]> git.proxmox.com Git - mirror_ovs.git/blob - ovsdb/ovsdb-client.1.in
ovsdb-monitor: Support monitor_cond_since.
[mirror_ovs.git] / ovsdb / ovsdb-client.1.in
1 .\" -*- nroff -*-
2 .so lib/ovs.tmac
3 .TH ovsdb\-client 1 "@VERSION@" "Open vSwitch" "Open vSwitch Manual"
4 .\" This program's name:
5 .ds PN ovsdb\-client
6 .
8 ovsdb\-client \- command-line interface to \fBovsdb-server\fR(1)
9 .
11 .IP "Server-Level Commands:"
12 \fBovsdb\-client\fR [\fIoptions\fR] \fBlist\-dbs\fR [\fIserver\fR]
13 .IP "Database Schema Commands:"
14 \fBovsdb\-client\fR [\fIoptions\fR] \fBget\-schema\fR [\fIserver\fR] [\fIdatabase\fR]
15 .br
16 \fBovsdb\-client\fR [\fIoptions\fR] \fBlist\-tables\fR [\fIserver\fR] [\fIdatabase\fR]
17 .br
18 \fBovsdb\-client\fR [\fIoptions\fR] \fBlist\-columns\fR [\fIserver\fR] [\fIdatabase\fR] [\fItable\fR]
19 .IP "Database Version Management Commands:"
20 \fBovsdb\-client \fR[\fIoptions\fR] \fBconvert \fR[\fIserver\fR] \fIschema\fR
21 .br
22 \fBovsdb\-client \fR[\fIoptions\fR] \fBneeds\-conversion \fR[\fIserver\fR] \fIschema\fR
23 .br
24 \fBovsdb\-client\fR [\fIoptions\fR] \fBget\-schema\-version\fR [\fIserver\fR] [\fIdatabase\fR]
25 .IP "Data Management Commands:"
26 \fBovsdb\-client\fR [\fIoptions\fR] \fBtransact\fR [\fIserver\fR] \fItransaction\fR
27 .br
28 \fBovsdb\-client\fR [\fIoptions\fR] \fBquery\fR [\fIserver\fR] \fItransaction\fR
29 .br
30 \fBovsdb\-client\fR [\fIoptions\fR] \fBdump\fR [\fIserver\fR] [\fIdatabase\fR] [\fItable\fR
31 [\fIcolumn\fR...]]
32 .br
33 \fBovsdb\-client\fR [\fIoptions\fR]
34 \fBbackup\fR [\fIserver\fR] [\fIdatabase\fR] \fB> \fIsnapshot\fR
35 .br
36 \fBovsdb\-client\fR [\fIoptions\fR] [\fB\-\-force\fR]
37 \fBrestore\fR [\fIserver\fR] [\fIdatabase\fR] \fB< \fIsnapshot\fR
38 .br
39 \fBovsdb\-client\fR [\fIoptions\fR] \fBmonitor\fR [\fIserver\fR] [\fIdatabase\fR] \fItable\fR
40 [\fIcolumn\fR[\fB,\fIcolumn\fR]...]...
41 .br
42 \fBovsdb\-client\fR [\fIoptions\fR] \fBmonitor\fR [\fIserver\fR] [\fIdatabase\fR] \fBALL\fR
43 .br
44 \fBovsdb\-client\fR [\fIoptions\fR] \fBmonitor\-cond\fR [\fIserver\fR] [\fIdatabase\fR] \fIconditions
45 \fItable\fR [\fIcolumn\fR[\fB,\fIcolumn\fR]...]...
46 .br
47 \fBovsdb\-client\fR [\fIoptions\fR] \fBmonitor\-cond\-since\fR [\fIserver\fR] [\fIdatabase\fR]
48 [\fIlast-id\fR] \fIconditions \fItable\fR [\fIcolumn\fR[\fB,\fIcolumn\fR]...]...
49 .br
50 \fBovsdb\-client \fR[\fIoptions\fR] \fBwait\fR \fR[\fIserver\fR] \fIdatabase\fR \fIstate\fR
51 .IP "Testing Commands:"
52 \fBovsdb\-client\fR [\fIoptions\fR] \fBlock\fR [\fIserver\fR] \fIlock\fR
53 .br
54 \fBovsdb\-client\fR [\fIoptions\fR] \fBsteal\fR [\fIserver\fR] \fIlock\fR
55 .br
56 \fBovsdb\-client\fR [\fIoptions\fR] \fBunlock\fR [\fIserver\fR] \fIlock\fR
57 .br
58 .IP "Other Commands:"
59 \fBovsdb\-client help\fR
60 .IP "Cluster Options:"
61 [\fB\-\-no\-leader\-only\fR]
62 .IP "Output formatting options:"
63 [\fB\-\-format=\fIformat\fR]
64 [\fB\-\-data=\fIformat\fR]
65 [\fB\-\-no-headings\fR]
66 [\fB\-\-pretty\fR]
67 [\fB\-\-bare\fR]
68 [\fB\-\-timestamp\fR]
69 .so lib/daemon-syn.man
70 .so lib/vlog-syn.man
71 .so lib/ssl-syn.man
72 .so lib/ssl-bootstrap-syn.man
73 .so lib/ssl-connect-syn.man
74 .so lib/common-syn.man
75 .
77 The \fBovsdb\-client\fR program is a command-line client for
78 interacting with a running \fBovsdb\-server\fR process.
79 Each command connects to the specified OVSDB \fIserver\fR, which may
80 be an OVSDB active or passive connection method, as described in
81 \fBovsdb\fR(7). The default server is \fBunix:@RUNDIR@/db.sock\fR
82 and
83 the default \fIdatabase\fR is \fBOpen_vSwitch\fR.
84 .PP
85 \fBovsdb\-client\fR supports the
86 \fImethod1\fB,\fImethod2\fB,\fR...\fB,\fImethodN\fR syntax described
87 in \fBovsdb\fR(7) for connecting to a cluster. When this syntax is
88 used, \fBovsdb\-client\fR tries the cluster members in random order
89 until it finds the cluster leader. Specify the
90 \fB\-\-no\-leader\-only\fR option to instead accept any server that is
91 connected to the cluster.
92 .PP
93 For an introduction to OVSDB and its implementation in Open vSwitch,
94 see \fBovsdb\fR(7).
95 .PP
96 The following sections describe the commands that \fBovsdb\-client\fR
97 supports.
98 .SS "Server-Level Commands"
99 Most \fBovsdb\-client\fR commands work with an individual database,
100 but these commands apply to an entire database server.
101 .
102 .IP "\fBlist\-dbs\fR [\fIserver\fR]"
103 Connects to \fIserver\fR, retrieves the list of known databases, and
104 prints them one per line. These database names are the ones that
105 other commands may use for \fIdatabase\fR.
106 .
107 .SS "Database Schema Commands"
108 .PP
109 These commands obtain the schema from a database and print it or part
110 of it.
111 .
112 .IP "\fBget\-schema\fR [\fIserver\fR] [\fIdatabase\fR]"
113 Connects to \fIserver\fR, retrieves the schema for \fIdatabase\fR, and
114 prints it in JSON format.
115 .
116 .IP "\fBlist\-tables\fR [\fIserver\fR] [\fIdatabase\fR]"
117 Connects to \fIserver\fR, retrieves the schema for \fIdatabase\fR, and
118 prints a table listing the name of each table
119 within the database.
120 .
121 .IP "\fBlist\-columns\fR [\fIserver\fR] [\fIdatabase\fR] \fItable\fR"
122 Connects to \fIserver\fR, retrieves the schema for \fIdatabase\fR, and
123 prints a table listing the name and type of each
124 column. If \fItable\fR is specified, only columns in that table are
125 listed; otherwise, the tables include columns in all tables.
126 .
127 .SS "Database Version Management Commands"
128 .so ovsdb/ovsdb-schemas.man
129 .PP
130 These commands work with different versions of OVSDB schemas and
131 databases.
132 .
133 .IP "\fBconvert \fR[\fIserver\fR] \fIschema\fR"
134 Reads an OVSDB schema in JSON format, as specified in the OVSDB
135 specification, from \fIschema\fR, then connects to \fIserver\fR and
136 requests the server to convert the database whose name is specified in
137 \fIschema\fR to the schema also specified in \fIschema\fR.
138 .IP
139 The conversion is atomic, consistent, isolated, and durable.
140 Following the schema change, the server notifies clients that use the
141 \fBset_db_change_aware\fR RPC introduced in Open vSwitch 2.9 and
142 cancels their outstanding transactions and monitors. The server
143 disconnects other clients, enabling them to notice the change when
144 they reconnect.
145 .IP
146 This command can do simple ``upgrades'' and ``downgrades'' on a
147 database's schema. The data in the database must be valid when
148 interpreted under \fIschema\fR, with only one exception: data for
149 tables and columns that do not exist in \fIschema\fR are ignored.
150 Columns that exist in \fIschema\fR but not in the database are set to
151 their default values. All of \fIschema\fR's constraints apply in
152 full.
153 .IP
154 Some uses of this command can cause unrecoverable data loss. For
155 example, converting a database from a schema that has a given column
156 or table to one that does not will delete all data in that column or
157 table. Back up critical databases before converting them.
158 .IP
159 This command works with clustered and standalone databases.
160 Standalone databases may also be converted (offline) with
161 \fBovsdb\-tool\fR's \fBconvert\fR command.
162 .
163 .IP "\fBneeds\-conversion \fR[\fIserver\fR] \fIschema\fR"
164 Reads the schema from \fIschema\fR, then connects to \fIserver\fR and
165 requests the schema from the database whose name is specified in
166 \fIschema\fR. If the two schemas are the same, prints \fBno\fR on
167 stdout; if they differ, prints \fByes\fR.
168 .
169 .IP "\fBget\-schema\-version \fR[\fIserver\fR] [\fIdatabase\fR]"
170 Connects to \fIserver\fR, retrieves the schema for \fIdatabase\fR, and
171 prints its version number on stdout.
172 If \fIdatabase\fR was created before schema versioning was introduced,
173 then it will not have a version number and this command will print a
174 blank line.
175 .
176 .IP "\fBget\-schema\-cksum\fR [\fIserver\fR] [\fIdatabase\fR]"
177 Connects to \fIserver\fR, retrieves the schema for \fIdatabase\fR, and
178 prints its checksum on stdout. If \fIdatabase\fR does not include a
179 checksum, prints a blank line.
180 .
181 .SS "Data Management Commands"
182 .PP
183 These commands read or modify the data in a database.
184 .
185 .IP "\fBtransact\fR [\fIserver\fR] \fItransaction\fR"
186 Connects to \fIserver\fR, sends it the specified \fItransaction\fR,
187 which must be a JSON array appropriate for use as the \fBparams\fR to
188 a JSON-RPC \fBtransact\fR request, and prints the received reply on
189 stdout.
190 .
191 .IP "\fBquery\fR [\fIserver\fR] \fItransaction\fR"
192 This commands acts like a read-only version of \fBtransact\fR.
193 It connects to \fIserver\fR, sends it the specified \fItransaction\fR,
194 which must be a JSON array appropriate for use as the \fBparams\fR to
195 a JSON-RPC \fBtransact\fR request, and prints the received reply on
196 stdout. To ensure that the transaction does not modify the database,
197 this command appends an \fBabort\fR operation to the set of operations
198 included in \fItransaction\fR before sending it to the database, and
199 then removes the \fBabort\fR result from the reply (if it is present).
200 .
201 .IP "\fBdump\fR [\fIserver\fR] [\fIdatabase\fR] [\fItable\fR [\fIcolumn\fR...]]"
202 Connects to \fIserver\fR, retrieves all of the data in \fIdatabase\fR,
203 and prints it on stdout as a series of tables. If \fItable\fR is
204 specified, only that table is retrieved. If at least one \fIcolumn\fR
205 is specified, only those columns are retrieved.
206 .
207 .IP "\fBbackup\fR [\fIserver\fR] [\fIdatabase\fR] \fB> \fIsnapshot\fR"
208 Connects to \fIserver\fR, retrieves a snapshot of the schema and data
209 in \fIdatabase\fR, and prints it on stdout in the format used for
210 OVSDB standalone and active-backup databases. This is an appropriate
211 way to back up any remote database. The database snapshot that it
212 outputs is suitable to be served up directly by \fBovsdb\-server\fR or
213 used as the input to \fBovsdb\-client restore\fR.
214 .IP
215 Another way to back up a standalone or active-backup database is to
216 copy its database file, e.g. with \fBcp\fR. This is safe even if the
217 database is in use.
218 .IP
219 The output does not include ephemeral columns, which by design do not
220 survive across restarts of \fBovsdb\-server\fR.
221 .
222 .IP "[\fB\-\-force\fR] \fBrestore\fR [\fIserver\fR] [\fIdatabase\fR] \fB< \fIsnapshot\fR"
223 Reads \fIsnapshot\fR, which must be a OVSDB standalone or
224 active-backup database (possibly but not necessarily created by
225 \fBovsdb\-client backup). Then, connects to \fIserver\fR, verifies
226 that \fIdatabase\fR and \fIsnapshot\fR have the same schema, then
227 deletes all of the data in \fIdatabase\fR and replaces it by
228 \fIsnapshot\fR. The replacement happens atomically, in a single
229 transaction.
230 .IP
231 UUIDs for rows in the restored database will differ from those in
232 \fIsnapshot\fR, because the OVSDB protocol does not allow clients to
233 specify row UUIDs. Another way to restore a standalone or active-backup
234 database, which does also restore row UUIDs, is to stop
235 the server or servers, replace the database file by the snapshot, then
236 restart the database. Either way, ephemeral columns are not restored,
237 since by design they do not survive across restarts of
238 \fBovsdb\-server\fR.
239 .IP
240 Normally \fBrestore\fR exits with a failure if \fBsnapshot\fR and the
241 server's database have different schemas. In such a case, it is a
242 good idea to convert the database to the new schema before restoring,
243 e.g. with \fBovsdb\-client convert\fR. Use \fB\-\-force\fR to proceed
244 regardless of schema differences even though the restore might fail
245 with an error or succeed with surprising results.
246 .
247 .IP "\fBmonitor\fR [\fIserver\fR] [\fIdatabase\fR] \fItable\fR [\fIcolumn\fR[\fB,\fIcolumn\fR]...]..."
248 .IQ "\fBmonitor\-cond\fR [\fIserver\fR] [\fIdatabase\fR] \fIconditions\fR \fItable\fR [\fIcolumn\fR[\fB,\fIcolumn\fR]...]..."
249 .IQ "\fBmonitor\-cond\-since\fR [\fIserver\fR] [\fIdatabase\fR] [\fIlast-id\fR] \fIconditions\fR \fItable\fR [\fIcolumn\fR[\fB,\fIcolumn\fR]...]..."
250 Connects to \fIserver\fR and monitors the contents of rows that match conditions in
251 \fItable\fR in \fIdatabase\fR. By default, the initial contents of \fItable\fR are
252 printed, followed by each change as it occurs. If conditions empty,
253 all rows will be monitored. If at least one \fIcolumn\fR is specified, only those
254 columns are monitored. The following \fIcolumn\fR names have special meanings:
255 .RS
256 .IP "\fB!initial\fR"
257 Do not print the initial contents of the specified columns.
258 .IP "\fB!insert\fR"
259 Do not print newly inserted rows.
260 .IP "\fB!delete\fR"
261 Do not print deleted rows.
262 .IP "\fB!modify\fR"
263 Do not print modifications to existing rows.
264 .RE
265 .IP
266 Multiple [\fIcolumn\fR[\fB,\fIcolumn\fR]...] groups may be specified
267 as separate arguments, e.g. to apply different reporting parameters to
268 each group. Whether multiple groups or only a single group is
269 specified, any given column may only be mentioned once on the command
270 line.
271 .IP
272 \fBconditions\fR is a JSON array of <condition> as defined in RFC 7047 5.1
273 with the following change: A condition can be either a 3-element JSON array
274 as deescribed in the RFC or a boolean value..
275 .IP
276 If \fB\-\-detach\fR is used with \fBmonitor\fR, \fBmonitor\-cond\fR or
277 \fBmonitor\-cond\-since\fR, then \fBovsdb\-client\fR detaches after it has
278 successfully received and printed the initial contents of \fItable\fR.
279 .IP
280 The \fBmonitor\fR command uses RFC 7047 "monitor" method to open a monitor
281 session with the server. The \fBmonitor\-cond\fR and \fBmonitor\-cond\-since\fR
282 commandls uses RFC 7047 extension "monitor_cond" and "monitor_cond_since"
283 methods. See \fBovsdb\-server\fR(1) for details.
284 .IP "\fBmonitor\fI \fR[\fIserver\fR] \fR[\fIdatabase\fR] \fBALL\fR"
285 Connects to \fIserver\fR and monitors the contents of all tables in
286 \fIdatabase\fR. Prints initial values and all kinds of changes to all
287 columns in the database. The \fB\-\-detach\fR option causes
288 \fBovsdb\-client\fR to detach after it successfully receives and
289 prints the initial database contents.
290 .IP
291 The \fBmonitor\fR command uses RFC 7047 "monitor" method to open a monitor
292 session with the server.
293 .
294 .IP "\fBwait\fR \fR[\fIserver\fR] \fIdatabase state\fR"
295 Waits for \fIdatabase\fR on \fIserver\fR to enter a desired \fIstate\fR,
296 which may be one of:
297 .RS
298 .IP "\fBadded\fR"
299 Waits until a database with the given name has been added to
300 \fIserver\fR.
301 .IP "\fBconnected\fR"
302 Waits until a database with the given name has been added to
303 \fIserver\fR. Then, if \fIdatabase\fR is clustered, additionally
304 waits until it has joined and connected to its cluster.
305 .IP "\fBremoved\fR"
306 Waits until \fIdatabase\fR has been removed from the database server.
307 This can also be used to wait for a database to complete leaving its
308 cluster, because \fBovsdb\-server\fR removes a database at that point.
309 .RE
310 .IP
311 \fIdatabase\fR is mandatory for this command because it is often used
312 to check for databases that have not yet been added to the server, so
313 that the \fBovsdb\-client\fR semantics of acting on a default database
314 do not work.
315 .IP
316 This command acts on a particular database server, not on a cluster,
317 so \fIserver\fR must name a single server, not a comma-delimited list
318 of servers.
319 .SS "Testing commands"
320 These commands are mostly of interest for testing the correctness
321 of the OVSDB server.
322 .
323 .IP "\fBlock\fR [\fIserver\fR] \fIlock\fR"
324 .IQ "\fBsteal\fR [\fIserver\fR] \fIlock\fR"
325 .IQ "\fBunlock\fR [\fIserver\fR] \fIlock\fR"
326 Connects to \fIserver\fR and issues corresponding RFC 7047 lock operations
327 on \fIlock\fR. Prints json reply or subsequent update messages.
328 The \fB\-\-detach\fR option causes \fBovsdb\-client\fR to detach after it
329 successfully receives and prints the initial reply.
330 .IP
331 When running with the \fB\-\-detach\fR option, \fBlock\fR, \fBsteal\fR,
332 \fBunlock\fR and \fBexit\fR commands can be issued by using
333 \fBovs-appctl\fR. \fBexit\fR command causes the \fBovsdb\-client\fR to
334 close its \fBovsdb\-server\fR connection before exit.
335 The \fBlock\fR, \fBsteal\fR and \fBunlock\fR commands can be used to
336 issue additional lock operations over the same \fBovsdb\-server\fR connection. All above commands take a single \fIlock\fR argument, which does not have
337 to be the same as the \fIlock\fR that \fBovsdb\-client\fR started with.
338 .
340 .SS "Output Formatting Options"
341 Much of the output from \fBovsdb\-client\fR is in the form of tables.
342 The following options controlling output formatting:
343 .
344 .ds TD (default)
345 .so lib/table.man
346 .
347 .IP "\fB\-\-timestamp\fR"
348 For the \fBmonitor\fR, \fBmonitor\-cond\fR and \fBmonitor\-cond\-since\fR
349 commands, add a timestamp to each table update. Most output formats add the
350 timestamp on a line of its own just above the table. The JSON output format
351 puts the timestamp in a member of the top-level JSON object named \fBtime\fR.
352 .
353 .IP "\fB\-t\fR"
354 .IQ "\fB\-\-timeout=\fIsecs\fR"
355 Limits \fBovsdb\-client\fR runtime to approximately \fIsecs\fR
356 seconds. If the timeout expires, \fBovsdb\-client\fR will exit with a
357 \fBSIGALRM\fR signal.
358 .
359 .SS "Daemon Options"
360 The daemon options apply only to the \fBmonitor\fR, \fBmonitor\-cond\fR and
361 \fBmonitor\-cond\-since\fR commands. With any other command, they have no
362 effect.
363 .ds DD
364 .so lib/daemon.man
365 .SS "Logging Options"
366 .so lib/vlog.man
367 .SS "Public Key Infrastructure Options"
368 .so lib/ssl.man
369 .so lib/ssl-bootstrap.man
370 .SS "SSL Connection Options"
371 .so lib/ssl-connect.man
372 .SS "Other Options"
373 .so lib/common.man
374 .SH "SEE ALSO"
375 .
376 \fBovsdb\fR(7),
377 \fBovsdb\-server\fR(1),
378 \fBovsdb\-client\fR(1).