\[req_ca\],g' `pwd`/openssl.cnf
384 openssl x509 -extfile `pwd`/openssl.cnf -CAserial ca.srl -signkey ca.key -extensions v3_ca -req -in ca.csr -days $DAYS -out ca.crt ; : 2> /dev/null
385 openssl x509 -noout -text -in ca.crt > ca.txt
386 cat ca.crt >> ca.txt
387 cat ca.txt > ca.crt
388 rm ca.txt
389 cat ca.crt > ca.chain.crt
390 else
391 echo "You already have a ca.crt file; not replacing."
392 done=echo
393 fi
395 # If we need an OCSP key, generate one.
396 if ! test -s ocsp.key ; then
397 umask=`umask -p`
398 umask 077
399 keygen ocsp > ocsp.key 2> /dev/null
400 $umask
401 else
402 echo "You already have an ocsp.key file; not replacing."
403 done=echo
404 fi
406 # Generate the OCSP signing cert. Set the X.509v3 basic constraints and EKU.
407 if ! test -s ocsp.crt ; then
408 sed -i -e 's,^\[req_ocsp\]$,\[req\],g' `pwd`/openssl.cnf
409 openssl req -config `pwd`/openssl.cnf -new -key ocsp.key > ocsp.csr 2> /dev/null
410 sed -i -e 's,^\[req\]$,\[req_ocsp\],g' `pwd`/openssl.cnf
411 openssl ca -batch -config `pwd`/openssl.cnf -extensions v3_ocsp -preserveDN -in ocsp.csr -days $DAYS -out ocsp.crt 2> /dev/null
412 openssl x509 -noout -text -in ocsp.crt > ocsp.txt
413 cat ocsp.crt >> ocsp.txt
414 cat ocsp.txt > ocsp.crt
415 rm ocsp.txt
416 else
417 echo "You already have an ocsp.crt file; not replacing."
418 done=echo
419 fi
421 # If we were told to revoke the certificate with the specified common name,
422 # do so.
423 if $revoke_cert ; then
424 openssl ca -config `pwd`/openssl.cnf -revoke "$commonname".crt
425 fi
427 # Always refresh the CRL.
428 openssl ca -config `pwd`/openssl.cnf -gencrl ${CRLHOURS:+-crlhours ${CRLHOURS}} ${CRLDAYS:+-crldays ${CRLDAYS}} -out ca.crl.pem
429 openssl crl -in ca.crl.pem -outform der -out ca.crl
430 openssl crl -in ca.crl -inform der -noout -text > ca.crl.pem
431 openssl crl -in ca.crl -inform der >> ca.crl.pem
433 # If we were told to start up the mini OCSP server, do so.
434 if $ocsp_serve ; then
435 openssl ocsp -text -index `pwd`/ca.db -CA `pwd`/ca.crt -rsigner `pwd`/ocsp.crt -rkey `pwd`/ocsp.key -rother `pwd`/ocsp.crt -port "`cut -f3 -d/ ca.ocsp.uri.txt | sed -r 's,(^[^:]*),,g'`"
436 exit 0
437 fi
439 # If we're just here to do a revocation or refresh the CRL, we're done.
440 if $revoke_cert || $refresh_crl ; then
441 exit 0
442 fi
444 # Create a new serial number and whatnot if this is a new sub-CA.
445 if test "x$CA" = xTRUE ; then
446 if ! test -d "$commonname" ; then
447 mkdir "$commonname"
448 fi
449 if ! test -s "$commonname/ca.srl" ; then
450 (dd if=/dev/urandom bs=8 count=1 2> /dev/null) | od -t x1c | head -n 1 | awk '{$1="00";OFS="";print}' > "$commonname/ca.srl"
451 else
452 echo "You already have a $commonname/ca.srl file; not replacing."
453 fi
454 if test -n "$aia" ; then
455 echo -n "$aiaval" > "$commonname/ca.ocsp.uri.txt"
456 fi
457 if test -n "$crl" ; then
458 echo -n "$crlval" > "$commonname/ca.crldp.uri.txt"
459 fi
460 echo "$DOMAIN" > "$commonname/ca.domain.txt"
461 touch "$commonname/ca.db" "$commonname/ca.db.attr"
462 cert="$commonname/ca.crt"
463 csr="$commonname/ca.csr"
464 key="$commonname/ca.key"
465 pem="$commonname/ca.pem"
466 pfx="$commonname/ca.p12"
467 ln -s ../`basename $0` "$commonname"/
468 else
469 cert="$commonname.crt"
470 csr="$commonname.csr"
471 key="$commonname.key"
472 pem="$commonname.pem"
473 pfx="$commonname.p12"
474 fi
476 # Generate the subject's certificate. Set the X.509v3 basic constraints.
477 if ! test -s "$cert" ; then
478 # Generate another key, unless we have a key or CSR.
479 if ! test -s "$key" && ! test -s "$csr" ; then
480 umask=`umask -p`
481 umask 077
482 keygen "$commonname" > "$key" 2> /dev/null
483 $umask
484 else
485 echo "You already have a $key or $csr file; not replacing."
486 done=echo
487 fi
489 if ! test -s "$csr" ; then
490 sed -i -e 's,^\[req_issued\]$,\[req\],g' `pwd`/openssl.cnf
491 openssl req -config `pwd`/openssl.cnf -new -key "$key" > "$csr" 2> /dev/null
492 sed -i -e 's,^\[req\]$,\[req_issued\],g' `pwd`/openssl.cnf
493 fi
494 openssl ca -batch -config `pwd`/openssl.cnf -extensions v3_issued -preserveDN -in "$csr" -days $DAYS -out "$cert" 2> /dev/null
495 openssl x509 -noout -text -in "$cert" > "$cert.txt"
496 cat "$cert" >> "$cert.txt"
497 cat "$cert.txt" > "$cert"
498 rm -f "$cert.txt"
499 else
500 echo "You already have a $cert file; not replacing."
501 done=echo
502 fi
504 if test -s ca.chain.crt ; then
505 chain=ca.chain.crt
506 else
507 chain=ca.crt
508 fi
509 if test "x$CA" = xTRUE ; then
510 cat "$chain" "$cert" > "$commonname/ca.chain.crt"
511 fi
513 # Create ca.pem and the subject's name.pem for the benefit of applications
514 # which expect both the private key and the certificate in one file.
515 umask=`umask -p`
516 umask 077
517 if ! test -s ca.pem ; then
518 cat ca.key ca.crt > ca.pem
519 else
520 echo "You already have a ca.pem file; not replacing."
521 done=echo
522 fi
523 if ! test -s "$pem" ; then
524 cat "$key" "$cert" > "$pem"
525 else
526 echo "You already have a $pem file; not replacing."
527 done=echo
528 fi
529 if ! test -s "$pfx" ; then
530 #openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey "$key" -in "$cert" -name "$commonname" -out "$pfx" -nodes -passout pass:qweqwe
531 openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey "$key" -in "$cert" -name "$commonname" -out "$pfx" -nodes -passout pass:
532 else
533 echo "You already have a $pfx file; not replacing."
534 done=echo
535 fi
536 $umask
537 $done
539 echo CA certificate:
540 openssl x509 -noout -issuer -in ca.crt | sed s,=\ ,\ ,g
541 openssl x509 -noout -subject -in ca.crt | sed s,=\ ,\ ,g
542 echo
543 echo End entity certificate:
544 openssl x509 -noout -issuer -in "$cert" | sed s,=\ ,\ ,g
545 openssl x509 -noout -subject -in "$cert" | sed s,=\ ,\ ,g
546 openssl x509 -noout -serial -in "$cert" | sed s,=,\ ,g
547 echo
548 echo PKCS12 bag:
549 openssl pkcs12 -in "$pfx" -nodes -nokeys -nocerts -info -passin pass:
550 #openssl pkcs12 -in "$pfx" -nodes -nokeys -nocerts -info -passin pass:qweqwe
551 echo
552 echo Verifying:
553 echo + openssl verify -CAfile "$chain" "$cert"
554 openssl verify -CAfile "$chain" "$cert"