]> git.proxmox.com Git - proxmox-backup.git/blob - pbs-client/src/task_log.rs
fix: api: permission using wrong pathname
[proxmox-backup.git] / pbs-client / src / task_log.rs
1 use std::sync::{
2 atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering},
3 Arc,
4 };
6 use anyhow::{bail, Error};
7 use futures::*;
8 use serde_json::{json, Value};
9 use tokio::signal::unix::{signal, SignalKind};
11 use proxmox_router::cli::format_and_print_result;
13 use pbs_api_types::percent_encoding::percent_encode_component;
15 use super::HttpClient;
17 /// Display task log on console
18 ///
19 /// This polls the task API and prints the log to the console. It also
20 /// catches interrupt signals, and sends an abort request to the task if the
21 /// user presses CTRL-C and `forward_interrupt` is true. Two interrupts cause an
22 /// immediate end of the loop. The task may still run in that case.
23 pub async fn display_task_log(
24 client: &HttpClient,
25 upid_str: &str,
26 strip_date: bool,
27 forward_interrupt: bool,
28 ) -> Result<(), Error> {
29 let mut signal_stream = signal(SignalKind::interrupt())?;
30 let abort_count = Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0));
31 let abort_count2 = Arc::clone(&abort_count);
33 let abort_future = async move {
34 while signal_stream.recv().await.is_some() {
35 log::info!("got shutdown request (SIGINT)");
36 let prev_count = abort_count2.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
37 if prev_count >= 1 {
38 log::info!("forced exit (task still running)");
39 break;
40 }
41 }
42 Ok::<_, Error>(())
43 };
45 let request_future = async move {
46 let mut start = 1;
47 let limit = 500;
49 let upid_encoded = percent_encode_component(upid_str);
51 loop {
52 let abort = abort_count.load(Ordering::Relaxed);
53 if abort > 0 {
54 if forward_interrupt {
55 let path = format!("api2/json/nodes/localhost/tasks/{upid_encoded}");
56 let _ = client.delete(&path, None).await?;
57 } else {
58 return Ok(());
59 }
60 }
62 let param = json!({ "start": start, "limit": limit, "test-status": true });
64 let path = format!("api2/json/nodes/localhost/tasks/{upid_encoded}/log");
65 let result = client.get(&path, Some(param)).await?;
67 let active = result["active"].as_bool().unwrap();
68 let total = result["total"].as_u64().unwrap();
69 let data = result["data"].as_array().unwrap();
71 let lines = data.len();
73 for item in data {
74 let n = item["n"].as_u64().unwrap();
75 let t = item["t"].as_str().unwrap();
76 if n != start {
77 bail!("got wrong line number in response data ({n} != {start}");
78 }
79 if strip_date && t.len() > 27 && &t[25..27] == ": " {
80 let line = &t[27..];
81 println!("{line}");
82 } else {
83 println!("{t}");
84 }
85 start += 1;
86 }
88 if start > total {
89 if active {
90 tokio::time::sleep(tokio::time::Duration::from_millis(1000)).await;
91 } else {
92 break;
93 }
94 } else if lines != limit {
95 bail!("got wrong number of lines from server ({lines} != {limit})");
96 }
97 }
99 let status_path = format!("api2/json/nodes/localhost/tasks/{upid_encoded}/status");
100 let task_result = &client.get(&status_path, None).await?["data"];
101 if task_result["status"].as_str() == Some("stopped") {
102 match task_result["exitstatus"].as_str() {
103 None => bail!("task stopped with unknown status"),
104 Some(status) if status == "OK" || status.starts_with("WARNINGS") => (),
105 Some(status) => bail!("task failed (status {status})"),
106 }
107 }
109 Ok(())
110 };
112 futures::select! {
113 request = request_future.fuse() => request?,
114 abort = abort_future.fuse() => abort?,
115 };
117 Ok(())
118 }
120 /// Display task result (upid), or view task log - depending on output format
121 ///
122 /// In case of a task log of a running task, this will forward interrupt signals
123 /// to the task and potentially abort it!
124 pub async fn view_task_result(
125 client: &HttpClient,
126 result: Value,
127 output_format: &str,
128 ) -> Result<(), Error> {
129 let data = &result["data"];
130 if output_format == "text" {
131 if let Some(upid) = data.as_str() {
132 display_task_log(client, upid, true, true).await?;
133 }
134 } else {
135 format_and_print_result(data, output_format);
136 }
138 Ok(())
139 }