]> git.proxmox.com Git - proxmox-backup.git/blob - proxmox-rrd/src/cache.rs
rrd: Entry type and clippy fixes
[proxmox-backup.git] / proxmox-rrd / src / cache.rs
1 use std::collections::BTreeSet;
2 use std::fs::File;
3 use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader};
4 use std::os::unix::io::AsRawFd;
5 use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
6 use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock};
7 use std::thread::spawn;
8 use std::time::SystemTime;
10 use anyhow::{bail, format_err, Error};
11 use crossbeam_channel::{bounded, TryRecvError};
13 use proxmox_sys::fs::{create_path, CreateOptions};
15 use crate::rrd::{CF, DST, RRA, RRD};
16 use crate::Entry;
18 mod journal;
19 use journal::*;
21 mod rrd_map;
22 use rrd_map::*;
24 /// RRD cache - keep RRD data in RAM, but write updates to disk
25 ///
26 /// This cache is designed to run as single instance (no concurrent
27 /// access from other processes).
28 pub struct RRDCache {
29 config: Arc<CacheConfig>,
30 state: Arc<RwLock<JournalState>>,
31 rrd_map: Arc<RwLock<RRDMap>>,
32 }
34 pub(crate) struct CacheConfig {
35 apply_interval: f64,
36 basedir: PathBuf,
37 file_options: CreateOptions,
38 dir_options: CreateOptions,
39 }
41 impl RRDCache {
42 /// Creates a new instance
43 ///
44 /// `basedir`: All files are stored relative to this path.
45 ///
46 /// `file_options`: Files are created with this options.
47 ///
48 /// `dir_options`: Directories are created with this options.
49 ///
50 /// `apply_interval`: Commit journal after `apply_interval` seconds.
51 ///
52 /// `load_rrd_cb`; The callback function is used to load RRD files,
53 /// and should return a newly generated RRD if the file does not
54 /// exists (or is unreadable). This may generate RRDs with
55 /// different configurations (dependent on `rel_path`).
56 pub fn new<P: AsRef<Path>>(
57 basedir: P,
58 file_options: Option<CreateOptions>,
59 dir_options: Option<CreateOptions>,
60 apply_interval: f64,
61 load_rrd_cb: fn(path: &Path, rel_path: &str, dst: DST) -> RRD,
62 ) -> Result<Self, Error> {
63 let basedir = basedir.as_ref().to_owned();
65 let file_options = file_options.unwrap_or_else(CreateOptions::new);
66 let dir_options = dir_options.unwrap_or_else(CreateOptions::new);
68 create_path(
69 &basedir,
70 Some(dir_options.clone()),
71 Some(dir_options.clone()),
72 )
73 .map_err(|err: Error| format_err!("unable to create rrdb stat dir - {}", err))?;
75 let config = Arc::new(CacheConfig {
76 basedir,
77 file_options,
78 dir_options,
79 apply_interval,
80 });
82 let state = JournalState::new(Arc::clone(&config))?;
83 let rrd_map = RRDMap::new(Arc::clone(&config), load_rrd_cb);
85 Ok(Self {
86 config: Arc::clone(&config),
87 state: Arc::new(RwLock::new(state)),
88 rrd_map: Arc::new(RwLock::new(rrd_map)),
89 })
90 }
92 /// Create a new RRD as used by the proxmox backup server
93 ///
94 /// It contains the following RRAs:
95 ///
96 /// * cf=average,r=60,n=1440 => 1day
97 /// * cf=maximum,r=60,n=1440 => 1day
98 /// * cf=average,r=30*60,n=1440 => 1month
99 /// * cf=maximum,r=30*60,n=1440 => 1month
100 /// * cf=average,r=6*3600,n=1440 => 1year
101 /// * cf=maximum,r=6*3600,n=1440 => 1year
102 /// * cf=average,r=7*86400,n=570 => 10years
103 /// * cf=maximum,r=7*86400,n=570 => 10year
104 ///
105 /// The resultion data file size is about 80KB.
106 pub fn create_proxmox_backup_default_rrd(dst: DST) -> RRD {
107 let rra_list = vec![
108 // 1 min * 1440 => 1 day
109 RRA::new(CF::Average, 60, 1440),
110 RRA::new(CF::Maximum, 60, 1440),
111 // 30 min * 1440 => 30 days ~ 1 month
112 RRA::new(CF::Average, 30 * 60, 1440),
113 RRA::new(CF::Maximum, 30 * 60, 1440),
114 // 6 h * 1440 => 360 days ~ 1 year
115 RRA::new(CF::Average, 6 * 3600, 1440),
116 RRA::new(CF::Maximum, 6 * 3600, 1440),
117 // 1 week * 570 => 10 years
118 RRA::new(CF::Average, 7 * 86400, 570),
119 RRA::new(CF::Maximum, 7 * 86400, 570),
120 ];
122 RRD::new(dst, rra_list)
123 }
125 /// Sync the journal data to disk (using `fdatasync` syscall)
126 pub fn sync_journal(&self) -> Result<(), Error> {
127 self.state.read().unwrap().sync_journal()
128 }
130 /// Apply and commit the journal. Should be used at server startup.
131 pub fn apply_journal(&self) -> Result<bool, Error> {
132 let config = Arc::clone(&self.config);
133 let state = Arc::clone(&self.state);
134 let rrd_map = Arc::clone(&self.rrd_map);
136 let mut state_guard = self.state.write().unwrap();
137 let journal_applied = state_guard.journal_applied;
139 if let Some(ref recv) = state_guard.apply_thread_result {
140 match recv.try_recv() {
141 Ok(Ok(())) => {
142 // finished without errors, OK
143 state_guard.apply_thread_result = None;
144 }
145 Ok(Err(err)) => {
146 // finished with errors, log them
147 log::error!("{}", err);
148 state_guard.apply_thread_result = None;
149 }
150 Err(TryRecvError::Empty) => {
151 // still running
152 return Ok(journal_applied);
153 }
154 Err(TryRecvError::Disconnected) => {
155 // crashed, start again
156 log::error!("apply journal thread crashed - try again");
157 state_guard.apply_thread_result = None;
158 }
159 }
160 }
162 let now = proxmox_time::epoch_f64();
163 let wants_commit = (now - state_guard.last_journal_flush) > self.config.apply_interval;
165 if journal_applied && !wants_commit {
166 return Ok(journal_applied);
167 }
169 state_guard.last_journal_flush = proxmox_time::epoch_f64();
171 let (sender, receiver) = bounded(1);
172 state_guard.apply_thread_result = Some(receiver);
174 spawn(move || {
175 let result = apply_and_commit_journal_thread(config, state, rrd_map, journal_applied)
176 .map_err(|err| err.to_string());
177 sender.send(result).unwrap();
178 });
180 Ok(journal_applied)
181 }
183 /// Update data in RAM and write file back to disk (journal)
184 pub fn update_value(
185 &self,
186 rel_path: &str,
187 time: f64,
188 value: f64,
189 dst: DST,
190 ) -> Result<(), Error> {
191 let journal_applied = self.apply_journal()?;
193 self.state
194 .write()
195 .unwrap()
196 .append_journal_entry(time, value, dst, rel_path)?;
198 if journal_applied {
199 self.rrd_map
200 .write()
201 .unwrap()
202 .update(rel_path, time, value, dst, false)?;
203 }
205 Ok(())
206 }
208 /// Extract data from cached RRD
209 ///
210 /// `start`: Start time. If not sepecified, we simply extract 10 data points.
211 ///
212 /// `end`: End time. Default is to use the current time.
213 pub fn extract_cached_data(
214 &self,
215 base: &str,
216 name: &str,
217 cf: CF,
218 resolution: u64,
219 start: Option<u64>,
220 end: Option<u64>,
221 ) -> Result<Option<Entry>, Error> {
222 self.rrd_map
223 .read()
224 .unwrap()
225 .extract_cached_data(base, name, cf, resolution, start, end)
226 }
227 }
229 fn apply_and_commit_journal_thread(
230 config: Arc<CacheConfig>,
231 state: Arc<RwLock<JournalState>>,
232 rrd_map: Arc<RwLock<RRDMap>>,
233 commit_only: bool,
234 ) -> Result<(), Error> {
235 if commit_only {
236 state.write().unwrap().rotate_journal()?; // start new journal, keep old one
237 } else {
238 let start_time = SystemTime::now();
239 log::debug!("applying rrd journal");
241 match apply_journal_impl(Arc::clone(&state), Arc::clone(&rrd_map)) {
242 Ok(entries) => {
243 let elapsed = start_time.elapsed().unwrap().as_secs_f64();
244 log::info!(
245 "applied rrd journal ({} entries in {:.3} seconds)",
246 entries,
247 elapsed
248 );
249 }
250 Err(err) => bail!("apply rrd journal failed - {}", err),
251 }
252 }
254 let start_time = SystemTime::now();
255 log::debug!("commit rrd journal");
257 match commit_journal_impl(config, state, rrd_map) {
258 Ok(rrd_file_count) => {
259 let elapsed = start_time.elapsed().unwrap().as_secs_f64();
260 log::info!(
261 "rrd journal successfully committed ({} files in {:.3} seconds)",
262 rrd_file_count,
263 elapsed
264 );
265 }
266 Err(err) => bail!("rrd journal commit failed: {}", err),
267 }
268 Ok(())
269 }
271 fn apply_journal_lines(
272 state: Arc<RwLock<JournalState>>,
273 rrd_map: Arc<RwLock<RRDMap>>,
274 journal_name: &str, // used for logging
275 reader: &mut BufReader<File>,
276 lock_read_line: bool,
277 ) -> Result<usize, Error> {
278 let mut linenr = 0;
280 loop {
281 linenr += 1;
282 let mut line = String::new();
283 let len = if lock_read_line {
284 let _lock = state.read().unwrap(); // make sure we read entire lines
285 reader.read_line(&mut line)?
286 } else {
287 reader.read_line(&mut line)?
288 };
290 if len == 0 {
291 break;
292 }
294 let entry: JournalEntry = match line.parse() {
295 Ok(entry) => entry,
296 Err(err) => {
297 log::warn!(
298 "unable to parse rrd journal '{}' line {} (skip) - {}",
299 journal_name,
300 linenr,
301 err,
302 );
303 continue; // skip unparsable lines
304 }
305 };
307 rrd_map.write().unwrap().update(
308 &entry.rel_path,
309 entry.time,
310 entry.value,
311 entry.dst,
312 true,
313 )?;
314 }
315 Ok(linenr)
316 }
318 fn apply_journal_impl(
319 state: Arc<RwLock<JournalState>>,
320 rrd_map: Arc<RwLock<RRDMap>>,
321 ) -> Result<usize, Error> {
322 let mut lines = 0;
324 // Apply old journals first
325 let journal_list = state.read().unwrap().list_old_journals()?;
327 for entry in journal_list {
328 log::info!("apply old journal log {}", entry.name);
329 let file = std::fs::OpenOptions::new().read(true).open(&entry.path)?;
330 let mut reader = BufReader::new(file);
331 lines += apply_journal_lines(
332 Arc::clone(&state),
333 Arc::clone(&rrd_map),
334 &entry.name,
335 &mut reader,
336 false,
337 )?;
338 }
340 let mut journal = state.read().unwrap().open_journal_reader()?;
342 lines += apply_journal_lines(
343 Arc::clone(&state),
344 Arc::clone(&rrd_map),
345 "rrd.journal",
346 &mut journal,
347 true,
348 )?;
350 {
351 let mut state_guard = state.write().unwrap(); // block other writers
353 lines += apply_journal_lines(
354 Arc::clone(&state),
355 Arc::clone(&rrd_map),
356 "rrd.journal",
357 &mut journal,
358 false,
359 )?;
361 state_guard.rotate_journal()?; // start new journal, keep old one
363 // We need to apply the journal only once, because further updates
364 // are always directly applied.
365 state_guard.journal_applied = true;
366 }
368 Ok(lines)
369 }
371 fn fsync_file_or_dir(path: &Path) -> Result<(), Error> {
372 let file = std::fs::File::open(path)?;
373 nix::unistd::fsync(file.as_raw_fd())?;
374 Ok(())
375 }
377 pub(crate) fn fsync_file_and_parent(path: &Path) -> Result<(), Error> {
378 let file = std::fs::File::open(path)?;
379 nix::unistd::fsync(file.as_raw_fd())?;
380 if let Some(parent) = path.parent() {
381 fsync_file_or_dir(parent)?;
382 }
383 Ok(())
384 }
386 fn rrd_parent_dir(basedir: &Path, rel_path: &str) -> PathBuf {
387 let mut path = basedir.to_owned();
388 let rel_path = Path::new(rel_path);
389 if let Some(parent) = rel_path.parent() {
390 path.push(parent);
391 }
392 path
393 }
395 fn commit_journal_impl(
396 config: Arc<CacheConfig>,
397 state: Arc<RwLock<JournalState>>,
398 rrd_map: Arc<RwLock<RRDMap>>,
399 ) -> Result<usize, Error> {
400 let files = rrd_map.read().unwrap().file_list();
402 let mut rrd_file_count = 0;
403 let mut errors = 0;
405 let mut dir_set = BTreeSet::new();
407 log::info!("write rrd data back to disk");
409 // save all RRDs - we only need a read lock here
410 // Note: no fsync here (we do it afterwards)
411 for rel_path in files.iter() {
412 let parent_dir = rrd_parent_dir(&config.basedir, rel_path);
413 dir_set.insert(parent_dir);
414 rrd_file_count += 1;
415 if let Err(err) = rrd_map.read().unwrap().flush_rrd_file(rel_path) {
416 errors += 1;
417 log::error!("unable to save rrd {}: {}", rel_path, err);
418 }
419 }
421 if errors != 0 {
422 bail!("errors during rrd flush - unable to commit rrd journal");
423 }
425 // Important: We fsync files after writing all data! This increase
426 // the likelihood that files are already synced, so this is
427 // much faster (although we need to re-open the files).
429 log::info!("starting rrd data sync");
431 for rel_path in files.iter() {
432 let mut path = config.basedir.clone();
433 path.push(&rel_path);
434 fsync_file_or_dir(&path)
435 .map_err(|err| format_err!("fsync rrd file {} failed - {}", rel_path, err))?;
436 }
438 // also fsync directories
439 for dir_path in dir_set {
440 fsync_file_or_dir(&dir_path)
441 .map_err(|err| format_err!("fsync rrd dir {:?} failed - {}", dir_path, err))?;
442 }
444 // if everything went ok, remove the old journal files
445 state.write().unwrap().remove_old_journals()?;
447 Ok(rrd_file_count)
448 }