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22 <a href="../libudev/index.html">gudev </a><span style="float:right">systemd 214</span><hr><div class="refentry"><a name="logind.conf"></a><div class="titlepage"></div><div class="refnamediv"><h2>Name</h2><p>logind.conf — Login manager configuration file</p></div><div class="refsynopsisdiv"><h2>Synopsis</h2><p><code class="filename">/etc/systemd/logind.conf</code></p></div><div class="refsect1"><a name="idm214188150608"></a><h2 id="Description">Description<a class="headerlink" title="Permalink to this headline" href="#Description"></a></h2><p>This file configures various parameters of the systemd login manager, <a href="systemd-logind.service.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">systemd-logind.service</span>(8)</span></a>.</p></div><div class="refsect1"><a name="idm214188148624"></a><h2 id="Options">Options<a class="headerlink" title="Permalink to this headline" href="#Options"></a></h2><p>All options are configured in the
23 "<code class="literal">[Login]</code>" section:</p><div class="variablelist"><dl class="variablelist"><dt id="NAutoVTs="><span class="term"><code class="varname">NAutoVTs=</code></span><a class="headerlink" title="Permalink to this term" href="#NAutoVTs="></a></dt><dd><p>Takes a positive
24 integer. Configures how many virtual
25 terminals (VTs) to allocate by default
26 that, when switched to and are
27 previously unused,
28 "<code class="literal">autovt</code>" services are
29 automatically spawned on. These
30 services are instantiated from the
31 template unit
32 <code class="filename">autovt@.service</code>
33 for the respective VT TTY name,
34 for example, <code class="filename">autovt@tty4.service</code>. By
35 default,
36 <code class="filename">autovt@.service</code>
37 is linked to
38 <code class="filename">getty@.service</code>.
39 In other words, login prompts are started
40 dynamically as the user switches to
41 unused virtual terminals. Hence, this
42 parameter controls how many login
43 "<code class="literal">gettys</code>" are
44 available on the VTs. If a VT is
45 already used by some other subsystem
46 (for example, a graphical login), this
47 kind of activation will not be
48 attempted. Note that the VT configured
49 in <code class="varname">ReserveVT=</code> is
50 always subject to this kind of
51 activation, even if it is not one of
52 the VTs configured with the
53 <code class="varname">NAutoVTs=</code>
54 directive. Defaults to 6. When set to
55 0, automatic spawning of
56 "<code class="literal">autovt</code>" services is
57 disabled.</p></dd><dt id="ReserveVT="><span class="term"><code class="varname">ReserveVT=</code></span><a class="headerlink" title="Permalink to this term" href="#ReserveVT="></a></dt><dd><p>Takes a positive
58 integer. Identifies one
59 virtual terminal that shall
60 unconditionally be reserved for
61 <code class="filename">autovt@.service</code>
62 activation (see above). The VT
63 selected with this option will be
64 marked busy unconditionally, so that no
65 other subsystem will allocate it. This
66 functionality is useful to ensure that,
67 regardless of how many VTs are allocated
68 by other subsystems, one login
69 "<code class="literal">getty</code>" is always
70 available. Defaults to 6 (in other
71 words, there will always be a
72 "<code class="literal">getty</code>" available on
73 Alt-F6.). When set to 0, VT
74 reservation is
75 disabled.</p></dd><dt id="KillUserProcesses="><span class="term"><code class="varname">KillUserProcesses=</code></span><a class="headerlink" title="Permalink to this term" href="#KillUserProcesses="></a></dt><dd><p>Takes a boolean
76 argument. Configures whether the
77 processes of a user should be killed
78 when the user completely logs out (i.e. after
79 the user's last session ended). Defaults to
80 "<code class="literal">no</code>".</p><p>Note that setting
81 <code class="varname">KillUserProcesses=1</code>
82 will break tools like
83 <a href="screen.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">screen</span>(1)</span></a>.</p></dd><dt id="KillOnlyUsers="><span class="term"><code class="varname">KillOnlyUsers=</code>, </span><span class="term"><code class="varname">KillExcludeUsers=</code></span><a class="headerlink" title="Permalink to this term" href="#KillOnlyUsers="></a></dt><dd><p>These settings take
84 space-separated lists of usernames
85 that influence the effect of
86 <code class="varname">KillUserProcesses=</code>. If
87 not empty, only processes of users
88 listed in
89 <code class="varname">KillOnlyUsers=</code> will
90 be killed when they log out
91 entirely. Processes of users listed in
92 <code class="varname">KillExcludeUsers=</code>
93 are excluded from being
94 killed. <code class="varname">KillExcludeUsers=</code>
95 defaults to "<code class="literal">root</code>"
96 and takes precedence over
97 <code class="varname">KillOnlyUsers=</code>,
98 which defaults to the empty list.</p></dd><dt id="IdleAction="><span class="term"><code class="varname">IdleAction=</code></span><a class="headerlink" title="Permalink to this term" href="#IdleAction="></a></dt><dd><p>Configures the action
99 to take when the system is idle. Takes
100 one of "<code class="literal">ignore</code>",
101 "<code class="literal">poweroff</code>",
102 "<code class="literal">reboot</code>",
103 "<code class="literal">halt</code>",
104 "<code class="literal">kexec</code>",
105 "<code class="literal">suspend</code>",
106 "<code class="literal">hibernate</code>",
107 "<code class="literal">hybrid-sleep</code>", and
108 "<code class="literal">lock</code>". Defaults to
109 "<code class="literal">ignore</code>".</p><p>Note that this requires that
110 user sessions correctly report the
111 idle status to the system. The system
112 will execute the action after all
113 sessions report that they are idle,
114 no idle inhibitor lock is active,
115 and subsequently, the time configured
116 with <code class="varname">IdleActionSec=</code>
117 (see below) has expired.</p></dd><dt id="IdleActionSec="><span class="term"><code class="varname">IdleActionSec=</code></span><a class="headerlink" title="Permalink to this term" href="#IdleActionSec="></a></dt><dd><p>Configures the delay
118 after which the action configured in
119 <code class="varname">IdleAction=</code> (see
120 above) is taken after the system is
121 idle.</p></dd><dt id="InhibitDelayMaxSec="><span class="term"><code class="varname">InhibitDelayMaxSec=</code></span><a class="headerlink" title="Permalink to this term" href="#InhibitDelayMaxSec="></a></dt><dd><p>Specifies the maximum
122 time a system shutdown or sleep
123 request is delayed due to an inhibitor
124 lock of type "<code class="literal">delay</code>"
125 being active before the inhibitor is
126 ignored and the operation executes
127 anyway. Defaults to
128 5.</p></dd><dt id="HandlePowerKey="><span class="term"><code class="varname">HandlePowerKey=</code>, </span><span class="term"><code class="varname">HandleSuspendKey=</code>, </span><span class="term"><code class="varname">HandleHibernateKey=</code>, </span><span class="term"><code class="varname">HandleLidSwitch=</code></span><a class="headerlink" title="Permalink to this term" href="#HandlePowerKey="></a></dt><dd><p>Controls whether
129 logind shall handle the system power
130 and sleep keys and the lid switch to
131 trigger actions such as system
132 power-off or suspend. Can be one of
133 "<code class="literal">ignore</code>",
134 "<code class="literal">poweroff</code>",
135 "<code class="literal">reboot</code>",
136 "<code class="literal">halt</code>",
137 "<code class="literal">kexec</code>",
138 "<code class="literal">suspend</code>",
139 "<code class="literal">hibernate</code>",
140 "<code class="literal">hybrid-sleep</code>", and
141 "<code class="literal">lock</code>". If
142 "<code class="literal">ignore</code>", logind will
143 never handle these keys. If
144 "<code class="literal">lock</code>", all running
145 sessions will be screen-locked;
146 otherwise, the specified action will
147 be taken in the respective event. Only
148 input devices with the
149 "<code class="literal">power-switch</code>" udev
150 tag will be watched for key/lid switch
151 events. <code class="varname">HandlePowerKey=</code>
152 defaults to
153 "<code class="literal">poweroff</code>".
154 <code class="varname">HandleSuspendKey=</code>
155 and
156 <code class="varname">HandleLidSwitch=</code>
157 default to "<code class="literal">suspend</code>".
158 <code class="varname">HandleHibernateKey=</code>
159 defaults to
160 "<code class="literal">hibernate</code>". Note
161 that the lid switch is ignored if the
162 system is inserted in a docking
163 station, or if more than one display
164 is connected.</p></dd><dt id="PowerKeyIgnoreInhibited="><span class="term"><code class="varname">PowerKeyIgnoreInhibited=</code>, </span><span class="term"><code class="varname">SuspendKeyIgnoreInhibited=</code>, </span><span class="term"><code class="varname">HibernateKeyIgnoreInhibited=</code>, </span><span class="term"><code class="varname">LidSwitchIgnoreInhibited=</code></span><a class="headerlink" title="Permalink to this term" href="#PowerKeyIgnoreInhibited="></a></dt><dd><p>Controls whether
165 actions triggered by the power and
166 sleep keys and the lid switch are
167 subject to inhibitor locks. These
168 settings take boolean arguments. If
169 "<code class="literal">off</code>", the inhibitor
170 locks taken by applications in order
171 to block the requested operation are
172 respected. If "<code class="literal">on</code>",
173 the requested operation is executed in
174 any
175 case. <code class="varname">PowerKeyIgnoreInhibited=</code>,
176 <code class="varname">SuspendKeyIgnoreInhibited=</code>
177 and
178 <code class="varname">HibernateKeyIgnoreInhibited=</code>
179 default to "<code class="literal">off</code>".
180 <code class="varname">LidSwitchIgnoreInhibited=</code>
181 defaults to
182 "<code class="literal">yes</code>". This means
183 that the lid switch does not respect
184 suspend blockers by default, but the
185 power and sleep keys do.
186 </p></dd><dt id="RuntimeDirectorySize="><span class="term"><code class="varname">RuntimeDirectorySize=</code></span><a class="headerlink" title="Permalink to this term" href="#RuntimeDirectorySize="></a></dt><dd><p>Sets the size limit on
187 the
188 <code class="varname">$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR</code>
189 runtime directory for each user who
190 logs in. Takes a size in bytes,
191 optionally suffixed with the usual K, G,
192 M, and T suffixes, to the base 1024
193 (IEC). Alternatively, a numerical
194 percentage suffixed by "<code class="literal">%</code>"
195 may be specified, which sets the size
196 limit relative to the amount of
197 physical RAM. Defaults to 10%. Note
198 that this size is a safety limit
199 only. As each runtime directory is a
200 tmpfs file system, it will only consume
201 as much memory as is needed.
202 </p></dd><dt id="RemoveIPC="><span class="term"><code class="varname">RemoveIPC=</code></span><a class="headerlink" title="Permalink to this term" href="#RemoveIPC="></a></dt><dd><p>Controls whether
203 System V and POSIX IPC objects
204 belonging to the user shall be removed
205 when the user fully logs out. Takes a
206 boolean argument. If enabled, the user
207 may not consume IPC resources after
208 the last of his sessions
209 terminated. This covers System V
210 semaphores, shared memory and message
211 queues, as well as POSIX shared memory
212 and message queues. Note that IPC
213 objects of the root user are excluded
214 from the effect of this
215 setting. Defaults to
216 "<code class="literal">yes</code>".</p></dd></dl></div></div><div class="refsect1"><a name="idm214187057552"></a><h2 id="See Also">See Also<a class="headerlink" title="Permalink to this headline" href="#See%20Also"></a></h2><p>
217 <a href="systemd.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">systemd</span>(1)</span></a>,
218 <a href="systemd-logind.service.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">systemd-logind.service</span>(8)</span></a>,
219 <a href="loginctl.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">loginctl</span>(1)</span></a>,
220 <a href="systemd-system.conf.html"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">systemd-system.conf</span>(5)</span></a>
221 </p></div></div></body></html>