]> git.proxmox.com Git - mirror_ovs.git/blob - ovsdb/ovsdb-idlc.in
Merge branch 'master' of ssh://github.com/openvswitch/ovs into master_new
[mirror_ovs.git] / ovsdb / ovsdb-idlc.in
1 #! @PYTHON@
3 import getopt
4 import os
5 import re
6 import sys
8 import ovs.json
9 import ovs.db.error
10 import ovs.db.schema
12 argv0 = sys.argv[0]
14 def parseSchema(filename):
15 return ovs.db.schema.IdlSchema.from_json(ovs.json.from_file(filename))
17 def annotateSchema(schemaFile, annotationFile):
18 schemaJson = ovs.json.from_file(schemaFile)
19 execfile(annotationFile, globals(), {"s": schemaJson})
20 ovs.json.to_stream(schemaJson, sys.stdout)
21 sys.stdout.write('\n')
23 def constify(cType, const):
24 if (const
25 and cType.endswith('*') and
26 (cType == 'char **' or not cType.endswith('**'))):
27 return 'const %s' % cType
28 else:
29 return cType
31 def cMembers(prefix, tableName, columnName, column, const):
32 comment = ""
33 type = column.type
35 if type.is_smap():
36 comment = """
37 /* Sets the "%(c)s" column's value from the "%(t)s" table in 'row'
38 * to '%(c)s'.
39 *
40 * The caller retains ownership of '%(c)s' and everything in it. */""" \
41 % {'c': columnName,
42 't': tableName}
43 return (comment, [{'name': columnName,
44 'type': 'struct smap ',
45 'comment': ''}])
47 comment = """\n/* Sets the "%s" column from the "%s" table in """\
48 """'row' to\n""" % (columnName, tableName)
50 if type.n_min == 1 and type.n_max == 1:
51 singleton = True
52 pointer = ''
53 else:
54 singleton = False
55 if type.is_optional_pointer():
56 pointer = ''
57 else:
58 pointer = '*'
61 if type.value:
62 keyName = "key_%s" % columnName
63 valueName = "value_%s" % columnName
65 key = {'name': keyName,
66 'type': constify(type.key.toCType(prefix) + pointer, const),
67 'comment': ''}
68 value = {'name': valueName,
69 'type': constify(type.value.toCType(prefix) + pointer, const),
70 'comment': ''}
72 if singleton:
73 comment += " * the map with key '%s' and value '%s'\n *" \
74 % (keyName, valueName)
75 else:
76 comment += " * the map with keys '%s' and values '%s'\n *" \
77 % (keyName, valueName)
78 members = [key, value]
79 else:
80 m = {'name': columnName,
81 'type': constify(type.key.toCType(prefix) + pointer, const),
82 'comment': type.cDeclComment()}
84 if singleton:
85 comment += " * '%s'" % columnName
86 else:
87 comment += " * the '%s' set" % columnName
88 members = [m]
90 if not singleton and not type.is_optional_pointer():
91 sizeName = "n_%s" % columnName
93 comment += " with '%s' entries" % sizeName
94 members.append({'name': sizeName,
95 'type': 'size_t ',
96 'comment': ''})
98 comment += ".\n"
100 if type.is_optional() and not type.is_optional_pointer():
101 comment += """ *
102 * '%s' may be 0 or 1; if it is 0, then '%s'
103 * may be NULL.\n""" \
104 % ("n_%s" % columnName, columnName)
106 if type.is_optional_pointer():
107 comment += """ *
108 * If "%s" is null, the column will be the empty set,
109 * otherwise it will contain the specified value.\n""" % columnName
111 if type.constraintsToEnglish():
112 comment += """ *
113 * Argument constraints: %s\n""" \
114 % type.constraintsToEnglish(lambda s : '"%s"' % s)
116 comment += " *\n * The caller retains ownership of the arguments. */"
118 return (comment, members)
120 def printCIDLHeader(schemaFile):
121 schema = parseSchema(schemaFile)
122 prefix = schema.idlPrefix
123 print '''\
124 /* Generated automatically -- do not modify! -*- buffer-read-only: t -*- */
126 #ifndef %(prefix)sIDL_HEADER
127 #define %(prefix)sIDL_HEADER 1
129 #include <stdbool.h>
130 #include <stddef.h>
131 #include <stdint.h>
132 #include "ovsdb-data.h"
133 #include "ovsdb-idl-provider.h"
134 #include "smap.h"
135 #include "uuid.h"''' % {'prefix': prefix.upper()}
137 for tableName, table in sorted(schema.tables.iteritems()):
138 structName = "%s%s" % (prefix, tableName.lower())
140 print "\f"
141 print "/* %s table. */" % tableName
142 print "struct %s {" % structName
143 print "\tstruct ovsdb_idl_row header_;"
144 for columnName, column in sorted(table.columns.iteritems()):
145 print "\n\t/* %s column. */" % columnName
146 comment, members = cMembers(prefix, tableName,
147 columnName, column, False)
148 for member in members:
149 print "\t%(type)s%(name)s;%(comment)s" % member
150 print "};"
152 # Column indexes.
153 printEnum("%s_column_id" % structName.lower(), ["%s_COL_%s" % (structName.upper(), columnName.upper())
154 for columnName in sorted(table.columns)]
155 + ["%s_N_COLUMNS" % structName.upper()])
157 print
158 for columnName in table.columns:
159 print "#define %(s)s_col_%(c)s (%(s)s_columns[%(S)s_COL_%(C)s])" % {
160 's': structName,
161 'S': structName.upper(),
162 'c': columnName,
163 'C': columnName.upper()}
165 print "\nextern struct ovsdb_idl_column %s_columns[%s_N_COLUMNS];" % (structName, structName.upper())
167 print '''
168 const struct %(s)s *%(s)s_get_for_uuid(const struct ovsdb_idl *, const struct uuid *);
169 const struct %(s)s *%(s)s_first(const struct ovsdb_idl *);
170 const struct %(s)s *%(s)s_next(const struct %(s)s *);
171 #define %(S)s_FOR_EACH(ROW, IDL) \\
172 for ((ROW) = %(s)s_first(IDL); \\
173 (ROW); \\
174 (ROW) = %(s)s_next(ROW))
175 #define %(S)s_FOR_EACH_SAFE(ROW, NEXT, IDL) \\
176 for ((ROW) = %(s)s_first(IDL); \\
177 (ROW) ? ((NEXT) = %(s)s_next(ROW), 1) : 0; \\
178 (ROW) = (NEXT))
180 unsigned int %(s)s_get_seqno(const struct ovsdb_idl *);
181 unsigned int %(s)s_row_get_seqno(const struct %(s)s *row, enum ovsdb_idl_change change);
182 const struct %(s)s *%(s)s_track_get_first(const struct ovsdb_idl *);
183 const struct %(s)s *%(s)s_track_get_next(const struct %(s)s *);
184 #define %(S)s_FOR_EACH_TRACKED(ROW, IDL) \\
185 for ((ROW) = %(s)s_track_get_first(IDL); \\
186 (ROW); \\
187 (ROW) = %(s)s_track_get_next(ROW))
189 void %(s)s_init(struct %(s)s *);
190 void %(s)s_delete(const struct %(s)s *);
191 struct %(s)s *%(s)s_insert(struct ovsdb_idl_txn *);
192 bool %(s)s_is_updated(const struct %(s)s *, enum %(s)s_column_id);
193 ''' % {'s': structName, 'S': structName.upper()}
195 for columnName, column in sorted(table.columns.iteritems()):
196 print 'void %(s)s_verify_%(c)s(const struct %(s)s *);' % {'s': structName, 'c': columnName}
198 print
199 for columnName, column in sorted(table.columns.iteritems()):
200 if column.type.value:
201 valueParam = ', enum ovsdb_atomic_type value_type'
202 else:
203 valueParam = ''
204 print 'const struct ovsdb_datum *%(s)s_get_%(c)s(const struct %(s)s *, enum ovsdb_atomic_type key_type%(v)s);' % {
205 's': structName, 'c': columnName, 'v': valueParam}
207 print
208 for columnName, column in sorted(table.columns.iteritems()):
209 print 'void %(s)s_set_%(c)s(const struct %(s)s *,' % {'s': structName, 'c': columnName},
210 if column.type.is_smap():
211 args = ['const struct smap *']
212 else:
213 comment, members = cMembers(prefix, tableName, columnName,
214 column, True)
215 args = ['%(type)s%(name)s' % member for member in members]
216 print '%s);' % ', '.join(args)
218 print
220 # Table indexes.
221 printEnum("%stable_id" % prefix.lower(), ["%sTABLE_%s" % (prefix.upper(), tableName.upper()) for tableName in sorted(schema.tables)] + ["%sN_TABLES" % prefix.upper()])
222 print
223 for tableName in schema.tables:
224 print "#define %(p)stable_%(t)s (%(p)stable_classes[%(P)sTABLE_%(T)s])" % {
225 'p': prefix,
226 'P': prefix.upper(),
227 't': tableName.lower(),
228 'T': tableName.upper()}
229 print "\nextern struct ovsdb_idl_table_class %stable_classes[%sN_TABLES];" % (prefix, prefix.upper())
231 print "\nextern struct ovsdb_idl_class %sidl_class;" % prefix
232 print "\nvoid %sinit(void);" % prefix
234 print "\nconst char * %sget_db_version(void);" % prefix
235 print "\n#endif /* %(prefix)sIDL_HEADER */" % {'prefix': prefix.upper()}
237 def printEnum(type, members):
238 if len(members) == 0:
239 return
241 print "\nenum %s {" % type
242 for member in members[:-1]:
243 print " %s," % member
244 print " %s" % members[-1]
245 print "};"
247 def printCIDLSource(schemaFile):
248 schema = parseSchema(schemaFile)
249 prefix = schema.idlPrefix
250 print '''\
251 /* Generated automatically -- do not modify! -*- buffer-read-only: t -*- */
253 #include <config.h>
254 #include %s
255 #include <limits.h>
256 #include "ovs-thread.h"
257 #include "ovsdb-data.h"
258 #include "ovsdb-error.h"
259 #include "util.h"
261 #ifdef __CHECKER__
262 /* Sparse dislikes sizeof(bool) ("warning: expression using sizeof bool"). */
263 enum { sizeof_bool = 1 };
264 #else
265 enum { sizeof_bool = sizeof(bool) };
266 #endif
268 static bool inited;
269 ''' % schema.idlHeader
271 # Cast functions.
272 for tableName, table in sorted(schema.tables.iteritems()):
273 structName = "%s%s" % (prefix, tableName.lower())
274 print '''
275 static struct %(s)s *
276 %(s)s_cast(const struct ovsdb_idl_row *row)
277 {
278 return row ? CONTAINER_OF(row, struct %(s)s, header_) : NULL;
279 }\
280 ''' % {'s': structName}
283 for tableName, table in sorted(schema.tables.iteritems()):
284 structName = "%s%s" % (prefix, tableName.lower())
285 print "\f"
286 print "/* %s table. */" % (tableName)
288 # Parse functions.
289 for columnName, column in sorted(table.columns.iteritems()):
290 print '''
291 static void
292 %(s)s_parse_%(c)s(struct ovsdb_idl_row *row_, const struct ovsdb_datum *datum)
293 {
294 struct %(s)s *row = %(s)s_cast(row_);''' % {'s': structName,
295 'c': columnName}
296 type = column.type
297 if type.value:
298 keyVar = "row->key_%s" % columnName
299 valueVar = "row->value_%s" % columnName
300 else:
301 keyVar = "row->%s" % columnName
302 valueVar = None
304 if type.is_smap():
305 print " size_t i;"
306 print
307 print " ovs_assert(inited);"
308 print " smap_init(&row->%s);" % columnName
309 print " for (i = 0; i < datum->n; i++) {"
310 print " smap_add(&row->%s," % columnName
311 print " datum->keys[i].string,"
312 print " datum->values[i].string);"
313 print " }"
314 elif (type.n_min == 1 and type.n_max == 1) or type.is_optional_pointer():
315 print
316 print " ovs_assert(inited);"
317 print " if (datum->n >= 1) {"
318 if not type.key.ref_table:
319 print " %s = datum->keys[0].%s;" % (keyVar, type.key.type.to_string())
320 else:
321 print " %s = %s%s_cast(ovsdb_idl_get_row_arc(row_, &%stable_classes[%sTABLE_%s], &datum->keys[0].uuid));" % (keyVar, prefix, type.key.ref_table.name.lower(), prefix, prefix.upper(), type.key.ref_table.name.upper())
323 if valueVar:
324 if type.value.ref_table:
325 print " %s = datum->values[0].%s;" % (valueVar, type.value.type.to_string())
326 else:
327 print " %s = %s%s_cast(ovsdb_idl_get_row_arc(row_, &%stable_classes[%sTABLE_%s], &datum->values[0].uuid));" % (valueVar, prefix, type.value.ref_table.name.lower(), prefix, prefix.upper(), type.value.ref_table.name.upper())
328 print " } else {"
329 print " %s" % type.key.initCDefault(keyVar, type.n_min == 0)
330 if valueVar:
331 print " %s" % type.value.initCDefault(valueVar, type.n_min == 0)
332 print " }"
333 else:
334 if type.n_max != sys.maxint:
335 print " size_t n = MIN(%d, datum->n);" % type.n_max
336 nMax = "n"
337 else:
338 nMax = "datum->n"
339 print " size_t i;"
340 print
341 print " ovs_assert(inited);"
342 print " %s = NULL;" % keyVar
343 if valueVar:
344 print " %s = NULL;" % valueVar
345 print " row->n_%s = 0;" % columnName
346 print " for (i = 0; i < %s; i++) {" % nMax
347 refs = []
348 if type.key.ref_table:
349 print " struct %s%s *keyRow = %s%s_cast(ovsdb_idl_get_row_arc(row_, &%stable_classes[%sTABLE_%s], &datum->keys[i].uuid));" % (prefix, type.key.ref_table.name.lower(), prefix, type.key.ref_table.name.lower(), prefix, prefix.upper(), type.key.ref_table.name.upper())
350 keySrc = "keyRow"
351 refs.append('keyRow')
352 else:
353 keySrc = "datum->keys[i].%s" % type.key.type.to_string()
354 if type.value and type.value.ref_table:
355 print " struct %s%s *valueRow = %s%s_cast(ovsdb_idl_get_row_arc(row_, &%stable_classes[%sTABLE_%s], &datum->values[i].uuid));" % (prefix, type.value.ref_table.name.lower(), prefix, type.value.ref_table.name.lower(), prefix, prefix.upper(), type.value.ref_table.name.upper())
356 valueSrc = "valueRow"
357 refs.append('valueRow')
358 elif valueVar:
359 valueSrc = "datum->values[i].%s" % type.value.type.to_string()
360 if refs:
361 print " if (%s) {" % ' && '.join(refs)
362 indent = " "
363 else:
364 indent = " "
365 print "%sif (!row->n_%s) {" % (indent, columnName)
367 # Special case for boolean types. This is only here because
368 # sparse does not like the "normal" case ("warning: expression
369 # using sizeof bool").
370 if type.key.type == ovs.db.types.BooleanType:
371 sizeof = "sizeof_bool"
372 else:
373 sizeof = "sizeof *%s" % keyVar
374 print "%s %s = xmalloc(%s * %s);" % (indent, keyVar, nMax,
375 sizeof)
376 if valueVar:
377 # Special case for boolean types (see above).
378 if type.value.type == ovs.db.types.BooleanType:
379 sizeof = " * sizeof_bool"
380 else:
381 sizeof = "sizeof *%s" % valueVar
382 print "%s %s = xmalloc(%s * %s);" % (indent, valueVar,
383 nMax, sizeof)
384 print "%s}" % indent
385 print "%s%s[row->n_%s] = %s;" % (indent, keyVar, columnName, keySrc)
386 if valueVar:
387 print "%s%s[row->n_%s] = %s;" % (indent, valueVar, columnName, valueSrc)
388 print "%srow->n_%s++;" % (indent, columnName)
389 if refs:
390 print " }"
391 print " }"
392 print "}"
394 # Unparse functions.
395 for columnName, column in sorted(table.columns.iteritems()):
396 type = column.type
397 if type.is_smap() or (type.n_min != 1 or type.n_max != 1) and not type.is_optional_pointer():
398 print '''
399 static void
400 %(s)s_unparse_%(c)s(struct ovsdb_idl_row *row_)
401 {
402 struct %(s)s *row = %(s)s_cast(row_);
404 ovs_assert(inited);''' % {'s': structName, 'c': columnName}
406 if type.is_smap():
407 print " smap_destroy(&row->%s);" % columnName
408 else:
409 if type.value:
410 keyVar = "row->key_%s" % columnName
411 valueVar = "row->value_%s" % columnName
412 else:
413 keyVar = "row->%s" % columnName
414 valueVar = None
415 print " free(%s);" % keyVar
416 if valueVar:
417 print " free(%s);" % valueVar
418 print '}'
419 else:
420 print '''
421 static void
422 %(s)s_unparse_%(c)s(struct ovsdb_idl_row *row OVS_UNUSED)
423 {
424 /* Nothing to do. */
425 }''' % {'s': structName, 'c': columnName}
427 # Generic Row Initialization function.
428 print """
429 static void
430 %(s)s_init__(struct ovsdb_idl_row *row)
431 {
432 %(s)s_init(%(s)s_cast(row));
433 }""" % {'s': structName}
435 # Row Initialization function.
436 print """
437 /* Clears the contents of 'row' in table "%(t)s". */
438 void
439 %(s)s_init(struct %(s)s *row)
440 {
441 memset(row, 0, sizeof *row); """ % {'s': structName, 't': tableName}
442 for columnName, column in sorted(table.columns.iteritems()):
443 if column.type.is_smap():
444 print " smap_init(&row->%s);" % columnName
445 print "}"
447 # First, next functions.
448 print '''
449 /* Searches table "%(t)s" in 'idl' for a row with UUID 'uuid'. Returns
450 * a pointer to the row if there is one, otherwise a null pointer. */
451 const struct %(s)s *
452 %(s)s_get_for_uuid(const struct ovsdb_idl *idl, const struct uuid *uuid)
453 {
454 return %(s)s_cast(ovsdb_idl_get_row_for_uuid(idl, &%(p)stable_classes[%(P)sTABLE_%(T)s], uuid));
455 }
457 /* Returns a row in table "%(t)s" in 'idl', or a null pointer if that
458 * table is empty.
459 *
460 * Database tables are internally maintained as hash tables, so adding or
461 * removing rows while traversing the same table can cause some rows to be
462 * visited twice or not at apply. */
463 const struct %(s)s *
464 %(s)s_first(const struct ovsdb_idl *idl)
465 {
466 return %(s)s_cast(ovsdb_idl_first_row(idl, &%(p)stable_classes[%(P)sTABLE_%(T)s]));
467 }
469 /* Returns a row following 'row' within its table, or a null pointer if 'row'
470 * is the last row in its table. */
471 const struct %(s)s *
472 %(s)s_next(const struct %(s)s *row)
473 {
474 return %(s)s_cast(ovsdb_idl_next_row(&row->header_));
475 }
477 unsigned int %(s)s_get_seqno(const struct ovsdb_idl *idl)
478 {
479 return ovsdb_idl_table_get_seqno(idl, &%(p)stable_classes[%(P)sTABLE_%(T)s]);
480 }
482 unsigned int %(s)s_row_get_seqno(const struct %(s)s *row, enum ovsdb_idl_change change)
483 {
484 return ovsdb_idl_row_get_seqno(&row->header_, change);
485 }
487 const struct %(s)s *
488 %(s)s_track_get_first(const struct ovsdb_idl *idl)
489 {
490 return %(s)s_cast(ovsdb_idl_track_get_first(idl, &%(p)stable_classes[%(P)sTABLE_%(T)s]));
491 }
493 const struct %(s)s
494 *%(s)s_track_get_next(const struct %(s)s *row)
495 {
496 return %(s)s_cast(ovsdb_idl_track_get_next(&row->header_));
497 }''' % {'s': structName,
498 'p': prefix,
499 'P': prefix.upper(),
500 't': tableName,
501 'T': tableName.upper()}
503 print '''
505 /* Deletes 'row' from table "%(t)s". 'row' may be freed, so it must not be
506 * accessed afterward.
507 *
508 * The caller must have started a transaction with ovsdb_idl_txn_create(). */
509 void
510 %(s)s_delete(const struct %(s)s *row)
511 {
512 ovsdb_idl_txn_delete(&row->header_);
513 }
515 /* Inserts and returns a new row in the table "%(t)s" in the database
516 * with open transaction 'txn'.
517 *
518 * The new row is assigned a randomly generated provisional UUID.
519 * ovsdb-server will assign a different UUID when 'txn' is committed,
520 * but the IDL will replace any uses of the provisional UUID in the
521 * data to be to be committed by the UUID assigned by ovsdb-server. */
522 struct %(s)s *
523 %(s)s_insert(struct ovsdb_idl_txn *txn)
524 {
525 return %(s)s_cast(ovsdb_idl_txn_insert(txn, &%(p)stable_classes[%(P)sTABLE_%(T)s], NULL));
526 }
528 bool
529 %(s)s_is_updated(const struct %(s)s *row, enum %(s)s_column_id column)
530 {
531 return ovsdb_idl_track_is_updated(&row->header_, &%(s)s_columns[column]);
532 }''' % {'s': structName,
533 'p': prefix,
534 'P': prefix.upper(),
535 't': tableName,
536 'T': tableName.upper()}
538 # Verify functions.
539 for columnName, column in sorted(table.columns.iteritems()):
540 print '''
541 /* Causes the original contents of column "%(c)s" in 'row' to be
542 * verified as a prerequisite to completing the transaction. That is, if
543 * "%(c)s" in 'row' changed (or if 'row' was deleted) between the
544 * time that the IDL originally read its contents and the time that the
545 * transaction commits, then the transaction aborts and ovsdb_idl_txn_commit()
546 * returns TXN_AGAIN_WAIT or TXN_AGAIN_NOW (depending on whether the database
547 * change has already been received).
548 *
549 * The intention is that, to ensure that no transaction commits based on dirty
550 * reads, an application should call this function any time "%(c)s" is
551 * read as part of a read-modify-write operation.
552 *
553 * In some cases this function reduces to a no-op, because the current value
554 * of "%(c)s" is already known:
555 *
556 * - If 'row' is a row created by the current transaction (returned by
557 * %(s)s_insert()).
558 *
559 * - If "%(c)s" has already been modified (with
560 * %(s)s_set_%(c)s()) within the current transaction.
561 *
562 * Because of the latter property, always call this function *before*
563 * %(s)s_set_%(c)s() for a given read-modify-write.
564 *
565 * The caller must have started a transaction with ovsdb_idl_txn_create(). */
566 void
567 %(s)s_verify_%(c)s(const struct %(s)s *row)
568 {
569 ovs_assert(inited);
570 ovsdb_idl_txn_verify(&row->header_, &%(s)s_columns[%(S)s_COL_%(C)s]);
571 }''' % {'s': structName,
572 'S': structName.upper(),
573 'c': columnName,
574 'C': columnName.upper()}
576 # Get functions.
577 for columnName, column in sorted(table.columns.iteritems()):
578 if column.type.value:
579 valueParam = ',\n\tenum ovsdb_atomic_type value_type OVS_UNUSED'
580 valueType = '\n ovs_assert(value_type == %s);' % column.type.value.toAtomicType()
581 valueComment = "\n * 'value_type' must be %s." % column.type.value.toAtomicType()
582 else:
583 valueParam = ''
584 valueType = ''
585 valueComment = ''
586 print """
587 /* Returns the "%(c)s" column's value from the "%(t)s" table in 'row'
588 * as a struct ovsdb_datum. This is useful occasionally: for example,
589 * ovsdb_datum_find_key() is an easier and more efficient way to search
590 * for a given key than implementing the same operation on the "cooked"
591 * form in 'row'.
592 *
593 * 'key_type' must be %(kt)s.%(vc)s
594 * (This helps to avoid silent bugs if someone changes %(c)s's
595 * type without updating the caller.)
596 *
597 * The caller must not modify or free the returned value.
598 *
599 * Various kinds of changes can invalidate the returned value: modifying
600 * 'column' within 'row', deleting 'row', or completing an ongoing transaction.
601 * If the returned value is needed for a long time, it is best to make a copy
602 * of it with ovsdb_datum_clone().
603 *
604 * This function is rarely useful, since it is easier to access the value
605 * directly through the "%(c)s" member in %(s)s. */
606 const struct ovsdb_datum *
607 %(s)s_get_%(c)s(const struct %(s)s *row,
608 \tenum ovsdb_atomic_type key_type OVS_UNUSED%(v)s)
609 {
610 ovs_assert(key_type == %(kt)s);%(vt)s
611 return ovsdb_idl_read(&row->header_, &%(s)s_col_%(c)s);
612 }""" % {'t': tableName, 's': structName, 'c': columnName,
613 'kt': column.type.key.toAtomicType(),
614 'v': valueParam, 'vt': valueType, 'vc': valueComment}
616 # Set functions.
617 for columnName, column in sorted(table.columns.iteritems()):
618 type = column.type
620 comment, members = cMembers(prefix, tableName, columnName,
621 column, True)
623 if type.is_smap():
624 print comment
625 print """void
626 %(s)s_set_%(c)s(const struct %(s)s *row, const struct smap *%(c)s)
627 {
628 struct ovsdb_datum datum;
630 ovs_assert(inited);
631 if (%(c)s) {
632 struct smap_node *node;
633 size_t i;
635 datum.n = smap_count(%(c)s);
636 datum.keys = xmalloc(datum.n * sizeof *datum.keys);
637 datum.values = xmalloc(datum.n * sizeof *datum.values);
639 i = 0;
640 SMAP_FOR_EACH (node, %(c)s) {
641 datum.keys[i].string = xstrdup(node->key);
642 datum.values[i].string = xstrdup(node->value);
643 i++;
644 }
645 ovsdb_datum_sort_unique(&datum, OVSDB_TYPE_STRING, OVSDB_TYPE_STRING);
646 } else {
647 ovsdb_datum_init_empty(&datum);
648 }
649 ovsdb_idl_txn_write(&row->header_,
650 &%(s)s_columns[%(S)s_COL_%(C)s],
651 &datum);
652 }
653 """ % {'t': tableName,
654 's': structName,
655 'S': structName.upper(),
656 'c': columnName,
657 'C': columnName.upper()}
658 continue
660 keyVar = members[0]['name']
661 nVar = None
662 valueVar = None
663 if type.value:
664 valueVar = members[1]['name']
665 if len(members) > 2:
666 nVar = members[2]['name']
667 else:
668 if len(members) > 1:
669 nVar = members[1]['name']
671 print comment
672 print 'void'
673 print '%(s)s_set_%(c)s(const struct %(s)s *row, %(args)s)' % \
674 {'s': structName, 'c': columnName,
675 'args': ', '.join(['%(type)s%(name)s' % m for m in members])}
676 print "{"
677 print " struct ovsdb_datum datum;"
678 if type.n_min == 1 and type.n_max == 1:
679 print " union ovsdb_atom key;"
680 if type.value:
681 print " union ovsdb_atom value;"
682 print
683 print " ovs_assert(inited);"
684 print " datum.n = 1;"
685 print " datum.keys = &key;"
686 print " " + type.key.assign_c_value_casting_away_const("key.%s" % type.key.type.to_string(), keyVar)
687 if type.value:
688 print " datum.values = &value;"
689 print " "+ type.value.assign_c_value_casting_away_const("value.%s" % type.value.type.to_string(), valueVar)
690 else:
691 print " datum.values = NULL;"
692 txn_write_func = "ovsdb_idl_txn_write_clone"
693 elif type.is_optional_pointer():
694 print " union ovsdb_atom key;"
695 print
696 print " ovs_assert(inited);"
697 print " if (%s) {" % keyVar
698 print " datum.n = 1;"
699 print " datum.keys = &key;"
700 print " " + type.key.assign_c_value_casting_away_const("key.%s" % type.key.type.to_string(), keyVar)
701 print " } else {"
702 print " datum.n = 0;"
703 print " datum.keys = NULL;"
704 print " }"
705 print " datum.values = NULL;"
706 txn_write_func = "ovsdb_idl_txn_write_clone"
707 elif type.n_max == 1:
708 print " union ovsdb_atom key;"
709 print
710 print " ovs_assert(inited);"
711 print " if (%s) {" % nVar
712 print " datum.n = 1;"
713 print " datum.keys = &key;"
714 print " " + type.key.assign_c_value_casting_away_const("key.%s" % type.key.type.to_string(), "*" + keyVar)
715 print " } else {"
716 print " datum.n = 0;"
717 print " datum.keys = NULL;"
718 print " }"
719 print " datum.values = NULL;"
720 txn_write_func = "ovsdb_idl_txn_write_clone"
721 else:
722 print " size_t i;"
723 print
724 print " ovs_assert(inited);"
725 print " datum.n = %s;" % nVar
726 print " datum.keys = %s ? xmalloc(%s * sizeof *datum.keys) : NULL;" % (nVar, nVar)
727 if type.value:
728 print " datum.values = xmalloc(%s * sizeof *datum.values);" % nVar
729 else:
730 print " datum.values = NULL;"
731 print " for (i = 0; i < %s; i++) {" % nVar
732 print " " + type.key.copyCValue("datum.keys[i].%s" % type.key.type.to_string(), "%s[i]" % keyVar)
733 if type.value:
734 print " " + type.value.copyCValue("datum.values[i].%s" % type.value.type.to_string(), "%s[i]" % valueVar)
735 print " }"
736 if type.value:
737 valueType = type.value.toAtomicType()
738 else:
739 valueType = "OVSDB_TYPE_VOID"
740 print " ovsdb_datum_sort_unique(&datum, %s, %s);" % (
741 type.key.toAtomicType(), valueType)
742 txn_write_func = "ovsdb_idl_txn_write"
743 print " %(f)s(&row->header_, &%(s)s_columns[%(S)s_COL_%(C)s], &datum);" \
744 % {'f': txn_write_func,
745 's': structName,
746 'S': structName.upper(),
747 'C': columnName.upper()}
748 print "}"
750 # Table columns.
751 print "\nstruct ovsdb_idl_column %s_columns[%s_N_COLUMNS];" % (
752 structName, structName.upper())
753 print """
754 static void\n%s_columns_init(void)
755 {
756 struct ovsdb_idl_column *c;\
757 """ % structName
758 for columnName, column in sorted(table.columns.iteritems()):
759 cs = "%s_col_%s" % (structName, columnName)
760 d = {'cs': cs, 'c': columnName, 's': structName}
761 if column.mutable:
762 mutable = "true"
763 else:
764 mutable = "false"
765 print
766 print " /* Initialize %(cs)s. */" % d
767 print " c = &%(cs)s;" % d
768 print " c->name = \"%(c)s\";" % d
769 print column.type.cInitType(" ", "c->type")
770 print " c->mutable = %s;" % mutable
771 print " c->parse = %(s)s_parse_%(c)s;" % d
772 print " c->unparse = %(s)s_unparse_%(c)s;" % d
773 print "}"
775 # Table classes.
776 print "\f"
777 print "struct ovsdb_idl_table_class %stable_classes[%sN_TABLES] = {" % (prefix, prefix.upper())
778 for tableName, table in sorted(schema.tables.iteritems()):
779 structName = "%s%s" % (prefix, tableName.lower())
780 if table.is_root:
781 is_root = "true"
782 else:
783 is_root = "false"
784 print " {\"%s\", %s," % (tableName, is_root)
785 print " %s_columns, ARRAY_SIZE(%s_columns)," % (
786 structName, structName)
787 print " sizeof(struct %s), %s_init__}," % (structName, structName)
788 print "};"
790 # IDL class.
791 print "\nstruct ovsdb_idl_class %sidl_class = {" % prefix
792 print " \"%s\", %stable_classes, ARRAY_SIZE(%stable_classes)" % (
793 schema.name, prefix, prefix)
794 print "};"
796 # global init function
797 print """
798 void
799 %sinit(void)
800 {
801 if (inited) {
802 return;
803 }
804 assert_single_threaded();
805 inited = true;
806 """ % prefix
807 for tableName, table in sorted(schema.tables.iteritems()):
808 structName = "%s%s" % (prefix, tableName.lower())
809 print " %s_columns_init();" % structName
810 print "}"
812 print """
813 /* Return the schema version. The caller must not free the returned value. */
814 const char *
815 %sget_db_version(void)
816 {
817 return "%s";
818 }
819 """ % (prefix, schema.version)
823 def ovsdb_escape(string):
824 def escape(match):
825 c = match.group(0)
826 if c == '\0':
827 raise ovs.db.error.Error("strings may not contain null bytes")
828 elif c == '\\':
829 return '\\\\'
830 elif c == '\n':
831 return '\\n'
832 elif c == '\r':
833 return '\\r'
834 elif c == '\t':
835 return '\\t'
836 elif c == '\b':
837 return '\\b'
838 elif c == '\a':
839 return '\\a'
840 else:
841 return '\\x%02x' % ord(c)
842 return re.sub(r'["\\\000-\037]', escape, string)
844 def usage():
845 print """\
846 %(argv0)s: ovsdb schema compiler
847 usage: %(argv0)s [OPTIONS] COMMAND ARG...
849 The following commands are supported:
850 annotate SCHEMA ANNOTATIONS print SCHEMA combined with ANNOTATIONS
851 c-idl-header IDL print C header file for IDL
852 c-idl-source IDL print C source file for IDL implementation
853 nroff IDL print schema documentation in nroff format
855 The following options are also available:
856 -h, --help display this help message
857 -V, --version display version information\
858 """ % {'argv0': argv0}
859 sys.exit(0)
861 if __name__ == "__main__":
862 try:
863 try:
864 options, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'C:hV',
865 ['directory',
866 'help',
867 'version'])
868 except getopt.GetoptError, geo:
869 sys.stderr.write("%s: %s\n" % (argv0, geo.msg))
870 sys.exit(1)
872 for key, value in options:
873 if key in ['-h', '--help']:
874 usage()
875 elif key in ['-V', '--version']:
876 print "ovsdb-idlc (Open vSwitch) @VERSION@"
877 elif key in ['-C', '--directory']:
878 os.chdir(value)
879 else:
880 sys.exit(0)
882 optKeys = [key for key, value in options]
884 if not args:
885 sys.stderr.write("%s: missing command argument "
886 "(use --help for help)\n" % argv0)
887 sys.exit(1)
889 commands = {"annotate": (annotateSchema, 2),
890 "c-idl-header": (printCIDLHeader, 1),
891 "c-idl-source": (printCIDLSource, 1)}
893 if not args[0] in commands:
894 sys.stderr.write("%s: unknown command \"%s\" "
895 "(use --help for help)\n" % (argv0, args[0]))
896 sys.exit(1)
898 func, n_args = commands[args[0]]
899 if len(args) - 1 != n_args:
900 sys.stderr.write("%s: \"%s\" requires %d arguments but %d "
901 "provided\n"
902 % (argv0, args[0], n_args, len(args) - 1))
903 sys.exit(1)
905 func(*args[1:])
906 except ovs.db.error.Error, e:
907 sys.stderr.write("%s: %s\n" % (argv0, e))
908 sys.exit(1)
910 # Local variables:
911 # mode: python
912 # End: