]> git.proxmox.com Git - systemd.git/blob - man/systemd-machine-id-setup.1
Imported Upstream version 218
[systemd.git] / man / systemd-machine-id-setup.1
1 '\" t
2 .TH "SYSTEMD\-MACHINE\-ID\-SETUP" "1" "" "systemd 218" "systemd-machine-id-setup"
3 .\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
4 .\" * Define some portability stuff
5 .\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
6 .\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
7 .\" http://bugs.debian.org/507673
8 .\" http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/groff/2009-02/msg00013.html
9 .\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
10 .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq
11 .el .ds Aq '
12 .\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
13 .\" * set default formatting
14 .\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
15 .\" disable hyphenation
16 .nh
17 .\" disable justification (adjust text to left margin only)
18 .ad l
19 .\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
21 .\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
22 .SH "NAME"
23 systemd-machine-id-setup \- Initialize the machine ID in /etc/machine\-id
25 .HP \w'\fBsystemd\-machine\-id\-setup\fR\ 'u
26 \fBsystemd\-machine\-id\-setup\fR
28 .PP
29 \fBsystemd\-machine\-id\-setup\fR
30 may be used by system installer tools to initialize the machine ID stored in
31 /etc/machine\-id
32 at install time with a randomly generated ID\&. See
33 \fBmachine-id\fR(5)
34 for more information about this file\&.
35 .PP
36 This tool will execute no operation if
37 /etc/machine\-id
38 is already initialized\&.
39 .PP
40 If a valid D\-Bus machine ID is already configured for the system, the D\-Bus machine ID is copied and used to initialize the machine ID in
41 /etc/machine\-id\&.
42 .PP
43 If run inside a KVM virtual machine and a UUID is passed via the
44 \fB\-uuid\fR
45 option, this UUID is used to initialize the machine ID instead of a randomly generated one\&. The caller must ensure that the UUID passed is sufficiently unique and is different for every booted instanced of the VM\&.
46 .PP
47 Similar, if run inside a Linux container environment and a UUID is set for the container this is used to initialize the machine ID\&. For details see the documentation of the
48 \m[blue]\fBContainer Interface\fR\m[]\&\s-2\u[1]\d\s+2\&.
49 .PP
50 Use
51 \fBsystemd-firstboot\fR(1)
52 to initialize the machine ID on mounted (but not booted) system images\&.
54 .PP
55 The following options are understood:
56 .PP
57 \fB\-\-root=\fR\fB\fIroot\fR\fR
58 .RS 4
59 Takes a directory path as an argument\&. All paths will be prefixed with the given alternate
60 \fIroot\fR
61 path, including config search paths\&.
62 .RE
63 .PP
64 \fB\-h\fR, \fB\-\-help\fR
65 .RS 4
66 Print a short help text and exit\&.
67 .RE
68 .PP
69 \fB\-\-version\fR
70 .RS 4
71 Print a short version string and exit\&.
72 .RE
74 .PP
75 On success, 0 is returned, a non\-zero failure code otherwise\&.
77 .PP
78 \fBsystemd\fR(1),
79 \fBmachine-id\fR(5),
80 \fBdbus-uuidgen\fR(1),
81 \fBsystemd-firstboot\fR(1)
82 .SH "NOTES"
83 .IP " 1." 4
84 Container Interface
85 .RS 4
86 \%http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/ContainerInterface
87 .RE