]> git.proxmox.com Git - systemd.git/blob - man/systemd-gpt-auto-generator.8
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[systemd.git] / man / systemd-gpt-auto-generator.8
1 '\" t
2 .TH "SYSTEMD\-GPT\-AUTO\-GENERATOR" "8" "" "systemd 217" "systemd-gpt-auto-generator"
3 .\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
4 .\" * Define some portability stuff
5 .\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
6 .\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
7 .\" http://bugs.debian.org/507673
8 .\" http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/groff/2009-02/msg00013.html
9 .\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
10 .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq
11 .el .ds Aq '
12 .\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
13 .\" * set default formatting
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15 .\" disable hyphenation
16 .nh
17 .\" disable justification (adjust text to left margin only)
18 .ad l
19 .\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
21 .\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
22 .SH "NAME"
23 systemd-gpt-auto-generator \- Generator for automatically discovering and mounting root, /home and /srv partitions, as well as discovering and enabling swap partitions, based on GPT partition type GUIDs\&.
25 .PP
26 /usr/lib/systemd/system\-generators/systemd\-gpt\-auto\-generator
28 .PP
29 systemd\-gpt\-auto\-generator
30 is a unit generator that automatically discovers root,
31 /home,
32 /srv
33 and swap partitions and creates mount and swap units for them, based on the partition type GUIDs of GUID partition tables (GPT)\&. It implements the
34 \m[blue]\fBDiscoverable Partitions Specification\fR\m[]\&\s-2\u[1]\d\s+2\&. Note that this generator has no effect on non\-GPT systems, on systems where the units are explicitly configured (for example, listed in
35 \fBfstab\fR(5)), or where the mount points are non\-empty\&.
36 .PP
37 This generator will only look for root partitions on the same physical disk the EFI System Partition (ESP) is located on\&. It will only look for the other partitions on the same physical disk the root file system is located on\&. These partitions will not be searched on systems where the root file system is distributed on multiple disks, for example via btrfs RAID\&.
38 .PP
39 systemd\-gpt\-auto\-generator
40 is useful for centralizing file system configuration in the partition table and making manual configuration in
41 /etc/fstab
42 or suchlike unnecessary\&.
43 .PP
44 This generator looks for the partitions based on their partition type GUID\&. The following partition type GUIDs are identified:
45 .sp
46 .it 1 an-trap
47 .nr an-no-space-flag 1
48 .nr an-break-flag 1
49 .br
50 .B Table\ \&1.\ \&Partition Type GUIDs
51 .TS
52 allbox tab(:);
53 lB lB lB.
54 T{
55 Partition Type GUID
56 T}:T{
57 Name
58 T}:T{
59 Explanation
60 T}
61 .T&
62 l l l
63 l l l
64 l l l
65 l l l
66 l l l
67 l l l
68 l l l.
69 T{
70 44479540\-f297\-41b2\-9af7\-d131d5f0458a
71 T}:T{
72 Root Partition (x86)
73 T}:T{
74 On 32\-bit x86 systems, the first x86 root partition on the disk the EFI ESP is located on is mounted to the root directory /\&.
75 T}
76 T{
77 4f68bce3\-e8cd\-4db1\-96e7\-fbcaf984b709
78 T}:T{
79 Root Partition (x86\-64)
80 T}:T{
81 On 64\-bit x86 systems, the first x86\-64 root partition on the disk the EFI ESP is located on is mounted to the root directory /\&.
82 T}
83 T{
84 69dad710\-2ce4\-4e3c\-b16c\-21a1d49abed3
85 T}:T{
86 Root Partition (32\-bit ARM)
87 T}:T{
88 On 32\-bit ARM systems, the first ARM root partition on the disk the EFI ESP is located on is mounted to the root directory /\&.
89 T}
90 T{
91 b921b045\-1df0\-41c3\-af44\-4c6f280d3fae
92 T}:T{
93 Root Partition (64\-bit ARM)
94 T}:T{
95 On 64\-bit ARM systems, the first ARM root partition on the disk the EFI ESP is located on is mounted to the root directory /\&.
96 T}
97 T{
98 933ac7e1\-2eb4\-4f13\-b844\-0e14e2aef915
99 T}:T{
100 Home Partition
101 T}:T{
102 The first home partition on the disk the root partition is located on is mounted to /home\&.
103 T}
104 T{
105 3b8f8425\-20e0\-4f3b\-907f\-1a25a76f98e8
106 T}:T{
107 Server Data Partition
108 T}:T{
109 The first server data partition on the disk the root partition is located on is mounted to /srv\&.
110 T}
111 T{
112 0657fd6d\-a4ab\-43c4\-84e5\-0933c84b4f4f
113 T}:T{
114 Swap
115 T}:T{
116 All swap partitions located on the disk the root partition is located on are enabled\&.
117 T}
118 .TE
119 .sp 1
120 .PP
121 The
122 /home
123 and
124 /srv
125 partitions may be encrypted in LUKS format\&. In this case a device mapper device is set up under the names
126 /dev/mapper/home
127 and
128 /dev/mapper/srv\&. Note that this might create conflicts if the same partition is listed in
129 /etc/crypttab
130 with a different device mapper device name\&.
131 .PP
132 Also note that
133 \fBsystemd-efi-boot-generator\fR(8)
134 will mount the EFI System Partition (ESP) to
135 /boot
136 if not otherwise mounted\&.
137 .PP
138 When using this generator in conjunction with btrfs file systems, make sure to set the correct default subvolumes on them, using
139 \fBbtrfs subvolume set\-default\fR\&.
140 .PP
141 systemd\-gpt\-auto\-generator
142 implements the
143 \m[blue]\fBGenerator Specification\fR\m[]\&\s-2\u[2]\d\s+2\&.
144 .SH "SEE ALSO"
145 .PP
146 \fBsystemd\fR(1),
147 \fBsystemd.mount\fR(5),
148 \fBsystemd.swap\fR(5),
149 \fBsystemd-fstab-generator\fR(8),
150 \fBsystemd-efi-boot-generator\fR(8),
151 \fBsystemd-cryptsetup@.service\fR(8),
152 \fBcryptsetup\fR(8),
153 \fBfstab\fR(5),
154 \fBbtrfs\fR(8)
155 .SH "NOTES"
156 .IP " 1." 4
157 Discoverable Partitions Specification
158 .RS 4
159 \%http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/DiscoverablePartitionsSpec/
160 .RE
161 .IP " 2." 4
162 Generator Specification
163 .RS 4
164 \%http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/Generators
165 .RE