]> git.proxmox.com Git - systemd.git/blob - man/systemd-journal-remote.8
Imported Upstream version 217
[systemd.git] / man / systemd-journal-remote.8
1 '\" t
2 .TH "SYSTEMD\-JOURNAL\-REMOTE" "8" "" "systemd 217" "systemd-journal-remote"
3 .\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
4 .\" * Define some portability stuff
5 .\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
6 .\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
7 .\" http://bugs.debian.org/507673
8 .\" http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/groff/2009-02/msg00013.html
9 .\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
10 .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq
11 .el .ds Aq '
12 .\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
13 .\" * set default formatting
14 .\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
15 .\" disable hyphenation
16 .nh
17 .\" disable justification (adjust text to left margin only)
18 .ad l
19 .\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
21 .\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
22 .SH "NAME"
23 systemd-journal-remote \- Receive journal messages over the network
25 .HP \w'\fBsystemd\-journal\-remote\fR\ 'u
26 \fBsystemd\-journal\-remote\fR [OPTIONS...] [\-o/\-\-output=\fIDIR\fR|\fIFILE\fR] [SOURCES...]
28 .PP
29 systemd\-journal\-remote
30 is a command to receive serialized journal events and store them to the journal\&. Input streams are in the
31 \m[blue]\fBJournal Export Format\fR\m[]\&\s-2\u[1]\d\s+2, i\&.e\&. like the output from
32 \fBjournalctl \-\-output=export\fR\&. For transport over the network, this serialized stream is usually carried over an HTTPS connection\&.
34 .PP
35 Sources can be either "active" (\fBsystemd\-journal\-remote\fR
36 requests and pulls the data), or "passive" (\fBsystemd\-journal\-remote\fR
37 waits for a connection and then receives events pushed by the other side)\&.
38 .PP
39 \fBsystemd\-journal\-remote\fR
40 can read more than one event stream at a time\&. They will be interleaved in the output file\&. In case of "active" connections, each "source" is one stream, and in case of "passive" connections, each connection can result in a separate stream\&. Sockets can be configured in "accept" mode (i\&.e\&. only one connection), or "listen" mode (i\&.e\&. multiple connections, each resulting in a stream)\&.
41 .PP
42 When there are no more connections, and no more can be created (there are no listening sockets), then
43 \fBsystemd\-journal\-remote\fR
44 will exit\&.
45 .PP
46 Active sources can be specified in the following ways:
47 .PP
48 .RS 4
49 When
50 \fB\-\fR
51 is given as a positional argument, events will be read from standard input\&. Other positional arguments will be treated as filenames to open and read from\&.
52 .RE
53 .PP
54 \fB\-\-url=\fR\fB\fIADDRESS\fR\fR
55 .RS 4
56 With the
57 \fB\-\-url=\fR\fB\fIADDRESS\fR\fR
58 option, events will be retrieved using HTTP from
59 \fIADDRESS\fR\&. This URL should refer to the root of a remote
60 \fBsystemd-journal-gatewayd\fR(8)
61 instance (e\&.g\&.
62 \m[blue]\fBhttp://some\&.host:19531/\fR\m[]
63 or
64 \m[blue]\fBhttps://some\&.host:19531/\fR\m[])\&.
65 .RE
66 .PP
67 Passive sources can be specified in the following ways:
68 .PP
69 \fB\-\-listen\-raw=\fR\fB\fIADDRESS\fR\fR
70 .RS 4
72 must be an address suitable for
73 \fBListenStream=\fR
74 (cf\&.
75 \fBsystemd.socket\fR(5))\&.
76 \fBsystemd\-journal\-remote\fR
77 will listen on this socket for connections\&. Each connection is expected to be a stream of journal events\&.
78 .RE
79 .PP
80 \fB\-\-listen\-http=\fR\fB\fIADDRESS\fR\fR, \fB\-\-listen\-https=\fR\fB\fIADDRESS\fR\fR
81 .RS 4
83 must be either a negative integer, in which case it will be interpreted as the (negated) file descriptor number, or an address suitable for
84 \fBListenStream=\fR
85 (c\&.f\&.
86 \fBsystemd.socket\fR(5))\&. In the first case, matching file descriptor must be inherited through
87 \fI$LISTEN_FDS\fR/\fI$LISTEN_PID\fR\&. In the second case, an HTTP or HTTPS server will be spawned on this port, respectively for
88 \fB\-\-listen\-http\fR
89 and
90 \fB\-\-listen\-https\fR\&. Currenntly, only POST requests to
91 /upload
92 with
93 "Content\-Type: application/vnd\&.fdo\&.journal"
94 are supported\&.
95 .RE
96 .PP
98 .RS 4
99 \fBsystemd\-journal\-remote\fR
100 supports the
102 protocol\&. Open sockets inherited through socket activation behave like those opened with
103 \fB\-\-listen\-raw=\fR
104 described above, unless they are specified as an argument in
105 \fB\-\-listen\-http=\-\fR\fB\fIn\fR\fR
106 or
107 \fB\-\-listen\-https=\-\fR\fB\fIn\fR\fR
108 above\&. In the latter case, an HTTP or HTTPS server will be spawned using this descriptor and connections must be made over the HTTP protocol\&.
109 .RE
110 .SH "SINKS"
111 .PP
112 The location of the output journal can be specified with
113 \fB\-o\fR
114 or
115 \fB\-\-output=\fR\&. For "active" sources, this option is required\&.
116 .PP
117 \fB\-\-output=\fR\fB\fIFILE\fR\fR
118 .RS 4
119 Will write to this journal file\&. The filename must end with
120 \&.journal\&. The file will be created if it does not exist\&. If necessary (journal file full, or corrupted), the file will be renamed following normal journald rules and a new journal file will be created in its stead\&.
121 .RE
122 .PP
123 \fB\-\-output=\fR\fB\fIDIR\fR\fR
124 .RS 4
125 Will create journal files underneath directory
126 \fIDIR\fR\&. The directory must exist\&. If necessary (journal files over size, or corrupted), journal files will be rotated following normal journald rules\&. Names of files underneath
127 \fIDIR\fR
128 will be generated using the rules described below\&.
129 .RE
130 .PP
131 If
132 \fB\-\-output=\fR
133 is not used, the output directory
134 /var/log/journal/remote/
135 will be used\&. In case the output file is not specified, journal files will be created underneath the selected directory\&. Files will be called
136 remote\-\fIhostname\fR\&.journal, where the
137 \fIhostname\fR
138 part is the escaped hostname of the source endpoint of the connection, or the numerical address if the hostname cannot be determined\&.
139 .PP
140 In case of "active" sources, the output file name must always be given explicitly\&.
142 .PP
143 The following options are understood:
144 .PP
145 \fB\-\-split\-mode\fR
146 .RS 4
147 One of
148 \fBnone\fR
149 or
150 \fBhost\fR\&. For the first, only one output journal file is used\&. For the latter, a separate output file is used, based on the hostname of the other endpoint of a connection\&.
151 .sp
152 In case of "active" sources, the output file name must always be given explicitly and only
153 \fBnone\fR
154 is allowed\&.
155 .RE
156 .PP
157 \fB\-\-compress\fR, \fB\-\-no\-compress\fR
158 .RS 4
159 Compress or not, respectively, the data in the journal using XZ\&.
160 .RE
161 .PP
162 \fB\-\-seal\fR, \fB\-\-no\-seal\fR
163 .RS 4
164 Periodically sign or not, respectively, the data in the journal using Forward Secure Sealing\&.
165 .RE
166 .PP
167 \fB\-\-getter=\fR\fB\fIPROG \-\-option1 \-\-option2\fR\fR
168 .RS 4
169 Program to invoke to retrieve data\&. The journal event stream must be generated on standard output\&.
170 .sp
171 Examples:
172 .sp
173 .if n \{\
174 .RS 4
175 .\}
176 .nf
177 \-\-getter=\*(Aqcurl "\-HAccept: application/vnd\&.fdo\&.journal" https://some\&.host:19531/\*(Aq
178 .fi
179 .if n \{\
180 .RE
181 .\}
182 .sp
183 .if n \{\
184 .RS 4
185 .\}
186 .nf
187 \-\-getter=\*(Aqwget \-\-header="Accept: application/vnd\&.fdo\&.journal" \-O\- https://some\&.host:19531/\*(Aq
188 .fi
189 .if n \{\
190 .RE
191 .\}
192 .RE
193 .PP
194 \fB\-h\fR, \fB\-\-help\fR
195 .RS 4
196 Print a short help text and exit\&.
197 .RE
198 .PP
199 \fB\-\-version\fR
200 .RS 4
201 Print a short version string and exit\&.
202 .RE
204 .PP
205 Copy local journal events to a different journal directory:
206 .sp
207 .if n \{\
208 .RS 4
209 .\}
210 .nf
211 journalctl \-o export | systemd\-journal\-remote \-o /tmp/dir \-
213 .fi
214 .if n \{\
215 .RE
216 .\}
217 .PP
218 Retrieve events from a remote
219 \fBsystemd-journal-gatewayd\fR(8)
220 instance and store them in
221 /var/log/journal/some\&.host/remote\-some~host\&.journal:
222 .sp
223 .if n \{\
224 .RS 4
225 .\}
226 .nf
227 systemd\-journal\-remote \-\-url http://some\&.host:19531/
229 .fi
230 .if n \{\
231 .RE
232 .\}
233 .sp
234 .SH "SEE ALSO"
235 .PP
236 \fBsystemd-journal-upload\fR(8),
237 \fBjournalctl\fR(1),
238 \fBsystemd-journald.service\fR(8),
239 \fBsystemd-journal-gatewayd.service\fR(8)
240 .SH "NOTES"
241 .IP " 1." 4
242 Journal Export Format
243 .RS 4
244 \%http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/export
245 .RE
246 .IP " 2." 4
247 http://some.host:19531/
248 .IP " 3." 4
249 https://some.host:19531/