]> git.proxmox.com Git - mirror_iproute2.git/blob - man/man8/ip-link.8.in
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[mirror_iproute2.git] / man / man8 / ip-link.8.in
1 .TH IP\-LINK 8 "13 Dec 2012" "iproute2" "Linux"
2 .SH "NAME"
3 ip-link \- network device configuration
5 .sp
6 .ad l
7 .in +8
8 .ti -8
9 .B ip
10 .RI "[ " OPTIONS " ]"
11 .B link
12 .RI " { " COMMAND " | "
13 .BR help " }"
14 .sp
16 .ti -8
17 .IR OPTIONS " := { "
18 \fB\-V\fR[\fIersion\fR] |
19 \fB\-h\fR[\fIuman-readable\fR] |
20 \fB\-s\fR[\fItatistics\fR] |
21 \fB\-r\fR[\fIesolve\fR] |
22 \fB\-f\fR[\fIamily\fR] {
23 .BR inet " | " inet6 " | " ipx " | " dnet " | " link " } | "
24 \fB\-o\fR[\fIneline\fR] }
26 .ti -8
27 .BI "ip link add"
28 .RB "[ " link
29 .IR DEVICE " ]"
30 .RB "[ " name " ]"
31 .I NAME
32 .br
33 .RB "[ " txqueuelen
34 .IR PACKETS " ]"
35 .br
36 .RB "[ " address
37 .IR LLADDR " ]"
38 .RB "[ " broadcast
39 .IR LLADDR " ]"
40 .br
41 .RB "[ " mtu
42 .IR MTU " ]"
43 .RB "[ " index
44 .IR IDX " ]"
45 .br
46 .RB "[ " numtxqueues
48 .RB "[ " numrxqueues
50 .br
51 .BR type " TYPE"
52 .RI "[ " ARGS " ]"
54 .ti -8
55 .IR TYPE " := [ "
56 .BR bridge " | "
57 .BR bond " | "
58 .BR can " | "
59 .BR dummy " | "
60 .BR hsr " | "
61 .BR ifb " | "
62 .BR ipoib " |"
63 .BR macvlan " | "
64 .BR macvtap " | "
65 .BR vcan " | "
66 .BR veth " | "
67 .BR vlan " | "
68 .BR vxlan " |"
69 .BR ip6tnl " |"
70 .BR ipip " |"
71 .BR sit " |"
72 .BR gre " |"
73 .BR gretap " |"
74 .BR ip6gre " |"
75 .BR ip6gretap " ]"
77 .ti -8
78 .BI "ip link delete " DEVICE
79 .BI type " TYPE"
80 .RI "[ " ARGS " ]"
82 .ti -8
83 .BR "ip link set " {
84 .IR DEVICE " | "
85 .BI "group " GROUP
86 .RB "} { " up " | " down " | " arp " { " on " | " off " } |"
87 .br
88 .BR promisc " { " on " | " off " } |"
89 .br
90 .BR allmulticast " { " on " | " off " } |"
91 .br
92 .BR dynamic " { " on " | " off " } |"
93 .br
94 .BR multicast " { " on " | " off " } |"
95 .br
96 .B txqueuelen
97 .IR PACKETS " |"
98 .br
99 .B name
100 .IR NEWNAME " |"
101 .br
102 .B address
103 .IR LLADDR " |"
104 .B broadcast
105 .IR LLADDR " |"
106 .br
107 .B mtu
108 .IR MTU " |"
109 .br
110 .B netns
111 .IR PID " |"
112 .br
113 .B netns
114 .IR NETNSNAME " |"
115 .br
116 .B alias
117 .IR NAME " |"
118 .br
119 .B vf
120 .IR NUM " ["
121 .B mac
122 .IR LLADDR " ] ["
123 .B vlan
124 .IR VLANID " [ "
125 .B qos
126 .IR VLAN-QOS " ] ] ["
127 .B rate
128 .IR TXRATE " ] ["
129 .B max_tx_rate
130 .IR TXRATE " ] ["
131 .B min_tx_rate
132 .IR TXRATE " ] ["
133 .B spoofchk { on | off } ] [
134 .B state { auto | enable | disable}
135 ] |
136 .br
137 .B master
139 .br
140 .B nomaster
141 .BR " }"
144 .ti -8
145 .B ip link show
146 .RI "[ " DEVICE " | "
147 .B group
148 .IR GROUP " |"
149 .B up
150 ]
153 .SS ip link add - add virtual link
155 .TP
156 .BI link " DEVICE "
157 specifies the physical device to act operate on.
159 .I NAME
160 specifies the name of the new virtual device.
162 .I TYPE
163 specifies the type of the new device.
164 .sp
165 Link types:
167 .in +8
168 .B bridge
169 - Ethernet Bridge device
170 .sp
171 .B bond
172 - Bonding device
173 .sp
174 .B dummy
175 - Dummy network interface
176 .sp
177 .B hsr
178 - High-availability Seamless Redundancy device
179 .sp
180 .B ifb
181 - Intermediate Functional Block device
182 .sp
183 .B ipoib
184 - IP over Infiniband device
185 .sp
186 .B macvlan
187 - Virtual interface base on link layer address (MAC)
188 .sp
189 .B macvtap
190 - Virtual interface based on link layer address (MAC) and TAP.
191 .sp
192 .B vcan
193 - Virtual Controller Area Network interface
194 .sp
195 .B veth
196 - Virtual ethernet interface
197 .sp
198 .BR vlan
199 - 802.1q tagged virtual LAN interface
200 .sp
201 .BR vxlan
202 - Virtual eXtended LAN
203 .sp
204 .BR ip6tnl
205 - Virtual tunnel interface IPv4|IPv6 over IPv6
206 .sp
207 .BR ipip
208 - Virtual tunnel interface IPv4 over IPv4
209 .sp
210 .BR sit
211 - Virtual tunnel interface IPv6 over IPv4
212 .sp
213 .BR gre
214 - Virtual tunnel interface GRE over IPv4
215 .sp
216 .BR gretap
217 - Virtual L2 tuunel interface GRE over IPv4
218 .sp
219 .BR ip6gre
220 - Virtual tuunel interface GRE over IPv6
221 .sp
222 .BR ip6gretap
223 - Virtual L2 tuunel interface GRE over IPv6
224 .in -8
226 .TP
227 .BI numtxqueues " QUEUE_COUNT "
228 specifies the number of transmit queues for new device.
230 .TP
231 .BI numrxqueues " QUEUE_COUNT "
232 specifies the number of receive queues for new device.
234 .TP
235 .BI index " IDX "
236 specifies the desired index of the new virtual device. The link creation fails, if the index is busy.
238 .TP
239 VXLAN Type Support
240 For a link of type
241 .I VXLAN
242 the following additional arguments are supported:
244 .BI "ip link add " DEVICE
245 .BI type " vxlan " id " ID
246 .R " [ "
247 .BI dev " PHYS_DEV "
248 .RB " ] [ { " group " | " remote " } "
250 .R " ] [ "
251 .BI local " IPADDR "
252 .R " ] [ "
253 .BI ttl " TTL "
254 .R " ] [ "
255 .BI tos " TOS "
256 .R " ] [ "
257 .BI port " MIN MAX "
258 .R " ] [ "
259 .I "[no]learning "
260 .R " ] [ "
261 .I "[no]proxy "
262 .R " ] [ "
263 .I "[no]rsc "
264 .R " ] [ "
265 .I "[no]l2miss "
266 .R " ] [ "
267 .I "[no]l3miss "
268 .R " ] [ "
269 .BI ageing " SECONDS "
270 .R " ] [ "
271 .BI maxaddress " NUMBER "
272 .R " ]"
274 .in +8
275 .sp
276 .BI id " VNI "
277 - specifies the VXLAN Network Identifer (or VXLAN Segment
278 Identifier) to use.
280 .BI dev " PHYS_DEV"
281 - specifies the physical device to use for tunnel endpoint communication.
283 .sp
284 .BI group " IPADDR"
285 - specifies the multicast IP address to join.
286 This parameter cannot be specified with the
287 .B remote
288 parameter.
290 .sp
291 .BI remote " IPADDR"
292 - specifies the unicast destination IP address to use in outgoing packets
293 when the destination link layer address is not known in the VXLAN device
294 forwarding database. This parameter cannot be specified with the
295 .B group
296 parameter.
298 .sp
299 .BI local " IPADDR"
300 - specifies the source IP address to use in outgoing packets.
302 .sp
303 .BI ttl " TTL"
304 - specifies the TTL value to use in outgoing packets.
306 .sp
307 .BI tos " TOS"
308 - specifies the TOS value to use in outgoing packets.
310 .sp
311 .BI port " MIN MAX"
312 - specifies the range of port numbers to use as UDP
313 source ports to communicate to the remote VXLAN tunnel endpoint.
315 .sp
316 .I [no]learning
317 - specifies if unknown source link layer addresses and IP addresses
318 are entered into the VXLAN device forwarding database.
320 .sp
321 .I [no]rsc
322 - specifies if route short circuit is turned on.
324 .sp
325 .I [no]proxy
326 - specifies ARP proxy is turned on.
328 .sp
329 .I [no]l2miss
330 - specifies if netlink LLADDR miss notifications are generated.
332 .sp
333 .I [no]l3miss
334 - specifies if netlink IP ADDR miss notifications are generated.
336 .sp
337 .BI ageing " SECONDS"
338 - specifies the lifetime in seconds of FDB entries learnt by the kernel.
340 .sp
341 .BI maxaddress " NUMBER"
342 - specifies the maximum number of FDB entries.
344 .in -8
346 .TP
347 IP6GRE/IP6GRETAP Type Support
348 For a link of type
350 the following additional arguments are supported:
352 .BI "ip link add " DEVICE
353 .BI type " { ip6gre | ip6gretap } " remote " ADDR " local " ADDR
354 .R " [ "
355 .I "[i|o]seq]"
356 .R " ] [ "
357 .I "[i|o]key" KEY
358 .R " ] [ "
359 .I " [i|o]csum "
360 .R " ] [ "
361 .BI hoplimit " TTL "
362 .R " ] [ "
363 .BI encaplimit " ELIM "
364 .R " ] [ "
365 .BI tclass " TCLASS "
366 .R " ] [ "
367 .BI flowlabel " FLOWLABEL "
368 .R " ] [ "
369 .BI "dscp inherit"
370 .R " ] [ "
371 .BI dev " PHYS_DEV "
372 .R " ]"
374 .in +8
375 .sp
376 .BI remote " ADDR "
377 - specifies the remote IPv6 address of the tunnel.
379 .sp
380 .BI local " ADDR "
381 - specifies the fixed local IPv6 address for tunneled packets.
382 It must be and address on another interface on this host.
384 .sp
385 .BI [i|o]seq
386 - serialize packets.
387 The
388 .B oseq
389 flag enables sequencing of outgoing packets.
390 The
391 .B iseq
392 flag requires that all input packets are serialized.
394 .sp
395 .BI [i|o]key " KEY"
396 - use keyed GRE with key
397 .IR KEY ". "KEY
398 is either a number or an IPv4 address-like dotted quad.
399 The
400 .B key
401 parameter specifies the same key to use in both directions.
402 The
403 .BR ikey " and " okey
404 parameters specify different keys for input and output.
406 .sp
407 .BI [i|o]csum
408 - generate/require checksums for tunneled packets.
409 The
410 .B ocsum
411 flag calculates checksums for outgoing packets.
412 The
413 .B icsum
414 flag requires that all input packets have the correct
415 checksum. The
416 .B csum
417 flag is equivalent to the combination
418 .BR "icsum ocsum" .
420 .sp
421 .BI hoplimit " TTL"
422 - specifies Hop Limit value to use in outgoing packets.
424 .sp
425 .BI encaplimit " ELIM"
426 - specifies a fixed encapsulation limit. Default is 4.
428 .sp
429 .BI flowlabel " FLOWLABEL"
430 - specifies a fixed flowlabel.
432 .sp
433 .BI tclass " TCLASS"
434 - specifies the traffic class field on
435 tunneled packets, which can be specified as either a two-digit
436 hex value (e.g. c0) or a predefined string (e.g. internet).
437 The value
438 .B inherit
439 causes the field to be copied from the original IP header. The
440 values
441 .BI "inherit/" STRING
442 or
443 .BI "inherit/" 00 ".." ff
444 will set the field to
446 or
447 .IR 00 ".." ff
448 when tunneling non-IP packets. The default value is 00.
450 .in -8
452 .SS ip link delete - delete virtual link
454 specifies the virtual device to act operate on.
455 .I TYPE
456 specifies the type of the device.
459 .TP
460 .BI dev " DEVICE "
461 specifies the physical device to act operate on.
463 .SS ip link set - change device attributes
465 .TP
466 .BI dev " DEVICE "
468 specifies network device to operate on. When configuring SR-IOV Virtual Function
469 (VF) devices, this keyword should specify the associated Physical Function (PF)
470 device.
472 .TP
473 .BI group " GROUP "
474 .I GROUP
475 has a dual role: If both group and dev are present, then move the device to the
476 specified group. If only a group is specified, then the command operates on
477 all devices in that group.
479 .TP
480 .BR up " and " down
481 change the state of the device to
482 .B UP
483 or
484 .BR "DOWN" .
486 .TP
487 .BR "arp on " or " arp off"
488 change the
489 .B NOARP
490 flag on the device.
492 .TP
493 .BR "multicast on " or " multicast off"
494 change the
496 flag on the device.
498 .TP
499 .BR "dynamic on " or " dynamic off"
500 change the
502 flag on the device.
504 .TP
505 .BI name " NAME"
506 change the name of the device. This operation is not
507 recommended if the device is running or has some addresses
508 already configured.
510 .TP
511 .BI txqueuelen " NUMBER"
512 .TP
513 .BI txqlen " NUMBER"
514 change the transmit queue length of the device.
516 .TP
517 .BI mtu " NUMBER"
518 change the
519 .I MTU
520 of the device.
522 .TP
523 .BI address " LLADDRESS"
524 change the station address of the interface.
526 .TP
527 .BI broadcast " LLADDRESS"
528 .TP
529 .BI brd " LLADDRESS"
530 .TP
531 .BI peer " LLADDRESS"
532 change the link layer broadcast address or the peer address when
533 the interface is
536 .TP
537 .BI netns " PID"
538 move the device to the network namespace associated with the process
539 .IR "PID".
541 .TP
542 .BI netns " NETNSNAME"
543 move the device to the network namespace associated with name
546 .TP
547 .BI alias " NAME"
548 give the device a symbolic name for easy reference.
550 .TP
551 .BI group " GROUP"
552 specify the group the device belongs to.
553 The available groups are listed in file
554 .BR "@SYSCONFDIR@/group" .
556 .TP
557 .BI vf " NUM"
558 specify a Virtual Function device to be configured. The associated PF device
559 must be specified using the
560 .B dev
561 parameter.
563 .in +8
564 .BI mac " LLADDRESS"
565 - change the station address for the specified VF. The
566 .B vf
567 parameter must be specified.
569 .sp
570 .BI vlan " VLANID"
571 - change the assigned VLAN for the specified VF. When specified, all traffic
572 sent from the VF will be tagged with the specified VLAN ID. Incoming traffic
573 will be filtered for the specified VLAN ID, and will have all VLAN tags
574 stripped before being passed to the VF. Setting this parameter to 0 disables
575 VLAN tagging and filtering. The
576 .B vf
577 parameter must be specified.
579 .sp
580 .BI qos " VLAN-QOS"
581 - assign VLAN QOS (priority) bits for the VLAN tag. When specified, all VLAN
582 tags transmitted by the VF will include the specified priority bits in the
583 VLAN tag. If not specified, the value is assumed to be 0. Both the
584 .B vf
585 and
586 .B vlan
587 parameters must be specified. Setting both
588 .B vlan
589 and
590 .B qos
591 as 0 disables VLAN tagging and filtering for the VF.
593 .sp
594 .BI rate " TXRATE"
595 -- change the allowed transmit bandwidth, in Mbps, for the specified VF.
596 Setting this parameter to 0 disables rate limiting.
597 .B vf
598 parameter must be specified.
599 Please use new API
600 .B "max_tx_rate"
601 option instead.
603 .sp
604 .BI max_tx_rate " TXRATE"
605 - change the allowed maximum transmit bandwidth, in Mbps, for the specified VF.
606 .B vf
607 parameter must be specified.
609 .sp
610 .BI min_tx_rate " TXRATE"
611 - change the allowed minimum transmit bandwidth, in Mbps, for the specified VF.
612 Minimum TXRATE should be always <= Maximum TXRATE.
613 .B vf
614 parameter must be specified.
616 .sp
617 .BI spoofchk " on|off"
618 - turn packet spoof checking on or off for the specified VF.
619 .sp
620 .BI state " auto|enable|disable"
621 - set the virtual link state as seen by the specified VF. Setting to auto means a
622 reflection of the PF link state, enable lets the VF to communicate with other VFs on
623 this host even if the PF link state is down, disable causes the HW to drop any packets
624 sent by the VF.
625 .in -8
627 .TP
628 .BI master " DEVICE"
629 set master device of the device (enslave device).
631 .TP
632 .BI nomaster
633 unset master device of the device (release device).
635 .PP
636 .B Warning:
637 If multiple parameter changes are requested,
638 .B ip
639 aborts immediately after any of the changes have failed.
640 This is the only case when
641 .B ip
642 can move the system to an unpredictable state. The solution
643 is to avoid changing several parameters with one
644 .B ip link set
645 call.
647 .SS ip link show - display device attributes
649 .TP
650 .BI dev " NAME " (default)
651 .I NAME
652 specifies the network device to show.
653 If this argument is omitted all devices in the default group are listed.
655 .TP
656 .BI group " GROUP "
657 .I GROUP
658 specifies what group of devices to show.
660 .TP
661 .B up
662 only display running interfaces.
664 The show command has additional formatting options:
666 .TP
667 .BR "\-s" , " \-stats", " \-statistics"
668 output more statistics about packet usage.
670 .TP
671 .BR "\-d", " \-details"
672 output more detailed information.
674 .TP
675 .BR "\-h", " \-human", " \-human-readble"
676 output statistics with human readable values number followed by suffix
678 .TP
679 .BR "\-iec"
680 print human readable rates in IEC units (ie. 1K = 1024).
683 .PP
684 ip link show
685 .RS 4
686 Shows the state of all network interfaces on the system.
687 .RE
688 .PP
689 ip link set dev ppp0 mtu 1400
690 .RS 4
691 Change the MTU the ppp0 device.
692 .RE
693 .PP
694 ip link add link eth0 name eth0.10 type vlan id 10
695 .RS 4
696 Creates a new vlan device eth0.10 on device eth0.
697 .RE
698 .PP
699 ip link delete dev eth0.10
700 .RS 4
701 Removes vlan device.
702 .RE
705 .br
706 .BR ip (8)
709 Original Manpage by Michail Litvak <mci@owl.openwall.com>