]> git.proxmox.com Git - proxmox-backup.git/blob - pbs-api-types/src/human_byte.rs
[proxmox-backup.git] / pbs-api-types / src / human_byte.rs
1 use anyhow::{bail, Error};
3 use proxmox_schema::{ApiStringFormat, ApiType, Schema, StringSchema, UpdaterType};
5 /// Size units for byte sizes
6 #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
7 pub enum SizeUnit {
8 Byte,
9 // SI (base 10)
10 KByte,
11 MByte,
12 GByte,
13 TByte,
14 PByte,
15 // IEC (base 2)
16 Kibi,
17 Mebi,
18 Gibi,
19 Tebi,
20 Pebi,
21 }
23 impl SizeUnit {
24 /// Returns the scaling factor
25 pub fn factor(&self) -> f64 {
26 match self {
27 SizeUnit::Byte => 1.0,
28 // SI (base 10)
29 SizeUnit::KByte => 1_000.0,
30 SizeUnit::MByte => 1_000_000.0,
31 SizeUnit::GByte => 1_000_000_000.0,
32 SizeUnit::TByte => 1_000_000_000_000.0,
33 SizeUnit::PByte => 1_000_000_000_000_000.0,
34 // IEC (base 2)
35 SizeUnit::Kibi => 1024.0,
36 SizeUnit::Mebi => 1024.0 * 1024.0,
37 SizeUnit::Gibi => 1024.0 * 1024.0 * 1024.0,
38 SizeUnit::Tebi => 1024.0 * 1024.0 * 1024.0 * 1024.0,
39 SizeUnit::Pebi => 1024.0 * 1024.0 * 1024.0 * 1024.0 * 1024.0,
40 }
41 }
43 /// gets the biggest possible unit still having a value greater zero before the decimal point
44 /// 'binary' specifies if IEC (base 2) units should be used or SI (base 10) ones
45 pub fn auto_scale(size: f64, binary: bool) -> SizeUnit {
46 if binary {
47 let bits = 64 - (size as u64).leading_zeros();
48 match bits {
49 51.. => SizeUnit::Pebi,
50 41..=50 => SizeUnit::Tebi,
51 31..=40 => SizeUnit::Gibi,
52 21..=30 => SizeUnit::Mebi,
53 11..=20 => SizeUnit::Kibi,
54 _ => SizeUnit::Byte,
55 }
56 } else {
57 if size >= 1_000_000_000_000_000.0 {
58 SizeUnit::PByte
59 } else if size >= 1_000_000_000_000.0 {
60 SizeUnit::TByte
61 } else if size >= 1_000_000_000.0 {
62 SizeUnit::GByte
63 } else if size >= 1_000_000.0 {
64 SizeUnit::MByte
65 } else if size >= 1_000.0 {
66 SizeUnit::KByte
67 } else {
68 SizeUnit::Byte
69 }
70 }
71 }
72 }
74 /// Returns the string repesentation
75 impl std::fmt::Display for SizeUnit {
76 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
77 match self {
78 SizeUnit::Byte => write!(f, "B"),
79 // SI (base 10)
80 SizeUnit::KByte => write!(f, "KB"),
81 SizeUnit::MByte => write!(f, "MB"),
82 SizeUnit::GByte => write!(f, "GB"),
83 SizeUnit::TByte => write!(f, "TB"),
84 SizeUnit::PByte => write!(f, "PB"),
85 // IEC (base 2)
86 SizeUnit::Kibi => write!(f, "KiB"),
87 SizeUnit::Mebi => write!(f, "MiB"),
88 SizeUnit::Gibi => write!(f, "GiB"),
89 SizeUnit::Tebi => write!(f, "TiB"),
90 SizeUnit::Pebi => write!(f, "PiB"),
91 }
92 }
93 }
95 /// Strips a trailing SizeUnit inclusive trailing whitespace
96 /// Supports both IEC and SI based scales, the B/b byte symbol is optional.
97 fn strip_unit(v: &str) -> (&str, SizeUnit) {
98 let v = v.strip_suffix(&['b', 'B'][..]).unwrap_or(v); // byte is implied anyway
100 let (v, binary) = match v.strip_suffix('i') {
101 Some(n) => (n, true),
102 None => (v, false),
103 };
105 let mut unit = SizeUnit::Byte;
106 (v.strip_suffix(|c: char| match c {
107 'k' | 'K' if !binary => { unit = SizeUnit::KByte; true }
108 'm' | 'M' if !binary => { unit = SizeUnit::MByte; true }
109 'g' | 'G' if !binary => { unit = SizeUnit::GByte; true }
110 't' | 'T' if !binary => { unit = SizeUnit::TByte; true }
111 'p' | 'P' if !binary => { unit = SizeUnit::PByte; true }
112 // binary (IEC recommended) variants
113 'k' | 'K' if binary => { unit = SizeUnit::Kibi; true }
114 'm' | 'M' if binary => { unit = SizeUnit::Mebi; true }
115 'g' | 'G' if binary => { unit = SizeUnit::Gibi; true }
116 't' | 'T' if binary => { unit = SizeUnit::Tebi; true }
117 'p' | 'P' if binary => { unit = SizeUnit::Pebi; true }
118 _ => false
119 }).unwrap_or(v).trim_end(), unit)
120 }
122 /// Byte size which can be displayed in a human friendly way
123 #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, UpdaterType)]
124 pub struct HumanByte {
125 /// The siginficant value, it does not includes any factor of the `unit`
126 size: f64,
127 /// The scale/unit of the value
128 unit: SizeUnit,
129 }
131 fn verify_human_byte(s: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
132 match s.parse::<HumanByte>() {
133 Ok(_) => Ok(()),
134 Err(err) => bail!("byte-size parse error for '{}': {}", s, err),
135 }
136 }
137 impl ApiType for HumanByte {
138 const API_SCHEMA: Schema = StringSchema::new(
139 "Byte size with optional unit (B, KB (base 10), MB, GB, ..., KiB (base 2), MiB, Gib, ...).",
140 )
141 .format(&ApiStringFormat::VerifyFn(verify_human_byte))
142 .min_length(1)
143 .max_length(64)
144 .schema();
145 }
147 impl HumanByte {
148 /// Create instance with size and unit (size must be positive)
149 pub fn with_unit(size: f64, unit: SizeUnit) -> Result<Self, Error> {
150 if size < 0.0 {
151 bail!("byte size may not be negative");
152 }
153 Ok(HumanByte { size, unit })
154 }
156 /// Create a new instance with optimal binary unit computed
157 pub fn new_binary(size: f64) -> Self {
158 let unit = SizeUnit::auto_scale(size, true);
159 HumanByte { size: size / unit.factor(), unit }
160 }
162 /// Create a new instance with optimal decimal unit computed
163 pub fn new_decimal(size: f64) -> Self {
164 let unit = SizeUnit::auto_scale(size, false);
165 HumanByte { size: size / unit.factor(), unit }
166 }
168 /// Returns the size as u64 number of bytes
169 pub fn as_u64(&self) -> u64 {
170 self.as_f64() as u64
171 }
173 /// Returns the size as f64 number of bytes
174 pub fn as_f64(&self) -> f64 {
175 self.size * self.unit.factor()
176 }
178 /// Returns a copy with optimal binary unit computed
179 pub fn auto_scale_binary(self) -> Self {
180 HumanByte::new_binary(self.as_f64())
181 }
183 /// Returns a copy with optimal decimal unit computed
184 pub fn auto_scale_decimal(self) -> Self {
185 HumanByte::new_decimal(self.as_f64())
186 }
187 }
189 impl From<u64> for HumanByte {
190 fn from(v: u64) -> Self {
191 HumanByte::new_binary(v as f64)
192 }
193 }
194 impl From<usize> for HumanByte {
195 fn from(v: usize) -> Self {
196 HumanByte::new_binary(v as f64)
197 }
198 }
200 impl std::fmt::Display for HumanByte {
201 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
202 let precision = f.precision().unwrap_or(3) as f64;
203 let precision_factor = 1.0 * 10.0_f64.powf(precision);
204 // this could cause loss of information, rust has sadly no shortest-max-X flt2dec fmt yet
205 let size = ((self.size * precision_factor).round()) / precision_factor;
206 write!(f, "{} {}", size, self.unit)
207 }
208 }
210 impl std::str::FromStr for HumanByte {
211 type Err = Error;
213 fn from_str(v: &str) -> Result<Self, Error> {
214 let (v, unit) = strip_unit(v);
215 HumanByte::with_unit(v.parse()?, unit)
216 }
217 }
219 proxmox::forward_deserialize_to_from_str!(HumanByte);
220 proxmox::forward_serialize_to_display!(HumanByte);
222 #[test]
223 fn test_human_byte_parser() -> Result<(), Error> {
224 assert!("-10".parse::<HumanByte>().is_err()); // negative size
226 fn do_test(v: &str, size: f64, unit: SizeUnit, as_str: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
227 let h: HumanByte = v.parse()?;
229 if h.size != size {
230 bail!("got unexpected size for '{}' ({} != {})", v, h.size, size);
231 }
232 if h.unit != unit {
233 bail!("got unexpected unit for '{}' ({:?} != {:?})", v, h.unit, unit);
234 }
236 let new = h.to_string();
237 if &new != as_str {
238 bail!("to_string failed for '{}' ({:?} != {:?})", v, new, as_str);
239 }
240 Ok(())
241 }
242 fn test(v: &str, size: f64, unit: SizeUnit, as_str: &str) -> bool {
243 match do_test(v, size, unit, as_str) {
244 Ok(_) => true,
245 Err(err) => {
246 eprintln!("{}", err); // makes debugging easier
247 false
248 }
249 }
250 }
252 assert!(test("14", 14.0, SizeUnit::Byte, "14 B"));
253 assert!(test("14.4", 14.4, SizeUnit::Byte, "14.4 B"));
254 assert!(test("14.45", 14.45, SizeUnit::Byte, "14.45 B"));
255 assert!(test("14.456", 14.456, SizeUnit::Byte, "14.456 B"));
256 assert!(test("14.4567", 14.4567, SizeUnit::Byte, "14.457 B"));
258 let h: HumanByte = "1.2345678".parse()?;
259 assert_eq!(&format!("{:.0}", h), "1 B");
260 assert_eq!(&format!("{:.0}", h.as_f64()), "1"); // use as_f64 to get raw bytes without unit
261 assert_eq!(&format!("{:.1}", h), "1.2 B");
262 assert_eq!(&format!("{:.2}", h), "1.23 B");
263 assert_eq!(&format!("{:.3}", h), "1.235 B");
264 assert_eq!(&format!("{:.4}", h), "1.2346 B");
265 assert_eq!(&format!("{:.5}", h), "1.23457 B");
266 assert_eq!(&format!("{:.6}", h), "1.234568 B");
267 assert_eq!(&format!("{:.7}", h), "1.2345678 B");
268 assert_eq!(&format!("{:.8}", h), "1.2345678 B");
270 assert!(test("987654321", 987654321.0, SizeUnit::Byte, "987654321 B"));
272 assert!(test("1300b", 1300.0, SizeUnit::Byte, "1300 B"));
273 assert!(test("1300B", 1300.0, SizeUnit::Byte, "1300 B"));
274 assert!(test("1300 B", 1300.0, SizeUnit::Byte, "1300 B"));
275 assert!(test("1300 b", 1300.0, SizeUnit::Byte, "1300 B"));
277 assert!(test("1.5KB", 1.5, SizeUnit::KByte, "1.5 KB"));
278 assert!(test("1.5kb", 1.5, SizeUnit::KByte, "1.5 KB"));
279 assert!(test("1.654321MB", 1.654_321, SizeUnit::MByte, "1.654 MB"));
281 assert!(test("2.0GB", 2.0, SizeUnit::GByte, "2 GB"));
283 assert!(test("1.4TB", 1.4, SizeUnit::TByte, "1.4 TB"));
284 assert!(test("1.4tb", 1.4, SizeUnit::TByte, "1.4 TB"));
286 assert!(test("2KiB", 2.0, SizeUnit::Kibi, "2 KiB"));
287 assert!(test("2Ki", 2.0, SizeUnit::Kibi, "2 KiB"));
288 assert!(test("2kib", 2.0, SizeUnit::Kibi, "2 KiB"));
290 assert!(test("2.3454MiB", 2.3454, SizeUnit::Mebi, "2.345 MiB"));
291 assert!(test("2.3456MiB", 2.3456, SizeUnit::Mebi, "2.346 MiB"));
293 assert!(test("4gib", 4.0, SizeUnit::Gibi, "4 GiB"));
295 Ok(())
296 }
298 #[test]
299 fn test_human_byte_auto_unit_decimal() {
300 fn convert(b: u64) -> String {
301 HumanByte::new_decimal(b as f64).to_string()
302 }
303 assert_eq!(convert(987), "987 B");
304 assert_eq!(convert(1022), "1.022 KB");
305 assert_eq!(convert(9_000), "9 KB");
306 assert_eq!(convert(1_000), "1 KB");
307 assert_eq!(convert(1_000_000), "1 MB");
308 assert_eq!(convert(1_000_000_000), "1 GB");
309 assert_eq!(convert(1_000_000_000_000), "1 TB");
310 assert_eq!(convert(1_000_000_000_000_000), "1 PB");
312 assert_eq!(convert((1 << 30) + 103 * (1 << 20)), "1.182 GB");
313 assert_eq!(convert((1 << 30) + 128 * (1 << 20)), "1.208 GB");
314 assert_eq!(convert((2 << 50) + 500 * (1 << 40)), "2.802 PB");
315 }
317 #[test]
318 fn test_human_byte_auto_unit_binary() {
319 fn convert(b: u64) -> String {
320 HumanByte::from(b).to_string()
321 }
322 assert_eq!(convert(0), "0 B");
323 assert_eq!(convert(987), "987 B");
324 assert_eq!(convert(1022), "1022 B");
325 assert_eq!(convert(9_000), "8.789 KiB");
326 assert_eq!(convert(10_000_000), "9.537 MiB");
327 assert_eq!(convert(10_000_000_000), "9.313 GiB");
328 assert_eq!(convert(10_000_000_000_000), "9.095 TiB");
330 assert_eq!(convert(1 << 10), "1 KiB");
331 assert_eq!(convert((1 << 10) * 10), "10 KiB");
332 assert_eq!(convert(1 << 20), "1 MiB");
333 assert_eq!(convert(1 << 30), "1 GiB");
334 assert_eq!(convert(1 << 40), "1 TiB");
335 assert_eq!(convert(1 << 50), "1 PiB");
337 assert_eq!(convert((1 << 30) + 103 * (1 << 20)), "1.101 GiB");
338 assert_eq!(convert((1 << 30) + 128 * (1 << 20)), "1.125 GiB");
339 assert_eq!(convert((1 << 40) + 128 * (1 << 30)), "1.125 TiB");
340 assert_eq!(convert((2 << 50) + 512 * (1 << 40)), "2.5 PiB");
341 }