]> git.proxmox.com Git - proxmox-backup.git/blob - proxmox-rest-server/src/api_config.rs
proxmox-rest-server: use new ServerAdapter trait instead of callbacks
[proxmox-backup.git] / proxmox-rest-server / src / api_config.rs
1 use std::collections::HashMap;
2 use std::path::PathBuf;
3 use std::time::SystemTime;
4 use std::fs::metadata;
5 use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex, RwLock};
6 use std::pin::Pin;
8 use anyhow::{bail, Error, format_err};
9 use hyper::{Method, Body, Response};
10 use hyper::http::request::Parts;
12 use handlebars::Handlebars;
13 use serde::Serialize;
15 use proxmox::api::{ApiMethod, Router, RpcEnvironmentType, UserInformation};
16 use proxmox::tools::fs::{create_path, CreateOptions};
18 use crate::{ServerAdapter, AuthError, FileLogger, FileLogOptions, CommandSocket, RestEnvironment};
21 /// REST server configuration
22 pub struct ApiConfig {
23 basedir: PathBuf,
24 router: &'static Router,
25 aliases: HashMap<String, PathBuf>,
26 env_type: RpcEnvironmentType,
27 templates: RwLock<Handlebars<'static>>,
28 template_files: RwLock<HashMap<String, (SystemTime, PathBuf)>>,
29 request_log: Option<Arc<Mutex<FileLogger>>>,
30 auth_log: Option<Arc<Mutex<FileLogger>>>,
31 adapter: Pin<Box<dyn ServerAdapter + Send + Sync>>,
32 }
34 impl ApiConfig {
35 /// Creates a new instance
36 ///
37 /// `basedir` - File lookups are relative to this directory.
38 ///
39 /// `router` - The REST API definition.
40 ///
41 /// `env_type` - The environment type.
42 ///
43 /// `api_auth` - The Authentication handler
44 ///
45 /// `get_index_fn` - callback to generate the root page
46 /// (index). Please note that this fuctions gets a reference to
47 /// the [ApiConfig], so it can use [Handlebars] templates
48 /// ([render_template](Self::render_template) to generate pages.
49 pub fn new<B: Into<PathBuf>>(
50 basedir: B,
51 router: &'static Router,
52 env_type: RpcEnvironmentType,
53 adapter: impl ServerAdapter + 'static,
54 ) -> Result<Self, Error> {
55 Ok(Self {
56 basedir: basedir.into(),
57 router,
58 aliases: HashMap::new(),
59 env_type,
60 templates: RwLock::new(Handlebars::new()),
61 template_files: RwLock::new(HashMap::new()),
62 request_log: None,
63 auth_log: None,
64 adapter: Box::pin(adapter),
65 })
66 }
68 pub(crate) async fn get_index(
69 &self,
70 rest_env: RestEnvironment,
71 parts: Parts,
72 ) -> Response<Body> {
73 self.adapter.get_index(rest_env, parts).await
74 }
76 pub(crate) async fn check_auth(
77 &self,
78 headers: &http::HeaderMap,
79 method: &hyper::Method,
80 ) -> Result<(String, Box<dyn UserInformation + Sync + Send>), AuthError> {
81 self.adapter.check_auth(headers, method).await
82 }
84 pub(crate) fn find_method(
85 &self,
86 components: &[&str],
87 method: Method,
88 uri_param: &mut HashMap<String, String>,
89 ) -> Option<&'static ApiMethod> {
91 self.router.find_method(components, method, uri_param)
92 }
94 pub(crate) fn find_alias(&self, components: &[&str]) -> PathBuf {
96 let mut prefix = String::new();
97 let mut filename = self.basedir.clone();
98 let comp_len = components.len();
99 if comp_len >= 1 {
100 prefix.push_str(components[0]);
101 if let Some(subdir) = self.aliases.get(&prefix) {
102 filename.push(subdir);
103 components.iter().skip(1).for_each(|comp| filename.push(comp));
104 } else {
105 components.iter().for_each(|comp| filename.push(comp));
106 }
107 }
108 filename
109 }
111 /// Register a path alias
112 ///
113 /// This can be used to redirect file lookups to a specific
114 /// directory, e.g.:
115 ///
116 /// ```
117 /// use proxmox_rest_server::ApiConfig;
118 /// // let mut config = ApiConfig::new(...);
119 /// # fn fake(config: &mut ApiConfig) {
120 /// config.add_alias("extjs", "/usr/share/javascript/extjs");
121 /// # }
122 /// ```
123 pub fn add_alias<S, P>(&mut self, alias: S, path: P)
124 where S: Into<String>,
125 P: Into<PathBuf>,
126 {
127 self.aliases.insert(alias.into(), path.into());
128 }
130 pub(crate) fn env_type(&self) -> RpcEnvironmentType {
131 self.env_type
132 }
134 /// Register a [Handlebars] template file
135 ///
136 /// Those templates cane be use with [render_template](Self::render_template) to generate pages.
137 pub fn register_template<P>(&self, name: &str, path: P) -> Result<(), Error>
138 where
139 P: Into<PathBuf>
140 {
141 if self.template_files.read().unwrap().contains_key(name) {
142 bail!("template already registered");
143 }
145 let path: PathBuf = path.into();
146 let metadata = metadata(&path)?;
147 let mtime = metadata.modified()?;
149 self.templates.write().unwrap().register_template_file(name, &path)?;
150 self.template_files.write().unwrap().insert(name.to_string(), (mtime, path));
152 Ok(())
153 }
155 /// Checks if the template was modified since the last rendering
156 /// if yes, it loads a the new version of the template
157 pub fn render_template<T>(&self, name: &str, data: &T) -> Result<String, Error>
158 where
159 T: Serialize,
160 {
161 let path;
162 let mtime;
163 {
164 let template_files = self.template_files.read().unwrap();
165 let (old_mtime, old_path) = template_files.get(name).ok_or_else(|| format_err!("template not found"))?;
167 mtime = metadata(old_path)?.modified()?;
168 if mtime <= *old_mtime {
169 return self.templates.read().unwrap().render(name, data).map_err(|err| format_err!("{}", err));
170 }
171 path = old_path.to_path_buf();
172 }
174 {
175 let mut template_files = self.template_files.write().unwrap();
176 let mut templates = self.templates.write().unwrap();
178 templates.register_template_file(name, &path)?;
179 template_files.insert(name.to_string(), (mtime, path));
181 templates.render(name, data).map_err(|err| format_err!("{}", err))
182 }
183 }
185 /// Enable the access log feature
186 ///
187 /// When enabled, all requests are logged to the specified file.
188 /// This function also registers a `api-access-log-reopen`
189 /// command one the [CommandSocket].
190 pub fn enable_access_log<P>(
191 &mut self,
192 path: P,
193 dir_opts: Option<CreateOptions>,
194 file_opts: Option<CreateOptions>,
195 commando_sock: &mut CommandSocket,
196 ) -> Result<(), Error>
197 where
198 P: Into<PathBuf>
199 {
200 let path: PathBuf = path.into();
201 if let Some(base) = path.parent() {
202 if !base.exists() {
203 create_path(base, None, dir_opts).map_err(|err| format_err!("{}", err))?;
204 }
205 }
207 let logger_options = FileLogOptions {
208 append: true,
209 file_opts: file_opts.unwrap_or(CreateOptions::default()),
210 ..Default::default()
211 };
212 let request_log = Arc::new(Mutex::new(FileLogger::new(&path, logger_options)?));
213 self.request_log = Some(Arc::clone(&request_log));
215 commando_sock.register_command("api-access-log-reopen".into(), move |_args| {
216 println!("re-opening access-log file");
217 request_log.lock().unwrap().reopen()?;
218 Ok(serde_json::Value::Null)
219 })?;
221 Ok(())
222 }
224 /// Enable the authentication log feature
225 ///
226 /// When enabled, all authentication requests are logged to the
227 /// specified file. This function also registers a
228 /// `api-auth-log-reopen` command one the [CommandSocket].
229 pub fn enable_auth_log<P>(
230 &mut self,
231 path: P,
232 dir_opts: Option<CreateOptions>,
233 file_opts: Option<CreateOptions>,
234 commando_sock: &mut CommandSocket,
235 ) -> Result<(), Error>
236 where
237 P: Into<PathBuf>
238 {
239 let path: PathBuf = path.into();
240 if let Some(base) = path.parent() {
241 if !base.exists() {
242 create_path(base, None, dir_opts).map_err(|err| format_err!("{}", err))?;
243 }
244 }
246 let logger_options = FileLogOptions {
247 append: true,
248 prefix_time: true,
249 file_opts: file_opts.unwrap_or(CreateOptions::default()),
250 ..Default::default()
251 };
252 let auth_log = Arc::new(Mutex::new(FileLogger::new(&path, logger_options)?));
253 self.auth_log = Some(Arc::clone(&auth_log));
255 commando_sock.register_command("api-auth-log-reopen".into(), move |_args| {
256 println!("re-opening auth-log file");
257 auth_log.lock().unwrap().reopen()?;
258 Ok(serde_json::Value::Null)
259 })?;
261 Ok(())
262 }
264 pub(crate) fn get_access_log(&self) -> Option<&Arc<Mutex<FileLogger>>> {
265 self.request_log.as_ref()
266 }
268 pub(crate) fn get_auth_log(&self) -> Option<&Arc<Mutex<FileLogger>>> {
269 self.auth_log.as_ref()
270 }
271 }